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Most of you are familiar with American, Canadian and English Christmas customs, which are largely the same, including Santa bringing presents that sit below a lit up tree. But have you ever wondered just how Christmas is celebrated in China, or in Finland?

Whether you’re just interested in learning more about other cultures or want to incorporate some new traditions into your holiday celebrations, this article is filled with all you need to know about international Christmases.




For Poles, Christmas Eve is a night of magic when animals are said to talk and people have the power to predict the future. It’s a time for families to gather and reconcile any differences, and to remember loved ones who have gone before them.


Wigilia (vee-GEEL-yah), which literally means "vigil," or waiting for the birth of Baby Jesus, is considered more important than Christmas Day itself.


Wigilia is a meatless meal because, years ago, Roman Catholics fasted for the four weeks of Advent, including Christmas Eve. In the past there were thirteen main dishes

(representing the Apostles and Christ), but, these days, many families have replaced this tradition with a twelve-fruit compote for dessert.



The foods are to represent the four corners of the earth -- mushrooms from the forest, grain from the fields, fruit from the orchards, and fish from the lakes and sea.


Meals vary from family to family but usually include a special soup followed by many elegant fish preparations, vegetables, and pierogi.


Czech Republic


The Czech version of Saint Nick is known as Svaty Mikulas, who is said to climb down to Earth from the heavens using a golden rope. Mikulas is accompanied by an angel and a 2

devil who help him decide which girls and boys deserve treats and toys, and which ones deserve a swatch.

捷克人称圣诞老人为“米库拉斯”(Svaty Mikulas)。据说他用一根金绳从天堂爬到了大地。陪在他身边的是一位天使和一位恶魔。他们俩决定哪些男孩女孩值得得到美食和玩具而哪些孩子该被鞭打一顿。

There are a lot of fortune-telling traditions that are associated with Christmas as well. One involves a family member cutting a branch from a cherry tree and putting it inside in water. If it blooms in time for Christmas it is good luck. It also may represent that the winter will be short, or if a single woman picked the branch, it could mean she will get married in the next year.


On Christmas Eve, single woman also try to see if they will get married in the next year by standing outside with their back to their front door, removing one of their shoes and

throwing it over their shoulder. If the shoe lands with the toe facing the door, then she will marry in the next year. If not, she will have to wait at least another 12 months.




Austrian children still get to celebrate the arrival of Ol’ Saint Nick, but they also have to brace themselves for the arrival of his evil counterpart, Krampus. Where Saint Nicholas 3

rewards good behavior with treats and toys on December 6, the demonic Krampus arrives on December 5, looking to punish all the bad children. His weapons of choice are birch switches to beat children with and burlap sacks to kidnap them and throw them into the river. The worst part is that local men actually dress up like Krampus (just like many men dress up as Santa in America) and terrorize the streets. In some villages, kids are even made to run what is known as a Krampus-gauntlet, in an attempt to outrun the switches. 地利的孩子们庆祝圣诞老人的到来,但同时他们也得迎来邪恶的克拉普斯(Krampus)。圣诞老人在12月6号给表现好的孩子送美食、发玩具。而恶魔般的克拉普斯5号就到了,意在惩罚所有的坏孩子。他把桦树枝做的鞭子当武器,还用粗麻袋绑架他们,把他们扔到河里。最糟糕的是,当地的男士会打扮的像克拉普斯(就像许多美国人打扮的像圣诞老人一样),在街上吓唬小孩子。在很多村庄里,很多小孩子甚至必须接受“克拉普斯大挑战”,他们努力比克拉普斯的鞭子跑得更快。



Children of East France have an evil visitor to keep them behaving all year long. Le Pere Fouettard, which translates into “The Whipping Father,” accompanies Saint Nicolas in on December 6. While St. Nick gives good children presents, Le Pere Fouettard gives coal and whippings to the naughty children.

法国东部的孩子们有个邪恶的造访者,他叫“鞭子老爹”(Le Pere Fouettard),确保孩子们一整年都表现乖巧。圣诞老人12月6号给孩子分发礼物时,他也陪伴左右。“鞭子老爹”会给淘气的孩子煤块和一顿鞭子。


One of the most popular origin stories of the character say that he was a greedy inn

keeper who killed three rich boys on their way to boarding school. In many versions of the story, he even eats the children. Whether or not he cannibalizes the boys, the story ends when Saint Nick finds out and resurrects the children and forces Le Pere Fouettard to act as his servant throughout time.


