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A sunny Sunday, usually every day and sleep until the sun father-drying bottoms climb to get up early and get up in red, wake up my mother. Drowsily mother slowly said: "Today what the section, from Why so early?" Little Red said excitedly: "Mom, do not install confused, you said that today took me to the park!"

Came to park, mother and son were two beautiful scenery attract: kids, some kite-flying, and some shooting while playing ball ...... red bumper cars, while also playing slippery slides, played with enjoying themselves, was sweating profusely.

Little Red hobbled down to holding mothers hand while walking while singing. Suddenly, a banana peel, a red block of the avenue, little red slip banana skin reminded once again to see if the banana peel to her protest, then do not fight a gas, the foot kicked the banana peel. Mom saw, as if aware of her mind like, and did not criticize her, she just pulled the banana skin side next to her while saying with great earnestness: "I know you have been slipping on banana peel, very angry, but you should From the perspective of others think that if you somehow accidentally stepped on a banana peel how to do? red listened to, very ashamed, the banana peel thrown into the bin.

Little Red looked at the move, my mother smiled.

Yes ah! Would it not everyone should be protected?




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Recently, the news reported that one special kind of rhino from Africa just

passed away, which meant the disappearance of this lovely creature. What a great

pity. The tragedy is caused by the damaged environment, while human being must

be blamed for it, because we have done so many bad things to pollute the

environment and make the nature lose its balance. In order to make up our faults

and save our offspring, it is in need of protecting the environment. As the

ordinary people, we can do the small things, such as do not throw away the

rubbish and join some activities to bring the world green, like planting trees.

Every small act can make a difference. Some day, when we live with the

environment friendly, what we do is worth.



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Every time when I go home by train, I feel very uncomfortable, because I have to smell the terrible air, people always smoke, making the public place smell bad. Since the motor train operates, I feel so happy, I find the train is very clean, the air smells good, no people smoke in the train. I feel so surprised, this is the ideal environment for me, in the long journey, all the people are so polite. Smoking in the public place should be banned, the bad smell not only makes people sick, but also does harm to their health. In the long journey, people need to keep a good environment, so they have a good mood.

Every time when I go home by train, I feel very uncomfortable, because I have to smell the terrible air, people always smoke, making the public place smell bad. Since the motor train operates, I feel so happy, I find the train is very clean, the air smells good, no people smoke in the train. I feel so surprised, this is the ideal environment for me, in the long journey, all the people are so polite. Smoking in the public place should be banned, the bad smell not only makes people sick, but also does harm to their health. In the long journey, people need to keep a good environment, so they have a good mood.



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Cars and Air Pollution

Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death.

One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars completely replace the traditional ones. Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.

On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists.



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1) 已经校园大门,便有一阵幽香扑鼻而来,这是藤萝架下盛开着的藤萝花的味道。藤萝架上,翠绿的树叶与妖艳的紫藤萝花交相辉映,十分美丽。走在藤萝架下,我总有心旷神怡的感觉。

2) 我来到校园东北角的花园里。啊,好美!有山茶月季一串红紫荆……五颜六色,竞相开放。瞧,西边的桃花开得多好啊!粉红粉红的。由五片花瓣组成的,鹅黄色的花蕊镶在粉红的花朵上,十分显眼。那粉红的花朵躲在那翠绿的叶子下,好像一个害羞的小姑娘。微风徐徐吹来,北边的桃树轻轻摇摆,小蜜蜂和小蝴蝶在桃树周围飞来飞去,从这朵花上飞到那朵花上。那景色人见人爱。啊,什么香?随着一丝清香,我来到一棵开着紫色花朵的小树前。听别人说,这叫紫荆。紫荆花的花朵小小的,密密麻麻,好不可爱。那花是一串一串的,开在枝干上,像珍珠。最特别的是紫荆先开花,后长叶,你说这奇怪不奇怪?在东边,有一片不知名的花,那花也是一串一串的,不过是红色的。听人说把花蕊拉出来,吸里面的汁,很甜很甜的。那山茶花有的开放了,红红的,像天上的朝霞;有的含苞欲放,花骨朵饱胀得快要裂开了。整个花园仿佛仙女织的一块花锦。

