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My dear classmate,

Congratulations on your passing CET-4. You have set me an example because I have to learm from you. In past two years, you have been working so hard at English that you have lost about 10 kilograms of your weight. You recited every CET-4 word; you learned some of the sample writings by heart; you slept less because of this test. I really appreciate your diligence.

I hope that you can continue with your English studies and enter for CET-6 next year. Good luck in your life and work!






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I think its very important and necessary for kids to do some housework at home.

Firstly it is because they just spend too much time doing homework without having any rest. Doing housework not only help them rest but also do some body exercise. Secondly, kids should learn how hard-working their parents are and thus learn to be grateful.

For me, I can do lots of housework. For example, I can do the dishe, I can cook, I can sweep the floor, and I can also water the flowers. Whats more, I can set the table and so on.



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Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here to introduce myself. 各位早上好,很高兴在这里介绍自己。 Although this is my first time to introduce myself in English, but I believe that I can make a good

performance . and hope that through this simple introduction, you can

remember my name ,remember my face and i believe that we will become friends in no distant future。 虽然这是我第一次用这种方式介绍自己,但是我相信我会有个良好的表现。希望通过这 个简单的介绍,更多的人们能认识我,记住我的样子。也同样相信我们不久有机会会成为朋 友。 My name is TB and I am 24 years old, born in HEBEI province. I graduated from QinGdao University. My major is Hotel Managerment. I spend most of my time on study and I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an manager in hotel and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. 我叫 tb,24 岁。河北人。毕业于青岛岛大学。所学的专业是旅游管理。上学期间努力 学习专业知识,现在我同样希望能有机会实现我做酒店管理的愿望,充分发挥自己的专业能 力。 In addition to the above-mentioned , in my spare time I like playing badminton, listening to pop music and surfing the Internet. Playing badminton can exercise my body, let me have more perseverance. Listen to music can make me relax, make me more confident. Internet can eich my knowledge, so that I have more experience. 除了上面说到的,在我的业余时间,我喜欢打羽毛球, 听流行音乐和上网冲浪。打羽毛球可以锻炼我的身体,让我有更多的毅力。听音乐可以让我 放松,让我更有信心。互联网可以丰富我的知识,扩充更多的知识。 ok .Thats a little about myself,thank you 好,那就是关于我的简单介绍。谢谢。



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National Day Holidays

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.Its a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.Were visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think well have a good time there.

I went to my cousins house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said shes worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that hell educate his child in a severe way,with a future fathers matureness.Im happy for them.:)

Yesterday,our research schools soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game.

Half of the National Day holidays have passed by...life still goes with good and bad times.




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Deep Mother Love-深沉的母爱

Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love. However, we often turn a blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love.

One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When the dishes were served, I forund none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and wanderde on the street for a while,hungry. Then I walked to school.

When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes was moist with tears.

Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love is!







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几十年前,在美国明尼苏达州一个叫“Hibbing”的矿区小镇上,人们过着简单而乏味的生活。男孩 Robert Allen Zimmerman 在这里长大,那时,他获取外界信息的唯一渠道就是听收音机里播放的电台广播,那里间或会传来一些流行歌曲和彼时方兴未艾的摇滚乐。而当这个男孩第一次听到乡村音乐时,他的意识仿佛被抽离了片刻,在一瞬间他萌生了与此有关的巨大梦想。

这个男孩疯狂地练习演唱和乐器,他因此成了校园明星也轻而易举地俘获了女生的心。但他无法满足于眼下的生活,他心心念念着外面的世界,他要走出这里。中学毕业的第二天他就离开了那个小镇,和别人一起组成乐队,到处表演。不过很快,他就又厌倦了那种缺乏内涵的音乐。等到上大学时,他已经完全无心学业,醉心于弹琴唱歌。那时他还迷上了诗歌,甚至因为崇拜威尔士诗人 Dylan Thomas 而改了自己的名字,新名字叫作 Bob Dylan(鲍勃·迪伦)。

1961 年,从大学辍学的 Bob Dylan 来到了纽约曼哈顿区的格林尼治村,这里聚集着大批的音乐人、艺术家,被称作民谣圣地。Bob Dylan 卸下心中的梦,安放在这个地方,他想在这里的酒吧演唱,去当一名真正的歌手。那时候,他身材纤瘦,头发微卷,说起话来略带羞涩,常常紧蹙眉头,背着一把吉他,提着破旧的行李箱。