Aside from The Whipping Father, another popular French tradition involves making a cake that looks like a traditional Yule log, known as buche de Noel. Christmas trees never really caught on in the country and while most people don’t have any use for an actual Yule log, the cake is a fun and festive substitute. Some of the buche de Nol can get fairly elaborate and even involve meringue mushrooms and edible flower decorations.




Belsnickel is the German Santa’s dark enforcer, but he’s not nearly as evil as Krumpus or The Whipping Father. Instead he just wears fur from head to toe and gives good girls and boys candy and bad children coal and switches.






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春节的另一名称叫过年。在过去的传说中,年是一种为人们带来坏运气的想象中的动物。年一来。树木凋敝,百草不生;年一过,万物生长,鲜花遍地。年如何才能过去呢?需用鞭炮轰 ,于是有了燃鞭炮的习俗,这其实也是烘托热闹场面的又一种方式。







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大年初一是我感到最快乐 的一天。我不仅可以穿漂亮的新衣服,而且还可以收到许多压岁钱和新年 >礼物 呢!

一大早,我就被此起彼伏的鞭炮声吵醒了。我一睁开眼,就往枕头下面摸,哇!我摸到了两个红包。原来是爷爷 奶奶 和爸爸妈妈 给我的压岁钱。我打开一看,啊,里面有这么多压岁钱呀!我高兴极了,大声喊道:“祝爸爸妈妈工作顺利,永远幸福 ;爷爷奶奶身体健康 ,长命百岁!”全家人都高兴地笑了。

吃完早饭,我就和爸爸一起去他的朋友 家拜年了。我们来到了大伯伯大妈妈家,他们热情地接待了我们。大伯伯在一旁和爸爸说话,而我就和大妈妈在一起看看电视,嗑嗑瓜子,好不快活。忽然,大妈妈起身走进书房里去了,我正感到纳闷。不一会儿,大妈妈出来了,原来大妈妈是去拿送给我的新年礼物和压岁钱了呢!我打开礼物一看,原来是一只正在跳舞的芭比娃娃。她长着一头柔美的秀发,身穿一件洁白的粉色纱裙,真是漂亮极了!我非常高兴,连声说:“谢谢大妈妈。”??

离开了大伯伯大妈妈家,我又准备和爸爸妈妈一起去外婆 家拜年了。当然我又可以收到很多压岁钱喽!

有了这么多的压岁钱,今年我又可以参加学校组织的“元宵灯会义卖”活动,我要用自己 收到的压岁钱为学校里生病的同学 献上一份爱心。




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As the saying goes: women kiss offer more to its parent when no memory in young. I have also recognized but I turn to. I do not know who is not often youyue. My first kiss from memory dedicated to love people in my most beautiful years. Who ever thought that things were always against.




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1)The Spring Festival comes after New Years Day.Its usually in January or February.Its the Chinese New Years Day.The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China.All of the Chinese like this festival.When it comes,people are busy.They usually do some cleaning,go to the stores to buy some new clothes and a lot of meat,vegetables and fruit.On the eve of the festival,everyone in the family comes back home from other places.They get together and have a big supper .They eat dumplings,New Years cake and some other delicious food in their houses.Some people like New Years cake,but more people think dumplings are the most delicious food of all.Some families have a party.They sing,dance and have a good time.I like this festival very much because I can play with my friends and I can get "red envelopes".



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"New Years day, New Years day!"The children were grinning from ear to ear on the grass.

The children in the square had some firecrackers and some around the fire.

At night, the sky becomes a colorful kaleidoscope.There are all kinds of firecrackers on the ground, red and red lanterns.From a distance, ah!It is more beautiful than spring, hotter than summer, richer than autumn, and more magnificent than winter.

There was a tray of candy and reunion dinners.Everyone happily gathered together, happily ate the reunion dinner, said to each other: "happy New Year to you!"I also say to everyone: "happy New Year!"







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The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in our country. Every Spring Festival, people always want to paste Fu characters, couplets, firecrackers. You see, every family has a decorated, the scene bursting with happiness.