3) 我们的校园,坐落在青岛八大关嘉峪关路上,这里绿树成荫,景色优美,远离热闹的市区,环境非常幽静。

4) 旗杆后便是我们的教学楼。教学楼共层,每层有间教室,还有老师办公室活动室。教学楼的楼梯和走道都非常宽阔,四五个人并排行走也不会觉得拥挤。每间教室都宽敞明亮,红色的外墙,白色的内墙;地面洁净,桌椅整齐,每间教室的墙上都贴着白求恩华罗庚居里夫人等名人的画像。在校长室的门上,挂着一个醒目的牌子。上面写着“文明单位”个鲜明的大字。它是我们全校师生努力工作学习的结晶。

5) 我们走进教室,只见窗口那里不断地滚进浓雾,教室里简直就像一个大蒸笼。

6) 春意盎然的校园给我们创造了优美的学习环境,辛勤的园丁──老师们,在精心地备课,用心血和汗水哺育我们这些花朵。同学们正抓紧这宝贵的时间努力学习。有的同学目不转睛地听老师讲课;有的在聚精会神地写作;有的同学站在窗前,凝视天空,对着那美丽的朝霞在幻想;有的在高声朗读,校园里一片琅琅的读书声。课间休息,同学们尽情欣赏着满园生机勃勃的春色,趁着大好春光进行着各种活动,有的在跳高有的在跳远,有的在踢足球有的在打乒乓……春天的气息多么清新,同学们都陶醉在这春色中。

7) 我们的校园里的操场宽阔平坦。那里的体育器具可真不少,单杠双杠木马爬竿等等,同学们可以在那里练臂力,练技巧,尽情地锻炼身体。每逢下午的课外活动课,或者第二课堂的活动时间,操场一片龙腾虎跃,热闹非凡,同学们的欢声笑语使校园充满了快乐。

8) 周围是那么宁静,薄薄的晨雾,如轻纱笼罩着校园,雄伟壮观的教学楼,隐没在淡淡的晨雾中,整个校园的黎明是那么的温馨而幽美。

9) 校门口那几棵杨柳,总是把那双纤纤玉手伸向我的脸,上抚抚下摸摸,似乎也同样喜欢我。那草坪上的牵牛花向我炫耀着那一个个七彩的小喇叭,神气极了。我也友好地摸摸她。她更神气了,小喇叭都朝天上吹了。那棵大榕树的叶子慢慢长出来了,嫩绿嫩绿的,真惹人喜欢。那棵桃花开得正艳,粉色的花瓣可真漂亮。那几棵含羞草还是没变,还是那样害臊。我摸一摸她,她便卷缩成一团,嚷嚷着不肯见人。哎,真拿她没办法。

10) 我最喜欢校园西南角的蘑菇亭。站在远处,放眼望去,像绿色的毯子上点缀着三三两两的小花,中间长着一大一小,一高一矮的蘑菇似的,十分逼真。稍近些,就能看见蘑菇亭左边有一棵弯着身子的树,右边则是一座别致的假山。

11) 夏天来了,校园里幽香四溢,只要你向教室门前一望,首先映入眼帘的就是丁香树,枝繁叶茂,花团锦簇。

12) 夏天,校园里的树木郁郁葱葱。有枝叶覆盖的梧桐,有亭亭玉立的白杨,有清翠碧绿的榆树。操场中间,还有两颗杨槐树,它们树叶茂密,就像俩把撑开的绿色大伞,可以挡风,遮太阳。同学们愉快的在树下嬉戏,玩耍,讲故事,做游戏,跳皮筋…

13) 我们的学校就像一个大花园,多么美丽,多么可爱,我们在这里茁壮成长。

14) 昔日破烂不堪的校舍已不翼而飞,崭新的教学大楼屹立在屏障似的围墙里面,小巧玲珑的传达室守卫在大门旁边。

15) 走进校门,沿着宽敞的水泥路,往西行,展现在眼前的是一面五彩斑斓的“涂鸦墙”。这涂鸦墙原来只是一面普普通通的白色围墙,自从被一些爱好美术的同学利用课余时间画上了幅得意杰作后,就成为了校园一道亮丽的风景线。这些杰作共分两排,每排十幅,有的画着天真的孩在吃西瓜,吃得津津有味,竟然把头都塞进了西瓜里;有的画着神奇的海底世界,蔚蓝色的海水中,色的鱼儿正欢畅地嬉戏;有的画着威武的“神舟五号”,宇航员叔叔正和衣着古怪的外星人亲切交谈呢……在这些栩栩如生的佳作中,我最喜欢的还是许新语同学画的《下雪了》。在银色地毯般的雪地上,一群孩子开心地玩耍着,有的在做雪人,有的在打雪仗,个个画得神采飞扬。看着,看着,我似乎也溶入了这幅画中,和画中人一起为从天而降的瑞雪欢呼雀跃……

