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"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas"Have you heard that song? Yup! Its Christmas time! This Christmas, I stayed with my "host family"1. It was an amazing experience to see how a typical American family would celebrate the biggest western festival of the year.

Christmas, like our Spring Festival, has a meaning in itself. Christmas Day, which is on December 25, is the birthday of Jesus Christ--the son of God. Thats why it is called Christmas. On that day, Christians would get together with their families to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. But nowadays, the religious meaning of Christmas has become less emphasized. To many families, it is just a time of family reunion and the ever-exciting present-giving.

Our school had been on winter vacation since December 11. I stayed at my friend, Stephen Stapczynskis house--his family was my "host family". Although Christmas was still more than ten days ahead, the festive spirit had already been teeming everywhere. The Christmas tree had already been set up, and on every windowsill, there were Christmas lights. On the first day I arrived at their house, Stephen and I helped Mrs. Stapczynski put decorations on the Christmas tree. The tree looked so nice with all the lights on and the beautiful ornaments dangling from its branches.

As Christmas came closer, the whole neighborhood had made preparations too. Some people would hold parties at their houses, inviting all their neighbors to come. So every night, if you went out, you would see a long line of cars parked in front of some house--a partys on!

Whats more, the Christmas decorations that some people put on their windows and in gardens were just amazing. On one night, we went out in our car for a "tour of lights". There was one street that was so famous for its lights that it got its way into the local paper. We had a hard time finding the well-hidden street, but it turned out to be worth the effort. Lights shone brightly in front of nearly every house, on trees, bushes, doors, windowseverywhere, taking different shapes, making it seem almost like daytime. Huge inflatable figures in the front gardens were waving to us: there were Santa Clauses2, of course, chuckling merrily away; and there were also other Christmas figures, like Rudolph3--the red-nosed reindeer--with his red nose gleaming ever so brightly; even Bart Simpson--a character in the famous comedy The Simpsons--had joined the jolly party, wearing a Santas hat. The street set off a lot of "ooh"s and "aah"s inside the car.4 When we left, there was a line of cars in the street, all there to see the lights.

Christmas is the time for exchanging presents. Stephen and Niko had been thinking about their Christmas lists (a list of things they wish "Santa"to give them for Christmas) for a long time. I didnt want to ask for anything, but the Stapczynskis were so kind to "force"me make one list as well (Mr. Stapczynski told me if I didnt make one he would chop off my legs). So I wrote down a couple of things that I would like to have, and gave the list to them--sorry, my mistake--to Santa.

Finally, Christmas Eve came. There was a special Christmas service at the church at 6 p.m. It was certainly a very interesting experience for me. The priest started the service reading and sang out extractions from a holy book--The Divine Liturgy. For several times, we would stand up and pray.

Sometimes, the church choir would start singing. The atmosphere was very quiet and holy. Then there was a ceremony called "The Receiving Communion". People waited in line to "receive"a spoonful of food from the priest. It was a very special Christmas tradition. The food was made from bread and wine. The bread represents the body of Jesus, and the wine represents his blood. After this ceremony, the priest had a speech. He reminded us not to forget the true meaning of Christmas, and let Jesus really live inside us--that is, to love the people around us wholeheartedly. I think that no matter if you are a Christian or not, this principle should be part of our lives. After the priest finished his speech, the part that I enjoyed most came: Christmas carols5. Christmas carols are songs that people sing at Christmas, such as "Jingle Bells", "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", "Silent Night"and so on. Some were very merry, others sounded quite holy, but all of them were beautiful. I closed my eyes, and let all the peacefulness and happiness that were in the songs flow through me. What a feeling it was!

We went to sleep earlier that day for we had to get up early on Christmas Day to open our presents. Sure enough, when I was still half-way during a sweet dream, Stephen burst into my room and told me to get up and open presents. There were a huge pile of presents under the Christmas tree, and there was such a mysterious mist shrouding them that made me eager to see what they all were. So one by one, we went through all the presents. Mr. and Mrs. Stapczynski had bought me everything I had written on my Christmas list--and a lot more! I got music CDs, film DVDs, clothes, books I was very happy, and I didnt know how to express my appreciation for what they had done for me.

Stephen and Niko had gotten a lot of presents too, and they had already been trying out their new games!

In the afternoon, we went to Mrs. Stapczynskis brother, Uncle Stans house. They had prepared a marvelous meal for us. A lot of their friends and relatives also came. I saw Stephen and Nikos grandparents, Yiayia and Papou (words of grandma and grandpa in Greek--Mrs. Stapczynskis parents came from Greece, so they like the boys using Greek words to call them). They were very kind to me, and treated me just like one of their family members. We had a very luxurious meal, consisting of turkey, beef, pork, and all sorts of other food.

