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The autumn girl drove the summer heat of the summer heat, and brought the cool autumn.

Autumn girl ran into the orchard with her wand a little, the orchard faction of the scene. Mature grapes like a string of crystal clear agate, looks like a mouth-watering, taste a grape in the mouth of the sweet juice in the mouth aftertaste infinite, really people eat a want to eat the second and third Stars. Orchard in the orchard fire red, like a group of burning fire is burning. I could not help it temptation to take off a red hawthorn taste, sour me. I think this hawthorn is really looking good, but eating is really not delicious ah I can no longer be confused by the appearance of the future. Orchard jujube also one by one hanging on the branches, picked down a large and red dates, a taste of sweet and delicious, sweet and crisp very delicious.

The orchard of the persimmon one by one to the branches bent to the waist, one of the Huang Chengcheng persimmon is like a hanging in the branches of a small lantern. I taste really amazing, it is very sweet taste, like sugar as sweet, very delicious really want to eat one. Pomegranate in the orchard is also cooked, one by one grinned his mouth, inside the fruit is like a piece of ruby. In the mouth of a bite rotten, sweet juice to spray out, sweet and sour, very delicious.

Autumn orchard is really a good harvest season it!




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a、外貌 骨瘦如柴、面黄肌瘦、仪表堂堂、眉清目秀、慈眉善目、虎背熊腰、 蓬头垢面

b、体态  落落大方、亭亭玉立、弱不禁风、 文质彬彬、威风凛凛、老态龙钟、大腹便便

c、神态 全神贯注、兴高采烈、没精打采、和颜悦色、炯炯有神、神采奕奕、笑逐颜开

d、动作  昂首阔步、蹑手蹑脚、手忙脚乱、左顾右盼、东张西望、捶胸顿足、手舞足蹈、


e、内心活动  喜悦:心花怒放、 喜出望外、 欣喜若狂、喜笑颜开 、欢天喜地 、喜气洋洋

害怕:忐忑不安、 惊慌失措、心惊肉跳、 心惊胆寒、 心神不定、惴惴不安、 心猿意马、 心慌意乱、 七上八下


左顾右盼、 瞻前顾后 、 举世瞩目、 东张西望、 望而生畏、一视同仁、

一览无余 、高瞻远瞩、 坐井观天、左顾右盼


深谋远虑、千方百计、 绞尽脑汁、 浮想联翩 、思绪万千 、想入非非

苦苦地想(苦思冥想)、/想得周全(深思熟虑) 想得混乱(胡思乱想)/

想得很多(左思右想) 想得荒唐(痴心妄想)/想得离奇(异想天开) 想了又想(朝思暮想)


口若悬河、滔滔不绝 、谈笑风生、娓娓道来、絮絮叨叨、高谈阔论、夸夸其谈、对答如流

i、表示“走、跑”意思的成语。  背道而驰 、并驾齐驱、 抱头鼠窜、健步如飞、落荒而逃、 龙腾虎跃、 溜之大吉、趋之若鹜 、逃之夭夭 、远走高飞、走马观花

j、 描写英雄人物品质的四字词语  气壮山河、奋不顾身、顶天立地、临危不惧、仰不愧天、力挽狂澜、光明磊落、身先士卒、智勇双全、视死如归

k、描写人物品质的四字词语  舍己为人、不屈不挠、肝胆相照 、大公无私、克己奉公、严于律己、表里如一、忠心耿耿、高风亮节、堂堂正正、廉洁奉公、鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已

l、含有人体器官的四字词语  目瞪口呆/ 头重脚轻/ 口是心非/手疾眼快/ 手疾眼快/ 耳闻目睹/眉清目秀/焦头烂额/提心吊胆/扬眉吐气/胸有成竹/眼疾手快/肺俯之言/嗤之以鼻/大腹便便/耳濡目染/摩拳擦掌/尖嘴猴腮/脚踏实地/趾高气扬/唇枪舌战/面不改色/肝胆相照/昂首挺胸/劈头盖脸/皮开肉绽/唇亡齿寒/捉襟见肘