Gerde’s Folk City 是格林尼治村里最著名的音乐演出场所。54 年前,Bob Dylan 的名字出现在这个酒吧演出的海报上,他要在那年 9 月 26 日为大家演唱,这是他人生第一次在这样正式的场合下公开演出。那天晚上,他的表演让台下掌声雷动,在场的观众中,坐着资深的乐评人 Robert Shelton 。三天后,纽约时报出现了关于 Bob Dylan 的文章。

“一颗闪亮的新星在 Gerde’s Folk City 的舞台上冉冉升起。”Robbert Shelton 赞叹道,“即便年轻得不像话,他也是这些天来,整个曼哈顿最独特的艺术家之一。他的音乐弥漫着非凡的创造力,让人印象深刻。”


然而,他们不知道的是,这仅仅是传奇的开始。半个世纪过去了,Bob Dylan 和乐队有过 2000 多场演出,他个人获得了 10 次格莱美奖,甚至还被提名诺贝尔文学奖,是名副其实的乐坛“活化石”。他被认为是20世纪美国最重要、最具影响力的民谣歌手,他的作品被无数人传唱,他写下的歌词和旋律沁入到无数人的灵魂,让人们感受到自由。

1961 年的那个夜晚,让这一切有了个美妙的开始。现如今,格林尼治村人头涌动,各国游客成群结队地来参观拜访,可是人们怀念 60 年代,因为那时的午夜,走进一家昏暗的酒吧,或许能与 Bob Dylan 不期而遇。而他年轻的歌声,在风中飘扬。



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I have heard a beautiful poetry, written by a novelist, Amy Cheung. With a

little adjustment, it can vividly depict the alienation among people in reality

- "The further distance in the world is not between life and death. But when I

stand in front of you, your eyes turn to your smartphone; don’t know that I love


The smartphone has been gaining a great popularity, becoming a toxic

compulsion. It has invaded our lives and occupied all our interstitial time. It

is so commonly seen that the smartphone addicts attend to their phone, ignoring

everything. Even meeting with friends, they often pull out the phone in order to

take a photo, check a message or even play with a game. Seeming connected with

the whole world, they have actually fiddled the conversation and done harm to

the relationship.

It is high time that we threw away the phone and raised our heads up. Do

cherish the ones around us and appreciate the splendid scenery ahead of us.



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Inrecent years, tourism has been popular and played an important role in ournation’s economic growth. However, I am afraid that if tourism develops over,it will bring harm to the environment and give rise to many problems.


Thereare a few reasons accounting for my views and I would like to list three ofthem. One of the examples is that a large number of woods and other plants werereplaced by all kinds of accommodation facilities or scenic spots. Thatdefinitely breaks the ecological balance of these areas and destroys thenatural beauty of the scenic spots. Worse still, more pressure has been placedenvironment protection in that many tourists left their garbage in the scenicspots. In addition, over-developed tourism will occupy large numbers offarmland and lead to the shortage of the land.


Ina word, tourism will be harmful to our environment if it is over development.Thus, I do not advocate that we development tourism without considering theenvironment. And we should keep the balance between tourism development andenvironment protection so that we can achieve the sustainable developmentbetween our nation’s economy and the environment.





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上课流程:常考话题;话题词汇;活动示范; 思路,句型; 改进,实践,作业



A. 喜欢去风景区旅游

I prefer natural sceneries. Mountain and lake is my favorite. they are very beautiful and very nice, and everything is quiet. I enjoy it.

If we have unhappy thing ,I will go there, because it is quieter .I can concentrate on thinking for working out these difficult problem.

B. 喜欢去名胜古迹旅游

We like to go historical sites. China has a history of 5000 years. There are many historical sites in my country. I can visit them. Visiting them can help me to learn china history. 第二环节:如果该题出现在第二环节, 以下交际话题可以从旅游角度谈 十一黄金周、城市生活的弊端、城市和乡村的差异、向往的旅游地、自驾游 然后让学生做一个对话练习点评,讲解对话技巧——参考活页


旅游地的不文明现象、乱刻乱画、到此一游等、随地吐痰, 黄金周出行带来的拥堵。




问题:Are you interested in travelingWhy

Where have you been

What was your first impression of …

Can you say something about the place you travelled




1.先描述图片:旅行途中,一成年人在柱子上用笔写下“到此一游”,一儿童模仿大人 2. 表达观点:旅行中的不文明现象 3.危害:损坏文物等;父母或成年人对子女或青少年言传身教的影响;4. 原因:缺乏公德心;损人不利己;5. 措施 当事人:父母应以身作则 相关部门:制定法律法规保护文物、景点设施我们:提高自身修养,从我做起



According to the pictures we can see/conclude that...

