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Saturday, sunny weather. Father and mother decided to take me to the Milky Way park to play, I am happy.


Along the way, people more and more crowded car, East latrine station, an old lady on the train, the old granny was packed are a bit shaky. I saw, hurriedly shout grandma come and sit here, I got up and sit with my mother. Grandmother smiled at me and said: "thank you! Children. Then I saw my father and mother smiled at me, as though is that you do! Tianhe Park, inside happy to play most of the day.


This holiday I had a happy!




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I think my teacher got out of bedon the wtong side this afternoon as she hasn’t cries.i went to office saw the boys unhappy.Because the students got their teacher’s goat became they didn’t do their homework..I think this is my teacher unhappy’s cause. Today, I saw a boy ,he played the handset.But didn’t saw the walls so he Rnocked we laugh up our sleeve at he knocked ,but he hurt his norse in the accident, and he was laying it on thick about how painful it was .

It’s also a happy day, isn’t it ?






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Hi, Im Shao Ying. Im going to have a busy Sunday.

In the morning, Im going to the zoo by bike. I want to see the monkeys. Then , Im going to the bookstore. Im going to buy a new English book. In the afternoon, Im going to visit my grandparents with my mom.

It is far, so we are going by bus. In the evening, we are going to watch TV together.

How about you?



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1. 吃一吃,吃遍大江南北好味道,喝一喝,喝出千杯不醉酒量好,笑一笑,笑去工作压力没烦恼,玩一玩,玩出精彩生活步步高。祝你周末乐上加乐,喜上眉梢!

2. 一壶清茶,绵香醇厚;一首老歌,情谊悠悠;一句祝福,伴你左右;一段岁月,天长地久;一群朋友,知心牵手;一条短信,送去问候:周末快乐!

3. 短信是一阵微风,吹醒沉睡的你,提醒你今天周末了,可别睡懒觉哦。快快醒来吧,打起精神,和我一起出去玩,周末没有你,实在没意思。

4. 周末如歌,唱出快乐;周末如诗,写出真谛;周末如画,绘出奇迹。让周末更缤纷,让生活更精彩,祝你周末快乐!

5. 买来幸运水,快乐石和开心粉,按比例混合,插上导火索。点燃引线,扔向了辛苦一周的你,炸飞了你的烦恼与劳累,使你获得幸福与欢乐。祝你周末愉快!

6. 与你相识,某时某地;为你思念,每时每地;给你问候,随时随地。周末到了,把想念编成短信,让心意浓缩在文字里,轻轻问候你:生活快乐,事事如意!

7. 要说什么日子最好,数来数去还是周末好。周末在家当领导,不用担心再迟到,也不用急急忙忙起的早。还有短信祝福少不了,愿你烦恼跑光心情永远好!

8. 周末行走在大街上,无人理会;快乐宅在被窝里,不想出门。当某一天,周末、快乐和你碰面了,从此你们就再也分不开了……一句话,周末你要快乐哟!

9. 在梦乡中把疲惫睡掉,在悠闲中把紧张全抛;在团聚中乐得逍遥,在微笑中收到问好;出去走走,日子无限好,心情超级棒。周末了,去尽情享受幸福的味道吧

10. 周末,让世界有了色彩;周末,让生命值得期待;拉开紧闭的窗帘,追随季节的脚步,找出难得的知音,寻觅幸福的结局。周末啦,愿你幸福快乐!

11. 快乐的周末,开心的周末,让一星期的疲惫随风飘去,让一星期的忙碌随雨流走!留下快乐守护心灵,留下悠闲陪伴左右!周末快乐,整天快乐哦!

12. 周末祝福排仔细,快乐应当属第一,问候接着来报道,牵挂自然少不了,健康跟着排排站,平安到来忘不掉,最后幸福做总结,愿你周末过的好!

13. 周末去偷菜,不吵也不闹。采光你的烦恼叶,装走你的忧愁豆,捕捉你的失败果,摘走你的伤心花,留下忘忧草,放只幸运鸟,伴你周末开怀笑,一生乐逍遥!

