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我有一个梦想。 I have a dream.
















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Environment protection

Today,I went to the park with my mother,when we walking along the lake,I

saw a couple was siting on the bench at the edge of lake, eating snacks and

casting the packaging into the lake.I was so anger to see that!I think their

behavir is very shameful.The park is a place for all citicens to enjoy beautiful

scenery ,not a place for them to cast rubbish casually.All of us should take

actions to protect our environment,only in this way can we have a clean and

beautiful world.






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Dear Mr. X,


You are the most respected teacher in my mind, although you are very

strict, but you put your heart on us. You work from dawn to dusk, thinking about

better teaching methods. You are like a candle, let me feel the infinite future

of the bright, but burned themselves.

Trees cant grow without sunshine, rain and dew, only their selfless

charity, will have a vibrant. The life of a flower is inseparable from the

earth. With the nutrition provided by the earth, there will be a beautiful and

moving flower. And our life, inseparable from the teacher, with your enthusiasm

to help, with your inculcate, will have our healthy growth... Thank you so much,

teacher! Shi-en is like a fish in water. In the past three years, you have

taught us with great care. Every one of your epigrams is still vividly in my

mind, which reminds me of a lot of things.

It is because of your education, we can have todays knowledge, will have

todays such a talent to learn, it is because of your care, we these "flowers of

the motherland" to healthy growth, it is because of your little teachings, we

understand the truth of life. You are like a tree, we thrive under your shade.

You give us care like a mother, let me feel very happy, let me have the interest

of learning, let me feel that you give endless strength, let me feel that you

are my rely on, let me feel inseparable from you. Teacher, our good grades

cannot do without your hard education, our good grades cannot do without your

careful cultivation. Every step forward is inseparable from your hard sweat.

Teacher, thank you for our serious and responsible education, thank you for

your concern about us, thank you for teaching us a lot of knowledge, thank you

for your selfless dedication to us, one thousand ten thousand "thank you" can

not return your teaching to us.


A healthy body

Your students












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jingling, there is a sharp noise on the road



was scrambling on the road.



soon as we met the red light, we formed a long line.



soon as we meet the green light, we will play again.



race on the road is really interesting.



at the red light, go at the green light, stop at the yellow light.



should keep it in mind, or you will be in trouble if something important




my family, for myself,



remember this sentence.



not afraid to block the road. Everyone is not in a hurry or panic,



slowly. No, no hurry



is in my heart, and everyone remembers it.



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1、 梦想是蝴蝶的翅膀,有了它才有了翩翩起舞的舞姿。心怀梦想,就算行若微尘,也会有让人惊艳的崛起。

2、 梦想是沙漠中的绿洲,她给绝望带来生机;梦想是高山上的流水,她给沉寂的大自然带来激情;梦想是阳光雨露,她给干渴的禾苗的带来希望;梦想是照亮人生旅途不灭的明灯,她引导我们在人生的道路上一直前行。

3、 梦想是沙漠中的绿洲,梦想是高山上的流水,梦想是雨露阳光,梦想是照亮人生旅途的灿烂明灯。不管前面的路途有多么遥远远,不管前面的高山有多么险峻,不管前面的河流有多么湍急,只要梦想在闪光,你前行的步履就一定会坚实而轻盈。

4、 梦想是伟大的,有了梦想,生活才有了精彩,人生才有了意义。为了梦想,我们拼搏努力,但在实现梦想的过程中,会遇到许多困难,只有做到“肯吃苦、有毅力、有信心”才能披荆斩棘,摘得梦想的桂冠。到那时,你会发现最可贵的不是实现了梦想,而是为了实现梦想的过程中所收获的一切。

5、 梦想是心灵的滋润,有了它才有了充实丰盈的人生。一个人有了梦想就会不懈地去追求用不停歇地脚步实现人生的价值。李春燕面对贫困坦然一笑,用梦想支撑起希望,用柔弱的肩头担负起十里人乡的健康,成为照亮苗乡的月亮。徐本禹守着心中的梦想,支教山区,让那份恬淡的心境在孩子们身上迸出绚丽的火花。林秀贞为了坚持梦想,在他人的哀叹抱怨中却义务赡养着孤寡老人,为世人如何面对生活提供了新的注解。他们都是平凡的人,因为执著于梦想,而变得不平凡。

