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新兵连中一眼绿色便是仙人掌,看不到真实的绿色心中的焦燥便产生了。因为当时看到绿色是多么让人回忆的事情,忘却了曾经的绿。忘记了曾经的美好记忆, 一路走来绿色的希望便失去了人也变得失望起来。春天虽然是绿色的世界可我在新兵连中看不到一点绿色,所以感叹记忆中的家乡。想家的情绪一点一点的不断吃掉自己,每个人都是从家乡开始起步的。但谁又能知道自己在新兵过着怎样的生活,想到这些的时候心中一直留恋家乡的人或事,你们好吗?我在远方祝福你们永远健康,善良,年轻。春天的脚步从记忆深处开始记忆,在连队中也是一直看不到绿色的只有两旁的树。散发着一丝点绿意,天晴了只有草地上的草了其实它的都是在记忆深处看不到的影子。绿色的天空中只要阳光点点的散着懒洋冰的阳光,把绿色全部给吃了。只要自己知道未来该有多久,只有自己知道未来是如何模样。美好的梦将在新的起航中点亮迷人的星光,点亮人生的美好理想。




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Environmental pollution can cause direct damage and impact to ecosystems, such as desertification and forest damage, which can also cause indirect hazards to ecosystems and human societies. Sometimes the harm of this indirect environmental effect is greater than the direct hazard caused by it, It is more difficult to eliminate. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects derived from atmospheric pollution. This environmental effect derived from environmental pollution is lagging behind, often at the time of the occurrence of pollution is not easy to be perceived or expected, but in the event of environmental pollution has been developed to a very serious point. Of course, the most direct and most environmentally conscious consequence of environmental pollution is the decline in the quality of the human environment, affecting human quality of life, physical health and productive activities. Such as the citys air pollution caused by air pollution, peoples morbidity and so on; water pollution so that the deterioration of water quality, drinking water quality generally decline, threatening human health. Serious pollution incidents not only bring health problems, but also cause social problems. With the increase in pollution and peoples awareness of the environment, due to pollution caused by population disputes and conflicts increased year by year.

Let us all love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to cast a green embankment, to defend the resources, to defend the environment, to defend the earth, to defend our beautiful home now!





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The plan for the new term

Another new term comes again,so I should have a study plan to promot myself.

Firstly,I descide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay more attention to the knowledge which I didnt know it clearly.

Secondly,I will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge,and try to combine thoery to practice.

Finally,I will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful.

Thats what I plant to do in a new term.



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Talk of a new Silk Road may be intended to evoke romantic, non-threatening images of desert caravans, ancient ships and trade in exotic commodities. But China’s grand plan for a network of railways, highways, pipelines and ports across central Asia, and around Southeast Asia is generating anxiety in New Delhi.

With the 3,488km border between the two Asian neighbours still a matter of formal dispute, Indian strategic policy analysts are divided on whether China’s new Silk Road project is a strategic and economic threat to their country — or an opportunity. Many see the project — which the Chinese have called One Belt, One Road (OBOR) — as something that must be carefully navigated, as Beijing develops large projects in countries that India considers part of its natural sphere of influence. However, New Delhi lacks the financial power to offer a credible alternative.

“The Indian government is very careful about the way it handles the China rhetoric, and it isn’t ready to come out arms swinging against OBOR, but it is sitting with its arms folded making it very clear that it will not endorse the project if it doesn’t like the way it was put together as a Chinese fait accompli,” says Shashank Joshi, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, a British defence and security think-tank.

“They cannot be seen to be outwardly hostile to a scheme which many smaller Asian neighbours view as a good opportunity for large flows of Chinese capital that India cannot deliver,” he says.

Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at New Delhi’s Centre for Policy Research, sees China’s new Silk Road initiative as a repackaging — in more palatable terms — of China’s so-called “string of pearls” strategy, which India views as an attempt to strategically encircle it.

The “string of pearls” theory argues that Chinese investment in ports in south Asia is a precursor to developing overseas naval bases. China has, for example, already built a major port at Hambantota in Sri Lanka, which overlooks important shipping lanes that carry much of the world’s oil trade, and which India views as strategically important for its own defence.

The visit of Chinese submarines at the Colombo port in 2014 raised fears that the facility’s purpose is not economic but military. Chinese investment is also planned for ports in Bangladesh and Myanmar, raising concerns that they may serve a dual purpose.

