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Some people believe that the Earth is beingharmed(damaged) by human activity。 Others feel that human activitymakesthe Earth a better place to live。 What is your opinion?Usespecific reasons and examples to supportyouranswer。

People have been living on the Earth for thousands of years。Humanactivity influences the Earth。 Some people believe that theEarth isbeing harmed by human activity。 Others feel that humanactivitymakes the Earth a better place to live。 In my opinion, theearth isbeing damaged by human activity。 There are manystatementssupporting my opinion。

Human activity has damaged natural environment and almostexaustednatural resources。 Modern industry needs more and moreresources,including minerals, fuels and water。 So we confront ofthe seriousproblems such as the lack of fuels and water。Ecological balance isdamaged because factories occupy many placeswhere animals andplants live。 More and more buildings areconstructed and forestsbecome less and less。 If we cannotrecognize these problems andsolve them soon, we would finally losethe environment suitable forour living。 An other serious problem is the green-house effect。

Humanactivity decreases forests and increases the usage of fuels sothatthe gas of carbon dioxide is output more and more and there arenotenough plants to absorb it。 The green-house effect is moreobviousand more sensible these years。 Due to the effect, icebergsin thesouth polar and north polar melt and the sea level becomeshigherthan before。 I am worried about the cities nearby the sea andhopescientists find an effective method to eliminate thegreen-houseeffect。 Although we have advanced machines and our life seemsmorecomfortable than before, we have less chances to approachnaturesand less spaces to act。 The cities become bigger and if wewant tohave a picnic with our friends, we have to drive a longdistance tofind a natural place。 In fact, the spaces of humanactivity arebeing damaged by the skyscrapers and factories。 From the above statements, we can conclude that humanactivitybrings the Earth many damages。 Fortunately people haverecognizedthe point and I believe that the Earth will become abetter placeto live with our ceaseless efforts。





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I am not supportive of the idea that either takes priority. It is necessary and absolutely possible that economic development and environmental protection co-exist, in the sense that both of them are indispensable factors for the prosperity of society.

Economic development is seemingly more important, due to the fact that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. Yet, the above goals can only really be reached on condition that the environment is well protected. And, interesting, it is the economic development per se that provides the money and personnel resources required for the protection of the environment. A well-preserved environment is the groundwork for the economy and in a way promotes economic growth. A fast-development and well-functioning economy calls for a good environment, which offers essential resources, e.g. wood, coal, water, and so on. Once the environment deteriorates, the production process is likely to be disturbed or even halted. What is worse, natural disaster that comes with the worsening environmental conditions might even paralyze the whole economy and pose a severe threat to human life. The pursuit of short-term economic profit is the destruction of our home and that of our posterity.

So economic development and environmental protection are equally important. In this case, we are actually working on an environment-friendly economy.



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In recent years,we can clearlyfeelthe environment around usis more and moreobviouspollution,environmentalsafety problems have beenvery serious.Because of ourpreviouspolicy isheavy economic development,light environmental protection,resulting inenvironmental pollution,ecological damage is very serious,mainly manifested in the following aspects:


In the atmosphereof security,since the middle of the twentieth Century,industry andthe rapid development of transportation,causingairpollution is increasing.Air pollutionisharmful to human health,but alsoaffectthe growth of plants and animals,destruction ofbuilding materials,serious when canalter the earths climate.According to the survey,China each yearfrom air pollutionand economiclosses amounted to about 100000000000 yuan.


In the water security,waterpollution in Chinais very serious,widespread around thedrinking watersafety problems,a direct threat tohuman and animalsurvival.In recent years,although theinvestmentfund managementa lot ofHuaiheand other waters,but the effect is not obvious,the overall situationis still deteriorating.


In a biologicalsafety,the invasion of alien speciesmass,a serious threat to thebiological diversity of china.In fact,the blind introduction of foreign species,damage the environmentbalance,serious and evenlead to disastrous consequences.At the same time,because ofthe destruction of the ecological environmentandwildlifehunting,biologicalextinctionrateis rapidly increasing.