16) 清晨,快乐的鸟儿唱着歌,伴随着我们一路走过洒满花香的小路,目送着我们走进校园,眼里全是笑意。阳光铺在写有南京师范大学附属扬子一中的铜牌上,又把柔和的晨光反射到我们身上,我们笑吟吟地接受了这份光芒,朝气蓬勃地迈进校园。在去教室的路上,我们每天都能看见漂亮的喷泉与水池,挺拔的槐书与婀娜的垂柳;我们时常碰见自己的同学或是外班的好伙伴,友好地招一招手,亲热地拍一拍背,亲切地问候两句,也许再聊一聊最近做了些什么。

17) 春天的校园,富有生机;夏天的校园,充满活力;秋天的校园,挂满笑意;冬天的校园则是另有一番情趣!

18) 校园的早晨是恬静的。雾气弥漫在大地,像一层薄纱,把校园围了起来。太阳渐渐地升起来了。刚开始,先是一丝一丝的,像一根根火红的线。接下来又像一位害羞的小姑娘露出了半张笑脸。一瞬间,太阳一下子腾空而起。太阳升起来了!太阳眉毛眼睛了!太阳露出笑脸了!它仿佛代表着新的一天的开始。花草树木们也被唤醒了。你瞧!这朵花的花瓣上,还带着晶莹透亮的露珠呢不一会,露珠又从花瓣上滚落下来。校园里的空气也十分的新鲜。它有点清凉,有点湿润,也会让你感到十分的轻松。

19) 白杨树像一位英俊的少年挺立在院里,而它对面的更像一位亭亭玉立的少女,长长的柳树像少女垂落下来的头发。一阵风吹来,白杨树叶哗哗直响,好像少年开了嗓子在向对面的少女唱歌。少女羞得低下了头,用头发遮住了自己的脸……

20) 时间过得真快,东方已露出了鱼肚白,不一会儿,太阳公公就露出了笑脸。一瞬间,冬姐姐已悄然而退。这时,校园是如此温馨,如此迷人。啊!我真希望永远与这冬天的校园为伴。

21) 顺着老师宿舍前的走道再往前走,就是一个长方形的大鱼池。洁白的栏杆围在鱼池四周。池水清澈,似乎一眼可以望到底。鲤鱼鲫鱼武昌鱼等,一群群,在水中游动,时而涌起浪花。蓝蓝的天空,洁白的云朵,水边的芭蕉,岸边的柳树……倒映在水中,构成了一幅美丽的画面。瞧,那边又游来一群大白鹅,“白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波”,这使得画面更加美丽,更加迷人。

22) 我们融入在集体之中,每个班级都是一个家,我们在一起朝夕相处,无不希望自己的家能够出类拔萃。(wwwlzcn)因此,我们在运动会上看见了每个运动员那如离弦之箭一般的冲劲,整装待发的气势,战无不胜的决心。我们还看见了一个个拉拉队加油助威的庞大的阵势有挥舞着双臂的,有跳起来大声喊的,个个神气活现。

23) 在学校的中院有一个菱形的金鱼池,里面有许多红色的小金鱼,它们在清清的水里追逐着嬉戏着。

24) 跨进校园,迎面是一座雷锋塑像,他显得十分庄重慈祥,他是同学们学习的好榜样。后面是一座美丽的三层花坛,最顶上是一架地球仪,它的周围一年四季摆着各种各样的花卉,杜鹃花三角梅五彩兰花一串红牡丹花山茶花月季花鸡冠花兰花……那里真可谓是“一个花的世界”。