14. 有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。周末到来正当时,折下快乐花,丢掉烦恼枝,折下悠闲花,丢掉忙碌枝,折下友情花,丢掉冷漠枝,愿你逍遥永不止。

15. 好心情,送上点;好快乐,添一点;好开心,多一点;好滋味,来一点;好感觉,想一点;好给力,再加点;好幸福,凑齐点。祝你周末高兴点、撒欢点、看见信息愉快点。

16. 走了一周的路,累了吧?上了一周的班,烦了吧?挤了一周的车,瘦了吧?看了一周领导的脸,木了吧?忍了一周工作纪律,炸了吧?周末到了,把身体蜷在窝里享受吧,让心情插上翅膀飞翔吧,祝周末愉快!

17. 当我们敞开心扉迎接另一个心的呼唤时,当我们打开手机让朋友的祝福顺利传递时,快乐将不再遥远。友谊之树需要我们互相联系的浇灌,愿周末愉快。

18. 快乐的周末是你我的心愿,幸福的周末需要我的祝愿,吉祥如意是我的期盼,财源滚滚听从我的呼唤,邪祟妖魔全部流散,愿你周末惊喜不断。

19. 冰激淋融化了夏日的炎热,柠檬汁甜蜜了工作的苦涩;绿茶来清爽,雪碧透心凉;风吹着,发丝飘,雨滴着,伞下恋。祝烂漫又一个周末

20. 不要瞌睡,不要喝醉,总之别太累;不要买贵,不要浪费,总之要实惠;快乐排队,好运紧随,总之心情美;周末悠闲,尽情好睡,总之幸福翻倍。

21. 又到周末,放下工作,发发信息联络联络,吉祥的话对你说说:愿你日子和和美美,心情快快乐乐,工作省心省力,顺风顺水干事业,顺心顺意好生活。

22. 天空累了,放弃了太阳选择了月亮和星星。花儿累了,放弃了美丽选择果实。忙碌了一周的您累了,但愿我的问候能驱除您一周的疲劳!周末愉快开心!

23. 不要认为这条短信发错了,没错就是发给你的,不要总是逃,因为逃不掉,,我让你做梦都能梦见,梦见我对你的祝福,祝你周末愉快!

24. 快乐的周末,就是得过且过。把昨天跳过,把烦恼略过,只要努力过,不必去难过。也笑过,也醉过,自己想过就怎么过。周末了,愿你过得好,好好过。

25. 今天,财神眷着你;快乐跟着你;幸福拉着你;平安牵着你;家人想着你;爱人恋着你;朋友祝福你。祝你周末快乐,心情美丽,生活顺利。

26. 工作繁忙,降降火气!天气变冷,多多穿衣!多吃瓜果,肠道惬意!无聊时候,记得联系!朋友,又是一个周末,忙完了一星期的工作,愿你过得快乐和满意!

27. 时间真快,又到周末,特送祝福,愿你快乐,特送问候,愿你幸福,特送邀请,一起吃饭,特送提醒,别忘带钱,开个玩笑,愿你开心,一起聚聚,增深友情,常常联系,切记切记。

28. 不知不觉周末到,快快乐乐洗个澡,擦上快乐的肥皂,冒出幸福的泡泡,刷去工作的疲劳,冲去生活的烦恼,愿你周末过得无忧无虑乐逍遥!

29. 结束五天忙碌,抛掉心中烦恼,释放精神压力,消除周身疲劳。周末到了,网上泡泡,睡睡懒觉,侃侃聊聊,到处跑跑,多彩生活,开心最好!

30. 周一是精神饱满,周二正常运作,周三是有些疲倦,周四是匍匐前进,周五是满身伤痕,周六是带伤加班,周末是整天睡觉!祝你周末有个好休息!

31. 假如生活可以规划,愿送五天给你,我只留两天,假如生命可以分成,愿送七分给你,我只留三分,如果时间可以分割,愿献出大段留下小点,这个奉献,能不能只把周末留给我!

