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Hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, I asked each teacher to write a New Year‘s resolution on a special form and send it to me.

After I posted the resolutions on the bulletin board in the reading center, one young teacher stopped by, looked at them for a few minutes, and then left abruptly. Passing two teachers on their way in, she stormed, "My resolution isn‘t posted - and mine was one of the first ones in!" I couldn‘t help but overhear, and the tone of her voice sent me flying to my desk in search of a misplaced resolution.

Looking rapidly through stacks of papers, I uncovered hers. It read, "I resolve not to let little things upset me. "




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1) 白雪飘飘,新年悄悄。元旦来到,阳光普照:事业发达,尽享荣耀。股票基金,财神关照。生活美满,充满欢笑。爱人齐心,永结同好!

2) 畅饮元旦这杯酒,醉了回忆醉拥有,亲朋好友齐庆祝,甜美幸福绕心头,妻贤子孝事业火,开心快乐好生活。祝你元旦愉快。

3) 此短信染上了元旦病毒,患上了幸福流感,打上了快乐的补丁,里面有平安的替身,吉祥的克隆,一旦抵达你的手机,开心系统将崩溃,请小心应对!

4) 本次人大两会绝密文件,我冒险通知你:为迅速提高全民素质,联合国计划在元旦节后密杀一批弱智儿童!你快逃吧。不要谢我!路上小心!

5) 辞旧迎新元旦到,祝福赶忙报个到,快乐进入人生道,幸福惬意心里倒,事业登上好运岛,生活舞出吉祥蹈,元旦到,愿你福到,运到,开心到,元旦快乐!

6) 沉淀一年的思念,天的祝愿。转眼又是新的明天,未来有你快乐相伴。祝好朋友元旦快乐,幸福在新的一年漫延。

7) 爆竹声中辞旧岁,短信往来送祝福,新的一年,新的征程;新的一岁,新的希望。在这新年到来之际真诚的祝福你:家人健康,万事如意。元旦快乐。

8) 元旦临兮,眉目笑兮,身影倩兮,快乐愿兮,信息转兮,幸福传兮,勿忘我兮,友谊念兮,时刻忆兮,牢牢记兮,新年乐兮,呜呼!岂不美兮!

9) 春夏秋冬,四季轮回,元旦来到,新春伊始,祝愿朋友:燃希望之火,保一腔热情;树远大目标,增一股动力;立坚定信念,创一番事业;持平和心态,守一生幸福!

10) 元旦到了,年来了,不是我威胁你,你敢不快乐,我就敢让天地崩裂,海水咆哮,火山爆发,地动山摇!所以,为了拯救人类,一定要快乐哦!

11) 辞岁迎新同欢乐,欢庆时刻送祝福。快乐好运全涌来,财源滚滚挡不住。平安健康把你绕,幸福美满把你罩。短短信息深祝福,浓浓情意把你围。祝你元旦节快乐!

12) 愿你在春节享有期望中的全部喜悦,每一件微小的事物都能带给你甜美的感受和无穷的快乐。

13) 让我这份新年的祝福通过电波,跨过重重高山,越过滔滔江水,掠过高楼大厦,飞到你身边。

14) 新年里充满快乐的味道,人人脸上洋溢着幸福的欢笑。鞭炮驱走了沉闷的空气,礼花带来了喜庆的气氛。街巷里到处是热闹的场景,轻盈的舞步在歌曲声中更加令人痴迷。新年到了,祝你万事如意,快乐无比!

15) 噼哩啪啦……新年快乐!收到这条短信,所有的好运都会降临到你身上!

16) 雪花飞舞翩翩,迎来元旦;打开手机看看,短信送去祝愿;新年到来幸福,快乐健康永远!新年快乐!

17) 新年年年都要过,今年与往年不一般。元旦过后春即到,万物复苏景灿烂。佳节同庆国安泰,家家户户笑开颜。愿你元旦心情好,万事顺利,家庭美满!

