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妈妈在紧张的学习之余对我的教育也从不松懈。有一次,我被美术班的好友误解,斗气,不说话了。回到家中,我大哭了一场,妈妈关切的问:“宝贝,怎么了?遇到什么事了吗?”我边哭边向妈妈讲述了 事情的经过。妈妈仔细听完后,爱抚的摸着我的头,说:“孩子,人活在世上,哪有一帆风顺的?被别人误解后,笑一笑就过去了,不要太计较。还记得妈妈曾告诉你‘得饶人处且饶人,退一步海阔天空’。面对别人的误解,没有必要改变他们或者自己的观点。只要你保持自己的自信,坚持自己的原则,并能够给对方留住尊严,才是真真的智者”。听了妈妈的话,我的心中豁然开朗。我微笑着点点头回答说:“妈妈,我明白了,人与人相处要宽容、要友善。”




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Spring is full of hope of planting, summer is full of management of fatigue, and autumn, it is full of the joy of harvest. Then in this joyful autumn I will carry the autumn yearning and curiosity, came to the grandfathers home orchard.

As soon as you enter the orchard, the aroma of the various fruits is blowing. And then saw an apple opened a smiling face covered with branches, it is a lovable. Take off one, bite, thin chew, a sweet taste will be in my heart. The wind blows, the sound of the rustling of the leaves and the sound of the streams that hit the rocks, and the play is a wonderful symphony. So that people relaxed and happy, deeply intoxicated.

Along the meandering path, go inside, one persimmon will be reflected in my eyes, so I was surprised and happy. This heavy persimmon one by one bending the branches, three clusters, five together to hold together, very cute. There is a pond next to the persimmon woods. The pond reflects the persimmon tree, it is a wonderful landscape painting. People met immediately fell in love with it, here linger.

Into the depths of the orchard, a pear will be it covered with "freckles" little face so that you love it. A little look, the tree parked a few birds, twittering cried, it seems to say: this years harvest can be really good, you see, that apple, that persimmon, that pear, one by one will be a big tree mother pressure Breathe. This is the farmer uncle hard labor in exchange for.

This is the autumn orchard, a farmer uncle with hard and sweat watering orchards.



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There is a saying, A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood . I just had my eighteen years birthday. It s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now. My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind. I have become much more mature. I don t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study. I start considering my future. I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me. I know I should filial my parents. What s more, I don t bully my younger sister and brother any more. I have changed a lot, because I have grown up.

俗话说, 女大十八变 。我刚刚过完我的十八岁生日。我肯定是变得更美了。我最大的改变不是在外貌上而是在思想上。我变得更加的成熟。我不再总是想着去玩而是把注意力放在学习上。我开始思考我的未来。我尽量不和父母吵架,因为我知道他们所做的都是为了我。我懂得了要孝顺父母。更重要的是,我不再欺负我的弟弟和妹妹了。我变了很多,因为我已经长大了。




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I love small animals, but my favorite is my little cat.

Small cat with a black and white hair, its hair is very smooth, very beautiful. It is round face, relied on a pair of like childlike eyes, a pair of triangular ears up vertical, it is very clever. It also has a long, upwardly rolled tail, four white and sharp claws.

Little cat is like fish. So I often buy fish for it to eat. I remember once, my mother bought a few fish, I put one of the fish head and fish tail to the small cat. I thought: this little cat should be able to eat it! So, I put the other fish on the table not enough time to cover, can not wait to run out of play.

When I came back, I saw the little cat eating the fish with relish, and I thought: ah! I have just gone out to play these fish have not yet covered, and now eat the cat. I just raised my stick and wanted to hit it, the little cat met, ran away, he ran and looked at me with my eyes, and wanted to say, "Little master, I am wrong! Please forgive me!"

I put down the stick, quickly ran to the cat in front, touched its head, gently said to it: "After the may not be so!" Little cat heard, like to understand my words, "meow, meow, Meow "called up.

Small cat cat and mouse is also very powerful. I remember once, I was dedicated to the work in the room. Suddenly, a mouse did not know where to jump out. I "ah!" Called up. Small cat came over and saw the mouse, it quickly went to catch the mouse. After a while, I saw the little cat who had caught the mouse, and he was eating with a jealousy! I walked over and said, "Little cat, you are awesome!

Little cat brings my life to infinite joy, I like it!