32. 老婆怀中抱,孩子牵牵手,温馨身边来存留;做顿红烧肉,小酒饮两口,逍遥自在无烦忧;晨起散散步,闲来溜溜狗,快乐心情握在手;祝周末幸福乐悠悠!

33. 周末今天已来到,我的短信来送到。祝你:早晨--起来早,心情--总是好,经常锻炼加小跑,健康始终把你找,我将永远祝你年轻不会老。

34. 热情非常,问候登场。愿你薪水如潮水,不涨停;快乐健康双丰收,收满仓;幸福甜蜜全芬芳,胜花香。又是周末,祝你好运连连,幸福美满。

35. 春季周末生活改革方向:杜绝家宅,提倡交流;拒绝网游,建议春游;放弃烟酒,呼吸自由;少搓麻将,户外多走;沐浴春光,行在周末,乐在其中。

36. 轻轻的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的情,绵绵的情里有我深深的问候,深深的问候随着小小的短信,小小的短信送上我真真的祝福:周末快乐!

37. 风轻扬,花飘香,近来朋友你怎样?鸟欢唱,菜花黄,多多联系若不忙;春日朗,莺燕翔,祝愿朋友财源广;蜂蝶忙,蜜芬芳,祝愿朋友幸福长!周末快乐!

38. 周末的笑容,比周一灿烂,比周二浪漫,比周三新鲜,比周四耐看,比周五自然,周末又到了,愿你的笑容把所有人感染!

39. 亲爱的朋友,周末好!已是深秋了,祝您在这个金色秋季的周末里,心情如秋天的气候般惬意、舒爽;您的事业如秋天的阳光蒸蒸日上!

40. 累了靠在沙发上歇一歇,反正有空间;饿了弄点好菜来尝一尝,反正有时间;闲了打开短信看一看,总之有美好。祝你这个周末欢乐不断



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Speaking of winter, winter is my favourite season, although it was very cold but full of emotional appeal feeling. Standing in a do you think the highest place overlooking hope, you will suddenly feel that the world is so beautiful so fine.

When I was a child, I will only in the winter with my friends to play with snow. For example a snowman ah, I like a snowball fight! This series of play snow method. Every winter grew when I wont go to play with snow filled with childishness, Ill use appreciation vision to enjoy the beautiful snow, occasionally the snow hold it in your hands careful observation of snow is how warm hand in my melting. Again fine point you will feel snow really good beautiful beautiful! Breathtaking dare not to trample. I sometimes find the white snow into the mouth taste it is what taste. Wow! Good cold ah. It melted quickly just on the mouth cape side becomes water, sometimes also want to snow will meet any setbacks, will we do meet with difficulties, then by their own belief the setback and difficult to solve.

Now Im junior middle school second grade students. Time eye passed. Some memories do before regret only alas! Sigh. The snow in winter is still so pure so charming. The snow in winter I like you I think you let all my things away, troubling all my wishes are realized. The snow in winter you really good beautiful beautiful!



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I am Mike, a Chinese boy. I have a plan about next weekend. First I am

going to read magazine on Saturday morning. It’s my favorite. And then I will go

to the zoo with my parents because they have promised me. On Sunday, I will go

to the book store and buy an English book. After that, I have to do some


It’s my weekend plan. And I think it will be wonderful days.



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If winter comes, the leaves on the trees drop light, the north wind whistling, The earth a depression spectacle. The river caked with thick ice. People around scarf wearing gloves, wearing sections of the cotton-padded jacket, but still difficult to resist invasion of cold cold red face.

Winter is a DiShuiChengBing, HaQi into frost season. Winter ferment a silvery dream. Winter girl gift - snowflakes, give children brought joy. Lo, children overcoated some in the skiing, some in snowball fights, some is in a snowman, and still working on the snow, silver-coated world forever stay.

Snowflakes drifting down from the sky slowly, really like pieces of plum flower! Fall on the ground, the white people trample on top, and squeak cheerful singing, like.

