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1 天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过

there are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away。

2 没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

no one indebted for others,while many people dont know how to cherish others。

3 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。

no matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world。

4 凋谢是真实的 盛开只是一种过去

fading is true while flowering is past。

5 为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候…。就让…。回忆来陪我。

why i have never catched the happiness? whenever i want you ,i will be accompanyed by the memory of.。。

6 如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了

if you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars

7 如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见

if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered 。

8 宁愿笑著流泪,也不哭著说后悔 心碎了,还需再补吗?

i would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?

9 爱情是一个精心设计的谎言

love is a carefully designed lie。

10 当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害

when a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt。

11 人活着 总是要得罪一些人的 就要看那些人是否值得得罪

when alive ,we may probably offend some people.however, we must think about whether they are deserved offended。

12 命里有时终需有 命里无时莫强求

you will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you dont kveth for it if it doesnt appear in your life。

13 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes。

14 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

eternity is not a distance but a decision。

15 在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂

dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell。

16 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹

where there is great love, there are always miracles。

17 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人

at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。

18 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden。

19 有了你,我迷失了自我;失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again。

20 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见

promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover。





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保护环境的建议 关于保护环境建议书,由整理,希望有关于保护环境的建议 关于保护环境建议书的这篇文章,与保护环境的建议 关于保护环境建议书想关的文章,对您有所帮助!


众所周知,人类是以天然情况为生活,连续的物质基础。但是,随着现代产业的发展,天然情况却蒙受到愈来愈严重的粉碎。大气污染,水污染,陆地污染。。。保护环境的建议 。。。以至天下上再也找不到一块净土。















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The school, is the world of knowledge, the school, is our friends paradise, it provides us a healthy and beautiful learning environment.

Let me introduce our school. Once inside the school gate, two rows of straight palm trees stand on each side, like two young pioneers, guarding the campus. Two beautiful little gardens behind them, the flowers in them are beautiful. The willow tree in the playground, graceful, the spring comes, she was combing her hair, as if in waved to us, one side of the Holly and poplar have also show their new clothes. The pleasant scenery of the campus has created a comfortable learning environment for us to grow healthy and lively.

However, there are a few students behavior, let we see what we dont want to see: the playground, there will always leave some on the corridor, corridor confetti and small bags; On the lawn, the green belt occasionally discovers the deep footprints left by the students. Others have turned the desks in the classroom into "cat faces"; Not to save water, to lose precious water, and to make the flower bed a playground...



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Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to

improve his way of life。 With the tools of technology he has altered many

physical features of the earth。 He has transformed woodlands and prairies into

farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or

hydroelectric power。 Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining

marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways。

However, mans changes to the physical environment have not always had

beneficial results。 Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing

danger to the health of the planet。 Each day thousands of tons of gases e out of

the exhausts of motor vehicles。 Smoke from factories pollutes the air of

industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside。 The pollution

of water is equally harmful。 The whole ecological balance of the sea is being

changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless。

Now environmental protection is more pressing than ever before。 As we know,

massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even

poses a great threat to mans existence。 Indifference to these problems will

mean mitting suicide。 Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws

passed to conserve environment。 Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the

serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living




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Private cars have become an important aspect of people’s life in many parts of our country,especially in large cities such as Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou.While they bring much convenience to people,they are also widely criticized.

There are some arguments for owning private cars.In the first place,cars allow people to move around freely,whichgreatly improves our living standard.We easily drive cars for traveling.In second place,When we have something urgent to do,cars are quick than other vehicles in some extent.Last but not least,the car industry can boost economy by creating many job opportunities.

However,there are also many arguments against cars.First of all,they pollute the environment by emitting harmful gases.What’s more,cars cause a large number of traffic accidents,which bring great misery to their family.

As far as I am concerned,we should limit the number of private cars by providing better mass transportation and better service for the people.Everyone should sacrifice his or her own interest for the mass society.



