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The wings of dream, took us into the world of dreams, the happy kingdom, enjoy the joy of success, as long as you work hard you can find your wings with a dream, let us together to find that with the wings of dream!

The first lesson the theme of this year is a dream, a song carries the dreams and hopes of songs let me immersed in the dream and the future, then the teacher is Wang Yaping strange appearance, took us into the mysterious space, let us see the teacher Wang Yaping beautiful dream, Mr.

Wang told her about the realization of a dream experience, give us hard, but she has tasted the dream of happiness, Wang Yaping teacher said: the dream is like the stars in the universe, seemingly impossible, but as long as you work hard, we will be able to touch! In the first lesson on the stage of some positive for some happy kingdom, is looking for a new happy kingdom, Fu Lijuan sister to dream every day for up to six hours of training, but also accept the homesickness of suffering, but she has to find their own dream wings, although any dream, when you are in it before, to make the best of the biggest price, in order to dream, must pay, dream is your motivation, the dream has power, dream is a kind of eternal power, let you keep burning inside the small universe, to stimulate the desire for a better life and growth in nature.

A sister who lost her legs in the earthquake, although lost his legs, but the dance is not to cover up because of the desire to let her stand on the stage! Dream is the power to let people insist, let us work together for the dream, until success!



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在数学方面:我要每天写十道口算题,以便提高我的口算速度和口算准确率。并且每当老师讲完一单元后,我会准备一些资料来做,并让老师替我打分,如果考得一个好成绩的话就要争取下一次也要努力考到这样的成绩 ;如果考得差,就要总结,为什么考差了,看看哪一方面的题错的多,到复习的时候就要认真对待这一方面,并且数学考试时的口算题不能错,如果错了,就要写比以前多5倍的题。并且我也要做到课前预习,课后复习,争取在期末时考出一个好成绩。





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For most university students, dormitory life is a new experience. Most students have never lived far away from their parents before coming to university. They have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance, and when they become university students, their lives begin to change.

There are striking difference between home life and dormitory life. Student must begin to be responsible for their own action. They must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on, time for class, to eat properly, to keep their clothes and themselves clean ,and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation. They must also learn to take care of their money, making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for fun.

In general, there are both good and bad points about life in student dormitory. Often, dormitory?rooms are small and crowded. This lack of space can limit ones privacy and make it?difficult for students to concentrate on their studies. On the other hand, in a dormitory, student have a great deal more freedom than?they might have at home. They can act according to their own will and desire than to that of parents.



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团队合作非常重要Teamwork is very important

I am not fond of basketball,let alone to play it.But I have seen a wonderful basketball game between my class and postgraduate class.It is so wonderful that I cannt help asking myself "Is it real".The answer is pretty yes.I also learn a lot from the game.

First ,teamwork is very important.You are sure to fail if you play by yourself.So five members must play together and well orgnized.Second ,you should have a aim.In order to reach it,you should try your best.

Last,never give up whatever have happened.Even if you get low scores,you shouldnt give up.If there is a will,there is a way.If there is a will ,there is also a opportunity.And you can make failure into success.Believe yourself and believe your team.You are the best one.



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Autumn and winter have passed, also lost all joy and vexation last term. The Spring Festival has passed, leaving the sour and happy winter vacation. Another new term, school begins...


This semester, we should have a new face, so the teacher lets us change the new group and contact the new team members. When the teacher sends out the list, I cant: the three boys in our group are monsters, and the girls are a little unsatisfactory. Look at the other groups. Its the same expression. The group leaders brows were locked, and his eyes were disappointed. Looks like everyone has a problem! Hope the new team members will be more positive in the future!