18) 春节捎去我温暖如春的问候,祝您拥有幸福甜美的鸡年。鸡年行好运,万事遂心愿!

19) 古人都扫尘过年,愿你也扫去心中一年的风尘,在新春佳节的时候,祝你一年都开心!

20) 这一刻有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦。愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的鸡年!

21) 祝你鸡年财源滚滚,发得像肥猪;身体壮得像狗熊;爱情甜得像蜜蜂;好运多得像牛毛;事业蒸蒸像大鹏。

22) 给你个节日就快乐,给你点阳光就灿烂,给你些问候就温暖,给你顶高帽就发飘。祝鸡年心怡,鸡年大吉!

23) 愿幸福伴你走过每一天;愿快乐随你渡过每一天;愿平安同你穿越每一天;愿祝福和你飞越每一天;祝鸡年快乐!

24) 鸿运滚滚来,四季都发财。鸡年好事多,幸福喜颜开。步步再高升,事事顺着来。老友多联系,莫将我忘怀!

25) 鸡年到了,给你鸡情的祝福。愿你的生活鸡极向上,能把握每个发财的鸡会。把鸡肤保养得青春焕发。事业生鸡勃勃,要记得经常联系哦,不许总关鸡!

26) 吉年好,得鸡宝;出众貌,没得挑;命途好,才气高;合家欢,父母好;祝福到,盼美好,愿您合家多欢乐,平平安安多财宝!

27) 鸡年祝愿天下朋友:工作舒心,薪水合心,被窝暖心,朋友知心,爱人同心,一切都顺心,永远都开心,事事都称心!

28) 祝你鸡年:好事都成双,出门最风光,天下你为王,赛过秦始皇;人人都捧你的场,自己吃肉人喝汤,钞票直往口袋装。

29) 公鸡神采奕奕,带来平安如意;母鸡勤劳美丽,下个金蛋给你;小鸡活泼淘气,挥洒欢乐满地;电话传情达意,祝你鸡年大吉!

30) 鸡年到,喜事到,大喜,小喜都是喜,鸡年到,快乐到,左乐。右乐真是乐。鸡年到,锣鼓敲,鞭炮响。鸡子鸡女一起来报道!

31) 鸡年多个“鸡宝宝”,祝愿宝宝身体好,病灾全都不来扰;祝愿宝宝运道好,小手嘟嘟抓财宝;祝愿宝宝EQ高,聪颖可爱人俊俏!



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Today is the day, is also a time for New Year, I got up early in the morning, I want to go with my father and mother and sister happy New Year.

My parents let me together with my sister to her sisters classmate house New Year, I a listen to worry about mom and dad said: "I dont know her sisters classmate, how to speak? I still go to my classmates house." Mom and dad said: "you are always quiet, this will give you the opportunity to exercise, look at you!" Is really no way, I had to bite the bullet and go with sister. As they walked along, I think: sisters classmate look like? Met what should I say "hello"?

Unconsciously, we have reached a sister classmate home, did not think of sister was borrowed to give her students make up a missed lesson in the name of the New Year. I on one side secretly worried: all blame parents disorderly arrangement, I also did not give my classmate happy New Year! Elder sister busy introduce me to the classmates parents, I hurriedly say: "uncle aunt New Years day good!" Then, her sisters classmate called to her little sister to accompany me to play, we age, together play of very happy.

Finally, the elder sister finally to fill her classmates after class. My sister and I a happy home. My todays harvest is strengthened my communication skills, I will continue to work hard.