“The new Silk Road is just a nice new name for the strategy they’ve been pursuing,” says Mr Chellaney. “They’ve wrapped that strategy in more benign terms. The Chinese dream is pre-eminence in Asia, and this goes to the heart of that dream.”

“It’s not just a trade initiative,” he says. “What China is doing has a strategic element that is increasingly obvious.”

India is most exercised about plans for a $$46bn economic corridor linking China and Pakistan, India’s nuclear-armed neighbour and rival. That blueprint envisions goods travelling from China’s western region to Pakistan’s Gwadar, a once sleepy Arabian Sea port now run by the China Overseas Port Holding Company. It is considered a staging point between central Asia and the Gulf.

Part of the corridor will pass through Pakistan-held Kashmir, a territory that is still the subject of a decades-old, unresolved dispute between India and Pakistan. Indian analysts say that acceptance of the corridor would effectively acknowledge Pakistan’s rights over the territory now under its control, while India’s own claims over Kashmir have yet to be resolved — something New Delhi considers unacceptable. “This is a large scale project bringing People’s Liberation Army personnel [said to be guarding some project locations] right into the heart of what India considers to be occupied territory,” Mr Joshi says.

At a recent conference in Gwadar, Pakistan’s Army Chief, General Raheel Sharif, accused India of deliberately attempting to undermine the project. “India, our neighbour, has openly challenged this development initiative,” he said. “We will not allow anyone to create impediments or turbulence in any parts of Pakistan.”

But wary as India may be of Chinese ambitions, analysts say New Delhi needs to take a measured approach to the new Silk Road, and embrace individual components.

India is already a member of the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which will finance much of the infrastructure, potentially giving it some leverage over how the plan unfolds.

“For every belt they create, and every road that we create, can we create a slip road that connects Indian opportunities to the larger global market rather than reject it outright?” asks Samir Saran, of the Observer Research Foundation. “Can we?…?use their institutions to our own advantage?”



在这两个亚洲邻居之间3488千米的边界仍然处于正式纠纷状态的情况下,对于中国“新丝绸之路”项目是否对印度构成战略和经济威胁,抑或带来机遇,印度的战略政策分析人士意见分歧。很多人认为,必须谨慎应对中方所称的“一带一路”(One Belt, One Road)项目,因为中国将要在印度认为属于其天然影响范围的一些国家开发大型项目。然而,新德里方面缺乏提供可信替代选择的财力。

“印度政府对待中国的措辞非常谨慎,它没有准备好跳出来明确反对‘一带一路’,但是它双臂交叉坐着等待,表明如果它不喜欢这个项目被当作中方既成事实的方式,它就不会支持该项目,”英国国防和安全智库——皇家联合军种研究院(Royal United Services Institute)高级研究员沙善?乔希(Shashank Joshi)表示。


新德里政策研究中心(Centre for Policy Research)战略研究教授布拉马?切拉尼(Brahma Chellaney)把中国的“新丝绸之路”计划视为——以更容易让人接受的方式——对中国“珍珠链”战略的重新包装;印度把这一战略视为中国企图对其实施战略包围。





印度最担心的是连接中国和巴基斯坦的460亿美元经济走廊计划;巴基斯坦是印度的邻国以及对手,拥有核武器。按照该计划的蓝图,商品将从中国西部运往巴基斯坦的瓜达尔港(Gwadar)。瓜达尔曾经是坐落于阿拉伯海之滨的一个沉寂的港口,如今由中国海外港口控股有限公司(China Overseas Port Holding Company)经营。它被认为是中亚和海湾地区之间的中转点。


最近在瓜达尔召开的一次会议上,巴基斯坦陆军参谋长拉希勒?谢里夫上将(Raheel Sharif)指责印度企图破坏该项目。“我们的邻国印度公开叫板这个开发项目,”他称,“我们不会允许任何人在巴基斯坦任何地方制造障碍或引起动荡。”



“对于他们创建的每一带和每一路,我们能不能打造一条匝道,让印度的机遇与更大的全球市场互联互通,而不是把这个计划一概拒之门外?”新德里观察者研究基金会(Observer Research Foundation)的萨米尔?萨兰(Samir Saran)称,“我们能把他们的机构为我所用吗?”