6、 梦想是一种挥之不去的感觉、挥之不去的潜意识,是深藏在人们心灵深处最强烈的渴望。 梦想也是一个“双面人”。在年少的时候,它离人们仿佛那么远、那么渺茫、那么不真实;而在壮年时,它离人们仿佛又那么近,那么清晰,那么令人振奋。因为,壮年时的人们取得了成就,已经超越了自我,而在那成功的背后,洒下的是数不尽的汗滴与付出的说不尽的辛劳。

7、 梦想是指路的航灯,有了它才有了抵达彼岸的成功。有时生活中的惊涛会让我们迷失方向,心怀梦想,才能坚定不移地抵达彼岸。

8、 梦想像一粒种子,种在“心”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却可以生根开花,假如没有梦想,就像生活在荒凉的戈壁,冷冷清清,没有活力。有了梦想,也就有了追求,有了奋斗的目标,有了梦想,就有了动力。它会催人前进,也许在实现梦想的道路中,会遇到无数的挫折,但没关系,跌倒了自己爬起来,为自己的梦想而前进,毕竟前途是自己创造出来的。

9、 梦想是一缕阳光,驱散你前行的阴霾;梦想是一泓清泉,洗净你心中的铅华。追吧,展开梦想的翅膀去追吧!只有勇敢行动、坚持不懈、善于思考的人,才能进入梦想的辉煌殿堂!

10、 追逐梦想,追寻金色的希望。每一次扬起风帆去远航,难免都会有阻挡,只要有梦想在鼓掌,未来就充满着希望;每一次张开翅膀去飞翔,难免都会受伤,只要有梦想在激励,未来就承载着希望。梦想,在心中埋藏,发觉它已经在慢慢走来,给人们带来希望、光明和心灵的洗涤。

11、 追逐梦想,寻找自己的蓝天。在人生的道路上难免不会遇到挫折,偶尔遇到挫折,就犹如遇到暴风雨般的平常。当人们遇到这种挫折、困难、忧伤、失意时,不要灰心丧气,应该沉着应对。不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹?

12、 在漫长的人生道路上,尽管沉沉黑夜没有灯火照明,没有向导导航,但只要心中有梦想,你就能看清前方的路,你就能穿过黑夜走向黎明;在漫长的人生道路上,尽管风雨交加,一路坎坷泥泞,但只要心中有梦想,你就会发现,你在风雨中走过的每一步都会留下深深的脚印,你就会在风雨过后迎来绚丽的彩虹;在漫长的人生道路上,尽管愁肠百结双眼茫然,但只要你心中怀揣梦想,你就能从泥土的芬芳、花草的笑脸中消融你心中的坚冰。

13、 因为梦想,小溪汇成了大海;因为梦想,期盼到春的绿叶;因为梦想,人类助长了山峰的高度。让我们站在地平线上,构筑梦想吧,我们将会是大海,绿叶,站在山顶的那个就会是我们。

14、 失去梦想的人,犹如一颗寂寞的流星,不知流落何方。为了梦想,我甘愿放弃生活,像凡•高一样视艺术如生命。为了梦想,他吃尽了苦头,遭遇了无数的挫败。渐渐地,梦想的火花渐渐微弱。

15、 如果你遭受挫折,美丽的梦想可以让你振作起来,尽快走出失意的日子;放飞你那梦想的风筝,你心灵的天空就会变得高远而明净;如果你刚刚步入社会,面对纷繁复杂的社会而无所适从,那就张开梦想的高洁翅膀吧,梦想会带你走出困惑,去书写精彩的人生;如果你雄心万丈去创造伟业,而现实的围墙又让你处处碰壁,你千万不要灰心丧气、轻言放弃;因为只有血汗的浇灌,梦想绿枝结出的果实才会更加剔透晶莹;如果你在物质上很拮据甚至一贫如洗,只要你有梦想,你的精神就不会空洞,你的思想就不会贫穷。

16、 每个人都有自己的梦想,因为人生从来就离不开梦;梦想是人生调色板上最绚丽的色彩,尽管你的人生是非常渺小,尽管你曾遭遇失败或从没取得成功,只要你没有抛弃人生的梦想,你的人生就是充实而丰满的,你就能踏着失败的碎片走向成功。

