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I have a lot of like small animals. But my favorite animal is dog.

The puppy can be fun! It round little face with a pair of big eyes. Snow-white hair long below four flexible claws.

Familiar with, soon, I and the dog became my good friends. Every day I go to school, also want to go to the dog. Cant, have to again and again to make it home. When I returned home from school, the little dog ran to pick me up from a distance, it legs to pick on me, and with its little nose to smell of my hand.

Sometimes, it is very naughty, and it is the best cat playing with a friend. It is very obedient, as soon as I loudly shout: "the dog, dont tease." It shook tail to coming towards me.

I love my dog, it brought me endless fun!








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6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重。环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重......如何保护我们的环境? 请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。

提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重;2.砍伐森林严重;3. 大气污染严重;4. 白色垃圾等。

要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:3---4个方面, 80字左右的。

★ 范文

How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today. Water is polluted; we have no clean water to drink. Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less. Some factories are pouring dirty air in the sky, the population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it but also has a great affection in the future. Peoples health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, we need protect our world.

We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. We want to recycle, reduce, reuse things .Don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution. Use things for as long as possible. We don’t use plastic bags. We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world becomes more and more beautiful.


地球是我们人类共同的家园,人类只有一个地球。“低碳、环保”已成为当今时代主题。目前,我市英语学会准备在全市中学生中开展以“Save(拯救)our earth”为主题的英文征文活动。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,写一篇80词左右的短文参评。




参考词汇:disaster n.灾难 protect V. 保护




★ 范文

Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment

It is recently reported that some rivers and lakes have dried up in South China. A lot of fishes died. The bottoms of the rivers and lakes have become grass land. The water is becoming less and less because of the bad weather.

So everyone should do something to save our environment. First, we should save every drop of water, such as turning off the taps after using it and recycling the water. For example, we can water the plants and clean the rest room with our used water. Second, we should save energy, such as less turning on the lights and turning off the lights when we leave;Do more walking, more bicycling and less driving and so on. Third, we should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.

Let’s act now from everything to save our environment. Don’t let our tears be the last drop of water in the world!


1. in order to


He worked very hard in order to realize his dream. 2. in order that


She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o’clock..

3. so…that


They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.

4. such…that


It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.

5. would rather do…than do


He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

6. prefer doing to doing


He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

7. prefer to do…rather than do


Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping.

8. not only…but also


In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’s degree.

9. either…or


You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam.

10. Neither…nor


He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading.

11. as well as


He was kind as well as helpful.

12. …as well


The child is active and funny as well.

13. One…the other


Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red, the other is black.

14. Some…others


Everyone is busy in classroom. Some are reading, others are writing.

15. make…+adj /n


What we do will make the world more beautiful.

16. not…until


I didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened.

17. as if


He talks a lot as if he knows everything.

18. It is no use (good) doing…


It’s no use pretending that you didn’t know the rules.

19. find it + adj to do…


I find it necessary to take down notes while listening.

20. It is + time since…


It is two years since I last met him.

21. It is + time when…


It was 8 o’clock when I got to the cinema.

22. It is + time before…


I won’t be long before we can meet again.

23. It is…that…


It is friendship that I value most.

24. It is + n / adj + that / to do…


It is a must that everybody should know how to use computers.



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The Marine life environment is a complex system including seawater, sea water content and suspension, seabed sediment and Marine life.The abundant biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources of the sea are the indispensable resources of human beings, which are closely related to the survival and development of human beings.

The main objective of Marine conservation is to protect Marine life resources so that they are not depleted for sustainable use.Special priority should be given to protecting Marine life that is valuable and endangered.According to the relevant departments of the investigation, due to overfishing, accidental killing of non-target to allow hunting of Marine, coastal tidal flats in the engineering construction, mangrove deforestation, widespread Marine pollution, at least 25 in the worlds most valuable fisheries resources exhausted, whales, turtles, manatees and many other Marine animals are in danger of extinction.With the expansion of Marine development, the potential for greater damage to Marine biological resources is expected.

Marine conservation of the first task to stop the excessive use of Marine biological resources, secondly we must protect Marine habitats or niches, especially their migratory, spawning, feeding, avoiding DiHai coast, beaches, estuaries, coral reefs, to prevent the heavy metals and pesticides, oil, organic matter and eutrophication of nutrients, such as pollution of the sea.To maintain the renewable capacity of Marine biological resources and the natural purification capacity of seawater, maintain the balance of Marine ecology and ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the sea.



