描写老师的英语作文通用七篇 作文【精选20篇】

人生得意须尽欢,莫使周末无喜悦,天生乐观无忧愁,周末散尽还复来,祝你天天都有周末的好心情,压力烦恼都抛弃!下面给大家介绍描写老师的英语作文通用七篇 作文,方便大家学习。






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Panda is favored by people from all around the world and it is unique in China. These lovely animals are famous for the round shape and black eyes, who live in the southwest part of China. As its peculiarity, it has long been treated as national treasure. The government often sends pandas to other countries as the gift to show friendliness. Panda has been the important ambassador in dealing with the foreign affairs. Panda is very lazy. They sleep for a very long time and they barely move. People love them and they play the joke that you have the panda eyes, which means you don’t get enough sleep. A lot of people come to the tourist sites to witness this national treasure. There are special nurses trained to look after pandas. They like the families as they get along with each other for a long time.





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Rabbit mammals Lagomorpha, herbivorous invertebrates, mammals. Head a little like a rat ear according to different varieties, large and small, upper lip middle division, is a typical three petal mouths, adorable. The rabbit who is gentle, lovable, is a popular animal. The tail is short and upturned, forelimb is shorter than the hind legs, be good at jumping, running very fast. Pet rabbits like sticky, hare afraid. Color is generally white, grey, withered grass, brown red, black and color.




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My English teacher is a young lady. Her name is Kate. She looks beautiful. Her English is very good. She teaches us many things, and she likes to introduce foreign countries to us. She works very hard, because she likes teaching. I like her spoken English. She has good pronunciation and writing. All of my classmates like her.


She was born for teaching and does a great jib. In her class, she can get her students involved in learning and doing exercises. They are attracted by the topics she gives and this makes her class lively. As a result, most students like to be in her class.

Li Xin is a good teacher not only because she has a good way of teaching, but also because she loves her students and never spoil them. She is kind and considerate, and is ready to help her students who meet with difficulties.

My teacher, Li Xin, is not only our good teacher, but also our best friend. We all like her and will remember her forever.








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After school, I can not wait and Chen Xiaobin go to his house to see the dog, a see the dog, my heart was thinking: this little dog really cute, really want to touch it. Its body is about 20 cm long, the head and tail color is black and dark, the body is milky white. Round head, chubby body, round and big eyes sparkling, really like two glass balls. The ears of the triangle are sometimes bowed and sometimes raised.

Xiaobins mother put the index finger into his mouth, the puppy thought it had milk to drink, and relish the "milk" with relish, and in a moment it spit it out because it feels strange. It saw outsiders, like a shy little girl, at the door to play around. Aunt picked up the puppy, I could not help but touched it, feeling it like a cotton quilt as soft, but also like my home that most lovely plush dog.

It is really a loving puppy it!



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我的英语老师是一个又瘦又帅的人。他讲课时,会有几分钟的玩笑时间,所以我们班的每个同学都喜欢他的英语课,而他也不喜欢我们在他的课上表现出昏昏欲睡或者是整个班死气沉沉。如果那 样,他会很不高兴,从而不给我们讲课。

因从我们每一个人都不会这样做的,而且会紧绷着自己的神经,生怕会在他的课上犯困。但如果我们让他高兴了,他会很高兴上我们的课程,而且会给我们讲笑话,逗得我们哈哈大笑,使得课堂气 氛非常活跃。




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老师是蜡烛,默默燃烧,为学生照亮亮前方的道路;老师是甘露,静静滴落,为学生滋润干渴的心灵;老师是路标,长久伫守,为学生指引未来的方向;老师是最美的,她为了我们不惜一切。 The teacher is a candle, burn silently, and shines the road ahead for the students;The road signs, long -lasting, guide the direction of the future for the students; the teacher is the most beautiful, and she does not hesitate to do everything for us.









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Dear Yong

Hello! Thank you for accompanying us to grow up, let us feel the loving

care of a mother, you work hard every day, let us learn more knowledge.

I remember one time I and some dictation did not get 100 points, so I have

to stay to review the dictation. It was more than five oclock at that time. I

still didnt get all the dictation right the second time. You said to us, "its

too late, go home! Review well and dictation tomorrow. " In the afternoon of the

next day, I didnt get 100 points, so you left us to tutor alone after class

from Monday to Friday, but I never got 100 points. So you are very angry and

ask, "Wang Ziyi! Why didnt you get 100 points? Think about it. Is that your

level? " Its already more than six oclock after you severely criticized me.

You let me go home to review and dictation next time. Later, I finally got full

marks through hard work. I also remember that you told me to study hard and


Oh! Mr. Yong, you are more like us. No matter how hard you work and how

angry you are, you also patiently teach us to learn. You are really a good


I will study hard in the future and live up to your expectations.

I wish you success in your work and happy every day!

Your student: Wang Ziyi



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I have a loving kitten around me. I liked it, my mom and dad liked it too.

Its head flat, a pair of sharp and flexible big eyes, will shine at night, even a small mouse can not escape its vision. There is a sweet mouth, his mouth has four small teeth, a smile will be exposed. Mouth and a beard, used to measure the size of the hole. I gave it a name called "yellow".

