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在校大学生英语自我介绍 - 开学吧









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I was born in a small village of Shan Dong Province on April 4th, 1968. When I was young, my family was very poor, so I had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when I was in the middle school.

In 1986 I was admitted by University of International Business and Economics (or: UIBE) to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics. My major is accounting in Department of International Business Management. The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others. I developed several professional interests in Accounting, Finance, and International Trade.

The following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence. In 1990-1993, I worked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. In 1993-present, I was employed by China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division.

I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MBA program.

MY PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: After graduating from UIBE, I was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. After reading a lot of related files, and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation, I found that the loan policy was not been put into effect. So we have thousands of millions RMB loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle. I reported this to my supervisor, and then we studied and revised the loan policy. This revision saved the corporation approximately RMB thirty millions yuan. In order to raise the funding effectiveness, after one year’s hard work, I developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and projects. This internal banking system made full use of the corporation’ funding resources, and due to this, I was highly praised by the president of the corporation.

WHY CHOOSE YOUR MBA PROGRAM? After I have worked in business area for eight years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in business administration. I have practiced my professional expertise in accounting, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication skills. But I have yet to become an entrepreneur in my own right, and to fully master the art of modern business. I want to be trained more vigorously in scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. There are a lot of opportunities and challenges in China that I do not yet fell fully confident to seize. My business career has so far benefited mostly the companies that I worked for, but a good business education in your university will probably become a new era for me.

Your university is well known for its excellence in China’s business education. I am sure that, with my extensive business experience, I can be a worthy student of yours. I am anxious to benefit from your seasoned guidance and take advantage of your research facilities.




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On College Students Occupying Seats

In English, there is an expression “First Come, First Served” (FCFS). This stresses the need for orderliness, which also applies to college students searching for seats in the reading rooms of a library. However, in China, things are somehow complicated. Instead of occupying seats with their own persons, students tend to use books, backpacks or other personal objects to stand for their “legitimate” ownership of the seats.

To such extent, the emergence of such a practice, now almost ubiquitous on all campuses, is justified. The seats for students to conduct self-study are limited and university authorities should endeavor to increase such facilities to satisfy students needs. At least, students efforts to fight for seats indicate they are enthusiastic about their studies—their academic initiatives should be duly recognized and encouraged! However, using personal belongings to occupy seats may exacerbate the scarcity of facilities—some irresponsible students might never turn up, sometimes even for days. They waste the precious resources and damage the interests of other students who have real needs. Such behavior deserves unconditional criticism and condemnation.

Both university authorities and students should do their best to solve the problem. The authorities should create more reading rooms to satisfy students needs whereas students should not waste the already limited resources. In this way, an optimum allocation of resources can be realized and all students would enjoy their studies.







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There is no denying the fact that it has been a hotly debated topic whether students should attend military training in China in the past years. Opinions on this issue differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that the training can not only build up students’ bodies but also temper their willpower. Besides, through the training, students can develop their team-spirit and sense of discipline.Others, however, hold the opposite view. They say that a short period of training as students are having now cannot work well in building up their bodies or strengthen their will. Instead, we should lay emphasis on their daily exercise and activities for such purpose. What’s more, a sudden increase of intense physical exercise, especially during summer, does harm to students’ health and may even cause deaths. What happened in the past years has proved this.

Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the former point of view. Military training is not only a means to strengthen student’s physique and willpower, but also an effective way to enhance their sense of national defense and foster their patriotism. Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Besides, the deaths are perfect evidence that students need more such training. Of course, measures should be taken to ensure that the least harm is done to the trainees.




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大学生应该成为传播社会公德意识和践行公德规范的模范人物,是推动社会文明进步的重要力量。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”, 每一个大学生要善于在社会实践中体会什么是真正符合社会公德规范的行为,从而在实践中不断提高自身的公德素养,并带动他人,影响社会。以下是小编给大家整理的思修论文:浅谈当代大学生社会公德的内容,欢迎大家查看。



为了解大学生校园公德状况,近年一些大学对大学生一些日常行为做过调查,例如:对大学食堂用的餐插队现象的调查显示,超过一半的学生对此持“无动于衷”的态度,5.6%的受调查者承认“自己也插队”; “当发现有人在寝室外的走廊上大声喧哗时”,46.6%的人“无动于衷”; 听讲座时,22.4%的人会收发手机短信,另有19.4%的人曾经“打盹”,表示专心听讲的占35.1%;将近一半的学生声称自己有过“因一时找不到垃圾箱而随手丢垃圾”的经历;如果“看到公共场所的水龙头忘关了”,68%的学生表示会“关紧水龙头”,24.5%则“不予理会”; 对于大学生穿拖鞋进教室上课,56%的学生认为这是个人私事,不应要求太严;78%的学生喜欢依某同学的缺点起绰号称呼同学;在诚信方面,超过三分之一的学生认同“在求职时提供虚假信息”的做法,66%的大三学生赞同“简历不做假,典型一大傻”的说法。12%的学生承认假期回乡社会实践报告是从网上复制粘贴的。漠视社会公德的不诚信行为是令人忧虑的。