In the security of land,theland desertification and soil erosionis very serious.In addition,the cultivated landquality in Chinadecreased very rapidly,at the same time,because of the seriousland pollutionphenomenoncaused byexcessive use ofpesticides,is directly related tofood safety problemof residents in our country.China is adeveloping country,in the face ofenvironmental pollutionpressure not only fromChinaitself,andappliedpressurefromsome developed countries abroad.Therefore the development ofeconomy andenvironmentis a need for us toissuelongface,and it alsoneed to rely on theparticipationof each and every one of us.




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英语作文 环境保护【1】

As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse /more and more seriously today。

Water is polluted, we have no clean water to drink。

Many trees are cutting down, some animals are getting less and less。

Some factories are pouring dirty air into the sky。

The population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc。

Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a great affection in the future。

People’s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution。

Many people died of diseases。

In order to live a better life, something must be done to stop the pollution。

It’s our duty to protect our environment。

We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere。

Trees are very helpful and important for us。

We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future。

If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will bee much more beautiful。

In a word, if everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better。

“There is only one earth”, I hope everyone will protect our environment well。

英语作文 环境保护【2】

With the development of our society, energy in the world bees more and more limited, so it is quite important for us to save energy and to protect our environment。

As a student, there are a lot of methods we can do to save energy at home。

For example, first, we can turn off the light as well as other appliances when we are not using them。

Second, recycle the waste water, paper and other waste so that we can reuse them。

Whats more, it is suggested to use public transportation more instead of private cars。

Above all, everyone can make a great contribution to our environment。

I hope I can learn more to develop new and clear energy, like energy from the wind and solar。

英语作文 环境保护【3】

What can I do for our environment?

Everyone can do something for our environment。

For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life。

For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights。

In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely。

I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible。

I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood。

I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in。

英语作文 环境保护【4】

Our environment is very important for our lives 。

We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on 。

In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean。

But now,people cut down many trees。

Air pollution and water polloution are very serious 。

The environment around us bees very terrible 。

We should protect our environment。

First, we should plant many trees to keep water。

Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work。

Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river 。

Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags。

Finally, we can ask more people to join us。

英语作文 环境保护【5】

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit 。

To improve the environment means to improve our life。

We should plant more trees and flowers around us 。

We shouldn’t cut them down 。

We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air。

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins。

Never spit in public。

Don’t draw on public walls。

It’s our duty to protect the environment。

[英语作文 环境保护



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Protection of the Environment Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited. Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive. We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products arestill put into rivers. We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there wont be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept. Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them. The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control. Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.



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Through the ages, the earth mother with sweet milk feeding countless generations. The original she was decorated lovely young players. But, now human to its own interests, tortured her. Humans have only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis. "Save the earth" has become the strongest voice people all over the world.

I feel heartache for the deterioration of the environment, I think: as the future successors of teenagers, if dont understand the gravity of the composition of the human environment and environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations on environmental protection, not to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, consciously fulfill their obligation to protect the environment, our life will be destroyed in his hands, god will make a severe punishment for us. Therefore I was determined to start from me good care environment, protect our survival home, be a guard to protect the environment.






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Nature has given us everything, and our food and clothing cant live without it, so we should be grateful and look at nature with gratitude.

Gratitude it contains tolerance, but some people dont know the tolerance of natural, they only know by deforestation and killing of wild animals, only know to claim from the nature, but never written for nature to do what. The ancients of our country knew "the grace of the water of the people". But we still dont understand the true meaning of this sentence. When nature retaliates against us, we complain of nature and blame nature instead of tolerance. To know that nature hurts us much less than we do to it. The harm we suffer is nothing compared to the harm done to nature. Moreover, we have gained a lot from nature, and do not blame nature, let us treat nature with gratitude.

When the rising sun rises from the east, it brings light and warmth to us. He has never been stingy with what he has, giving us everything he has, like our selfless parents, who give their best to their children and never think of themselves.

When the rain falls on the earth, it moistens everything, gives birth to life, and gives the most sincere heart to people. It washes away the dirt from all things, and never complains that it is getting dirty. It is like the teacher who imparts knowledge, the hard work nourishes us, enables us to thrive without taking into account the dissipation of our energy.