m、 描写友情的四字词语  推心置腹/ 肝胆相照/ 情同手足/志同道合 /风雨同舟/ 荣辱与共 / 亲密无间 / 形影不离/ 朝夕相处

n、 描写人多的四字词语  人山人海、 摩肩接踵 、车水马龙、络绎不绝 、 成千上万、不计其数、 川流不息、门庭若市、水泄不通、人声鼎沸、 座无虚席 、高朋满座、人才济济、千军万马

o、 含“手”的四字词语  形容极为兴奋:手舞足蹈 形容情谊深如兄弟:情同手足 形容医术高明:妙手回春 形容做事机警、敏捷:眼疾手快 形容重归于好:握手言和形容心思灵敏、手艺精巧:心灵手巧 形容十分喜爱:爱不释手形容技艺娴熟或做事顺手:手到擒来

p、 关于读书、学习的四字词语  坚持不懈、持之以恒、锲而不舍、绳锯木断、水滴石穿、专心致志、目不转睛、聚精会神、全神贯注、才高八斗、废寝忘食、悬梁刺股、凿壁借光、囊萤映雪、通宵达旦、孜孜不倦 学而不厌篇一:描写人物的四字词语分类 四字词语分类


a、外貌  骨瘦如柴、面黄肌瘦、仪表堂堂、眉清目秀、慈眉善目、虎背熊腰、 蓬头垢面

b、体态  落落大方、亭亭玉立、弱不禁风、 文质彬彬、威风凛凛、老态龙钟、大腹便便

c、神态  全神贯注、兴高采烈、没精打采、和颜悦色、炯炯有神、神采奕奕、笑逐颜开

d、动作  昂首阔步、蹑手蹑脚、手忙脚乱、左顾右盼、东张西望、捶胸顿足、手舞足蹈、抓耳挠腮、摇头晃脑、昂首挺胸、前俯后仰

e、内心活动  喜悦:心花怒放、 喜出望外、 欣喜若狂、喜笑颜开 、欢天喜地 、喜气洋洋  害怕:忐忑不安、 惊慌失措、心惊肉跳、 心惊胆寒、 心神不定、惴惴不安、 心猿意马、 心慌意乱、 七上八下

f、表示“看”的意思的四字词语。  左顾右盼、 瞻前顾后 、 举世瞩目、 东张西望、 望而生畏、一视同仁、一览无余 、高瞻远瞩、 坐井观天、左顾右盼

g、表示“想”的意思的四字词语。  深谋远虑、千方百计、 绞尽脑汁、 浮想联翩 、思绪万千 、想入非非 苦苦地想(苦思冥想)、/想得周全(深思熟虑) 想得混乱(胡思乱想)/想得很多(左思右想) 想得荒唐(痴心妄想)/想得离奇(异想天开) 想了又想(朝思暮想)

h、表示“说”的意思的四字词语。  口若悬河、滔滔不绝 、谈笑风生、娓娓道来、絮絮叨叨、高谈阔论、夸夸其谈、对答如流

i、表示“走、跑”意思的成语。  背道而驰 、并驾齐驱、 抱头鼠窜、健步如飞、落荒而逃、 龙腾虎跃、 溜之大吉、趋之若鹜 、逃之夭夭 、远走高飞、走马观花

j、 描写英雄人物品质的四字词语  气壮山河、奋不顾身、顶天立地、临危不惧、仰不愧天、力挽狂澜、光明磊落、身先士卒、智勇双全、视死如归

k、描写人物品质的四字词语  舍己为人、不屈不挠、肝胆相照 、大公无私、克己奉公、严于律己、表里如一、忠心耿耿、高风亮节、堂堂正正、廉洁奉公、鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已

l、含有人体器官的四字词语  目瞪口呆/ 头重脚轻/ 口是心非/手疾眼快/ 手疾眼快/ 耳闻目睹/眉清目秀/焦头烂额/提心吊胆/扬眉吐气/胸有成竹/眼疾手快/肺俯之言/嗤之以鼻/大腹便便/耳濡目染/摩拳擦掌/尖嘴猴腮/脚踏实地/趾高气扬/唇枪舌战/面不改色/肝胆相照/昂首挺胸/劈头盖脸/皮开肉绽/唇亡齿寒/捉襟见肘