大学生应该成为传播社会公德意识和践行公德规范的模范人物,是推动社会文明进步的重要力量。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”, 每一个大学生要善于在社会实践中体会什么是真正符合社会公德规范的行为,从而在实践中不断提高自身的公德素养,并带动他人,影响社会。


近年来, 高等学校对大学生的思想政治教育及社会公德教育逐步重视并得以大力加强, 特别是 《公民道德建设实施纲要》颁布后, 各学校都积极 宣传贯彻, 取得了明显成效。从总体上看, 当代大 学生的社会公德意识和整体水平都有了很大程度的 提高, 大多数大学具有较强的现代公德观念、公 德意识、公共精神和社会责任感, 并能在行为层面 上有所实现。绝大多数学生在观念上认同“爱国 守法, 明礼诚信, 团结友善, 勤俭自强, 敬业奉 献”的我国公民的基本道德规范, 认同遵守公民 基本道德规范的重大意义。 但是, 在现实生活中仍有相当一部分大学生社 会公德失范, 存在着诸多不尽人意的缺点和弱点。 比如: 公共卫生习惯差, 随地吐痰, 乱丢杂物, 在 课桌椅上乱涂和乱画现象比较严重; 违反学校规章 制度, 上课迟到、早退甚至旷课, 就餐时任意插 队, 偷窃等现象时有发生; 学习态度不端正, 考试 作弊屡禁不止; 诚信意识淡薄, 助学贷款久拖不 还; 基础文明行为失范, 不能尊老爱幼, 尤其是男 女生谈恋爱时行为有失分寸; 集体主义观念不强, 不愿参加集体活动, 缺乏集体荣誉感和责任感; 艰 苦奋斗精神差, 享乐主义思想有所抬头, 不讲节 俭, 互相攀比, 时有酗酒、抽烟等不良习惯; 不能 爱护公共财产, 图书失窃, 教室、实验室、宿舍等 公共场所财物损毁严重, 等等。上述行为虽然不是 大学生的主流, 但它产生的消极影响令人忧虑, 因 为它不仅影响了学生的生活学习, 而且对学生的健 康成长将产生重大的影响。因此, 新形势下加强和 改进大学生的社会公德教育显得极为重要而紧迫。


(一) 学校教育的缺陷造成了学生社会公德观 念的缺失

在社会主义社会中, 社会公德是社会全体成员 共同利益的反映, 是基础文明修养的重要内容, 重 视和培养学生的社会公德是学校教育的应有内容。 但传统的学校教育在这一过程中存在着一定的缺 陷, 多数学校往往过多地关心学生考试成绩的高低 和得失, 以此来评判学生素质的好坏以及学校和教 师教学质量的高低。对思想品德、道德修养、思想 政治等重视不够, 特别是对社会公德教育缺乏计划 性、长期性, 即使重视和加强了这方面的教育, 多 数学校也存在公德教育目标空泛、理想化, 教育内 容重理论、轻实践, 公德教育过程抽象、空洞, 学 生中普遍缺乏道德实践, 道德行为能力不强, 进而 造成道德愿望和道德行为相矛盾的现象。

(二) 家庭教育功利化思想制约了学生良好社 会公德行为的形成

随着知识经济的到来, 绝大多数家庭都认识到 了教育的重要性, 极为重视对子女的教育投资, 也 愿意花费时间去督促引导孩子的学习。但大多数家 庭忽略了对孩子的社会公德教育, 普遍存在重智力 轻德育的倾向。特别是现在的学生多为独生子女, 在家庭中处于“核心”地位, 部分父母或长辈对 孩子宠爱有加, 无条件地满足孩子的要求, 对孩子 犯的错误, 无原则地原谅, 缺少必要的教育引导。 长此以往, 造成了孩子惟我独尊、性格粗暴等不良 习气, 这种习气伴随孩子进入社会, 就会表现为目 中无人、我行我素、自私自利、个人主义思想严 重, 使孩子缺乏公德意识。同时, 很多父母也忽视 了自身的人生价值观和生活方式对孩子的影响, 现 实中, 很多父母不遵守社会公德, 不注重个人形 象, 在一定程度上也给孩子带来了许多不利影响。