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As time goes by, man is making the earth sick. People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere. Factories let out their waste without doing anything to it . This has caused some serious problems. Such as the land is sandy, the river is dirty, the air is less clean, even the temperature of the earth is rising. What should we do to save the earth ? My suggestion is that we should plant more trees, put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories (from)pouring waste directly into the air or rivers. In all, we have only one earth, we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret.



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动物是我们的朋友,我们应该爱护它们。因为,有很多昆虫都对人类有益。比如说:蜜蜂,它很勤劳,每天早上很早就出去采蜜,一次又一次。到了天黑,吃几口蜜糖后,就马不停蹄地对采来的蜜进行加工。蜜蜂的外形并不起眼,生命也很短暂,只有3个月左右;可它一生都不休息,勤勤恳恳地工作,它们对人类毫无所求,却为人们酿造了甘甜可口、营养丰富、可医治病痛的蜂蜜。 还有青蛙,青蛙披着碧绿的衣裳,两只大眼睛,像两颗晶莹透明的玻璃球,它藏在田里,专吃害虫,保护庄稼。

它捉害虫的时候两条后腿一蹬,一纵身,敏捷地将后腿一蜷,跳起老高,长长的舌头一伸,就像一个吸尘器一样转眼就把害虫吃到肚子里去了。可是,我们人类却把它们当成美味佳肴摆在餐桌上。 还有许多可爱的动物,我最喜欢的是大熊猫。大熊猫是我国珍贵的动物,妈妈告诉我大熊猫还是我们国家的国宝呢!大熊猫长的很可爱,胖乎乎、圆滚滚的,走起路来一摇一晃的,特别逗人。它的头部和身体都是白色的,只有眼圈、耳朵和肩部是黑褐色的。特别是那一对黑黑的眼圈,长在白白的脸上,像是戴着一副墨镜,加上那笨拙的动作和走起路来东张西望的神情,显得像个小绅士。




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I am a student in Huaxing Middle School. Do you know the plastic bags? Do you often use the plastic bags? I don’t like them. I think they use the wasting valuable oil their production. And they can’t decompose(分解) in a short time. The plastic bags will make our world worse. I agree with the rule, which people can’t get the free plastic bags in the shops, supermarkets. It encourages people to use their cloth bags and baskets. It’s good for our environment.

So I hope all the students in our class stop to use the plastic bags, and use our own cloth bags. I hope we can take care of our environment.

Let’s make our world more and more beautiful.



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Pandas are my favourite animals.In fact,all the people like pands as well.Pandas living in the wild can live for 20 years while the pandas that live in the zoos can have a life of more thqn 30 years.Pandas are really lovely.They can not only climb trees but also swim.However,the number of pandas is decreasing sharply.It is said that there are only 1000 pandas remaining in the world at present.It is sad news for all of us.Therefore,we are supposed to take measures to protect pandas in order to prevent them from dying out.






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As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. First of all, it’s quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of .



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“世界动物日” (World Animal Day) 源自13世纪意大利修道士圣·弗朗西斯的倡议。下面是小编整理的保护动物的名言佳句,欢迎阅读。

1、 当我感到惋惜时,天空中又出现了一幅精彩的画面,画上一只可爱的大熊猫 ——人类的一级 保护动物,后面跟着紧追不舍的猎人,正当猎人要开枪时,我激动地喊“快跑”!也许是大熊猫听懂了我的语言,敏捷地爬上竹子,一步登上了天空,就在我想看看结果时,大熊猫和猎人已经无影无踪了。

2、 人与动物和谐相处是一幅多美的图画。动物发出的悠扬婉转,激情昂扬的鸣叫是一首多么动听的歌曲。人与动物共同书写的历史是一段多么动人的文字。世界动物日,保护动物,保护我们的朋友。

3、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

4、 濒危动物要保护,人工养殖来培育。留下样品子孙看,珍奇动物不杀戮。人类生活美灿烂,保护动物莫小看。世界动物保护日,生态平衡很重要,保护动物人有责。

5、 没有鱼儿的陪衬,水再清也无活力,没有鸟儿的映衬,天再蓝也无朝气,没有动物的存在,人在多也是寂寞,世界动物日,一起保护动物,让我们共同和睦的生活在地球家园上。

6、 老虎在丛林中哀求,熊猫在竹林里哭泣,猴子在树上呼吁,企鹅在冰上祈祷,不要让世界上仅剩人类自己。世界动物日,短信来呼吁,动物是我们的朋友,保护动物从点滴做起,让动物和我们快乐在一起!

