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Dear Grandma:

Thank you for the new shorts.They are cool!It’s hot in YunNan.It’s sunny too. i can wear my shorts and T-shirt.I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small.I want to buy a hat. It is fifty yuan. It’s too expensive.

What’s the weather like at the farm? Is it warm?How many new ducks are there?






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1.   《Cannot help falling in love》——Elvis Presley:猫王的老歌,歌词并不重要,轻松而充满爱意的旋律已经表达了一切。优美的旋律用在浪漫的氛围中最合适不过,作为进场的音乐背景很别致。

2.   《Always you》——Sophie Zelmain:以这样的音乐迎接新娘的出场,浪漫感十足。

3.   《Little drummer boy》——Charlotte Church:女歌手宛如天籁的悠扬旋律,高贵而典雅,适合用于说话时的背景音乐。

4.   《Nothing can change my love》——歌词意境悠扬,副歌部分精彩,裁剪出来,将更能表现出饱满的情绪。

5.   《Love never end》——Sweety:在温馨浪漫的环境下,这样的出场音乐,使新娘就像天使来到人间。

6.   《Truly madly deeply》——Savage garden:适合年轻而时髦的婚礼,可以用作播放FLASH等环节的背景音乐。

7.   《A twist of marley》——还原派对婚礼的本色,让来宾不再拘谨,畅所欲言,尽情舞动。

8.   《Air on the G string》——耳熟能详的经典歌曲,庄重不失优雅,若《婚礼进行曲》听腻了,不妨考虑这首音乐。、《This I promise you》——舒缓而优美的旋律,沙哑的男生,充满磁性,告诉你,我为你一生承诺。虽然是流行音乐,如果能有屏幕同时打出歌词,效果会更好,或者用在正式仪式前播放两人婚纱照的时分。

9.   《I will always love you》——Whitney Houston:该曲一开始即是高潮,可以直接运用在交换戒指或者亲吻新娘之时,震撼力十足。

10.   《BELLE》——Jack Johnson:用在新郎表白时的背景音乐,能营造出一种复古又低调的感觉。

11.   《Save the best to last》——Vanessa Williams:煽情的音乐,让你怀着一颗感恩的心,配合音乐的节奏,缓缓导出你的感谢之情。

12.   《Cannot help fall in love》——Elvis Presley:表白心迹最适宜的曲目,用作说话时的背景音乐不错。

13.   《Amelie from Montmartre》——Boyzone:比较适合时髦又活泼的新人,充分表达出年轻的活力。

14.   《Everyday I loved you》——Boyzone:大男孩的歌声,还带着一点腼腆,可以用作表白时的背景。

15.   《Perfect moment》——Martin McCutcheon:最完美的时刻,成就人生的完美,适合用在表白与亲吻的时候用。



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I want to say Thanks to my mother.

Mom, I want to say Thanks to you. When I came into this world, I feel everywhere is your love. You give me life, and you still take care of me. I think you are the greatest person in this world.

On this special day, I want to say Thanks to you. These years, you have been tired but you never say anything to me. You always give me help, but you never need any of my results. Now, my improvement is more than what I did yesterday. I see your smile is always more than before, but maybe you do not know, some white hair has come up quietly.

Mom, you give me everything. Nothing in the world can express my love for you.



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Do as you would be done by. 推己及人。

Do business, but be not a slave to it. 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。

Dog does not eat dog. 物不伤其类。

Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand. 远处叫得凶的狗,不会近身来咬人。

Dogs that run after many hares kill none. 多谋寡成。

Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread. 狗摇尾巴,爱的是面包。

Doing is better than saying. 行胜于言。

Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。

Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all youknow. 不要为所能为,不要花尽所有,不要全信所闻,不要言尽所知。

Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 不要忘恩负义。

Do not despise your enemy. 万勿轻敌。

Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail. 不要有求必应。

Do not praise a day before sunset. 切勿褒贬过早。

Do not run too fast after gain. 不要见利就拼命追。

He sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒。

He that respects not is not respected. 欲受人敬,要先敬人。

So said, so done. 说到做到。言出必行。

Haste makes waste. 忙乱易错。欲速则不达。

Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不受人怜。

Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。

So the world wags. 这就是人生

One can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用。

No weal without woe. 福兮祸所伏, 祸兮福所倚。

Little chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原。

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. 井干方知水珍贵

Less is more. 简单就是美

A blessing in disguise. 因祸得福

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日

Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.