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talking of all those who experienced —— by fu bao liang

XX was gone. regardless men and women being old and little, are all those who experienced opposite

in XX ago each engrave at that time. likewise, we are all those who experienced opposite in XX ago

the affairs occurred that everybody self-moved with proceeded.

we are all those who experienced on this meaning. we are all those who experienced in the old society

experienced successvily the distress children the ages of; we are all those who experienced in the

student-campaign to struggle for freedom and liberation under reactionary rule; we are all those who

experienced pass through to endure the “trained” with agriculture labour in the fanatic ages;we are all

those who experienced through postgraduate exam smoothly and obtained academic degree one by one; we are all those who experienced with often failure to get job; we are all those who experienced to get cictory in trading-battle by grasped business opportunity; we are all those who experienced in fierce battle to resist u.s aggression and aid korea; we are all those who experienced hastening industry modernization high-speed to fight courageously in that area; we are all those who experienced to ascend in front of the world on researching and developing science and technology ; we are all those who experienced to drive out the sick-satan by weared white clothes; we are all those who experienced to concern every working and all happening; we are all those who experienced to have lived a long or a few life.

there probable were all sorts of heroes and modles among us all who were accomplished by state of affairs.they have made offers for the advantage of nation and people.they gained brilliant achievement hastened nation properity and strength because of their hard. there probable were energetic worker not t known to public among us all. they devoted theirselves to the work and got not despised achievement,who became national indispensable cadre.there probable were some luky persons among us all of the favourable time.they became certain rich by excellent managed.there probable were not too bright ordinary people among us all.they engaged the whole day for livelihood of family but living afflicted them whole year. there probable were various unfortunate among us all who have ever been in miserable condition

moreover have been afflicted with disaster.they have to confront the fact but verydifficult. there probable were……among us all……

the livelong history sent us various all those who experienced and it will continue to do that.the moved

time record multifarious on the different track.various condition take place with all those who experienced. that’s experience or lesson opposite to the person concerned.the multitude may discuss to have no objection to take out the “past” if allowing exchange.

there seem to be different analysis and different argument about samething. no problem , “let a hundred flowers blossom,let a hundred schools of thought contend”is known to everyone.nowadays,here are about some healty question that i want to exchange.

to speak of age,i’m more than 70 , forward 80 years the old-decayed but seeming old no decay.i’ve no disease,full of energy,never feel tired,action swift and the memory is great.the younger and stronger can do something which i do it,too.




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In the lively sound of firecrackers, sent unforgettable year; the number of warm spring breeze, give smiling people sent a new year. We have been one year longer, and all families open the doors and windows to let the bright sun shine into the house in the early years.

In the sound of the firecracker, where will not be mixed with the noise of the gongs and drums, the cheerful instrumental music, will not be filled with bright laughter?

I am one year older. I should be more sensible. Mom and dad have worked so hard on me. I have to study hard and grow up to win glory for my motherland and contribute to my motherland. It takes a hundred years. I will not fail to live up to my parents and teachers.



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In different wind, thousands of different customs. Every place has the custom of every place.

My hometown is in hunan, where the custom of the Chinese New Year is very interesting. On December 29 (New Years eve), our family size around the reunion dinner together, we pay attention to the family reunion dinner, we eat must have three details: fish, chicken, meat. Must be steamed fish, the fish will also enlarge of peppers, such a symbol of wealth, and every year more than one million head. The chicken must be a rooster. Meat is the bacon, our bacon is not like sichuan there steamed, but with eating Fried string beans, so eat very delicious, especially with chewy. After dinner, well shou sui, the family around together, happy, talk about the experience of the year suantiankula.

On the first morning, we quietly like mom and dad say something geely (New Year), so that we can get an orange and one is, such as a symbol of good luck. Happy New Year and then well go out to others, others will set off firecrackers to greet us, said the hunan peoples enthusiastic and hospitable and friendly.

Look, we celebrate the Spring Festival is not same as you? Would you like to come to our hunan Spring Festival?



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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. And it is the most popular festival in China. People often do different things before Spring

Festival. Some of them clean and decorate their houses. Some of them go shopping and buy some flowers. Some of them stay at home and do nothing. I usually help my mum clean the house. People get together and have a big meal at Spring Festival. They often eat fish, pork, goose, chicken, vegetables, soup and so on. I like Spring Festival very much, because adults give me some lucky money.



