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This years "51" holiday, I am in Singapore and Malaysia. The view of the Singapore and Malaysia are very good-looking, but the most memorable to my one night in Singapore. In the evening, I in st tauscha park, watched a wonderful music fountain performance.

Everyone knows the merlion in Singapore? The merlion is the sign of Singapore, a total of three the merlion sculpture; This a few the merlion is made up of the head and body. They have one in the center of Singapore; One of the highest mountain in Singapore, There is a holy tauscha in Singapore. One of the most beautiful, the most memorable to me or st tauscha the merlion.

On May 5, in the evening, we came to the st tauscha park early, viewing the merlion, here also here waiting for the beginning of the music fountain performance. Waiting for a period of time, the performance finally started. First appeared as a "clown", baton in his hand, like a conductor. Ah, really right, he is the conductor of the music fountain performance. He shook her hand, water fountain followed his hand type; If his two hands are moving, all the fountains of water together, color of light on the fountains, colorful water column, is really fantastic!

Music in the music fountain performance when high low, fast when slow; Sometimes is the rhythm of the pop songs, sometimes is a classic old songs tone, its good to listen! Fountain with this beautiful dance music.

"Wow," at this time, there was a surprise, the original is the water curtain movie started. Since I was young until now I have never seen the water curtain movie, this is my first time to see! Water curtain movie is sprayed water imaging a screen, and then put the animation projection, this is called the water curtain movie. The water curtain movie the main character is a naughty again, lovely little monkey, called "keykey", it would invite the conductor "clown" to play with it, that is, water curtain is appeared in the movie "clown" conductor, is really amazing! I know its projection, but why really was splashing water? Hey, dont understand...

Time so unknowingly passed, and the wonderful performances in a wonderful, wonderful music has come to an end. Although the music fountain performance time is very short, only 25 minutes, but it left a deep impression on me.

The evening let me very unforgettable, it is very memorable for me, because this is my first time to travel abroad, and in the new horse tourism, one of the most happy night was my first time in this beautiful night watching the water curtain movie Ive never seen since birth!











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Should Text Books Be Recycled?

When the school begins, students need to start their new semester, the first thing they do is to buy the text books, most students will buy the new books, while it has become popular that students choose to buy the second-hand text books. It is good that text books are recycled, it can save the resource and reduce the waste, thus leaving more resources to the next generation. What’s more, it also saves students a lot of money. Students can buy the second-hand book at a very low price, students use the book only for a semester, it will become useless after they reading it, so there is no need for them to spend so much money on the contemporary book.


当开学的时候,学生需要开始他们的新学期,他们做的第一件事情就是买课本,大部分学生会买新的课本,然而一些学生选择买二手书,这变得越来越流行。课本循 环使用,这是好的,这能节省资源和减少废物,给后代留下更多的资源。而且,这也省下学生很多钱。学生可以低价买下二手书,他们的书本只用一个学期,看完后 就会变得无用了,所以对他们来说没必要花那么多的钱在暂时性的书本。



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Ah! Christmas morning! Children like to wake up early while its still dark and sneak(蹑手蹑脚) into the living room to check the presentsfind any with their names on it, shake them to guess whats inside, and then maybe theyll go back to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents come to wake them with a Merry Christmas!

But almost no one I know gets completely dressed or eats a regular breakfast on Christmas morning. They just put on robes(长袍) or wear their pajamas(睡衣) and go to see whats under the Christmas tree. Some Christian families have a tradition of reading the Bible story of Jesus birth. Maybe its to remind(提醒) the children that Christmas is Jesus birthday.

Someone will begin to take the presents out from under the tree, see whose name is on the package, and then pass them around. Some families wait until all the presents have been given out before opening any of them, while others open each one as it comes to them. There are many thank you to the ones who gave the gifts. New clothes are tried on to see if they are fit, and of course the most interesting toys will immediately be played with.

