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I am so looking forward to my college life. I have pictured it thousands of

times in my mind. The free lifestyle and lively parties are always appearing my

mind. The great expectation of campus life endows me a lot of passion to keep

study. After two years’ study, I would find my lifestyle.

The first thing for me is to learn more knowledge. Most students find a way

to release themselves and skip or sleep in the class. They think study is just

the task, so they give up improving themselves and take part in all kinds of

activities, which bring them great joy. The wrong conception about college stage

makes most students miss the best time to equip themselves with skills. I

realize my job and dare not to loose study.

The second thing for me to learn is to make friends by joining activities.

I am a shy girl, but inside my heart, I am so eager to make more friends, so I

choose to join many activities in the spared time. I learn dancing and playing

tennis. The lucky thing is that I know many nice people and we become good

friends, who make my college colorful.




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It is a fact that college is becoming more and more expensive and college life is becoming especially hard for the students who were born in needy families. However, there are several ways in which these students can cover their tuition that their parents are not able to afford. Finding a part-time job, for example, is an ideal way. Besides, one can ask the bank for a loan and repay it when he has the ability. Finally, one can seek assistance from the society.

For me, earning tuition by doing part-time jobs is the most suitable way. First, I learn to be independent both mentally and economically in this way. Apart from this, I no longer need to wor-ry my parents with so heavy a burden. Finally, since I earn my own living, I will be more confi-dent with myself and, therefore, I can live a busy but meaningful college life.



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enough/ i’nΛf/ a.足够的 ad.足够地

enquire/ in’kwai?/ vi.vt. 询问

enquiry/ / n. 询问

ensure/ in’?u?/ vt.保证;保护;赋予

entertain/ ent?’tein/ vt.使欢乐;招待

enthusiasm/ in’θju:zi?z?m/ n.热情,热心,热忱

entitle/ in’taitl/ vt.给…权利(或资格)

entry/ ‘entri/ n.入口处;登记;进入

environment/ in’vai?r?nm?nt/ n.环境,外界;围绕

envy/ ‘envi/ vt.&n.妒忌;羡慕

equal/ ‘i:kw?l/ a.相等的;平等的

equality/ i(:)’kw?liti/ n.等同,平等;相等

equation/ i’kwei??n/ n.方程(式);等式

equip/ i’kwip/ vt.装备,配备

equipment/ i’kwipm?nt/ n.装备,设备,配备

equivalent/ i’kwiv?l?nt/ a.相等的;等量的

era/ ‘i?r?/ n.时代,年代;纪元

erect/ i’rekt/ vt.建造;使竖立

error/ ‘er?/ n.错误,谬误;差错

escape/ is’keip/ vi.逃跑;逸出 n.逃跑

especially/ is’pe??li/ ad.特别,尤其,格外

bear vt.容忍;负担;生育

beard n.胡须,络腮胡子

beast n.兽,野兽;牲畜

beat vt.&vi.打,敲;打败

beautiful a.美的,美丽的

beef n.牛肉;菜牛

beg vt.&vi.乞求;请求

beggar n.乞丐,穷人

behalf n.利益,维护,支持

behave vi.表现,举止;运转

behavior n.行为,举止,态度

being n.存在;生物;生命

belief n.信任,相信;信念

believe vt.相信;认为

bell n.钟,铃,门铃;钟声

belong vi.属于,附属

beloved a.为…的爱的 n.爱人

belt n.带,腰带;皮带;区

bench n.长凳,条凳;工作台

bend vt.使弯曲 vi.弯曲

beneath prep.在…下方

beneficial a.有利的,有益的

benefit n.利益;恩惠;津贴

berry n.浆果(如草莓等)

beside prep.在…旁边

besides ad.而且prep.除…之外

bet vt.&vi.&n.打赌

betray vt.背叛;辜负;泄漏

beyond prep.在…的那边

Bible n.基督教《圣经》

bill n.账单;招贴;票据

billion num.万亿(英)

