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大步流星 星离月会 云屯星聚 棋布星罗 月明星稀 众星拱极 星星点点 星前月下

星流电击 星飞云散 星月交辉 星罗棋布 云雾迷蒙 烟飞星散 星落云散 寥若晨星
















1) 你看,靠着银河那几颗闪亮星,多像一只在飞翔老鹰;那边又好像是“天鹅座”,远看又像一只高举双夹,翘着尾巴大蝎子,我想那是“天蝎座”吧!那颗“牛郎星”多么闪耀,好像正在呼唤对岸“织女星”。

2) 在瞧左边那几颗星,多像达达那把精致美丽琴;在那边几颗星,又像一只正要起飞天鹅;再看看中间,那星星好像围成一个红旗模样,中间还贴着似五角星星星呢!夜晚星空,真是一个美丽世界!

3) 满天美丽闪耀小星星,虽然不如太阳那样辉煌,也不如月亮那样清澈,但它们把梦幻般光洒到人间,把大地变成了一个奇异世界,诱发着人们探索星空期望。

4) 又一阵晚风吹过,是海潮在低吟,还是松涛在呼唤?原来那是千万株大叶杨,看见了萤火虫在它们身边翩翩起舞,舞姿分外轻柔动人,于是也发出了欢乐笑声:“哗--哗--”!

5) 再仔细地一听,青蛙在水稻田里纵情地歌唱,小虫儿在玉米地呼唤伙伴,蚯蚓钻在地底下说悄悄话。还有那草丛中蛐蛐,像是在唱歌,又像是在弹琴。歌声啊阵阵,琴声啊悠悠,莫不是妈妈在把它呼唤。

6) 当太阳失去了中午威严,慢慢下山后。夜幕降临了,路灯接二连三地亮起来啦。晴朗夜空,像一条蓝色地毯铺在上面。

7) 多么美丽夏夜呵,晶莹星星在无际灰蒙蒙天宇上闪烁这动人光芒;蝈蝈蟋蟀和没有睡觉青蛙知了,在草丛中池塘边树隙上轻轻唱出抒情歌曲。

8) 而辽阔田野在静穆沉睡中,那碧绿庄稼,那潺潺流动小河,那弯曲伸展在黑夜中土道,那发散着磬香气味野花和树叶,那浓郁而又清新醉人空气,显得分外迷人,给人一种美感受。

9) 湖面上荡漾着七彩灯光,像是穿上了彩虹姑娘做衣裳。马路上,一辆辆汽车疾驰而去,像是想快点回家与家人团聚。

10) 我偶尔抬头看看那片黑漆漆天空,看着看着我会笑,爸爸总爱问我为什么笑,我会告诉他因为它很美,妈妈总是说我傻,黑漆漆天空怎么会美呢?

11) 这个晴朗美丽夜晚,不正是观看星座好时候吗?在我和小表弟央求下,妈妈带着我们来到了汉城公园。花儿在轻风微拂下,拢起花瓣,朦朦胧胧地熟睡了。花下蛐蛐却在开音乐会,高声地歌唱。

12) 夏天夜晚非常寂静,非常迷人。我们一来到南瓯景园门口,映入眼帘是一棵棵挺拔高大大树,一阵微风吹来,树叶沙沙作响,使人心旷神怡。沿着小路来到小河边,听到青蛙呱呱叫声音,桥上灯火通明,车水马龙,非常拥挤。灯光倒映在水中好像一条条大蟒蛇在游动,河水泛起一层层波纹,真是美不胜收。

13) 金黄色月亮挂在黑暗天空,周围明亮了许多。街道上,一盏盏明灯慢慢开启,人们行走在夏天街道上,好像一条条小鱼尽情畅游在小池塘里。马路上,一辆辆汽车快速行驶着,好像一只只兔子奔跑在大地妈妈怀抱里。

14) 在宁静夜空中,满天星星互相玩耍,眨巴小眼睛,好像在看大地上各种有趣美丽景色呢!月姑娘来晚了,害羞扯上一块头巾,把自己脸庞蒙上。

15) 星星和月亮好像是夜空守护神。星星有时分成一组一组,有时像个“”字,有时像把雨伞。

16) 星星就像俏皮小毛孩,一般让人喜爱。他们有跑到了很远地方,好像在和我们玩捉迷藏游戏,使人只能看到朦胧影子,有像个害羞小泵娘,躲在云后面,不想让大家看清她真面目;有又像个顽皮小孩子,在眨着眼睛,偷偷扮个好笑形鬼脸给我们看。