Usually among the Christmas gifts will be some especially delicious candy or cake or cookies which everyone tastes. These sweet things may be the only breakfast many people eat on Christmas morning. After the gifts have been opened, the room will be tidied up except where the children are playing with their toys. Everyone will wash and get dressed for the day.

[精选初三英语作文:Christmas Day



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September 11th Saturday

Today is my birthday. My mother bought me seven small candles and they are colorful and beautiful.

In the evening, I set them in my birthday cake one by one. Many friends came to celebrate my birthday. I was very happy.

When I blew out the small candles, all my friends said, "Wang Bo, happy birthday to you!" In the end, all of us got dancing happily.

I enjoyed a happy birthday!









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I likeChristmas, it is just like our spring festival.

Maybe the spring festival is much more important and interesting than christmas, but i like christmas day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during christmas. When it is snowy,

Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. I can imagine i am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. What a beautiful place! So we can also call christmas “snowy lovely day.”

On christmas day, shops are red and green. There are so many christmas cards, christmas hats, christmas dolls and many colourful things. So shops look very beautiful. We can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “merry christmas.” By the way, i think studying can also become much more interesting.



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A: The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street.

B: The flat situates in a building on Fangcao Street.

分析:is in是常见词语,而situates in则是《大纲》上没有的,属于高级词汇。


A: At weekends, we have a lot of homework to do.

B: At weekends, we have endless homework to do.

分析:B句在表达时没有使用过于直接的a lot of,而是使用了endless。endless就是由《大纲》词汇end加后缀-less变化来的。


A: The bathroom and the kitchen are good.

B. The bathroom and the kitchen are well-furnished.

在表达要点时,B句使用了well furnished,这比good语气强,也显得生动。






A: There was a strong earthquake in Tangshan in the 1980s.

B: A terrible earthquake hit/struck Tangshan in the 1980s.

大多数同学使用了there be结构,这是对的,但是B句却摒弃了常见句式。另辟蹊径而使用了“主语+谓语+宾语”结构,且使用了terrible,hit/strike这样的词汇,更是难能可贵的。


A:I received your letter which was written on August 15th this morning.(多数人使用的方式)

B: Your letter of August 15th reached/ got to me this morning.(与多数人使用的方式不同,简洁)



A: Ah Fu saved my sister.(一般句式)

B: It was Ah Fu that saved my sister.(强调句式)


A: We were glad to see crops and vegetables growing well.(一般陈述句)

B: How glad we were to see crops and vegetables growing well.(感叹句)

3、句式多样,复杂得体。在写作中应避免使用相同长度的相同句型,而应注意句式的变化,如长短句结合,简单句、并列句与复合句共用,还可使用简化句等;一些较复杂的结构如独立主格,分词结构等也可使用。下面的表达中A句简单句多,而且多处使用there be结构,显得单调、乏味,而B句就有自己的特色(请同学们自己分析)。


A: Its a flat of 25 square metres. There is a bedroom in the flat. There is a bathroom and a kitchen in it, too. In the bedroom, there is a bed; there is a sofa, a desk and a chair as well.

B: Its a flat of 25 square metres, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.



Opinions are divided on the question.

60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believe a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.

On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardens and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggested, however, fees should be charged low.

1)该文使用Opinions are divided...作交代句,开门见山,随后两个段落均使用了主题句(见黑体字部分),使全文结构紧凑,表达严谨。

2)在表述要点时范文还对要点出场顺序作了调整,如“40%的同学认为应收门票,但不宜过高。”前部分作为主题句放在句首,而后部分另起一句放在句末:They suggested, however, fees should be charged low.这样就分清了轻重缓急,主题突出,条理清楚。

3)范文使用了and, what is more, however等连词,在段落之间使用了on the other hand(说明前后两个观点是相悖的),这些连接手段的运用加强了句子之间、段落之间的联系,使文章表达连贯,浑然一体。

4)范文在第二段为说明不收门票的“原因”时增加了Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away.等细节,这也是解决句与句之间缺少连贯性的常见方法。