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As the technology and economic is developing, the environment problem is becoming a severe problem, and the people are seriously affected.


The sustained damage to the environment has caused a serious problem, such as air pollution, sand storm, extraordinary weather, and diseases etc., people suffer from what they have done to the environment.


However. People have realized that it will be too late if they don’t do anything to prevent things from getting worse. For example, there is an “Earth Hour” on a Saturday of March of each year. It is a global movement, usually it lasts from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. It is also called “Light-off for One Hour”. During this hour, all the light will be turned off. The purpose of this movement is not only to save energy, but also to warn the people to realize the importance of protecting the mother earth, and to stop violating the environment.


Anyway, people and the environment have to keep a balance relationship. People take from the environment, and have to protect it too.




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Humans have only one earth. He is the cradle of life, is the homeland of all mankind. However, the environmental pollution and ecological destruction have on human social and economic development and peoples normal life constitutes the real threat. Take good care of the environment, advocate civilization, is the human moral and responsibility.

We want to clean the earth, eager to healthy earth, eager to the homes of environmental protection, eager to green, health, community health... Let us use love to pay attention to changes in the environment, with passion to spread the idea of environmental protection, with actions to shoulder the important task of environmental protection. Starts from me, start from now, intravenous drip minor matter, starts from the side the environmental commitment into action.

Remember, protect the earth, is to protect ourselves.






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(1) 秋天又是“焜黄物华衰”的季节。原本翠绿的树叶渐渐地失去了生命的本色,在风霜雪雨的侵袭下,一天比一天枯黄,然后悄悄地随风漂落。在那欣赏美景的时刻,不得不用线将那精美的黄叶穿成一串,晾挂在屋檐下,等待享用它燃烧后上面飘来的大煎饼的清香。快流口水了吧,能干的小伙子一气能吃进十个去。离家之后的飘荡中,再也没有闻到这么亲切的香味!

(2) 这一天,秋的早晨是这样的美丽,树叶,深沉的绿色被洗得干干净净,在微风的轻抚下流动着,绿得满盈,垂落欲滴。各色不知名的秋花,宛若待嫁的女孩,在晨曦中越发妖娆妩媚。婷立在道路两旁,就连那平日里满是尘土的路面也被洗涤的一尘不染。神怡的感觉无处不在。

(3) 秋天,属于乡村,壮实沉稳厚重。劳动者满怀期待的硕果累累,五谷丰登,葡萄柿子香甜,玉米粒粒饱满,高粱红红峭立,难得丰收年景。一阵阵游走的风飘过留声,在挥舞劳作工具农人的耳里俱是动听的音乐,带着泥土芳香的乡村音乐。整天面朝黄土背朝天,滴滴汗水换来的颗粒满仓,所有耕耘者的脸上都是一样的喜悦笑容。

(4) 一枚新月如同一朵白色梨花,安静地开放在浅蓝色的天空中。

(5) 满月像个黄黄的灯笼,从东方天边挑起在天空。

(6) 似乎天女散花,无穷无尽的雪花从苍穹深处飘落,如同窈窕的仙女穿戴白色的裙子,用优美的舞姿向所有的生物问候,然后轻柔地掩盖在房顶上草尖上树叶上,霎时,万物的本来面目被入冬以来的第一场雪悄悄地掩盖住了,取而代之的是一层薄薄的积雪,一眨眼时间,雪花用天然皎白似的圆月,现已被远方蓝蓝的高山托上天空。