(三) 市场经济的负面影响使学生社会公德认 知出现偏差

大学生的成长是一个通过不断学习及不断适应 各种社会规范并成为正式社会成员的社会化过程。 在这一过程中, 他们的道德价值观尚处于未最后形 成的阶段, 仍然较易受社会环境的影响。随着社会 主义市场经济的建立完善, 受市场经济负面效应的 影响, 助人为乐、尊老爱幼、遵守公共秩序、爱护 公共财产、拾金不昧等良好道德品质被有些人认为 是大话、空话、套话, 使其在调节、约束人们行为 方面的作用弱化, 良好社会风气受到污染。面对社 会上诸多的道德行为, 一部分大学生放弃了高尚的 精神追求, 价值主体的唯我化、价值取向的功利 化、价值评价的利己化, 致使部分学生重利轻义、 重个人轻集体、重眼前轻远, 缺乏应有的社会责 任感。

(四) 大学生自身存在的思想行为弱点是其社 会公德失范的内在原因

作为当代大学生, 具有思想活跃、积极向上、 富于想象力、勇于创新的特点, 另一方面辨别是非 能力不强, 自控能力差, 世界观、人生观和价值观 还没有完全成熟, 思想上活跃与混乱、单纯与复 杂、自强与脆弱、理性与盲目等相互矛盾的状态在 他们身上同时存在。一些学生由于考试成绩不理 想、得不到老师同学赏识等, 加上对社会的某些弊 端和不良风气不能够正确认识, 使人生价值发生倾 斜, 使理想与现实的矛盾逐渐突出, 厌倦、自暴自 弃、随波逐流也随之产生, 很容易沾染打牌、抽 烟、破坏公物等不良恶习, 生活中消极处世、冷漠 待人, 造成道德观念淡漠。部分学生由于家庭矛 盾、生活挫折、贫困等出现了多种心理问题, 孤 独、沉默、消极、冷漠, 甚至性格扭曲, 这也影响 到了他们正确地待人处世, 如果处理不好, 将严重 影响他们正常的学习生活和社会公德行为。


(一) 进一步优化校园公德环境, 切实强化对 大学生的公德教育

环境对一个人的成长起着重要的制约和影响作 用, 良好的公德环境对学生的成长将起到积极的促 进作用。就学校公德环境的优化来说, 一方面要重 视人文环境的培育。首先, 教育者要提高自身道德 素养, 真正做到言传身教, 为人师表, 以自己的人 格魅力和作用来引导学生、带动学生。其次, 要加 强校园文化建设。良好的文化氛围和健康向上的校 园风貌能最大限度地激发学生参与公德教育的积极性, 使学生在不知不觉中接受教育, 并以实际行动 维护学生形象、维护自身形象, 提高公德修养。第 三, 积极发挥舆论在学校公德建设中的导向作用, 倡导公德意识, 推崇先进模范, 宣传优良的社会公 德事迹, 谴责不讲公德的行为, 鞭挞丑恶现象, 从 而在校园内形成人人讲公德、唾弃不文明行为的良 好公德环境。另一方面要做好校园美化工作, 以整 洁优美的物质环境熏陶人, 感染人, 促进学生良好 习惯的养成。

(二) 把社会公德教育纳入思想品德课程教学

高校要重视社会公德德育教育的课堂教学, 要 把社会公德教育作为思想道德教育重要内容纳入思 想品德课教学计划。一方面要教育学生发扬中华民 族的传统美德, 如待人礼貌、宽厚、诚实、守信、 谦逊、恭敬、助人为乐、见义勇为、尊老爱幼、克 己自制等优良传统。同时要努力用体现社会主义新 风尚的道德标准、价值观念和时代精神来教育学 生, 以“爱国守法, 明礼诚信, 团结友善, 勤俭 自强, 敬业奉献”的公民的基本道德规范教育引 导学生。在教育方式上, 既要有较高的理论水平, 又要避免硬性的说教。促使他们利用认识到的社会 公德规范, 运用到日常生活、学习中去, 有意识地 不断实践, 使自己的不道德行为受到抑制, 高尚的 思想、行为得到强化。

(三) 强化社会实践环节, 加强社会公德日常 行为的训练

社会实践是大学生接触社会、联系实际、向人 民群众学习, 进一步了解社会、认识国情、克服思 想上的盲目性和片面性, 培养大学生具有为人民服 务和献身精神的重要环节, 也是最直观、最生动有 效的教育途径和方法。学校可组织学生搞社会调 查、参观访问、科技咨询、参与社区服务等活动, 并力求使各项活动的开展形成一种制度, 以保证这 些活动的正常有序进行。大学生通过参与这些活 动, 可以深刻体会我国社会主义建设取得的巨大成 就, 发现人民群众伟大, 增强劳动观念, 在实践中 认识自己的人生价值, 进而增强他们的道德需要, 使学生在社会实践中形成健康的道德人格。

