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Now more and more people get to know its important to protect our living environment.As a student,its my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, Ill go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. Ill use fewer plastic bags to reduce white pollution. In order to save energy Ill plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. Ill take less lift and reuse water. At last l will use second-hand books,so we dont need to cut down more trees.If everyone takes action, our enivronment will be better and better. Our world will be more beautiful.





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I want to be a famous writer in the future.I like to write stories for kids.The stories will be short and funny.My teacher said I was good at writing.But I still need to improve my English,too.Then I can write stories in English.So the kids from all over the world can read my stories.



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Sky blue, white clouds, there is a lake, the lake side, there are several willow willow girl gently stroked the lake brothers cheek. From a few bird crow, originally is the orioles singing in the willows; In the distance, several egrets fly in the blue sky. as du fu "two oriole sound cui willow, a line of egrets on the sky." Ah! What a beautiful artistic conception! Now most people aspire to the living environment, but with the development of the industry, a large number of harmful gas and industrial wastewater discharge, make the earths temperature, water pollution. Plus deforestation, forest is less and less, and the earth mother in tears every day, so were going to action, and low carbon environmental protection together, let the earth mother no longer cry, to return to the beautiful youth.

NO. 1 - dont be lazy, blindly now peoples environmental protection consciousness enhancement, everywhere the bin in the street, as long as more than a few steps you can see it so dont be lazy oh! Do this, move the brain, and also note the rubbish to see garbage is recycled or not in his hand, and then throw. Dont see someone is thrown on the ground, throw myself, dont learn others, should be timely dissuade him (her).

NO. 2 - to save water, protection of water resources is well known, "water is the source of life". The water on the earth is very rich, but it can directly for people to drink fresh water accounts for less than 1%, the rest of the 99% water, so we have to economize on water. On the basis of this, but also reduce the discharge of industrial and living sewage.

NO. 3, energy conservation and emissions reduction, low carbon life

We should pay attention to energy saving, solar terms, fuel-efficient, start from the intravenous drip, as far as possible to reduce electricity, oil, gas, reduce the use of disposable supplies, go out, in their own cars less as far as possible by bus, reduce the discharge of domestic water and garbage. We must learn to energy conservation and emissions reduction, low carbon life.

NO. 4 - trees

The "lungs of the earth, the forest is one of natures temperature regulator. Forests absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and release a large amount of oxygen, maintaining the carbon - oxygen balance of nature, thus purify air environment, make us breathe fresh air, so we want to afforestation more, make the earth green.

Low carbon environmental protection is every citizen to do your own thing, left everyones participation and support, and low-carbon environmental protection is meaningless. Lets erase carbon footprint will low carbon environmental protection, let us hand in hand into the low carbon era.











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Although I’ve had a busy school life in the past three years, getting along with such amazing classmates has made me the luckiest person in the world.

In one of those unforgettable days, we had a basketball game. During the tough time, I could feel that everyone in my class was so concentrated that our hearts were beating together fast. We brought the players not only encouragement but also some real help and skills. Though there were only three people on the front line, I knew it was 39 people fighting side by side and we would never give up. At last, we won the game. With great excitement, all of us jumped around and burst into tears.

There’s no doubt that we’ll always go through hard times together and I’ll never forget the happiness we shared. I love my school life with my lovely Class 3.







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Human, science and nature, the three phase was quoted rates are inseparable. The wonders of nature, a little thing, through the baptism of the time, and meticulous observation, often can give a person with enlightenment.

Vast forests, sunshine give plants grace, to be able to get the nutrients and thrive. Such as the morning sun open the eyes of animals, everything is ready. Squirrels, squirrel, embarks from the house, looking for full sweet red pine nuts, all kinds of plant seeds and slowly by seeding them to other places. While the weasel feed on smaller herbivores, sable and then ate the weasel... As if people eat the big fish, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, shrimp eat plankton, interlocking between RACES, interdependence restricts each other.