After the meal, when all the stomachs were full and everyone was feeling drowsy6 from all the food, we just sat around the table and chatted, just like what we Chinese people do at the Spring Festival. After all, Christmas, like the Spring Festival, is a time for us to get away from our busy lives, a time for family gathering, and a time to have some fun.




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Today is the International Children’s Day. My school held a party for students. All classes took part in this show. Students prepared for it from month ago. The show was very wonderful. Some students sang songs, and some danced. Besides, there are some students performed painting and the piano. The audiences enjoyed the show happily. In the end, our president made a speech. He spoke highly of this show and our students. He wished us a happy Children’s Day.




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Today is Saturday. Today is very strange, very special, because when I go online today, an unexpectedly found a note, tonight at 8-9: to earth hour, really depressed.


Then after I know detailed understanding of earth hour is what meaning, which requires us out all the unnecessary lighting, achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, global warming, improve the environment effect. Really is a joke.


To improve the earth - our homes and not so easy. An hour out unwanted light can achieve? Not that things are not so simple. Want to save our beautiful home, must pay more attention to the ecological environment and save the earth is not a moment to achieve,.


I hope some and some of our homeland enterprises can give their hand.




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We will gather at the school gate at seven in the morning.


We will set off at 7:30.


We will go there by bus.


Lunch will be served in the restaurant there.


We will visit the factories and schools there.


After that, we will chat with the farmers there.


An hour later, we will go fishing.


The cost of the trip will be paid by the students themselves.


We won’t return to our school until 5:00 p.m.


I will be in your company all the way.



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“日光从指间 流走,雪花随铃声飘落。圣诞的钟声 声声响起,祝福的心如跳动的烛光融化每点 落在你身上的飘雪让祝福温暖这个寒冷的圣诞!”德外的英语老师们身穿红色的连衣裙,手捧摇曳的烛光,为圣诞晚会拉开了序幕。





随着劈啪 劈啪的响声,校园里一片欢腾,熊熊的篝火燃烧起来。红色的火苗腾腾地往上窜,在火苗的上面升腾着无数颗 小火星,向四周飞溅着,消失在夜空里。主持晚会的我喊道:“同学们,让我们随着这《兔子舞》的音乐跳起来吧!”话音刚落,大家就欢快地跳呀、唱呀、笑呀!




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一、活动主题:以 “Social Practice ”为主题写一篇英文文章,题目自定。

二、 活动主办:山东工艺美术学院团委

三、 承办单位:山东工艺美术学院学生会社团部英语协会

四、 活动时间:11月7日至11月8日

五、 活动地点:山东工艺美术学院19号公寓前十字路口

六、 活动形式及目的:

a) 活动形式:英语散文的征集和评比。

b) 活动目的:为丰富校园文化生活,以及迎接即将到来的大学英语四、六级考试,特开展主题为英语写作的比赛活动,以锻炼在校大学生的英语能力,培养大学生学习英语的乐趣。

七、 具体流程策划:

a) 提前一周张贴海报通知。

b) 选手报名,在公寓楼前十字路口。

b) 给参赛者一周的时间进行英语散文的创作。文章以电子稿或打印稿的形式提交。电子稿发到群邮箱,打印稿安排会员进行收取。

c) 由工作人员负责整理收集稿件

d) 作品由专业老师评选优秀作品。

e) 公布比赛结果并颁发证书。










a) 认真填写姓名、院系、班级、学号及电话号码。

b) 作品发到电子邮箱 shetuanXX11@qiewO.cOm, 字体为小四,黑体。






评审标准 分值

内容是否符合主题 50

思想积极健康 25

文字通畅、语言较好 25

总 计 100



评审标准 分值

有独到的观点 30

内容翔实 20

有实用的价值,对广大同学有普遍的指导意义 10

条理清晰、表达准确 20

语言优美,文笔流畅 10

评委根据文章酌情附加分 10

总 计 100


一等奖1名 ;颁发证书

二等奖2名 ;颁发证书

三等奖3名 ;颁发证书

优秀奖4名 ;颁发证书








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Childrens Day is our favorite festival.Each year we will hold a party.The most interesting party last year.

Last year,students show a lot of party programs.Some students performing pieces and comic dialogue,very interesting.The students also sing very beautifully.I also performed on the program.I performed a peacock.Students gave me a warm round of applause,and I was very happy.

I miss last years Childrens Day party.



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我们终于到达了地点,我一下车真是太热闹了,有音乐又有舞蹈。当我们来到座位前,我看看这,看看那,人们都在互相祝福,看着看着,忽然一个又老又欢快的声音从远处传来:“Marry Christmas to you!”原来是圣诞老人来了,他把小朋友们领上台,让我们跳起欢快的舞蹈。时间慢慢地过去了,舞蹈停止了,晚会的主持人来了,圣诞老人不见了,我觉得越来越没劲儿,于是我就跑到一边去玩,不一会爸爸走过来说:“你都快把我急坏了,他看看哪个小朋友像你一样,跑来跑去?”