17、 坚持自己的梦想,因为梦想需要坚持来实现。漫漫人生路,不如意者十有八九。怨天尤人,无济于事。只有在拼搏过程中,不断坚持不断进取,不断超越,才能让我们的人生道路更加宽阔,才能让我们的生命更加美丽、绚烂。

18、 放飞你的梦想吧,有了梦想就会有信念,有了坚定的信念才能获得成功;放飞你的梦想吧,你会在苦难中变得更加坚强,你会把失意变得其乐融融;你会把阻力变为动力,你会把胆怯变成勇气去陷阵冲锋;放飞你的梦想吧,你会一步一个脚印登上高山的顶峰,一览众山皆渺小,无限风光在心中;你会在黑夜里举起双手托起红彤彤的太阳,你会用挫折和坎坷筑起一座成功的长城;放飞你的梦想吧,你会用梦想的彩笔去描绘宏伟的生活蓝图,你会用梦想的翅膀去遮雨挡风;你会用梦想的双手去编织无悔的青春,你会用梦想的脚步去丈量闪光的人生;放飞你的梦想吧,她会使你的生命更加绚丽;使你的生活旋律更加美妙而动听;放飞你的梦想吧,她会使你的人生变得更加精彩,使你的未来更加灿烂光明。

19、 当我们遗忘了梦想,我们常常陷入生活虚无的恐慌。秋天来临时,我们没有丰收的喜悦,只看到一片凋敝的景象,满目荒凉!因为,当我们踩在梦想的尸体上狂欢,最后剩下的,注定只能是散场后的凄清和年华易老的喟叹。

20、 当梦想照进现实,一切皆有可能。有人说:年少时,为了一个伟大的梦想,我们可以去死;等我们渐渐长大了,为了一个伟大的梦想,我们卑微地活着。追逐梦想并不一定要轰轰烈烈,实现梦想也可以默默无闻。毕竟,梦想不是现实的欲求,而是精神的归宿,简单而唯美,一如童话。

21、 梦想闪烁着熠熠的光辉。在你跌倒受伤的时候,它就像远方诱人的风景,让你擦干眼泪,继续迎着荆棘奔跑。它无时无刻不为干枯的生命注入鲜活的能量,让激情在全身的每一根神经末梢传递,潮水般覆盖住年轻的生命。

22、 我有自己的命运,自己的梦想,自己的人生,每一颗星星都有属于它自己的光辉,而我现在,正如那时的你一样耀眼。

23、 追逐梦想 作文,梦想是一缕阳光,驱散你前行的阴霾;梦想是一泓清泉,洗净你心中的铅华。追吧,展开梦想的翅膀去追吧!只有勇敢行动、坚持不懈、善于思考的人,才能进入梦想的辉煌殿堂!

24、 人人都渴望梦想成真,可通往梦想的道路往往是平凡生活;人人都渴望梦想成真,但有时以退为进却是为了积跬步以至千里。如果偏离了正确的方向,追梦终将是南辕北辙。

25、 追逐梦想需要坚持。人生需要坚持自己的梦想,因为漫漫人生路,会遇到无数的困难。怨天尤人无济于事,长吁短叹于事无补。只有在与困难抗衡的过程中,才能不断地超越自我、积极进取,才能在人生的道路上走得更远,绽放出绚丽多姿的人生之花。

26、 星空之下,坐着旋转木马,我没有放弃,那个一生的梦想,我还在追寻,靠自己的翅膀,飞上星空。靠自己的文字,写下炫烂。靠自己的力量实现梦想。我曾经的世界支离破碎,作为交换,我现在的世界阳光明媚。

27、 每个人的梦想都是那么美好、远大,但是,锲而不舍地去实现梦想的人却是少之又少,大多数人都是带着自己七彩的梦想,平平庸庸、碌碌无为地度过了一生。殊不知,要实现梦想就要付诸行动,实现梦想的关键就在于能否果断地付诸行动。

28、 人生需要亮点,而这些亮点需要有梦想才能点燃。没有梦想,人的一辈子都会缺乏色彩,只会是灰蒙蒙的一片。

29、 梦想,二字萦绕嘴边,这简短的两个字,又似乎凝聚了生命所有的力量。倘若我们失去了它,恐怕只会是行尸走肉般地苟延残喘于世。

30、 活着即为梦想而生,也许梦醒就是我们的天明,拥有梦想,让我们的心情更加灿烂。

31、 梦想就像一只小鸟,你决不能将它束缚在笼子中,一定要伸出双手通过自己的努力让它展开双翅,在蓝天中自由自在的翱翔!