17) 月亮也很有意思。有时像把镰刀,有时像只小船,有时像半个大西瓜,有时又变得滚圆滚圆了。

18) 声音一会儿像是高低起伏海浪;一会儿像是风平浪静湖泊;一会儿像是水珠滴落无边无际海一阵清脆声;一会儿又像是笛子奏起乐曲……音乐即让人无法捉摸,又叫人出乎意料。



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Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman.

The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree.

I like winter. Do you like winter?



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In the corner of my living room, stood a small fish tank. Fish tank four or four square, four walls like a trapped that goldfish. Fish tank is very small, can only accommodate two small goldfish. Since the other goldfish died, the rest of the goldfish no partner.

My family sometimes changed water for goldfish, but many times forgot to feed it, but it never starved to death. Although I rarely see it, but every time I see it, it is still very pleasant to swim. Sometimes, it saw me, more in the water with the tail, as if very happy.

One night I could not sleep, out of the living room to find something dry, but pay attention to the fish that fish. It swim alone, never stopped. This goldfish, even in such a harsh environment without any biological friends companion, lack of food, may not be sufficient space for the event. But also feel that this is a miracle: it is always healthy and happy to live. Small goldfish have succumbed to all the factors that are detrimental to it, the requirements of the living environment is just a box of water.

If this goldfish compared to people, perhaps, it is a poor, livelihood is enough to make ends meet, but he is still optimistic to live. Maybe he will look forward to the future, and the world really have such a person. Now, the society is rapidly changing, willpower weaker can not stand the changes in society, so self-mutilation reported when heard. Do not we even a goldfish is not it?

Work in this society, in addition to stress wisdom, but also need enough resilience - who knows you will not be demoted, deducted artificial, or even dismissed? As the goldfish, the harsh environment is not the same The most important thing is, how will you go to face if everyone is faced with difficulties and obstacles. Can think of the spirit of the goldfish, social negative emotions can be greatly reduced. Can everyone smile to face adversity, is not it more effective than escape?



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Autumn wind, like a fairy stealth down, secretly came to earth, enjoy the scenery of the world!

Autumn wind, this beautiful fairy sister, she has a magical magic stick, she swept the field, the field turned into an endless golden sea; she swept the corn, corn turned yellow; she swept Over the apple tree, the apple turns red; she passes through the pear, and the pear becomes sweet; she passes through the persimmon tree and the persimmon becomes soft!

The wind, she hurried through the brook, the creek danced to dance, as if to welcome her to the same world! This "sister" would like to visit our school, she saw our primary school students in serious school , We are proud of it! She let the tree to our warm applause!

The wind of the autumn brings joy to the children, ten minutes in class, she floats the leaves of a tree, like a golden snow, and the students are happy to sing in the playground!

The wind of the fall, she is sometimes very naughty, whenever bully her, she put the wind a little bigger, so that the person was cold and shivering; she sometimes temper very irritable, every night to whirring blowing, like Who made her lose my mind!

Autumn wind, you like her, she gently embrace you, bring you joy! You hate her, she ruthlessly beat you, bring you cold, and the cold winter to bring you!



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I remember when I was very young, I will look forward to, look forward to and, like the People‘s Liberation Army, dressed in camouflage uniforms, received military training. Fortunately, I finally look forward to this day ... ...

Just enter the door to high school, military training is a Prior to that, how happy I am because I can finally experience the taste when the People‘s Liberation Army! I have dreamed more than once: I was wearing camouflage fatigues, standing on the playground, listening to loud slogans instructors and students, together with the slogan of his forward refueling breeze for us, for our sun clouds, enjoy the sound and laughter from the playground into a vast blue sky ... ... However, this is not true!

