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Halloween main activity is "Trick Trick" (Trick-or-treating). Children dressed as various terrorist looks like, door to door neighbor rang the doorbell, shouting: "Trickor Treat!" (Meaning Trick or treat), the host family (which may also wearing terrorist costume) will come up with some candy, of chocolates or small gifts. Some families even use the system sound effects and smoke machines to create an atmosphere of terror. One night of candy kids get often calculation bags, the whole bag full of bags to move back home.

Participants try to bite the game only from the mouth to bite the apple floating in water.

Other games in Ireland, there is a tradition of fortune-telling game, participants blindfolded, placed a few small dishes from the table select one of them, such as the touch of the plate filled with mud, on behalf of the coming year will be related with the participants who passed away, such as containing water representatives will travel, will be filled with money on behalf of fortune, the representative will be filled with beans poverty, and so on. Ireland in the 19th century, girls will sprinkle flour on a plate put a slug, and slug crawling traces of the future husband will look like girls.

In North America, unmarried woman if the legend Halloween sitting in a dark room, you can see in the mirror the faces of her future husband. However, if they will die before marriage, a skull will appear in the mirror. Since the late 19th century, this custom has been very popular, but also related to the sale of greeting cards.

Ghost stories and horror movies that are common activities in the Halloween party. The Halloween-themed TV series are usually in the Halloween holiday on or before the play, the object most children.




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i like learning english because i can get a lot of fun。 but learning english is also a lot of difficulties。 for example, i often hard to remember new words。 so i often write them often read in a book they。 over time i remember。 for oral english i also often difficult to face。 initially, i am very shy and afraid to speak english in public places。 but my teacher encouraged me to take a deep breath, smile。 this method is very useful to me。 i dare not scared up gradually。 i think often read good english newspaper will help our reading ability。 and every day to keep a diary in english is a good method to improve my writing ability。


in our school for a long time it is a good environment for learning english。 in class when i listen to the teachers words。 after class review carefully before class preparation will be able to get good grades。 i often and the teachers and students to talk in english。 this can improve my english ability in organization and spoken english。


often practice dont give up this is the best way。



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In recent years, the global warming gets increasingly attention. More and more people make contribution to stop the global warming. Therefore, a new lifestyle occurs--low carbon life. What can we do to live in low carbon?


First, remember to turn off lights and turn off the faucet when you do not need to use. Use the energy-saving lamps. There are many small things we can do to save resources. Second, when we go out, take public transport as much as possible, to reduce gas emissions and to ease the transporting pressures.


All in all, there are many other things we can do to live in the low carbon life. It needs us to do something practically. If everyone can keep this lifestyle from now on, it will greatly change the situation and our home would become more beautiful.




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2. 紧急提醒,一种新型手机病毒传播方式:由手机万圣节祝福语来传播,为了您的健康,收到祝福语后,务必将手机浸泡在消毒液中一小时后方可使用!!

3. 已经倾慕你好久好久了,从见到你的第一天起,我就决定非你不嫁。你知道吗?我在阴间好寂寞呀…万圣节快乐!

4. 亲爱的,我一直想拜孙悟空为师学降妖除怪,这样可以让我在万圣节保护你,什么妖魔鬼怪统统放马过来!万圣节快乐!

5. 特别提示:万圣节的夜晚,本公司特推出,我比鬼还快乐有奖竞猜活动,认为自己快乐的同志可以编写短信:万圣节快乐,发送给好友。

6. 苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手,抚摸你粉嫩的小脸,代我问候你:晚安! 哈哈,吓一跳吧!万圣节快乐!