(7) 夜晚,满月升起来了,一片安静跟着银雾般的月光洒在大地上。

(8) 夜,静极了,玉盘似的满月在云中穿行,淡淡的月光洒向大地。

(9) 初冬的月亮,又清又冷,从西面泻下冰相同的银辉。

(10) 高原的气候,真叫人无从捉摸。忽而喜,忽而怒;忽而风满天,忽而安静得文风不动。

(11) 秋末的黄昏来得总是很快,还没等山野上被日光蒸发起的水气消散。太阳就落进了西山。

(12) 月亮睁大眼睛,和蔼地望着村落和郊野,极像一只被擦亮的铜盘。

(13) 小草儿也傲立起头,冒出针尖似的小脑袋,在春雨的润泽下,透着心爱的绿,重生的绿。

(14) 不经意间,窗外已飘起了雪花,缓不济急的雪密密匝匝,在暗淡的天空中急速地落向地上,腾空划过很多道孤线,随风旋转飘动,犹如突如其来的柳絮,一时间充满天空。

(15) 春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖;大田里的麦苗像一片海,星罗棋布的村庄是不沉的舟,纵横交错的弯弯曲曲的河道,河边的柳枝吐了嫩芽,芦苇边钻出来放时透青了;河道里平静的水,从冬天的素净中苏醒过来,被大自然的色彩打扮得青青翠翠。

(16) 几丛并不巨大的芦苇上,那白白的芦花,像是半透明的,它们大约偷尝了几勺酒,似乎也有些微醉了,有些叶子贴着水面,芦花立在头上,悄悄摇晃,在阳光照射下轻轻地亮光。

(17) 圆月逐渐升高,她那银盘似的脸,流露着柔软的笑脸。

(18) 在秋风中,芦苇醉了;我散步其间,也被陶醉了。

(19) 月亮逐渐升高,她身着白色的纱衣,娴静而慈祥,温顺而大方。她那银盘似的脸,透过柳梢,留下温文的笑脸。

(20) 冷月高挂枝梢,北风把光溜溜的树枝,吹得呼呼直叫。

(21) 月亮,圆圆的,像纺车,纺着她浪漫的遐思。

(22) 天空开始淡去了那深邃的帷幕,蒸腾起淡淡的紫雾,红了,红了。慢慢的红遍了那半个天空。瑰丽,夺目。变成了红彤彤的一抹云霞。

(23) 黄昏,夕阳在山间徘徊,如欲向心上人表明心迹的姑娘,真真地羞红了脸。那天边的云儿呵,是我的眼神太过灼热了吗,竟使你也如夕阳般胭脂醉红了双颊?我喜欢你,身着絮白的衣,在天际自由飘浮;也喜欢你脸色绯红的可爱模样。秋日的你,更是柔情万种,迷人至极呀!

(24) 秋雨总是那么调皮,也喜欢逗弄人。伸手,任雨丝绕过指间,有落于手心的微凉湿润,仿佛融于心间,滋润着干涸的心田。我喜欢于微雨中漫步,看雨落于发间,沾湿叶儿和秋菊。那细细的雨丝,抬眼望去,却似拉开了一道锦屏,一张大网,和着薄薄的雾色,迷醉人了。尤喜欢那句“留得枯荷听雨声”,听雨打在残荷上,欢欣舞蹈,好不惬意。

(25) 十五的圆月像一只雪球,镶嵌在墨蓝墨蓝的夜空上,显得分外皎白。

(26) 高原的气候,真叫人无从捉摸。忽而喜,忽而怒;忽而风满天,忽而平静得纹丝不动。

(27) 绿草如茵的草原上还有一条细细的河,袒露在阳光下,远远看去,像一条发光的银项链。

(28) 一片广阔的大草原,大得一望无垠,和风扶着泥土散发出的芳香,把一大片一大片庄稼吹得如涟波泛动。

(29) 月亮最终升到冷清清的天空,白晃晃一片晶亮。

(30) 火热的脸愁苦地等候着风,但是风不来。太阳在蓝得发暗的天空中火辣辣地照着;在我们对面的岸上是一片黄橙橙的燕麦田,有些地方长出苦艾来,竟连一根麦穗都不动摇一下。

(31) 在这烟波浩渺的大海之中,屹立着一座山峰,它的形状很像笔架,所以叫它"笔架山"。

(32) 泰山拔地而起,直冲云霄,恰如一个伟人,矗立在万山之中,正厚意地仰望着大地。

(33) 清晨,残月像一块失去了光泽的鹅卵石,抛在天边。

(34) 雨后的草原,野花竞放,像一块刚浸过水的花头巾,连露珠儿也都是五颜六色的了!