One day, I just returned to the door, yellow heard the sound of the door, immediately went to me where I clamor "meow meow" to call, as if to say: "little master, you finally come back, I really want You oh. "When I do not do business, when doing something else,

It is in the "meow meow" barking, as if to remind me to seriously do homework. My kittens brought me a lot of happiness, my good friend, I love my kitten.



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Peafowl are three Asiatic species of flying bird in the genus Pavo of the pheasant family Phasianidae best known for the males extravagant eye-spotted tail which it displays as part of courtship. The male is called apeacock the female a peahen and the offspring peachicks.[1] The adult female peafowl is grey and/or brown. Peachicks can be between yellow and a tawny colour with darker brown patches. The term also embraces the Congo Peafowl which is placed in a separate genus Afropavo.




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1、那天中午来校,您听说班上一个同学贴花纸不见了,便在全班大声问了好几遍,但始终无人承认。于是,您准备用搜书包的办法来找到偷东西的人。可是,我万万没有想到,您竟先走向了坐在最后一个座位上的我!老师,当时我真想哭,我不明白您为什么要先搜我的 书包,我的心都碎了!您整整用了30分钟时间搜查我的书包。您可知道我这30分钟是怎样熬过去的 老师,我是忍着莫大的痛苦,忍着快要滚下来的泪珠熬过去的!

2、瞧,这位身穿黑色华达呢中山装,戴着黑色宽边眼镜,脸上带着微笑的中年教师,他就是我们敬佩的语文老师——陈老师。陈老师知识渊博,教学经验丰富,上起课来总是那么轻松,活泼,生动,有趣。我们尤其爱听他的作文课,他讲起课来总是那么风趣,幽默, 引人入胜,使我们兴趣盎然。我们在不知不觉中爱上作文,逐步懂得一点写作的"奥秘"。



5、"叮铃铃",上课的铃声响了,这一节是作文课。陈老师大步跨进教室。今天他显得格外兴奋,走到讲台前,笑嘻嘻地说:"同学们,今天我特别高兴,你们知道我为什么高兴吗 "我们都咧开嘴,摇摇头。陈老师接着说:"今天早上,我到贸易市场,一元钱,买了两只老母鸡,你们说能不高兴吗 "同学们哄地一声笑了,张瑾笑得连腰也直不起来了。我想:陈老师准又在开玩笑了。哪知陈老师却一本正经地说:"真的,我从来不说假话。不信,我读给你们听。"说着,他拿起一本作文本大声念了起来。原来一个同学在作文中写他跟爸爸到贸易市场去买鸡,爸爸只付了一元钱,买到两只肥壮的大母鸡。同学们恍然大悟,陈老师在批评有的同学写作文不顾事实,胡编乱造。陈老师说:"不管你的描写多么生动,词语多么丰富,不真实的文章是没有意义的,就不是好作文。"我想,我也常犯这种毛病,如以前写秋游时,却写"春光明媚,百花争艳……"打这以后,同学们写作文时,总要细心琢磨,深入了解,遇到不明白的问题,便问老师,家长或者查阅资料,类似的错误就大大减少了。

6、又是一堂作文课。今天,一向和蔼可亲的陈老师,忽然一把拉着陈俊同学拖出门外。我们都吓得大气也不敢喘一口。哪知陈老师关上门,转过身来笑眯眯地说:"同学们,大家不要紧张,现在我要考考大家的眼力。你们熟悉陈俊吗 ""熟悉!"同学们异口同声地回答。陈老师接着问大家:"你们说陈俊今天穿的是什么颜色,什么式样的服装 脚上穿的是皮鞋,布鞋,还是跑鞋 "这一问,大家都怔住了,谁也不吭声。过了一会儿,陈老师叫陈俊走进教室,我们这才打量起来:他上穿一件天蓝色拉链衫,下着海蓝色的裤子,脚穿一双解放球鞋。陈老师笑着对我们说:"这就去观察校园的花圃。"这次我们看得可仔细了,对花圃的每种花草,从它们的颜色到形状,生活习性及生活规律,都进行深入的观察,有的还翻查有关参考书。这次作文,大家都写得较好。通过这件事,我们懂得:要仔细观察,才能写出好作文。






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I remember 9 months ago, I was in a hurry to prepare for the college exam. I was afraid I couldnt get to my favorite school at the time. But at last I realized my dream. Now I study Chinese in my favorite university, Hanoi University.

After going to college, my life didnt change too much. Because I live and study in Hanoi, so I dont have to leave the family or rent a house. My home is not far from school, just 15 minutes by bike. But, to be honest, I prefer to live away from home, because I can live on my own, and I can feel the feeling of homesickness.

After the study, everything here is very new to me. I study in a new environment, know a lot of new friends, learn a lot of new knowledge, and so on. At first I felt a little nervous. But now Im getting used to it. The classmates of our class are all very united, often help each other to learn, there is a collective activity, we all join. When I came to school, I felt that I was not very nervous, but more and more knowledge was needed to learn. People know that Chinese characters are very complicated and difficult to remember, so every day I work hard and I will ask the teacher where I dont understand. I think college learning is not the same as high school, because high school, we students often passive learning, but in the University, we mainly study. There is no teacher to remind you of your study. You will lag behind if you dont study.