7. 特别提示:万圣节的夜晚,本公司特推出,我比鬼还快乐有奖竞猜活动,认为自己快乐的同志可以编写短信:万圣节快乐,发送给好友。

8. 节日来了,你还在等待什么,带上面具,点起南瓜灯,像鬼一样在大街上游荡吧,欢乐会属于你的,我的鬼友。

9. 万圣节到了,虽然是鬼的节日但是我还是要真诚的祝你像鬼一样开心,因为你最近的确过着像鬼一样艰辛的日子,让自己放松一下吧。

10. 亲爱的,恭喜你,你中了大奖了,在今天你将会收到一份意外的惊喜,这一份让你激动的祝福,鬼家伙,祝你万圣节快乐。

11. 万圣节到了,听说各种鬼都要出门游荡,你会不会很害怕啊,有一个好方法能让你驱邪避凶,那就是让自己开心的笑一笑。

12. 身材像魔鬼一样迷人,眼神像魔鬼一样诱人,本领像魔鬼一样高超的你现在在哪呢,万圣节快乐!

13. 听说今天有很多吓人的恶作剧,所以今天除了我,任何人叫门都不要开啊,我会于晚上点过去陪你,亲口祝你万圣节快乐!一定要等我喔!

14. 今晚有黑衣骷髅出现在你面前,别怕,我告诉你一个魔咒,定会让他现出原形,那就是对着他大喊一声:万圣节快乐!

15. 你的一笑,狼都上吊,你的一叫,鸡飞狗跳,你的一站,臭味弥漫,你一出汗,虱子灾难,你不打扮,比鬼难看,你一打扮,鬼吓瘫痪!献给万圣节的主角!

16. 还记得去年的今天吗?我不是成心吓你的!但那一次是我第一次拥你在怀中!至今想起还感觉到很幸福!祝你万圣节快乐!

17. 万圣节大鬼小鬼齐欢唱,开心鬼一到,快乐瞬间到;机灵鬼出现,头脑变聪慧;调皮鬼一闹,活力更充沛。祝你万圣节快乐!

18. 鬼头鬼脑惹人爱,神鬼莫测思维快,神出鬼没巨神秘,鬼使神差节日来,唯有你最乐开怀,扮鬼完全原生态。万圣节快乐!

19. 站住,群魔打劫,前有开心鬼,后有发财鬼,左边好运魔法师,右边成功吸血鬼。今天万圣节,把烦恼交出来,跟快乐向前迈!

20. 今年鬼节不收礼,收礼只收好短信;鬼节恒久远,祝福永流传;鬼节相聚,意犹未尽;你好,我好,万圣节好,才是真的好!

21. 万圣节到了,收到此短信者:财鬼老鬼大鬼小鬼各路妖怪保佑你,天神地神风神雨神各路神仙祝福你,保你平平安安财源滚滚!

22. 万圣节大调查:开心鬼在写短信,幸福鬼在发短信,机灵鬼在转发短信,小气鬼在收藏短信。嘿嘿,万圣节快乐!

23. ^o^今天是个珍“鬼”的日子。宜出门,因为出门遇“鬼”人;要守纪,因为没有“鬼”矩不成方圆;可送祝福,因为短信不“鬼”挺实惠。预祝万圣节快乐

24. ^o^万圣节又来到,我把祝福早送到:愿开心鬼缠着你,发财鬼陪着你,幸运鬼喜欢你,长命鬼搂着你,小倩也想嫁给你。哈哈~祝你万圣节快乐!

25. 最近流行一种代号为“万圣节快乐”的手机病毒,如果您不幸收到含有此类字符的短信,请马上扔掉手机,以免感染。万圣节快乐!

26. 送你一份礼物:第一件:吉祥护身符!第二件:照妖降魔镜!第三件:除鬼斩怪剑!祝你万圣节平安又快乐!

27. 今晚有黑衣骷髅出现在你面前,别怕,我告诉你一个魔咒,定会让他现出原形,那就是对着他大喊一声:万圣节快乐!




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Good Neighbours

We all have neighbours. A good neighbour is better than a distant relative. It is common that we may meet with difficulties.When we have igood neighbours, they will always come to help you. Neighbours should get on well with each other.

My neighbour has a daughter. We are of the same age but we don~t study in the same school. In the evening we always do homework together. She is good at maths and I am good at English. So we often help each other.