32、 梦想,还在延续,我朝着前方,奋力的奔跑。

33、 我们要有执著追求的梦想,要让原本白纸般的生命开出五彩斑斓的花朵,回首以往,使得内心盛满充实与感动。

34、 梦想是伟大的,有了梦想,生活才有了精彩,人生才有了意义。

35、 为了梦想,我们拼搏努力,但在实现梦想的过程中,会遇到许多困难,只有做到”肯吃苦、有毅力、有信心“才能披荆斩棘,摘得梦想的桂冠。

36、 梦想从来不会选择人,它是上天赋予每个人构建未来蓝图的神奇画笔。梦想不分高低贵贱,只要你心中有梦,乐观充实地过好每一天。

37、 现在,阳光明媚,也许那个梦想并没有破碎,它依然存在着,只不过蜕变了,蛹破化蝶,等了接近七年,一个新的梦想再次占据了我的一切。

38、 岁月悠悠,飘逸的白云牵走童稚的歌谣,汹涌的江水载走纯真的幻想,梦想的天空又多了些许灿烂的云霞,引领着无数的追梦人为之奔跑,如夸父逐日般执著。

39、 桌上放着一盏台灯,台灯旁是一堆书,我坚信,只要我努力,梦想就在路途终点等着我,我知道,我不平庸。

40、 梦想是每一个人都应有的东西,它是我们生活的动力。拥有梦想,就拥有了前进的方向,而为了我们自己的梦想,有些事是我们必须要能做到的。

41、 梦想是对未来的憧憬和设想,是一种虚拟的预期安排。梦想的实现,有待于坚持和努力。需要挥洒汗水甚至泪水。

42、 梦想,相信心的力量,循着微光去追求那份积存已久的渴望。轻轻地梵唱着,炽热的目光迎着扑面而来的陷痛,在潺潺流逝的时间长河里,只因用尽全力地追逐过,我无悔。

43、 梦想是沙漠中的绿洲,她给绝望带来生机;梦想是高山上的流水,她给沉寂的大自然带来激情;梦想是阳光雨露,她给干渴的禾苗的带来希望;梦想是照亮人生旅途不灭的明灯,她引导我们在人生的道路上一直前行。

44、 当梦想照进现实,一切皆有可能。有人说:年少时,为了一个伟大的梦想,我们可以去死;等我们渐渐长大了,为了一个伟大的梦想,我们卑微地活着。追逐梦想并不一定要轰轰烈烈,实现梦想也可以默默无闻。毕竟,梦想不是现实的欲求,而是精神的归宿,简单而唯美,一如童话。

45、 梦想像一粒种子,种在“心”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却可以生根开花,假如没有梦想,就像生活在荒凉的戈壁,冷冷清清,没有活力。有了梦想,也就有了追求,有了奋斗的目标,有了梦想,就有了动力。它会催人前进,也许在实现梦想的道路中,会遇到无数的挫折,但没关系,跌倒了自己爬起来,为自己的梦想而前进,毕竟前途是自己创造出来的。

46、 原来生命的意义只在实现梦想,这样的一生是梦想的一生,美妙的一生,绽放的一生,也是青春永驻的一生,当我们年老的时候,我们依旧青春飞扬,因为梦想,无论我们如何高龄,我们依旧可以谈笑风生,永无衰老的感觉。

47、 人家说,梦想都是用来骗自己的,以前我总是倔强的反对着这个说法,求学时代的我不断的在老师和长辈们的熏陶下不断将梦想渐渐的深深的刻在脑海里。以至于后来一听到亵渎梦想的话就表示强烈的反感。

48、 因为梦想,小溪汇成了大海;因为梦想,期盼到春的绿叶;因为梦想,人类助长了山峰的高度。让我们站在地平线上,构筑梦想吧,我们将会是大海,绿叶,站在山顶的那个就会是我们。

49、 这样一个夜晚,令我无眠,这样一个梦想之夜,再一次令我拥抱我内心深藏已久的梦想,令我为这梦想而感动,而热爱,而燃烧,而奋发,而激跃,我无限崇尚这样一个星光璀璨的放飞梦想的夜晚,让我将这夜晚与黎明相牵,以我一个热爱生活的女子的身份,告诉所有寻梦的人们,拥有一个梦想的平台,勇敢地去实现梦想,让我们的梦想,就在今夜起飞。