m、 描写友情的四字词语  推心置腹/ 肝胆相照/ 情同手足/志同道合 /风雨同舟/ 荣辱与共 / 亲密无间 / 形影不离/ 朝夕相处

n、 描写人多的四字词语  人山人海、 摩肩接踵 、车水马龙、络绎不绝 、 成千上万、不计其数、 川流不息、门庭若市、水泄不通、人声鼎沸、 座无虚席 、高朋满座、人才济济、千军万马

o、 含“手”的四字词语  形容极为兴奋:手舞足蹈 形容情谊深如兄弟:情同手足 形容医术高明:妙手回春 形容做事机警、敏捷:眼疾手快 形容重归于好:握手言和形容心思灵敏、手艺精巧:心灵手巧 形容十分喜爱:爱不释手形容技艺娴熟或做事顺手:手到擒来

p、 关于读书、学习的四字词语  坚持不懈、持之以恒、锲而不舍、绳锯木断、水滴石穿、专心致志、目不转睛、聚精会神、全神贯注、才高八斗、废寝忘食、悬梁刺股、凿壁借光、囊萤映雪、通宵达旦、孜孜不倦 学而不厌



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I have a loving kitten around me. I liked it, my mom and dad liked it too.

Its head flat, a pair of sharp and flexible big eyes, will shine at night, even a small mouse can not escape its vision. There is a sweet mouth, his mouth has four small teeth, a smile will be exposed. Mouth and a beard, used to measure the size of the hole. I gave it a name called "yellow".

One day, I just returned to the door, yellow heard the sound of the door, immediately went to me where I clamor "meow meow" to call, as if to say: "little master, you finally come back, I really want You oh. "When I do not do business, when doing something else,

It is in the "meow meow" barking, as if to remind me to seriously do homework. My kittens brought me a lot of happiness, my good friend, I love my kitten.



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我的妈妈今年已经有三十七了,她长着一头乌黑光亮的长发,她还长着大大的眼睛, 。妈妈不仅外貌美,她的内心更美。

记得去年有一次我晚上发了高烧。 。妈妈从家里着急地 “飞奔”到医院,带我去医院看病。看完病后妈妈就一直在我身边直到我的病差不多好的时候才回家休息。那时已经夜里2点多了。还有一个寒冷的冬天,我从学校里出来,那时我的两只手冻得通红,我看见妈妈那着两幅儿童手套在门口站着,我高兴得赶紧过去接,可当我触到妈妈的手时,妈妈的手是那么冰凉,我突然说了一句:“妈妈你戴吧!”“我的手不冷”妈妈说,可我知道妈妈的内心很想戴,可是怕我冻着才留给了我。 我的妈妈手也很巧!记得一个寒冷的冬天,妈妈去买了两卷黄色的毛线为我打毛衣,不到一个星期就打好了,我穿着妈妈打得毛衣穿在身上暖和和的,想到这里我内心感到一阵愧疚,毛衣是妈妈几天几夜织成的,我那什么来报答妈妈?就那学习成绩,我以往成绩并不好,可是从今天起我要好好学习那好的成绩来报答妈妈!




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Winter morning is sometimes good, sometimes bad, really make people wonder.

It makes me know what the cold and windy, let me know the taste of the knife, but it is sometimes good.

Open the window in the morning and found the earth covered with a thick layer of white cotton blanket, bare tree also put on a white clothes, from afar, beautiful ah! Ran out, playing in the snow two roll, Kick a few feet, race a few times to run, catch a few times to hide, playing a few snow battle, heap a few snowman. Ah, really happy!

Into the foot of the forest, the forest is not a spring of vitality, but I believe that the spring will come. Climbed to the mountainside, has been about to see the end of the town. At this time, the town has been a pair of white hands to protect. Climbed to the top of the hill, the sun has been from the horizon, struggling out. At this time, found the town is so cute, surrounded by several hills to help the town against the cold wind.

