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1. (人生最难得“心安”二字):所谓“心安”,就是心里没有后悔的事、没有亏心的事、没有想不开的事,不为名所累,不为利所役,清清白白做人,干干净净做事。如果患得患失,心浮气躁,人生就会疲惫不堪、了无生气。唯有保持一颗宁静的心,不眼热权势,不艳羡富贵,活得纯粹、活得自然,才能求得一个心安。

2. (三样人生):三样东西一去不返:时间、言辞和机会;三样东西毁掉一个人:怒气、骄傲和不宽恕;三样东西不应放弃:平和、诚实和希望;三样东西最无价:爱、善良和亲友;三样东西最无常:成功、财富和梦想;三样东西成就一个人:真诚、承诺和勤奋;三样东西最神圣:父母、孩子和信仰。

3. (佛说)你说过的话,做过的事,走过的路,遇过的人,每一个现在,都是以后的回忆。无须缅怀昨天,不必奢望明天,只要认真过好每个当下。说能说的话,做可做的事,走该走的路,见想见的人。脚踏实地,不漠视,不虚度,有缘无缘,一切随缘,保持一份好心情,就算心碎也要拥有最美的姿态。

4. 人活一世,其实,有些东西,要学会思而勿乱;有些情感,要懂得痛而莫恨;有些追逐,要舍得持中有弃;有些浮相,要甘于尘而不染。有时,参禅,只在一瞬间,一杯茶,一叶草,一尾鱼,一粒沙,一株桃花,看一个繁杂的世界。世有千态,心有万言,便可从中拾得一颗澄明无物的禅心。

5. 相信自己的坚强,但不要拒绝眼泪;相信物质的美好,但不要倾其一生;相信人与人之间的真诚,但不要指责虚伪;相信努力会成功,但不要逃避失败;相信命运的公平,但是当一扇门关上的时候,要学会给自己画一扇窗。

6. 人生,与其不断追求而无法满足,不如先沉淀自己,看清内心深处真正的需求。只要愿意打开封闭的心,去体会、去拥抱眼前的幸福,就会比别人活得更富足,更开心。

7. 凡大器者,其量必大,当能容常人所不容,忍常人所难忍;当宠辱不惊于色,得失不现于形;当热烈如骄阳炙心,宁静似清月婉人;当若海不拒涓流,集腋成裘铸狂澜;当像树扎根泥土,兼收并蓄可冲天。大方可伪,大器难装,它超脱于名利之上,游离于争斗之外,置身平淡能淡看一切,处于乱象却不会乱了心神。

8. 好好对待家人,是很好的修行;试着不与人争辩,随顺别人,也是很好的修行;同孩子听流行音乐,和父母去跳广场舞,使他们感受到家人的爱,安全无畏,也是很好的功课;菩萨行的布施、爱语、利行讲的就是这些。如果我们体验到“家家有本难念的经”,把自家里的那本经读通了,体验真实的佛法就很简单了。

9. 人生的路,走走停停是一种闲适,边走边看是一种优雅,边走边忘是一种豁达。

10. (与人交往):识人不必探尽,探尽则多疑;知人不必言尽,言尽则无友;责人不必苛尽,苛尽则众远;敬人不必卑尽,卑尽则少骨;让人不必退尽,退尽则路寡。

11. (把握当下):最无情的不是人,是时间;最珍贵的不是金钱,是情感;最有力的不是老板,是大自然;最可怕的不是灾难,是灾后无援;最拿手的不是专业,是旁观;最可怕的不是失恋,是心身不全;最舒适的不是酒店,是自家;最难听的不是脏话,是无言;最宽广的不是大海,是人心;最美好的不是未来,是今天。








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Dear Editor,

Im a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think its a fashion to use them.


Dear Editor,

Im a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think its a fashion to use them. U sing an iPad, we can listen to music, download a lot of learning materials and read them on the screen. Apparently, its helpful to our study, especially to our English listening.

Some students, however, bring their iPads to the classroom and listen to music without earphones, which makes the teacher and other students greatly annoyed. Some of them even waste precious time in class playing video games.

