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明天,我们毕业往昔的日子已成为回忆,曾经得你我早已变了。在即将毕业之际,我在一次翻开了“它”! ( 整理)校园里仍旧回荡着当时我们的欢歌笑语;在操场上仿佛再次看到了我们一起玩耍的身影;塑胶跑道上仍留着运动员们矫健的步伐…… 我不能忘记当我们体操比赛获第一名时同学们激动的心情;我不能忘记当我们歌咏比赛失败时同学们内心的悲伤;我不能忘记当我们为运动会准备时同学的劳累。

如今,马上毕业了,好想再来一次! 明天,我们毕业。我好想让时间停住,停在这一刻,让我们可以再看看,看看这么多熟悉的面庞;看看这与我相处多年的母校;看看这与我共经风雨的花花草草。 明天,我们毕业。此时,往昔的恩怨早已化为尘土,留下的只有友谊。要分手了,留在内心深处的是痛苦、是纯真、是快乐! ( 整理)明天,我们毕业。但校园里的环草仍开放,同学们仍努力学习,在校园的每个角落仍充满欢声与笑语。可是,六年级的我们——将要分离的我们,内心的痛苦是千言万语也表达不出来的。 天下没有不散的宴席。如今,我们这桌“宴席”也到了该散的时候了。不知今后,我们能否再相聚!明天,我们毕业,它离我们到底是多远? “朋友,珍重!”风儿会给你带去我的祝福。如果有缘,明天的明天,我们会相聚!





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My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair,two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary,too. They are cute.




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Thanksgiving Day is coming soon, it is on the fourth Thursday in December. Thanksgiving Day is very popular in western country, on that day, people will make a big turkey to eat. The day is to in honor of Indian people’s great kindness. A long time ago, some puritans took the boat May Flower to Americafor freedom, but they suffered from starvation and illness, the Indian people helped them, gave them food and treat them. The puritan planted something, they were eager to have good harvest, at last, they got it and felt very grateful to God and the Indian people, so they decided to make a day to remember this and show gratitude.





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When summer holiday comes, I always go back to my hometown and spend the

time with my grandparents. I like the life there, it is so simple and happy.

Living in the countryside, I feel the peace in my heart. It seems the days

become longer. In the morning, I hear the cock make out the sound, as if it is

singing, then I wake up. Sometimes I will go to the mountain and I can hear some

birds singing. I enjoy listening to these birds’ sound. I am so close to the

nature. I love everything that the nature brings. The green tree, the colorful

flower, the clean water even the fresh air. I find its beauty.



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Before I knew it, I had graduated from junior high school。

This is the end of the first trimester, which means that we have to say goodbye to my three years of school and the students who have spent three years together。 And we are greeted by an unknown world。

In the past, always listening to the parents say that cherishing the good youth, the time waits for the words, the mind always not to think,。 Now, I am deeply aware of the meaning of time。 There was no one in the night, and there was silence all around, and the curtain of the school often appeared before my eyes。 The golden state military training, the wuli river games, the wal—mart post experience, the visit to the juvenile canal in the sea。。。 Its all just as clear as it has been。 But its far from us。

In the past, I would not return again, as Mr Zhang said, but no one would step into the same river twice。 The only thing that can be left for us is memory。 Every time I remember those who cried and laughed with me, the little things that happened in the school, and the thought of never coming back, I cried for it。

I will go to high school。 I will meet new friends there, but I will not forget my junior high school life。



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如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头就可以是:Last month, my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful scenery excited us.


如“The Time and the Money(时间和金钱)”的开头可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I don’t think so. First, when money is used up, you can earn it back,but?



在描述事件或游记类的文章中,采用回忆性的开头往往更能吸引人的眼球。这种类型的开头中通常含有描述自己心情或情绪的词汇,如never forget (永远无法忘记), remember (记得),unforgettable (难以忘怀的), exciting(令人激动的),surprising(令人惊讶的), sad (难过的)……如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头还可以这样写:I will never forget my first trip to Huangshan. 或It was really an unforgettable experience I had.