bind vt.捆绑;包扎;装钉

biology n.生物学;生态学

birthday n.生日,诞生的日期

biscuit n.(英)饼干;(美)软饼

bite vt.咬,叮,螫;剌穿

bitter a.痛苦的;严寒的

bitterly ad.苦苦地;悲痛地

blade n.刀刃,刀片;叶片

blame vt.责备,把…归咎于

blank a.空白的 n.空白

blanket n.毛毯,毯子,羊毛毯

blast n.爆炸,冲击波 vt.炸

blaze n.火;闪光 vi.燃烧

bleed vi.出血,流血;泌脂

blend vt.&vi.&n.混和

bless vt.为…祝福

blind a.瞎的;盲目的

block n.街区 vt.堵塞,拦阻

bloom n.花;开花,开花期

blossom n.花,开花 vi.开花

blow vi.吹,吹动;吹响

boast vi.自夸 vt.吹嘘

bold a.大胆的;冒失的

bolt n.螺栓;插销 vt.闩门

bomb n.BoB!!! vt.轰炸

bond n.联结,联系;公债

bone n.骨,骨骼

boot n.靴子,长统靴

booth n.货摊;公用电话亭

border n.边,边缘;边界

bore vt.使厌烦;钻,挖

born a.天生的;出生的

bosom n.胸,胸部;内心

boss n.老板,上司 vt.指挥

bother vt.烦扰,迷惑 n.麻烦

bough n.树枝

bounce vi.反跳,弹起;跳起

bound a.一定的;有义务的

boundary n.分界线,办界

bow n.弓;蝴蝶结;鞠躬

bowl n.碗,钵;碗状物

box n.箱,盒;包箱;拳击vi.打拳

brain n.脑,脑髓;脑力

brake n.闸,刹车 vi.制动

branch n.树枝;分部;分科

brand n.商品;烙印 vt.铭刻

brandy n.白兰地酒

brass n.黄铜;黄铜器

breadth n.宽度,幅度;幅面

breathe vi.呼吸 vt.呼吸

breed n.品种 vt.使繁殖

breeze n.微风,和风

brick n.砖,砖块;砖状物

brief a.简短的;短暂的

brighten vt.使发光;使快活

brilliant a.光辉的;卓越的

brim n.边,边缘;帽沿

brisk a.活泼的;清新的

bristle n.短而硬的毛;鬃毛

Britain n.不列颠,英国

British a.不列颠的,英联邦的

brittle a.脆的;易损坏的

broadcast n.广播,播音

broken a.被打碎的,骨折的

bronze n.青铜;青铜制品

brood n.同窝幼鸟 vt.孵(蛋)

brook n.小河,溪流

broom n.扫帚

brow n.额;眉,眉毛

brown n.褐色,棕色

bruise n.青肿,伤痕;擦伤

brush n.刷子,毛刷;画笔



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I am a middle school student . I am good at maths because i like my maths teachers humorous teaching . After class I often play ball games with my classmates and they are all friendly to me. I also like swimming and drawing .I am getting along well with my classmates and we often help each other . Our teachers are very nice but they are strict with all the students . I love my school and the life here.



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My campus activities are rich and colorful.Learning English has become a habit to me cause I plan to study abroad in next few years.Playing Guzheng is my favorite activity.I have kept on practising it since I was a little girl and I wish to win more competitions in my campus life.

Our university has the first level equipments and the most experienced teachers,also has the best students(laugh).I consider it to be a honor that Ive got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we could live wonderful lives in our campus!



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Thursday, September 29th, the weather is clear

Today is a special day, is my sister Kiki birthday, is also my 22 just over one year old babys birthday.

Today is my little sister Qi Qis birthday, uncle (Qi Qis father) invited me to dinner for dinner. About half past four, I went to school, and my uncle drove to pick me up. I heard it in the car. Originally, a hotel invited Gigi to attend an event, and there were 5 children who were born on the same day of the same month with Qi Qi. If they did, they could have a 500 yuan meal free. Why do you want to carry out this activity? Because the owner of the hotel and the Shanghai newspaper bosses want to work together in Changshu to open a newspaper, just look into that the city has 22 babies are born in September 29th last year today, in 22 babies smoked 6 babies, three male three female, want to interview the babys parents, but also live television, Kiki was lucky enough to draw in.

