






全文共 2503 字

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Dear customers

hello everyone!

First of all, on behalf of all colleagues of _ Co., Ltd., we would like to

eXtend our sincere greetings and heartfelt wishes to our distinguished


With the support of friends from all walks of life, especially from

customers, our company has made great achievements in 20_ and continues the

development trend of e-commerce. We have withstood the competitive pressure

brought about by the instability of e-commerce and the fluctuation of a large

number of online shopping malls, and achieved fruitful results; the new shopping

mall 20_ has been revamped and launched. Taobao flagship store is also in

preparation, and is eXpected to go online by the end of this year.

The products needed by customers have always been in short supply.

Sometimes the eXtended delivery cycle has brought inconvenience or trouble to

customers. Here, I would like to eXpress my deep apology.

It is gratifying that the e-commerce Department has entered the sprint

stage, and the company will continue to strengthen investment in advertising

technology, and its factories will continue to introduce new production


Under the premise of ensuring the quality, we should strengthen the

production of products

At that time, the bottleneck of production capacity restriction will break

through at one stroke, the needs of customers will be met in time, and we will

deliver satisfactory answers for customers.

Its a great honor for us to cooperate with our distinguished customers. We

sincerely appreciate your support and cooperation. You cooperate with us in

market development to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. We have

established a good relationship of common development with you, which will be

consolidated and strengthened under the careful maintenance and cultivation of

both sides. Your success and brilliance have brought about the development and

growth of our enterprise.

Make 100% efforts, let the customer 100% satisfaction, this is our business

purpose. The times and society are constantly progressing, and our products and

services should also keep pace with the times. We sincerely look forward to your

esteemed customers to put forward higher requirements for our products and

services, so that our enterprises can provide you with better products and


On the occasion of the launch, on behalf of me and our enterprise, I would

like to eXpress my heartfelt thanks and respect to the respected customers once


I sincerely wish the respected customers great success and prosperity!




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Dear ____,

I am truly sorry that_______(道歉的原因).

The reason is that ______(介绍原因) Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming



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Dear Grandma:

Thank you for the new shorts.They are cool!It’s hot in YunNan.It’s sunny too. i can wear my shorts and T-shirt.I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small.I want to buy a hat. It is fifty yuan. It’s too expensive.

What’s the weather like at the farm? Is it warm?How many new ducks are there?





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to whom it may concern:

ive been ×××s manager at ××× engineering for almost four years. it was my pleasure to promote × to mechanical engineer last year, because he consistently meets and often exceeds his job requirements.

× is an enthusiastic, dedicated employee with reliable work

habits. he often does not need guidance or supervision, but willingly accepts it when offered. he is consistently successful in improving his skills, and he works hard to do so.

× is always willing to pitch in to help the team, and he gets the job done right the first time. he is efficient in planning




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Dear teacher:

Hello, time flies, time Rusuo, imperceptibly, and to welcome the new years day. Looking through the day, in your care and teaching, I grew up a one year old. The little things bit by bit, show in my mind. We have classes, read, do you always, always with us in the together. No matter what the weather is like, you are always early in the classroom waiting for us to go to class. How many day and night, you also for correcting our homework a light. Whenever I see a book on the red mark, you also gratified smile. I desperately germination, you have white hair. The teacher for we pay too much, saying good-bye to a batch after batch of students, his hair became infected with wind and frost. The new year is approaching, the students to give you deep blessing: I wish the teachers good health, good luck in everything.

Your students ---Wolverine



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1. 出差在外,顺利就行;出门在外,健康就行;出面在外,体面就行;出行在外,平安就行;平安夜到来,平安就行!提前祝你平安夜快乐,圣诞节快乐!

2. 迟到的给个横盘处理,不想我的来个震荡处理,忘了我的一律以停牌处理,不给我消息的统统戴个ST帽,平安夜我送你平安与快乐,若有比我早的则送个涨停!2014年平安夜微祝福

3. 趁着平安的钟声还没敲响、圣诞老人还没乘上雪橇,别人的短信还没有送到,我的祝福已经迫不及待来到:祝你平安夜幸福,圣诞节快乐!

4. 尝一尝糖果,甜蜜一生;听一听颂歌,快乐一生;看一看烟花,闪耀一生;咬一口苹果,平安一生;收一份祝福,幸福一生;平安夜祝你,平安伴一生,幸福一生!

5. 不管黑夜白夜,到了今天,就是平安夜;不管好蛋坏蛋,被剩下来了,就是剩蛋。不管你信或不信,收到祝福,就是幸福的简信。祝你平安如意,幸福无比,快乐圣诞!