(四) 加强大学生心理健康教育, 促进学生健 康成长

开展心理健康教育, 是新形势下加强大学生思 想政治教育的重要途径。高校可通过开设心理健康 教育课, 让学生主动参与到教师设计的活动情境中 去感知体验, 从而在其中解决心理问题及由此形成 的社会公德认知和行为问题, 使学生形成健康的心 态与公德行为习惯; 根据形势需要, 各高校要成立 心理咨询机构, 开展心理咨询工作, 建立学生心理 档案, 了解学生心理状况, 为一些处于不良心态的 特别不良道德心态的学生咨询, 帮其分析导致困境的原因, 使之摆脱矛盾和困扰, 正视自己的情况, 找到如何解决不良心态的方法, 及时消除致使心理 精神疾病的不良因素; 定期开展心理卫生知识讲 座, 并通过开展学习、交往、情绪等方面的主体心 理辅导, 让学生学会自我保健、自我调节, 保持身 心健康发展。 公德建设的不可缺少的重要条件。大学生社会公德 水平的提高, 也有赖于整个社会的社会公德水准得 以提升。首先要充分发挥报纸、电台、电视台等大 众媒体的作用, 以正面宣传为主, 弘扬正气, 为社 会公德建设创造良好的舆论环境。其次, 要在全社 会努力营造一个扬善惩恶的社会伦理机制, 利用道 德的约束力创造良好的人文环境。氛围是无形的然 而又是非常有力量的, 在人人讲道德讲礼貌的氛围 中, 久而久之就可以养成良好的道德习惯。第三, 要大力加强民主法制建设, 在全社会创造一个良好 的法制环境, 以此促进和保障良好道德风尚的形成















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Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem. About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation, while the things are quite different at present. In addition, according to statistics, about 30% of graduate students can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation。

Employment difficulty of college students is due to the following reasons. Among these, the increasing recruitment of colleges and universities plays a vital role. In addition, many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy。

Considering the seriousness of unemployment of college students, I think it is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. Above all, college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society. Moreover, colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before the students enter the society. Besides, college students should hold a right attitude towards jobs and set their job expectations at a suitable level. Only through these ways can the college students find a satisfactory job and have a brighter future。






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Nowadays, seat reservation in college has been brought to our attention as some students in campus always save a seat for a long time. Although it is a small action, it brings some influences to students’ lives and campus construction.


There are some influences caused by seat reservation. First, seat reservation brings inconvenience to other students. This situation is quite common in library when all students are preparing the final exams. Due to seat reservation, other students have to spend more time to find their seats than usual. Second, it will give rise to crony phenomenon to a large extent. Those who have already known the difficulty in finding seats will copy after the bad behavior to save a seat. And this increases the difficulty in finding seats finally. Last but not least, seat reservation has also brought some inconvenience to school management. In order to save the seat, students will leave something like books or clothes on the desks. And that is quite inconvenient for cleaners to clean the classroom and library as well as influence the image of school.

占位置造成了一定的影响。首先,占位置给其他同学带来不便。在所有的学生都准备期末考试的时候,这种情况在图书馆是很常见的。由于占位置,其他学生就得花比平时更多的时间来找到一个位置。 第二,在很大程度上它会引起裙带现象。那些知道找座位困难的学生会效仿这种不好的行为也去占一个位置。这让找到座位变得更加困难。最后但并非最不重要的,占座位也给学校管理人员带来了一些不便。为了占位置,学生会把书或衣服之类的东西留在桌子上。这为清洁阿姨打扫卫生造成了很大的不便而且还影响学校形象。

Taking above influence into account, I advocate that the institutions and students should make joint efforts to eliminate this phenomenon. For one thing, the institutions should take some measures such as cleaning the things on the desks or chairs every day so that no one would leave things on them. For another, students should be well informed to forbid saving seats.




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The first day for me to come to the high school, my head-teacher told us the news that we needed to take the military train. We were all shocked, it was so hot outside, how terrible it was. Then the next day, we saw our training instructor. He was young and handsome, though his skin was so yellow. Suddenly, all the girls became energetic, we listened to the instructor’s words carefully. In fact, I was staring at him. We trained for a week, we found the train was not that hard, we had fun and joy. At night, my training instructor asked us to sing the songs about military, we even compete with other teams. The days of military training are beautiful, we become stronger, what’s more, we made friends with the military instructors.