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I reached yawn, thought, today cant stay in bed! Because today is my long-awaited homonym, the first day of the New Year, I want to give the full blessing to all the relatives and friends! I cant wait to put on new clothes, back my beloved little bag, with aunt to buy me a hat.

Dress up after, I ran downstairs with grandma and grandpa said: "happy New Year!" Grandma and grandpa on the sweet smile, they said happily: "you would like to study in the New Year to the next level!" Say that finish, they sent two big red envelope for me! After the meal, the mother picked out a pair of big, round orange in my bag, I am very happy, said: "thanks, mom, wait a minute Im thirsty to eat!" Ha ha listening to his mother laughed and said: "this cant eat oranges on behalf of the prosperous, wait used when New Year blessing to you, you cant eat it." Oh, I was stunned, vomitted to stick out tongue embarrassedly. Today my parents and I went to a lot of places, also give the full blessing to you, we also received many blessings! Ha ha, I also received a lot of red envelopes! On the way home, chattering birds in the tree, as if it were said to us: "happy New Year! Happy New Year!......"



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恭喜发财: may prosperity be with you

年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for

新年新气象: as the New Year begins, let us also start a new

万事如意: hope everything goes your way

岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round

财源广进: may a river of gold flow into your pocket

一帆风顺: wish you every success

名列前茅: always come first in examinations

鹏程万里: have a bright future

生意兴隆: wish your business success

大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success

蛇马精神: may you be as energetic as a dragon and a horse

风调雨顺: timely wind and rain bring good harvest

国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace


May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year.


Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students.


Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! May the season bring much pleasure to you.


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful New Year season.


Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season.


Hope all your New Year dreams come true!


Hope you enjoy the happiness of New Year and all the trimmings.


Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.


I wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.


In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.


May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes.


May the glow of New Year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright.Have a love filled New Year!


May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way.


New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you.


May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.


Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.


New Year should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed. But if all else is lacking - love will do.


May the beauty and joy of New Year remain with you throughout the new year!


Happy new year!


New Years greetings and best wishes!


A happy New Year to you.


Best of luck in the year to come.


Wish all the best wishes for you.


Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.


May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.


To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.


Much joy to you in the upcoming year.


Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.


We offer New year blessings to you.


I only want you for New year!


I give all my love to you this New year.


My arms are wide open for you this New Year.


Heres a tender New Year kiss from you know who.


Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.


Best wishes for a wonderful new year.


With best wishes for a happy New Year!


May joy and health be with you always.


May happiness follow you wherever you go!


I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.




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Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.


Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.


With best wishes for a happy New Year!


I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.


With the compliments of the season.


Best wishes for the year to come!


Good luck in the year ahead!


May you come into a good fortune!


Live long and proper!


May many fortunes find their way to you!


I want to wish you longevity and health!


Take good care of yourself in the year ahead.


Wishing you many future successes.


I only want you for New year!


I give all my love to you this New year.


My arms are wide open for you this New Year.


Heres a tender New Year kiss from you know who.


Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.


Best wishes for a wonderful new year.


With best wishes for a happy New Year!


May joy and health be with you always.


May happiness follow you wherever you go!


I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.


With the compliments of the season.


May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.


Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year.


Please accept my seasons greetings.




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To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West.The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar,so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

To the ordinary Chinese,the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Years Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.But the 15th of the first month,which normally is called the Lantern Festival,means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.



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Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year! Families are all busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, set off firecrackers, very lively!

My home is not exceptional also, dad is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival. You see, this part is spring AnXia too, bottom allied is autumn JiDongXiang. Suddenly I saw my father stick f down, I am busy to shout: "f down, the fall". I was suddenly enlighted, originally f down is a blessing to the partial tone!