6. 不爱你,太难,难于上青天!不想你,太烦,烦过吃饭不香甜!平安夜,把爱托圣诞老人送到你窗前,放进袜里边:一颗爱你的真心,盼此生与你相恋不变!

7. 北风那个吹,雪花那个飘,快乐的圣诞将来到。问候那个真,关怀那个深,甜蜜的祝福不能少。不管平安夜、圣诞夜,都愿你心情更美妙,生活更美好!

8. 北风儿吹吹,雪花儿飘飘,鹿铃儿敲敲,甜甜的平安夜又来到,祝你一家幸幸福福,一切都好;幸福的圣诞也来到,祝你一生平平安安,万事都好!

9. 海有多深?只有鱼儿才知道;天空有多高?只有鸟儿才知道;花儿有多红?只有蝶儿才知道;爱你有多深?只有看短信的你才知道。平安夜,我要你好好抱抱我!

10. 问候你,因为朋友装在我心底;祝福你,因为友谊永远值得铭记。朋友,祝你圣诞节快乐,愿你健康永远,平安永远,快乐永远,幸福永远!

11. 铃儿响,祝福忙,圣诞树下许愿望;吉祥到,袜子装,好运连连美荡漾;炉火旺,歌声扬,祈祷平安齐欢畅。祝您圣诞快乐!

12. 圣诞的钟声敲响,鹿儿的蹄声回荡,温暖的歌声送上,圣诞来到,愿你:“圣”下快乐,“圣”下健康,“圣”下吉祥。

13. 因为有了圣诞,雪花倍加浪漫;因为有了许愿,生活更加灿烂;因为有了挂念,幸福爬上笑脸。愿你体会我的思念祝圣诞快乐!

14. 快乐鹿,吉祥撬,把福运好运都送到;如意袜,幸福帽,把霉运厄运都赶跑;温馨信,真诚心,愿我祝福都成真。祝你圣诞快乐!

15. 烟花自不必言说,必然绽放夜空,祝福又何须称道,必定按时送到。圣诞钟声敲响那一刻,吉祥,幸福,一切归你,注意签收!

16. 白雪飘,钟声敲,圣诞节又来到;鹿铃响,喜气洋,惬意幸福心情爽;圣歌唱,心花放,吉祥快乐从天降。愿您圣诞开心伴!

17. 圣诞祝福虽紧俏,抢先送你最有效,圣诞短信很忙碌,好运随着短信到,圣诞祝福转一转,快乐指数转得高,圣诞快乐就好!

18. 开心笑容在绽放,快乐歌谣在传唱;吉祥雪花在飞舞,悠扬钟声在飘荡;圣诞礼物在派送,节日祝福在传递。祝你圣诞快乐!

19. 圣诞树,结上美好的心愿;红烛光,照亮盈盈的笑脸;长筒袜,塞进满满的惊喜;小驯鹿,将绵绵情意轻舔。朋友,圣诞快乐!

20. 将我满满的思念,用祝愿包装,用爱心发酵,送上圣诞老人的雪橇,让祝福铺天盖地而来,祝你圣诞快乐!圣诞之后也天天快乐!

21. 别傻了,还等圣诞老人呢?!今年他老人家不会来了,因为去年他被你的臭袜子熏怕了!也就我能迁就你,捏着鼻子说句圣诞快乐^_^

22. 圣诞快到了,我向圣诞老人预定了一只公鸡和一只母鸡送给你!公鸡说:生蛋,生蛋!母鸡说:快了,快了!祝福你圣诞节快乐!

23. 问候平淡如水,很清;祝福寥寥数语,心诚;摘一颗星,采一朵云,装入平安的短信送给您,让健康幸福时时围绕您。圣诞快乐!

24. 把烦恼写进雪里,为的是快点融化;把快乐装进袜里,为的是学会知足;把礼物挂在树上,为的是分享幸福。圣诞节,祝君快乐!

25. 圣诞圣诞,浪漫精彩。圣诞老人,十分可爱。平安夜里,共祈平安。狂欢夜里,无人入眠。快乐分享,烛光大餐。圣诞树下,美好许愿。万千祝福,心意不变。



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dear cathy,

i’m very glad to tell you something about chinas second manned spacecraft shenzhou vi.

it was launched at 9 o’clock, oct 12, 2008. and it returned to earth at about half past 4, oct 17. shenzhou vi orbited around the earth at a speed of 7.9 kilometers per second and traveled 3.25 million kilometers during the 115 hours and 33 minutes’ journey in space. the total cost is rmb900 million . aboard the craft were two astronauts, fei junlong and nie haisheng, who conducted a lot of scientific experiments. their journey in space was very smooth. the living and working conditions inside the cabin were very good. their health is in good condition.

ok, i have to stop here. looking forward to hearing from you soon!


li bo



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Dear Mother,

Im really sorry about tonight. It was more than nine o clock in the

evening. I still went to my friends house and got to eleven o clock

I knew something big had happened, so I went over and sat down. My mother

cried and scolded me, saying that I had to go out so late and called all the

people I knew on my mobile phone. I was ashamed and I knew I was wrong, but my

mother asked me to tell me where I had gone and tell her the name of that person

and the method of communication

But I dont want to, because now young people dont like their parents to

worry about them, more dont like their friends to worry about me. I know my

mother is worried about me, but I hope you can put your heart at ease with me

because I have grown up.

