六年级关于雾霾的英语作文实用2篇 作文怎么写(精彩20篇)






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Recently, the haze weather has increasingly been serious and this

phenomenon triggers the widespread concern towards air quality. In my view of

the point, the best way to improve air quality is to tax the owner of private


There are reasons accounting for my view. To begin with, there is no

denying that gas emission of private car is a great evil of air pollution.

To tax the owner of private car will make some contribution to cut down gas

emission and improve air quality. Furthermore, the tax also has a great impact

on decreasing the rate of car’s increase. Those who have a plan to buy a car

will take the tax into account and some of them have to give up their plan. If a

lot of people can use public transportation instead of private cars, the air

quality will not be so rotten. In addition, taxing for private car is also a

warning of environment protection. The notion of environment protection will be

brought to public again and an increasing number of people will be awake to the

importance of air protection and environment protection and make effort to

protect it. Finally, the government can use the tax as funds of improving the

air quality, which will be a great help to raise fund.

Taking above into account, I believe that taxing the owner of private car

is the best way to improve air quality. Certainly, we can carry out other

methods to improve it at the same time, such as planting trees, developing

public transportation and so on. I advocate that all of us should take pains to

protect our environment and we will lead a better life.




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Nowadays, the hazy weather frequently appears in our country. It has not only done harm to people’s health, but also affected the public transportation. Terrible accidents happen every now and then, some highways have to be shut down because of the low visibility.

Obviously, air pollution is the main factor that has resulted in the frequency of hazy weather. At the same time, smoke from burning coal and all kinds of dust are also important factors. Besides, exhaust emission from cars and buses has made the situation even worse.

So proper measures should be adopted to deal with the serious problem. To students, opportunities for outdoor sports activities should be decreased, washing faces and hands with running water after each outing is also important, and do not forget to wear a good-quality mask to protect yourself while going out.

I hope we will regain a fresh, clean and bright world soon.




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I have a good friend -- China pistil. Under her with a knife flat bang, bang has a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, always fly fly. China pistil or a wise girl.

Remember last summer vacation, home filled with the turquoise on jujube jujube, jujube is the sweetest. I embrace the trunk of Chinese jujube forcibly shake, but thick trunk did not move. At this time, China pistil said, "tang also heart, dont bother, look at me." She picked up a few small stones, want to put the dates down. I looked at her and said, "its too dangerous, falls to one thousand?" Around China pistil looked around as if (he were) in search tool that can be used. Her eyes stopped on my balcony hanging clothes on a bamboo pole, she said, "tang heart, also can ask your mother for drying clothes pole? We can use bamboo to knock the branches, so dates will fall down, we can eat to the dates." I listened to the idea of China pistil, happy said: "China pistil, you are so clever." She picked up a bamboo pole, want to knock the branches. Jujube is too high, however, she couldnt reach, how to do? "There is!" She stepped on a branch and two feet and a push, like a flexible monkey climbed up the tree. China pistil hugging the trunk, one hand picked up knocks on the bamboo pole to forcibly branches, see dates like raining down. So blessed and overjoyed, we run go to pick up dates. I put a jujube in your mouth, heartfelt China rui said: "China pistil, its too much of you." China pistil cheerful smiled and said: "a piece of cake." Jujube sweet filled our hearts.

Look, this is my good friend -- China pistil. A lively and cheerful, clever girl.






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科学技术是第一生产力。技术在发展过程中成为人与自然、人与社会之间进行物质、能量和信息变换的“媒介”,是变天然自然为人为自然,以及实现对社会调节、控制的手段。人类社会的每一项进步,都伴随着科学技术的进步。尤其是现代科技的突飞猛进,为社会生产力发展和人类的文明开辟 了更为广阔的空间,有力地推动了经济和社会的发展。科学技术所开拓的生产力创造了高度发达的物质文明,但对科学技术的使用不当,又引发了世界范围内极其严重的环境问题,我们在享受科学技术带来的物质财富的同时也深受其害。本文为减轻雾霾提出几点建议。


(一)加大综合治理力度,减少污染物排放 雾霾天气中污染物的主要来源是燃煤、燃油以及与居民生活有关的各种排放。对于燃煤源消减的关键是加强工业企业大气污染综合治理,全面整治燃煤小锅炉,逐步用高效节能环保型锅炉淘汰中小型燃煤锅炉。加快推进城市集中供热,扩大高污染燃料禁燃区范围,逐步推行“煤改气”工程建设;鼓励北方农村地区推广使用洁净煤。加快重点行业脱硫、脱硝、除尘改造的工程建设。减少燃油导致的污染物同时需要强化移动源污染防治,大城市严格限制机动车保有量,实施公交优先战略,提高公交出行比例,大力推广新能源汽车,提升燃油品质,加快石油炼制企业的升级改造,严厉打击非法生产、销售不合格油品的行为。除燃煤燃油外,污染物源还有油烟污染、秸秆燃烧等,应开展餐饮油烟污染治理,餐饮服务经营场所安装高效油烟净化设施,强化无油烟净化设施及露天烧烤的环境监管;全面推广秸秆还田、秸秆能源化利用等综合措施,加强秸秆燃烧监管。