The picture shows/tells/reveals us that...

As is shown/can be seen in the picture/chate...

The picture/table is (gives information) about...

It can be seen from the pictures that...


1) Introducing Your First Point 阐述你的第一个观点

To start with,Id like to consider... 我想先考虑/我想先谈谈 First of all,Id like to look at... 首先,我要谈谈

2) Finishing a Point 结束一个观点

Those are the main points on... 这些是有关的主要看法。

Thats all I h

ave to say about... 这就是在方面我所要的说的。

So that,then,is... 仅此,接着是

Now weve looked at/dealt with... 到此我们已考虑/讨论了

3) Starting a New Point 接着阐述另一个观点:

turn to... 转向现在让Now lets move on... 我们 接着考虑/谈谈

Id like now to 接着,我想examine... 仔细考查

Next we come to... 下面我们来看看

Turning now to... 接着转向

Lets move on now to.. 让我们接下去考虑

The next point id like to make is... 我想阐述的下一个观点

4) Referring to What You Have Said 提及你已说过的

As I said at the beginning.. 正如起初我所说的。

I told you a few moments age that... 刚才,我已告诉你

In the first part of my talk,I said... 在我讲话的第一部分,我曾说过 As Ive already said,... 就像我已说过的

As I mentioned earlier,... 正如先初已提及的

5) Referring to What You Will Say 提述你将要说的

Ill come to that later.过会儿我将提及这点。

Ill return to this point in a few minutes.我将回头谈及这一点。

... and Ill talk about this in the next part of my presentation.并且我将在讲话的下一部分涉及这一点。

...Ill comment on this in my conclusion.我将在结论中对此加以评述。

6) Summarising 综述

So now Id just like to summarise the main Points.那么,现在我仅对要点作一概括。

In brief,we have looked at... 简言之,我们已考虑了/已谈到了

7) Concluding 结论

Thats all I have to say for now.这就是现在我所要说的。

(I think)that cover most of the points.(我想)这已概述了多数要点。


1、It have been discussed for a long time that how to deal with the uncivilized behaviors during the travel, such as write on the place of historic interests, or claim to old trees. This kind of things happened in China more often than any other countries. What can we do to prevent those actionsThough we have advocate education of the tourists for years, the situation was not better than be imagined. In my opinion, we still have to encourage the education of our tourists, but with some change. For example, we should not only disseminate “Don’t Do Sth.”, but also with the reason and an explanation that it is not cool to sign names or words everywhere, in the contrary, we have to ashamed of that. Make a comparison between foreigners and us can also increase our consciousness.

consider... 考虑

2、7天长假好吗 (旅游途中人满为患的拥堵等)?

Some people can use the seven days reading books or studying, and you know when they are working, they dont have time to do it.

Since most people dont have other vacation time, everybody is travelling during the week-long holidays, so at the beginning and the end of the holidays, place such like airports, train station, long-distance bus station are often over-crowd, for example, in last labor day holiday i went to beach. I want to enjoy the beauty of the seashores and was planning to swim, but when I reached the long-distance bus station, I found that people were everywhere. I swore I would never go travelling in a week-long holiday again.


With peoples living standard raised more and more in the recent years, they tend to choose travelling in their spare time. Some people like to choose package tour, while others prefer independent tour.

Actually, both package tour and independent tour have their own advantages and disadvantages, which is largely dependent on peoples time, money, and the number of people who plan to be on a tour.

As for me, I am in favor of package tour, because the travel agency will help me arrange for anything about the tour, including the tickets for the train or airplane, for hotels, and for sightseeing. And what I should do is just enjoy the whole journey without worrying about the details.