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外貌描写,又叫肖像描写,它是指对人物的外貌、情态、姿态、服饰等 的描写。以下是人物描写外貌的词语,欢迎阅读。

● 苗条 丰满 丰腴 魁梧 结实 强壮 匀称 标致 精悍 短小 粗实 粗犷 笨重 消瘦 细挑 富态 富相 臃肿 干瘪 丽质 黑瘦 彪壮 强健 刚健 单薄 憔悴 纤弱

● 虎背熊腰 阔背圆腰 虎背龙腰 熊腰虎背 蜂腰龙背 腰圆背厚 虎体熊腰 高大魁伟 彪焊体壮 结实匀称 修长挺拔 矮小精悍 钢筋铁骨 秀美标致 轻盈窈窕 老态龙钟 弱不禁风 身躯凛凛 身高马大 体壮力大 体壮如牛 身形纤弱 亭亭玉立 身粗似瓮 体态轻盈 体健筋强 高头大马 五大三粗 短小精悍 英姿飒爽 气宇轩昂 肥头大耳 肥头胖脑 体态丰盈 枯瘦身材 身段窈窕 体态婀娜 身姿矫健 袅袅娜娜 身材矮小 身材苗条 身材丰腴 体态轻盈 佝偻着身子 身强力壮 腰板挺直 身材高挑


● 白净 红润 苍白 灰白 清瘦 憔悴 俏丽 端庄 秀丽 文静 俊美

英俊 严峻 动人 妩媚 可爱 慈祥 羞红 面孔 玉面 蜡黄

● 红扑扑 胖乎乎 粉嘟嘟 黑黝黝 鸭蛋脸 枣红脸 粉红脸 瓜子脸 冬瓜脸 猴子脸 古铜面 苹果脸 娃娃脸 长方脸 四方脸

● 一脸稚气 脸色如蜡 面若鹅卵 面若银盘 面如土色 面红耳赤 面不改色 面容俊俏 面容憔悴 面容刚毅 面目可憎 面如满月 面白如玉 平头正脸 脸庞清秀 脸色红润 脸色白皙 面白唇红 面如晚霞 面似红火 满脸皱纹 满脸雀斑 满面春风 满面红光 满面笑容 粉红含春 笑脸相迎 皮泡脸肿 青面獠牙 两颊绯红 颧骨高耸 黑里透红 涂脂抹粉 酒窝迷人 笑厣动人 轮廓分明 面面相觑 油头粉面 方面大耳 广额方颐 气色红润 容光焕发 酒窝深陷 白净柔嫩 春风满面 神采飞扬 神采奕奕 喜笑颜开 和颜悦色 喜形于色 面黄肌瘦 愁云满面 面如银盘 阔脸暴腮 两腮圆润 面容丰腴 满脸横肉 皱纹纵横 皱纹密布 刻满皱纹 饱经风霜 满目清秀 杏脸桃腮 愁眉苦脸 嬉皮笑脸 面如桃花 面如土色

● 脸“刷”地一下白了 脸“腾”地一下红了


● 鬓角 卷发 银发 鹤发 刘海 辫子 发辫 乌黑 乌亮 整齐 凌乱 蓬松 脏乱 细柔 粗硬 竖直 蓬松 乌润 稀疏 柔软

● 披肩发 羊角辫 蝴蝶髻 学生发 刘海儿 刺猬头

● 白发如银 白发斑斑 鹤发童颜 长辫垂胸 乌黑油亮 云鬓高耸 乌发如云 两鬓苍苍 白发如霜 留着背头 蓄着分头 剪着平头 自然卷发 滑腻柔软 油亮光洁 蓬蓬松松 刘海齐眉 稀稀疏疏 白发苍苍


● 凤眼 媚眼 杏眼 斜眼 美目 俊目 秀目 朗目 星眸 失望 慈祥 敏锐 呆滞 凝视 眺望 慧眼 秋波 明亮 温柔 赞许 狡诈 专注 深邃 浑浊 关切 坚定 明亮 凶狠