如“Planting Trees(种树)”的开头可以是:Have you ever planted trees? Don’t you think planting trees is ……

再如“Traveling Abroad(出国之旅)”的开头可以是:If you have an opportunity to travel abroad, why not consider Singapore?



如“Catching Thieves (捉贼)”的开头可以这样写:I lay in bed in the hospital. I smiled at my friends even though my legs hurt. Do you want to know what happened to me? Let me tell you. It’s a … story.








如“Helping the Policeman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy.

再如“The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)”的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree, the tortoise had already been there。


如“I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it.


如 “Learning English can Give us a Lot of Pleasure (学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we learn English well, we can …Don’t you think learning English is great fun?



如“A Letter to the Farmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:I hope the farmers’life will be better and better. 另外,书信的结尾常有以下形式的祝福语:Best wishes;I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year;I wish you have a good time等。





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1、 天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师!

2、 老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。

3、 每当收获的时刻,我总会情不自禁地想念辛勤播种的耕耘者――老师。

4、 老师,离别虽然久长,而您那形象仿佛是一个灿烂发亮的光点,一直在我的心中闪烁。

5、 今天,我在遥远的地方,把您给予我的昨天,折叠成记忆的小船,任其飘荡在思念的心湖里。

6、 一切过去了的都会变成亲切的怀念――老师,我怀念中学时代,怀念母校,怀念您……

7、 老师,多年以后,梦中想得最多的也许是你;多年以后,话题中谈得最多的也许仍是你。

8、 老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。

9、 老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。

10、 “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”。您的谆谆教导,无私奉献必将成为我们不竭的学习动力!送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!

11、 对于您教诲的苦心,我无比感激,并将铭记于心!

12、 用榔头敲成作品,用螺丝拧成作品,您用教导把我们制成好“作品”。送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!

13、 一天为师,终生为父。以前,现在,将来你永远是我的老师。一生平凡,一世艰辛,默默把知识奉献,您是文明的使者,您是辛勤的园丁,衷心感谢您,祝您健康快乐!

14、 没有您的慷慨奉献,哪有我收获的今天。十二万分地感谢您,敬爱的老师。

15、 ·明天,这是个美丽灿烂、辉映着五光十色的迷人的字眼。愿你的明天无限美丽、无限灿烂、无限迷人!

16、 您是严冬里的炭火,是酷暑里的浓荫洒湍流中的踏脚石,是雾海中的航标灯 ―― 老师啊,您言传身教,育人有方,甘为人梯,令人难忘!

17、 ·高尚的理想是人生的指路明灯。有了它,生活就有了方向;有了它,内心就感到充实。迈开坚定的步伐,走向既定的目标吧!

18、 “We will rock you”并非用我们的双手,而是用我们努力后的骄人成绩,来“rock you”。送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!

19、 每当收获的时刻,我总会情不自禁地想念辛勤播种的耕耘者――老师。

20、 您用心中全部的爱,染成了我青春的色彩;您用执著的信念,铸成了我性格的不屈……老师,我生命的火花里闪耀着一个您!

21、 上篮要领是您所教;游泳本领是您所授。健强体魄更是你所指引。有了“革命”的本钱也有了“革命”的信心!送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!

22、 一切过去了的都会变成亲切的怀念――老师,我怀念中学时代,怀念母校,怀念您……

23、 别后,漫长的岁月,您的声音,常在我耳畔响起;您的身影,常在我眼前浮现;您的教诲,常驻在我的心田……

24、 您是知识的超链接,是我们学习的主页。我们这“移动硬盘”有了您的教导才丰富。送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!

25、 在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。

26、 您把哲学教给了我们,我们的思考加了力度!您把做人教给了我们,我们的人生加了色彩!送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!