25) 万紫千红的春天来了,校园里生机勃勃,一年一度的体育运动会在校园里举行,同学们笑着,欢呼着,校园里气氛沸腾。

26) 春天来到操场上。操场上的小草从泥土里探出头来,呼吸着新鲜的空气,操场边上白杨树也长出了新芽,呈现出勃勃的生机。白杨树旁边的垂柳,抽出新的枝条,微风一吹,摇摇晃晃,像是在做广播操;细细的柳丝上,不知从什么地方送来的嫩黄色,定眼望去,又有些像绿色。她们的腰好软,轻风将下梢托起,整齐又好看;换个角度看,又一齐垂下来,仿佛梳齐的头发。我不禁诗性大发,吟起了贺知章的《咏柳》:碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。

27) 春姑娘悄悄地轻轻地默默地走进校园,校园里顿时一片生机勃勃的景象。那“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”的小草也破土而出,给校园铺上了一层绿色的地毯。仔细看,它们嫩嫩的毛茸茸的,十分喜人!光秃秃的树上也吐出了新枝嫩芽。那嫩芽,就像一个个绿色的珍珠,翠亮翠亮的。柳树垂下那柔软如丝的柳条,在春风中轻轻地摇动,好像在向人们招手。几只春燕自由自在地从校园上空飞过,一群小鸟儿在树丛中唧唧喳喳地叫着,像似在说:“春天来了!春天来了!”花坛里,各种花儿纷纷开放,红的艳,白的娇,黄的嫩,构成了一幅五彩缤纷的图画,散发出阵阵清香。树阴下,蚯蚓日夜不停地疏松土壤,蚂蚁遍地乱爬,寻找新的巢穴。花草树木小鸟昆虫们沐浴在太阳公公的温暖中,尽情享受这美好的春光。

28) 漫步校园,只见整座校园成了银妆素裹的世界;矗立着大楼披上了洁白的素装;小树苗的枝条变成了臃肿的银条;嫩绿的树叶与红彤彤的花瓣布满了晶莹的霜花。这一切真是难以用语言形容,令我赏心悦目心旷神怡。

29) 春天使大地焕然一新,春天给学校满园春色,春天给我们欢乐和希望,催促我们奋发向上。

30) 校园南边是一年级小同学的地方。校园北边是个大操场,每当下课时大家就涌到操场上玩甩沙包“老鹰抓小鸡”等游戏。

31) 我们迈着轻快的步伐走进鸟语花香的小花园,一阵桂花的芳香扑鼻而来,桂花树的枝头长满了黄灿灿的桂花,像满天璀璨的星星;围栏旁长满了错落有致的松树,好像在欢迎我们呢!葱翠茂密的竹林里,不时传来鸟鸣声;树林里,蝈蝈们在欢快地叫着。清澈见底的小河里立着几只巧夺天工的“仙鹤”,一只好像在戏水,另一只好像在引吭高歌。

32) 清晨,当我们还沉浸在梦乡的时候,校园就敞开那充满“书香”的大门,迎接着那些孜孜不倦的学者。走进了充满书香的大门,就像走进知识的海洋……

33) 夕阳西下时的校园,有着不可抗拒的美丽。那是一种详和安静,那是一种蓬勃生机。绯红的夕阳照在湖面上,静得没有声息,绿色的水草点缀着摆动着,偶有微风,就激起了阵阵涟漪。鱼儿们在水中尽情畅游,是否也为这校园喝彩?

34) 夏天带着炎热来到了校园,校园里那一排排的大树就是一把把绿色的大伞,下课了,我们来到树荫下游戏玩耍,树荫下就是我们的乐园。夏天,校园里百花盛开,校园就像一座大花园,吸引了很多蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞。

35) 秋风吹进了校园,吹黄了校园中的树叶,吹开了校园里五颜六色菊花,走进校园,树叶从树上纷纷落下来,像金色的蝴蝶在空中飞舞,地上像铺了一层黄色的地毯,校园里花香弥漫,沁人心脾。

36) 我们可爱的校园里,有一个荷花池。如果没有它,校园定会失去一半的美。走过打通,走下几层台阶就来到了美丽的荷花池。他是椭圆形的,长约米,宽约米。阳光照上去闪闪发亮,像一块碧绿发光的宝石。在这里看完它,你定会分不清是天上还是在人间!