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The sun summoned the planet in the solar system to open an emergency meeting, the theme is to save the planet. The sun to see everyone to the Qi, and clear the clear voice, said: "The stars, our good sister earth has been at stake, the doctor said that her blood is toxins, the body of nutrients is also depleted, in this way "The moon says," In recent years, mankind has mined a lot of oil, minerals, wood and other materials, without protecting the environment, and the earths sister is not sick. "Saturn says" Way, we save the earth together! "" Well! "The stars have promised.

After the stars go back, have heard of human beings looking for a second home, so have made an appointment, never the second home of mankind, have also thrown away the conditions may be human use. For example: the moon threw away the oxygen, Saturn threw away the appropriate temperature, Mercury thrown away ... ... Finally, the human consciousness that the earth is the only human home, carried out to protect the Earth action.

300 years later, the sun also held a meeting, the earth also participated, she looks beautiful, green skin, clean blood, more importantly, she becomes healthy, the moon said: "sister, see you now So happy, I am happy for you. "Mercury said," Sister, see you now so beautiful, I am a little jealous. "Earth said:" Thank you all for my sacrifice so much, I am now healthy, or Thank you all, thank you, "said the sun," the stars, after this action, humans have recognized the importance of the earth, and I declare that the rescue of the earth is a success.

Friends, the mother of the mothers disease though good, but also need to continue convalescence, and now, let us work together to the earth dressed as the most beautiful planet in the universe.


There are many diseases that are harmful to human health and even threaten human life. Human into the 21st century, the world has occurred in the number of amazing changes. In the people for the rapid development of science and technology, but also experienced a better anxiety and even disaster. In addition to the panic of the development of high-tech, especially biotechnology, war and disease seem to bring mankind directly to the door of hell.

Water pollution on the human body harm, the body in the process of metabolism, with drinking water and food, the water of various elements through the digestive tract into the various parts of the body. When the lack of water in some of the human life process necessary elements, will affect human health. For example, in some areas of water iodine deficiency, long-term consumption of this water, it will lead to "big neck disease", is the medicine called "endemic goiter." When the water contains harmful substances, the greater harm to the human body. Carcinogenic substances can be consumed by eating contaminated food (food, vegetables, fish, etc.), into the human body, but also through the water into the human body. According to the survey, drinking contaminated water, suffering from liver cancer and gastric cancer and other cancer incidence, than drinking clean water is about 61,5% higher. When the sewage contains mercury, cadmium and other elements into rivers and lakes, the aquatic plants put mercury, cadmium and other elements to absorb and enrich them, fish eat aquatic plants, and in its body to further enrichment, people eat poisonous Fish, mercury, cadmium and other elements in the human body enrichment, so that the human body and death. In this way, from the aquatic plants → aquatic small animals → small fish → big fish → the body, forming a food chain. The body eventually became mercury, cadmium and other elements of the "foothold."

Water pollution hazards to aquatic organisms Water lives in a variety of aquatic animals and plants. Biological and water, between biological and biological complex material and energy exchange, from the number to maintain a dynamic balance. But under the influence of human activities, this balance has been destroyed. Some of the beneficial aquatic organisms are poisoned when humans release pollutants into the water, and some of the stained aquatic organisms will multiply, consume a lot of oxygen dissolved in the water, so that the beneficial aquatic life is forced to relocate due to hypoxia Or death. In particular, some toxic elements, both difficult to dissolve in water and easy accumulation in the body, causing great harm to humans. Such as mercury in the water content is very low, but the content of aquatic organisms is very high, the content in the fish is also surprisingly high. Assuming that the concentration of mercury in the water body is 1, the concentration of mercury in the aquatic organisms is about 700, and the concentration of mercury in the fish is as high as 860. Thus, when the water is contaminated, on the one hand led to biological and water, biological and biological balance between the damage, on the other hand some of the toxic substances continue to transfer and enrichment, and ultimately endanger human health and life.



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Environment and development

Today, the environmental pollution has become an increasingly serious problem, because The development is not in harmony with the environment,The following are some of the reasons for the formation of environmental problems/phenomenon

The society is developing rapidly,But the environment appeared serious problem,First, some factories discharge waste water and waste gas,Second, some people throw rubbish,Some people left writing on the Tourist attractions ,Third, some people cut down trees and kill endangered animal

In order to protect the environment and solve environmental pollution, I have some suggestions

First, government departments should strengthen supervision, and take appropriate punitive measures,Second, social development should not to destroy the environment

Third, everyone should have the awareness of environmental protection,If each of us to participate in environmental protection, I believe that our life will be more beautiful.