Seeing is believing.眼见为实

Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半

Time flies never to be recalled. 光阴一去不复返

When in Rome, do as Roman do.入乡随俗

Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕

East or west, home is best.  走东串西,还是家里好

Equal pay for equal work.同工同酬

Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置

Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败

Reading makes a full man.   读书使人完善

Knowledge is power.  知识就是力量

Failure is the mother of success.  失败是成攻之母

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧

All roads lead to Roma.  条条大道通罗马

Dont judge a person by the clothes he wears.  不能以貌取人

Like knows like. 惺惺相惜。

It is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。

Dreams are lies. 梦不足信。

Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。

A light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。不恼不愁,活到白头。

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。

Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。

Easy come, easy go. 易得易失。

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 随意吃饭,适度饮酒。

Eat ones cake and have it. 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。

Eat to live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others. 吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。

Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 人的教养始于教育,成于社交。

Education has for its object the formation of character. 教育的目的在于培养品德。

Elbow grease gives the best polish. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。

Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 空桶响声大。

Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。

Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。

Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 支支吾吾,其言必诈。

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。

Facts are stubborn things. 事实是不容改变的东西。

Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

Faint heart never wins fair lady.

Fair and softly go far in a day. 谦和稳重,前程远大。

Fair faces need no paint. 貌美毋须修饰。

Faith will move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。

Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not. 困难见友情。

False friends are worse than open enemies. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

False tongue will hardly speak truth. 虚伪者不肯说真话。

False with one can be false with two. 对一个人虚伪,也会对两个人虚伪。

Fame is a magnifying glass. 名誉是放大镜。

Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 名誉像条河,源头最狭窄,远处最宽阔。



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On Saturday, we and aunt go to McDonalds to eat hamburgers.

By McDonalds, I ordered a plate chicken leg, end to the second floor, find the position of sit sat down, and eat it with relish.

Finished eating hamburgers, aunt took us to buy Christmas presents, I picked out a blue suit small rabbits and a pink bag, over three little flower, flower is pink, one is yellow, and one is white.

Elder sister to pick four with bowknot hairpin also picked a yellow puppy.

Two elder sister picked two cubs, wearing a black clothes, wearing a black hat, a white bow on the neck, the other has been, wearing a white veil, very cute!

I love this Christmas. What a colorful Christmas!



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qing ming jie(all souls day)qing ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. more important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to ones deceased ancestors and family members. because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, qing ming is a major chinese festival.

literally meaning "clear" (qing) and "bright" (ming), this chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. it is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after qing ming day. among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.




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The skiing originated the much colder snow district at the earliest stage.In order to adapt the environment and beg to living to avoid the insurance,the residents invented snow up the pileup ― ― skiing plank,sledge and the skiing shoe etc.s." Ski" a the phrase idea begins from the language skith in ancient Norway,is an idea of" snow shoes",point the form,such as the skiing plank of the narrow wood boat,.13 centuries,the skiing becomes the country skill of Norway;14-16 centuries,various country in North Europe Finland,Norway,Sweden and Russiases all once make use of the skiing battle;In 1780,Norway the nu er ha wood made use of the soft to make into two curved skiing planks inside the sides,formation the modern tournament skiing the knothole embryo,drew back the tournament skiing prologue.In 1877,established in the Oslo in the world the first skiing department.The e lun spring person,wise man of He of the our country northeast,the person of Kazakhstan of the northwest all excels the skiing,with skiing technique hunt,conveyance.Keep go to the beginning of this 30s in century,modern skiing sport just at our country launch.




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Fathers Day is here, and my heart is full of mixed feelings. Because I

think of my dad. At the same time, I also remembered a song "Grateful Heart", I

believe everyone has heard it. Grateful heart, accompany you. Grateful heart,

reminds me of my father. This song expresses my fathers love for us. He raised

us. We must know how to love. In the future, I will repay his kindness of


The word "father" has two words. It is so familiar to us, so kind.

My father wakes up early and goes to bed late every day so that our two

brothers and sisters can live a happy life. Once, when I was sick, it was in the

middle of the night and I developed a high fever. I felt hot all over and my

hands and feet were cold, which made me very uncomfortable. At this time, Dad

seemed to have noticed something unusual about me. So he asked me, "Son, whats

wrong with you?" I said sadly: "Im very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable." Dad

touched my forehead and said, "Son, you have a fever, but, now...now is

Midnight." After a while.