We came to the house to pick them up, took some pictures in a park, and went to the hotel for a while. We came to the "Jinjiang Hotel". The waiter greet us warmly. We walked into a room of about 50 square meters, and placed six tables. The walls were covered with colorful balloons. On a large page, "twenty-first Century * * activities" was written. About 6, everyone is here, well have dinner. At half the time, the reporter came, and the waiter asked the parents to sign the babys name and hope for the baby on a big red paper. Then the reporter asked, "what do you think after you know the news?" "I feel puzzled..." In a round of applause, the interview came to an end.



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Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is coming. Its a traditional North

American holiday,and is a form of harvest festival. In the United States, the

fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving was about

the Pilgrims, the first settlers in America. They shared the first harvest with

the Indians and gave thanks.

Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big

dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional

Thanksgiving desserts. Relatives from other cities, students who have been away

at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday

at home.

On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed

during the year. And I am sure that we all must have a lot to be thankful for.

Maybe you would like to give thanks for being here with your family and for

being well,or give thanks for a healthy year, a good job,or thank your friends

for encouraging you when you are in dismay,etc.



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When I was in high school, go to college ismy dream. Now I realize my dream. excited as I am, the first time I see mycollege.

My college is inside the biggest universityof Guangxi so that everytime I have to across a big campus to go out. At first Iam upset about that, but later on I get used to it. My college looksmodernization in general. When I arrive at the school gate, the first thing isthe boys’ dormitory and then is the playground. Look up! I see the canteen. I seethe girls’ dormitory turn left. But where is my classroom? I look around butcan’t find it. It turns out that it is separated by burrows. It’s strange,right? While I go across the burrow, I see another two big playgrounds and a tenniscourt at my left side. What is in my right side? Turn right, I see rows ofteaching building connecting with the library. This is mycollege. I like it notonly because of the evironment but also the people there.

Both the teachers and students there arevery nice. My roomates always help me in the daily life, the thing they usuallydo is wake me up in the morning. Other classmates always help me, when I meettrouble in study. My teachers are all kind and knowlegeable. Especially my headteacher, he talks with us and plays sports with us in order to make us get usedto the new life.

My college is wonderful. I love it. If youhave the opportunity, I hope you can pay a visit one day.



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When we are born, we are unblemished. As we grow, we develop many complexities due to many influences in our lives. During childhood, we are repeatedly discouraged, chided, and in some cases, abused. As we grow older, we develop our own version of right and wrong. We create a world of our own.


Our brain collects and retains all visual, auditory information from the moment we are born and to the smallest of the details. Apart from our brain having memory, cells in our body, in billions, have their own memory. In other words, our body store both physiological and psychological memories. We are complex emotional beings in nature compared to any other living animal.


Apparently, physical and psychological memories strongly influence our emotions! Interestingly, we can create, store, and release emotion like energy. Moreover, if we do not process our emotions properly and suppressed for long time, they can find a way out violently and unexpectedly.


Unfortunately, we carry our guilt throughout our lives effecting ever-increasing burden on our shoulders. We become heavy with guilt and anger for things we could or did not achieve, for things we cannot have, to cite few examples. Evidently, everyone carry his or her own sack of guilt and anger.


One must question our nature of accumulating and carrying our guilt and anger until the end. Both guilt and anger are useless for us. They give us no advantage. Therefore, one may ask: is there a way to put down the sack form our weary shoulders? It is possible, indeed. Importantly, since our guilt and anger inside us neither addressed nor given attention, they are stored. Actually, we should process and address our emotions in order to remove from our system. We cannot just wish them away.


In fact, by acknowledging their presence and providing a channel for them to dissipate, we can dissolve our emotions gradually. Taking drugs, consuming alcohol only aggravates situation. They only provide transient solace. Is there a better way to unload our burden? Luckily, we have natural gift to process our feeling and emotions. Forgiveness stands first of all other natural remedies.