背诵词汇,背熟一篇 文章


peak/busy/low season for tourism 旺季/淡季

rural excursion/ city tour 乡村/城市观光

a place rich in historic relics 历史古迹

a sacred place for pilgrims 圣地

tourist attraction/sightseeing spots 景点 famous spots and historic sites

feast one’s eye/ feed one’s eyes

independent tour/group tour/individual travel 自助游/组团游

return to naturea must for visitors必到之处a paradise for sb./sth. shopping tour/ souvenir 购物游

take a scenic drive/ travel afoot 驾车游览/徒步旅行

aquarium水族馆pavilion 亭子,楼阁 amusement park

botanical garden植物园 tomb garden

famous mountains and great rivers 名山大川


densely-wooded hill/rolling hills

a pool of water/ a torrent of water/flow of water

lash against the bank/water vapor/wander eastward

reflect in the calm water

skip stone on the water

fascinating sight/fantastic sight奇景

an atmosphere of peace and seclusion

an island of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of the city

garden architecture

get a bird’s eye view of


sheer cliffs and steep mountains

snow-capped/ a vast plain

villa-type holiday village/ folk custom village

广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 绚丽多姿的自然景观gorgeous and varied natural scenery 如诗如画poetic and picturesque

名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic beauty

兵马俑 terra-cotta soldiers and horses

故宫the Imperial Palace

五岳之首 the most famous of Chinas 5 great mountains



the Imperial Palace


the Forbidden City


Terra Cotta Warriors/soldiers and horses


the Great Wall


Juyongguan Pass


He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.



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Dear customers:

in the new year, Zhuozhan customer service wishes you everything in 20_,

your career is booming, your family is happy, and you are successful! At the

same time, we also thank you for your tolerance, concern and support for our

work in 20_x!

From today on, Zhuozhan shopping center will welcome you with brand-new

appearance and high-quality service. You are welcome to visit our shop often. In

the next 20_ years and the days after that, we will do better and better. I

believe we can serve you well with our sincerity.

Wish: happy life! good health! Work well!

Zhuozhan customer service staff, thank you!



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My name is. There are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He teaches chemistry in senior high school. My mother is an English teacher. She teaches English in the university. I have a younger brother; he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.

I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read. Reading E- books are fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.



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good 好的,clever,聪明的,beautiful 美丽的,lovely 可爱的,

delicious 美味的,nice 美好的,honest 诚实的,trustful 信任的

brave 勇敢的,generous 慷慨的,enthusiastic 热心的 radient,光芒四射的,喜悦的








humor幽默的bright 辉煌的

useful 有用的

Brilliant 英明的

United 和睦的

beautiful 美丽的

smart 灵巧的




mercy 仁慈,善良

dainty adj.小巧玲珑;挑剔的;优美的,雅致的

dashing adj.勇敢活泼的

decorous adj.有礼貌的,高雅的dedicated adj.热诚的,一心一意的

diligence n.勤奋 diligent adj.勤勉的,认真的

discreet adj.言行谨慎的,有智谋的

distinguished adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的nobly 高贵地; 崇高地; 豪爽地quick-handed (快手快脚的)

quiet-natured (天生文静的)quick-handed (快手快脚的)

quiet-natured (天生文静的)




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I am. ________. I was born in ________. I graduate from ________ senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. Thats why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short-term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.

I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.



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There are a lot of my classmates, and the most helpful one of them is Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang has a square head, big eyes, and a tall man, a classmate who is willing to help others. He gave me the help, and I am still unforgettable.

Remember when I read the second grade, one day after school this afternoon, because just under the rain, the ground was very wet, I was carrying a heavy bag down the stairs, just want to walk to the front door, his home, only to go too fast, slipped and fell to the ground, feet also abducted to me; want to try to stand up, I can not stand up, also feel a leg pain hit, the pain I can not help but cry. At this time, Zhang just walk down the stairs, I saw the appearance of pain, she quickly came over and asked me: "Bo Zhe, how are you?" I said, "my... The legs are very... The pain. I... No, no... Its up. " Xiao Zhang listened, and immediately stretched out his hands to pull me up. But my schoolbag was too heavy. It was like a huge stone weighing on me. My buttocks were stuck to the ground. Xiao Zhang could not help me. So, he took my bag back to his own body, and called a few students to help me together, and finally helped me up. Zhang helped me and walked to the gate, walked to ask: "Bo Zhe, your legs still hurt? I went there to call your mother take you home!" Then, he asked me to sit down and rest, go to the front to call my mother. I was moved to tears and said, "thank you, Xiao Zhang!"

Xiao Zhang is such a helpful student, and I also have to learn the spirit of his help.



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Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment, I

always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will

try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights

when I leave the classroom. I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And

even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I

suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend

much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment,

I believe the earth will be a better place.