(35) 银装素裹的群山,登高远望,就像是大海被暴风卷起的雪浪,弯曲崎岖,一望无际。

(36) 春雨呀!原来你跟着春姑娘一起来到大地,使大地生机勃勃,散发着清新的气息,你灵巧的手,拔动着人们的心弦,拔动着人们美好的希望。

(37) 高矗云霄的博格达峰上,长年累月戴着白雪的"头巾",披着白雪的"斗篷",不论春夏秋冬,它总是一身皎白。

(38) 河两岸已由嫩绿色变为深绿的河柳,拂动着重生的柔软的枝条,倒映在河面上,使河水也染上绿色,似乎一河翡翠向东奔腾。

(39) 她们头顶的树叶文风不动,知了叫的烦躁尖锐,沙沙的粘虫屎,掉到地上上来。

(40) 南方的八月间,骄阳似火。中午时分,太阳把树叶都晒得卷缩起来。知了扯着长声聒个不停,给闷热的天气更添上一层烦燥。

(41) 记忆里秋是成熟的象征,是收获的季节,你看那果子,那满坡的金黄的色彩,硕果累累。可是,收获过后呢,叶黄了草枯了地荒了,连雨都吝啬地不想出来,风却好似没有了草的牵绊,在裸露的黄土地里,吹动片片黄叶打转。这个时候,树的枝丫是光秃秃的,硕大的鸟窝孤零零地挂在那里,鸟儿应该飞走了,飞到阳光明媚的地方。然而,总有飞不走的鸟,搬不走的家啊!如我们面对这样的季节,萧瑟的发慌,却还是要让秋从发梢掠过。

(42) 山,矗立在面前,草木葱葱郁郁,山花丝丝簇簇。绵绵细雨引发漫山云雾,山峰在袅袅云烟中若有若无,更显得宏伟险恶,让人觉得它奥秘而秀丽,狷介而冷傲。

(43) 万里晴空,阳光灿烂。春姑娘晒得都眯缝起眼睛来了。那嫩绿的新叶,那田野的薄雾轻烟,象她的衣衫。随着她春意的步伐,那青青的小草,破土而出,简直要顶着脚站出来啦。

(44) 夜幕降临,幽蓝幽蓝的天空中点缀着很多的小星星,一眨一眨地,似乎在约请大家到宽广的太空中去漫游。

(45) 群山都落在脚下,显得空阔高远,高得可以同月牙儿拉手,同太阳亲脸。

(46) 他不像染,秀丽可却粗旷。他美的不野,文静镇定的姿态始终是他给人的影响。

(47) 远处有一辆小轿车,在高的矮的黄的绿的庄稼中心,赤色的托泥和车脚一闪一闪。两个乌头大骡子,在正午炎热的太阳光里,甩着尾巴跑着。

(48) 非常尖利。看那姿态,像个喝醉了的大将军,挥着大刀,踌躇满志地晃了出来。

(49) 每逢有雾的时分,远远望去,大山就像一位位秀丽的姑娘,要去参与舞会,披上了轻柔秀丽的纱裙;每逢夕阳西下,落日的余晖,为群山抹上了淡淡的红晕,又像一个个娇羞的新娘,让人一再回忆,不忍脱离。

(50) 门外西边的林梢,挂着的上弦月现已变成一片金色的西瓜,不再是一条弯弯的眉毛。

(51) 路边野花,俏丽尚未走远,秋寒里展示她惊鸿一瞥的凄美。昆虫心有不甘,时不时献上首首绝唱。墙角渐渐泛红的爬山虎,挥动着老态龙钟的手脚,将目光伸向远方。花花绿绿彩蝶留恋未尽花香,不愿潸然然去,它们走过青春,不悲不喜,沉淀在时光深处。