When a breeze blows past you, it lifts the heat of the summer, and pays nothing in return. It always offers its most tender side to people, never to blame people easily. It is like an encouraging look in the distance, and when you fail, you touch your tired heart silently.

When a severe thunder comes, it seems to be a stern voice to your admonition, which may sound surprising, but it inspires and reminds you.

But now, the environment has been destroyed. The morning sun is not so soft; The rain is no longer pure; The breeze becomes violent and the air quality drops; The water became cloudy, even the atmosphere was empty, and the intense ultraviolet radiation hit the earth. Everything began to dry up and the environment began to deteriorate. Why is that? This is because humans do not appreciate gratitude, and do not appreciate nature. They keep taking away from nature, and impoverish the rich; To change the nature of goodness; To make the beauty of nature ugly. Now "blue sky white clouds float, white clouds under the horse run." The scene is gone, except that the smoke of the factory is dancing in the air to kill the chirping of birds. The effluent effluent flowing into the otherwise clean river has been able to extinguish the game of shrimp under the fish. Instead, the noisy sonatas of cars, the roaring symphony of factories... So nature is taking revenge on us, and in recent years, natural disasters have taken the lives of our loved ones, and we have suffered from the loss of our relatives. Its all because people dont appreciate nature and change nature, so now were going to save it and save ourselves, and the way to save it is to be grateful. Only every one have a grateful heart, to understand, to understand the true meaning of love, if we live in a world full of gratitude, full of love, then our life will be more beautiful, the sky will be more blue, pure, vast.

Let us be thankful for nature and love nature with our hearts so that we can live in harmony with nature.




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可是 ,渐渐地周围的森林被砍伐的所剩无几了,小河中原来清澈的河水也不见了踪影,却变成了臭气熏天的臭水沟。这都因为人类无情的破坏!小燕子对小鱼说:“人类 太可恶了,不仅把地球母亲弄得千疮百孔,还把我们赖以生存的家园给破坏了!“小鱼说道:是呀,因为人类 ,现在的水质变得越来越差了,我简直活不下去了。还因为人类工厂的废气排放,让我再也看不到湛蓝的天空了!”





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Green, the color of life; The color of green, environmental protection; With green have the fresh air; With green have the ooze of flowers; Green and healthy life.

Low carbon, environmental protection is refers to life work and rest of the energy consumption to reduce as far as possible, so as to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. In our ordinary people low carbon is a kind of attitude, we should pay attention to the saving, fuel-efficient, solar terms, from the start bit by bit.

Over the years, with the deepening of industrialization, a large amount of carbon dioxide discharge, make the global temperature rise, climate change, it is indisputable fact. The world meteorological organization reported: nearly 10 years of 10 years is global warmest on record. In addition, global warming also makes the Antarctic ice began to melt, causing sea levels to rise, the use area of narrow, humans cannot survive, massive death of animals and plants.

Each piece of articles for daily use, big to small home appliances to toys, books and decoration, each items of the production cost of resources and energy, will bring carbon emissions, perhaps you abandoned things may be needed by others, no longer buy new articles for daily use, will naturally reduce the resources and energy, reducing carbon emissions.

The classmates, in order to "green" of the world, let us act, to cherish green, take good care of green, to create green give an own strength.








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在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。如“I Cannot Forget Her” (我忘不了她)的结尾:

After her death, I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away, but I knew she would not have had any regrets at having given her life for the benefit of the people.


结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。如“I Love My Home Town”(我爱家乡)的结尾:

I love my home town, and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.



I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours, but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing, we lay down on the river bank, bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.


用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考。如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾:

Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat, but on every face there was a smile.


虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引起读者深思。如“Should We Learn to Do Housework?”(我们要不要学做家务?) 的结尾。

Everyone should learn to do housework. Don’t you agree, boys and girls?


结尾表示对将来的展望,或期待读者投入行动。如“Let’s Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:

As we have said above, sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let’s go in for sports.




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In the past few decades, our Earth has changed a lot, but to the bad

direction. Among these changes, the air pollutions resulting from a huge number

of automobiles and coal-burning is almost the severest. The severe air pollution

alarms humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable

production and usage of automobiles. However, with the deepening of

urbanization, more cars are needed, which will make the air pollution worse.