My favorite winter snow. Snow is the beauty of beauty: powder makeup jade puzzle, snow vast. In the morning, open the doors and windows: a tree tree with a long blossoming pear. This reminds me of the "Suddenly the night of the spring, thousands of trees million pear tree open."

In this morning full of infinite dreams, I understand that people simply so easy. Winter morning beauty, with us to enjoy. Winter in the context of nature, enjoy blooming with their own grace, for our lives add infinite vitality and vitality.



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The wind of autumn is not as hot as summer, not as cold as winter. Autumn wind is pleasant, cool, colorful, very, very lovable.

Autumn wind came to the field, gently blowing, rice sea turned the golden waves, sorghum lifted the burning torch.

Autumn wind happy to go to the orchard, picked up a fan, the apple exposed red cheeks, pear trees hanging golden lanterns, grapes put on a purple coat, beautiful!

Autumn wind can be funny. She quietly came to the garden, the garden of the sweet-scented osmanthus opened, a touch of fragrance fragrant, ten miles can smell it! Garden chrysanthemum contests, purple, white, pink ... ... colorful The

Autumn wind jumped to a small river, she was hard to blow, golden leaves have to leave the arms of the mothers arms. So many leaves like a flying butterfly, fell into the river. The fish in the river put a piece of leaves as a parasol. Some small ants to move the winter food on the leaves, sit on the small. Autumn wind blowing, along the river back to the distant home ... ...

I love both cool and pleasant autumn wind!



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In the wonderful kingdom of birds, there are all kinds of birds, some are plump, some are small and delicate, some birds even talk to the scholars! Among them, my favorite is the beautiful peacock.

In the zoo, the peacock like a big star, watch a lot of a lot of it, because every time the tail, its sparkling tails just like the colorful fan, pleasing, and enjoy them.

Tell you, in fact, the peacock is to protect themselves, when it met the enemy and had no time to escape, then open your tail, rustle, like eyes, decorative pattern is moved, the enemy to see the "monster" many eyes also dare not move forward.

On one occasion, my mother took me to the zoo, I immediately ran to the outside of the peacocks cage, waiting for it to the tail, because the weather is too hot, I involuntarily to bright little handkerchief to wipe the sweat, the peacock saw small handkerchief, unfolds in a minute. Surprised and surprised, I asked my mother, "why did the peacock open the screen when he saw a small handkerchief?" Mother touched my head, smiled and said, "its better than your handkerchief!" When I heard her, I waved my handkerchief at once, and the peacock danced. How interesting!

I like the peacock, its beautiful feathers and graceful dancing have been deeply impressed in my heart.








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Like worker ants for ant nests, out for food, protect the nest from other animals, work day and night. They is such that anyone who is regarded as rubbish things, they will be removed, so the protection of the street, so clean alleyway, so hard work, never a word, this silent is a group of a brave man, in my mind as a dustman.

Cleaners of maintaining a clean and tidy streets every day, early in the morning the sun has not yet been probe, to all the night, when people are still in the sweet sleep, cleaner has been greatly small streets, and even troubled cleaning to do their own on the highway. They do not complain because of their filth, and do not retreat from the stench, and do not retreat from danger. They suffer from dust, suffer from drunks, and suffer from diseases. Such sacrifice is said to be the brave man of the brave.

Once, when I was in an elevator, there are a pair of mother and child in the same elevators and a dressed in shabby clothes, hand cart full of clean appliance cleaner, mother gushing tell children in the elevator, want to have a read, dont like the "cleaner" after growing up, down and out. In the face of this vitriolic speech, the cleaners head is silent, but silently absorb... . , on general social widespread discrimination cleaners, it seems that the mention of "cleaner", and "unclean", "dirty" and "disgusting" of the adjectives in the equal sign, often with a strange look cleaner, eyes filled with contempt and disgust, but their efforts for the street; The giving of people; The dedication to society, the thought and the spirit, is definitely more qualified to be called "the brave" than many industries in society.