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Yesterday, I decided to go outside for picnic, but unfortunately, it

suddenly rained.I felt very disappointed, but I knew one thing: next time, when

I decide to do something, I should pay attention to the weather

forecast.Finally, I had to change my mind, and I had to stay at home all day

watching TV and reading books.I like sunny days very much, and I dont like

rainy days any more. But I know if there are no rainy days, there will be a lack

of water, and I know it is very terrible if there is not enough water.But I

still like sunny days because I like sunshine very much.




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My after-school life colorful, you can play the zither, painting, gardening ......

One of my favorite painting, a painting because I have brought joy and love, he may be arranged in the room, the room was dolled up neatly. Painting can bring happiness, as long as you like to be able to learn to be happy. If you can spare so, I would feel happy.


其中我最喜欢画画 ,因为画画个我带来了乐趣和喜爱,他可以布置房间,把房间布置得漂漂亮亮,整整齐齐。画画还能给人带来快乐,只要你喜欢就能从中得到快乐。如果你的课余能这样的话,我就会感到高兴。




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The night of Christmas Eve is a mystery, in this time to eat the apple fruit (apple is peace). Heard that as long as peace at 12 o clock at night to eat fruit on 24th day this year will be in peace. Of course, that night we all dormitories are full of curiosity, ate with the secret of peace, but not at twelve o clock. But everyone still in my heart silently with his wish.

At this moment, I thought of a thing loudly shout out. "Quick, bring socks for me, I will put it on the bed." Dormitory members of frowning puzzled, I fit into a learned professor with relish, said: "dont know this, and let the professor let me teach you, legend has it that there will be a Santa Claus, Christmas and when Christmas Eve that night, he would have come from the chimney to be afraid of us, as long as you put what you want to write on the paper in the sock he saw will satisfy your desire, let your dreams come true!" Say that finish, you hurry up, "we dont have the chimney? This dormitory will he not to give us?" All innocent, curious said. Ha ha I laughed aloud, its ok lets give he made a false chimney not have it, he will find the entrance to the gifts to us. So, all in high spirits made up. Soon ready, and then we took a sock and a piece of paper to write on the gift, they want excitement it to socks, looking forward to the emergence of Santa Claus...

So, we with great expectation and overworked body was asleep, sleep until dawn.

In this way, Christmas Eve is spent happily, you will never forget the day night!







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Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house.I played with my

cousin.Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest.“that’s

a good idea.” I said.Then we prepared for the traveling.After lunch,the sky

turned dark.After that ,it rained heavily.It meant our plan is impossible.What a

pity day!




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Today is new years thirty home, bustling, the whole family is bursting with happiness, while busy looking forward to a side of the dinner on New Years Eve.

Morning, Grandpa and I went to the market to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival. I asked, &ldquo, Grandpa, what are we going to buy? ” grandpa said: “ ready to buy some fish. ” go to the fish market, fishmonger to us: “ yellow croaker, carp, Taihu fish, Spring Festival preferential sell. ” my grandfather picked up a Taihu fish, weighing pay, fishmonger agile cleaning the fish. My grandfather and I went to the vegetable market and bought a lot of vegetables. People are busy with the final purchase at the end of the year, ready to meet new years Eve and new years arrival.

On the street, alley occasionally bursts of firecrackers, add a festive holiday. I played outside with my children all afternoon, and I protested to eat a years dinner, when I thought about going home right away. At the door, my father and I put up a couplet, put a hang of firecrackers, the big rice will start! Mom for a sumptuous dinner, I just want to pick up the chopsticks a clip, grandma said: “ so, we guess, see who can say the name in four words. ” I preempted the answer: “ this is called the annual surplus (FISH), that is diligent (Qin) fast, red hot, plain sailing, … … ” once said a few idioms, Granny satisfied with the praise of me. The clink of blessing, we began to enjoy a delicious.