When to wear camouflage uniforms, set foot on the playground, the waves on the head-up heaters, although very hot, however, I feel very warm. I finally met the instructors, who, like us, also dressed in camouflage uniforms, the spirit can seem more than we had. We have just total instructors on hand, he blew a whistle, said: The following five minutes to carry out military training! Oh, only five minutes, I will certainly be able to insist on living! I himself. Attention! Instructor of instructors to hear the total order, then we have issued orders, began the following points Therefore, I have to instructors to model the action of our stand. The burning sun, sun, I sweat. Sweat rolled down from the forehead, down the cheek drip down also hard for me trying to catching, instructors has prevented me, let me again point Stand straight! I was very angry, thinking: he added that instructors can ah! is not even a little human touch! Fortunately, as long as five minutes, let me take a look at a few point of! instructors take advantage of attention, I looked at the table, ah! all eight, and do not tell us how to rest, ah, instructors must have forgotten that you wait another moment. a minute later, two minutes later three minutes have passed ... ... watch instructors almost wrong time 15 minutes, I was very anxious. At this time, my feet have begun to insist not, and pain, faster Station Station the instability. Finally, when a full 35 minutes have passed, the instructors agreed with us the rest, trying to get water to drink up, and he stopped, he said: The moment you insist, go to school drink plenty of water. After listening to this, I feel the instructors really like the training ground like a real hell ah!

Probably have been for a long time, I am tired of dragging the body back to the hostel, trying to lie down in bed later, but the instructors walked in, pointed at our hostel, said: what a mess, Come clean up the look! Helpless, reluctantly climb up from cleaning to health. A clean-up after an instructor came to the bedside, said: Come see, and I teach you ! Alas! Folded blankets folded stack is not it? Studies also attached? Finished, the instructors made up of our model, only skill he moves, a folded blanket. After I have gazed look, wow, nice, quilts made in the hands of instructors such as Mankiw, we stacked the hamburger It‘s more comparable! It seems also quite lovely instructors.

Finally, the five-day ordeal is over, I recall that the five-day military life. I am filled with emotion. I slowly come to understand, although the military training very hard, but it is not only my physical training, but also my strong willpower. Let me understand it to be a hard, a Chinese Stand straight. At the same time, military training, I also learned how to do normal things instead of by their parents, I learned self-reliance, but also integrated into the collective.

Although military training very tired, let me benefit, I began to live like this.









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Most people believe that perfect outlook will bring good luck, those people who have good looking will get succeed easier than those who don’t. The fact is that not all the good looking people share good chances to become succeed. It is reported that the women who have perfect outlook are hard to get people’s acceptance, because people will treat the pretty women’s success as the lure of their bosses. This is most people’s impression about pretty women, they think the pretty girls don’t have special talent, people own their success to the pleasure of boss. While on the other hand, handsome men are easier to get people’s acceptance, the good looking will make men impress others, people admit the hand guys, for they think they are not only talented, but also attractive. Pretty women and handsome men get different treatment when they succeed, we should not judge people from their outlook.




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Last night a strong wind "woo, woo" to scrap a whole night, until the early morning to stop. Morning, on the way to school, I found the sky was shaved blue, like the spring as translucent. Sky side of a red day, according to people in the warm, no longer like the summer so roast, giving a kind of feeling. A few snow white clouds dotted in which people look relaxed and happy.

The wind of the autumn is like a magician, and it blushes the maple leaves in a red, like a stamp, and gives the news of the autumn. It is ginkgo leaves shaved golden yellow, like a small fan, fan fan ah, to the people fan to the fall of the information. It is the cell door of the two rows of persimmon tree persimmon shaved Huang Chengcheng, like a small bowls of light, heavy bending of the branches, to the people sent the sweet autumn. It is the grandfather kind of gourd scraped into a yellowish, shook the wind shake, as if to say: "my treasure gourd hidden in a lot of autumn secrets?" Every time I go through it always want to pick a look Look inside what hidden secret.

The wind of autumn is warm, and it shines away from the heat of summer. It makes people out of the air-conditioned room, put on bright clothes to embrace nature. It let the grandfather grandmother out of the house, sitting downstairs empty field, basking in the sun, chatting parents in the short thing.

Autumn wind is refreshing, it makes the grandmothers big flower dog, no longer like the summer spit tongue, breathing heavily, motionless lying on the ground. But jumping in the garden running around.