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参与: 残疾人日的庆祝为所有相关各方——政府、非政府和私人部门——的参与提供了机会,从而把注意力集中到采用催化革新的措施进一步贯彻与残疾人有关的国际性规范和标准。中学、大学和类似的机构在推进相关各方对残疾人的社会、文化、经济、公民和政治权利的意识上能够作出特殊的贡献。

组织: 举行论坛、进行公开讨论和信息推进运动,支持残疾人日,将注意力放在残疾人事务上,注重残疾人及其家庭追求独立的生活方式、可持续生活和有经济保障的趋势、方法和手段。

纪念: 在各地计划和组织表演来展示和纪念残疾人为他们所生活的社会所作出的贡献,对残疾人丰富多样的技能、兴趣和愿望进行交流和对话。

行动: 残疾人日的一个焦点是采取切实的行动来进一步贯彻有关残疾人的国际性规范和标准,在平等的基础上鼓励他们参与到社会生活和社会发展中来。媒体在庆祝残疾人日的过程中——整个一年中——可以作出特殊的贡献,它们可以对残疾人事业的进步进行宣传,揭露残疾人政策、计划和项目贯彻过程中遇到的障碍,提高公众对残疾人所作贡献的认识。



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Nowadays, a lot of recreational activities are available for people to release their stress of work or study. Recreational activities have aroused a hot debate in society. When it comes to recreational activities, people’s ideas are not cut from the same cloth.

Abundant recreational activities make people’s life more colorful and people can release their stress with amusement. Also, participating in recreational activities helps promote our competence. However, too much recreational activities will bring problems. For instance, many young students are addicted to online games, which will generate bad effects on their studies and might lead bad consequences.

In my opinion, we should keep a balance between amusement and study or work. Of course, we should join some recreational activities after study, but we need arrange our time properly. Only in this way can recreational activities provide more benefits for us.



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Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day) belongs to a particularly large festival in North America, especially for canadians and americans, the holiday is particularly important, even if people in a foreign land to back before the holiday with their family, altogether celebrates the holiday. Canadian Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day in the United States, however, is not in the same day, Thanksgiving Day in Canada is the second Monday in October each year, while the us is the last Thursday in November.

Why call Thanksgiving? Traced back, Thanksgiving is ancient and American indians, especially with the corn planting has a very close relationship. On September 6, 1620, a group of British Puritan unbearable religious persecution, take the "mayflower" wooden ship bound for America. They are fatigue, hunger, cold and disease under attack for 65 days in the Atlantic, finally arrived in Plymouth colonies in North America.

During the winter, cold climate, loneliness of the field. Local indians generously take out storage winter corn and potatoes, sent to hunt ducks and turkeys. The spring came, indians taught, they grow corn and pumpkin, raise turkeys. White settlers and the indians established a close friendship. For a big corn crop this year autumn, immigrants will held a hearty gratitude, with a roast Turkey and corn pastry treats the indians. The indians with a variety of corn products, roast Turkey and pumpkin pie, wild grapes and corn JiuJiang etc to the party, people sing songs and dances, burning it. Later in the corn harvest after the end of November each year, white immigrants settled in here are going to have a Thanksgiving, every roast Turkey, cooked corn food, hospitality indians. In the long term, this kind of gratitude can become a practice.

感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)在北美属于一个特别大的节日,特别是对于加拿大人和美国人来说,这个节日特别重要,即使远在异乡的人也都要在节日前赶回去与家人团聚,共庆佳节。不过,加拿大的感恩节和美国的感恩节不在同一天,加拿大的感恩节是在每年10月的第2个星期一,而美国则是在11月的最后一个星期四。





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Dear parents:


Once again the arrival of Christmas 20xx in our expectations, in this full of happiness, happiness and the fairy tale color Festival, we sincerely invite you to join us for the children to celebrate christmas. On the day of the event, I will also give a wonderful gift, thank you for your participation and support!

Activity time: 10:00 - 11:00

Venue: xxx kindergarten

Tel: 511591xx


1 on the day of the event, parents for their children to wear jeans and a tight fitting clothes point of the sweater

2 in order to carry out activities in a timely manner in order to get the parents to arrive here at 9:30. Let the children and the teacher have plenty of time to prepare.

3 parents at home for the children to prepare breakfast for the day.

4 the afternoon of the day off, the child from the parents take home.

Christmas is a common festival for us and our children. We sincerely invite and eagerly look forward to your participation in 20xx!