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1, hope is the seed of happiness, and you are a drop of water, the seed watering, let my heart full of hope, in the sun shining, grow into fruit. The sun is your smile, and the fruit is my happiness. I love you, hope you happy all your life

2, in the new year, mom and dad hope Tingting put the past those bad habits, do not let the morning call aunt, go home at night to work well, bags, homework learn to their own finishing, not absent-minded, believe another year older Tingting can do better come on! Mom

3, children, you know, there is no one should be given, take for granted. So we should be grateful, you should learn to love and righteousness, understand the treasure and thanksgiving. Think about the big world, how many people are there for you? Everything is grateful, will live more happy. No need for earth shattering, just need a greeting from your heart, a call, a trace of emotion. Enough.

4, love is for their children to grow tired white silk hair, mother is afraid of children worry and white lies, love is the warmth of love in the world, maternal love is the world the most holy love. Wish mother health, maternal love without borders!

5, tomorrow, this is a beautiful and brilliant, reflects the colorful words. May your tomorrow be infinitely beautiful, infinite, brilliant and charming!

6, eighteen years old sky, freedom, vast, imagine, want you to fly freely, do not want you to have the world, only wish you have a piece of your own blue sky.

7, to have ideals, ideals is not fantasy, not delusions, it is through their own efforts to achieve the real dream. There is an ideal power, has the goal, will not be wasted!

8, thank the bright moon lit up the night sky, thanks to Chaoyang sunrise dawn, thank parents for my life, thanks to my friends with my growth, let us cherish a grateful heart to live, happy Thanksgiving day!

9, you are a lively, lovely children, love listening to the teacher telling stories, in class, can concentrate on listening, mathematical ability to improve than before, to communicate with the teacher happy, but also actively help teachers tidy up the corner toys. Going to primary school, if you can manage yourself, can get along well with children, believe you will be better!

10, three days to fight on seven points, sinking heart, maintaining the status quo.

11, I hope that Hans own thing to do, to complete their homework independently, listen attentively to the class, get rid of careless and careless problems, get along with the students happy, become a happy child! Mom

12, Tianjin volume: good man is a mirror of women, so that women do not lose innocence, more wisdom. A good woman is a mans mirror, so that men are confident, more successful. Good parents are the mirror of children, let children grow up healthily. Know the ethics of human relations.

13, the first half of the pupils Mao Ya grew up a lot, also achieved good results under the guidance of a teacher, good. You are not a perfect child. Your parents just want you to live and study happily and spend your childhood happily.

14, wish you in this short learning time, obtain the skill tenacious largeness of mind; like horse racing, over one and a Gaolan; let life sail on, towards the sea waves surging.

15, Zhezhe hope you good interest in learning training in the next semester, have a good habit, to make progress in study!

16, you are a lovely little friend, be clever and sensible. You can listen carefully in class, and raise your hand to answer questions. You have a wide range of knowledge, and you draw great pictures! Your imagination is so rich! And this semester you become particularly sensible, can eat their own meals, folded their own quilt, but also actively help teachers do what they can. Going to primary school, the teacher hope you continue to work hard, strive for greater progress.

17, baby, you are Gods gift to us, I hope that even in 20 years, 30 years and 60 years, when you see this letter to your message when mom and Dad, mom and dad can still feel the love you can still be sure to know, you have always been a mom and dad proud.

18, people must grow up in setbacks, in the failure of gradually understand, the road ahead will be more difficult, waiting for their own will be a variety of difficulties and setbacks, if you want to not be knocked down by them, it is only to overthrow them.

19, Chi Yang, our baby, you are the only one of the masterpieces of our life, your name contains us for your Yanyinqipan: ambition is the boundless sea

20, I hope that Xu Shijie has made new progress in the new semester, respect teachers, love students, listen carefully in class, can speak actively.

21, hope the new semester, in the teachers hard cultivation, Yin Maojia in all aspects can be better! More excellent!

22, the child, eighteen years old means that you are adult, means you have the responsibility and the right to independence. It means youre entering a new starting point in your life.......

23, growing up, listening to the teachings of my father; when I left my hometown, I listened to my fathers blessing; when I was sad, I listened to my fathers worried words; somehow, my father had been worrying about it. Fathers Day is coming, dont forget to bless father, happy holidays!




























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Today is June 20th is Fathers Day, Dad is a great name, he carries the

responsibility of the family, and I have grown up on Dads shoulders for as long

as I can remember.