This is the wind of autumn, it is not as wild as spring, not as hot as the summer, not as cold as the winter. It is pleasant, it is warm, it is colorful, I like the wind of autumn



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I have a few small goldfish, they are lively and lovely, I like them very much. Small goldfish small and exquisite, there is a pair of grapes like big eyes, maple-shaped tail, the back of the fin fins to it that gold body fitted with a beautiful big fan.

Little goldfish eat very special. Once, I put a few fish food thrown into the water, a few fish met, quickly swim up to compete for fish food. I thought they would swallow up immediately, but their actions surprised me: grab the food of the fish first in the food in his mouth, and then spit out the food, and then swim up to catch it with the mouth, and finally The food completely swallowed it in the stomach. Where is the food, it is clear in the game it!

Little goldfish sleep more interesting! One night on the night I secretly got out of bed, by the outside of the faint light to see the small goldfish, found that small goldfish motionless, eyes also greatly open. I thought: they will not die! So knocked on the fish tank, a few small goldfish but quickly wandered. I suddenly realized, remembered the previous mother told me: "fish is no eyelids."

One morning, when I had breakfast, I went to see them. There are many small goldfish feces floating in the fish tank, the water has been turbid, and that they change the water. I carefully put the fish tank to the pool side, want to catch the fish ready to clean the basin. I was about to reach into the fish tank, my mother immediately stopped me: "Go and wash your hands, your hands have the taste of hand cream, will kill the fish!" I quickly wash your hands, and then stroked the sleeves, Began to catch fish. Hey! Fish really flexible, while fled to the east, while the channeling west, but how can not escape my palm. I was proud of it, "rip" it slipped away, I spent a lot of effort, and finally all the fish into the basin of water. And then the fish tank in the dirty water drained, and rinse, and finally the pot of fish and water poured into the fish tank.

Small goldfish really interesting! I think, as long as careful observation, after their own will find the little goldfish more special.



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Some people like the beautiful goldfish, some people like to jump the dog, some people like the lovely little rabbit. And I, the most like the timid, and into the system, and understanding of the small cat!

It is round with a round head, a pair of tiger-like eyes, who dressed in a road between the yellow and brown hair, a thick tail is always upturned, it looks like a zoo in the big tiger!

This little cat is I bought back, start it some fear of life, always hide in the dark. The day is long and the cat is greedy. Every time you feed, it is always pick and choose, the fish, shrimp friends and other delicious finish, "meow" to cried, and then to me, give it, then eat a naked. Small flower cat during the day, lazily lying under the sun to sleep, even if a mouse from its side, it will turn a blind eye. If it is a dog from it in front of it, it will immediately escape, really a timid little cat!

But in the evening, the cat just to hear the mouse a little movement on the front legs of a bow, back a pedal, "wind" to channeling in the past, the mouse on the ground, a claw end of the mouse life. Little cat is still very diligent!

I remember one time: I was at home with a brush and paint painting, after painting, I will see where to modify, I think about it, that is, can not think of what to add. Suddenly, the small cat jumped on the table, with four fluffy feet in the paint on a few steps on my paper printed on a few small plum, "meow" cried, as if to say: "small Master, I help you complete the painting! "I saw, very happy! Little cat is really understanding ah!

My little cat, both timid and diligent, both diligent and considerate, I like my little cat!



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the snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. 蛇是一种又长又瘦的动物,生活在草丛里和阴暗的地方、a snake has no legs or feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach.蛇没有腿和脚,靠胃部飞快的移动前进。 snakes usually have green,

yellow or black skins, which make them difficult for their enemies to find them. 蛇常常有绿色,黄色和黑色的皮肤,使得敌人很难找到他们。some kinds of snakes live in water. they can swim as freely as fish.有些蛇生活在水里,他们能像鱼一样飞速的游移。

snakes are cold-blooded animals. in winter they hibernatein holes which are narrow enough only to hold the snakes bodies. the snakes can sleep through a whole winter without eating and moving. they can not feel any pain. the hibernation period lasts about five months. when spring comes, the snakes come out and begin their normal life. snakes can take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows,

frogs,birds eggs, pests and so on. people sometimes can see a snake eat a sparrow. first it moves close to the sparrow, then it puts out its tongue and brings the sparrow into its mouth and swallows it, which makes a lump in the snakes body. after some time the lump disappears.

as snakes are dreadful-looking, people are afraid of them. many people drive them away whenever they see snakes. but in chinese fairy tales, snakes are by no means bad. they seem to have human feelings.

they can change into pretty girls. people like and respect them. the most well-known is the story about the white snake and the blue snake. in fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. they can help us to kill mice and pests. they can provide us with delicious meat. their blood is a good drink. poisonous snakes are especially useful. we can make valuable drugs with them.