● 肿泡眼 老花眼 金鱼眼 蛤蟆眼 细眯眼 眯缝眼 斜视眼 斗鸡眼 青光眼 杏儿眼 丹凤眼 水汪汪 圆溜溜 滴溜溜 乌溜溜 古碌碌 直勾勾

● 双目似箭 双目传神 两眼如灯 两眼发呆 两眼放光 睛若秋波 眼若流星 眸清似水 凤眼流盼 碧眼盈波 眼睛贼亮 眼花缭乱 侧目而视 顾盼生神 睡眼惺忪 贼眉鼠眼 浓眉打眼 柳眉杏眼 龙眉凤眼 慈眉笑眼 横眉冷眼 金刚怒目 獐头鼠目 老眼昏花 慈眉秀目 秀目黛眉 眉蔬目朗 明眸秀眉 火眼金睛 黑亮亮的 水晶晶的 水灵灵的 水汪汪的 圆溜溜的 滴溜溜的 乌溜溜的 盈盈秋水 清澈明亮 乌黑有神 深沉睿智 深不可测 深邃犀利 目光深邃 眉青目秀 炯炯有神 忽闪忽闪 布满血丝

● 会说话的眼睛 眼睛眯成一条缝


● 挺直 小巧 秀美 微翘

● 狮子鼻 酒糟鼻 蒜头鼻 塌鼻梁 鹰钩鼻 朝天鼻 高鼻梁 尖尖的

● 鼻似弯钩 挺鼻如峰 鼻子端正 鼻子扁阔 鼻子粗短 鼻尖扁平 鼻头微勾 鼻孔饱满 鼻孔朝天 鼻青脸肿 鼻歪脸肿 端庄秀丽 细巧挺秀 端正阔大 拱梁大鼻 鼻梁挺直 鼻直口方 宽鼻阔嘴

● 又扁又平的鼻子 又高又直的鼻子



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Wearing winter clothes, bathing winter rain, with a strange feeling can not tell. Although the falling rain bead mixed with the cold wind gives a feeling of cold, but it rushed to the earth a happy new year bath, to meet the New Years coming. But also reflects the atmosphere of the winter.

Walking on the road, and the raindrops hit the crack on the crack, so I remembered the summer wearing a raincoat umbrella scene. Suddenly look back, everything as old The swaying of the wind swiftly reminds me that it is winter! All the creatures of the earth are beginning to hibernate. The rain in the winter is like a pearl sprinkled on the earth, and the careful observation of the dense raindrops will make you dazzled and dizzying.

Look up and wait and see you will find the rain racing scrambling to fall from the top down, and some quietly lying in the grass, like a crystal clear and shiny shining light; some directly falling on the tree, like a Precious stones to help it dressed beautifully to meet the coming of the New Year; some fall into the thirsty river and lake, for their quench their thirst, like a mother to feed their own son, so timely. Suddenly, blowing waves of wind, feeling waves of cold but the heart is so sweet, because we immediately have to New Year friends.

The rain has been under, it seems to let people review the winter atmosphere. After the rain the earth is more like bathing New Years weather, the air is more clean fresh, clean up the dust, but also sober people impetuous heart.



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My family has a small rabbit, looks very cute. It is white, snow in the winter when it is like a pile of white snow, it is also a long head on the long ears. The best look, or it is the fiery red eyes, like two red ruby ruby.

Every day after school, I went to the fields to pull it to eat or to the market to buy carrots to eat it, whenever I put the tender green grass in front of it, it first smell with the nose, and then look at me, and finally, It is assured to chew up, it is like eating, really lovable!

Later, I put the white rabbit into the "its room". After a while, I came to the white rabbit did not sleep, did not expect, white rabbit lying in the nest motionless, I thought it was dead, to be afraid to call my mother, my mother came over and looked and said: "Really fuss, little white rabbit is sleeping." Suddenly, my face becomes red and thought, I thought: I must learn the basic knowledge of rabbits.

The personality of the white rabbit is gentle. Start, I and it is also a little strange, but not a few days, then I became a good friend. Usually, I often train it to understand what I said, now the white rabbit to me can understand a lot of words.

Little rabbit gave my life a lot of joy, I really like it!



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Grandpa left, winter spring sister with lightsome pace, quietly came to the earth.

The earth all things recovery, the language of flowers, showing a faction vibrant look.

Today, you see, the swallows fly freely in the sky. Poplar like a stick to the frontier guard, through the cold winter, is still strong to stand there. Today, they take out new branches, buds grow rice. The wicker on the Banks of the river, like a girls hair, floating in the spring breeze.