7、 停止杀戮,给动物一个生存的空间;停止迫害,给动物一份心灵的关怀。世界动物日,一起来爱护动物,保护动物,就会让我们的世界更美好!

8、 狮子老虎使深山老林生机勃勃,神出鬼没。雄鹰百鸟使蓝天活力昂然,增色添彩。鱼类水生使大海江河魅力无限,水下舞蹈。保护动物美丽地球,为人类生活添彩。

9、 保护动物,与自然和谐

10、 保护动物,维持生态平衡。

11、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

12、 地球上指可数的野生动物资源大国,在想方设法保护他们的同时,也无可奈何地看着他们惨遭扑杀,践踏,掠夺……人类在破坏环境时,也在破坏国家的保护动物,大熊猫。素有"国宝"之称等等命运同样不佳,如果再破坏生态环境,这些世代赖以繁衍的家园也遭到疯狂的扫荡,株连九族的下场并不鲜见,是我们人类残酷无情的破坏他们。

13、 地球如果失去了动物黯然失色,人类如果失去了动物孤单失色。自然界如果没有了动物,没有了为人类做贡献的好朋友。世界动物保护日,保护动物就是保护人类自己。

14、 人类的祖先类人猿濒临灭绝,大猩猩寥寥无几,狒狒猴子在自然活动区的范围有限,大熊猫也仅数千只。世界动物日,朋友一起保护动物,让人类朋友健康繁衍。

15、 不要再破坏自然界中的一草一木,不要再乱杀一禽一兽,不要再杀害我们的朋友,要保护好自然界中的一个个生灵。消灭动物,就是在消灭人类自己。世界动物日,请保护动物!

16、 我就奇怪了,像你这样的稀奇物种,应该列为国家一级保护动物,在去世博会展出。说不定,你还可以为我国的外星物种科研事业做出贡献呢。

17、 森林之绿点缀地球的大地,森林之博构成动物的家园,森林之功提供人类的氧气。森林被誉为地球之肺,保护森林,保护动物的家园,保护人类的氧气。

18、 莫把动物来看扁,自然世界它主宰。生态平衡地球兴,生态破坏地球灭。肆意捕杀是犯罪,后代子孙生存难。世界动物日,保护动物就是保护我们自己,让社会永远和谐!

19、 春天的鸟鸣,夏天的蛙叫,秋天的蝉噪,冬天的鸡啼。可爱的动物为我们奏响一年四季的欢歌。世界动物日,让我们一起保护动物!

20、 放弃贪婪的食欲,不再屠戮;放过弱小的生命,不再滥捕;放下嗜血的屠刀,不再滥杀。世界动物日,一起行动起来,保护动物,人人有责!

21、 同一个蓝天下,和谐相处,保护动物,人人有责。

22、 杀戮使部分动物濒临灭绝,美味使部分珍禽远离人类,享受是多少动物无路可逃,生态失去平衡人类朋友减少。世界动物保护日,保护动物人有责,爱护动物爱自己。

23、 地球因有了飞禽走兽而有了生机,自然因有了鸟语花香而有了朝气,生态因有了珍禽异兽而有了平衡,生活因有了莺歌燕舞而有了欢乐,世界动物日,保护动物从你我做起,赶快行动吧。

24、 自然界中有规律,食物链条不可破。肆意捕杀物种亡,生态平衡遭破坏。链条断开影响大,自然危机难改变。世界动物日,请保护动物,让世界永远精彩!

25、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

26、 没有动物,人类是孤单的,没有动物,自然是暗淡的,没有动物,地球是无生机的,世界动物日,保护动物,让人与动物共同创造美丽的地球家园,一起行动!

27、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

28、 小猫为人类消灭鼠害,爱犬帮助搜救生命,破案缉毒捕逃犯,白鸽为人们传书送信,世界动物日,愿你保护动物好朋友,向献爱心给人类的动物们致谢!