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OnCredit Card

At present, a wide ofcredit cards issued by major banks and shopping malls are thriving in collegesand universities across the nation, with a multitude of college students makingup a growing population of card holders. Indeed, one out of five students isestimated to be in possession of at least one credit card, and the figure isexpected to be on the steady , thelatest data published by Yangtze Evening Post suggests。

Like anything prior tothe emergence of this small piece of plastic, the increasing popularity ofcredit card on campus has both bright and dark sides. On the one hand, youngadults in college, free from the trouble of pocketing a considerable sum ofcash, could enjoy the convenience of credit cards and purchase expensive goodsby installments. On the other hand, however, the irresponsible and excessiveuse of the cards by these youngsters, the majority of whom are fresh out ofmiddle school incapable of budgeting their money, can make them heavily in debtwhich will take them years to pay off。

On my personal level,while enjoying a host of conveniences the credit card may bring, we couldntafford to ignore a fact: in most cases,parents are our sole financial sources.Instead of spending without anyrestrict, we are supposed to put studies on the top of our agenda and moveourselves beyond heavy dependence upon our parents。



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Study the following two pie charts carefully and write an essay entitled The Changes in College Students’Ways of Spending Vacations. In this essay you should:

(1) interpret college student’s ways of spending vacations in 1980 and2004,

(2) analyze possible reasons for the change, and

(3) your comments about the change.

You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

As is clearly shown by the two pie charts, from 1980 to 2004 the students who go traveling and do social practices during vacations increase greatly while those who stay at home decrease a lot. For instance, in 1980, only 9% of the students took advantage of their vacation time to do social practice, but its percentage has been more than tripled in 2004. Obviously, great changes have taken place in the way that college students spend their vacations.

Considering these changes, we can find there are possibly three main reasons. Firstly, with the fast development of economy, many people have become rich, which makes it possible for more students to go traveling. Most parents tend to support their children to travel financially. Secondly, the reason lies in the fact that the boom of tourism has made traveling attractive and, also, modem transportation has made it easier for students to go out to travel. The travel agencies not only provide historic sightseeing but also cultural as well as educational tour around China. What is more important, the fast changing society has raised higher requirements for college graduates. The authorities of Chinese university or college have been encouraging their students to do social practices in the hope that college students would broaden their view to know more about the society and become more adaptable to the future work after they graduate. Therefore, more students go out traveling or doing social practices during the vacations.

As a college student, I think the charts reflect the exciting progress on the college students’ thinking patterns. We have become much mature to realize how to spend our vacations meaningfully and practically. Form the changes in the charts, it is easy for us to predict that more and more college students will walk out their home and throw themselves into more various vacation activities.




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摘 要:实现中华民族的伟大复兴是近代以来中国人民的共同梦想。“中国梦”作为一个宏大的时代主题,迫切需要强有力的精神支撑,而长征精神作为民族精神的最高体现,正是实现“中国梦”的鲜活教材。“中国梦”作为一个面向未来的事业,迫切需要有志青年的接续奋斗,而高校大学生作为青年人中的优秀群体,正是实现“中国梦”的生力军。将长征精神融入大学生的价值观教育,对于实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”具有重大意义。



一、 长征精神的内涵


(一) 坚定信仰、忠诚革命的理想主义精神


(二) 艰苦奋斗、不怕牺牲的英雄主义精神


(三) 紧密团结、严守纪律的集体主义精神


(四) 审时度势、因地制宜的实事求是精神


二、 长征精神对实现“中国梦”的意义


(一) 理想主义精神是实现“中国梦”的精神动力


(二) 艰苦奋斗精神是实现“中国梦”的行动保证


(三) 团结协作精神是实现“中国梦”的重要条件


(四) 实事求是精神是实现“中国梦”的出发点


三、 长征精神对大学生的启示


(一) 树立远大理想,坚定共产主义信仰


(二) 继承优良传统,培养吃苦耐劳精神


(三) 学会团结合作,强化集体主义意识


(四) 立足实际,锻炼开拓创新能力





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Everyone has only one day of their own, it is your birthday.


Birthday is very important, mom and dad will buy a cake, gifts or new clothes. My birthday is coming, today is my birthday.


My mother took me to buy new clothes, I picked up a piece, I wear this dress, but handsome, like a handsome boy. Also bought a lot of delicious dishes, frogs, fish, pork, vegetables, spareribs with brown sauce...... Basically all meat dishes.


