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We will gather at the school gate at seven in the morning.


We will set off at 7:30.


We will go there by bus.


Lunch will be served in the restaurant there.


We will visit the factories and schools there.


After that, we will chat with the farmers there.


An hour later, we will go fishing.


The cost of the trip will be paid by the students themselves.


We won’t return to our school until 5:00 p.m.


I will be in your company all the way.




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5月30日下午, 钻井社区在健身广场举办了爱护环境、美化家园花卉展活动,共吸引了社区120余人参加。活动开始前已经有社区居民围着花卉开始参观,共计有70盆花参加了此次展览。在活动中,居民们纷纷“秀”出各自的名花异草,并互相交流养花心得。此次活动让居民们有机会交流养花的经验,培育养花、绿化健康文明的兴趣和休闲方式,向居民宣传发放世界无烟日宣传单30份,教育居民吸烟有害身体健康,本次活动回收各类废旧电池220节,让居民们感受到了解废旧电池的危害性。钻井社区希望通过爱护环境一系列花卉展活动,让大家以花会友,展示社区居民生活文化风采,促进社区文化建设,凝聚社区居民之间的情谊。并进一步增进邻里之间的感情,营造温馨的社区生活氛围。



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March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that day . On that day , we didnt had classes . The teachers and our classmates planted trees around our school.

We began to planted trees as soon as we got to school . Some students dug the holes . Some students put the trees into the holes.Some students put the earth back to the holes. Then we pushed the earth hard with our feet . At last we watered the trees as much as possible.

From then on we looked after the trees carefully and the trees grew very well . It made our shcool more beautiful .And How happy we are !







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Environmental pollution can cause direct damage and impact to ecosystems, such as desertification and forest damage, which can also cause indirect hazards to ecosystems and human societies. Sometimes the harm of this indirect environmental effect is greater than the direct hazard caused by it, It is more difficult to eliminate. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects derived from atmospheric pollution. This environmental effect derived from environmental pollution is lagging behind, often at the time of the occurrence of pollution is not easy to be perceived or expected, but in the event of environmental pollution has been developed to a very serious point. Of course, the most direct and most environmentally conscious consequence of environmental pollution is the decline in the quality of the human environment, affecting human quality of life, physical health and productive activities. Such as the citys air pollution caused by air pollution, peoples morbidity and so on; water pollution so that the deterioration of water quality, drinking water quality generally decline, threatening human health. Serious pollution incidents not only bring health problems, but also cause social problems. With the increase in pollution and peoples awareness of the environment, due to pollution caused by population disputes and conflicts increased year by year.

Let us all love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to cast a green embankment, to defend the resources, to defend the environment, to defend the earth, to defend our beautiful home now!




Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously in to rivers. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to mans existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the public must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and soon. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.





People like to modernize the building compared to the magnificent, then this embodies a high degree of spiritual civilization and material civilization of the building should stand in what kind of environment? If the sky filled with smoke, the earth vegetation and so on, this is the people of the modern society of it? No, no, it is the irony of history, this is the tragedy of mankind.

People live on earth, to survive, to develop, first of all have to rely on the earth, by mountains and water, there are grassland nature of the forest. But some people mistakenly believe that nature is inexhaustible treasures, so deforestation and species, dried Ze and fishing, and even by the natural punishment and not know. Year after year, the forest into a barren hills, oasis into a desert, resulting in the world every year, 2,000 hectares of farmland was swallowed by the desert. So go after a few years, the earth will be all occupied by the desert green, our children and grandchildren will not survive! A few years ago, the rural package to the household, coax the mountain into the wind, Chinas Wuchuan County, a township of nearly 2,000 acres of fir forest, cut in a week for the ground. Hearing this news, I have a headache, I am angry, the farmers doing so are too ignorant and too selfish. There are a lot of things that are doing the same thing: it is the smoke of the sky, so that the noise of high decibels can stimulate the nerves of the people.

In this regard, we should think deeply. Modern society makes us live better, modern science has also fully revealed the importance of environmental protection. Every honest citizen should have such a historical vision and sense of urgency: to build our country into an ideal modern power, we must do the development of economic and environmental protection simultaneously, to achieve economic development and social benefits of unity.








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In recent years, I find it easier to our resources dried up. All of these, because we have recently a lot of collection resources, leading to our mothers are dwindling.