I remember that when I was a child, I had a high fever, and my father

hurriedly carried me to the hospital. The doctor said, "Its fine, just get an

injection..." I fell asleep and heard this vaguely.

In the evening, my father called me up and said, "Come on, drink the

medicine before going to bed." I took a sip, it was bitter, and I said I dont

want to drink it, so my father brought me a piece of candy and said, "You After

you drink the medicine, I will give you the sugar." At that time, I didnt

understand, so I thought sugar was the best thing, so I drank the medicine, put

the sugar in my mouth, and then fell asleep...

In the middle of the night, I vaguely felt a hand touching my forehead, I

opened my eyes slightly, and saw that my father was sitting on the edge of my

bed, gently touching my head, I turned around and lay on the bed, Tears flowed


Today is Fathers Day. My sister bought a belt for my uncle. After I saw

it, I lowered my head and didnt know how to face my father, but my father

smiled at me and said, "Dad doesnt need any gifts, as long as you eat more and

gain weight. , dont be like a bean sprout, its the best gift for Dad." Dad,

you are the best dad in the world, Dad, I love you! Happy Fathers Day!



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Dear customer:

Welcome to our shop. We are a cosmetics enterprise with 20 years of

production experience. For the first time, we put on the "coat" of the brand to

come to you. Maybe we dont know marketing, maybe we have few products, maybe we

dont have gorgeous packaging, maybe we dont pay enough attention to greeting,

but we can guarantee that every product we sell is a conscientious product

researched and developed by heart. We dont pursue variety, we only pursue Keep

improving; we dont pursue the glory of big brand, only pursue every detail to

make you satisfied.

Our customer service is a very lovely little beauty, sincere and warm, but

in order to better serve you, she cant even drink a sip of water when she is

busy, and even sits in front of the computer all day waiting. Even so, she may

miss your information because of many things. I hope you can be more


The annoying express brothers attitude is incompatible and often makes you

angry, which is also a headache for us. We will try our best to negotiate and

bring you a satisfactory shopping experience. Please give us a little

encouragement when you are satisfied. Five points of praise is the driving force

for us to adhere to. Of course, the twists and turns of shopping always hinder

our communication, If you have any dissatisfaction, please dont rush to

evaluate, contact our customer service as soon as possible, we will give you a

beautiful mood in the best way. Thank you again for coming to our shop and look

forward to your coming again.

If you give five points of praise, we have prepared a small idea for you:

screenshot to customer service, give you five yuan discount, unlimited,





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I’m writing to ask you to excuse me for not being able to keep our

appointment. I do know that this is very impolite and must have caused you much


I do reckon that at present any explanation is pale and futile. However I

do not want you to misunderstand me. On my way to your office, an old lady

suddenly fainted due to heart attack on the bus. I stopped a taxi and sent her

into a nearby hospital. I stayed there until her came, which spoiled our


I am aware that our appointment is of importance. I do hope that you would

be kind enough to spare your valuable to meet me.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.



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Different people have different hobbies:for example some one likes reading.someone like swimming and someone like collecting stamp.

I have many hoppies.first I like play basketball. sometimes friend invite me play basketball together in school basketball court.I felt interesting.second I like reading beacuse reading english book can improve my english level and improve my knowledge. sometimes I felt often reading book is very bad for you eyes,so I only morning and night reading.tertiary I like running, in china I often with my mother run on the morning 5am-6am.The running is a helpful sport.it is can rapid mark heat,than sweat of body.it can immprove my body temperture. running aslo promote metaolism.



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Do you know Lin Dan? Right! He is the world badminton champion, and also my idol.

The players who trained with me in the little sports school all liked the badminton all-around champion Lin Dan. If there were badminton games, they would either turn on the TV or go to the spot early to look forward to Lin Dans wonderful performance! I dont count outside, either! However, when I went to school, when my classmates opened the box and talked about the game, most of the students didnt even see Lin Dan in the game. Even the names had never been heard of. How can it not be regretted? Lin Dan is my idol, I am actively advancing momentum. Lin Dan in the play, we will be absorbed in watching his every game exciting game in front of the television, his every action makes people admire it; every action make people excited, I always to hand Lin Dan unable to restrain the emotions agile movements, his vigorous pace. Lin Dans superb skills, indomitable fighting spirit, all the people marvel, bring forth the new through the old, the world today wins the. I also love badminton, I look forward to through their own efforts, but also like Lin Dan, let the world sit up and take notice.