Cleaners seem small, but these small screws, less gear will be messed up the whole society rhythm, theyre a little giant may be poor in money matter, poor but never mind, for me, they are always respected "brave".



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染色馒头the industrial dye of steamed bun 毒奶粉the notorious milk powder

It is universally acknowledged that the safety of food is closely related to our health. As the famous saying goes, “we are what we eat.” However, things often go contrary to our wishes since we are faced with a series of food safety problems at present, ranging from the industrial dye of steamed bun to the notorious milk powder.

There are several reasons for this severe problem. First and foremost, many manufactures produce fake food of poor quality in order to get higher profits. In addition, the relevant laws and regulations are imperfect and even ineffective. Last but not least, the public especially customers from poor families, are not alert enough to the safety of food.

In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken to improve the situation. Firstly, it is essential that relevant laws and regulations on food safety should be enforced. Secondly, the relevant department should attach more importance to supervising监督 the manufacturers. Also, the public should be trained to be alert to food quality, believing our efforts will make an enormous difference. Only by taking these actions can the problem be coped with successfully in the nearest future.




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I love summer! In summer, the tree is very green, the flower is very beautiful, the river is very limpidity, the grass is very verdant. I like enjoy the summer!

In summer, I like swimming, it’s interesting. I can wear pretty dress and Tshirt, I like eating icecreams, too. I don’t like winter because I must wear sweater, I can’t eat ice creams.

描写夏天的英语作文二:I Love Summer

It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I dont usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my hearts content. My room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but Im free, Im happy, Im really living! Oh, how I love summer!

描写夏天的英语作文三:Rain in summer

Beginning this summer, even here the next several days of rain, the suns anger at once extinguished, and the weather has become very cool that people are feeling refreshed.

When it rains, foam has been of coffee, sitting in his study playing online games, but can not help, but be attracted to the rain outside. Rain on the leaves, issued dull sound; rain hit the road, splashes of white foam; rain hit the racks, the issue sounds sweet tinkle.

Lie in the window sill and see rain, dense rain such as pearl curtains, hammer down from the sky, grab a hand, her lack of playfully escape, leaving only a trace of cool in the palm of the hand.

After the rain, my friends and barefoot, to play in the water puddles in the area. Walk through the rain, my little feet very comfortable, I splash a small partner, and made each other who are wet, and we really enjoyed ourselves.

Rain, you give us a cool, but also brought me happiness.

描写夏天的英语作文四:Summer is coming.

The tree have new,green leaver. Flowers is very lovely.Its hot in summer.We wear shorts ,T-shirt and sandals.In summer,I like swimming in the swimming pool,I wear a swimsuit and glasses.I like summer.

描写夏天的英语作文五:Summer Harvest

Previous two days suddenly blew the gale, the weather as soon asdropped 7, 8, morning lay down on the bed, look at outside the windowthe crazy undulation tree, a summer such has passed by, this was mylast summer vacation, this summer vacation was I in the home dull timelongest summer vacation, occasionally went to grandfather the family,exited except the good friend plays is staying in the home,because began school late, finally two week also nobody accompanied meto exit plays, I unexpectedly one continually stayed in the home 5day, Lian Mendu had not left, Last the summer vacation harvests alsomany, I learned to prepare food, watched several Han play, althoughthe plot was approximately same,or liked.Although all is therepetition similar life daily,two months or on the past, hoped inan instant last the year can complete mark the period in my last bythe student status study!

描写夏天的英语作文六:How I Spent My Summer Vacation

I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations,this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this,8ttt8.comlater I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.


In the summer,the days are longer and the nights are shouter.Its very hot.People like to go swimming.I like swimming very much.So I often go to the swimming poll in the summer .And I can swim very well.

In the summer the trees and leaves are green.Flowers are open too.People dont like to go outside.They want to stay at home.Because in the room.Its very cool.

In the summer.People like to eat ice-cream.So there are many kinds of ice-cream.

I like swimming and I like eat ice-cream.So I like summer too.

描写夏天的英语作文八:I Hate Summer

In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesnt blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired--except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I cant study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly.