27、 我们的学习是化合反应,汲取知识加上努力化合成成功,而老师您的教导却是分解反应,分解了您的知识,一丝不剩。我们感谢您的分解,也回好好利用您的分解去化合更大的成功!送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!

28、 您的工作在今朝,却建设着祖国的明天;您的教学在课堂,成就却是在祖国的四面八方。

29、 老师,我们诚挚的祝福,就像老树上的翠绿,浓浓密密,知其可贵——我感念着您带我们走过的分分秒秒!

30、 老师,您是海洋,我是贝壳,是您给了我斑斓的色彩……我当怎样地感谢您!

31、 天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师!

32、 您用心中全部的爱,染成了我青春的色彩;您用执著的信念,铸成了我性格的不屈……老师,我生命的火花里闪耀着一个您!

33、 生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解,愿你有所发现,有所创造。

34、 衷心地祝贺你,用智慧、才情、胆略和毅力,开辟出一块属于你自己的土地。新年祝福短信

35、 “成功=您的教导+我们的努力”。您把公式填了一半给了我们,我们也会出色地完成另一半送给您,相信我们!送上最诚挚的祝福:教师节快乐!

36、 老师,在今天我们身上散发的智慧光芒里,依然闪烁着您当年点燃的火花!

37、 假如生活是一条河流,愿你是一叶执著向前的小舟;假如生活是一叶小舟,愿你是个风雨无阻的水手。

38、 老师,您就像是蜡烛,点燃自己,照亮别人,也像吐尽青丝的春蚕,为了让年轻一代得到攀登科学顶峰的“金钥匙”,您煞白了头发,费尽了心血。在教师节之际祝您身体健康、万事如意!

39、 有人说:“人人都可以成为自己的幸运的建筑师。”愿你们在前行的道路上,用自己的双手建造幸运的大厦。

40、 老师,我在远离故土的他乡,把您给予我的昨天,折迭成记忆的小船,任其飘荡在思念的心潮。

41、 一切过去了的都会变成亲切的怀念――老师,我怀念中学时代,怀念母校,怀念您……

42、 天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师!

43、 园丁,崇高的称号,祝您桃李满天下,春晖遍四方。

44、 过去的日子里,是您陪我走过了风风雨雨,你给予了我的,不仅是知识,还有像母亲一样的关怀,不论走到哪里,我都不会忘记您对我的谆谆教导。谢谢您,我的恩师!

45、 毕业的铃声即将响起,悸动的心雀跃不已,心有祝福万千,汇成秋风细雨,在这个特殊的春天里,学生衷心祝老师永远开心,健康如意。

46、 老师,离别虽然久长,而您那形象仿佛是一个灿烂发亮的光点,一直在我的心中闪烁。

47、 踏遍心田的每一角,踩透心灵的每一寸,满是对您的敬意。

48、 老师,您是海洋,我是贝壳,是您给了我斑斓的色彩……我当怎样地感谢您!

49、 没有您的慷慨奉献,哪有我收获的今天。十二万分地感谢您,敬爱的老师。

50、 老师,在今天我们身上散发的智慧光芒里,依然闪烁着您当年点燃的火花!



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hobbies are very important to a person。 without having any hobby, life wont be as colorful as it should be。 i have a variety of hobbies, such as collecting stamps, playing musical instruments, reading, and doing sport activities。

when i am free, i will spend time on my hobbies。 when i am in a blue mood, i will also do my hobbies to cheer myself up。 hobbies can help us improve our moods。 many hobbies requires devotion。 for example, when you play a musical instrument, you have to practice over and over in order to perform good music。 after a period if you still enjoy it, gradually it will become a hobby of yours。 but, remember: a hobby is like gold under the ground; no hobby will come to you unless you dig it out yourself。

if you can treat study as one of you hobbies, learning will be more enjoyable。 i hope all of you can find your own hobbies and also have fun from them。




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Marie Curie, as a distinguished female scientists, In eight years time, and just 3,000 were of two different disciplines on the highest scientific crown -- Nobel Prize and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

No one has admitted she let such a beautiful and delicate woman to bear the cross of science,and she is going without looking back, in the history of mankind and left their names be eternal. Marie Curies life for the contribution it has made remarkable man. As a great woman, she has won the love and admiration for the people of the world.