Put up Spring Festival couplets, its time to eat dinner, I sat on the table, looking at these delicious tot, salivate. Finally the dinner, I discovered, not effort to wipe out a bowl of rice, everyone looked at me with this mess, laughed. The toast, I end up glass to grandpa said "I wish you happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea running water." Then I wish my grandma dont live as long as the southern mountain pines. To have a drink and then I learn to the appearance of the adults, and suck up to hit the mouth, good wine and wine. Grandfather walked over to say: "small lovely grandchildren grow up, we will use the couplet." Grandma made a merry smile on her face, said: "I wish our little grandson study progress, day day up."

After eating dinner, we are satisfied from the table. Went to the yard, see the night sky was a lot of fireworks scarification, brighter than the stars! Dad has moved many firecrackers and fireworks, dad picking up a day monkey, peng, pa, say late, its fast, day monkey straight to the night sky, suddenly turned into a beautiful fireworks, float to the galaxy... I also took a small flashlight, of ones fingers itch rocking-turn, scattered out of the countless stars... Suddenly a fireworks a mute, didnt fry for 1, 2 minutes, impatient, dad picked up a bamboo pole tong, bamboo pole touched firecrackers, suddenly blow up, daddys glasses slipped off scared, I saw my father like this, smile and havoc. At the same time, I also remember that smile to smile, le le, but remember safety.

After firecrackers the climb up the door, I heard so tall, I climb door every year. Cannon spared, the door also climbed, should get a red envelope, grandpa gave me a red envelope, mysterious to me and said: "must under the pillow oh, so that we can bring you good luck!"

Time to go home, my grandma and grandpa said goodbye. All the way of the fireworks light up our way home...









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Dear Mr. Hu

First of all, I wish you good health and all the best! I heard that your

Spring Festival this year was spent in Shanxi. I think it must be a very happy

one. Is the Spring Festival in Shanxi lively? Next, I will tell you about my

colorful spring festival life!

On New Years Eve, after dinner, it was still early. My mother and father

came to the county front street to feel the new years atmosphere. The streets

are full of excitement, and clusters of colorful balloons float around in the

wind, like girls in full dress and dancing. One after another gorgeous fireworks

in full bloom, like a spring message. Pedestrians on the road step on the pace

of leisure, are ready to a beautiful mood to welcome the arrival of the new

year. All of a sudden, I saw the "stars" over the Shanmen bridge, and I couldnt

help shouting: "Mom, look! There are so many Kongming lanterns!" Wow! Its so

beautiful! "While appreciating, my mother regretted:" if I knew that new years

Eve was so beautiful and lively, its time to bring a camera. "The Kongming

lights were still rising one after another, with good wishes to the mysterious

night Empty, the mountain city festival night set off a different kind of warmth

and harmony.

Next, the whole family sat around and watched the Spring Festival Gala,

which was a very hard program in our family. What impressed me most at this

years party was the magic of making goldfish dance. Its amazing! Of course, I

also absolutely supported the crosstalk between Jia Ling and Bai Kainan. There

are also Jay Chous singing and Zhao Benshans sketches, I also love to see, ha


Speaking of the new year, my most interesting thing is to buy balloons. In

the past, I asked my father to buy me some balloons when I was a few years old.

But this year, I decided to save RMB, so I decided to buy only one balloon. I

secretly boast in my heart that I have grown up. However, the father said,

"sensible child, lets buy five balloons."

When we came to the street, we were full of colorful lights and busy

traffic. Balloons of different shapes make me dazzled and dazzled. My first

choice is Haibao, the mascot of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. The World Expo is

the pride of Chinese people. My mother took me to visit the World Expo. I cant

forget the grand occasion. Ill buy a Haibao balloon as a souvenir. The second

one is rabbit balloon. Because this year is the year of the rabbit. The mother

rabbit has a big mouth, red eyes, a bow on one ear and a diamond necklace on her

neck. Its really impressive. She is carefully feeding the baby rabbit sitting

on her lap with carrots. I also bought an oil rope balloon, the color is my

favorite purple, long, very stand out from the crowd. My favorite is two love

balloons. These two hearts, like the love of my parents, have accompanied me for

11 years.