50、 梦想是伟大的,有了梦想,生活才有了精彩,人生才有了意义。为了梦想,我们拼搏努力,但在实现梦想的过程中,会遇到许多困难,只有做到“肯吃苦、有毅力、有信心”才能披荆斩棘,摘得梦想的桂冠。到那时,你会发现最可贵的不是实现了梦想,而是为了实现梦想的过程中所收获的一切。

51、 梦想令我感动,也许没有任何东西可以令我如此感动,梦想令我沉醉,因为没有任何东西可以比上她带给我无限希望、美好和新生。在梦想的怀抱里,聆听她温柔的呢喃,感受她温润的呼吸,她便是美好的女子,抚慰着我一个孩子踉跄而迫切的心灵,我爱这女子!她成为我一生的方向与依托,因为没有人比上她高举我前方不灭的明灯。

52、 梦想是指路的航灯,有了它才有了抵达彼岸的成功。有时生活中的惊涛会让我们迷失方向,心怀梦想,才能坚定不移地抵达彼岸。



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I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils. When my dream comes true, all men will be truly equal, happy, and free.




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My name is Xia Shunyao. Im eight years old, grade two in primary school. I have a round face, big black eyes, big ears. My hair is black and bright, also please. In fact, I want to keep a long braid, but mother is not let me stay, I do not agree, but there is no way, had to leave a short hair.

My mother told me that my name was very meaningful. Because of the Xia Dynasty is the first dynasty Chinese, Emperor Yao and shun China is the earliest and most kind-hearted monarch, mom and dad gave me this name, is the hope that Ill do.

I am a good student in my class. I can finish my homework every day on time. I can check it after I finish it. In class, I can speak actively and help the students, so the teacher chose me as her little assistant.

At home I often help my mother do the housework, such as tow the floor, wipe the table, help my mother to buy food. When my parents are out of work, I can also go to the canteen to eat.

You see, am I great? Would you like to be a friend with me?








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my weekend plan英语作文1

Dear Anna,


I’m going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I’m going visit my friends by car. Because I haven’t seen them for a long time. Then, I’m going to the bookstore on foot. I’m going to read lots of books there. On Sunday morning, I’m going to go for a walk. Then, in the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. Then, in the evening, we are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?





my weekend plan英语作文2

OK, let me tell you something about my weekend.

I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning.

In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents likes making kites.

I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too.

Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that’s fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy.

This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me?







my weekend plan英语作文3

I have an interesting weekend plan. First of all , I will finish all the homework. Then, I will use alot of time to do what I want to do. On saturday morning ,I will clean the room . I will have an English lesson in the afternoon . In the evening. Im going to meet friends . I will sleep a lie-in on Sunday morning. Im going to the shoe store to buy a pair of shoes in the afternoon . In the evening. I will watch a film at home.

This is my weekend plan. I will be busy . But I will be happy.





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The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China. It lies in the south of Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners pay a visit there. It s not far from here. It takes you about three hours to get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks around you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It s really a nice place to visit.





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I came back to school after the summer vacation. As soon as I settled down, I made a phone call to my mother. When I talked to her, I could not hold back my tears. “After all,” I said, “You’re my mother.”

During the vacation, mother and I had a quarrel. After that we were unwilling to talk with each other. She thought I was her sweet daughter and I believed that she did not respect me. Then after few days, I left home. My mother gave me a full package of home-make food and she said to me, “I cook this morning, take this then you can have it on the train.” However, I refuse to take it. I just turned away and slam the door without saying goodbye to my mother. I was still angry about her. “You’re still my good girl.” My mother said in a low voice chocked with sob.

On the train I could not eat anything, I felt terrible. How I wish I had said sorry to my mother before I left. Now all I want to say is, will you forgive me, my dear mother?







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Mark Twains short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work. The article on the "money is everything," "money is omnipotent," the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society.

"One million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, that is, the *** of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other peoples doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free accommodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor Wang Duke on! Not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life.

See here, I am so envious of the "lucky" ***, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? Worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! Money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things ... ...






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My after-school life colorful, you can play the zither, painting, gardening ......