Foreign scientists have done an experiment: introduce the sheep in a rare nature reserve, where the bamiyan, natural environment is superior, and there is special personnel to the group of kids to their natural enemies, Wolf, moved to another place. So the sheep started in the breeding. Until grass and low shrubs are eaten, the number of sheep instead of less. Because they live too comfortable, there is no enemy attack, the number that is too carefree life let their constitution also fell. Then the scientists tried to introduce wolves again. The result is in the relationship between predator and prey, good robust species to survive, wolves eat sick defect part. Natural selection and evolution, has been the nature and even the survival of human society the same criteria.

Cut down some trees, is to destroy a part of birds and insects; Killing of bees, small fish, can also cause cannot spread pollen, fish cannot reproduce problem... Sabotaged a part of the food chain, will bring ill-defined disaster. Because in front of the natural fair, each species, each independent individual organisms is so beautiful and full of value.

Because of the diversity of species and colorful nature. Want to live in harmony with her and get the kind of treatment, will be good to nature, to understand the nature, and have good at discovering and innovative mind.








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“温柔似水”这个词来形容我。大家一定猜到我是谁了吧?对,我就是地球上所有生物都不可缺的 “水”。我们到底是怎么形成的呢






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离开小学, 迈入中学的大门已有两个多月了, 在这里我认识了许多新同学, 新老师, 了解中学生活。丰富多彩的中学生活让我感觉到快乐。

开学不久的一天下午, 我看见校门口有一大群人在忙忙碌碌, 原来是各个社团在"招兵买马", 有学生会的 、 有青年志愿者的 、 有跆拳道的 、 有书画社的等等。 各种活动的海报内容让人应接不暇, 使我跃跃欲试。 一向不爱热闹的我也参加了几项, 最为自豪, 快乐的是参加的"志愿者活动", 让我在实践中感受到它既锻炼了自己的胆量, 又树立了服务他人的意识。 我也因此变得不那么自私了, 看到自己能帮助他人, 看到自己在进步我感到很快乐。

上中学以后, 我觉得自己变得快乐开朗了。 小学我很文静, 不爱与自己与不熟悉的人交流。 可是上中学后我从头到脚都有一种全新的感觉, 变得爱笑了 、 爱与人沟通了、不再把什么心事藏在心里, 会主动与不熟悉的同学交流 、 上课与同一起探讨问题、课间我们一起谈天说地 、 体育课我们又一起嘻戏 、 游玩在草地上、放学与同学相约回家, 一天一天就这样过去了。

如今秋风送爽,我走在校道上, 漫步在草地边, 如沐春风, 我顿生许多感受: 虽然上中学后科目多了、任务重了 、 压力也大了, 但是在这里学习我学到了很多动西, 了解到中学生活是丰富多彩的, 多彩的中学生活将带给我们许多快乐。



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My teachers are excellent.They help me to improve.They are very patient and kind. My classmates are good friends.We often study together.We always help each other out. We are like a team.We play games and enjoy activities.We laugh and have fun when we can.

My schoolwork keeps me busy.I have homework every day.I have quizzes and tests all the time. I like learning new things.I know knowledge is power.I m preparing for the future. My school is like a family.It s like a home away from home.I hope you feel the same way about your school.



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Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young persons

life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life

in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy

and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her

knowledge base.

Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a

variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other

social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief from study and

homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied

experiences of university life.

During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his

intellectual abilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and

wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance

intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges

of future responsibilities.



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Today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."

"Yeah, right. It isn't that easy." I protested.

"Yes it is, " Michael said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line is: It's your choice how you live life. " I reflected on what Michael said.

Soon thereafter, I left the big enterprise that I had worked in for years to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often though about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard Michael was involved in a serious accident, falling off 60 feet from a communications tower.

After l8 hours of surgery, and weeks of intensive care, Michael was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back. I saw Michael about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I’d be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place.

"The first thing that went through my mind was the well being of my soon-to-born daughter," Michael replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live." "Weren’t you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Michael continued, "... the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the operation room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, l read 'He's a dead man.' I knew I needed to take action." "What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me” said Michael. "She asked me if I was allergic to anything. ‘Yes,’ I said. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled", ‘Gravity’” Over their laughter, I told them, 'I'm choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead'."

Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I Learned from him that every day we have a choice to live fully. Attitude is everything.




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I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils. When my dream comes true, all men will be truly equal, happy, and free.