All the dishes in the Spring Festival have an auspicious idiom, which symbolizes the harvest, blessing and expectation of the year. It is very interesting. I cant help exclamation the rich and diverse traditional culture of our country.







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A new experience

Yesterday I did commonweal in library to earn my public service

scores(which is similar to the compulsory credits).I arrived library at 8’clock

in the morning,a librarian let me to wipe the mirror in every toilet from one to

six floor.Then I started to wipe the mirrors.It was been two hours after I

finished all work.I was very tired,but looking at the shiny and clean mirrors I

had wiped, I felt very happy.To be honest,I had never done the things like it at

home,so it was a new experience to me,and it make me realize the hard work of my








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My favourite animal is cat. Cats are quiet and polite. They always walk lordly. Cats are cute. They have soft fur. When I touch them, they look comfortable. Cats have big eyes. Some cats eyes are green, some are blue, and some are grey. Even some cats two eyes have different colour. Cats sound is pleasant to listen to. Their sound is soft too. Otherwise, cats can catch mice. They are humans friends. I love cats very much. Do you like cats?

我最喜欢的动物是猫。猫是安静和有礼貌的。他们总是走气派。猫很可爱。他们有柔软的毛皮。当我抚摸它们时,它们看起来很舒服。猫有大眼睛。有些猫的眼睛是绿色的,有些是蓝色的,有些是灰色的。就连猫的两只眼睛也有不同的颜se。猫的声音很好听。它们的声音也柔软。猫会抓老鼠。他们是人类的朋友。 我非常喜欢猫。你喜欢猫吗?



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A no African black boy, this year 12, small eyes, collapse collapse on the nose. And there was a big ears Desmond tutu gene "siddhi moving ears!

"The teacher is saying!" See, I and sister trueer, for example, 3/4 * 7/10. I said must take three quarters into the denominator is ten, elder sister said, also can directly take, I didnt pay attention in class, to lead to such result, I this is impatient.

"Clicking" I played the boys favorite through the wire. The mother shouted: "have a pear for me!" When I was have a good time, very reluctantly said: "go play again for a while." After a while mother urged again, I still say to play for a while. When I play enough, its been more than an hour, after the mother took a pear, mother long give a sigh said: "eat pears, you wash is really not easy!" This is I love playing computer.

"Get up!" Sister woke me, I rubbed his dim eyes, deep ground to say: "what time is it?" "11" "only 11 o clock will go to sleep!" "Today, cleaning,! Hurry up!" Three words heard the cleaning, I immediately pack to sleep, you know, I usually take a little clothes, socks, are ok, but... Cleaning or forget it! Sister cry to me a few words: "slacker!" This is not love doing housework, I love to sleep.

"Second, second pass" the person who is fierce Shouting it is me. I love playing basketball and table tennis, although Im not too good, but I can play, a free until to dont want to play! And table tennis, we are all activity to practice and play, although I played not champions, but "no challenge champion will never be the champion" is the movement of love me!!!!!!!

"Oh! I have forgot my meal card in our bedroom!" Poor Zhang Shanzheng pain shouted. "I borrow your" I said without hesitation! Zhang Shanzheng hurriedly said thank you to me, my arms around him. "All are brothers, dont mention it!" Another time before six and I (3) class Zhao Junkai and fit in with the cui, we are all iron elder brothers, once was playing it, Zhao Junkai injured, we two word, holding him and ran the clinic, to check he dont have my card. I didnt take, I will let him to register my name, since the return of money!

This is me, more I trouble, less advantage of me. Dont you want to make friends with me?










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Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some

think yes, while others hold the opposite.

It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and

live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of

money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all

evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some

places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt

societies where everybody is miserable.

So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is

used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to

happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible

if it is employed sensibly.







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my daily life

Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to

it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my

country. I get up at six o’clock every day. after I wash my face and brush my

teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock. after

school is over, I return home. we usually have supper at seven o’clock.then I

begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before i go to bed.