对大多数学习英语的同学来说,英语的词汇量、句式的积累还极其有限,远不能达到用英文流畅表达,挥洒自如的境地。在这一阶段进行创作是不合时宜的,如果非要创造,只能写出“long time no see”这样的文字来。因此,模仿是这一阶段的必经途径。




最后,模仿要体现在实际动笔上。比如说,新概念第三册有一个句式说:“…for the simple reason that…”表示某种现象的原因是什么,用在大学英语考试中,我们就可以拿来解释为什么自行车在中国如此的流行,表达为:“the bicycle is very popular in china for the simple reason that…”。然而,很多同学经常背了这些句式不用,一谈到原因仍然是“…because…”,等等。



有个翻译界的故事说:在某大型国际会议的招待会上,一道菜是用鸡蛋做的。与会的客人问翻译:“what is it made of?”本来是非常简单的一个问题,结果翻译太紧张,忘了“egg”这个词,但是他急中生智,回答:“it is made of miss hen’s son.”这里,就是一个灵活变通的范例。绕道表达,是写作中应该常常运用的一种方法。



比如说,在正式文体的写作中,很少用 “it isn"t”这样的略缩形式,而往往是一板一眼地写作 “it is not”。同理,在正式文体中的日期一般不缩写,阿拉伯数字一般会用英文表达(特别长的数字除外)。


最后,许多同学在写作文时,习惯于把 “since” “because” “for”这样的词放在句首引导原因状语从句。事实上,在我们见到的英语报刊杂志文章中,这样的从句一般都是放在主句之后的。另外, “and”也常常被误放在一句话的开头,表示两个句子之间的并列或递进关系。其实,经常留心地道的英语文章能发现,如果是并列关系,完全可以不用连词;如果是递进关系,用 “furthermore” “what is more”更为普遍。



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假如你(Li Hua)在互联网(Internet)上看到美国高中生Tony希望结识一位中国朋友的息,请你用英文给他发一封电子邮件,希望和他作网友,并希望能尽快收到他的回信。内容包括:

1. 表示愿和对方交朋友; 2. 简单介绍自己,如爱好、特长(体育、文艺等); 3. 希望多了解美国文化。

注意:1. 电子邮件格式已经给出,但不计入总词数; 2. 词数:100左右。

From: lihua@yahoo.com.cn

To: tony@163.com

Subject: making an e-pal


Li Hua

One possible version:

Dear Tony,

I am Li Hua, a boy of 16 from China. Im a middle school student. Im glad to read your information on the Internet and I know you want to make an e-pal with a Chinese. I want to be your friend and wish to know more about the culture of the USA.

Im good at English and I think we can help each other to know more about America and China by sending e-mails. We can also chat on the Internet in English or Chinese. I like table tennis, enjoy singing and prefer popular music. At the same time, I like collecting stamps and traveling around in my spare time. I hope you can come to visit China, and Ill show you around many places of interest.




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Everybody have a dream, because we’re dreamers. In our heart, there is a colorful dream. Sometimes the dream is perfect, sometimes it’s special, sometimes it’s sweet, sometimes it’s yummy.

In my dream, there are some children. I always play games with them and enjoy ourselves. There are so many candies, too. Blue candies, pink candies, orange candies, apple candies…How delicious! In my dream, there is a special sky. In our world, the sky is blue, but the sky of my dream is pink, some angels are having fun there. In my dream, white bird can fly high, flowers can sing songs, frogs have a jump race, tomatoes are blue, potatoes are yellow, all the things are different.

In my dream, Chinese people, Korean people, Japanese people, Italian people, Spanish people, American people and Russian people are hand in hand. All the people smile for ever. It is a balanced world. .

In my dream, everything is wonderful, but our world isn’t like it. So we must like my dream, to let our world get more beautiful!







篇8:初三英语作文:April Fool

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Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong. On April 1 my father and I bought a lot of food from the supermarket and bought a big bunch of flowers home. Then we did some cleaning at home. At night when we were waiting for my grandfather, the bell rang and in came my mother. She smiled to us and said "April fools"!