One of my favorite painting, a painting because I have brought joy and love, he may be arranged in the room, the room was dolled up neatly. Painting can bring happiness, as long as you like to be able to learn to be happy. If you can spare so, I would feel happy.


其中我最喜欢画画 ,因为画画个我带来了乐趣和喜爱,他可以布置房间,把房间布置得漂漂亮亮,整整齐齐。画画还能给人带来快乐,只要你喜欢就能从中得到快乐。如果你的课余能这样的话,我就会感到高兴。




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第一篇:Today and friends of foreign travel,outside air is very good,people feel very comfortable.We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles.We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought.We happily spent a happy day.今天和朋友一起出外交游,外面的空气很好,人感觉很舒服.我们骑着自行车一路欣赏鸟语花香.享受着大自然带给我们的无限美好.大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天.

第二篇:Today is a boring day, because my dad and mom went to work, home I alone, I play a computer I soon feel dizzy, and then I go to visit my classmate but they are traveling, I can only one on the road, really boring!


第三篇:This evening I went for a walk out of the stadium, found near my home, they have many people running, some people are playing basketball, others are playing football. I saw them in the movement to join them, I play very happy.



篇一:the day after yesterday i received 200yuan from my relatives as my pocket money. i was so happy but my father and mother said that i should give a half to them and the rest would be my pocket money in one year. “what!” i shouted.


篇二: july 22, cloudy today i got up early in order to wait for the legend of the total solar eclipse was visible. why is the legends? because not seen.but from 7:30 a.m. start raining, i was depressed. ok just online see the news experts say yinyutian look more like shock, total solar eclipse was visible because originally clouds and thick, plus the dark sky will total solar eclipse was visible.

7月22日 阴天 我今天起的很早,为了等待那传说中的日全食。为什么是传说中呢?因为没亲眼见过嘛。不过从早上7:30就开始下雨,害我郁闷了半天。还好刚刚在网上看了新闻专家说阴雨天看日 全食会更震撼,好像是因为本来云层很厚,再加上日全食天空会更加的黑暗


篇1、Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!


篇2、Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, my family have had a completely cleaning for two days. Then my father and I decorated our flat and my mother cooked delicious food for our meal. After supper we watched TV program. How happy we were!


篇3、The day after yesterday I received 200yuan from my relatives as my pocket money. I was so happy but my father and mother said that I should give a half to them and the rest would be my pocket money in one year. “what!” I shouted.


篇4、On July 20, sunny Get up early today is very hot, hot feeling uncomfortable. Breakfast mother let me accompany her to go shopping and I didnt go. Because it is too hot, move feeling on the finger to sweat.The city library to read a book this afternoon. Because the library have air conditioning can blow, but also more than books at home too. Conveniently checked total solar eclipse was visible material.

7月20日 晴 今天非常炎热,一大早起床就感觉闷热的难受。吃完早饭妈妈让我陪同她去买菜我也没去。因为实在是太热了,感觉动一下手指头身上都在向外冒汗。下午到市图书馆看了一下午的书。因为图书馆有空调可以吹,而且书也比家里的多太多了。顺便查了一下日全食的资料。

篇5、On July 21, rainy days The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally bad mood today.

7月21日 雨天 今天天气很舒适,虽然天气预报说今天是阴天,可是下了点小雨,很凉爽。天气预报说今天是阴天,本来都和朋友们约好要去打篮球的,可是很遗憾,在下雨没法去玩。下午雨停了之后有去超市帮妈妈买菜。总的来说今天心情不算太坏。

篇6、July 22, cloudy Today I got up early in order to wait for the legend of the total solar eclipse was visible. Why is the legends? Because not seen.But from 7:30 a.m. start raining, I was depressed. Ok just online see the news experts say YinYuTian look more like shock, total solar eclipse was visible because originally clouds and thick, plus the dark sky will total solar eclipse was visible.

7月22日 阴天 我今天起的很早,为了等待那传说中的日全食。为什么是传说中呢?因为没亲眼见过嘛。不过从早上7:30就开始下雨,害我郁闷了半天。还好刚刚在网上看了新闻专家说阴雨天看日 全食会更震撼,好像是因为本来云层很厚,再加上日全食天空会更加的黑暗

篇8、Today I found time was a cruel thing.Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. Youcan’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although youhave a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more.Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have more than a-month holiday,but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I amessential to complete the homework as soon as I have time.