XX kindergarten










2.为了活动及时开展请家长在9:30 准时到达这里。让孩子和老师有充足的时间进行准备。







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Our environment is very important for our lives 。 We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on 。 In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean。But now,people cut down many trees。 Air pollution and water polloution are very serious 。 The environment around us bees very terrible 。 We should protect our environment。 First, we should plant many trees to keep water。 Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work。。 Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river 。 Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags。 Finally, we can ask more people to join us。



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I have a lot of extracurricular activities: reading, playing computer, playing chess and so on. But my favorite thing is to play ping-pong. As long as I play a few games with my dad, my brain will be several times more awake. Sometimes I cant think of the title as long as the cudgel thinking and playing table tennis will be a dad.

Once, I had no mind to write my homework, so I had been playing with my father for about half an hour. We compete with each other very badly, you dont let me, I dont let you. After I came to play to play, do homework, I did not expect to immediately put into operation, at one time, the homework done, it can help me a lot.

Dad set me to play 1.5 hours a day, play half an hour in the morning, and play for an hour in the afternoon. In the rest of the time, as long as I do the homework, I play ping-pong with my father, and we play several games as soon as we play. Our games are often very intense, like two tigers fighting.

Dad is really resourceful. He hits the ball to the right side, and I pick up the ball. I think Dad will hit the left side. Unfortunately, he still hits the right side, which makes me feel overwhelmed and falls.

I like to play table tennis. Its my favorite extracurricular activity. I hope one day I can stand in the Olympic table tennis court.



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Since the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV was established in the 1980s, it has been confirmed to be a huge success by attracting most audience in China. On the Eve of the Spring Festival, numerous Chinese will sit in front of the television screens looking forward to enjoy the annual celebration.

In modern China, watching the gala is still a traditional way to celebrate Chinese lunar New Year. However, the Gala seems to be suffering from declining rates of audience over the past few years. Actually, the Gala is never the only option any more when competing with several local televisions, which provide better possible choices. In addition, it is criticized that the traditional items of the Gala fail to appeal to people’s changing appetite, particularly the younger generation. Although the famous stars from Hong Kong and Taiwan are highly expected to add some freshness and modern elements to the performance, the Gala are still somewhat disappointing, far away from splendid. Consequently, the Gala is advocated to be cancelled due to its declination of reputation as well as the stereotyped content.

From my point of view, the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV should be still reserved because it is really good at creating a very colorful holiday atmosphere. Besides, it does have at least one or two excellent performance every year some of which become indelible memories. If the Gala can be redesigned to enrich its performance further, it will get away from being mediocre. But it is unnecessary to expect achieving its previous success. After all, the time has changed.



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欢乐的日子里少不了孩子们的身影,他们为“六一”的到来,认真地排练了各种文娱活动:有舞蹈、唱歌、走秀、小品、……他们用自己独有的方式迎接这个欢乐的节日!你们一定也想看到他们翩翩起舞的身影,听到他们清脆响亮的歌声,与您的宝宝一起度过这个快乐而又重大的节日吧?那就请您暂且放下手头的工作,以愉快的心情接受我们真诚地邀请,同时期待您的参与。您会在孩子们演出中感受宝宝的成长与快乐!健康与聪明!您的到来一定会让我们幼儿园的活动增添光彩,让宝宝更加开心 快乐!



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今天晚上我们班搞了一次别开生面地“圣 诞 晚 会”。开始大家心情异常急躁,迫不及待地等待晚会的开始,大约六点多钟晚会开始了。




















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1. Dont forget to hang up the sock!别忘了挂上袜子!

2. A merry yuletide! 圣诞快乐!

3. Wish all the best wishes for you.献上最美好的祝愿。

4. Wish all the best wishes for you. 献上最美好的祝愿。

5. Merry Christmas Eve, my best friend.祝我的挚友平安夜快乐。

6. Thinking of you at Christmas Eve time.平安夜佳节,我想念你们。

7. May you have the best Christmas Eve ever.愿你过个最愉快的平安夜节 。

8. Season’s greetings to my dearest parents!祝世界上最好的父母平安夜快乐!

9. Take your passion and make it come true.发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。

10. I hope we can spend the holidays together.希望我们能一起过平安夜。

11. A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.圣诞快乐,新年好!

12. May you have the best Christmas ever.愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

13. Merry Christmas, my best friend. 祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。

14. Wishing you a white Christmas Eve.愿你有一个银白色的平安夜。

15. Take your passion and make it come true. 发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。

16. I hope we can spend the holidays together. 希望我们能一起过圣诞节。

17. To Hong from your good friends at Peking U. 送给红,北大的一群好友。

18. Best of luck in the year to come. 愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。

19. A present from me is on the way. Hope you’ll like it.寄上一份礼物,希望你们会喜欢。

20. A Christmas Eve greeting to cheer you, my good friend.希望平安夜祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。

21. A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。

22. Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success.祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。



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