Spring breeze gently blowing the earth, the grass quietly leaned out from the ground up needlepoint, small head and also against the water from the point of dew of fluff, in the backdrop of the sun, like a flash of mercury.

The spring wind is gentle, blow on the face, is so comfortable, so happy, like a mothers hand touch on the face.

In the sky, how is the colorful, make a person dazzling? Ah, the original children in the kite. Under the blue sky white clouds, all kinds of kites in floating freely, flying, how make the person find the scenery pleasing to both the sight!

In spring, let us seize this brief in the spring, do every thing!










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On Friday afternoon, just came home. A new bike will appear in front of my eyes. It has a blue car, opel brand... I am busy ran upstairs and ask a mother: "here whose is that bicycle?" Mother said: "is a newly bought for you! You see small children younger than you can ride a bicycle, you dont, you also learn quickly!" I am very excited, quickly ran downstairs, try to ride. Cant so good ride a bicycle, riding a fall. I am very frustrated, its time to eat dinner I didnt go upstairs. At this moment I have already fell the was black and blue all over, like the loss of the soldiers. Mother gave me with iodine. I huddled said to mother: "I never dont want to ride a bike!" Mother said: "a la hora, silly child, what is this failure, as long as insist, difficulties can be overcome, ride a bike!"

The second day, my mother and I go to ride a bike, but I always want her to hold me. On one occasion, I asked my mother to hold the no. The mother replied: "help!" I am a ride, wow! Is not difficult to ride! Then I looked back mother, she was not behind me, so I learned to ride a bicycle.

So I insist again rectified, skilled I have been able to ride a bike, now Im a famous player or the neighbourhood!

Through this matter, I know that as long as adhere to overcome the difficulties, everything is not difficult.







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Lijiang, an ancient town of Yunnan Province, is one of the most famous tourist destinations. Its pace of life is slower than that of most cities of China. There are many natural beauties everywhere in Lijiang and many ethnical minorities provide tourists with a great variety of cultural experience. Lijiang is also well-known as the "city of love" in history. Many stories about life and dying for love have spreaded widely among the locals. Nowadays, for tourists home and abroad, the ancient town is regarded as a paradise of love and romance.




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In the corner of my living room, stood a small fish tank. Fish tank four or four square, four walls like a trapped that goldfish. Fish tank is very small, can only accommodate two small goldfish. Since the other goldfish died, the rest of the goldfish no partner.

My family sometimes changed water for goldfish, but many times forgot to feed it, but it never starved to death. Although I rarely see it, but every time I see it, it is still very pleasant to swim. Sometimes, it saw me, more in the water with the tail, as if very happy.

One night I could not sleep, out of the living room to find something dry, but pay attention to the fish that fish. It swim alone, never stopped. This goldfish, even in such a harsh environment without any biological friends companion, lack of food, may not be sufficient space for the event. But also feel that this is a miracle: it is always healthy and happy to live. Small goldfish have succumbed to all the factors that are detrimental to it, the requirements of the living environment is just a box of water.

If this goldfish compared to people, perhaps, it is a poor, livelihood is enough to make ends meet, but he is still optimistic to live. Maybe he will look forward to the future, and the world really have such a person. Now, the society is rapidly changing, willpower weaker can not stand the changes in society, so self-mutilation reported when heard. Do not we even a goldfish is not it?

Work in this society, in addition to stress wisdom, but also need enough resilience - who knows you will not be demoted, deducted artificial, or even dismissed? As the goldfish, the harsh environment is not the same The most important thing is, how will you go to face if everyone is faced with difficulties and obstacles. Can think of the spirit of the goldfish, social negative emotions can be greatly reduced. Can everyone smile to face adversity, is not it more effective than escape?



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Two years ago, my father asked me if I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. I said No at once because I didn’t like this job at all. But now, I change my mind. A month ago I went to see the doctor.

I found that many doctors weren’t careful enough to look over the patients. They liked to give the patients the most expensive medicine. I was very angry. So I make up my mind to be a doctor in the future. Doing this is very rewarding because it can help save people’s lives and make people healthy. My grandma died of cancer.

I want to heal people who have cancer. Now we have no ideas and no good medicine to heal those people. Cancer makes many people lose their lives, makes their relatives cry hard and spends much money. So I will work hard from now on. I wish I could work out this difficult problem with other friends.