Indeed, there is no better way than forgiving ourselves. Notwithstanding, we should learn to readily forgive others. When we learn to forgive ourselves, we also naturally forgive others.


In summary, there is no benefit carrying our years of emotional baggage. By forgiving, we can throw away the emotional baggage we carry for years, if not decades. Forgive your past mistakes. The moment you start forgiving, you feel lot lighter and years of heaviness lifted magically! To your surprise, you start feeling lot energetic and optimistic in your daily life.





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Todays society is a highly developed technological society. However, the

shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide,

and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide


Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse

gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified

economy and La Nina phenomena lag disorder. Two levels of glaciers melting,

polar animals lose their chance of survival at the same time, will lead to

rising sea levels, many coastal cities into the water did not result in a few

years later. Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the

environmental impact of carbon dioxide.

For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from

our own, to promote low-carbon living.



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Campus life is like flowers, colorful and deeply attracted to the students.

In the morning the students with the birds entered the gate, a day of school life began. After a magical Chinese lesson, I finished a wonderful math lesson. This is the end of class, and the students rushed to the playground. They have some tiaopijin, play, dance and sing. A song and laughter.

This is our rich and pleasant campus life.



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You should write a short essay on the topic On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.







On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory can be disturbed in one way or another.

As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On one hand, you can have a good rest and put your heart into study. On the other hand, you will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your lifestyle and try to get rid of your bad habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, youll just have to learn to tolerate each other and coexist. Thirdly, youll have to share with each other and make good friends.

In conclusion, you should make every effort to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.







You should write a short essay on the topic On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.







On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory can be disturbed in one way or another.

As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On one hand, you can have a good rest and put your heart into study. On the other hand, you will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your lifestyle and try to get rid of your bad habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, youll just have to learn to tolerate each other and coexist. Thirdly, youll have to share with each other and make good friends.

In conclusion, you should make every effort to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.










审题就是要审作文的题材和体裁。因为什末样的体裁就会用什末样的题材去写。那末体裁包括那些呢?它包括议论文,说明文和描述文。从近些年看,四级作文不是单一的体裁,而是几种体裁的杂合体。例如:Directions: For this part ,your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topicTrying to Be A Good University Student .You should write at least 100 words and you shouldbase your composition on the outline (given in Chinese ) below :







我们审题的目的就是根据不同体裁确定不同的写作方法。通过审题,我们可以看出四级作文大都是三段式。如上例第一段为议论体,第二段为说明体,地三段为描述体。而各种文体又不同的写作方式: 议论文;要有论点和论据,而且往往从正反两方面来论述。例如上面第一段的思路是:做合格大学生,会怎末样(这是从正面论述);不能做合格的大学生,会怎末样(从反面论述);所以我们要做合格的大学生(结了论)。


描述文:一"人"为中心描述一个"做"的过程。与上两段相比,本段的主语多为人称代词,他要与第二段相互应进行描述。 二 确定主题句


1)It is very necessary to be a good university student . (议论体的主题句)

2)There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student .(说明体的主题句)

3)What I will do in the future is the following .(描述体主题句)


标题:Good Health

1)Importance of good health

2)Ways to keep fit

3)My own practice


1)It is very important to have good health .(将名词importance变成形容词important)

2)There are four ways to keep fit for me .(用there be 句型)

3)My own practices are the following .(采用原词)


保证不跑提示写作当中第一任务,第二个重要任务就是要做到条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚,对于说明文来说条理要清楚,对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚。就拿上例Good health 来说,第一段保持正反面要清楚救应这样写:正面(With good health ,we can...),反面(Without good health ,we cando nothing .We cant do...)

