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In the matter of courage we all have our limits. There never was a hero who

did not have his bounds. I suppose it may be said of Nelson and all the others

whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when

their bravery knew it had come to its limit.

I have found mine a good many times. Sometimes this was expected--often it

was unexpected. I know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but

you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor.

I never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. I should be at

the end of the room facing all the audience. If I attempt to talk across a room

I find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods I have

part of the audience behind me. You ought never to have any part of the audience

behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do.




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Today I am very happy, because today is not only "38" womens day, but also my mothers birthday.

Early in the morning I thought, what to do for my mother? I thought to myself, I didnt think of a way, so I went to ask dad. Dad said, "you can make her a card or do something for her." So I decided to make her a card. I took out a small piece of cardboard and wrote, "happy holidays and good health." Well, I put the CARDS in my room.

I went out to help my mother mop the floor, my mother said in surprise: "you dont even touch the housework, how do you have to mop the floor today?" Ill just mop the floor and not answer mom. At noon, I put the CARDS in my mothers room, and my mother said to me, "what are you doing in the room?" I smiled at my mother and said, "its a secret."

At night, I said to my mother, "happy birthday to you, and I wish you a happy holiday." Mother said: "today is my birthday I remember, today is what holiday?" I opened my eyes to my mother and said, "today is march eighth international womens day! Dont you remember? "I thought you knew it was for you," I said to my mother. My mother took the card and looked at it, moved to tears.



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The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an

ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth

lunar month. For thousands of years, various celebrating activities are held all

around the country. Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent

ones, which are said to be in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. In some places,

people spread realgar wine on the children in the hope of protecting them from

the evil spirits. Many people consider May as an especially dangerous time for

diseases in a year, and therefore they hang moxa and calamus and things like

that around the doors to ward off evil and diseases and pray for good luck.



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Youth is the most beautiful time to a person. When they are young and

beautiful, they can do whatever they want. Some people say that youth is the

time deserves us to be wasted, because if we are not crazy for one time, then we

will become old soon. I don’t agree with this opinion. During the most beautiful

time, we should fight for our future. The things we do will mean so much for us.

When we look back on the past days, we will be proud of ourselves. The time that

we fight for our dreams deserves to be remembered all the time. This is what

youth means to us.



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With the development of technology, bicycle sharing comes into peoples

lives. It becomes more and more popular and much news reported it. At the same

time, we should see that there are some problems caused by bicycle sharing.

On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people traveling.

You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a

cycling, and the price of one trip is very low. It cansave time for people. On

the other side, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and

ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very dangerous. Whats

more, many people deliberately break it, like throw it to the river or destroy

the code above it.

In my opinion, we should take a developing view about bicycle sharing. It

is obviously helpful to human beings as a high-tech product. The government

should introduce relevant provisions toregulate this market to avoid its




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As a Senior Grade Three students, I am very busy in preparing for the

college entrance examination. I have seven classes a day, and two self-study

classes at night. And only a day left for the weekend. So, most of the time I

have to spend on the study, after all the college entrance examination is very

important for almost all of us. Aside of study, I would play football with my

friends after school and the weekend. I like playing football very much. When I

run on the football field, I can put the examination thing off my mind for a

while, only sweat and laugh left. It is a good exercise for health and a good

way to relax from the busy study too. This is my high school life, busy and




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The end of the term is coming soon. All the students are preparing for the

final exam. Some students want to get the high mark by playing some tricks.

There is no meaning to do this. Honesty is very important, because it decides

what kind of person we will be. So we should behave ourselves well and our

parents will be proud of us.



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It is believed that the computer is bringing the world into a brand new

era. At the time the computer was invented, scientists, marveling at its

calculating speed, felt that they had created a miracle. Nowadays, the function

of the computer is no longer confined to calculation; it permeates people’s

daily lives and has become an inseparable part of human society.

People become so heavily dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine

the life without computers. Therefore, some people are worried that “The real

danger is not that the computer will think like man, but man will think like the


Their concern does make sense. Indeed, some people spend such a long time

working on computers that they have few interactions with people in real life.

According to a research, too many hours in front of a computer may lead to a

poker face and interpersonal isolation. This fact should arouse our attention,

because unlike computers, human beings are social creatures that need emotional

connections with others.