29、 鸟儿高唱在云霄,野兔奔跑在草地。狮虎呼啸在山林,鱼儿潜游在水底。这个世界多美丽,万物共存有生机。人类不可把恶作,破坏平衡灭生灵。世界动物日到了,保护动物从我做起!

30、 保护动物就是保护我们的同类。

31、 我就奇怪了,像你这样的稀奇物种,应该列为国家一级保护动物,在去世博会展出。

32、 “鱼”在工具书中的解释为“肉可以食用”,“虎”的解释是“毛皮可以制革”,既然是受保护动物,为什么还要这样解释呢?

33、 雄鸡一唱天下亮,爱犬狂叫狐狸逃。鹦鹉学舌来戏弄人,鸳鸯嬉水爱情鸟。美丽天使白天鹅,猴戴帽子扮装人。世界动物日,保护动物好朋友,多为人类做贡献。

34、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

35、 我就奇怪了,像你这样的稀奇物种,应该列为国家一级保护动物,在去世博会展出。说不定,你还可以为我国的外星物种科研事业做出贡献呢。

36、 辽阔的草原,属于动物的天堂,广阔的天空,属于鸟儿的梦想,宽阔的河流,属于鱼虾的殿堂,世界动物日,爱护动物,保护动物,地球不只属于人类!

37、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

38、 动物是人类的朋友,善待动物,就是在美化世界;关爱动物,就是在造福万物;保护动物,就是在缔造和谐。世界动物日,行动起来,保护动物,责无旁贷!

39、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

40、 不要让一切都成为记忆——保护动物,与自然和谐。

41、 狮吼虎啸斑马跑,狼嚎豺叫鸡鸭逃。天鹅大雁火力鸟,深海鲸鱼浅礁豹。人类生活动物伴,精彩世界起舞跳。世界懂我保护日,保护动物好朋友,计划杀戮来繁育。

42、 维护生态平衡,保护动物。



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The global polar bear population could decline by more than 30 percent in as little as 35 years. Thats according to a new study in The Royal Societys Biology Letters.


Researchers looked at climate change effect on the Arctic Sea and calculated the likelihood of this projected population drop is 71 percent.


Thats because polar bears stand on Arctic Sea ice when hunting for seals. According to NASA, even the thickest ice in the Arctic Ocean has "either thinned or melted away."


And just this week, scientists reported sea ice levels in the area were at a record low for this time of year.


This all adds up to not great news for polar bears. With an estimated population of 26,000, the bears are already listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.




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Every time I go to the zoo, I was always against the stream of people, into the gate, and then turn left, go to see my favorite big bird - a swan

Sunday morning, I have to go to the zoo with mom and dad. Chardonnay at the beginning of the red fire that day, the lake calm a swan in the water, they beat their broad wings, and over the red sun.

Swan with a white feather, looks very beautiful. They quite on the surface of the lake and swam slowly, the calm water of the lake like a bright mirror, reflected the difficult they figure, like a pair of players in two-way dance, dance, dance music that I can not help but want to talk about a swan, the music for them. Swim a son, may be tired, then into the shore to rest, the tree house is the home of the swan. In this beautiful green lawn, they quietly watching from a distance, as if a snow.

I love swan, swan is love beautiful symbol. Many writers have written the story of the swan, like Anderson grandpa write a fairy tale... See a swan, I as if into a fairy tale world.







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Important to save water

Water is a kind of liquid. It has no taste or smell. It is transparent, too. Water is useful and is important to us. Why? For example, we use water to water the plants. We use water to wash our face or to have a bath. We drink water or we will die…Water is also very important for China. There are 2.8 hundred millions of steres of water in China, but everyone can only use 2300 steres. It is only twenty–five per sent in the world.

Not too long ago, there was a man called Jacques Cousteau. He loved the beautiful colors, and the beautiful fish in the sea. However, when he returned some years later, the colorful coral reefs were dead and grey because the factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques Cousteau decided to tell people how important it was to save the environment under the sea. He started the“ Cousteau Society ” to help protect life in the sea. Now there are over 30000 members all over the world. Since water covers most of the earth, Cousteau knew that we should keep the sea clean. We should not litter the sea, and should clean up the dirty parts. As water is very important to our environment, he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, sea and ocean.