What is the mother of all resources less and less? Is, of course, we humans excessive spoiling dont cherish, would cause such a serious result. Our earth forest area has reached 600 million hectares, the figure is due to our human previously has important sense to protect the environment, know that if you dont have a good environment, we wont be able to breathe to the light wind gently brushed the grass surface sweet taste. And now? Us that the earths forest area is still not arrived 6 hectares, this kind of situation, it is because we humans cut down trees and destroying forest without restraint, make almost fell by 1% in each of the forest area in the world, now our protection in the nature of the important consciousness is more and more shallow, dont take care of the objects around, as the forest is less, the first bite of the air we breathe is less and less fresh...

Is not destruction of forest resources, and our mineral resources. It is limited, now our production technology constantly improve, the accelerating speed and shortage of some minerals occurred, even dried up. Until then, we will always stay in the desolate landscape.

In the face of these, can see there are so many resources in we lost too much! We rely on resources too much! All around us, little drops of the resources are in decline, if lost it all, we will how to live! So, let us sincerely treat our mother earth, try to cherish, to cherish. If only use a small plastic bag, it should not be too!

Let us act, to defend the earth!








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1. 保护水资源,让天上水、地下水、江河之水,汇成大家的幸福之水;畅通大家出行,让自行车,小汽车,电动车,各自有各自的路;清洁我们的空气,让车尾气、烟囱气、炊烟气,先瘦身,再美丽。世界环境日,愿你爱心扩散,珍爱自然,祝你乐享明天。

2. 把爱送给蓝天会收获清朗,把爱送给大地会收获肥沃。无休止地把废气抛向天空,它会受伤;无节制的把垃圾埋向土里它会受伤;他们伤不起,我们伤不起。世界环境日,保护环境从我做起,爱护环境就等于爱自己!

3. 你想吃健康食品吗?你想喝没有污染的水吗?你想生活在美丽的世界中吗?如果是,请你保护环境吧!世界环境日到了,还等什么?开始行动吧!

4. 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,难见。一行白鹭上青天,难赏。窗含西岭千秋雪,难寻。门泊东吴万里船,难觅。鸟儿在哭泣,白云在飘散,美景已不现,人生多遗憾。世界环境日,爱护环境,从身边做起。

5. 6.5世界环境日,青山为你彰显朗润,小河为你流淌快乐,小草为你散发清新,花儿为你绽放笑颜。我则为你送上一份低碳、绿色祝福,祝愿你健康平安,长寿如松;生活和美,幸福如花!

6. 随手关上灯电源,让光明照的更远;举手拧紧水开关,让生生不息流转;回手关掉电风扇,清凉不止这一片。世界环境日,爱护我们的家园,让美好生活更长远。

7. 环境需要保护,垃圾需要捡起,水质需要净化,资源需要节约,生活需要经营,快乐需要收集,感情需要培养,梦想需要追求。世界环境日,愿你珍惜资源,珍爱环境,真爱生活!

8. 不必做惊天动地的大举动,哪怕节约一滴水也很可贵;不必整天挂在嘴巴呼喊口号,哪怕只有今天呼吁一声就好。世界环境日,祝您万事如意!

9. 我们丢的不是垃圾,是一种污染;我们践踩的不是一棵花草,一种绿化;我们浪费的不是一滴水,是一种生命。6.5世界环境日,让我们一起爱护环境,保护美丽的家园,世界因我而精彩,环境因你而洁净,加油。

10. 花与草,要爱护,山跟河,要维护,鱼与鸟,要保护,天跟地,要呵护,世界环境日,一起关爱环境,珍爱地球,愿你世界环境日献一份力量,获得快乐无限。

11. 一个坏习惯并不可怕,可怕的所有人都这么做;一个好思想并不可贵,可贵的是数年如一的坚持。爱环境,就是爱自己。世界环境日,祝你万事如意!

12. 少一些砍伐,就会多一抹绿色;少一些排放,就会多一抹清新;少一些杀戮,就会多一份和谐;少一些破坏,就会多一份安宁。6.5世界环境日,爱护环境是你我共同的职责,让你我从身边的小事做起吧!

13. 花儿笑,鸟儿叫,幸福来报到,草儿绿,树儿茂,健康就来到,世界环境日,让我们保护环境,多植树,多造林,爱护动物,保护环境,让地球更绿,更美丽。

14. 世界环境日到了,保护环境无时无刻,随手关灯,节约电力能源你彰显;洗手细流,节约水资源从点滴你率先;外出步行,低碳生活从脚下开始。祝世界环境日从现在做起,从小事做起,从自我做起。

15. 爱花,愿你花季年华永不逝,爱山,愿你柳暗花明又一村,爱环境,愿你健康长寿心情愉快,世界环境日愿你爱自然,爱环境,就是爱自己!