I love the winter, the more love beautiful snow. Snow, is also the symbol of winter. Winter if less snow, it can only be called winter, cant call winter. You know why is this? That is because, under burming sun, rain, wind, snow is chun xia qiu dongs messenger. If less angel, people cannot produce a kind of idea: the winter of this year how come so suddenly?

I love the winter, but I more notice its angel - snowflakes. As the saying goes: good harest. Snow lets the farmer uncle smile more splendid. Snow also give children bring unique joy.



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今天,我们乘坐汽车去美丽、舒适的海滨温泉泡温泉,巽寮湾坐快艇,海龟岛看海龟……我高兴极了!其中最令我难忘的是泡温泉。 海滨温泉那儿有一间豪华、漂亮的酒店,那儿有72个温泉,数不胜数,大小不一,有牛奶泉、水上世界、温泉迷宫、沙浴、鱼疗……我进到了海滨温泉,首先映入眼帘的是一个巨大的贝壳和一只海龟,贝壳上还有一颗闪闪发光的珍珠呢!海龟里有一池温泉,墙上写着曹操题的一首诗呢!我还看见一大池的温泉,温泉上还有几张床,床上有几个小洞,洞会喷出水,这样可以按摩。我们还去了沙浴,沙浴是一个很浅的温泉,底下有一颗颗大沙子,把脚埋在沙子里,暖暖的,舒服极了!那儿还有一个大坑,睡上去暖和极了! 我最喜欢的是去玩高空滑梯,高空滑梯上要转好几个圈,它外表是红色的,高约10米,让人看上去感觉十分刺激,冲下来转两个圈,再向下直冲。我顺着小路快速跑上了滑梯,小路弯弯曲曲的,我心里无比兴奋、激动,我们这群孩子争先恐后地跑上去,心想:快点,快点,我一定要第一个玩,谁知我跑在了第二个。我先躺在滑梯上,没过多久,水把我冲了下去,先转了几个弯,又变回了直线,我捂住了鼻子,害怕水冲到鼻子里,接着水就把我快速地冲了下来,我打了一个滚就游上了岸,心想:原来这么刺激,再玩一次。这一次,我不再像第一次那么害怕了,因为我玩过一次,已经适应了,我自信地走上了滑梯,勇敢地躺了下来,慢慢地冲了下去,我的心里一下子高兴起来,我已经不害怕了,真想再玩几次。 第二天,我还去了海龟岛,岛上有很多海龟,海龟有的能活3个世纪呢!他们的寿命比人类长寿好几倍,庞大的海龟有两米多长呢,真令人惊讶!在海龟岛,我们踩着软软的细沙,听着海浪拍打岩石的声音,看着无边无际的大海,感受(本文由搜集整理)着阵阵海风的吹拂,真令人心旷神怡! 我还去了巽寮湾捕鱼、坐快艇……这个周末可真快乐啊!




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My Happy Time 我的快乐时光

Today is Saturday, my father is off work, he doesn’t need to work in the extra hour, so he decides to take me to the park and have a picnic. I play many games in the park, my father is really happy to play games with me. When the sun is almost gone, it is time for us to go home, I am so happy today, I enjoy the time spend with my father.





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There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness)。 Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.






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one of my happiest experiences is celebrating christmas in college.

since im in college, chances are high that there are other foreign students who have no family to celebrate with. So i gathered my friends, classmates and other Christmas-celebrators together and enjoyed the day. i also invited my local friends to join us. It is a great way to share your culture with each other. we hanged beautiful Christmas ornaments from dorm windows. we picked up some large poster board and markers at the bookstore and made signs that read, for example, “Just Say Merry Christmas!” we also taped one sign to dorm windows facing out for everyone to see. as for the celebration at night, everybody showed their talent. some were good at singing. some preferred to dance. i shared my jokes with foreign friends. the effect was good that it aroused a big laugh. but the more interesting thing i found was that some of my classmates didnt give their responses, for they didnt understand it at all.

this is an really unforgetable christmas to me. we all had a big fun on that day.