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The Yangzte River is the longest river in China. And it s important and helpful to us Chinese. But these days the Yangtze River is bringing us serious floods.

Many villages were destroyed by floods. The floods made hundreds of millions of people lose their homes, relatives and friends. Many children can t go to school as usual .

Now the foods have drawn the attention of the whole world. People from abroad have offered their help too.

In China, millions of soldiers are busy fighting against the floods. They are working very hard. Many of them have lost their lives in their attempt to save the villagers.

Though we can t help them to fight against floods, we should help them to rebuild their homeland. We can present them our pocketmoney and clothes. I believe most of the people will return to their homeland in the near future.



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The moment I stepped in high school, I have made up my mind to study hard

for the purpose to enter a good university. In the first year, I made a lot of

new friends. All of them were so excellent that I wanted to learn from them. As

the second year has come, I felt great pressure. My scores went up and down and

I felt so worried. I told myself that I should find a way to relieve pressure.

Listening to music was a good way. I would sing with the music and shake my

body, which made me forget everything but the joyous music. Second, I would like

to talk to my friends, because they understood me. We would have some tea in the

shop and then shared our secrets. When we laughed out loudly, all the annoyance

would disappear.



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初三英语作文:Our School

Our school, which was set up in 1945, lies in the south of Changchun City. It is famous in our city.

It has 24 classes. 8 classes in each grade. The number of the students and teachers adds up to over 2,000. In the front of the school stands a high classroom building, behind which is a lab buiding. We have many of our chemistry and biology classes in it. Between them is a new library built 3 years ago. There are a large number of books there. After lunch a number of students like reading there.

On the right there is a football field and two basketball courts. They are our favorite places in our spare time. It is said that a swimming pool will be built to the left.

Our school is big and beautiful, covered with green trees and colorful flowers. Many piople call it a garden school. It’s really a good place for us to study in.

[关于Our School的初三英语作文



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whether teen should make their own decision

Whether teen should make their own decisions?I think we can talk about this question from two ways. On the one hand ,Although teen are young ,they have to make many important choices by themselves .such like making fiends ,wearing what kinds of clothes…… ,Teen should learn to plan things for themselves ,they need some skills to make a living in the future.many parents care about their children too much. This gives their children a lot of pressure .that is not good for teen. One the other hand ,although teen can make their decisions by them selves,but as for some serous things ,teen should also accept advice from their parents .because parents have more experience and they can tell you what is right and wrong.


美中不足: 只要注意一下个别单词的使用和字母的大小写就可以了。

[初三英语作文-whether teen should make their



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Before I made those silly mistakes, mother trusted me all the time.She regarded me as an honest kid.But I could never own her trust any more.How I regretted having lied to her!Here was one of the stupidmistakes Ive made. I failed in a math exam, but I lied to mother that I gota good mark.She believed me at first, but several days later she got thetruth from my teachers mouth.I made several similar mistakes sincethen.Mother told me that it doesnt matter to make mistakes, but it is really important to admit and correct mistakes.I swore to correct my bad deeds.But it seems that mother will never trust me as before.How I wish mothercould trust me again!

在我犯那些错误之前,妈妈一直是非常信任我的。 她认为我是一个诚实的孩子。可我再也不能拥有这份信任了。我真不该对她撒谎,我多么后悔呀!事情是这样的。有一次我数学考试不及格,可我骗妈妈说我考得不错。起初她相信了,可过了几天她从我老师口中知道了真相。从那以后我还犯过相似的愚蠢错误。妈妈曾经告诉我犯错是没什么的,重要的是能够承认错误并及时改正。我向她发誓一定改正我的坏行为。可妈妈似乎并不像以前那么相信我了。我多么希望妈妈再相信我呀!



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In the last summer, we have to say goodbye and look back. These three years, there are happy, sad...

Thank the teacher for three years of hard education and training of us, to teachers, a sincere voice: "teacher, you are hard!" At this moment, recall have gone through three years of junior high school life, we cant restrain inner excited, strong regret and feelings also arise spontaneously.