Yet, it is also unnecessary for us to be overwhelmed by the negative

impacts of computers. After all, we humans are intelligent and will be able to

figure out better ways to make improvements.



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My mother is a ordinary women.She is a very very ordinary women,really.She

looks like very ordinary;her age very ordinary;only her wears looks like very


My mother always wear a wide casual pants,a T-shirt (or a wide vest),and a

pair of sunglaes.She always use toiletry,consequently shes skin was very


My mother is very benignant,and she was very love me.I with regard to

these,I to be thankful.I love my mother , too.Because she gave me very very

many.She civilize by education me how to do in world and knowledge.

My mother is a office workers.She everyday works hard,but she always not to

get heighten.Ha ha~~

I love my mother , because she gave me very many thinks.

I love my Mum . A ordinary and largene mother.



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Every four years, the Olympic Game will catch the world’s attention and the

players from all the countries take part in this big match. First of all, for

the great honor, they fight for their contries. Second, they fight for their

families. Many years ago, a female gymnast caught people’s attention, it was not

because she was beautiful, instead, she looked much older than the other

players. She was a mother. A lot of people wondered why she did not retired.

When the media interviewed her, what she said moved all. She did this for her

young son. Her son was very sick and she needed the money to keep the long-term

treatment. She is a great mother, people admire her and they would like to give

their hands to her. Now her boy has recovered, but this mother still insists,

because she loves this sport.



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On national day, I, mother, Pan Luyao, and Sun Yichao to play in Jinhua. We

went to dream Valley, also went to the underground river, to a lot of places,

there can be a lot of fun, until October 5th, we go home to be reluctant to

part, that night at home have 10 points. I bought a lot of gifts, Pan Luyao, Sun

Yichao, father, brother and mother. October 1st is mothers birthday, I wish the

motherland mother happy birthday!



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On May 12, 2008, there was an earthquake happened in Wenchuan, Sichuan

province. More than 69000 people had lost their lives, 374643 people had injured

and 17923 people could not be found in this earthquake. After the earthquake had

happened, people from all the field joined the rescue teams. At that moment,

people only care about one thing, that was to save more people from this

disaster and encourage the injure to be strong. After seven day, the chairman

declared that May 19 is the national day of mourning. Flags were at half-mast

everywhere on the day of mourning for victims of Wenchuan earthquake.

The mourning day is to remember the people who lost their lives in the

earthquake, on one hand, is to remind people do not forget that day, don’t

forget about the past and look into the future; on the other hand, is to

encourage the survivers to stay strong. Life is worth living for.

Although Earthquake had destroyed our home, but we can build a brand-new

one. We can rebuild our hope. Just as Nixon said so, our destiny offers not the

cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear,

but in gladness. Just have a little faith. Just try to remember that everything

will be alright. We will find what we are looking for in the future.



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With the development of Internet, more and more people tend to shop on the

Internet. Online shopping has provided some benefits for us, but it also has

some disadvantages at the same time.

For one thing, online shopping has brought some convenience for consumers.

Instead of going one shop to another, people can choose and buy all kinds of

commodities they like as long as they click the mouse gently. This is not only a

better choice for the old who do not have enough energy to go outside but also a

great convenience for those who have no time to go shopping in person. In

addition, consumers have more choices and can do some comparison when they are

shopping on the Internet. They can glance over various commodities in all

shapes, sizes and colors and decided to buy or not. Furthermore, online shopping

has made a great contribution to the development of express delivery


However, for another, shopping on the Internet also has some shortcomings.

Firstly, those who shop on the Internet can’t try the goods before they buy.

Sometimes, the real goods are not the same as the goods they see on the

Internet. Secondly, some shops on the Internet are dishonest and they would not

deliver the goods after paying. And if this situation happens, the consumers

would find nowhere to complain and never pull out the money any longer.

Therefore, we should pay more attention when shopping on the Internet.



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I always care so much about the food I eat, because my stomach is a little

week, so I can’t eat the junk food all the time. The healthy food makes me keep

fit so I eat it. Vegetable is very important, we should eat it every meal. The

fruit contains a lot of vitamins, it is in need. The fish is best for me.