Team members wave

One wave is not flat, and one rises after another. The teacher has a new assignment... Decorate the wall. My excitement has been brought up again, again can with a group of students to show their talents! I chose the wall early, and discussed the design plan with the team members. Why, how can each one be listless? No matter. No matter what, I told the team members what the teacher had told me. Let them think of a way. But what I heard was: "you can do these things yourself. Why should we plan any more?" Myself? Arent we a group? I said patiently, "in the future, we will be together in a group. We will work together to make our group well and learn to make our group the best in the class. Do you have an idea for this wall, I have an idea, so that you can work together more perfectly? I earnestly to speak, but team members is indifferent, my heart my heart.i have come up to the top, I tried, I think: Im not perfect, in a group, you should get along, united as one, so that we could improve the spirit of collaboration and unity will! I feel the group is lazy, I dont know what they think? Is it so hard to make a contribution to the group? Why should everyone pass the buck? Why cant all be united in one group? One of my enthusiasm was poured cold water with ice! Let me cool to the foot!

Reflection after going home

"When a good student is difficult, when a good leader is more difficult, it is even more difficult to be a good leader." I have realized the meaning of this sentence, or the old saying, reflect on yourself. Hope they can be positive later!










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1 、上下楼梯不要慌张、不要拥挤,按次序进行,下楼不能顺楼梯的扶手滑下来。如果慌里慌张的容易扭伤脚脖;如果拥挤,会发生摔伤事故;滑扶手万一摔下来,很危险。

2 、课间活动要文明,追逐撵打易碰伤,谨记教导是上策。

3 、打扫卫生时,一定注意不能拿扫把乱打、乱闹。

4 、为了督促孩子们自律,我特意安排了课间安全监督员,发现课间或课外活动有学生有不安全的行为,安全监督员首先制止,然后报告老师,发现不安全的表现及时报告老师,老师及时教育并弥补管理上的漏洞。


1 、告诫学生遵守交通规则,看信号灯过马路,不要横穿马路,特别是你忽然从花坛里蹿出来,很危险的。

2 、按时上学和回家,不要早到,在外边逗留有不安全音素;放学按时回家,让家长放心,最好不要私自去同学家或相约到某个地方玩,如果去给家长说一声。

3 、网吧、游戏厅不能去,里面人员杂乱、环境不好对身心健康不利,万一碰上坏人,很麻烦。

4 、放学有学生坐公交车,在公交站牌的地方孩子容易拥挤,我安排有值日队长,维持秩序,一定做到排队上车,公交车到站不能拥挤。

5 、路上遇到陌生人,最好少与他们交谈,一定不能要陌生人的东西。

6 、大雨天,不要再大树下避雨,大雨天出门要小心,最好不要出门。


1 、提醒学生早餐尽量在家吃,一定要吃好。

2 、不乱吃小零食和地摊上的食物。

3 、多饮用白开水,少喝饮料特别是碳酸饮料。

4 、不能暴食暴饮,容易损伤肠胃的。





1 、和家长及时沟通。

2 、开学家长会上,告知家长学校作息时间安排,便于家长监管孩子按时上学,按时回家没有。

3 、孩子没有按时到校又没有请假,立即和家长取得联系,告知家长。

4 、如果发现有孩子上网吧或游戏厅及时和家长沟通,加强对孩子的管理、教育。

5 、孩子在校生病,不能让孩子单独离校,一定通知家长来学校接孩子回家治疗,并让孩子填好离校请假条。

6 、发现孩子在学校有异常表现,比如说,孩子到校总是迟到,要和家长及时沟通,了解孩子的情况,找出原因,及时教育。

7 、经常排查班里有没有安全隐患,如果有及时告诉学校,消除安全隐患。

8 、作为老师,坚守自己的阵地,上课不能随意离开教室,以免教室没有老师,学生发生打闹现象。

9 、如果遇到突发事件,第一时间告知家长和学校,不能耽误了事情。

10 、体育课、运动会提醒孩子如有不舒服立即停止活动,做好预防工作。

11 、根据学校安排展开安全教育主题班会,进行专题安全教育。比如说:地震、火灾如何逃生,我们学校多次进行安全演练,孩子们有一定的安全常识。比如说:手、足、口病,甲型 H1N1 流感,密切配合学校做好宣传、监管工作。