16. 据说你最近成了“护花使者”,一有人践踏花草,你就上前制止,为了表达我对你的敬仰之情,特发此短信,祝你世界环境日,生活幸福,绿意盎然!

17. 6.5世界环境日,我的祝福就是空气清新剂,清空你的忧烦垃圾,还原快乐本质;消灭你的惆怅细菌,安享幸福生活;吞噬你的疾病病毒,带去健康平安。愿你安好,一切如意!

18. 多植一株树,与绿色健康共处;少用一度电,与自然和谐相处;多省一滴水,与生命之源朝夕相处;少开一天车,与空气清新身心舒爽共处。世界环境日,愿你健康幸福!

19. 当物种越来越少,我们将越来越孤独;当沙漠越来越多,我们将越来越干涸;当灾害越来越猛,我们将越来越脆弱。美丽的家园,是我们生生不息的乐土;可爱的地球,是我们世代相传的宝库。世界环境日,爱护环境,为了现在的责任,为了将来的美好!

20. 美丽的地球,是我们的家园。节约每一滴水,珍惜每一棵树,爱护每一片土地,净化每一缕空气,是我们呵护家园的最好行动。世界环境日,一起来行动!

21. "世界环境日,环保在当即,烟是坏东西,环保先除掉,家人有吸烟,奉劝快戒掉,垃圾分类放,焚烧污染重,维护体健康,保持没有烟。六月五日世界环境日,请大家争创无烟环境。"

22. 世界环境日,低碳生活来报到,节约用水勤走路,家用电器要节能,衣食住行都关注,齐把环境来呵护,时时刻刻都坚持,环保要从点滴起,形成节约新时尚,环保典型要表扬,共同努力护环境,才有幸福和美好。

23. 祝你幸福之空气清新洁净,厄运之黑烟停止排放;祝你快乐之鸟儿自由歌唱,忧伤之猎枪弹不出膛;祝你财运之冰山高高矗立,哀愁之温室效应命归西方。世界环境日,祝你开心、健康!

24. 想健康,多吃点绿色食品;想省钱,多点绿色生活方式;想呼吸新鲜空气,多点关爱周围的植物;想要天空更蓝,那得少点排放有害气体——世界环境日来了,让我们来爱护环境吧,愿你的生活因环保更美好,更幸福!

25. 节约水节约电,保护能源又省钱;爱动物爱植物,减少屠杀多种树;少开车多走路,低碳生活才起步;讲公德讲卫生,破坏环境招人憎。世界环境日,低碳环保生活更美好!

26. 清晨呼吸着清新的空气,人也精神心也精神;阳光下走在林荫小道上,人也舒坦心也舒坦;公园里听着鸟儿的歌声看着花儿的舞蹈,人也轻松心也轻松。自然是如此美妙,生活是如此美好。6月5日世界环境日,让我们一起保护这份美妙。

27. "六月五日至,世界环境日,积极来宣传,环境须保护。野生动植物,价值不可计,不杀野生命,不吃野生体,生态要平衡,人类好生存。 世界环境日,祝愿朋友保护生态快乐健康。"

28. 动动手,别懒,“垃圾回收站”投放的是“幸福再造”;动动眼,别慢,“垃圾占脚地”逃不出你的“金睛火眼”;世界环境日,愿你关注环境,爱护环境,做出一份贡献!

29. 保护环境,人人有责,让我们从现在做起;绿色享受,健康生活,让我们共同构建;世界环境日到了,愿每人献出一点爱,还自然一份绿色,畅享新生活。

30. 生活处处要低碳,节约时刻记心间,合理开发有限资源,和谐发展谱写新篇,6月5日世界环境日,我们要行动起来,多做宣传,保护环境,呵护我们赖以生存的家园。

31. 大地是人类的母亲!让我们珍惜每一滴水,珍惜一草一木,减少污染,保护环境!世界环境日到了!人类共同努力,让大地妈妈不再哭泣!

32. 山不在高,绿色成荫;水不在深,游鱼成群;和谐自然,人类福音;共创文明,健康光临;节能减排,空气清新;呵护环境,牢记在心;美好生活,幸福人人。世界环境日,让我们献出一片环保真心,让环境更舒心,让生活更称心!

33. 爱护环境,没有标价,却让人心灵高贵;爱护环境,没有体积,却让人胸怀宽广;爱护环境,没有重量,却让人举重若轻。世界环境日,让我们一起爱护环境,开启美好的明天!