Dad is carrying a basin of water. Then, put a wet hand towel on my

forehead. My forehead suddenly became a lot cooler. Thats it, my dad keeps

changing my handkerchiefs like this. Not as hot as before, but still hot.

When I woke up, I was lying in the hospital bed on an IV. I found that my

grandmother was beside me. I asked: "Grandma, where is Dad?" Grandma kindly said

to me: "Your dad just went out. Your dad has been by your side to take care of

you most of the night. You have to be grateful!" I nodded.

I know that my father has been very busy in recent years, but no matter how

busy he is, he still finds time to take care of me and care about me. These left

a deep impression on my memory.

Finally, I want to wish Dad, and to all fathers in the world, a Happy

Fathers Day.



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Dear Kate,


This term I moved to a new house and studied in a new school. But I always missed my friend. My old house was move comfortable than this new house. I wanted to go back to my old house.


Everything was strange for me,so I couldnt study better. I felt nervous in the first test. And I got bad scores,I felt very sad. The teacher shouted at me. And then,I felt under too much pressure and very tired. My parents were also sad with me. When my classmates knew this thing,she helped me,and gave me some advice. Later,I thought I can be better next time.


I hope to get on well with everyone and get a good mark soon.




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I have a small but comfortable and tidy bedroom.

There are a single bed, a desk, a chair and a beoksheff in my bedroom. The bookshelf is near the window. I put all the books I love best and some classical music CDs on it. On the west wall there hangs a violin. It is my favorite.

I usually play it to enjoy myself at my spare time.



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for going on with my further studies, i took the entrance examination in a senior middle school last week。 i still remember there were more than three hundred candidates taking part in this examination。 for the first day, in the morning, chinese was easy。 we were required to write a composition of 250 words on "my home life", and give definitions and illustrations to twenty phrases。 in the afterno on, we took an english examination。 there were dictation, sentence formation, and analysis for oral english。 in the oral examination, i was questioned about my home life, my experience in the junior middle school and my future prospects。

on the second day, we were examined on history and geography in the morning and physics and chemistry in the afternoon。






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The Value of Reading Books

People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world.ButI don‘t think so. In my opinion, to read books is more valuable than anything else.

The old saying "To open a book is always helpful" clearly tells us how good it is to read a book.

Books are our friends. They introduce us different kinds of knowledge. They lead us down the road to success.

Books are our teachers. They teach us troth, science, literature, and philosophy of life. Besides, they increase our knowledge, enlarge our experience,strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not do without them.

Books tell us what is good and what is evil. And only books can tell the good from the bad.

Therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students.










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week-long holidays,good or bad?whats your opinion?

our national day is coming. we shall have days of rest,presumably weeklong holidays again just like the weeklong may day holidays. many people welcome weeklong holidays and are busy planning where and how to spend the seven days;whereas many other people do not applaud. as to me, weeklong holidays mean a span of dullness, boredom, melancholy and helplessness, and i think anyone who had experienced the holiday sufferings in may would share my feelings.

i well remember that from may day, to be more exact, a few days earlier than may day, the shopping season started.most shops extended their shopping hours to respond to their overwhelmingly enthusiastic customers. there were special sales with discount coupons and instant lucky draws and various sales promotions in nearly every big store to lure po tential customers into spending more. crowds of shoppers flocked towards department stores, enjoying their high purchasing power.

there were traffic jams almost everywhere, people waited in long queues at bus-stops:and taxi-stands? looking entirely exhausted.tempers flared when people gotpushed or if someone else cut the queue.impatient drivers honked at each other every now and then.

the railway station was congested with travelers who rushed to the platform like a swarm of bees and then squeezed their way into the train for seats as if there would be no tomorrow.

in the restaurants, tables were shared. a platoon of waiters filed out from the kitchen armed with various containers of eatables. orders were taken feverishly and then shouted across to the kitchen. excitement reigned everywhere as waiters ran hither and thither to fill the orders.

the above are just some vivid scenes that happened a few months ago. everywhere was chaos and chaos everywhere. i am really afraid the drama will soon be repeated.

true,weeklong holidays help activate economy, but what about after-holiday depression? no doubt, people can have a lot of leisure, but leisure does not always bring a lot of pleasure.