(52) 秋天象征着成熟,能给人们带来收获的喜悦。记得在霜地的黄昏里,在不远处的袅袅炊烟里,抱着又圆又大的地瓜,那心情用现在的话说是多么的“爽”啊!再大些,用枯叶烧起的黄豆稞里,寻觅着无尽的秋香,我敢说那是这世界上最美味的豆香!至少在现在的城里从来还没有闻到过!

(53) 秋天,走过勃发,属于她的瑰丽色彩爬满我们的眼界,一片片一串串一粒粒,金黄与葱绿,红艳艳,亮灿灿,期盼与辛勤,汗水与收获,宁静与温馨,悠长蔓延的遐思,在芳华流逝的日子里,流沙般的岁月里,化作今夕书页,装点人生,装点未来的风景。

(54) 月亮是那么亮堂,把大地照得一片雪青,树木房子大街都像镀上了一层水银似的。

(55) 那霏霏的雨丝,宛如一片模糊的烟雾,讳饰了连绵千里的淮河平原。

(56) 将圆未圆的明月,渐渐升到高空。一片透明的灰云,淡淡的遮住月光,田野上面,仿佛笼起一片轻烟,股股脱脱,如同坠人梦境。

(57) 春天来了,万物复苏,柳树抽出了她那柔嫩而纤弱的枝条。今天又下起了毛毛细雨,飘飘洒洒的,玄武湖畔一排排柳树隐没在茫茫的细雨之中,渐渐地消失在雾里。

(58) 东湖岩壁千姿百态,无奇不有。真可谓怪石嶙峋,形状万千。山岩累累,危峰兀立。抬眼上望,山峰像是用绿色染过似的,处处苍翠欲滴。还有气势壮丽的峻峭石壁,像是那样的高,那样的陡,昂首仰视,真使人感慨万千。

(59) 窗外的天空,阴沉暗淡,细雨丝丝飘来,湿了窗子,我关上了窗子,来到后院,雨若细绵,轻轻地飘舞起来,落在脸上,温柔温柔的,不觉有什么异样,秋雨点点滴滴,花草碧绿亮泽,在雨中微微而笑,它们也知道秋天来了吗?花草无语,我悄悄地站着,看着,欣赏着,也许它们也在默默地注视着我吧?多日来阴雨不止,茉莉花也隐了花容,只见叶绿生辉,也许过上几日,阳光灿烂,茉莉花又会灿烂一笑,芳香数日。

(60) 风呼呼的刮者,卷起的沙石张狂的拍打着窗玻璃;天越来越暗,小树在暴风中摇摇晃晃;呜呜的响声一片……大家就象喝醉了酒通常,与风飞沙搏斗着……窗边的风在与;雨,雷,大树搏斗着,天暗背地里,电闪雷鸣,像是雷要吞了整个国际似的。

(61) 夕阳被夜色拉走,却唤来了秋月。我似乎是有偏见的,总以为,秋月似是胜过了春夏冬之月,更皎洁,更迷人。一轮明镜悬空,挥洒下如水月华,把心事掩藏,淹没。秋月,更引人遐想,使人思念泛滥,一发不可收拾。我也曾借舞排解,在月下与嫦娥同舞,在发丝飘飞间忘却烦忧;也曾“举杯遥明月,对影成三人”,迷离地卧于花间痴想;也曾静坐天台,看月升月落,不知疲倦。月缺月圆,各有千秋,美轮美奂矣!