Our family is no exception. I picked up a pair of spring couplets, stuck the glue on the door and put it neatly. Dad will "blessing" upside down on the door. Her sister was also busy in the room. She picked up a few red lanterns and hung them in the room, and put a bunch of small colored lights on the wall. The small color lights flicker like a small star in the blink of an eye.

"The year" the sound of firecrackers, the new year has passed. I love fireworks and love the Spring Festival more.



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So what is it about the Dragon Boat Festival that appeals to foreigners? “It’s an unusual sport,” says one racer from Germany. “It’s not like everybody’s doing it. That’s one of the reasons that there’s such great team spirit in a dragon boat team – everybody feels like we’re doing something special.” And what about the zongzi? “Ehhh, they’re not bad, I guess,” he says. “Something of an acquired taste. I just haven’t really acquired it yet.”





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春节是我们国家一个古老的传统节日,也是全年最重要的一个节日,因此春节的习俗也多种多样。因为相传年兽怕红色,怕火光和怕响声,所以人们便有贴春联、放鞭炮、敲锣打鼓等习俗。 不同时期、不同地区、不同民族的习俗都不相同。


农历腊月二十四扫尘就是年终大扫除,北方称“扫房”,南方叫“掸尘”。在春节前扫尘,是我们国家人民素有的传统习惯。每逢春节来临,每家每户都要打扫环境,清洗各种器具,拆洗被褥窗帘。其用意是要把一切“穷运”、“晦气” 统统扫出门。





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During the Spring Festival, I will go back to my hometown with my parents. My hometown is chongqing, where the Spring Festival is completely different from the jinan I live in now.

On the morning of the New Years eve, the day just have a light, every household begins to burn incense, and then put a red bean in the side of the door, this is my family go in peace, said after breakfast, children will hang lanterns along with adult help to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, use glue also is very different, not with double-sided adhesive, using the paste, hang lanterns first, and then affix Spring Festival couplets.

Children after I finished my work with adults, adults can buy his children like firecrackers, whether boys or girls, are very like to set off firecrackers, grab a businessman to go to the street, are all can buy goods of the New Year, firecrackers species also has a lot of, in the night of the New Years eve, the children can be put, the store also has a lot of candy, the adults will buy a lot of candy for children, children playing firecrackers while eating sugar, sweet meimei was exceptionally happy.

Is the most busy in the evening, everybody together to eat the delicious food, talk together, but not on the table, the childs attention early, just thinking about to set off firecrackers, the sky dark down slowly, each holding a lighted lantern, with pan and put on the two steamed bread, this all day with food, whether you home several lights, as long as it is lamp is open to all, the whole village are brightly lit, then begin with fireworks, the sky of fireworks, all kinds of. I was very happy to watch the hot and noisy scenes. By 8 PM, everyone would be on time to watch the Spring Festival gala.

At three o clock in the evening have to two, we sometimes get up, I will put the border trade can be as the alarm clock, as long as firecrackers rang, then dont want to go to sleep bottom go to, the noise is very big, the older generation will give children lucky money, of course the children to elders first to kowtow. The whole village of the same clan men to the family ancestral hall often worship the ancestors, in the form of memory, and invited the ancestors of the spiritual blessing of the family to prosper, the next year good luck. At 4 o clock, the room became the most crowded place, because the younger generation had to kowtow to the generation, to show respect and wish the old man a long life. There are many kinds of family reunion dinner, which is indispensable for family reunion dinner. Eating eggs means that students get better grades, beating people to eat eggs means they are round all year round.

Since grade, every family will go to relatives home New Year, chudn MQN zi, by the fifteenth day of the first, the work of people go to work, the school children start school, thus begins a New Year.



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Today is the beginning of seven, I told my cousin went to the big red flag in the town of Villa Zhuo watched a wonderful "Spring Festival acrobatics extravaganza." After we came to find a place performing acrobatics, find a place to sit, then waited patiently show began.

"Show began," I do not know who shouted. We immediately recovered.

The first program, the small monkey riding old goat rope walk. I saw the old goat monkey carrying a small step by step down the rope, hey, before. Really amazing ah! The next program more exciting! For example: a tightrope, tigers jump through hoops, lions and tigers slide across the beautiful swing, bears do sports, air swing ...... and so this "Spring Festival acrobatic extravaganza," the protagonist is mainly animals.

This "Spring Festival acrobatics show" really meaningful ah!