(二)加强科普宣传工作,提高民众减排意识 大气污染不仅仅来源于工业、汽车尾气、建筑工地等,也来自于日常生活。驱散雾霾,离不开每个人的环保意识和环保行动。要积极开展多种形式的宣传教育,普及大气污染防治的科学知识,倡导文明、节约、绿色的消费方式和生活习惯,引导公众从自身做起、从点滴做起、从身边的小事做起,在全社会树立起“同呼吸、共奋斗”的行为准则,共同改善空气质量。充分发挥新闻媒体在大气环境保护中的作用,积极宣传区域大气污染联防联控的重要性、紧迫性,宣传国家采取的政策措施和取得的成效,加强舆论监督,为改善大气环境质量营造良好的氛围。

(三)加强对雾霾的监测预报预警能力研究,提高科学有效防控能力 在国家、地方相关科技计划中,加大对大气污染防治科技研发的支持力度。进一步强化气溶胶和雾霾监测分析技术研发和系统建设,完善大气成分监测体系,改进雾霾数值预报模式,有效提升雾霾天气和大气污染的监测预报预警能力;大力开展雾霾天气形成的机理研究,及城市对边界层动力热力结构的作用和对雾霾形成发展消散的影响研究。加快推进大气污染综合防治重大科技专项,开展光化学烟雾的危害性、污染机理与控制对策研究;开展区域大气复合污染控制对策体系研究。加快工业污染防治技术、工业脱硫脱硝除尘技术等的研发与示范,积极推广先进实用技术。以科学研究为依据提高大气污染的防控能力和效益。


篇5:六年级英语作文:My parents

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My mother is 38 years old, but she never tells others how old she is. She says she just doesn?ˉt want them to know about it! My mother is a well-known doctor in our area. She works hard. She often gets up very early in the morning and rushes to the hospital to look after her patients. She is kind to her patients and treats them the way she treats her family. Sometimes I wonder whom she loves more, her patients or me.

My father is 40 years old. He has short hair, big eyes and a small mouth. He is my best friend.

My father is a teacher. Just like my mother, he is very busy. He doesn?ˉt have any holidays or weekends. Every morning he goes to school very early and stays with his students until late in the afternoon. It seems that he never gets tired! His students love and respect him. He always tells my mother how good it is to be a teacher, because his students make him feel young. He thinks my mother should be a teacher, too! But so far she hasn?ˉt taken his advice.

I will be a new student in my fathers school this summer. I will work harder and I hope one day I can be a good doctor like my mother.


篇6:六年级英语作文:Mary,my new good friend

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Maryis my new friend.I got to know her only yesterday. but we like to each other at first sight. she is a tall , outspoken ,13-year-old girl. she is good at english ,and i do well in maths.we helped each other yesterday with our homework.we both like playing pingpang,and we had a match yesterday afternoon. she is easy going .and i m so glad to be her friend.



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雾霾可谓是我们生活中一大恐怖 分子,雾霾不仅会间接引发交通事故,而且还会直接导致人体虚弱,他就像是鸦 片和海洛 因一样,虽不会上瘾,但会引起呼吸系统或心血管系统的疾病。结合了雾和霾的所有特征的它对人体的伤害那是更加加剧了。我们都知道癌,那可是一种让人谈癌变色的不治之症啊。雾霾,还真能致癌--由许多灰尘、杂质、有毒颗粒、城市生活中的排气物质组成的雾霾,如果它经常被人吸进体内,就会引起一些疾病,癌当然是这些疾病当中的“顶级掠食者”。








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In the happy winter holiday, I learned how to organize their own room, learned to scrambled eggs, but my biggest harvest is to spell out the several independent electronic puzzle, it has taught me can only do one thing care and patience.

I have a lot of large and small electronic puzzle elliptic electronic parts, as long as these parts according to the manual assembly model aircraft can spell out a variety of shapes. Assemble them is not an easy thing, want to have enough care and patience. I took a few parts according to the instruction manual first, but feel to spell out the model of traffic, also wont turn. And then put them down again. Second, I repeat the last spell spell dont like, repeated several times always spell is bad, I feel my patience gradually separated, just put it aside. After see together with me for my mother, and we control instruction to start, bit by bit, originally I got mixed up on the two pieces of similar parts, so spell out modeling is not spinning.