(62) 在这漫天的红霞里,太阳开始微微的露出她那温情的脸,带着一丝羞怯,半掩在霞光中。不一会儿,又添上了几分温馨的微笑,离开那东方的地平线,展现出她那绰约的神采。

(63) 秋,熟透了,大片大片的金黄带着生命的气息,人类希翼的颜色,如美画卷铺在九月,浮扁掠过,原本枝叶繁茂倾泻绿意,现如今黄灿灿,沉甸甸,无以言表的欢歌,亘久而永恒谁也无法忘怀。

(64) 秋天是美丽的,秋天是成熟的,秋天是丰收的,秋天是充满阳光的,秋天里的爱也是最绚丽的,秋天是最有诗意的季节,秋天的风景是最灿烂的。

(65) 秋天还有一道奇特的景致,那就是秋叶了。到了秋天树上的叶子都会变成黄色,只有大风吹过树上的叶子就会落下,像一只只蝴蝶从树上飞下,在和风的伴奏下舒展精美的舞姿。一片片树叶接连一直的落下,过了一会再回首一看,我情不自禁的惊叹到:“哇!真美,无数的树叶铺在地上,似乎给大地铺上了一层金黄色的毛毯,又好像洒满了一地的金子呢!

(66) 走在秋日的薄凉里,一点点阳光生硬地从厚实的云层里挤出,周边的云亮的惨白。转动着伞把,看点点斜阳在玫瑰色花纹的伞上,透出丝丝细小的金辉,看罩在雾蒙蒙里的远山。看杂草丛生的路边,一丛丛紫色的牵牛花开的正艳,紫色的小蝴蝶双双对对地穿梭在杂草中。草在风的鼓动下,已经开始有点泛黄了,风在草的渲染中吹的更猛。

(67) 一片源源不断的平原,在天空下扩展,没有山丘,像惊涛骇浪的日子里的海相同安静。

(68) 那一座座拔地而起的宏伟山峰,有的像伟人,有的似骆驼,有的如快马,形状各异,险恶陡立。



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Environmental protection is everyones responsibility, we all know! But now the environment is not optimistic, such as: someone spit on the ground, someone littering, still pulling weeds, folding flowers. These are nothing, because some people, not only protect the environment, but also damage the environment. Because of the existence of this kind of person, so only in the sharp deterioration in environment, so we should protect the environment, more to damage the environment should be discouraged. In this way, the tree will be much, grass and flowers also lush, natural, such as dust storms disaster would not have happened!

Today, I let you see how should protect the environment. Some people might say, put a few piece of propaganda to protect the environment in the city brand is not good, in fact, this idea is wrong. Someone may say: this is not a propaganda to protect the environment? Of course not, because there are two reasons: 1, some people may watch brand every day, so I wont join the team to protect the environment. Will likely continue to destroy the environment and bad habits. 2, is the man looking at, but he didnt want to join the ranks to or dont want to protect the environment. From these two points can illustrate just a few propaganda brand is useless. Which someone may be eagerly asked: what! Method is very simple, as long as their faith to protect the environment, the people around will follow suit yourself!

The first step to protect the environment: learn how to protect the environment. Requirements: oneself to voluntarily protect the environment, not even in your environment, so that you even pipe request wont be able to reach others. To protect the environment the second step: advice others to protect the environment. Requirements: if see people littering or spitting, etc., should be up to dissuade immediately. Of course also want tube that yourself! To protect the environment the third step: make a collective to protect the environment. Requirement: let the dozens of people and as a collective, and protect the environment. If you do this at 3 o clock, then you are an "environmental small guards"!

This is my idea of protecting the environment. I now are trying to protect the environment, and you?







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“空气清新,环境整洁,楼房林立,绿树环抱“,谁不希望在这样一个清洁、卫生、美丽的校园里健康成长学习呢?但是种种原因,我们的校园环境正逐渐被一些同学的不良行为所破坏。如今在我们美丽的校园中,出现了一些不文明的现象,有些同学随意乱扔的果皮纸屑、塑料瓶、瓜子壳等。每当淘气的风把这些垃圾抓起,东奔西跑,像个撒欢儿的孩子,我们只能束手无策,看着它们在校园 “翩翩起舞”,甚至有的同学在雪白的墙壁上和课桌上乱涂乱刻乱画、乱吐口痰等等.所有这一切,都跟我们美丽的校园极不相称.看到这些现象大家的感受会怎样呢?在这里学习生活能使大家开心吗?