There are still a few people who are not protecting the water now in the world. For example, some factories pour waste things into the rivers, lakes or into the sea near by. The water there has become very dirty and we can’t use them at all. Although there are seventy–five per sent of water in the world, we can only use fresh water, that there is only a little. So we should use little water when we need to use it. For example, I do not use too much water when I am washing my face or having a bath… It is important for us to keep the water clean. You may ask yourself, have I ever poured or thrown dirty things into the water? If your answer is “No”, that means you have already helped to protect the environment. It is our duty to protect the environment. You may ask yourself again, have I ever helped to clean up the water? If your answer is “Yes”, that means that you have already done something useful to improve the water. If we use up all the water, it is difficult for us to get it from anywhere, including the universe. It is terrible to think that people are too thirsty to live! I believe, that if everyone helps to protect the water, the water must be protected. You do not want to “kill” your son or your grandson, do you? So now let us to protect the water! Please don’t let the last drop of water on the earth is we human’s tear!



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My fish tank with three small goldfish, one particularly attractive. Its eyes bulging, like a pair of big light bulb. Small mouth, a mouth spit out a series of small blisters, like children blow bubble gum. I named it "bubble eyes" three goldfish often play hide-and-seek together. "Bubble eyes" to stay still in one place, after waiting for the other two small goldfish hide well turned to find, but the two small goldfish too cunning, with unnoticed behind the "bubble eyes". Had half a day also can not find "bubble eyes". After a while, it turned to find that the other two small goldfish. I domesticated small goldfish is really interesting!




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The passage mainly tells us the importance of protecting traditional Chinese culture, which is challenged or facing extinction because of the developing society and changing lifestyle. Besides, China is nationwide sparing no efforts to do it.

The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harmonious development between local economic and social development. It is reported that the Guangdong government pays special attention to protecting Chaoju,a local drama born in Chaozhou in the eastern Guangdong province.

In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture effectively. To start with, we should make a law to regulate the society’s performance. Besides, we should draw more people’s attention to it, for the more they know about the importance of culture protection, the stronger the support we can get from the public.

In a word, it is high time for us to treasure and develop our own valuable culture.



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Now, patches of forest became less factories. Endless grassland into desert, limpid streams into a muddy gutter, beautiful grassland into a barren desert. Why? Why is this? This is because people caused by deforestation.

The earth is home to the survival of people, and the human is continues to destroy it, people cut trees have purify air, reduce noise and adjust the temperature, and other functions; Being pulled out of the grass and people to remove the flowers to beautify the environment. You imagine, if it were not for the plant, our living environment?

These days, many wild animals has become the plate of food, fine furniture, gorgeous dress. You think about these wild animals to buy me a life brought a lot of fun, without these lovely animals, our life will become special boring. Rose up in the morning, cant hear the birds chirping and crisp sound, cant see the kitten doggie smile to you, can only see the strange and hard faces, that is bad!

Let us join hands together to create a beautiful home! Let us see the mountains again, flowers everywhere, singing birds, vibrant scene! Let our life more beautiful environment, more interesting. Let the flower and grass fragrance our lives "to protect the environment, everyone duty", believe in the near future will be a new world, we create a beautiful earth. Everyone must do "protect the environment, everyone duty."







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My home have a lovely and naughty little white dog, its name is small white.

The small white to sleep. A noon, it will find a warm place, carefree played a big sleep, no matter what you call it, call it, its like not to hear, in the left ear, right ear out, dont ignore you.

Once in it when sleeping, I secretly hid the its food, it woke up, cant find my dinner, it is like a cat on hot bricks, like boiled dumplings, worried, "wang wang" barked, seems to shout "things I? Im not hungry!"

Suddenly, it triumphantly walked to come over to see me, like Sherlock Holmes, seemed to have answers, eyeing up and looked at me and after a while, quickly ran up and grabbed my trousers, tried to pull back, I also dont be afraid, go forward hard, alas, because of the small white teeth are sharp, so I was it to pull over.

Small white repeatedly "begged" me, his eyes reveal anxiously look, Im helpless, gave it the food into the cupboard.

Small white immediately as found the family dog, mingled, as if in said "thank you, master!"

How, this is the interesting thing between I with small white!