Some people say that junior high school life is a hasty book. Three years ago, we walked into one of the most exciting and admired mood. In the past three years, we have felt her warmth and richness here. Three years of time, more than 1000 pages of anger and sorrow, this is so hurried, but it has left so many wonderful pieces to us. Among them, a young naughty and naive, a sentimental failure experience, mature feeling enlightened, also has a successful history of lead a person to endless aftertastes.

In three years, we grew up with one middle school, and here is our warm home. In this joyous family, we create brilliance again and again with diligence and wisdom. We weave this warm and beautiful junior high school life with dreams and youth. Here, lets thank our alma mater with gratitude, thank all the leaders of the school, thank our beloved teacher, thank our dear classmates, and send them our best wishes.

Our junior high school life is about to draw a full end, which will also be the horn we pursue at a higher level.

There is a saying: "the idea that daily at the moment." Now, we are faced with a major challenge in our learning career - the middle school exam. This is an unusual moment, and a solemn and hopeful moment. It may be difficult, but know that when we are in the most difficult time, it is time for us to be close to success. At that time, we have to prove to the world that "there is a talent for the Jiangshan generation, each of them has been coquettish for hundreds of years!"

There is no banquet in the world. After the exam, we may be different, but the parting is also beautiful, because it is the prelude to the gathering! At that time, we might cry, but dont care. This is the evidence of youth. It is it, let us have the memory, know how to cherish. In fact, parting is not terrible, the terrible thing is that we forget ourselves. Every moment, everyone needs to be the best. I believe that we will show by our actions that we are worthy of being the best graduates in the field. Lets continue to fight against storms and go forward and realize our dreams.

We will always remember the slogan "today I am proud of one of the two, and I am proud of tomorrow."

In the last summer, were going to say goodbye.



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March 6th, 2014

Dear Mr Li,


I’m sorry to tell you that I have to ask for sick leave for the whole afternoon class. Because I have a heavy headache now and feel very sick. I think I have to ask for sick leave to go to hospital for medicine. I will attend the next day classes on time.


Yours repectful,





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Now many students become crazy about collecting cards of heroes of the Three Kingdoms in my school. After one gets a card, he will share it with his friends. Being addicted to it, many students have changed a lot.

Some students even play the cards in class so that they have fallen behind in their study. The card is included as a gift in the bag of some food which costs 1.5 yuan. Therefore, to get these cards, many students try their best to get money, even steal money. Sometimes they would rather not eat breakfast than give up buying the food with that card.

It is not long before they collect a lot of cards. Without good care the cards can be stolen easily. Thus, many students fight for the cards, which damage their friendship.

SoDont be fascinated in collecting cards any longer. Study earnestly and become a good host of the new century!




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There was a sad music in the church, a parting song, and the children in front of the Jesus prayers were praying silently... At this point, what are the children praying for? Why are they so serious? Because its a graduation ceremony, because its their last day here...

Look at these kids pious face, listening to this copy from rolia song, tears blurred, I cant help remember three years ago, our graduation......

In the scorching summer, cicada son calls became the only tune, and we in the classroom, only the hearts of the coming of the senior high school entrance examination is full of infinite tension and anxiety.

Every day, after a hurry to do what everyone needs to do, immediately turn into a stressful study. A white paper in our hands is constantly checking, instead of the past summer, our hands those cute little fan; an English listening test repeatedly play, instead of the past, we listened to pop music; one to ask, instead of the old days in the classroom frequently heard the sound of the dozen...... Everything was insignificant in the face of the coming exam.

It seemed to be a long time in the past, and suddenly, at that time, like a page that had been turned over, it had not been carefully read, and it was in a hurry. The sound of the June alarm sounded, and our atmosphere was more tense. All the years, anyhow, graduation ceremony will be open, always a day to let us present ah, write the students... But we didnt do anything at that time, the reason was very simple, and everyone thought it was not necessary.