When I went to college, I was impressed by the library. The library of my school is big and beautiful. There are all kinds of books and quiet. So every day after class, I go there to study and read. There is a big stadium in my school. Every afternoon, I will go there with my friends. For example, playing basketball, dispersing and so on, it feels very easy.

During college, I had only half a days class time, so I spent the rest of the time working to earn money to increase my experience. During the University, we can also participate in community activities except for study. It is very helpful to help others, because we are all hot blooded young people.

Learning not only studies knowledge at the University, but I can learn experience. I hope to study at college in four years can make me grow up.









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Good morning!everyone,I am XX,fromXXX,i am so happy to have a change to tell all of you my favorite animal—— panda.She comes from China,why did I love her?Because she is very cute,but she was very shy.Her body stout like bears,but the first round tail short,black and white fur and white head and body clear.She staple food of bamboo,but also addicted to love drinking water,most of the giant pandas homes are located near the water in streams,the nearest will be able to drink clear spring.




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Some people like the spring blooming, thriving spring, some people like the summer sunny, some people like autumn snow, cold bitter winter, and I like the rain, the wind to send cool autumn. Autumn, like a shy little girl gently floated. Although the autumn scenery so beautiful, but the autumn orchard more colorful.

Into the orchard, greeted the scene is a bumper harvest. You see, there is a persimmon tree over there, red like a fire, like a lantern hanging in the branches, attracted many small butterflies in these "lanterns" next to singing and dancing, as if together with the farmers to share the joy of harvest. Look at this side, a grape crystal translucent, purple with bright, round and lovely, like a piece of agate, but also like a purple pearl.

Look, the left side of a row of golden orange trees, one by one like a small star in the orchard of a corner of the shine. On the right side of the orchard, rows of yellow pear trees stood there. Pear varieties are many, pear, pear, rocky pear. Do not taste, a look to know the taste must be sweet and delicious.

In the middle of the orchard, there are pomegranate trees and jujube trees. Jujube is full of many dates, one by one like a red pearl. The pomegranate tree is full of many red pomegranates and there are many pomegranates laughing and revealing the rosy teeth.

Autumn orchard is really colorful, beautiful ah! I hope you have the opportunity to go to a detailed tour.



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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. Its because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival.

First, will make a big New Year meal. Second, we will make “Good-luck wishes.” Third, we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away.

Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.




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When we are in our classroom after 8:30 in the morning,we should not keep the lights on to avoid wasting electricity since there is enough light in the classroom.And if it is cloudy and rainy and lights are on,we should turn off the lights after school.Another thing we can do is to protect the forest which is reducing.We should use both sides of paper and we should not use paper cups and disposable chopsticks which are made of trees.

All these are the things we can do every day to make our environment better. As long as we insist on doing so,our environment will become better and better.



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My home town is a beautiful place.It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work.They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated.Since then great changes have taken place there.The streets have been widened.Factories,schools,hospitals,cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown.All the more I love its people.They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.



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Dear teacher

Hello! First of all, I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy


Time like water, five years of primary school is fleeting. In these five

years, it is you who have given us the blue sky, let us fly freely in the ocean

of knowledge, it is you who have given us sunshine and let us open like


I still remember that on the first day of entering the school, our first

Chinese teacher and the first head teacher of my primary school, Ruan, led us to

visit the campus. I was most impressed by her bright laughter and warm eyes. Mr.

Zhu, a lovely math teacher, is very vivid in class. There is also mis Wang, our

English teacher. She is the spirit of our class. At Christmas, she came to our

classmates with a bag of presents on her back. At this moment, your smiling

faces flash in front of my eyes.

After entering the fourth grade, we have to change teachers. Looking at

each others eyes, we are sad. At this time, a small pink figure on the

platform, a baby face, is a pair of bright eyes. Fashion clothing, bright colors

suddenly lit up our small eyes. This is the second head teacher of my primary

school --- Mr. Zhao Ying. Mr. Zhao teaches us how to be a human being ten

minutes before class every day. Tell us that it is not important to win or lose

once, but to never give up and stick to it. Our math teacher is as quick as a

gust of wind, speaking fast, marking homework fast. My slow temperament is often

confused by this speed.

Our English teacher Mr. Wangs decomposition learning method makes me no

longer hate English.

Dear teachers, over the past five years, you have been making great efforts

to educate us. You are like a big tree, and we are thriving in your shade. You

have given us the same care as our mother, which makes me feel extremely happy

and makes me interested in learning,

Yes, sometimes you are very strict with us, and you are often strict with

us. You also often teach us lessons and be responsible for us. Even if we have a

little bit of mistakes, you will find out. But I know that you are for us to

learn better and deeper, so that we can have great achievements in the


Teacher, thank you for your serious and responsible education, thank you

for your concern for us, thank you for teaching us a lot of knowledge, thank you

for your selfless dedication to us, a thousand and ten thousand "thank you" can

not express my gratitude to you!

I wish teachers:

Healthy and beautiful forever!

Your student: Zhou Kexin



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