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My familys name is white. The white snow is as clean and white as snow. Eyes like ruby dazzling, in vain and a pair of agile ears, four chubby little claws. Very cute!

I love it very much. I am responsible for all my meals. Every time I go to the meal time is the most happy when the white, every time I will give the best meal to eat in vain, I put it to the end of it, it will be happy to jump up, like a few days did not eat like , Greedy saliva have flowed out from the mouth, and see the white with relish to eat food, my heart Le opened the flowers! In vain has been raised my white fat!

Every time I came home from school, I ran back and forth in vain, as if to say: "little master, hug me." I quickly put down the bag to hold it, it is warm, so I felt the slightest Warm and infinite happiness. Every time I am upset, in vain to immediately ran over, amused me laugh! I saw my smile in vain, he was happy with it! I became a pair of the most friendly friend! In vain has become my home "blessed with the same Enjoy, there is a difficult when "a member of the!

Once, because the family of cabbage is not much, I want to eat slowly to eat, put the cabbage to the white mouth, may be too hungry, it accidentally to my hand to bite. Grandfather angry to kill in vain, rabbit meat has become a delicious food on the table, I was too sorry to eat, until now I still miss the lovely white.

In vain, may you live happier in paradise!




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台风来了(Typhoon coming)

Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to Taiwan in summertime or fall season. They Are great wind storms; when they strike land they may do great damage. However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way. He will send out warnings about.

People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time. In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also, we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity. Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.




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沉鱼落雁 城北徐公 齿白红 愁眉啼妆 出水芙蓉

绰约多姿 淡妆浓抹 二八佳人 傅粉何郎 姑射神人

国色天香 国色天姿 花容月貌 环肥燕瘦 娇小玲珑

绝代佳人 梨花带雨 林下风气 眉目如画 眉清目秀

美如冠玉 靡颜腻理 明眸皓齿 千娇百媚 倾城倾国

螓首蛾眉 如花似玉 双瞳剪水 亭亭玉立 我见犹怜

仙姿佚貌 小家碧玉 秀外惠中 夭桃秾李 一表非凡

一表人才 一笑千金 仪态万方 月里嫦娥 稚齿婑媠

掷果潘安 朱唇皓齿 肠肥脑满 丑态百出 怪模怪样

尖嘴猴腮 面目可憎 蓬头历齿 漆身吞炭 其貌不扬

穷形尽相 三分像人 七分像鬼 头童齿豁 獐头鼠目

鸱目虎吻 蜂目豺声 凶相毕露 张牙舞爪 眉清目秀

容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉 冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁

明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然

秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿

衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮

短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色 面红耳赤 面有菜色

美如冠玉 面如冠玉 男大当婚 男大当娶 男大须婚

南户窥郎 女貌郎才 男尊女卑 女中丈夫 匹夫无罪

翩翩年少 翩翩少年 噙齿戴发 秋风团扇 弃旧怜新

人面桃花 桑弧蓬矢 色衰爱弛 沈腰潘鬓 上烝下报

投梭折齿 投梭之拒 闲花野草 闲花野草 萧郎陌路

须眉男子 血性男儿 惜玉怜香 野草闲花 莺俦燕侣

掷果潘安 掷果潘郎 坐怀不乱 坐上琴心 醉玉颓山

玉树临风 鹤立鸡群 一表人才 仪表不凡 高大威猛

英俊潇洒 风流倜傥 风度翩翩 气宇不凡 冷酷无情

薄情寡义 收放自如 心无所挂 忘恩负义 铁石心肠

面冷心硬 没心没肺 少心缺肝 才貌双全 逸群之才

温文尔雅 淑人君子 清新俊逸 品貌非凡 才貌双绝

惊才风逸 风流才子 雅人深致 义薄云天 铁骨铮铮

才貌双全 逸群之才 玉树临风 温文尔雅 淑人君子

清新俊逸 品貌非凡 才貌双绝 惊才风逸 风流才子

雅人深致 城北徐公 堂堂正正 七尺男儿 英俊潇洒

顶天立地 血性男儿 足智多谋 风流倜傥 正义之士

英勇好斗 武艺高强 见义勇为 舍己为人 救死扶伤

坐怀不乱 翩翩少年 昂藏七尺 彪形大汉 惨绿少年

断袖之宠 断袖之癖 断雁孤鸿 傅粉何郎 蜂迷蝶猜

蜂识莺猜 寡鹄孤鸾 孤鸾寡鹄 鳏鱼渴凤 华封三祝

巾帼须眉 佳人才子 君子好逑 狂蜂浪蝶 旷夫怨女

浪蝶狂蜂 浪蝶游蜂 邻女窥墙 怜香惜玉 面如傅粉



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I like autumn. I love the falling leaves in autumn. They cover the ground with golden yellow.