This is my spring festival life. Mr. Hu, do you find it interesting?




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17.前门外,鼓楼前,少时多少欢颜。千里路,万重天,只身异乡眠 。父母牵,亲朋念。今春又难团圆。游子情,短信传,愿阖家平安。











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The pace of the new year is getting closer and closer, and my hopes and expectations for the new year are growing.

There is one more week to final exams, I want to learn the lessons of last year, not only to Chinese, math and English, while ignoring the importance of science and morality of these two families, out of 500 cases, especially close to the examination, the two section is the key to sprint, there is a temporary array of guns. Fast emitting. I should make full use of the time before examination, attack the recitation carefully, make grains go to the warehouse, face challenges and create brilliance, and spend an unusual new year.

Looking back over the past year, my classroom performance is much better than before, but I am still a little inferior to other students. In the new year, I will pay more attention to the pre class preview, answer the question actively and enthusiastically, and no longer worry about the wrong answer to the joke. I want to pay attention to the classroom performance of truth, a good grasp of the class to listen carefully to this criterion, keep up with the teachers ideas, not to make the teacher teacher, I do my mistake, I want to turn over and reinvent yourself, never do monks muddle along. The new year, I want to strive for progress with determination, take practical action to prove to everyone, make a wish, a person.

It is more happy to mention the new year. The red character, deafening firecrackers, bright smile, I want to enjoy the winter vacation life, watching the series of books by Shen — — "animal commandos", go to grandmas house for a long time, and grandma grandpa chat, walk the dog, watch TV, play computer, to students in string so, I decide my winter vacation.



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Some people ask me what my new years wish is? I think my new years wish is "a more storey" than last year.

What is the wish of the new year? Its wise. I want to be wiser than last year, before, because I didnt have time to read books, and I wouldnt be able to arrange it for the rest of the time. Now, I want to read books in holidays, during the break time, so that I can acquire knowledge, so that I can make progress in my mind.

What is the wish for the new year? Its joy. I want to be happier than last year. I dont have time to play games, go out and relax. I hope to relax more in the new year. Although our learning tasks are very heavy, we should also learn to relax ourselves in a proper way so that our life will be more joyful and more exciting.

What is the wish for the new year? Its hard work. I want to study harder than I did last year, and do something else... In peacetime, I do not learn how, so I want to work harder than last year, I have to study well, when I grow up to return to the motherland. I want to think that I will graduate in half a year, so I have to study hard. I want to enter my ideal middle school with excellent results, and strive for my ideal, so that I can achieve my goal in life.



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1. 新年的钟声即将敲响,你我相守又过了一年。虽然你已白发添,虽然你的容颜改,你仍旧是我心中最美的红颜。亲爱的,我会爱你一直到永远。春节快乐!

2. 以真诚为圆心,以感谢为半径,送你一个圆圆的祝福!付出总能得到回报,真心总能得到抚慰,愿爱你的人更爱你,你爱的人更懂你,朋友。春节快乐!

3. 敬爱的领导,向您拜年了,感谢您一直的英明领导和悉心照顾,感恩的话化作真诚的祝福:愿您春节吉祥,合家幸福,团团圆圆,百事可乐,万事如意。

4. 春节到来放鞭炮,万千烦恼都跑掉。合家团圆吃水饺,畅享天伦欢喜笑。骏鸡飞奔热情高,春风鼓荡多美妙。一切美好来报到,愿友春节乐淘陶。

5. 红烛摇来团圆的情意,灯笼照亮平安路途,春联盈满美丽的企盼,佳酿散发吉祥的气息,烟花描绘幸福的图画,新春寄托真诚的祝福:春节快乐。

6. 狮子高跷舞门前,鞭炮声声来拜年。雄狮一声妖魔逃,平安幸福祥和满。锣鼓敲响祝健康,事业路上勇闯关。愿你天下逞英豪,一举成名耀辉煌。春节喜乐!