I have the ability to distinguish the good and bad things and practices,

but in the eyes of parents, I am always a child mother scold me while crying,

eyes red and tears, my heart is so painful, I really know that I was wrong,

should not let my mother worry.

Mom, dont worry about me any more. I have grown up and have my own

privacy. I hope you can respect me.



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新城中学(New Town Middle School)

志愿者工作(voluntary work)

2014无锡国际马拉松赛(the 2014 Wuxi Tnternational Marathon)



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Dear Ms. Fu,


I would like you to know that I appreciate the help and support you gave to

me when I was in junior high school. I enjoyed being taught by you immensely.

You are an excellent teacher and inspired me to continue learning with an open

and positive mind.


I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you for teaching me what

is responsibility. You helped me how to find the best place for myself and look

for the personal values. I remember you gave me a book as a present of the

Spring Festival. You are the first teacher who gave me a present which I was

moved for a long time.


I would further say that you gave me so good memories that I wish I could

go back to that time again. It was you who encouraged me to overcome obstacles.

It was you who cared about my emotions. I appreciate all you have done for me,

which meant so much to me. I hope that this letter brings my best wishes to you

and I once again thank you for giving me those precious memories of my life,

which I shall cherish forever.


Sincerely yours,




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My dear friend. How is it going? And your family? oh,I really miss you! Mrs Wu is fine too.How do you think your new teacher? Is she or he very kind? And your classmates? Are they friendly to you? Our classmates are miss you too. Cathy, Do you know? I have a new English name, Katrina. How about this name? I like it very much.

Oh,my god! I am very busy now. I have too much homework. I must do it every day. And I have to go to school on Saturday! Oh!yuck! I m very angry and tired. Do you have any English books?I want to read. Because I love English.I am crazy about practicing English.Because English is an international language,all nations are starting lern English now.And you? Do you love English? Ok,I want to sleep. Good bye!

Li Wenzhu



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Dear Mr. Smith,

I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination on International

Business English Writing you gave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want

you to know what happened that day. I suddenly fell sick early that morning and

my parents had to send me to the hospital. Please find enclosed a copy of the

medical bill. I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my

apology. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination. I

will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this

possibility with you. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Sincerely yours, Wang Hua 范文 4 Directions: One of your pen friends, John, will

be visiting your city. However, for some reasons, you can not meet him at the

airport on time. Write a letter asking to wait for you at the airport and tell

him how to recognize you. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You

don’t need to write the address. Don’t sign your own name at the end of the

letter, use Alice instead.

Sincerely yours,



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Dear Ashley,

Please accept my deepest apologies for my mistake in regard to leaking customer information to people from the other department.

It was not my intention to create such an awkward and embarrassing situation for our department.

If there was any good that came out of this unfortunate experience, it is that I have grown and learned alternative approaches to these situations.

Please feel free to let me of your thoughts and concerns over this matter. You can reach me at email.





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Dear John,

I am eagerly looking forward to your visit to our city. After all these

years of writing to each other, I can not wait to see you. However, I regret to

inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport on time.

The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the

earliest I can reach the airport will be about an hour after you land. Will you

please wait for me in the arrival lounge? You can have breakfast while you


By the way, as we have never met I must tell you home to identify me: I am

of 165cm tall and have a long hair. In addition, I will wear a white skirt and

carry a China Daily at hand.

Hope we can meet soon.

Sincerely yours,




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Dear ___________,

I am truly sorrythat_____________________(道歉的原因)Thereason is that ______________(介绍原因)Once again,I am sorry for anyinconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies andunderstand my situation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



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Hi Worried,

I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a bad time at the moment. The

truth is everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be wrong,

so you don’t have to worry so much. The important thing is to learn to control

your temper so that you may not do or say anything you’ll regret. Here are three

useful tips:

First, talk to someone you trust about how you feel. This is a good way of

letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. Second, go outdoors

and play team games with your friends, as physical exercise is an effective way

to get rid of anger. And third, remain optimistic about your future. Such a

positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits.

I hope you’ll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal.