When holding a spell good the first mode shape I am happy, I know whether spell model or do other things, it is not enough to be patient, but also have enough careful.

Then I have to spell out several different kinds of models, feel very with a sense of accomplishment.







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With the development of scientific conductions, our daily life is becoming more and more convenient. But everything has both its good and bad sides, pollution has become a hot topic while the science’s building up. So the word “green” has been paid great attention among us .So do our campus.

Creating a green campus is very important to build up a wonderful atmosphere. ”Green campus ” does not only means green environment, but also means positive study atmosphere, good personal qualities and refer to that the students should be educated and have an environmental sense in their mind. What’s more, what I want to stress is that it sets goals toward the future of the world.

To bring “green campus” to its full play, effective measures should be taken. First, learning is the most important thing, which can strength our personal qualities. Second, we should take care our daily actions about manners and pick up waste papers here and there as we can do. Third , when you make mistakes or someone help you, you should say “sorry” or “thank you” to people with your sweet smile…

Green campus make us live in a soft and warm environment. So we ought to do our best to build green campus.







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As the saying goes "qiu dong smog knife to kill". We can see and catch "smog" actually have bigger influence on the body, especially the high incidence of respiratory and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the elderly group.

1. The effects on the respiratory system. Haze composition is very complicated, including hundreds of atmospheric chemistry particulate matter. Which is bad for your health mainly aerosol particles less than 10 microns in diameter, such as mineral particles, sea salt, sulfate, nitrate, organic aerosol particles, fuel and car exhaust, etc, it can directly enter and adhesion in the human respiratory tract and alveoli. Especially the submicron particles are deposited on upper and lower respiratory tract and alveolar, causes the disease such as the acute rhinitis and acute bronchitis. For obstructive bronchus asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, haze weather can make the illness acute or acute exacerbation. If this kind of environment will cause lung cancer for a long time.

2. The effects on the cardiovascular system. Haze weather pollutants in the air, air pressure is low, easy to induce acute cardiovascular disease. Such as heavy fog, the moisture content is very high, if people in outdoor activities and sports, the bodys sweat is not easy to discharge, cause people bosom frowsty, increased blood pressure.

3. The fog haze weather can also result in close formation ultraviolet weakened, activity of the infectious pathogen in the air, increase of infectious diseases.

4. Reduce because of the fog the sun, ultraviolet irradiation in children is insufficient, inadequate vitamin D in the body to generate, the absorption of calcium significantly reduce, serious can cause rickets in infants, childrens growth to slow down.

5. Affect mental health. Heavy fog weather depression, due to weak light and easy to let a person produce mental laziness, depression, and pessimism, encounter something goes wrong and even easier to spin out of control.

6. Affect the traffic safety. Low vision in haze weather, visibility, air quality is poor, easy to cause traffic jams, traffic accidents.










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Friends returning to South during the New Years Day and The Spring Festival:

How do you do! New Years Day and Spring Festival holiday are approaching. "Dongting Pearl · Ecological Nan County" welcomes you to return home to enjoy the festival. At present, the situation of COVID-19 prevention and control is still very complex and severe due to multiple factors such as the continuous outbreak of COVID-19 abroad, the increasing number of sporadic cases in China and the increasing risk of influenza virus infection due to lower temperature. Taking necessary precautions on the way home can effectively reduce the risk of infection. In order to you and your family and more hometown peoples health, so that we have a stable and peaceful "double festival", please be sure to cooperate with the following work:

1. Make scientific arrangements for homecoming. According to the requirements of the prevention and control work, people from overseas, middle and high-risk areas and those with red or yellow health codes are required to undergo centralized quarantine, home observation, nucleic acid testing and other prevention and control measures after returning to south China. They are advised not to return to South China for a short period of time with their relatives, and there are risks of infection and transmission on the way. Those who intend to return to the south should report to the village (community) where they live in advance, truthfully provide their activity track and personal health status, learn about the prevention and control requirements in advance, and cooperate with the prevention and control measures according to law. If fever, cough, fatigue and other symptoms appear before departure, seek medical advice in time and delay the return to the south.

Second, do a good job of personal protection during the journey. Please try to buy tickets online to reduce the risk of infection. When taking public transportation, please actively cooperate with the staff to carry out temperature detection, health code inspection and other prevention and control work, wear a mask throughout the whole journey, maintain social distance, record the vehicle, seat number and other information, and properly keep travel tickets and electronic consumption records for inquiry and tracing. Please try to avoid eating and drinking in the car, do not buy or carry imported frozen, chilled and other food. Friends who drive back to the south from outside the province, please cooperate with the staff to do a good job of monitoring and management of vehicles and personnel entering the south.