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Tree and Ax

Ilike to tell you a story today ,it is Tree and Ax:A woodman came into a

forest to ask the trees to give him a handle for Ax.It seemed so modest a

request that the principal tree at once agreed to it,and it was settled among

them that the plain,homely Ash should finish what was wanted.No sooner had the

woodman fitted the staff to his purpose,than he began laying about him on all

side.Felling the whole matter too late,whishpered to the Cedar:“the fist

concession has lost all;if we has not a sacrificed our humble neighbor,we might

have yet stood for ages ourselves”The story was a satire on ungrateful

people,and it also shows us that giving alms to the enemy is cruelty to







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National Day is our countrys mothers birthday. On this day, we all Chinese people are happy. On this day, we should live in harmony with the people of our country in order to repay the kindness we have in our country.

On this day, the whole nation has a holiday. Although some people are too busy to work for the motherlands mother to celebrate, but I still believe that they are in different places, in their hearts, is still a deep love of the motherland. They will also be in the hearts of the hearts of the love of the motherland.

A lot of people are wondering: Why study hard? I can definitely tell them that the students have to study hard to repay our country. Mother of the motherland for our selfless dedication, we should not return her?

National Day, people will hold a lot of parties. Most of the party is the great motherland, the mother of the title, which is also the contribution of the people who write the arts to china!

Although there is no mid autumn festival. Spring Festival is so popular, but it also said we are all the children of the Yellow Emperor patriotism.

Look at the mother of the motherland prosperity, people live and work in peace Chinese!









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Today is father’s day, for so many years I’ve been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!

Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the right path. I’m blessed to have you.

Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.

Thank you for always appreciating my work, no matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that it’s capacity not scores that really counts.

Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!








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Our campus is beautiful and clean.

Especially the view of the school just built soon pool, the water is clear and clean, several small koi fish alive in the water, really cute. Cascade tank top and a small spray, a start the water flow in the flowing and metope, give a person a kind of very pure and fresh and lively feeling. Also used by the side of the pool of some plants to decorate, I did not know at the moment the water and a few small lotus flowers purple, little fish in water activities after a while, a short while again drill to lotus holed up peoples eyes. Although this tank nothing special, but it is not only to school spring scenery and move feeling, and it is a beautiful scenery, I really like the fountain. The center of the pool, there are a number of aquatic plants. Look, a spirited big carp tail up addicted, the chest, the pieces of fish scales, in the sun a bit, a bit, just like a crystal pearl! Beside the pool has a special management department of the pool, near the previous administration and buy some books about pool, isnt it a shame now has moved out.

? A circle near the pool and dedicated to pool of flower every day. Against the sun to the school, students can see the beauty into the gate of the pool, visible this pool is quite popular with the students, it has a good time to school students will come to visit, even after a long time, some students came to visit a pool view. All of them are actually swam to see those life - carp. But since carp died, and I have no students came to see, actually I also very sad, good carry of life did not have.

Oh, I think of it, beside the pool and two kirin, in their mouth with little water, how I wish come in to add a few water in vibrant life! This school pool is more interesting and more to the campus scenery, the fountain has its matchless magical color!







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The Wind And The Sun


One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road.

I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”

有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.

“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”

“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.

So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but

the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.


“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the

sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off

his cloak.

“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.



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Serious Floods

The Yangzte River is the longest river in China. And its important and helpful to us Chinese. But these days the Yangtze River is bringing us serious floods.

Many villages were destroyed by floods. The floods made hundreds of millions of people lose their homes, relatives and friends. Many children cant go to school as usual .Now the foods have drawn the attention of the whole world. People from abroad have offered their help too. In China, millions of soldiers are busy fighting against the floods. They are working very hard. Many of them have lost their lives in their attempt to save the villagers.

Though we cant help them to fight against floods, we should help them to rebuild their homeland. We can present them our pocketmoney and clothes. I believe most of the people will return to their homeland in the near future.