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高一英语作文说明文:Mrs Brown

Mrs Brown is an excellent teacher. She is a good-looking woman, with gentle manners and a kind smile. Mrs Brown likes her work very much. She works hard and tries her best to make every class perfect. Listening to her talk is an artistic

treat indeed. She treats her students as her own children, not only strictly but also kindly. She always shows deep concern for them and makes great efforts to train them into persons of ability. All the students respect her very much.

高一英语作文说明文:Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. He came from a family of artists. His mother was an actress and his father was an actor. He started dancing and singing for money in 1894. In 1904, he went to America and he became a film director in 1914. He made many funny films from 1914 to 1966. He died in 1977. Many people were very sad at the news. People all over the world will remember him forever.

高一英语作文说明文:My Pen Pal-Tom

Tom Brown, my pen pal, is an American boy. He is 17 years old. He lives at 69 Park Road, New York with his parents. Tom is a student of No.4 High School. On weekdays, he studies very hard. Art, music and computer are his favorite subjects. In his spare time, he likes doing sports. He usually goes walking or swimming on weekends. He also likes traveling. He goes to many countries during the summer holiday every year.

高一英语作文说明文:My Best Friend

My best friend is Li Hua. He is 13 years old and he is a student of Guangming middle school. He is very tall and strong. He works hard at school and would like to help others. when I came to this school in the beginning, I was bad at math and English. I failed in a test and was worried about my study. At this time, Li Hua gave me a hand and helped to improve my math and English. Thanks to his help, my math and English improved a lot and I got good results in the following exams. Gradually we became very good friends. In my opinion, Li Hua is not only an excellent student but also a helpful and kind person. Everyone would like to be his friend.



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I remember when I was very young, I will look forward to, look forward to and, like the Peoples Liberation Army, dressed in camouflage uniforms, received military training. Fortunately, I finally look forward to this day ... ...

Just enter the door to high school, military training is a Prior to that, how happy I am because I can finally experience the taste when the Peoples Liberation Army! I have dreamed more than once: I was wearing camouflage fatigues, standing on the playground, listening to loud slogans instructors and students, together with the slogan of his forward refueling breeze for us, for our sun clouds, enjoy the sound and laughter from the playground into a vast blue sky ... ... However, this is not true!

When to wear camouflage uniforms, set foot on the playground, the waves on the head-up heaters, although very hot, however, I feel very warm. I finally met the instructors, who, like us, also dressed in camouflage uniforms, the spirit can seem more than we had. We have just total instructors on hand, he blew a whistle, said: "The following five minutes to carry out military training!" Oh, only five minutes, I will certainly be able to insist on living! "I himself." Attention! "Instructor of instructors to hear the total order, then we have issued orders," began the following points "Therefore, I have to instructors to model the action of our stand. The burning sun, sun, I sweat. Sweat rolled down from the forehead, down the cheek drip down also hard for me trying to catching, instructors has prevented me, let me again point Stand straight! I was very angry, thinking: he added that instructors can ah! is not even a little human touch! Fortunately, as long as five minutes, let me take a look at a few point of! instructors take advantage of attention, I looked at the table, ah! all eight, and do not tell us how to rest, ah, instructors must have forgotten that you wait another moment. a minute later, two minutes later three minutes have passed ... ... watch instructors almost "wrong time" 15 minutes, I was very anxious. At this time, my feet have begun to insist not, and pain, faster Station Station the instability. Finally, when a full 35 minutes have passed, the instructors agreed with us the rest, trying to get water to drink up, and he stopped, he said: "The moment you insist, go to school drink plenty of water. "After listening to this, I feel the instructors really like the training ground like a real hell ah!

Probably have been for a long time, I am tired of dragging the body back to the hostel, trying to lie down in bed later, but the instructors walked in, pointed at our hostel, said: "what a mess, Come clean up the look!" Helpless, reluctantly climb up from cleaning to health. A clean-up after an instructor came to the bedside, said: "Come see, and I teach you !" Alas! Folded blankets folded stack is not it? Studies also attached? Finished, the instructors made up of our model, only skill he moves, a folded blanket. After I have gazed look, wow, nice, quilts made in the hands of instructors such as "Mankiw", we stacked the "hamburger" Its more comparable! It seems also quite lovely instructors.