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At the beginning of May each year five China is the most traditional festival, the Dragon Boat festival.

In the festival, we get up early in the morning. Suddenly, I heard a smell of fragrance. I ran over to see it. What a big pot of zongzi! How sweet it is! Greedy dead me! Look at the next pot, wow! There is also a big basin of snowy white duck eggs and garlic. It looks lovely and I want to eat. Mom said, "hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth." After I washed, I sat around the table. Dad put rice dumplings, duck eggs, eggs and garlic on the table. Our family finished our breakfast happily and cheerfully.

Then I went to the vegetable market with my father and mother to buy rice field eel and amaranth, and I asked my mother why I want to buy these things. My mother said, "this is the custom of Dragon Boat Festival". I still dont understand, but nodded. Later, my mother took me to buy some green grass to go home. Give me a bath with wormwood soaked mother, I asked why the mother with wormwood bath? Mother said, "because this mosquito doesnt sting you." The mother and the rest of the ed in the door, I asked my mother why the wormwood are ed in the door? Mom said, "because this mosquito will not fly to our house."

After the bath, my mother told me that there was another name called "dolls Day" on the Dragon Boat Festival. At last, mom wore colorful knits on my hands. Today, I know a lot of knowledge about five sessions. I am so happy.



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Autumn is coming.

"Whirring call ... ..." Listen, who is to catch the autumn girls skirt followed by?

This autumn is a little rude, it is wrapped in yellow leaves, fluttering, leaves with it in the air, aimlessly rotating, and gradually, it does not care like the leaves will be abandoned in the earth.

It swept the head of the people. At the end, but also jokingly took advantage of the gap in the clothes drilled into the people, so that people could not help feel through the cool, not help wrap the clothes, it is naughty drilled out to people who made a face, they went The

It came to the endless field, only love the golden autumn of the most hated glare of the green, and saw it drum up the cheek hard to blow, the crops are all mature, and glowing the joy of gold. Autumn tour of a circle of their own labor results, could not help but shy smile ... ...

"Wind children, the wind" to listen to, autumn girl in the call of the autumn wind! Can wind doll completely do not know, still wandering between heaven and earth to add that the golden world ... ...



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Hello,my name is Jie. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. She is a very good teacher.

She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.

She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.

This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?








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The sky and float the numerous rain, that autumn rain as despise, into the slightest strands of softman yarn, giving a wet hazy. I do not have an umbrella, carrying a bag alone on the way home. With a trace of cool wind gently comb my hair, gentle rain from the sky, falling in my skirt. I can not hear the cicadas, but also can not hear the chirp of the birds, the leaves are no longer green and fresh, everything seems lightly quiet, autumn is too close.

I close my eyes and feel the beauty of the rain, that every ray of rain, all contain memories. Think of Senevilles "whispers of autumn", that romantic melody, melodious piano, so I fell in love with the piano, embarked on the piano road, but also fell in love with the fall of the subtle.

Childhood, I love to see the autumn rain. Sitting at the window, looking at all the rain, in innocent and flawless childhood, thinking, such as the sky, boundless. That rainy days, mixed with the fragrance of the soil, in the eyes accompanied by the fairy tale of color, accompanied by the mood of good or bad, become the best thing in my heart.

I also like to rain, not so much rain, in fact, more is to enjoy the rain That autumn rain, eloquent, falling in the skirt, falling in the palm, giving a cool. Everything in the distance, as if a picture presented in front of the eyes, hazy. Childhood often and companions in the rain to play, wearing a pink rain boots, chase each other play, quickly turn the extra umbrella, the water sprinkled to the partners. Everything is so carefree, romantic and lovely, neither lament, no melancholy, enjoy the gift of autumn, that immature childlike so far is unforgettable.

Everyones life experience is different, autumn, different people have different feelings. Autumn is so peaceful and mature - it is neither as charming as spring rain, nor as violent as summer rain, but not as cold and biting as winter snow.

Autumn rain is so beautiful, although it is as rain as rain, but because the background is golden autumn, it is more deep and more mature.

Autumn rain, washed the dust, but washed away the memories of the heart.