34. 纵观全球,人口日益增,优生优育是主题,再看今朝,人口老龄化,解决养老问题是根本,青年人口环境永远不变的话题!

35. 6月5日世界环境日到了,愿我们多多植树,少些砍伐,让绿色呈现眼前;愿我们多多净化,少些污染,让空气更清新;世界环境日,保护环境,倡导低碳,祝快乐、开心。



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Some people believe that the Earth is beingharmed(damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activitymakesthe Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion?Usespecific reasons and examples to supportyouranswer.

People have been living on the Earth for thousands of years.Humanactivity influences the Earth. Some people believe that theEarth isbeing harmed by human activity. Others feel that humanactivitymakes the Earth a better place to live. In my opinion, theearth isbeing damaged by human activity. There are manystatementssupporting my opinion.

Human activity has damaged natural environment and almostexaustednatural resources. Modern industry needs more and moreresources,including minerals, fuels and water. So we confront ofthe seriousproblems such as the lack of fuels and water.Ecological balance isdamaged because factories occupy many placeswhere animals andplants live. More and more buildings areconstructed and forestsbecome less and less. If we cannotrecognize these problems andsolve them soon, we would finally losethe environment suitable forour living.

An other serious problem is the green-house effect.Humanactivity decreases forests and increases the usage of fuels sothatthe gas of carbon dioxide is output more and more and there arenotenough plants to absorb it. The green-house effect is moreobviousand more sensible these years. Due to the effect, icebergsin thesouth polar and north polar melt and the sea level becomeshigherthan before. I am worried about the cities nearby the sea andhopescientists find an effective method to eliminate thegreen-houseeffect.

Although we have advanced machines and our life seemsmorecomfortable than before, we have less chances to approachnaturesand less spaces to act. The cities become bigger and if wewant tohave a picnic with our friends, we have to drive a longdistance tofind a natural place. In fact, the spaces of humanactivity arebeing damaged by the skyscrapers and factories.

From the above statements, we can conclude that humanactivitybrings the Earth many damages. Fortunately people haverecognizedthe point and I believe that the Earth will become abetter placeto live with our ceaseless efforts.



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Xiao Ming turn on duty this afternoon. Now, he has already started to sweep the floor. Suddenly, he felt as if my head is what dozen once, bend over to look, oh, a little ball of paper is original! He seemed to know who, holding a broom, took to the classroom.

Quarrel just came into the classroom, he heard a voice, a little ball of paper came head-on. Not surprisingly, this is xiao gang dao ghost. A sharp-tongued classmates saw it, immediately shouted: "go ah, monitor, monitor, quick walk!" The bystanders to immediately dispersed in a hubbub. Xiao Ming calmly walked into the classroom, xiao gang stopped trying to walk away, pull him, out of the classroom. Xiao gang thought xiao Ming is pulled him to the front of the teacher, let the teacher to teach him a lesson, and behold, xiao Ming had brought him to their class clean partition, pointing at the little ball of paper on the ground, said: "this is your throw of, the" only one earth "the main content of this text to recite it, you should not forget." "In this paper, from the Angle of human existence, this paper introduces the knowledge about the earth, illuminates the human survival" only one earth ", illustrates the significance of protecting the earth ecological environment." The xiao gang "only one earth" the main content of this text to recite. "Very well, you to recite too good, but why do you want to destroy the environment health?" "I... I dont know." Xiao gangs face turned red. "Protect the environment, be gentle with the earth, you later dont damage the environment." Say that finish, they pick up the little ball of paper on the floor, throw into the dustbin.

Xiao Ming was really right, protect the environment, be gentle with the earth, lets get started, create a better tomorrow!






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We have planned several activities. When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenitng them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses. As some old people feel lonely. We may chat with them about their old days, changes of our city, or anything they are interested in. We may also give them some performanees: singing, daneing, and so on. I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.




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On May 31, is "world no tobacco day".

Since the 1950 s, global has a large number of epidemiological studies confirm that smoking is the leading risk factors of lung cancer. In order to cause the attention of the international community to harm human health, suggested in November 1987, the world health organization will every year on April 7, as the "world no tobacco day", and in 1988 began to perform. Since 1989, the world no tobacco day to May 31 of each year.

Is a kind of wild plants grow in South America, the first Indian to chewing tobacco or cigarettes to suck. In the global popular for over 200 years, until the 20th century, human beings began to realize the harm to human. In 1977, the American cancer society first puts forward the control smoking is a form of publicity and education, no tobacco day. This day, in the United States for nationwide smoking harm health propaganda, dissuade smokers do not smoke in the day, shop day halt to the sale of products. The United States put every November 3 weeks on Thursday as the countrys no tobacco day. Later, England, Malaysia, Hong Kong and other countries and regions also successively formulated the no tobacco day.