为了使文章更具有条理性,我们可以用first(ly) second(ly) third(ly)等副词,他们可以是文章的条例性更加突出。作文是主观题,想得告分就必须引起老师的主意,老师的时间很短(每篇作文只有一两分钟就要阅完),所以我们在列调试最好不用: To be with,... after that ,...And then, ... The next , ... Thefollowing , ... As last ... 。因为用这样的词语不利于老师看出你作文的条理性。






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Since the financial crisis swept the world, the global economy has sunk into a severe recession. It’s hard to get through a day without hearing or reading news about the devastating effects of the crisis: A world of companies go bankrupt, millions of employees are laid off, high-return investment bubbles burst, and huge sums of loans can never be retrieved. Its impact on our daily life can be felt in all walks of life。

College students inevitably fall victim to this pervasive slump as well. On top of that, internships and job vacancies are reduced to the minimum as companies keep shrinking. New graduates find themselves hard to get a job, not to speak of a satisfactory one. What comes next? Poor students will be hard-pressed if they find student loans unavailable any more. As a result, some even cannot afford to continue their studies. Lastly, more students are probably out there anxiously looking for part-time jobs now that they have to help cover their expenses in this gloomy economy. Their innocence and eagerness might be taken advantage of by some malicious businesspeople, or even criminal gang。

In response to these threats, we students must act promptly and wisely. Since we definitely will be facing a competitive job market, it’s crucial that we submit high quality resumes. Therefore, we must commit more to our professional studies. Even do better, master more relevant job skills as a double security. Furthermore, apply for scholarships and grants, as these are still available and we don’t have to pay them back. As for the safety issues, trust our instinct – there’s no free lunch in this world. Anything that promises quick returns without much work is a sure trap. Stay alert and protect ourselves。



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In the twinkling of an eye the summer is over, I know this summer for you with the usual meaning. This is a transition from high school to university, and a prelude to your maturity and independence.

I know a lot of people are excited and excited now. They are full of expectation and expectation for university life. At the same time, they will also have many doubts and worries, and dont know how to face many things. Actually, a year ago, when I first entered university, these puzzles were also on my side. I was always in a dilemma with many things and even sometimes made wrong decisions.

For a year, I have some things for some of their insights, perhaps the sentiment is too subjective, perhaps is wrong, is not suitable for you, but I still want to share with you, if I said not right, do not meet everyones mind, or to a lot of big family excuse, because it just represents my personal; but if I say, what word makes you get a tiny bit of inspiration or harvest, I will be the great honor, because it can get other peoples identity itself is a very comforting thing. Then, then, I will talk briefly about my personal feelings and opinions about some of the things in college life.



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(1) How Do People in My Hometown Observe Spring Festival

(2) My College Life ---- A Summary of the First Term in Zhejiang

Gongshang University

Spring Festival in my Hometown

The Spring Festival, the most jubilant and important festival in China, is observed by most Chinese people at home and abroad. Our hometown is not an exception.

Similar with other places in china, we prepare for the festival about half a month before. With the lunar New Year approaching, the red lanterns are hung up along the main streets, making the ancient town filled with the festival atmosphere. While people clean up their houses, decorate it with traditional decorations such as Chinese knots and paper cutting. Each family pastes up Spring Festival couplets to convey their best wishes for the coming year.

On the New Year’s Eve, the whole family sits around, having a

sumptuous feast of reunion. It is worth mentioning that the food we have called maiyouzhi is unique. There is a flat piece of wheat sheet covering various vegetable and meat then rolling them up. What a delicious it is! After dinner, the family always watches the Spring Festival Gala Evening, and sets up fireworks to watch in the New Year.

On the first day of the New Year, people pay visits to the relatives and friends to send New Year’s greetings to each other and wish everything smoothly in the new year. The kids can get a lot of lucky money from the elders.

During the whole holiday, there are varied activities in the town such as lion and dragon dance, and all the citizens enjoy them very much.

People celebrate the festival until the Lantern festival. However, the wonderful memory and the joy of the Spring Festival will last long.

It’s really my honor to be part of Zhejiang Gongshang University.

My College Life

How time flies! I have been in Zhejiang Gongshang University for a semester. In retrospect, my college life is busy but colorful. Different from my senior high school’s life, the whole new life I led is much freer. I arranged my time,

becoming the master of myself.