37) 走进学校的大门,映入眼帘的是操场,操场中间是草坪,它像一块绿色的毯子,四周是红绿的塑胶跑道,课间活动时,平静的草场就会变得热闹起来。

38) 校园里到处都是绿树成荫,花草鲜美。当你站在校园里,闭上双眼,细细聆听,你会发现:你正处于一个美丽的大自然中,身边是一片大好风光,是一片欢声笑语!

39) 我爱校园,爱它的每一个角落。教室里老师那铿锵有力的话语,严而重行的教诲。学生们清脆的读书声掺杂着无色无味的空气,飘悠悠的飞出窗外。站在枝头聆听的小鸟;阳光的映衬下显露出翡翠般质感的青草;洁白的连半点瑕疵也不可容纳的蒲公英…

40) 一进校门,首先映入眼帘的是一根旗杆,上面飘扬着鲜艳的五星红旗。国旗的左右两边分别是花池,花池里面栽着绿油油的冬青和一棵棵柳树,从远处看一棵棵柳树就像一个个卫士,保护着校园。

41) 文化长廊和教学楼中间是半圆形的花坛,当春天来临的时候红的粉的 白的红的似火,粉的像霞,白的像云,这些花朵争奇斗艳的竞相开放,为学校增添了绚丽的色彩。

42) 我们喜欢课间,喜欢那可以让我们自由发挥的十分钟。我们一起谈心来增进彼此之间的友谊,增添那宝贵的心灵财富;我们一起讨论问题来提高彼此的成绩,让自己更加的充实与睿智。有的依傍在栏杆上,凭栏远眺;有的聚集在长廊上,谈笑风生;有的坐在形的雕塑下,沐浴阳光,享受这最美好的金色年华。

43) 每天,当我一个人路过校园的小巷时,春风怕我寂寞,就在我身边陪着。那湿润的春风呀,亲吻着我的脸颊,还牵着我的手,陪我一起上学去。到了校门口,春风还舍不得我,在校园里不断徘徊。

44) 下课的铃声,打破了校园的沉寂,迎来了另一幅崭新的画面:在课堂上严肃的老师,变得和蔼可亲,以朋友的形式与我们谈笑风生;在走廊上,同学们在呼吸校园中清新的空气;在坦荡如砥的操场上,同学们大显身手,正一步一步地向着自己的目标前进。

45) 当严冬来临,杨树悬铃木树和小草都无可挽回地凋零之后,整个校园的绿色便集中在那几株傲霜的松树和越长越绿的冬青树上。

46) 校园里有迷人的四季:桃红柳绿的春天,花繁叶茂的夏天,枫红菊香的秋天,松青雪白的冬天。

47) 现在,我们微笑着在校园的林荫小路上散步,撒下最快乐的时光。当我们离开校园的那一刻,再让我们回首看我们走过的路,我相信,我们有的是恋恋不舍的感情;有的是没有虚度年华的自豪;有的是对美好未来的憧憬!我相信,那难忘的校园生活一定会成为我们最美好的回忆

48) 课堂上,我们尽情地展开我们的才能,大胆地说出自己独到的见解,认真地记好我们要领悟的知识与要点。为了让鸟儿也为我们喝彩,为了让大树也赞许地点头,为了让花儿也为之倾心,让那片片在空中飞舞的花瓣上满载着赞赏与希望的寄语我们努力着!

49) 我不禁一颤:多么可爱的小生灵啊!不分季节,只要有花开,便辛勤地采蜜酿蜜。我不由想到了默默奉献的教师,他们不也是在酿蜜吗为祖国的下一代酿造芬芳香甜的蜜。

50) 秋天的校园仍旧光彩宜人,树依旧是那么绿;花儿好象不知道深秋已经来了,依旧竟香开放,依旧用它那芳香吸引着只只蜜蜂;蝴蝶依旧在校园里翩翩起舞,依旧用它那美丽的身影吸引着同学们的目光。

51) 我们小学校坐落在成渝公路旁边,远远看去,学校的几幢楼房全都掩映在绿叶丛中。

52) 一个春天的早晨,夜色还没有完全退去,整个校园都被笼罩在静寂之中。校园南侧的那排高大的杨树,就像一排忠于职守的战士,守卫着我们的校园。那高大的教学楼像巨人一样耸立在校园的中央。操场边的两棵古老的大槐树,好像两位寿翁,在凝视着东方将要升起的旭日。