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My grandparents believed you were either honest or you werent. There was

no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall: "Life

is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will

show. "They didnt have to talk about it--they demonstratedthe motto by the way

they lived. They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal

standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is

not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for

judging your behavior.Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today--and

getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society.And it

is something we must demand of ourselves.

A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Trial,

which consists of three key principles: Stand firmly for your convictions in the

face of personal pressure.

When you know youre right, you cant back down. Always give others credit

that is rightfully theirs. Dont be afraid of those who might have a better idea

or who might even be smarter than you are. Be honest and open about who you

really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors--their

looks or status---in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will

do everything they can to preserve this facade,but they will do very little to

develop their inner value and personal growth.

So be yourself. Dont engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are

unpleasing in your life. When its tough, do it tough. In other words, face

reality and be adult in your responses to lifes challenges.

Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity

and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

Integrity means you do what you do because its right and not just

fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to

the seductive sirens of an easy morality,will always win the day. My

grandparents taught me that.



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Most smokers are males, because they need to smoke for social communication

or for set themselves free from the pressure. In the packaging, we can find that

every packaging has written the words that smoking is harmful to health. Though

smokers know it, they ignore it. For the harmony of the family, people should

quit smoking.

To quit smoking is not easy, people know smoking does harm to their health,

but they just can’t resist the temptation and then start to smoke again, so they

must have strong will. They must tell themselves that smoking not only does harm

to their health, but also does harm to their families. The families will have

much chance to take in the second-hand cigarette, in order to keep the families

healthy, smokers must have the strong will to quit smoke.

When people find it hard not to smoke, their mouth will feel uneasy, they

want to smoke again. At that time, people can find some food or fake cigarette

to take place of the real cigarette, in the long time, they will have less

desire to smoke.



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I think everyone likes weekend. Because it’s time for relax and fun. Now I

want to talk about my weekend.

I often spend Saturday for fun. Such as playing basketball with my friends,

watching movies and TV shows, having a trip with family and so on. And I always

spend Sunday for homework and have some rest. Sometimes I visit my grandparents

with my parents. It’s very interesting to visit them.



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In recent years, the forests have been getting smaller and smaller for more

and more people cut down trees for money. As trees grow naturally, people dont

need to invest anything on them. But cutting down trees has destroyed our

nature. We have already seen the bad consequence. For example, we always suffer

from the flood and drought disaster; many animals are facing the danger of dying

out, because their habitats have been destroyed; deserts are expanding, and

sandstorms are emerging. Our environment has been changed from bad to worse due

to the reduction of forests. Thus, the government should appeal people that

cutting down trees breaks the balance of our nature. Those who continue to cut

down trees should be punished severely.



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I have a big family, there are seven people in my family, my mon, dad, two grandpas, two grandmas and me. My dad is soldier, he works in police station. My mom works in the bank, she is an accountant. They both are very busy in working, I can only play with them in the weekend. My grandpas and grandmas dont work for company, but they are volunteers and often take me to do the voluntary labor.

I am in Grade three in Yuanling elementary school, my mom always tells me I am a good girl and should study hard and get along well with all my classmates.

In the weekend or holiday, my family often go out for travelling or other things, I feel very happy with all the members and love them very much.



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With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are

paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active life。 But

at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in the China has caught

everyone’s concern。

When it es to the food safety incidents, especially 2008 Chinese milk

scandal, every consumer has much anger to pour upon them。 In September 2008, a

fresh outbreak of kidney disease occurred, due to baby formula contaminated by

melamine.Three babies died and over 6,000 were made sick by the tainted formula。

The supplier of the milk, Sanlu Group, is a name brand and is a major player in

the industry in China。 The pany is said to have known of the problem for months,

but claims the contaminant came from milk suppliers.

Who should be main responsible for these serious incidents like milk

scandal? On one hand, plex China’s food regulations should shoulder part

duties.We should realized its monitoring system can be unresponsive, and the

government departments that oversee and enforce policies have overlapping and

often ambiguous duties。 On the other, food producers and suppliers lack deserved

responsibility for consumers! What they cares is only their own interest and

profit maximization.

In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility

for others, law related should be passed and carried out.Only in this way can we

e by a healthy eating and a harmonious world.



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Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. The Internet

helps make many friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings

and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language


Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line

is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides,

some students, get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety

before other, things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our

classmates and other people around us.