为了让我们拥有绿树成荫、环境整洁、草地如茵的美丽校园,请大家快快行动起来吧!用自己的双手去保护校园环境的优美。通过广播、黑板报、演讲赛、知识竞赛、开展主题班会等形式,大力宣传保护校园环境的重要性、必要性,形成“实小是我家,美丽靠大家”的好氛围;养成人人从自己做起, 从身边的小事做起。俗话说:“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。”养成不乱丢垃圾,不乱吐口痰,不乱涂乱画,不肆意践踏草坪,动一动手,弯一弯腰等等好习惯。亲爱的同学们!让我们携起手来,共同努力,给我们自己创造一个优美整洁的学习生活环境吧!!难道这样不好吗?




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When I was six years old, I started school. Since I became a student, I have been studying very hard. My parents are quite proud of me.

Now, I study at Wucun Middle School, which is not only modern but also beautiful. The teachers in my school are so kind and hardworking that I love them very much. All the teachers regard us students as their own children. Also they are strict with us and strict in their work. I am getting along very well with my classmates. Whenever we have difficulties in our study, we help each other. I have many interests such as dancing, singing, reading books and playing sports, and I especially enjoy basketball, which makes me smarter and helps me learn faster and better. So Ive improved my life in this way.

My school life is full of happiness and fun. Although we have some new challenges every day, Ill try my best to meet them.






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As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places,we cant see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we do?How to protect our environmemt ?For example,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags when we go shopping,and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better。“There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well.



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The quality of human life has improved greatly over the past few centuries, but Earth is being harmed more and more by human activity. As we develop our technology, we demand more from our planet. Eventually, this will harm people as well.

Our planet gives us everything we need, but natural resources are not endless. Strip mining devastates whole regions, leaving bare and useless ground. Deforestation removes old growth trees that cant be replaced. Too much fishing may harm fish populations to the point where they cant recover. We are too careless in taking what we want without giving anything back.

There are more people than ever, living longer that ever. So is it any surprise that many areas suffer from too much development? Anyone living in or near a city has experienced "urban sprawl". There is a new shopping area on every corner and new houses, townhouses and apartments everywhere. Traffic gets worse and worse because planners cant keep up with growth. Keeping up with human demand is hard enough. Environmental concerns come in last.

With growth comes pollution. Companies and communities dump waste into water. Landfills are full of trash. Emissions from factories pollute the air. Barrels of industrial waste and worse, radioactive waste, have no safe place to go. If were not careful, we can harm our planet beyond repair.

People need to respect the Earth and try to preserve it. If we dont, what kind of future will we have?



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同学们,为了美化我们的校园环境,构建文明家园,也为了我们自己的学习、生活环境。让我们少一点不经意,多一些责任感,多弯一次腰,多伸一次手,从我做起,从身边做起,从现在做起,做到“不宜恶小而为之,不宜善小而不为”。 让我们携起手来,杜绝损坏公物的行为,让我们美丽的校园在我们每个人的精心呵护下变得更加绚丽多姿,更加舒适宜人吧。



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Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s necessary and important to protect the environment. Also,there are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition, there are a few factories often cutting down the trees, discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harder,so we have to stop them. To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.



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Hi! I am a girl. I’m fourteen years old. I come from a small village of Guangxi. I am a student of Class 1, Grade 2. My School life is very interesting. Class begins at 7:45a.m. I have five classes in the morning. In the afternoon, I often have two or three classes. We learn Chinese, English, math, history, biology, geography, politics, physics and so on. I learn them with great interest. I like P.E. best. Because having sports is good for us and build us up. And we’ll have a sport meet this term, I want to take part in the long jump.