53) 校园里的树时而随风摇摆;时而站立不动;时而从树枝上落下几片可怜的树叶。然而,这些并不影响绿树在深秋的魅力。校园里的花都照样开放,蜜蜂照样忙碌得采蜜,有许多蜜蜂在花的周围飞来飞去,在寻找哪一朵比较好。

54) 教室有三层的,四层的,还有五层的,窗户全是落地的,外墙红白相间,非常美丽。

55) 昔日四座破烂的校舍不翼而飞,崭新的教室和会议室屹立在屏障似的围墙里面,小巧玲珑的传达室守卫在大门西侧。

56) 早晨一走进校园,一股清香扑面而来,花圃里刚经过夜雨滋润的花叶那么鲜美,仿佛散发着一股诱人的香气。

57) 在这寒冷的冬天里,青竹翠柏为校园增添了几分春的色彩。

58) 这样的时光里,总会觉得生活真美。想着有一天自己老了,也住在安静美丽的校园里,种很多的花,夏天的傍晚坐在外面,在晚风和花香中和别人聊天,悠闲地摇着蒲扇,呵呵,这样的想法,是不是每个人在某一个瞬间都曾有过?

59) 那碧绿的草坪,像一块巨大的绿色地毯,铺在椭圆形跑道中央;跑道的两旁,用水泥砌成的白的护栏,好像给平坦的跑道镶上了银色的花边;操场的东边,是用水泥铺地的篮球场。下课了,同学们来到操场上。大操场顿时沸腾了,跳高的跑步的嬉戏的,一片欢声笑语……

60) 看!这儿又是一处美丽的风景。那火红的枫树,它总是以饱满的精神,似火的热情感染着我,激励着我。你瞧,它身上的霜像玉一样洁,像银一样白,像烟一样轻,像柳絮一样柔,真是美不胜收。



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After school on Friday, my mother and I went for a walk in the park.


The flowers in the park exudes a touch of fragrance, the grass from the underground drilling, willow shook his green long braids. But I found someone with a dog run on the grass, some of the dog in the grass on the grassland is defecate, get dirty, dog feces pollution of the environment of the park.


I think every one of us went to the park to the people should be small animal, do not pollute the environment freely, so that our earth will be more beautiful.



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The important of Environmental protection

With the development of economy, peoples life is getting better and better. The increasingly rapid pace of life. However, environmental problems have become increasingly prominent.

Too many people pay attention to their life and work. To reduce the environmental protection consciousness, causes the environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. The white trash everywhere. Air pollution. The pollution of water. The land pollution. And so on. Nowadays. These have seriously affected peoples lives. The pollution of the environment has led to mass produce all kinds of disease germs. Popular. It seriously affected peoples lives. We all know.The protection of a good living environment and people is cannot do without. Have a good environment. Peoples life can be guaranteed. In order to get the sustainable development of society.

As we all know. The earth is our home. Protect environment depends on everyone. Only when we have a good environment is the guarantee. Our life will be better and better.



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We have lived in lida school for more than one year. i enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things i need.

There are many trees and flowers around us. the trees are green all the year. when we sit in the classroom and look out of the windows, we can see a big tree shaking its strong arms to us. it is really wonderful.

In some ways, our thoughts are at large. perhaps it makes our brains creative. i believe that nothing can tie up my mind even it stands for authority. the free life is just like our school life.

In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. we should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.

I like to sing:

“We are honest.

We always keep promises.

We often think a lot.

We are never afraid of anything.”

So we have our own school life different from others.

At last, it is impossible for me to resist the temptation to say: what a perfect school life i have!




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Good environment can make people feel happy and fit 。 To improve the environment means to improve our life。

We should plant more trees and flowers around us 。 We shouldn’t cut them down 。 We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air。

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins。 Never spit in public。 Don’t draw on public walls。 It’s our duty to protect the environment。




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Nowadays environmental protection has become the first thing we have to do, because now the earths environment is under threat.

Now, we know that the earth has been warming, cold place has melted the ice, the water level becomes more and more high, let many coastal countries. More land desertification, disasters are hit, make our life is no longer so carefree.