7. 愿运气追着你,美事跟着你,金钱贴着你,贵人帮助你,祸事躲着你,小人绕着你,爱人念着你,家人挂着你,上天保佑你,我在祝福你。新年快乐!

8. 年初二,回娘家,一家美满说牵挂;甜蜜蜜,喜滋滋,团团圆圆笑哈哈;摆点糖,沏壶茶,促膝相对乐无涯;共展望,新一年,事业顺利福更远。春节快乐!

9. 你笑得流出泪,你哭的惹人怜,你执着让人赞,你坚强让我佩,你宽容让我亲,你可人让我醉。你是我敬爱的、可爱的、挚爱的好同事。春节愉快。

10. 中国年注重的是团圆,春节到了,让我们多一点时间陪在家人身边,抽一点时间和朋友见见,让亲情和友情一起给力这个新年!恭祝春节快乐。

11. 新年到问个好,短信祝福报个到,财源滚滚时时进,事业发达步步高,生活如意事事顺,好运连连天天交,愿你开心又美妙,转发八人显神效!春节快乐!

12. 春节到来喜事多,阖家团圆幸福多!心情愉快朋友多,身体健康快乐多!一切顺利福气多,鸡年吉祥生意多!祝愿您好事多!多!多!

13. 堂堂正正做人,大公无私干事,毫不利己奋献,处处带头表率,丰功伟绩人赞,认人唯贤纳士。领导春节别忙,策划下步工作,全家幸福安康,如意事业辉煌。

14. 万里长城永不倒,向你问声春节好,春风已过玉门关!祝你工资翻一翻,每逢佳节倍思亲!每月都能拿奖金!桂林山水甲天下!存折塞满枕头下!春节愉快。

15. 雪映梅花瓣瓣红,鞭炮水饺年味浓。吴侬软语家乡话,拜年祝福最温情。万里江山是归程,村口古柳把腰躬。踏遍青山家乡好,祝福乡音我最重。新年快乐!

16. 幸福应该像是加法,越加越多,忧愁应该像是减法,越减越少,友情应该像是乘法每年翻番,祝福应该就是除法,正好等于你的快乐。春节快乐。

17. 新年送礼太俗套,祝福没花招,只有祝愿亲爱的朋友们:天天被财神爷骚扰,时时被弥勒佛普照,大把赚钞票,快乐哈哈笑,幸福跟着跑。春节快乐!

18. 春节是一个全新的开始,无论世界如何变幻,不管时空如何流转,我的祝福永远不变:在新的一年里,幸福快乐,健康如意!呵呵,新春快乐!

19. 新年的烟花很给力,绽开对你的点点思绪,缤纷的祝福洒进你的世界里;春节的问候满满地,包裹我沉甸甸的心意,委托手机里的短信传递给你;春节如意!

20. 春节拜年早来到,真心祝福新年好。新年招财又进宝,全家和睦无烦恼。鸡年更比虎年好,玉鸡送福三级跳,一跳更比一跳高,四季平安乐逍遥。祝鸡年快乐!

21. 亲爱的,在新的一年里,你一定会很幸福。相信我,这不止是我对你的祝福,更是我对你的承诺。你脸上的笑容,是我一生的追求。记得,我一直都在。

22. 烟花炮竹喜庆吉祥,窗花剪影幸福美满。欢声笑语团圆喜悦,杯中酒香溢满大年。祝你新春喜乐洋洋,工资渐涨好运连连。愿你福气享不完,儿孙满堂家兴旺!

23. 紫气东来,祝福也随之而来,喜鹊登梅,福禄也登上眉梢,春节将至,喜庆将萦绕身旁,在这个美好的日子送上我最真挚的祝福,祝身体安康。

24. 春节祝您一帆风顺二龙腾飞三羊开泰四季平安五福临门六六大顺七星高照八方来财九九同心十全十美百事亨通千事吉祥万事如意!鸡年新年吉祥如意!