At night, we had dinner, enjoy the delicious cake, open the cake box, the cake is big and beautiful, the first birthday candles, to sing the birthday song, brothers and sisters also bought me some presents and said: "Happy birthday, my brother." I made a wish, to eat the cake, everyones face with a smile, everyones face cream, we are very happy!


On this day we should be happy, we should cherish the good times of the day.



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【关键词】艾滋病 防控 干预政策


中国疾病预防控制中心给出的数据和分析指出:"截至2013年8月31日,我国现存活的艾滋病病毒毒感染者和艾滋病病人428867例,死亡人数127758例"。 其中15-24岁青年学生的艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人从2008年的482例增加到2012年的1387例,占每年新发现的艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人的构成比例从2008年的0.9%到2012年的1.7%,呈现较大幅度的上升趋势。

"我国的艾滋病疫情已经从高危人群开始向普通人群蔓延,青少年已成为受艾滋病影响的主要人群。" 当代大学生的生理处于活跃时期,心理发展还未完全成熟,知识尚不完整,性观念又比较趋于开放,自我保护意识不强,缺乏相关的经验和知识来抗击艾滋病,让自己免于艾滋病的侵袭,因此,有学者将大学生也归为了艾滋病毒的高危易感染人群。大学生感染艾滋病病毒的主要途径是不安全性行为。随着社会的发展和观念的变化,我国大学生的婚前性行为态度逐渐开放,性行为的发生率已经到了一定的程度,高校学生卖淫嫖娼的行为以及男性同性恋感染艾滋病的新闻报道也已屡见不鲜。另外,虽然政府机构在积极倡导要正确认识和对待艾滋病,但由于艾滋病对人体巨大的危害和至今为止的不可治愈性使恐艾心理在中国民众中普遍存在,大学生这一群体也不例外。根据笔者的调查,有74%的同学表示不愿意和艾滋病人或艾滋病毒携带者住同一个寝室,有72%的人表示如果自己不幸感染率艾滋病将会选择不将其公之于众。因此,面临大学生艾滋病感染率的逐年上升,对该群体及时进行积极有效的干预措施非常必要。



通过对安徽、湖南、兰州地区部分高校的300名大学生的抽样调查发现,大学生对艾滋病本身的认识及其传播途径的知晓不全面准确。分别有41%、53%的同学一般都在报纸书刊、电视广播中获取艾滋病的相关知识和新闻。而通过老师传授获得艾滋病知识的学生只占28%。有57%的大学生表示在大学期间从未参加或遇到过学校举办的任何关于艾滋病防控知识的宣传活动。有很大一部分同学觉得艾滋病离自己的生活很远,和自己并没有多大的关系。能够完全清楚正确地回答出艾滋病的三种主要传播途径的学生数也只占43%。大多数学生也表示不知道感染艾滋病病毒后或艾滋病发病期间身体会出现怎样的反映和症状。同时大部分学生也表示愿意甚至渴望了解更多关于艾滋病的知识 ,对艾滋病防控问题持有非常积极的态度。

















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I had accept your elders and teachers of good ideological and moral education, strict with oneself, honest, hard working, be self-motivated, constantly in the university three years, after college half militarization management, make oneself become more strong. As a computer professional students, I love this professional and for its input great enthusiasm and energy.

I thought positive progress, the personality is bright, the life style of rigorous, a strong sense of responsibility, handle affairs composed, persistence, can bear hardships and stand hard work, strong adaptability, have good psychological quality. I motivated actively seek, love the motherland, support the communist party of China, to the party organization actively, aligning with our great communist party of China. I still adhere to the four cardinal principles and reform and opening up policy, concerned, the state and society has a strong spirit of patriotism. Earnestly implement the school is rigorous, realistic, united, into the school motto, study the spirit of lei feng to help others, actively join some compulsory activity and insist on doing good to the society.

In study, I study purpose, basic knowledge, and strive to achieve the balanced development of various aspects, in the process of learning, I pay attention to integrating theory with practice, although the practice is not enough, but I will strive to increase in the later work and study. In life, I am strict with myself, life is simple, life style is rigorous, take an active part in all kinds of beneficial social activities and carefully into the school organization activities, eager to participate in class activities.

Love of learning, work sedate careful, can bear hardships and stand hard work, can work independently, reality get to work the ability and also has the group are synergetic spirit, have good professional ethics and sense of responsibility, can quickly adapt to various environment, and fuses. Accept ability is good, strong self-learning ability, good interpersonal relationship, this is my biggest advantage, it makes me can quickly learn what they need, and the application. Loves a challenge, confident, have the stronger team consciousness.



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We often see there is a table cloth, a book or something else on the desk in the classroom or library, indicating the seat is taken. This kind of phenomenon is very usual in almost all colleges and universities. Strangely enough, most of students seem to take this for granted, and few will protest it.