In November 1987, the UNs world health organization recommends will every year on April 7, as the "world no tobacco day", and in 1988 began to perform. But because is established by the world health organization on April 7, anniversary, this day each year, the world health organization (who) to request a theme. In order not to interfere with the theme of health, the world health organization decided to will each year since 1989 on May 31 as world no tobacco day, China will as Chinas day that day.







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Through the ages, the earth mother milk with sweet nurtured a countless generations. The original she was the XiaoBei decorated lovely. But, now human to its own interests, tortured her eyes out. There is only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis. "Saving the earth" has become the worlds strongest voice. The deterioration of the environment around, I feel heartache, I think: as the future successors of teenagers, if dont understand the gravity of the environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, not to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, our lives will be destroyed in his hands, and god will make serious punishment for us.

Therefore I determined to start from me good care environment, protect our homes, the survival of a environmental protection guard. In just the past year, I actively participate in school activities for planting trees, leading us six (2) squadron of the class cadre created the "green angel" plant green armor, encourage players green groups on campus adoption a young trees, use after school time for it to dress for its towering trees, grow and lay the foundation. In the school organization "let the earth vibrant" signature activity, I solemnly in signing their names above, and wrote his determination and expectations for environmental protection, the vision of the future. I actively participate in school in the world environment day, serious prize held consulting, collect got all kinds of material, to make social investigation, writing about environmental management idea articles, I often go to school organization environmental lecture, watch the footage of environmental protection, actively contributing to environmental protection knowledge interlocution survey, fill in every item questions.

I participated in the "red scarf plant green protect green team" website construction, in the above picture released a lot of environmental protection and environmental protection knowledge, as well as about environmental protection all aspects of legal knowledge in environmental protection in China, developing tendency, the situation of environmental protection in countries around the world; Every month I have used the Internet, newspapers, find some latest different projects and plate "environmental information" to tell everybody; Also making some XuanChuanBan regularly to promote environmental protection knowledge and life in environmental sense. Improve everyones environmental protection consciousness; Calls for students from different aspects to love his home, start from around things, and for the environment around dedicated an own strength!

I actively mobilize people around him come according to law, protect and construction human common is also the only home, in order to promote the sustainable development of economy and society for human civilization to make the contribution. I also jointly sponsored students and "raise a potted flower, adopted a tree, sparing the every piece of green space, let us surrounded by green" and "with a small plastic bags dont use foam lunch box and disposable chopsticks, let us from white pollution" initiative. Let us down convenience bag, took food basket, let us common to a wonderful green tomorrow, to glory, the bright future!






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你如一个对明天充满信心的青年,勇往直前; 你又如一位已看透尘世间万物的老人,成熟稳重。





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The Importance of Trees

As we all know, trees are very useful. They are of great benefit to man as follows: First, trees provide us with wood and other products; Second, their roots can allow the rain to sink in and keep the soil, so they help to prevent droughts and floods. Trees can clean air and beautiful life.

Unfortunately, nowadays in many parts of the world lots of people fail to realize the importance of trees. They have cut trees down in large numbers without a plan,which makes the soil washed away. They dont know where there no trees, the rain washed away the surface of the soil and this causes floods.

We ought to plant trees each year and carefully look after new trees in order not to make the forest slowly disappear. Only in this way can we make the forest serve man forever.







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My teachers and fellow students,

In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school. How time flies! Now It’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full of laughter and tears。

To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, love and the whole heart. Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, have done for us。

It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. But it is not the end. It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey。

Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers. Thank you!



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Our modern city is too crowded, and to solve the problem, three proposals are put forward. Most people believe that we should fist practise the policy “Late Marriage” and “One Couple, One Child” in order to reduce the birth rate. Secondly, the city government must have a tight control over rural people entering cities to engage themselves in trade or do various physical jobs so as to lessen the pressure on the city caused by the increased population. Finally more and more people suggest that living blocks with shopping centers, schools, hospitals as well as cinemas and theatres round them or even satellite towns should be built in city suburbs or the countryside round the cities. In this way city citizens will be encouraged to move there to live and work. If these three proposals are well carried out, the city population will be greatly reduced.





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为培养广大居民关爱家园、保护环境的意识,在第47个时间地球日到来之际,民主新村社区联合四牌楼街道妇联开展了以“携手地球日 共创绿色和谐社区”为主题的系列宣传教育活动