In this way, we have a graduation exam, and we just want a good result on the exam. At the end of the last exam, we gathered together, and the teacher just said something about the exam results, and hurriedly took a photo of graduation, didnt say goodbye, didnt do many other things like other graduates, and graduated.

After the mid-term examination, I found that the so-called "victory" didnt bring much joy to me. I thought that if theres a good result, there will be a happy summer vacation. But in those days, I found that it was too boring, even though I wrote a lot of homework every day, but there was always less...

Once, I walked into a gift shop close to our school. The boss asked me if I was too dull to graduate this time. He said he led a lot of gifts, such as the gift of graduation, but there were not many people in our school. He also jokes that the people we are now are getting less and more human.

After that, I thought seriously about what the boss said, and I had to admit that he was right. At that time, we only care about the results of the exam, but we have ignored the classmates and teachers feelings so long that only those scores are the only ones we want to pursue. If we were able to take a day to open a graduation ceremony and write to each other a communication address and contact, then our summer vacation would not be so boring. Its a pity that we didnt understand it at that time...

Maybe years later, when we turn over this page, we will find a blank place, a place that will never be filled out...

We didnt make mistakes three years ago. Today, we face the college entrance examination in an unhurried way, attend the graduation ceremony actively, and draw a successful conclusion for our senior high school life.



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Please join in “Clear your plate” campaign.

Now, some of us students like buying a lot of snacks. They eat a lot even if they were not hungry. If they don’t like the food, or they can’t eat up the food, they will throw it away.

It is really a bad thing. We have wasted lot of food. And at the same time, it is bad for the students’ health.

So boys and girls, let’s change our habit. When we have dinners in restaurants, don’t order too much food. And try to eat up all the food we ordered. If we can’t eat up all of them, just pack them and bring them back home to eat. Please give up the snacks between meals. Encourage your classmates and parents to join us. If you find somebody is throwing away food, just stop them.

Come on, dear friends. Let’s start with ourselves.



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初三英语作文:Travels on Holidaysin China

Nowadays, more and more people like to travel in their holidays. The other day I read a report about the ways people spend their holidays. It is reported that in recent yiars several new holiday habits have been developed. Among them, the most interesting one is the growth of the so-called holiday camps.

From the report we can see that in 1990,40 percent of people stayed at home for holidays. But now the proportion has reduced to 9 percent. More people go out for fun. The proportion of camping and traveling abroad was increasing steadily, from 10 percent in 1990 to 38 percent in 2002, and 12 percent in 1990 to 26 percent in 2002 respectively. People enjoy the fresh air, clean Water and green hills when they go camping in the suburbs. In 1990,38 percent people enjoyed going to the seaside while in 2002 only 27 percent prefer to go there. What great changes!

Why did those changes appear? I think there are several reasons. First, it’ s because people can afford traveling. Second, people prefer to pursue a high-quality and colorful life. Third, their attitudes to relaxation have changed. Less people want to save much money by leading a simple life. In short, people’s living standard today has been rising greatly.

[Travels on Holidaysin China初三英语作文



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Last year, my father bought a lovely pet for me. She has four white paws and a white and yellow tail. She has two small ears, two green eyes and eight whiskers on her face. Her name is Sally and she is one year old.

Do you know what it is? A cat? Yes, it is a cat. She has very short fur and she is quite small. She weighs about 2 kilograms. She is usually very friendly and quiet. We never frighten her or pull her tail or ears. She likes walking around me and playing with me.

If she is hungry, she will miaow. Usually, she eats food from a tin, but her favorite food is fish. She likes juice if it is not too cold. She likes to chase and catch mice and sometimes she plays with butterflies. Sally often plays with balls and pieces of string. She does not like dogs and she hates the rain. She likes sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

Sally is a very good friend, but she is quite lazy! She never worries because we take good care of her. She is always a happy cat.



你知道是什么吗? 一只猫?是的,这是一只猫。她有很短的毛皮和她是相当小。她的体重约2公斤。她平时很友好,环境安静。我们从来不吓唬她还是拉她的尾巴或耳朵。她喜欢走在我身边和我一起玩。