今天是年初七,我跟表姐一起到大冲镇的卓旗山庄观看了一场精彩 “贺新春杂技汇演”。我们来到之后,先找到表演杂技的地方,找个位置坐下,再耐心的等待着表演开始。


第一个节目是,小猴子骑老山羊走绳子。只见老山羊背着小猴子一步一步地走在绳子上,嘿,过了。真令人惊讶呀!接下来的节目更精彩!比如说:走钢丝、老虎跳火圈、狮子老虎跨美人滑秋千、狗熊做运动、空中秋千……等等 这 “贺新春杂技汇演”的主角主要是动物们。




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In China, the Spring festival is the first day of the lunar year.

People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes. They prepare delicious food, and clean and decorate their homes.

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, the family all get together for a big dinner. They stay up till midnight, and then play fireworks and crackers for good luck. On the first day of the lunar New Year, children put on their new clothes and greet their parents. They are very happy to get lucky money from them.



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1、With the Spring Festival coming,it’s glad to see this situation that people spend all winter holiday with their family, enjoying the fireworks,eating a bunch of food and chating with each orther . in a word,a jubiland view we can see.

As we all know,the spring festival is dear to chinese,not noly because people can enjoy the holiday with families and relatives,but the Spring Festival means a new year that is the symbol of happyness and unknown.

On the Spring festival,people are wearing new colorfur clothes,and always take happy faces,we can see the brightness in the eyes,also childen can receive lucky money from adults.

How happy people are!

2、the winter vacation is coming.we’re happy to welcome the holidays.usually,winter vacation is funny because spring festival is during the vacation. spring festival is a excellent day for every chinese,especially for children.during the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each other.then it’s the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money. but i’m not a child any longer.i want to make the festival a little bit different. i plan to have a different day.i’m going to sell some toys in the flower market.i will ask my friends to join me.if i earn some money,i’ll buy some presents to my parents. well,it’s my turn to give back to my parents for their love.

3、spring festival is the most important festival in china .it’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .in the evening before the spring festival ,families get together and have a big meal .in many places people like to set off firecrackers .dumplings are the most traditional food .children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .they can also get some money from their parents. this money is given to children for good luck . people put new year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . the spring festival lasts about 15 days long .people visit relatives and friends with the words have all your wishes ”. people enjoy the spring festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .

4、The spring festival is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the west country,it is welcome the new year. It is the day that the families get together. The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new years first day is the new years eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new yaars dinner,wishes each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to children as a lunar new year gift

5、the Spring Festival Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.

6、Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year . Before the Spring Festival,at first,I will help my mother to put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .Then,we will clean the house and do some shopping.In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .Dumplings are the most traditional food .After a big meal,I like to set off firecrakers with my brothers. Next morning ,I will put on my new cloths and go out to have fun.Our children like the festival very much ,because we can have delicious food and wear new clothes .We can also get some money from our parents. This money is given to children for good luck . The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. I enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time we can have a good rest . 春节是中国最重要的节日。这是为庆祝农历的新年。 春节到来之前,首先,我会帮助母亲把春联挂上墙壁祈求好运。然后,我们会进行大扫除还有大购物。除夕晚上,我们会进行家庭聚会,一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。饺子最传统的食品。吃过晚饭后,我会和兄弟们一起去放鞭炮。 第二天早上,我会穿上新衣服出去玩。我们这些孩子都非常喜欢春节,因为我们可以吃上美味的食物和穿上新衣服。我们还可以从父母手中得到一些钱。这笔给孩子们的钱代表好运气。 春节持续约15天。人民带着祝福探亲访友。 我很享受春节,在此期间,我们可以好好休息。

7、 The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed. xzhufu_com

Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned; couplets

are posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate. copyright xzhufu

On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. When xzhufu.com

people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games. 献祝福,祝福网

[点评] copyright xzhufu









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this summer vacation in the past month,this month i and my parents went to Vancouver to visit my friends.

We lodged at a friendss house.

Arrived in Vancouver on the first day,is already in the afternoon, so good friends mother decided to let our two people together to do a dinner .His mother cook the pizza. Hanburger, my mother and i do . In addition, the father is responsible for to buy drinks.

My brother and sister are in charge of eating.

After dinner, i and my friends and his younger brother ang sister to the courtyard behind the big swimming pool, especially fun.

Well, Im waiting for my second days diary.