篇9、I have rested for 10 days. In these days, Ifelt very bored. I didn’t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things todo, I felt uncomfortable. I was ill because of the hot weather. I was tired,sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, itdidn’t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in alow temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me.Atlast, I was ill.


篇10、It was sunny today. I was excited. I got upat a quarter to seven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o’clock. After Ihad my breakfast, I went to the Wanjia Market . It was hot outside. When Iarrived, my friends didn’t arrive. I waited for him infront of the KFC’s door.I haven’t seen them for a year. And in a year, we didn’t come into contact withothers frequently. About ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. Afterwe greeted,we went to play basketball in Liwan Gymnasium. The match last fortow hours.Oh!I fill very happy today!


篇11、I live very happily today! In the morning,it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountainis very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremelybeautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TVtogether, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the wholefamily is happy and harmonious!


篇12 、The weather of today is very comfortable, thoughthe weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.Theweather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends are planning to play basketball,but unfortunately, in the rain we can not play it. In the afternoon, the rain stopped,I have to help my mother to buy food in the supermarket. Generally it was not bad mood today.


篇13、It was the second day of our summerholiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things Ilike. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. ButI didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote anEnglishdaily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am veryhungry.




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My favorite animal is the dolphin. They live in the ocean. And they are cute and beautiful. They not only swim fast, but are also smart. Their color is gray. They can swim and jump in the ocean. They look like fish, but they are mammals. Dolphins can be trained by people because they can learn things very quickly. They are very friendly, so I love them very much.




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I made cake today

Today,I suddenly wanted to eat cake,so I decided to make one. Firstly,I

prepared ingredent: eggs,flour,butter,orange juice,baking soda, sugar and milk.

Then started work. First step, beat the eggs.Second step,mixed the flour, butter

and sugar.Third step, put fruit,milk, orange juice and baking soda into them and

mixed.Fourth step, kneaded into a small dough.Fifth step,put the dough in the

oven and baked for one hour. Finally the cake was done!I ate the cake that I

made myself,that was very delicious,I was so happy.






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Before the holiday, my mood is mixed, I always have to meet the mood of the plan is the end of the holiday in a twinkling of an eye, I always looked at it like a flash in the pan with the mood of excitement unbearable holiday.

Holidays, although have piles of homework, but for me, that is the sweetest, most beautiful trap. Time, however, is that I have a miserable life. Originally present a wonderful holiday, is actually the most painful to enjoy! At this moment, I heard a child not far from the noise, is suddenly enlighted, I originally is far from the door to freedom, with the speed of light also cant catch up with. At this time, I like eighteen layers of hell from heaven fell to the bottom, can not help but sigh deeply.

Vacation, I went to the Forbidden City is the most unforgettable, when I was in the museum attracted to exquisite porcelain, I like a cageling general freedom is let out, forget yesterday. The painful memories, like chains, I still cannot forget right now.

See vacation to the end, I would like a horse fierce eat grass back, although I kept in combat and mathematics, but, I still very like to finish this period of painful memories.

In the imperial palace, I saw many, jade and precious cultural relics of Buddha, I also learned the use and practice of bronze ware, enough a lot of knowledge. Knowledge and fully enjoy the trip!








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My best friend is WangMing. He is 12 years-old.He always play jokes

with me.I like to stay with him.It is because he can help me all the time. When

I find him say that I am sad or happy,he always listen to me and he is very kind

to me.He is very clever.He always help with my homeworks.If I have a worry and

dont know how to do he could help me.He can be a friend with






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I have a wonderful dream in my heart. Its to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me. English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. Without English, Im nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English. Some people think Im an Indian. Some people regard Im a Pakistan. And some people even consider that Im an Egyptian. But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So I work very hard.





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I made a decision today. Becuase I often lose my confidence, I decide tell myself ‘go’ in front of mirror after getting up every day. I believe this will make me confident. Thus, I can do things I want bravely. Now, I will say, ‘Keep going’.




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What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.You can

take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if

our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat

in a healthy way and exercise regularly.


In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like

french fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and

fresh fruit which are full of vitamins. Taking exercise every day helps us build

a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.


Whats more, I think friends are an important part of ones health. Many

studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than

those who dont. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am

alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important

part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.


By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper

weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as

well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can

manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