May Day Holiday at last came! I have lood forward to it for a long time. Because I studied very hard in my school life and L was always thinking of having a holiday and relax myself.

During this holiday, at first I spent two days finishing my homework. Then I spent three days visiting my relatives. At last I spent two days reviewing my lessons.

It was fun to communicate with my relatives,especially my cousin Li Ping.Li Ping and I are very good friends. We have a lot in common.But he lives in another city which is far from mine. So we seldom have a chance to play together.

This holiday, I went to his city and we spent two days togrther. He ledme to many places of interest in his city. And together we played many games. we talked a lot about our schools,our school lives and our friends. We also talked about the best ways to learn well, especially about how to learn English well. Because he was good at English, he gave me some useful advice on it. How I wish I could stay with him for a longer time!


Looking forward to, looking forward to, "May Day" holiday is coming.

My family and I came to guilin, have never thought was involved in "51" crazy storm.

We as people crammed into "KFC (Kentucky Fried chicken). To look inside a, wow, crowded is dead! One next to one, you wont let me, I wont let you, crowd into clouds. Alas, who call all carry the day on May 1 to shopping!

In "KFC" winks calculate, incredibly is packed in the elevator! Long not tall people are cheated, is high in front of a block, you cant see yourself to no. But its too dangerous, so later to havent put their feet go out miserably......

"Squeeze" did not end, elevator exports that poured out of a person, all got stuck in the elevator. From one off the elevator, with people moving slowly, spirit is not.

Didnt eat breakfast, didnt eat KFC, everyone is a little hungry, and so on on the sixth floor of the good old restaurant. At that, needless to say, packed, crowded, send food the waiter from time to time have to say "please make a, please make a". My heart up a question: what are we are come out to play, or to count?

Very not easy to smile from the hall crowded out, down on the street, where more than a good inside. We left, the right squeeze into the "KFC" zhengyang pedestrian street there. It seems that I didnt guess wrong, immediately can use a word to describe, crowded, in addition to this word can no longer think of another word to describe accurately, I really feel how big "1.3 billion". Since everybody then love, then I will accompany you, see who squeeze too! Very not easy to squeeze into the store, I use critical "at" to a room! , we in the ear of the crowded sat down in the past, wow, finally to eat comfortably.

Why is "51" so crowded, crowded was so crazy?


The May Day is coming. We will have three days holiday. I want to do a lot of things in this holiday.

On the first day, I plan to finish all my homework so that I can play happily in other days. On the second day, I want to go to see my grandparents with my parents, because they live in a beautiful country where there are many kinds of flowers and clean air, and I like them very much. On the last day, I want to play basketball with my friends, thats my favorite sport.

I hope to have a good time in this holiday.



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When I was a child, I often go to the countrysidegrandpaAnd every time meetgrandpaUp the hill cutting wood fire, always call me catch a pine beetle bugs eat for me, that is my most memorable childhood memories.

Pine is a kind of insect growth in pine tree trunks, special bugs suck their pine juice, white and tender, the section connecting section, look quite like home keep growing tracks.

Outside the public is surrounded by hills, trees on the hill.Grandpa every time up the hill cutting wood, will cut a few pine tree in the yard.Over a period of time, the trunk dry, grandpa will take out saw saw pine trees into section by section, and then split with an axe.Grandpa every split a pine tree, I will together with gusto up to, take a look at whether there is delicious pine worm in it.Found a pine tree, I have a warm, happy to jump and jump again: "grandpa, there are bugs!Here is the worm!Come on!Quick pick it out!"Grandpa put down the ax, gladly picked up a bug that trees, a hard knock on the ground, oh!The points in a white slightly yellow bugs drops on the ground, I cant wait to put the bugs in the prepared already in the bag, and then continue to look for a worm...

Splitting up trees, returned home, grandpa put worms on a piece of blank paper, and then onruralCall fire Tong heating tool on baking...Ten minutes later, the pine tree insects that peculiar smell in the house was in the open, I cant help but swallow saliva!Grandpa will worm turned over, a bowl with buckles, continue to bake.A moment later, the worm already baked sweet and crisp, connect body to golden yellow, I excitedly cried: "insects baked at last!"I grabbed a baked insects into the mouth, sweet, crisp, immediately, baked insects that unique taste in my mouth has been diffuse throughout the body, this is the tip of the tongue on the delicious!