When you walk on them, they rustle beneath your feet, just as if they are singing to you.

I know trees get ready for their next years rebirth by doing this, so I enjoy them without any sad feelings.

The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season.

So cant autumn sights bring happiness to us as well?



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A monkeys life cycle is basically how it reproduces.This is not real statistics.a female monkey becomes sexually mature at 6 yrs of age and a male at 5.Now explaining it like thta shows the cycle of how the monkey reproduces,creating a life cycle.

Highlights of the series include the birth of woolly monkey Julio who,immediately after being born,was rejected by his mother; the rescue of Bryan – a chimp who was found on a beach in Mexico where he was being groomed to work as a photographer’s prop; the birth of Dinda – the latest orangutan baby to join the Park; and the rescue of Koko,who is otherwise affectionately known as one of the ‘Ugly Monkeys’.



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Most people believe that perfect outlook will bring good luck, those people who have good looking will get succeed easier than those who don’t. The fact is that not all the good looking people share good chances to become succeed. It is reported that the women who have perfect outlook are hard to get people’s acceptance, because people will treat the pretty women’s success as the lure of their bosses. This is most people’s impression about pretty women, they think the pretty girls don’t have special talent, people own their success to the pleasure of boss. While on the other hand, handsome men are easier to get people’s acceptance, the good looking will make men impress others, people admit the hand guys, for they think they are not only talented, but also attractive. Pretty women and handsome men get different treatment when they succeed, we should not judge people from their outlook.




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Today, as our economy develops fast, people live a much better life than

before, they start to pay attention the chase fun. When people have holiday,

they will choose to travel, most people will give money to the organization,

while some people choose to self-helptraveling. Self-help traveling can save a

lot of money, people can save the money which is given to the tour guide. What’s

more, self-help traveling can bring people a lot of fun. People can visit the

site as long as they want, sometimes they can find the interesting things in the

small place. While the tour guide will always take people to the commercial

place. Self-help traveling is becoming more and more popular now.



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Monkeys range in size from the Pygmy Marmoset,at 140 to 160 millimetres (5–6 in) long (plus tail) and 120 to 140 grams (4–5 oz) in weight,to the male Mandrill,almost 1 metre (3.3 ft) long and weighing 35 kilograms (77 lb).Some are arboreal (living in trees) while others live on the savanna; diets differ among the various species but may contain any of the following:fruit,leaves,seeds,nuts,flowers,eggs and small animals (including insects and spiders).

Some characteristics are shared am ong the groups; most New World monkeys have prehensile tails while Old World monkeys have non-prehensile tails or no visible tail at all.Some have trichromatic color vision like that of humans,others are dichromats or monochromats.Although both the New and Old World monkeys,like the apes,have forward-facing eyes,the faces of Old World and New World monkeys look very different,though again,each group shares some features such as the types of noses,cheeks and rumps.




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This winter vacation, my mother and I went to see grandmother. Just arrived at the door, a skinny dog directed at us barking, my heart is very afraid, in the grandmothers greeting, it becomes very gentle, as if to understand the language of mankind. After a while, it started to be friendly to me. I found it had big ears, round eyes, short tails, a furry hair, very cute.

Sometimes the puppy will do the game. One day it ran on the lawn, one will run around the tree, one around our feet, we read and laughed. Naughty puppy seems angry, and stopped to stare at us, as if to say: "Do you laugh? Do I do wrong?" At this time everyones laughter stopped. The puppy began to roll in the ground, one will be four feet overturned, one will shrink into a group, a pair of feet upright, but also amused mouth is not together, really a naughty puppy. I named it "flowers."