In my opinion, as students, we should make good use of iPads to help achieve academic success. The classroom is a place for students to study, and thereforeconcentration is awfully needed for us to learn our lessons. Furthermore, the school should make a rule to guide the students to use iPads in a proper way. Yours sincerely, Li Hua



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In recent yearsRecently,more and more students have studied hard to go to universityies.(Its actually better for you to use the present continuous tense here coz ur trying to explain a well known concept). However,universities always have some limitations tofor students,like the number of students??.So in that case some students often loselost their chances to accept their educationgetting college education.This phenomenon is quite serious.Its a real problem.In our lifeves,we all know that students need to pass the entrance of examination to enter the universityies.,And there are many difficulties may happen.Always it may happen that some talented students missed their chances of getting to entering their imagining dream universityies in the most important test.When it happened,these students may then loset themselves.In addition,it is terrible for them to leave school to obtaintheother knowledge which is not fitting to them.????They could have stayed in their universities which they wanted to go all along but they now are wasting their precious life which is the most important time to do other things which they do not like.??On the other hand,our society lost the recourse which they could have given their best??.Future more,it brought some negative things including that students who can not go to universities to master of right views.??In a word,that is why it is justified and necessary for the government to intake expansion in Chinese universities.Its not a word Only in this way, more and more students can achieve their dreams of studying in their imagining universities.And only in this way can our country be richer in knowledge.



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With the development of technology, today we live in the world with high technology. People seem to cant live without computer and smart phone, once they dont have smart phone at hand for a while, the seem to be lost and feel something miss in their life. When I talk to my friends at table, I find them always play smart phones or check on the text all the time. Though we sit face to face, the distance between us is so far. The high technology brings isolation between people. Some people dont often visit their parents and friends, for they believe that a call can solve all the things. Communication in face to face is far more important than a call. It is time for some people to put down their smart phones for a while when they are communicating to others.


随着技术的发展,今天我们生活在一个高技术的时代。似乎人们的生活离不开电脑和智能手机,一旦智能手机不在手上,他们似乎感到失落,感觉到有东西缺失在他们的生活中。当我和朋友们吃饭时 ,我发现他们总是在玩智能手机,或者在检查信息。虽然我们面对面坐着,但是我们之间的距离是如此的遥远。高科技带给人们带来了隔离。有些人不经常看望他们的父母和朋友,因为他们相信一个电话能解决所有的事情。面对面的交流比电话更重要。是时候对一些人来说去放下手中的智能手机一会,当他们在和别人交流的时候。



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新年来了!”“新年来了!”新年娃娃来到了人间,为人们献上最衷心的祝福。以下是“新年话题英语作文”,希望能够帮助的到您! 以新年为话题的作文(一)





伴随着新年的钟声,我悄悄地进入了梦乡。这个不同寻常的新年在我梦中再次浮现。 以新年为话题的作文(二)






新的一年又到了,在新的一年里,一切都将发生变化,自己又长大了一岁,我希望这一年好运一直陪伴着我,我也会更加努力的,争取在这一年中,能取得优异的成绩,长大后,为家乡的建设作出巨大的贡献。 以新年为话题的作文(三)








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othing Succeeds Without a Strong Will

“Where there is a will, there is way” is an old proverb which almost everyone knows, but not all understand it so well. Actually, it means that if you are really resolved to do something, no matter how difficult it might be, never give up.

In fact, strong will is a kind of good quality which successful people should own. A great man is always one who has a firm resolution and an inflexible spirit. One will never succeed all his life without a firm will to get the final victory. As a rule, great tasks are accomplished by men of strong will. For example, Dr. Sun Yatsen, the founder of the Republic of China, set the Chinese people free from the Manchurian rule through a long period of hard struggle. Many of his attempts failed and many of his followers were killed, but he had an inflexible spirit and stuck to his cause. Finally, he made the revolution of 1911 a success. The same is true of men in all walks of life.

It is quite obvious that there is nothing difficult in the world, if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly accomplish your end. That stands to reason. So as for students like us, we should have a good attitude towards failure. Facing with difficulties and failures, keep heads up and never give up. Besides, we should make full preparation, though strong will help us overcome the difficulties, it is not for person who has no preparation.




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Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your concern. Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog. Everything around disappeared from our sight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Personally I didn’t get any health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors. But to make a significant change we really have to do more to protect our environment. To live a better life we have to push on with the economy, but it wound be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air. Regards!

Yours, Li Hua ​




你的,Li Hua



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What Kind of Jobs use to Work Overtime?

When it comes to overtime working, I believe manypeople will not happy but have experienced itbefore.

Do you think what kind of job usually needs to workovertime? I think it is the career like, designer.

When having task to design, they usually have to finish it in the arranging time.

In most cases, the time is very limited.

So, nearly every time they have new task, they have to work overtime.

Sometimes they have to work over night.

Of course, there are some peoples job property is similar to designer also need to work anextra shift.

Thus, I think the people like designer will have more chances to work overtime.




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Dear Tony,

Chongyang, the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly, is coming around. We are planning to visit the Nursing Home to celebrate the speeial day, and we would like to invite students from your school to join us.

We have planned several activities. When we get there, we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups, presenitng them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses.

As some old people feel lonely. We may chat with them about their old days, changes of our city, or anything they are interested in. We may also give them some performanees: singing, dancing, and so on.

I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua







相关标签: 节日Festival 邀请Invitation



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一、 长 短 句原则


As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar.