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本来,我们学校是个清静美丽的场所。-条淸明澄亮的小 河蜿蜒流过我们的校园。小河两岸,杨柳依依,洁水碧柳,别有 一番情趣。每天早晨,同学们都在小河边背诵古诗辞赋、外语 单词,课外活动时,有的在河左边的球场打球,有的在小河边 漫步谈心。明丽的河水映着红砖瓦舍的教室和两旁的绿柳,在 夕阳中好似一幅水彩画,尽善尽美,妙不可言。今人气愤的是, 原来属于我们的这一切都不复存在了。

都是因为前进化工厂的大黑烟囱整天的冒黑烟,排水管 里往外排放五颜六色的废水。原来碧绿的小柳树,现在都成了 豆芽菜似的黄柳树,明亮的小河也被染成了一块斑驳的破抹 布,情况不仅如此。毎当工厂向外排废气时,我们不得不停止 上课,赶快关紧窗户,尽管门窗关得很紧,可还是呛得人受不了。更令人受不了的是自来水苦涩难咽。自来水厂的领导说 都是因为化工厂排放的废水污染了地下水资源,他们无能为力。

我校多次找化工厂领导,要求妥善解决此事,可化工厂领 导却借口说生产任务繁重,技术力量薄弱以及经费开支太大, 迟迟不解决此亊。

国务院曾三令五申,注意保护环境,提倡环境美,可化工厂为什么就置之不理呢?国家化工部也曾明文规定.建设化工厂要注意环境保护,既要注意经济效益,又要注意环境效益. 化工厂的领导为什么就不采取措施保护环境呢?

我们进行生产是为了造福人民,而不是给人民带来祸害,化工厂领导根本就没有认识到这-点,只抓生产不管环境,给 我们以及附近的居民带来了危害。

现在,我门恳请编辑同志,让我们占报刊一角,向社会发 出我们的呼吁:大家都来保护环境,使我们的生活更美好。使大家都成为环境的保护者,一致向那些破坏环境的工厂发出呼吁:注意保护环境。也恳请前进化工厂的领导.迅速把我们 和附近居民从被污染的环境中解脱出来。











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关于人类环境英语作文 Human and the Environment

Last weekend, I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the childhood. When I went there, I was shock. The river is no longer like before. It was full of rubbish. It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers themselves. In order to put the rubbish nearer, they put all of them into the river. Not only the water is not clean any more, the river also smelt bad. I real touched. Why human and the environment couldn’t live harmonious? Long time ago, they could get along with each other. Why not now? People have to stop their behavior to harm the environment. Otherwise, it would cause destruction to both sides.

上周末,我想去我小时候经常去的那条河里游泳。当我去那里的时候,我很震惊。河水再也不像以前那样了。河里面到处都是垃圾。似乎这些垃圾都是村民丢的。为 了不走那么远丢垃圾,他们把垃圾都丢到河里了。水不仅仅不干净还会散发出臭味。我真的触动了。为什么人类和环境不能和谐地相处呢?很久以前,他们可以好好 相处。为什么现在不可以了呢?人们必须停止他们伤害环境的行为。否则,最后会是两败俱伤。



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Stop Polluting the Water!

Spring is the best season of a year. The weather gets warmer and warmer. My

classmates and I took a one-day sightseeing tour around our city. The scene was

very beautiful. But when we saw the rivers along our city, I felt very sorry and

thought a lot.

With the development of modern industry and agriculture, more and more

waste is being poured into rivers. It has caused serious pollution. The rivers

are becoming so dirty that nothing can live in them. The rivers are giving off a

terrible smell.

We make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the

situation. Our government should build various facilities such as sewage

treatment plant and encourage scientists to work out more and better ways to

reduce water pollution.

Water is the source of our lives. It is very important to protect the









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living conditions on Guangzhou sport university

Guangzhou sport university was founded in October 1958, it is one of the oldest sports university founded in China.The first time I entered the campus as a freshman, I was deeply attracted by her cultural atmosphere and historical connotation. I enjoy my life here.The accommodation, canteen, library and some other living conditions.