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The pictures symbolically illustrate pollution is becoming increasingly serious around the globe. In the first cartoon, a man is scorching the earth on a chimney. In the second one, a famous ancient Chinese poet, Wang Bo is astonished by the heavy smoke poured by chimneys into the air and dirty river polluted by a factory. We are informed that “the autumn river is the same color with the sky”。

The drawer is sending a message about the significance of the need for everyone to fight against the danger of environmental pollution. There is no denying that the industry is indications of civilization, proGREss and development. Unfortunately, as industry develops, so will the number of factories, and the amount of industry pollutants. We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice our blue sky and pure water in order to obtain a little material gain.

As a consequence, it is imperative for us to take drastic actions. On the one hand, the factories should be equipped with devices which can dispose of waste gas and water so as to prevent them from polluting our planet. On the other hand, there should be an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm actions against poisonous gas sent off and unhealthy water polluted by factories.



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Winter morning is sometimes good, sometimes bad, really make people wonder.

It makes me know what the cold and windy, let me know the taste of the knife, but it is sometimes good.

Open the window in the morning and found the earth covered with a thick layer of white cotton blanket, bare tree also put on a white clothes, from afar, beautiful ah! Ran out, playing in the snow two roll, Kick a few feet, race a few times to run, catch a few times to hide, playing a few snow battle, heap a few snowman. Ah, really happy!

Into the foot of the forest, the forest is not a spring of vitality, but I believe that the spring will come. Climbed to the mountainside, has been about to see the end of the town. At this time, the town has been a pair of white hands to protect. Climbed to the top of the hill, the sun has been from the horizon, struggling out. At this time, found the town is so cute, surrounded by several hills to help the town against the cold wind.

My favorite winter snow. Snow is the beauty of beauty: powder makeup jade puzzle, snow vast. In the morning, open the doors and windows: a tree tree with a long blossoming pear. This reminds me of the "Suddenly the night of the spring, thousands of trees million pear tree open."

In this morning full of infinite dreams, I understand that people simply so easy. Winter morning beauty, with us to enjoy. Winter in the context of nature, enjoy blooming with their own grace, for our lives add infinite vitality and vitality.



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12、往里走,一只开屏的”孔雀”正在向人们展示着它那五彩的羽毛;一只“大公鸡”,全身都是金黄色的,尖尖的嘴巴红红的,头上顶着一只美丽的花冠,好像正在向人们报晓呢;还有高高的“宝塔”;开满鲜花的“大树”…… 看得我目不暇接,我真佩服那些能工巧匠们把菊花打扮得这样漂亮。











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iss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her. My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou’s class, when she finds this, she doesn’t blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works. Miss Hou is my favorite teacher.



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In winter, the air wave with large snowflakes, not for a moment, then on the ground covered with white snow, people stepped in the thick soft snow, really comfortable ah! The branch also put on the White House jacket, with a string of pearls like ice, in the sun, her tears, with his last time to let people see her shining side. At this time, a few naughty figure on the streets, they wear a thick cotton padded jacket, scarf, hats and gloves, playing in the street. The snowball was flying in the air, and the sound of a child. The people heard the sound of running out, together, enjoying the beautiful scenery, watching the children playing happy scene, laughing and talking, people face exposed happy smile. This is a village - my hometown, how beautiful, harmonious, I love my hometown of winter!

冬天,空中飘舞着鹅毛大雪,不一会儿,地上便铺满了洁白的雪,人们踩在这厚厚的软绵绵的雪上,真舒服啊!树枝也穿上了那白色的棉袄,房屋上结了一串串珍珠似的冰,在太阳的照射下—她流着泪,用自己最后的时光让人们看到她闪闪发光的一面。 这时,街道上出现了几个淘气包的身影,他们穿着厚厚的棉袄,围着围巾,戴着帽子和手套,在街道上玩耍。雪球在空中飞舞着,时不时传来一个孩子的叫声。人们听见这声便跑出来,聚在一起,一边欣赏着美丽的景色,看着孩子们玩耍时快乐的情景,有说有笑,人们的脸上都露出了幸福的笑容。 这是村庄—我的家乡,多么的美丽,和谐,我爱家乡的冬天!



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Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.