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1, baby alive every day, we are the most important treasure s grace, the enjoyment of God has given us a passion for life, in Gods care for each other, must be grateful to God, because our lives have been regarded as precious lord, we want to cherish well! Kiss -


2, baby when you see this message, I was to pray for you, pray you happy now than in the past, today than you were yesterday, this year than last year on happiness, now I have become a prince to stand beside you. Prays for heavenly blessing you forever to be light of heart from care.


3, baby now I pray to God, our love forever! Although love is a very complicated way, but down to master seeking answers, we can form the truth before the Lord, moved days moved God, for the LORD put ones heart and soul into! Meet with you show grace.


4, baby when we repent of faith, the life of Christ has been raised in the US, the Scripture says" live no more I, but the LORD liveth in me", so may the Lord bless you my dear you have to happiness, believe that your life is full of the Holy Spirit, the Lord bless you.


5, baby you know Lord are cheering for you! The Lord is giving you strength, trust in Gods help recover soon, it will bring you the wings to fly, since you can soar to great heights.











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Dear Santa Claus,

Christmas is around the corner,and iam so excited to welcome you to the

arrival.For last several years,i required so many toys from you,and you gave me

all that i want.I am so grateful for you about this.I dont want toys any

more.Sincerely i want you to bring my families good health for the new year.As

you know,the world they are going back is the world of a "flu"; and my parents

are mostly work outside,so give me a magic present to protect my families.Can

you promise me?eager to get it on Christmas Eve!

Best wishes to you as well!

Truly yours,









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We will try to make this your best Mothers Day ever.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.


I may not often say it, but I do love you.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.


Take good care of yourself. We all love you, mom.


We will try to make this your best Mother’s Day ever.


Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mother’s Day.


Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you.


Thank you for everything over the years, mom.


Mom, thank you for being you.


You are the best mom that a son ever had.


To the world’s number one mom!


Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.


I dont take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.


Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.


You are the one that we love the most. Have a happy Mothers Day.


We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.


This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mothers Day.


Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mothers Day.


Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother’s Day is especially for you.


We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.


Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s Day.


This card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children.


This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you .


There may be moms all over the world, but youre the only one that matters to me.


Heres a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.


To mother on Mothers Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me.


There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.


Having been in this world for long, I realized that you are the one who loves me most, Mom!


Nobody can take your part in my heart, Mom,wherever you are, I will always love you!


Although you don’t say anything, I can understand your heart: you always care me! Thank you!Mom.


Mom, thank you so much for not only giving birth to me but also teaching me how to be a good man. No matter what will be in the future, I will always love you!


Mom, I cant send you a bunch of Carnation cause Im not by your side, but I hope this text-message can tell my greeting. May you can be healthy and happy forever!


Mom, your love is just like a bar of candy, with a package of ceaseless chatter and scold; I couldnt find it out until I grow up. Happy Mothers Day!


Mom, I am concerned about you not just on this special day. Everyday would be Mothers Day within the year! Hope you enjoy yourself everyday!




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Dear Santa Claus,


My name is Yang Yue from China. I am a lively and cheerful 10-year-old

girl. I hope you like me.

Listening to the merry Christmas song outside the window, looking at the

Christmas tree decorated with colorful lights as dazzling as the seven colors of

the rainbow, I have had many questions in my heart: we do not have a chimney,

and where did you come in to send me gifts? Do you have any special magic


But most of all I would like to ask you, "How did you know we were looking

for something?" I remember one Christmas Eve when I was very fond of a pink

magic wand. On its pink staff, there are many colorful roses, and on top there

is a beautiful heart with a white ribbon. I cant put it down. I really want it.

But the parents did not agree to buy it for me. I was so sad that I reluctantly

went home. But, the next day early in the morning, wait me to open a sock to

see, inside unexpectedly miraculously put a and I "yesterday" see exactly the

same magic wand! Santa, did you give it to me? Thank you so much!

This string of surprise is all brought by my "never met" you, you are

really "do good not to leave a name" ah!

Santa Claus, secretly tell you a little secret: at that time, I do not know

your identity. But now I know who you are. And through these years of

observation, in front of the answer to the riddle was also revealed by me. In

fact, you have been in my side! Today is Christmas again, I wish you:

Merry Christmas!













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从今以后,我们要呼吁大家,不要再往你的体内扔废品了,我们要保护好我们的母亲河,如果大家想要一个清澈的、美丽的母亲河,就不要图省力气,省时间而去污染您。您放心好了,以后的您,绝不会是如今的您了。而是清澈又美丽的您。 最后,我要祝我们的母亲河——黄河身体内不再有垃圾,不再有废水,祝母亲河越来越清澈,越来越受欢迎。