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高空中,一个 “孙悟空”风筝和一个“飞机”风筝正在比赛。只见“飞机”越飞越高,马上就要超过“孙悟空”了。 “孙悟空”的主人也不甘示弱,不停地放着线轴上的线。这里观看的人很多,个个仰面朝天,说笑着、议论着。

我和爸爸、妈妈也在放风筝。我们放的是 “彩色三角”风筝。在爸爸的指导下,我们的“彩色三角”很快就飞了上去,而且越飞越高。

正当我欣赏着 “彩色三角”时,忽然感到线紧了许多。啊,原来是我的“彩色三角”还要往高飞了。我马上放线。放着放着,手中的线又松了。原来,这是我的 “彩色三角”又在告诉我,它要停下来欣赏一下放风筝的人们。

突然,我的风筝线在抖, “彩色三角”你要干什么?有位小朋友跑过来对我说:“大哥哥,咱们的风筝打架了。”我不解地问:“你怎么知道的?”小朋友就给我讲了起来。后来,在爸爸的帮助下,我和小朋友缠在一起的风筝终于解开了。我的 “彩色三角”又平平稳稳的飞了起来。




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The weekend is coming. I will have a happy weekend.

On Saturday morning, I’m going to do my homework. And then, I’m going out to play. I’m going to the bookstore and read some books. In the evening, I am going to have dinner with my parents outside.

On Sunday morning, I’m going to the library or do my homework. And then, I’m going to listen to music. In the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. I like shopping very much.

This is my happy and busy weekend. Do you like this weekend?



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Im a happy girl.My english name is kitty.are you happy? Im very happy.I have a good friend.Her name is cheng xin ting.She has a pair of big eyes. I like her.

I like english.My birthday is in november. Im a good girl.Im ten years old.Im in class seven grade four. My teachers name is yao hui feng. She is a good teacher!i like her.

What color do you like? I like pink and perple. I want a rabbit for my birthday. I like to eat hambuger. I like to go to shool.

I have a good mother. I have a good father.

Oh, no! Im hugry! "mumy! Im hugry!"

good bye!









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Every day looking forward to the “61” Children has finally come.

Morning, 5:30 on my . My mothers face cream first serious个true face wash, and then red comb black comb Liangliang the braids, in a flower on the top bar.draw good makeup, I look at themselves in the mirror left-right look, feel really good, they turned to the school run. As if my joy will not walk, do not know how I went to school from home.

Went to school, teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate “61” Children of the huge banner, banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent. We will be here to celebrate “61” International Childrens Day.

Renqing “61” event at the thunderous applause began. First, school leaders give excellent Shaoxian squadron and outstanding young pioneers, “ten juvenile Flower”, “to help learn flower” were presented with awards in recognition of advanced, next is our childrens talent show, performances.

The first one-year program are the children as “61” section of the clapping song rehearsal. Only a small lively Student beautiful, full of energy ahead. Liang opened their voice to sing hard, hard shot with open hands, small hands beat red. The second program is the sixth grade, Big Brothers and Big Sisters performing chorus. They lined up a huge team, bright open -like voice, singing, crying to celebrate “61.” At the time singing, laughter, applause, music passed fast. The play has been our fifth grade. We must use the joy of dance to celebrate “61.” Standing on the platform, I do not know how good my jump, but I saw the audience of teachers and classmates are looking at our laughter towards our applause. After the U.S. dance , Xu sweet for everyone classmates sang “Solar Rain” theme song, her sweet voice with their own resounding solo to celebrate “61.” Turn to instrumental performances, and we took to go blowing clarinet Units, tracks are “painting the Carpenter”, “cowboy”, “Spring has.” Dozens of students stood on stage together blowing, sound filled the campus, applause reverberated in the campus, smiling at his face in full bloom.

How time flies! Unconsciously program finished performing, but our hearts are still immersed in the joy of holiday in a long time should not calm.

Back home, turn on the TV I watch to celebrate “61” Highlights of the event. Original country, children all over the world with us as excited as joy, as happy, because today is the U.S. holiday, are “61” International Children ah!



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I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents and my brothers. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold. This was last weekend.