However, she refused lifelong wealth, the honor and regard with indifference. She naturally behave but not disclosed to bear fruit, and she has not taken any of the fish for fame, neither helpless. Marie was born with the quality: unwavering character, intellectual perseverance; know all contributions to the spirit of self-sacrifice and not accept any benefits; success is not particularly proud of, scourge can bend the very purity of the soul. Shes all that. Her colorful life than work, or even more commendable.



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Dear friend,

My name is Wang Lin . Now I live in Hangzhou , China. I want to find a pen pal in England. I’m now 14 years old . I speak Chinese .And I can speak a little English. I like sports ,swimming is my favorite . I also like playing the computer games . My favorite subject in school is math. I like to

go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents .

Can you write to me soon ?

Wang Lin




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Xiamen is a beautiful seaside city! Come to Xiamen to play the visitors

will be praised thumbs. There are many beautiful scenery in Xiamen, such as

Gulangyu scenic spots and historical sites and beautiful scenery of egrets Chau.

Not only that, Xiamen Cuisine is a lot more. In addition Xiamen also enjoys the

title of "civilized city".

Xiamen not only has beautiful scenery, food is delicious surprise. Gulangyu

Islet pie is very characteristic, where the pie tastes the skin is very crisp,

taste very good, very popular. There are Fried leek dumplings, Fried leek

dumplings is a traditional good point of Xiamen, Fujian and Taiwan folk. Fried

leek dumplings Xiamen early in the prestigious. Fried leek dumplings made of

spiral, epidermal layers with crisp, delicious, crispy and delicious to eat.

There are Griddle Cake, Griddle Cake also called chunbing. Its skin is thin and

flexible, it is delicious, but not greasy. During the festive season, many

places have the custom of eating Griddle Cake. If the volume will become "good

Griddle Cake fried fried Spring rolls, eats is another taste.

Xiamen, ah, you are really a beautiful place!



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Good morning,my dear teachers and schoolmates,

It’s a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating classes.

How time flies! Our junior high school lives will come to an end.

In the past three years, we’ve had a beautiful school and it provides us with a good study place. Teachers are our friends. They’ve given us interesting lessons and we all love them.

We’ve learned a lot from them, not only knowledge but also the way to solve problems in life. Thanks for our teachers’ training, parents’ support and the help from classmates. Without them, we couldn’t have so much wonderful time.

At last, we hope our school will become better, our teachers will be healthy for ever and all our dreams will come true.

Thank you .











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This afternoon, my father took me to the Olympic swimming, I was very happy, because for the first time I go to, have been very much looking forward to, every time my dad said, but did not go into, finally can go this time. But then I thought: "our two people will be bored, so I invited my brother and uncle to play."

I went swimming with my brother in the swimming pool. Has begun! First I was in the front, then I was a little tired, my brother was speeding up the "overtaking", and finally I couldnt get over it, I lost!

Then, my brother and I against uncle and father, I took my gun "embedded" underwater, brother to guide dad and uncle to come over, I suddenly emerged from the water, with water gun against them. We have a method, is "a diversion" we are currently using to a place where water spray nozzle, uncle and father went away in the past, we attack from behind them. The attack succeeded.

In the end, we won 2-1! We are so happy! Ill be back next time. I had a great time this summer vacation







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As is known to all, China is popular for its emperor of bicycles. This is

because our country is still a developing country and few people can afford

private cars. The demand for a means of transport is met by making millions of

bicycles available. Riding a bicycle has a lot of advantages over driving a car.