二、 主 题 句原则



To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam(主题句). Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly.

三、 一 二 三原则

领导讲话总是第一部分、第一点、第二点、第三点、第二部分、第一点… 如此罗嗦。可毕竟还是条理清楚。考官们看文章也必然要通过这些关键性的“标签”来判定你的文章是否结构清楚,条理自然。破解方法很简单,只要把下面任何一组的词汇加入到你的几个要点前就清楚了。

1)first, second, third, last(不推荐,原因:俗)

2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推荐,原因:俗)

3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推荐,原因:俗)

4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推荐,原因:俗)

5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐)

6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐)

7)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(强烈推荐)

8)most important of all, moreover, finally

9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况)

10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况)


四、 短语优先原则


I cannot bear it.

可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it.

I want it.

可以用短语表达:I am looking forward to it.


五、 多实少虚原则


我们说一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospital 之类的形象词。再比如:

走出房间,general的词是:Walk out of the room

但是小偷走出房间应该说:Slip out of the room

小姐走出房间应该说:Sail out of the room

小孩走出房间应该说:Dance out of the room

老人走出房间应该说:Stagger out of the room


六、 多变句式原则


都希望写下很长的句子,像个老外似的,可就是怕写错,怎么办,最保险的写长句的方法就是这些,可以在任何句子之间加and, 但最好是前后的句子又先后关系或者并列关系。比如说:

I encore music and he is fond of playing guitar.


Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm.


Besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover



The car was quite old, yet it was in excellent condition.

The coat was thin, but it was warm.


Despite that, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, notwithstanding

3)因果(so, so, so)


The snow began to fall, so we went home.


Then, therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, as a result, for this reason, so that



举例:This is what I can do.

Whether he can go with us or not is not sure.


When to go, why he goes away…



The man whom you met yesterday is a friend of mine.

I don’t enjoy that book you are reading.

Mir liu, our oral English teacher, is easy-going.

其实很简单,同位语--要解释的东西删除后不影响整个句子的构成;定语从句—借用之前的关键词并且用其重新组成一个句子插入其中,但是whom or that 关键词必须要紧跟在先行词之前。



Whether your tastes are modern or traditional, sophisticated or simple, there is plenty in London for you.

Nowadays, energy can be obtained through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind and ocean tides.

We have got to study hard, to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to realize our potentials and to pay for our life. (气势恢宏)


七、 挑战极限原则



The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills.

Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China.




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The new year is coming soon, time flies and it is time for me to look back on the passed days, so as to improve myself. I remembered the targets that I made last year. I made up my mind to read some books and went to many places with friends. On the summer vacation, I did travel with my friends and we had a great time. I learned a lot during the trips and became more independent. But I didn’t finish the target to read books, the reason was that I was too busy with my study. I knew it was just an excuse for my weakness. I was just lazy sometimes, even I had enough time to finish my task. So in the new year, I must finish reading the books and broaden my vision. All I need is to read one hour a day.



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Nowadays WeChat has been a part of our life. It is becoming more and more popular with young people because of the following advantages. First we can communicate with our friends by sending words and expressions very quickly. Second we can share pictures music and videos with them. Third we can not only send voice messages to them but also speak to them directly. Besides we can use it in any time. Last but not least we use it for free and can save money. In my view although WeChat has improved our lives it should be used properly. We shouldn’t lose ourselves in it.





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In life there are too many people are worth to thank, for example, raising our parents, the inculcation of unity and friendship among teachers, students... And the most worth me to thank is my biological parents.

Parents brought me to this beautiful world, give me a very warm home, gave me the most unselfish love, accompany me through a happy childhood. Parents to protect my time and time again I will never forget.

When I was a child I was in a ditch, mother desperate, immediately pull me up. And her hands were rough wall ground bleeding. This experience, let me know how the parents love is the most selfless.

Unconsciously already say goodbye to the happy childhood, towards the high school stage. Parents gave me again and again to encourage, make me to irresponsible parents after the examination, leading the way, have again and again.

Parents sometimes also very strict. On one occasion, my brother and I yell bloody murder to a toy, I know is wrong, but I still rakes. After the event, parents criticized the my meal, I also know my fault.

Our parents biological I repay you, parents strict teachings I bear in my mind, it is parents strict teachings, hard and selfless paying that I took to the road of the upright, on the road.

In this, please allow me to solemnly parents say to me: "mom and dad, you were laborious, thank you!"










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How long has it been since you had the feeling of being moved ? Do you feel grateful when you taste the delicious food your mother prepares for you ? On Teacher’s Day, do you say “Thank you teachers” from the bottom of your heart, or just do it as others do ?