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我的家乡是个小小的平原,平原上除了几条纵深到七个生产队里的沙石公路和一幢幢长长的红房子外,一年四季几乎就是一个绿字和黄字。绿的棉株,还有绿的黄的水稻,小麦,油菜。当大地披绿的时候,我心怡然着。当大地呈黄时,正是夏天麦子成熟和早稻垂穗的时候,我心浮躁着。 农村的生活简单明了,可单调的日子也不少。好在生产队大多沿着那条小河而居,每到夏季,那河水涨得快齐着河堤面了,那河面马上宽阔起来,一下子拉开了湖北与湖南的距离(河的对岸是湖南省),那条小河就成了我们孩子游戏的乐园。










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travelingis usually boring. There are always too many people in the places

of interest in China and it is crowed everywhere, when it comes to the golden

weeks, this situation could be worse. Just imagine that you are waiting in line,

hungry and thirsty. All you want is a ticket that can get through the door to

see the beautiful view. You may complain: “why am I coming to the terrible

place? Why I do this to myself?” If you are unlucky, you may encounter a bad

guide who forces you to shop here and there. How horrible it is! What’s worse,

you may spend more money than usually does.

Why don’t you just stay at home and enjoy the cozy life? You don’t need to

go outside to see the view, you can just turn on the TV or computer, the amazing

view will represent in front of you. You not only save a large sum of money, but

also your precious time. And you can do other things too, such as watching a

classic movie, chatting with friends on the phone or surfing the Internet. This

could be so much fun! Therefore, I prefer to stay at home instead of going




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My grandmother is a kind—heart granny who is popular among my neighbors。

She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people。 She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help。 My grandmother is always ready to help them。 My grandmother loves me very much。

She takes care of me since I was a little baby。 I have always been taking care of by her, so that I don’t have to worry my life at all。 I am so happy to have such a great granny。

Now, she is getting old and I want to be the one who can look after her。




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“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。”这句诗出自宋朝人杨万里的《咏荷》佳句。其实,我也特别喜欢荷花。夏天,烈日炎炎,照的人汗流浃背,无精打采,但正是荷花盛开的季节,也是荷花飘香的季节。 我跟随爸爸妈妈来到了荷花园,看!荷花池中长满了绿绿的荷叶,一片片挨挨挤挤的,好像一个碧绿的大圆盘。透过密密层层的荷叶,可见一根根墨绿的,长着小刺的荷梗在水面上昂头挺胸。荷梗上小扇子似萼片衬托着亭亭玉立白里带粉的荷花,荷花千姿百态,各不相同。花儿们有的全开了,露出嫩黄的小莲蓬;有的才绽开几朵花瓣儿,像一个害羞的小姑娘向路过的行人微笑;有的还是含苞欲放的花骨朵,饱胀得马上要破裂似的微风乍起,荷池的表面泛起了一层层的涟漪,荷叶和荷花也轻轻的摇曳起来,好现在翩翩起舞,引来几只蜻蜓在荷池上空飞舞翩跹,这真是一幅高雅素洁的风景画呀! 一场雨后,荷花池又呈现出另一番景象,荷叶好像一个个刚淋过雨的仙女,亭亭玉立在池塘中。一阵微风掠过,碧绿的大叶盘上一滴滴晶莹透亮的小水珠珍珠似的滚来滚去,忽而东,忽而西,忽而又滚落进池塘里——构成雨后呵斥的新景象。 荷花出於泥而不染,它无私地把清香奉献给人们,它用那艳丽的丰姿装点了人们的生活,美化了人们的生活。我爱那美丽的荷花,我更爱荷花那无私奉献的精神。




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Whenever a painful situation arises in your life, try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to mask the hurt. When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and lean into it. When we run away from sadness that’s unfolding in our lives, it gets stronger and more real. We take an emotion that’s fleeting and make it a solid event, instead of something that passes through us.