First of all, study is still the core of my life. I major in Japanese which is both interesting and challenging. We are required to be accomplished in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. As a result I had to spend most of time in improving my abilities. Besides of the regular courses, I often attended the lecture and went to the library to eich my knowledge, and I do benefit from what I learnt.

As to the after school life, what I consider most meaningful is joining the YVP to serve society. I think it is the responsibility for every university student to make contribution to the community. Little as my effort is, I tried my best to help the people around us. Once the YVP organized us to sell secondhand books and raise the money to help the people indeed.

In addition, I quite enjoy the travels and the bees. Travels let me experience the sunshine, fresh air as well as the special taste of the local customs and practices. While the bees keep the friendship shining, and friends are as if family members. Both of them lit up my life.

All in all, the college life is a journey, and I have long way to go; all the memory is the most precious treasure, and I will value every moment.



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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Campus Life. You should write at least words according to the situation given below in Chinese:

Campus Life

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has come true. But how do we college students like our campus life?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Internet.




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My family has a father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and my family.

My father is a humorous dad, he would often make everyone laugh, speak some jokes to me, sometimes joke some fallacies, mother will said Dad, what did you teach your daughter, daughter are bad. Dad said nothing, not. In fact, he is very concerned about me.

My mother is a good mother, is not "free" at home what are not the wife. Eleven hard-working and beautiful wife and mother, mother often give us to do good, that smell, taste really called the people saliva. Say, now eat. My grandfather is a hard-working grandfather, grandfather every day very early, every time we get up, Grandpa back to the ground clean, clean up, the rice is cooked, but also to the field to turn back.

My grandmother is a frugal grandmother, grandmother if you see good-looking clothes, she will look at the store for a long time, the way to see the clothes in the eyes, go home to buy a cloth to do one, you do not say that, compared to buy a little also not bad, but a lot cheaper. Although the beauty of her grandmother, but very frugal, but also often education I do not spend money. To use on the blade.

This is my family.


I live with my father and mother in a very big house in Dongguan. My parents are both very busy. They leave for work very early in the morning and don’t return home until late in the evening.

When I am home on weekends from school, we spend a lot of time together. We talk about my studies, my health and my school life. I love my parents very much.

My grandparents are still living, but they don’t live with us. Their health is good and they both do sports very early in the morning. My grandmother does gymnastics with elderly women her age in the park. Both of my grandfathers play basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.

Chinese people eat rice for every meal, but I don’t like rice because I think it is tasteless! We eat meat, fish and vegetables. My family eats noodles and congee. My favorite is noodles.

I often play computer games because I like it so much. I often watch Japanese cartoon movies with my parents on the weekends. On long holidays we take trips, too.

That is my description of typical family life in China.


My mom and dad make up this family. There are lots of things happening together, because our family is full of laughter all the time. Naturally, there are many interesting things happen to our family. Let me tell you another one.

One day in the summer vacation, my father and mother said that I would take me to go fishing tomorrow. I was very glad to hear it. On the second day, we started off with fishing things! There, I saw a lot of people waiting for the fish to come. Suddenly, a fishing rod of an old man moved, he immediately pulled the fishing rod, and a big fish was caught. Then the old man got up again. I also learned his way, put the bait on the hook, put the water into the water, and was ready to "meet" the fish. So I do not know how long, then, the fishing rod, I hurried back, but could not pull up, mom and dad said: "Dad, mom, come and help, the fish is too heavy, I cant pull it up!" Mom and dad listened to and hurried over to help, finally pulled up, the I think that Everything is going smoothly., will catch a big fish, who knows, it is a bag filled with mud. Dad looked at it, and the belly of her laugh hurt, but I was very sad. My mother comforted, "dont give up, child. Failure is the mother of success. Who will succeed for the first time? Try again." I heard it, and I did it again. I did not take the effort. I caught a small fish.

It is the happiest time to be with your family. In fact, if you think about everything in your home, you will find it fun!