First of all, we must start from the side.

Forests have been cut down, automobile exhaust emissions... The first will directly affect our lives, because they let we dare not breathe. So, the best way to deal with these problems is to drive less, ride bikes, and riding a bike is good for you! . But although it has been said that and said more than once, but why there are so many cars on the road? So, this method really, a bit not practical.

The simplest is to plant trees, the trees are humans good friends, they can help mankind to many things, such as clean air, and so on. So, a variety of trees, this method is very practical!

In short, our earth wanted us to take good care of yourself, to protect, want to use practical actions to help the earth, make the environment more beautiful!









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The earth is our home. We must protect it, do not polluted it. To attain low carbon life, actually very simple.


The scientists found that at least 100 kinds of environmental harm atmospheric pollutants, including so2, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen fluorine hydrocarbon etc on human body has great harm. Industrial production and transportation exhaust gas and dust is the main way if atmospheric pollution. Industrial waste gas of the dust particles would adsorption many poisonous and harmful substances, these pollutants in the atmosphere will produce all sorts of chemical reaction, generate more contaminants, second pollution formed. Atmospheric pollutants in the air accumulated in air quality declining, directly harmful to human health, and make ozonosphere being damaged, cause global warming. Environmental problem has become a global problem, even influenced the survival and development of mankind. Latest research shows that when people in Nineveh is virtuous orchid climate mutation of extinction.




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On Friday, we learned that more than two dozen people were killed when a gunman opened fire in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

Most of those who died were just young children with their whole lives ahead of them. And every parent in America has a heart heavy with hurt.

Among the fallen were also teachers – men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams.

So our hearts are broken today. We grieve for the families of those we lost. And we keep in our prayers the parents of those who survived. Because as blessed as they are to have their children home, they know that their child’s innocence has been torn away far too early.

As a nation, we have endured far too many of these tragedies in the last few years. An elementary school in Newtown. A shopping mall in Oregon. A house of worship in Wisconsin. A movie theater in Colorado. Countless street corners in places like Chicago and Philadelphia. Any of these neighborhoods could be our own. So we have to come together and we are gonna take meaningful action to prevent more

tragedies like this from happening. Regardless of the politics.

This weekend, Michelle and I are doing what I know every parent is doing – holding our children as close as we can and reminding them how much we love them.

There are families in Connecticut who can’t do that today. And they need all of us right now. Because while nothing can take the place of a lost child or loved one, all of us can extend a hand to those in need – to remind them that we are there for them; that we are praying for them; and that the love they felt for those they lost endures not just in their own memories, but also in their communities, and their country.

Thank you.




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It is shocking to notice that extreme violence has occurred with frequency on campus in recent years, home and abroad.

In November this year, a college student from a prestigious university stabbed to death a professor who was preparing for his teaching. In the US a deadly shooting by a Korean American college student resulted in 33 classmates’ death. These tragedies seem to be unimaginable when college students are regarded as the elite of the society. Some people claim that the higher education do not improve moralities of those college students. Others believe that college students are fragile in their internal minds. These opinions do make sense when we take the overloaded pressure imposed on college students into consideration. While there is no way to rid totally the world of such violence, it is more important to take measures to avoid those occurrences.

Among those solutions, psychological aid is one. If psychological consulting had been resorted to, those tragedies should have happened with less possibility.







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华丽 清风 典雅 清新 彩艳 清朗 浩瀚 宽敞 清幽 庄重