Though most of students’ taking seats in advance is for better study, this kind of phenomenon has great negative effects. On the one hand, it is a selfish behavior, which damages other students’ interests. Sometimes even if many students come to the classroom very early, they can not find a seat. On the other hand, reserving a seat violates the rule of fairness. No matter how late you come to class, the seat is still reserved for you even though many others are eager for that seat.


Considering the above-mentioned, I think, it is high time that we college students took a good look of our behavior. Indeed, only if all of us can improve our consciousness, it is not a difficult task for us to get rid of this kind of phenomenon “reserving a seat”.




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Whats your favoured job after your graduation? Whats your career plan

after working in a company? Both of the questions are related with university

students seeking jobs problems. Its very tough when confront with those

questions. As a junior/senior student,I would love to say something as


A part of students are aim too high.They always want to find easy and

comfortable jobs with high salary.But, they neglect they are just undergraduates

who lack of real experience in a company. Aim too high but lack of real

experience leads them to be frustrated:they cant find their suitable jobs and

are not interested low-salary jobs. Its a real situation in our current

society. The best solution is that our undergraduates should change their minds.

The new minds is that to be capable before getting high salary.

There is also a issue should be pay attention to. Some advertisements

say:"Only men available". Thats gender discrimination which couldnt be occured

in the modern society. With the development of our society,our women s ability

are also enhancing. Some women even can do some jobs which men couldnt do well.

It not easy to solve the gender discrimination.It needs our governments help,

our government should do some propaganda about gender eq equal and make some

rules for the companies.



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Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives。 If we look at our society,we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.Maybe they have

many advantages,but they also experience drawbacks.


The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere,so they can use one for an emergency.


In addition,people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones,so business people can use mobile phone at work to get information from internet more convenietly.


Moreover,it is very easy to send messages to your friends.Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance.


Mobile phones are turning the world into a small vilage where we can commmunicate with each other easily and simply.


Finally,another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping or working because in that case people often turn off their mobile phones.


On the other hand,there are some drawbacks,too.


Firstly,the most important disadvantage is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use.


Scientists found that mobile phones can cause brain cancer.


if you talk for so many hours,you are going to have headacheand ear problems.Secondly,the mobile phone stimulate home for the high cost of communication.

如果您通过手机进行长时间的通话,你会(headacheand ear此词组不好翻译,暂时翻译为耳聋耳鸣)问题。其次,手机大大增加了家庭财务支出。

If you are in 3 membered family,you would spend a lot of money on mobile phone.

如果您的家庭有3位家庭成员,你将会为之承担很大一笔开销。作文地带 有翻译的英语作文网站

Because two to three of family have it, it cost about 150-200 D in a month.

因为2-3个家庭家庭成员都拥有手机的话,每部手机的月支出大概为150-200 美元(这个您可以修改为人民币)。

Furthermore,the inappropriate use of mobile phones could be bothersome.


for example,it is very inappropriate to hear a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation,during a lesson,in a libraryor in a cinema.


Finally,mobile phones waste people too much time.


An Amerian survey show that the teen-ager will spend average 2 hours to send messages every day.


In conclusion, there are some benefits and drawbacks to mobile phones.


Personally,I dont like mobile phones very much,but I need use them.


it seems to me, mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and politely,as in this case,all technology is beneficial!




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Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. (Abraham Lincoln, American president )

对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。(美国总统 林肯.A.)

The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist )

痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.)

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. (Victor Hugo, French novelist)

生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。(法国小说家 雨果.V.)

There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence. (Jean Jacques Rousseau, French thinker )

人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇。(法国思想家 卢梭.J.J. )

To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune. (Bonaparte Napoleon, French emperor )

要真正了解一个人,需在不幸中考察他。 (法国皇帝 拿破仑.B.)

Happiness is form courage. ( H. Jackson , British writer )

幸福是勇气的一种形式。 (英国作家 杰克逊.H.)

Happy is the man who is living by his hobby. (G. Bernard Shaw , British dramatist )

醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.)

Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president)

幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。(美国总统 罗斯福.F.)

We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it. (George Bernard Shaw, British  dramatist)

正像我们无权只享受财富而不创造财富一样,我们也无权只享受幸福而不创造幸福。(乔治·萧伯纳 英国剧作家)



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When we read newspapers, our attention is always attracted by increasing

unemployment rate in young graduates who are leaving college. In my opinion,

there are many causes for this disquieting phenomenon and we should try to solve

the problem.