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The Spring Festival make me happy, why? Let me tell you!

I got up early in the morning, because today is the Spring Festival, after breakfast we went to worship, but I go to the store to buy, buy the gun went to worship, I havent idea to worship the sight of the gun, just want to play. A few people to I lost a few matches, scared me dead. Some adults take "red" heaven and earth to put, when it finished, Im a brainwave, buried the gun in red below the "red" heaven and earth, they just came up and gun blast, they like me, very embarrassed.

At noon, I was still in play, they put out the gun, I have a box also quickly put out, I put a gun in the box and dropped to the ground, they thought I must have dropped, rushed over to pick up, the result didnt pick up to blast, they shocked.

I just down for a while, suddenly left off, because they buy a gun back to play again, I ran out of the gun, they keep a man in the doorway, others throw the gun to me. I dodged their attack, and want to buy a gun, but also want to eat lunch, so I didnt go home.

Next time, I want to be with their game 1

The innocent and happy Spring Festival, hope I also like the Spring Festival happiness, hope you also like me happy, also very happy, and happy.









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the snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. 蛇是一种又长又瘦的动物,生活在草丛里和阴暗的地方、a snake has no legs or feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach.蛇没有腿和脚,靠胃部飞快的移动前进。 snakes usually have green,

yellow or black skins, which make them difficult for their enemies to find them. 蛇常常有绿色,黄色和黑色的皮肤,使得敌人很难找到他们。some kinds of snakes live in water. they can swim as freely as fish.有些蛇生活在水里,他们能像鱼一样飞速的游移。

snakes are cold-blooded animals. in winter they hibernatein holes which are narrow enough only to hold the snakes bodies. the snakes can sleep through a whole winter without eating and moving. they can not feel any pain. the hibernation period lasts about five months. when spring comes, the snakes come out and begin their normal life. snakes can take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows,

frogs,birds eggs, pests and so on. people sometimes can see a snake eat a sparrow. first it moves close to the sparrow, then it puts out its tongue and brings the sparrow into its mouth and swallows it, which makes a lump in the snakes body. after some time the lump disappears.

as snakes are dreadful-looking, people are afraid of them. many people drive them away whenever they see snakes. but in chinese fairy tales, snakes are by no means bad. they seem to have human feelings.

they can change into pretty girls. people like and respect them. the most well-known is the story about the white snake and the blue snake. in fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. they can help us to kill mice and pests. they can provide us with delicious meat. their blood is a good drink. poisonous snakes are especially useful. we can make valuable drugs with them.




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Some people like the spring blooming, thriving spring, some people like the summer sunny, some people like autumn snow, cold bitter winter, and I like the rain, the wind to send cool autumn. Autumn, like a shy little girl gently floated. Although the autumn scenery so beautiful, but the autumn orchard more colorful.

Into the orchard, greeted the scene is a bumper harvest. You see, there is a persimmon tree over there, red like a fire, like a lantern hanging in the branches, attracted many small butterflies in these "lanterns" next to singing and dancing, as if together with the farmers to share the joy of harvest. Look at this side, a grape crystal translucent, purple with bright, round and lovely, like a piece of agate, but also like a purple pearl.

Look, the left side of a row of golden orange trees, one by one like a small star in the orchard of a corner of the shine. On the right side of the orchard, rows of yellow pear trees stood there. Pear varieties are many, pear, pear, rocky pear. Do not taste, a look to know the taste must be sweet and delicious.

In the middle of the orchard, there are pomegranate trees and jujube trees. Jujube is full of many dates, one by one like a red pearl. The pomegranate tree is full of many red pomegranates and there are many pomegranates laughing and revealing the rosy teeth.

Autumn orchard is really colorful, beautiful ah! I hope you have the opportunity to go to a detailed tour.



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My teacher is very strict, also is very nice. Because of the strict teacher, let we learned to strict with myself. Because of the teachers kindness, let us feel warm, let the knowledge we learned several not over.

My teacher looks very strict, but very kind at heart, she kind of eternity like waves, will not change. As bright as the sun, her eyes filled with wisdom, laugh very natural, very nice. Her mind is the source of wisdom, ask the teacher shell answer out wonderful answer, led we came to the sea of knowledge, with the wisdom of key to open the doors of magic, share knowledge, discuss problems together.