Grandpa told me, pine worm is rich in protein, but also for digestion, eat can strengthen physical health!Catch insects, eating worms became my childhood is the happiest, the most happy thing.



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Sky in my hometown 家乡的天空

When I was very young ,the sky in my hometown was nice and beautiful, the sky was very blue,and the air was fresh. There were some birds singing ,and there were many trees in the fields. I often played with my friends in the open air.I liked it.

Now the people are rich ,but the sky in my homerown isnt blue .the trees were cut down , and there arent many birds. And the air isnt fresher than before. The rubbish is put here and there, it was bad for our health.So wo must do something to protect the environment. If we make a contribution to protecting the environment,the sky will become much more beautiful.



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I have a warm family. There are three people in our family, they are myparents and me My family name is Zhu, my first name is huajun , They love me very much,They . I am a Xing hua Middle school student, My academic record is average.

I have an attractive room, although it is very young, but I very much like it, My computer is on the dask, The skirt, shirt, jeans and coat is in the garderobe, The English book,math book, story book and chinese book is in the bookcase.

I love my family.



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Dear Sir,

I saw your advertisement for "the perfect lighter" in Sunday Times last

week and immediately sent off a £2 postal order and the completed form for the


Imagine my surprise when all I got in return was a box of matches! I could

understand a mistake. I might even pardon a joke. But in this case, your

advertisement is a deliberate lie since a friend of mine who also sent the

coupon got the same result.

I think its a shame to promise an economical lighter when in fact you are

not selling a lighter a1 all. Instead of saying it works quickly, you should

admit that you are offering matches. And what about "only" £2: I usually pay 10

pennies for a box of matches, and they are often given away free.

I regard your advertisement as a serious deception and demand that you send

me my money back immediately. Otherwise I will take active steps to make sure

the Consumers Association hear about it.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Li



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When winter comes, the days are always full of rain and there are less sunshine, so it is so rare to enjoy the sunshine, people will feel excited to see the sunny days. As for me, I will be very happy when the sun comes out in the winter. I will get some plans to spend my time in the warm day, sometimes I will call my friends out and have a picnic in the park, we can not only enjoy the sunshine, but also can have a nice talk, it will strengthen our communication. Sometimes our family will have the barbecue outside, we share our food and play games so happily. I love sunshine, when I feel frustrated, I will forget about all the worries once the sun is coming out. Those sunny days in the winter are so special to me.




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Today is a year, finally to the New Year, my mother and I go to the supermarket in the evening, we bought a lot of delicious, also bought a couplet and everyone, then bought a lot of fireworks, happily went home.

Back home, I help mother first stick couplets and everyone on the door, and then help my mother make dumplings together, dumplings cooked, mother turn on the TV, we are eating delicious dumplings, watching the Spring Festival gala, the party is very good-looking, especially liu qians magic show, amazing.

The fireworks lit up the night sky, and my mother and I set off firecrackers and fireworks to set off. The New Year is finally coming!



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as an international trade specialized student, i know the importance of english in english learning, so i have been high-standard requirements themselves. through their own efforts, to xx passed cet band 4 and again to xx points passed cet6. in spoken english i have been in the exercise myself, and reached a certain level. in addition, i also laid a japanese primary basic. not only in english, as the rest of course also study hard. in six semester four times won the scholarship, and once passed the national computer rank examination (level 2).

moreover i took an active part in social practice activities, and to exercise their professional skills, increase their professional knowledge, and has achieved good results. through a series of stratified activities, i also gradually grasp the people contacts and communication skills, learning how to make ourselves in a harmonious interpersonal relationships. through studies i deeply realize the theory instruction practice meaning, and really in the code yourself. in learning and activities of remaining i also actively enrich himself, reading, rich knowledge, and grasped certain of the computer application skills enough to handle the job requirement.

believe after three years study the lives of hone, already will i hammer become a moral decently, strong-willed, high ideals and soaring aspirations, has the enterprising spirit and team cooperation spirit of excellent college students. believe i have knowledge and competence can completely fit for any difficult work, environment of hard did not prevent completed i finish work. if i am lucky to become a member of your company, i will put all the youth and enthusiasm exert into work, obtain due grades for the development of the company, and contribute their efforts.