Finally, the five-day "ordeal" is over, I recall that the five-day military life. I am filled with emotion. I slowly come to understand, although the military training very hard, but it is not only my physical training, but also my strong willpower. Let me understand it to be a hard, a Chinese Stand straight. At the same time, military training, I also learned how to do normal things instead of by their parents, I learned self-reliance, but also integrated into the collective.

Although military training very tired, let me benefit, I began to live like this.










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Great changes have taken place in peoples life in the past 20 years .In the past ,people kept in touch with relatives or friends mainly by sending. Letters ,they would listen to the radio for news and other information.Children used to go to school by bicycle .Big families had to share small rooms .

Now people can talk to others by telephone or on the Internet at home .When they are free ,they watch the news and other programmes on Tv .Some families are rich enough to send their children to school in their own cars . More and more people lives in big and bright apear ments with several rooms .

In a word ,people clveletter than before.







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生活的滋味像蜂蝶飞过花丛,像泉水流经山谷;像一幅流光溢彩的图画;像一阕跳跃着欢快音符的乐章…… The taste of life is like a bee butterfly flying over the flowers, like the spring water flowing through the valley;Mowing











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Im in No.8 Middle School in Guizhong province.Because Im in Grade 9 now, I must compete with my classmates. So I have a busy school life.

I often get up at 6:30 to go to school every week day .I feel tired because I cannot have enough sleep.I have to burn the midnight oil at ningt because of too much homework and much books.I have 4 classes in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.I have 2 evening classes in the evening as well.I can have a nap at noon. I sometimes play sports with my classmates after class.But as usual,I go over my subjects in the classroom.

Though I have a busy school life,I did not make myself unhappy.I known I must put my heart into my study.There will be a very important exam in June next year.I will study hard for my bright future.



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As is known to all, the survival environment, is the human is very concerned about a word. Why do humans are very concerned about it? This is because the living environment, to human, to animals, all living things upon earth has great significance. The lack of a species, what cant seem to affect in humans, but in fact, the lack of a species, will produce great threat to all life on earth.

Take shrimp, for instance, imagine that. If the earth did not have the sharks... What? I dont think should be like this: the shrimp, fish will starve to death, (though in fish recipes and other food, dried shrimp is a major food fish), and the big fish, also didnt eat for the extinction of small fish, also be starved to death...

Thus, if less a creature in nature (including animals, plants, microorganisms, etc.), would be terrible, even have a high IQ of human mind, also be restrained food chain, so human attaches great importance to this problem.

So how can I have a good living environment? This is very simple, as long as everyone can "low-carbon life"!

But the biggest problem is how a "low-carbon life", the so-called "low carbon life", is refers to the life work and rest when try your best to reduce the energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions, thus reducing the pollution of the atmosphere, slow ecological deteriorating, mainly from power saving throttle and recovery of three links to change life details.

Should do low carbon life, electricity from solar terms and recovery of three links to change life details.





可最大的问题就是怎么个‘低碳生活’,所谓的“低碳生活”,就是指‘生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽力减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放量,从而减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化,主要是从节电节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节。 ’




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Environmental pollution and ecological destruction, have to the human social economic development and peoples normal life constitute a reality threat. As a modern citizen, care for the environment, advocate civilized, doubtless is our own morality and responsibility.

Therefore, we are proposing the people from changing the traditional behavior style and concept of value, dealing with the environmental problems in daily life, cultivate voluntarily protect the environment, the moral sentiment, starts from me from you, starts from now to start, cherish every drop, each tree, each piece of lawn, every piece of land, civilized, tree to be fresh, we agree, we become the most simple quality, form "protecting the environment, everyone duty" of the good society as a whole.



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January 28 2010 it was the third day of our winter holiday. today, there are many business in my mother‘s company. so my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother’s company. i sat in my mother‘s office and help her answer the telephone. while i was free, i was writing my homework. although i also have a lot of time to do my homework, i still do it. because in my mother’s office, i had nothing to do. if i did nothing, i was wasting my time and my life. i can‘t do the foolish thing. we should take good use of our time.