满园春色 波光粼粼 含苞欲放 春光明媚 春风风人 春笋怒发

秋月春风 春寒料峭 傲雪凌霜 金碧辉煌 汹涌澎湃 错落有致

百花争艳 春暖花开 千秋人物 湖光山色 姹紫嫣红 丰富多彩

春和景明 山清水秀 林寒涧肃 绿草如茵 广袤无垠 风光旖旎

银河倒泻 暮云春树 柳暗花明 玉树琼枝 古色古香 傍花随柳

春生秋杀 欢欣鼓舞 花团锦簇 春意阑珊 秋高气爽 郁郁葱葱

山明水秀 万籁俱寂 春诵夏弦 桃红柳绿 春树暮云 波澜壮阔

水天一色 亭台楼阁 鹅毛大雪 五彩缤纷 玉宇琼楼 春晖寸草

万里无云 花红柳绿 百家争鸣 晴空万里 别有洞天 人间天堂

如花似锦 莺歌燕舞 繁花似锦 良辰美景 鸟语花香 汪洋大海

春色撩人 水秀山明 山高水长 富丽堂皇 春色满园 水流花谢

大地回春 百花齐放 丽藻春葩 秋月春花 沃野千里 分外妖娆

春山如笑 春露秋霜 江山如画 寒木春华 万紫千红 春风沂水

美不胜收 春意盎然 春蛙秋蝉 花枝招展 一尘不染 草长莺飞

春深似海 百花争妍 春风和气 春雨如油 春华秋实 齿牙春色



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Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth,who is a natural son,and not only to natural persons as the conqueror,as we all know,there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth,the animals.Plant human cells,if it damaged,destroyed nature organizations,to the eradication of mankind.Therefore,the environment must be linked with social ethics,character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.



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As we all know, pollution is harmful to living beings. There are many

different types of pollutions in this world. For instance, water pollution, air

pollution, noise pollution and so on. Water pollution cause many kinds of

disease that have negative effects on human beings, sometimes the diseases will

take people’s life away. Dirty air will increase the rate of getting lung

cancer. While the noise pollution will cause insomnia. People’s health condition

will be damaged.

In my humble opinion, people should take measures to control the pollution.

Recently, not only the government, but also individual has taken part in the

action of protecting the environment. This is a good sign. Rivers are being

cleaned, air is purified, and the people come to realize that the importance of

protecting the environment.

However, this is not enough, the problems are still exist. Not all of them

have been solved. Some factories are still pouring dirty water into the rivers

or give off the toxic gas into the sky. We should know that protecting the

environment needs everybody’s effort.



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保护环境共创和谐校园同学们: 你们好!现在保护环境都受到了世界各国的重视,人们都行动起来了,共同保护我们唯一的家园。 可是,我们的校园却是垃圾如山,每一个角落都散布着臭气。无论是多大多小的垃圾,都在我们的校园里安家。同学们吃完的零食袋就到处乱扔,一些同学的学生奶还没喝完也扔了。

并且同学们还扔不到垃圾箱里,太阳一晒,发出有酸又臭的气味。这样不仅使我们美丽的校园变得肮肮脏脏,还浪费食物。难道你们希望美丽的校园变成一个垃圾堆吗? 还有一点,在校园里可以看到一些同学在楼梯上“方便”,或一些低年级的同学则在厕所外边“方便”。

气候干燥,则臭气熏天整个校园的清新空气受到污染,这些同学怎么一点也不讲文明。同学们,难道你们希望美丽的校园变成一个粪池那么臭吗? 看到昔日美丽的校园,如今却变成了一个人见了就恶心、厌恶的地方。看到这种情况我们就束手不管吗?






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Now, "environmental protection" has become a global focus. But to truly protect the environment, we must start from ourselves and start with the small things around us.

One day, I went to play in the small river in the park. A little boy wanted to throw a fresh bottle into the river. I looked at it and said, "no matter what, Im going to play. If I take care of him, I wont be able to play." But at this time, one is old man on a fishing trip saw the little boys behavior quickly held out his hand to stop a small boy, and said to the boy: "child, dont throw rubbish into the river." The little boy listened and put down the bottle and said to the old man, "whats the big deal? Besides, this is a bottle, not a garbage." The old man listened and was not angry. Smiled and said to the boy, "son, you dont understand. You dont see it as a bottle, but it will also be like other garbage pollution water. We cant drink clean water. Moreover, the trash can is over there, a few steps away." The little boy was speechless to the old man. He said "thank you" to the old man and ran to the trash can.

I listened to that thought, "thats right. When we want to throw fruit peel, tend to throw the rubbish casually into the trash can outside, and ignored. In fact, as long as you stretch out his hand, will be thrown into the trash can. Sometimes, you can throw some wrapping paper with a, then a walk it. Later, you said cant find the trash can. In fact, trash can in a few steps away." These little things can reflect a persons moral character and whether he loves the environment around him.

Protect the environment. Its all about us. Everyone has to do their part. This will make our home more colorful!