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一、游泳和预防溺水教育 1要求学生不准私自下水游泳; 2.不擅自与同学结伴游泳; 3.不在无家长或老师带领的情况下游泳; 4.不到无安全设施、无救护人员的水域游泳; 5.不到不熟悉的水域游泳。

二、防震减灾教育 1.学习地震知识,掌握科学的自防自救方法; 2.分配每人震时的应急任务,以防手忙脚乱, 耽误宝贵时间; 3.确定疏散路线和避震地点,要作到畅通无阻; 4.加固室内家俱杂物,特别是睡觉的地方, 更要采取必要的防御措施;

三、交通安全教育 1.交通安全很重要,交通规则要牢记,从小养成好习惯,不在路上玩游戏; 2.行走应走人行道,没有行道往右靠,天桥地道横行道,横穿马路离不了; 3.一慢二看三通过,莫与车辆去抢道。骑车更要守规则,不能心急闯红灯; 4.乘车安全要注意,遵守秩序要排队;手头不能伸窗外,扶紧把手莫忘记。

四、消防安全教育 (一)防火的基本措施。1、控制可燃物; 2、隔绝助燃物; 3、消除着火源; 4、防止火势蔓延。

(二)灭火的基本方法 1、冷却法; 2、窒息法; 3、隔离法; 4、化学抑制法。

(三)灭火器的使用方法 1、左手托住灭火器底部,右手拿住压把,拿出灭火器; 2、奔赴火灾现场; 3、拔掉安全销; 4、左手握灭火器喷头并对准火焰底部,右手按下压把喷射。



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The caterpillar of the tree outside the window has broken the cocoon into a butterfly, dance, began its life of another starting point, the beginning of the beginning of the beginning of the composition 800 words: school begins. I am also going to high school to start a new journey.


Look through the window and watch the sunset. The sun is slowly disappearing from the horizon, less and less. Just like my vacation, its almost over, and the school year begins slowly in the countdown.

Two months of free and unfettered, the new semester is coming. I cant help thinking how quickly the free time passed. Think about it, you can see the students and teachers who have not met for two months, and there is a little excitement in the heart. But, the study that is about to be put into intense study, every day in the question of the ocean flight, seldom have a weekend also cannot relax tone, rest a rest, in the heart add a little bit of anxiety. I was reluctant to say goodbye to my two months of vacation, and how time passed so quickly.

Six years of primary school life is over and will soon be entering secondary school.

High school, a strange and familiar word, it contains a trace of mystery. Once upon a time, I wondered: what would life be like in middle school? Is it nervous? Or something else? Will I be assigned to a class with former primary school students? Will you meet new classmates and be friends? Will your grades be the same as now? Better or less? Everything is uncertain.

There have been numerous fantasies: facing the chaoyang, walking on the road to school; Walking the sunset, walking on the way home. Fresh morning, running on the campus streets; Warm afternoon, walk on the campus path. On the early spring morning, playing with my classmates in the playground. In the summer evening, under the tree of the campus to rehearse programs; On autumn afternoon, read in the school chair; On a winter morning, I have a snowball fight with my classmates and make a snowman... How comfortable these are.

Listen to the adults say, middle school this stage is very important, want to lay a good foundation, later learn to be not tired. There was once a senior (higher grade than me, she is very good, is a very good sister) said to me: "high school is important at this stage, and all are for learning, everything else is secondary." The meaning of senior makes me feel very much. Thank you, senior. Lets cheer together!

The sunset, but tomorrow will rise from the east, I will start my new journey with a new look!












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I am ___________. I was born in _________ . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.

I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.




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The school is begining.And it is the first day I come to school.Im very happy.My mother sent me to school by bike.I aslo make many friends today.We study and play with each other very well.I like them.When class is over,I say goodbue to them. And go home by myself.



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March 5th is my birthday.Its also a special day to memorize a great person

-- Lei Feng. This year I celebrated my birthday in a different way. In the

morning, I got up early and cooked breakfast for my parents. At school, I helped

my desk-mates to repair their broken chairs.After school, I took my birthday

cake to the home for the aged. The old men were so happy to see me. All o~ them

hoped that I would be back again.What a joyful birthday it was!