First, it is a physical exercise to ride a bicycle. In contrast, sitting in the

car, one tends to gain weight. Besides, it is nmch more economical to ride a

bike than drive a car. On the one hand,the only fee a bike-rider has to pay is

the annual tax. However, the annual fees for a car are costly. On the other

hand, a bike neednt be equipped with a parking lot, but a car must. Most

important of all, it is beneficial to the environment to ride a bicycle because

the bike doesnt consume petrol; it is a pollution-free transport. In contrast,

the exhaust released by the car is harmful to the environment. Since China is a

developing country with a large population, bicycles will still be the most

popular means of transport in China for quite a long time. Most people will

still ride bicycles to go to work or to school. The emperor country of bicycles

will remain for at least dozens of years.



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When I was 8, I lied to my parents in order to get my favorite toy, and then got hit by it. The mistake made me wiser.

When I was 10, my friends made an appointment with me in the morning, but I forgot the appointment and kept them waiting for a long time. Then I was criticized for a meal. The mistake made me know how to get along with others need good faith.

At the age of 12, it was our turn to be on duty, but I ran away to play basketball and was later fined. The mistake made me understand that everyone in our class is responsible.

Now, more mistakes come from exams, though they are careless little mistakes, but they make me grow knowledge and try to overcome careless mistakes.

However, mistakes have always been regarded as eyesore, and people are often very afraid of it, even call it "the devil"". Mistakes are people hate, maybe the error will lead to naught, perhaps mistakes will make people regret, perhaps the wrong people will eat get disheartened. However, it is because of the mistake, let a person assiduously, firm and indomitable, strong, and success. The world is like this, many things are often antagonistic, but they are also unified, as if there is no mistake, where success is like this. "Failure is the mother of success", this platitude and the ancient and modern, is just to confirm this point.

Edison, the inventor of the invention, did not know how many mistakes he had made. After many detours, he invented the electric lamp. Nobel didnt know how many experiments he had made and how many mistakes he made, and finally developed explosives...... Every earth shattering invention fills many errors into the ground and finally reaches the top.

Mistakes are not a "devil", it is sometimes more "angel", it is not a stumbling block to success, but the key to success, for the wrong, we should not be bored, but to appreciate the essence of mining.

Lets take good care of our mistakes!












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I m now living in a small house with my parents. Life for us is hard but happy. I must study hard so that I can buy a big new house some day. I call it a dream house.

It has three floors with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, two big dining rooms and two living rooms. When my friends come to visit me, I will have enough bedrooms for them. We ll have a good time. Besides that, we will have a swimming pool behind the house and a garden in front of the house. In the morning, my parents can do some exercise in the garden. The air must be very fresh. When we feel tired, we can have a swim in the swimming pool. Life will be easy for us.

I ll study harder than before so that the dream can come true.







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Traveling is moer and more popular in the modern world.it helps us open our

eyes and learn knowledge differden places.so i thing traveling is helpful for


When we are free during the holiday ,we can go to some beautiful places to

relax ourselves .w hile we are in different pleaces ,we will have a wonderful

feeling in all we see,there we can eat all kinds of delicious food,visit many

places of interest or something else.

On the other hand ,traveling will help us learn lots of local cultures

,people’s lives there ,sometimes you can make some new friends,it also can make

your life colorful.to us students mwe can relax ourselves from the busy studying

life,we can use these experiences in our studying.

So if you have time ,traveling is the best way to relax yourself the more

places you travel,the mare you will learn.



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As it is known to us all ,LuXun is a famous Chinese writer. He is not only

a writer, thinker, but also the founder of Chinese Literature . He wrote many

classic (经典的)novels and his stories, which are translated many languages, were

made into film,such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Years Sacrifice,which

deeply showed peoples suffering in the old days.

Because of his achievement to Chinese literature, Chairman Mao spoke highly

of him. Besides, some of his works were selected into the text books in high

school and university. I think youll gain a lot from reading his works.