Therefore, the following actions should be taken. First, we should apply the

most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as

substitutes for fossil fuels. Second, try hard to develop possible

transportation means, which are enviromental friendly. So that the citizens can

reduce the dependence on cars. In short, our humans should take responsibilities

for the air pollution and have to find ways to solve this problem.



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Now the earth is yellow and the green is decreasing. Whats going on here? It turns out that people are cutting down trees, which not only causes the birds to lose their home, but also causes the collapse, the flood and so on. Without trees, our earth would seem to be missing a supporting beam.

Now each store all follow our hobby, mass production soda, and soda "appearance" is the jar and jar is a kind of pollution, the road, the park even schools have become their home. The cans are made of aluminum, which is also harmful to the human body.

You know what? Waste batteries contain a lot of heavy metal pollutants - chromium, lead, mercury, etc. The effects of pollution from used batteries are slow and profound. When they are mixed with ordinary household waste, under certain conditions, will produce a series of chemical reactions, slowly releasing toxic substances, these toxic substances atmospheric pollution when burned, seeping into the underground pollution of groundwater and rivers and lakes; Once in the soil water, it will enter the body through the food chain, damaging the nervous system, hematopoietic function, kidneys and bones. Therefore, it belongs to hazardous waste. Experiments show that a mercury battery pollutes more than one persons lifetime total.

Before the river bottom, can see Derek fisher, now the factory in order to improve the efficiency, they put the stream discharge sewage as a good place, river sewage got dirty, passing pedestrians were quickly leave.

To conserve water is to protect our environment, which is to save resources. We want to own practical action to protect the environment, the most simple is to start from oneself, pay attention to save water, such as: use after the tap turn off the tap at any time; Water the washing water with water, rinsing and flushing. Dont think that a few drops of water in a water bridle cant make a difference. A water bridle drops a drop of water every second, and a year is a waste of 36 square water. If a family saves one person per month, how much water is saved in a month?

Fortunately, people have learned the earth now to be polluted, everyone has to act, I hope people who didnt act, they bent and picked up the paper on the ground, a low back, let us tomorrow is more beautiful, neat!




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Recently, it is very popular to live a low-carbon life.Living a low-carbon life is ofgreat importance to every one. First of all, it can protect the environment to a great extent. Second, it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our offspring.Third, it is a healthy lifestyle and will help mould a harmonious social atmosphere.

Therefore, how to create a low-carbon life is necessary for us to consider. To begin with, we should save the energy, such as the electricity, water and domestic gas. Second, when we go out we can walk or ride a bike instead of by car. Third, we should not use the plastic bags which are hard to break down. If so, we can live a low-carbon life and gain the happiness of it.




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Hello, everyone. I’m am a student in No.1 Middle School. I’m very proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today.How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today. Water is polluted ,we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less.Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky , the population is increasing faster and faster ,resources is getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a great affection in the future.

The first fact I worry about is noise pollution. People can"t sleep well if there is too much noise. That"s why so many people prefer to live in the countryside rather than live in the noisy city. I suggest all the factories and cars shouldn"t make terrible noises. If they make terrible noise that isn"t allowed, they will be fined, and we can also produce the cars which can"t make terrible noise.

The other pollution is rubbish pollution. If everyone makes so much rubbish, one day we may live in a world filled with rubbish. Some people throw the waste paper about. I suggest rubbish should be put into different kinds of dustbins or paper bags.




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The environment has been polluted badly today and the nature punishes the

human being by all kinds of disasters, such as the heavy haze in Beijing, which

damages people’s health. World Environment Day is on June 5th. It pays attention

to call for the public to make an effort to bring the world a clean


Look at the pollution around us, which exists everywhere. The cars release

the gas which pollutes the air and the rubbish can be found in every corner of

the street. All of these daily incidents hurts the world we live. Especially the

factories, they release the heavy smoke and make the sky becomes dark. What’s

more, the wasted water flows to the clean river.

Though the government has made some action to punish the businessmen for

releasing the polluted sources, they still dare to take the risk of earning the

biggest profit. If we hurt the environment, it will hurt ourselves, because we

live together. The polluted environment threatens our health. If we want to live

the comfortable life, then the only way is to be nice to the environment.