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"Time flies, sun and moon flies." A blink of an eye, happy and happy winter passed. And ushered in a new semester, the school opened the door to meet our arrival. I walked with excitement into the school, deserted a winter vacation playground and lively, full of laughter everywhere.

I came to the class, see the class some students in the chat, and some in the extracurricular books, and some in the chase slapstick, very hot! I and a small partner did not meet a winter vacation, and now see again, we all look very happy, happily talked about in the winter vacation occurred in the interesting.

Began to send a new book, we hungry and thirsty to see the story of the book, I found that the language of the words on the book becomes difficult, the number of pages of the text has become more, before the most text only four pages, and now the most Ten and a half. Read the text is also more, read is self-study, this semester we have to learn to learn. The contents of the book of books become dark, and difficult to understand. Science books become more interesting, and more a lot of practical activities, the English book a lot of words I will not read. But it is hard to beat us, as long as we earnestly study hard, we will be able to master this knowledge.

This semester, I must learn, read a lot, write essays, correct their own shortcomings, do a good example of the students.

Then, we have to clean up, we have some blackboard, some sweeping, and mopping the floor, as well as finishing podium, and soon, the classroom changed to very clean.

Its so happy to start school! And can chat with small partners, play, learning.



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How quickly time has flown by!My summer holiday is over.

Our school is much more beautiful than before.The grass in front of the office building is so green.The river beside it is so clean and the trees around it are so tall.Our classroom building has changed a lot.It has become higher and more new than last term.

I come into our classroom.The windows are very new and clean.My classmates and I are interested in the new things in the classroom.

We have come into the third year.We are a little nervous.Were very busy today.We have three new teachers.We all like them.Today just as usual,we have been busy doing everything,but I like life like this.Busy days can make me happy and excited.

This is my first day of school.It is busy but interesting.I like my classroom,my school and I like my first day.







The first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things.

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains. In the next three years, we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true. I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadness with them. The process of learning is also a growing process.

Similarly, I will also face many difficulties. I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life. However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.







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The school! The twinklinof an eye, relaxed and happy winter vacation life is over, the new sester isinain.

Today is the first day of school, it is sunny,classtes like a oup of cute little bird, fly happily in the beautiful caus. In capacious and brit classroo the teacher want to send us the new textbook. My hands strokinthe new textbooks, lookinat the itterincover, sllinthe faint scent of ink,heart can t say how happy and reets. Well, ti to the old n, you can t walk slowly? We haven t play enou! After school, we face is nervous learnin can t sleep like a biblack bear to 9, 10 o clock, 50 points of the alarclock ranat six o clock, you have to t up rit now, can no lonr easily like winter vacation. Because you just a little a bit lazy, learninis likely to step backwards, first ar tea are likely to find your location. I ll never et the end of each sester to sacred podiu t yoshi students and outstandinclass dry certificates, hard to cultivateowth of teachers face the deep feelin happy sle...

As an old sayines, no pains, no ins, no pains, no ins. Learninis a happy thin we should be like a spon, the water of efforts to learn the knowled frothe book, now, will be better in the future. Besides, after nths of intensive study, rich and colorful vacation wille ain. The classtes, let us in the new sester, work harder, strive for eater proess.



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As the Halloween is coming soon, there are many stores selling the relative products and many kids are attracted deeply. This festival originated in western country and now the world is celebrating it. Every year, there will be a big parade and all kinds of horrible images appear. The ghosts, the walking deads and vampires are favored by the young people, they like to dress like these images and join the parade. For the kids, they like to hang out together and ask for candy from door to door. Treat or trick is their slogan, they can always get the candy. Some naughty guys even throw eggs and this habit annoys many people, some stores will refuse to sell eggs to kids on this day, just in case of the accident. In all, the young people are enjoying great party in Halloween.




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