In the West, there is Thanksgiving Day. People invented this festival to be grateful for what they gained, because no one could be happy or successful without the help from others. Though our country don’t have Thanksgiving Day, we should be grateful hourly.

If the grateful full of your heart ,you will be happy everyday. Life’s happiness is to be convinced we are loved. A telephone from parents, a criticism from teacher, a exhortation from friend, a competition from opponent and so on. All this are the foundation of mature for us.

We must learn to be grateful, otherwise , we will be apathetic, can’t notice the love from others. Only have the heart of be grateful, we can understand how to love others and how to repay our society.



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老年人the oldelderly aged elderly population senior citizens

年轻人youthyoungster young adults adolescent

中年人middle adults

网吧cyber café 网虫mouse potato 电视迷couch potato

优秀的学生outstanding/superior/rare/top students

坏的影响ill effects

农村rural 郊区suburban 城里urban

在当代社会in contemporary society

双赢a win-win situation 双输 a lose-lose situation

建设有中国特色的社会主义build socialism with Chinese characteristics ,form a economic system with Chinese characteristics


I would appreciate it very much If you ……

I am thrilled to receive your mail.

Looking forward to a prompt response.


1、 have growing respect for 越来越重视

Coincident with the fast growing economy, China has growing respect for protecting the environment and controlling population. 随着经济的迅速发展,中国也越来越重视环境保护和控制人口了。

2、 enable sb to do sth (使某人可以做某事)

It enable us to build a harmonious society.

3、 另外 In addition/ Additionally/ on top of that

Additionally, there is another reason for the appearance of this phenomenon.(现象)


The real power resides in the people.(真正的权力属于人民)

We must fight against the bureaucracy in order to improve governmental work.(为了提高政府部门的工作效率,我们必须与官僚作风作斗争。)

Litter by little, our knowledge will be enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.(慢慢的,我们的知识会充实,我们的视野会开阔。)

As a classic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds.(常言道,任何事物都有两面的。)也可以用 every sword has two edges. Everything has both dark sides and bright sides.

Taiwan is an integral part of China.(台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。)



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寻找失物信 The letter for looking for the lost

Directions: You have just spent a weekend staying at the St. Regis Hotel in Beijing. When you get home you find that you have left a bag at the hotel. Write to the manager of the hotel:

1) Enquire whether the bag has been found,

2) Give any relevant information about the bag and its contents,

3) Ask the manager to contact you immediately if the bag is found and tell him/her how the bag can be sent to you.

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager:

I stayed in Room 608 in your hotel on August 10, 2015. Could you please check your Lost and Found Department and see if my bag is there?

The bag is a small black, leather document case. Inside it, you will find several business cards and a photo of Miss Lin Daiyu. These things are not very valuable in money terms, but they have a lot of personal value.

I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible. If you could send the bag to me by EMS, I would be most grateful. Thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming









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1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言

2.It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...

3.It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说......

4.As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,

5.It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,...

6.Its generally recognized that... 它普遍认为...

7.Its likely that ... 这可能是因为...

8.Its hardly that... 这是很难的......

9.Its hardly too much to say that... 它几乎没有太多的说…

10.What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

11.Theres no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是…

13.whats far more important is that... 更重要的是…



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In winter, when I was not aware of, quietly coming. Christmas day, the happy holiday, without slipping away again. Christmas is a fairy tale, inside it there is a beautiful story. And my favorite, it is the more beautiful, more moving "Santa Claus" fairy tale.

Tiny, mom and dad told me: "the night before Christmas, Santa Claus will send Christmas gifts to the children. However, Santa Claus will only send to obedient child, not obedient child, can not receive." Around Christmas, therefore, I will be very obedient, clever, just for get the so-called Christmas gifts. Young, I never know that this is just a mom and dad in order to satisfy my little wish and make up a white lie.





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Nowadays Intemet is very popular all over the world, especially in some big cities. Do you know when the Intemet was first established? Built in 1960s, the Internet was a crude network of a few computers which shared information. If one of the computers broke down, the whole networks would be unable to work, causing continual problems. At first, just the government had access to the Internet, using it for communications among different branches. However, by 1970s the Internet had been used in universities, banks, and hospitals. At the beginning of 1990s computers became affordable for common people and this affordability increased the use of the Internet by people,

It is said that each day tens of millions of people log off, making it the most important part of peoples life.

Internet was first established in 1960s. At that time, the computer was both large and expensive and the networks were unable to work well. If one of the computers broke down, the whole networks would be unable to work.

At first, the Intemet was just used by the government. By 1970s, it had been used in universities, banks and hospitals. At the beginning of 1990s,computers became both cheaper and easier to operate. Now it is very convenient to log on the Intemet.

It is said that each day tens of millions of people log on the Internet. Sending e-mails is becoming more and more popular.

The Intemet has become the most important part of peoples life.