The accommodation service of our university has gained in acceptance increasingly because of its high quality and relatively low expense. But the dorm often without water. I hope that the school can find a solution as soon as possible so that we had on the day of water. Moreover our library contains a large variety of books. In it you will find both literary and scientific and technical and sports books in Chinese and in foreign languages.We often go to look for books which we want to borrow or to read articles which we like to consult.Our library provides all useful reading matter and reference materials according to our needs.Otherwise, canteen service is pretty good. So we need not worry that we would lose our appetite when far away from home. The varieties of the food are so wide that we can enjoy differently delicious dish every day. What’s more, the prices are very reasonable. We are satisfied physically and mentally.

I love Guangzhou sport university, so I love my class, which is just like another home with my fellows owning the same dream.



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1. 描述漫画内容;

2. 发表个人感想。

参考词汇: 告示牌sign


Mind Your Behavior in Public Places

Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park. The park was full of freshness and beauty of spring, with the sun shining and birds singing. When I was enjoying the fantastic scenery around, something unpleasant caught my eye. A young couple in a boat were eating, talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only people in the world. Whats worse, they spat and even threw rubbish into the lake, totally ignoring the noticeable sign "No Littering" nearby. What a shame!

Such behavior left me deep in thought. If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do as the couple did, the lake will be severely polluted and soon turned into a huge dustbin. I think all of us should mind our behavior in public places. Only in this way can we live in more comfortable and beautiful surroundings.



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Dear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends:

I’m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I’m a bit nervous as I’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.

As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. .But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt ?For example ,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping basskets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better.

“There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well. Thanks!




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Last weekend, I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the childhood. When I went there, I was shock. The river is no longer like before. It was full of rubbish. It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers themselves. In order to put the rubbish nearer, they put all of them into the river. Not only the water is not clean any more, the river also smelt bad. I real touched. Why human and the environment couldn’t live harmonious? Long time ago, they could get along with each other. Why not now? People have to stop their behavior to harm the environment. Otherwise, it would cause destruction to both sides.




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篇三:爱护环境 赵一骁














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Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunk driving has become a grave problem in China in the past few years. Reports are often heard about deaths and injuries resulting from drunk driving. Actually, the phenomenon has been so widespread that it has caused nationwide concern.

A number of factors might have led to this problem, but the following are the critical ones. First, as a nation known for wine and drinking, Chinese have the custom of urging guests to drink more and regard it as a sign of hospitality. Some even encourage

drivers to drink. Secondly, the boom of Chinese economy in the past decades has brought along a sharp increase in the number of private cars in this country. However, many drivers are not fully aware of the danger of driving after drinking. Last but not least, laws and regulations regarding drunk driving were not severe enough in the past.

To our relief, we can see pertinent laws and regulations have been worked out and enforced to punish those who drive after drinking. However, I believe that more can be done to eliminate drunk driving. For one thing, severer laws can be made and put

into effect. For another, the public should be educated about the harmfulness of drunk driving and the importance of traffic safety.



相关标签: 安全Safe 交通Traffic 教育Education



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At this precise moment in time and with the impending entrance examination, the problem of educational injustice has loomed more conspicuous and has been brought to the center of public attention. It is almost absolutely correct that schools misbehavior gave rise to seditions and agony.

Dated back to last month, one official representative at the meeting of Peoples Representatives put forward the issue of educational partiality, maintaining that the possibility of certain metropolises students admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University is approximately 40 times more than that in Henan province. Recently, when it comes to the enrollment of middle school students, another heated news has been propagated that certain schools enjoying better location, faculty and favorable policies are illegally stretching their legs towards elite students over the whole province, exerting definitely pernicious influences on the regulation of tests and examinations.

As a student, Im sincerely concerned with this. From my own perspective, the leading action we should be encouraged to take is to distribute resources more sensibly. Its imperative to give more rights for admission to prestigious universities to students in need, which may propitiously precipitate the process of social justice. Also, governmental regulation and punishments are in desperate demand. Banning on such misconducts as searching for students over the boundary in certain schools serves as a solution.

What is more, personally, its advisable for the school administrators to secure a clear mind that faculty and regulations rather than students are more significant linchpins in maintaining competence and attractiveness.

There is still a long way to go for sake of overcoming the perplexity of educational injustice. Notwithstanding, we are bound to accomplish it with fortitude.