3. Reduce the risk of cluster infection. After returning to the south, please try to reduce the number of visits to relatives and friends, reduce gatherings, reduce the risk of infection, and advocate the adoption of telephone New Year calls, WeChat New Year calls, etc. In case of fever, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms, one should avoid contact with others as far as possible. After taking personal protective measures, one should go to the nearest fever clinic in time, inform the doctor of his/her recent activity track and contact history, and avoid taking public transportation on the way to the doctor. Regular ventilation, frequent hand washing, no gathering, wearing masks, one-meter line, using chopsticks and other healthy lifestyle and behaviors should be regulated in daily life. People should try to avoid going to closed places and gathering places, balance nutritious diet, reasonably arrange work and rest, and improve body immunity.

COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters, Nanxian County committee of the CPC

December 8, 2020



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Dear mother,

I have been good at school. I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home. So I miss you everyday. Do you miss me? Why don’t you call me? I’ve got a lot of things to tell you. One of the things is about foreign teacher’s daughter. Her name’s Skyler. She lives in Canada. She comes to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class. This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. And she did it with us too. So I usually talk to her when she doesn’t know what to do? But when the class is over, I always haven’t got enough time to talk to her. And I usually can’t find her. So we don’t have time to introduce to each other. But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. So I’m very happy! Mum, you often tell me, “If you are happy, I’ll be happy, too.” So you have to be happy, because I’m happy! I like you when you are happy!

In the end I wish you everything is just fine!











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Recently, the topic of air pollution has again aroused more and more attention since pollution haze, a kind of weather, has appeared increasing frequently in our cities. Just as the picture showed, when pollution haze comes, the whole city was covered with suspended particles which can breath into our body causing heavy problem to our health.

Due to the bad effect from pollution haze, a green and clear environment, rather than anything else, turns to be an important role and a urgent issue in our daily lives. Meanwhile we just live in only an earth, if we didn’t try to protect our common hometown, we would have no place to settle.

Thus, we should take effective measures to rebuild our beautiful environment of the cities from now on.

In my opinion, law and regulations should be enforced by the government and authorities to control the emission of polluting gas. To ourselves, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and choose a green lifestyle to make contribution to our earth day from day



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She, like a mushroom hair long, white inside deeply red in the face with a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, the following is a high stand in the nose. Downwards see again, it is a plausible cherry small mouth.

She is very love as documents. If you take a look at her drawer, you can see from her drawer for this instrument. Remember the last time, the school is about to enter the reading time, and there is always a few students in his class forgot to bring my book to the school to see, so at this point, the students are anxious to look like a cat on hot bricks. At this time, she will took her from her drawer for documents, said: "I have several this document here, you are all to see." Those who dont have my book classmates like caught a lifeline, joy took the book like crazy, thank recited.

She is also a very love to help others. In her bag have a "small treasure box", there are a lot of things. For example: the art should use scissors; Chinese classes to use stapler; The glue you need for math before... Class, we want to use numerous things. Every time we all need to use the tools in the "small treasure box", without hesitation, she always for others to use, first before use.

She is a very dedicated people. Although she is not available, only a small group leader, but she do leader also do much due diligence. Each time the homework, she is the first collect; Every hair, she is just the most.

She is my good friend - summer best grace, she is the love as documents, love to help people, I approach things very due diligence of good friends.








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With numerous technological advances,various kinds of media have been well developed. as a result,an increasing number of people are fond of purchasing goods with the help of media,such as newspapers,radio stations,Tv stations and the internet.

As we know, every coin has two sides and shopping via media is no exception. on the one hand,it saves much time,money and effort to purchase goods through media since you do not have to go to the shops in person.

Besides,you can choose what you want from an enormous variety of goods on display.On the other hand,you may be cheated sometimes by the false information and suffer a considerable loss.

As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefit to our life and our economy on the whole.At the same time, we need strengthened supervision over the information released via media.In this way,we can reap more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.



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How I Spent My Summer Vacation The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned.

暑假有来了。我很高兴我能忘掉学校至少一段时间。免得我我浪费了这个暑假,我做了一个计划如何度过我的暑假。首先,我认为我应该复习所有我的老师一学期教的那些东西,这样我就可以有更好的理解。然后我想我应该参加一些不同形式的运动,如散步、跑步划船、让我身体强壮。它的原看在这样的一个很好的计划,我应该好好利用我的休假。事实上我也这么 做了,因此我没有辜负了我的计划。