25. 新年到,愿你家兴业兴财源兴,人旺体旺精神旺;嘴巴整日乐歪歪,脑袋逍遥美晃晃;日子一日一日强,幸福一年一年长;青春常驻你身上,友谊永在万年长。

26. 紫气东来盈门楣,万象更新瑞雪飞。腊梅绽笑傲寒霜,骏鸡踏雪一片香。撷取春色入心扉,化作祝福送君旁。迎来送往皆吉祥,万事顺利身体康。春节快乐!

27. 春联里面写吉祥,红灯高照是幸福,酒杯碰响快乐年,饺子包裹福安康,短信传递我祝福,平安如意过春节,春节到,愿你合家欢乐,春节愉快!

28. 新年快乐!尽管新年祝福已经把你的手机塞满,尽管这四个字不足以表达我激动的心情,尽管这类朴实的字眼司空见惯,我还是忍不住要对你说声:新年快乐!

29. 春节假期,亲朋团聚;饮食健康,切记切记;酒莫多喝,微有醉意;菜忌油腻,荤素合理;玩莫太疯,食居有律;旅游出行,安全牢记;快乐健康,愿君如意!

30. 倒计时的钟声,是回家的集结号;小小的票根,是回家的路标;满满的行囊,装着浓浓的思念;勿勿的步伐,踩出团圆的舞步;春节返乡,祝一路平安!

31. 不送花,不送酒,送你青春能常留;每天爱,每天抱,给你天使一般的笑。老婆,新年咱不放鞭炮,咱拍照,愿我们年年情侣一样美,岁岁新婚一样甜。春节愉快,你作最漂亮的女人。

32. 同进取,共奋斗,一个职场建情意;同加班,共互助,一个项目齐心做;同值勤,共努力,一个岗位见功绩;春节到了,给同事你送去祝福,愿春节愉快!

33. 春节祝福到,愿你开口笑,微笑迎接幸福,憨笑召集快乐,大笑陪伴健康,嘲笑本性贪婪,冷笑天生懒惰,笑一笑,勤劳到,笑一笑,幸福扰,笑一笑,更逍遥,新春佳节,愿你笑笑眉梢翘。

34. 新年之际祝你:东行吉祥,南走顺利,西出平安,北走无虑,中有健康;左逢源,右发达,前有福星,后有菩萨;内积千金,外行好运!

35. 新年到来百花香,一条信息带六香。一香送你摇钱树,二香送你贵人扶,三香送你工作好,四香送你没烦恼,五香送你钱满箱,六香送你永安康!祝春节快乐!

36. 人都说你大义威严,我却曰你大度宽容。秉公办事不徇私情,处人接物可蔼和亲。认人唯贤杜绝送礼,谢绝请客实事求是。祝领导:春节愉快!

37. 春节到,祝福早送到:祝你:大事小事忙活事,事事顺利;情人友人家里人,人人健康;晴天雨天下雪天,天天开心。预祝:春节开心,新年愉快!

38. 初春雪漫漫,人间处处新!元旦快乐,新年幸福!辞旧迎新,心想事成。以真挚热诚的祝福,在春节之际表示思念之情。祝春节快乐,新年快乐!

39. 彩旗高扬欢声笑,锣鼓高声唱春宵。水晶饺子端上桌,金银元宝怀里抱。花团锦簇起舞蹈,祝你幸福鸿运照。红红灯笼吉祥耀,愿你美满守孝道。春节喜悦合家欢,贵客盈门抱拳拜。

40. 天使把人间美丽女人登记造册,送上帝审阅,上帝看后吩咐:春节快到了,给最善良最能干最聪明最美丽的女人发个短信:祝她平安幸福健康快乐!

41. 日给你温暖!月给你温馨!星给你浪漫!雨给你滋润!我给你祝福!送一份美丽让你欢笑,送一份开心让你不老,祝你春节快乐!