Most companies would rather employ a low-educational specialized worker

than a this-years graduate from a well-known university. For companies, they are

more likely to choose the candidates with rich working experience. Apparently

enough, the training for young graduates usually costs them a large quantity of

time and money. In addition, the current education system brings on a lot of

bookworms who are adept in theoretical but not practical knowledge. Therefore,

it is hard for those graduates to complete the practical assignments

successfully and smoothly. This is one major reason why many graduates find it

to find suitable jobs.

An un-mandatory retirement age is another factor leading to the youth

unemployment for college graduates. Along with the improving of working

efficiency, proficient employees with rich and extensive working experience get

retired at a much later age. In this case, for young graduates, there are fewer

chances to get access to the jobs taken up by the older and more




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here are a great many people who have all the material conditions of happiness, i.e. health and a sufficient income, and who, nevertheless, are profoundly unhappy. in such cases it would seem as if the fault must lie with a wrong theory as to how to live. in one sense, we may say that any theory as to how to live is wrong. we imagine ourselves more different from the animals than we are.

animals live on impulse, and are happy as long as external conditions are favorable. if you have a cat, it will enjoy life if it has food and warmth and opportunities for an occasional night on the tiles. your needs are more complex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis on instinct. in civilized societies, especially in english-speaking societies, this is too apt to be forgotten. people propose to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it.



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As it is known, when we are in high school, we all have a constant goal that is to get the entrance to college, and hard work is out of question for the following. So we gain the notice to college finally which we often dream of in the nights, which proves a proverb that the god doesnt live up to someone who spends time and efforts, please memorize the sentence for good.

Of course one day we went to college in August or September happily and proudly, but at the same time something happened that it made your heart pounding fiercely, by the way, that is love for many college students. And then they miss the directions and their selves as well for their lives. Next I am to express that I am neutral for falling in love in college, however I have some ideas to illustrate of my own.

Firstly, if you are passers-by, I think we will find a lot about several couples of boyfriends and girlfriends under the dorms or dim corners or in the classes without anybody for close postures, as youngsters, it is normal without asking cause about that. Secondly, even worth mentioning is that many young boys and girls couldnt attend classes and courses instead of traveling to some sceneries and sight places or doing other things only to turn out them loved each other temporarily. Thirdly, especially to most of freshmen, please dont be influenced by the phenomenon that a number of students who finds anther half called by them selves proudly, because I think persons are different from each other, different characters, backgrounds and aims. But there is one point to obey if you actually want to have an attempt the feeling for love at first sight: it is , whenever you and I am, the learning and the work is the most principle rather than love is the first and work second, for we arent children and teenagers anymore, in the future society needs a comprehensive qualifications, profound and extensive knowledge persons, meanwhile in college you are in the state of half foot to society which time is a most important process to exercise and experience before stepping to complicated and complex society, and therefore we are supposed to spend much time in learning instead.

What are mentioned above are only my opinions, believing that others have more perfect for falling in love in college.If you are falling love with somebody in college right now,please do yourself to be a excelent college student.



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Hello everyone!

Im a marketing professional from * * * University, and Id like to introduce myself. I like reading books and reading newspapers, because it can enrich my knowledge. I like running, because it can sharpen my will. What kind of person am I? I am a lively, cheerful, enthusiastic, persistent and strong willed person. Since today is the competition for the position of marketing manager, I want to talk about their understanding of marketing. Marketing is not the same as salesmanship, but salesmanship is an important part of marketing. If you want to do a good job in marketing, you must do your best to sell yourself. It is difficult for a stranger to trust himself, but only if the customer believes that he can, will he believe his product, and then he will better push his product into the market. I want “ be a man, do a job, do business, &rdquo. Thats what it means!

I think as a marketing manager, besides should have some marketing knowledge, but also should have good communication and coordination ability, can hard-working, good team spirit, pay attention to occupation moral. As a squad leader, I organized all kinds of activities in the class for three years. Through the organization of these activities, improve their ability to organize and coordinate, and strengthen the sense of teamwork. At the same time, I also fully realize that the individuals ability is limited after all, only through teamwork, brainstorming, and learn from each other, can we better complete the work. If this time I was fortunate to marketing manager, I want to build a platform for, yet the rigorous work in a relaxed atmosphere and their colleagues, we can cooperate with each other, with good team spirit.

At the same time, I think marketing is also a kind of service. Since it is a kind of service, we should make everyone satisfied and do it with enthusiasm and sincerity. Passion, the indispensable element in our work, is the motivation that pushes us to innovate and devote ourselves to work. With passion and a sense of self - challenge, I believe I can do the job. I hope that through my personal self introduction, I can give you an understanding of my efforts and sincerity. Thank you