I have lunch at school at about a quarter to twelve, because my home is a little far from the school. After school, I often play basketball with my classmates on the playground. Sometimes, I go to the school library. In my spare time, I often practice speaking English with my good friends on the lawn. Because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic, English is very important. Speaking English will help me to make more foreign friends.

My teachers and classmates are very friendly to me. I like my school life very much. What about your school life? Can you tell me?







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My university life has been one of the most colorful parts of my life. I will never forget the day when I first stepped into the university. At that very moment, I was impressed immediately by the beautiful campus, the enthusiastic students and the good learning atmosphere. I fell in love with the campus at once.

First, studying on the campus gives me lots of pleasure. After some very arduous military training, I became absolutely absorbed in my studies. Different from high school courses, the courses in university are specific and interesting. I can get information not only from teachers in class, but also outside of class, such as in the library, on the Internet and so on. These courses arouse my insatiable desire for knowledge and make me learn and digest as much as I can. To be frank, I had some difficulties in keeping up with my teachers at first, but later with the help of my teachers, I made remarkable progress. Learning is a long process, and I will continue to be a learner throughout my life.

Besides, social activities on campus provide me with more chances to learn. I will never forget the days I served as a volunteer at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. After some training in Chinese history and language skills both in Japanese and English, I endeavored to serve our distinguished guests from all over the world enthusiastically. I was a volunteer as well as a disseminator of our splendid culture. There was no doubt that I came across many difficulties at first, such as humid weather, language barriers and so on. Thanks to other volunteers’ help, I overcame those difficulties. When it was time to depart, I couldn’t help bursting into tears, because I had developed a deep friendship with other volunteers. This precious experience made me aware of the huge responsibility on my shoulders. Just as the old saying goes, “we make a living by what we get, and we make a life by what we give.”

In my opinion, university life has been the most splendid time in my life so far, and many students cherish this period of time and hope that in the future they may become outstanding members of society. But there are also some ignorant students who get together every day only to eat, drink, play computer games or date. They completely forget their mission as a college student and their responsibility to their family to do their best in school.

I want to say that although there are lots of difficulties or setbacks during our college days, we should set our goals and achieve them. I do hope we can try our best to become productive citizens of the country and make great contributions to the nation.



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1:Peoples views on……vary/differ from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……

2:People may have different opinions on……

3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)

4: There are different opinions among people as to……


1:It is well-known to us that……==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …

2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……

3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.

5:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……


1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).

2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……

3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……

4:Only in this way/by doing… can we ……

5:Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)


1:Obviously,if we dont control the problem, the chances are that……will lead us in danger.

2:No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that ……

3:It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation


1:From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.

2:I cannot entirely agree with the idea that……(我无法完全同意这一观点)

3:As far as I am concerned/In my opinion,……(就我来说……)

4:I sincerely believe that……==I am greatly convinced that…….

5:Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why ……(最后,坦率地说,还有另外一个实际的原因……)


1:The reason why +句子~~~ is that ……

2: This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons .First,…….Second,…….Third,……。

3:For one thing,…… For another thing,…… ==On the one hand,……On the other hand……

4:I quite agree with the statement that……The reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,其主要原因如下。


1:The best way to solve the troubles is……

2:As far as something is concerned,……就某事而言,……

3:It is obvious that……

4:It may be true that……but it doesnt mean that……可能……是对的,但这并不意味着……

5:It is natural to believe that……but we shouldnt ignore that……

6:There is no evidence to suggest that……没有证据表明……


1:It has the following advantages.

2:It is beneficial/harmful to us.==It is of great benefit/harm to us==It do good/harm to us

3: It has more disadvantages than advantage.他有很多不足之处


1:It is important(necessary/difficult/convenient/possible)for sb to do sth.

2:It plays an important role in our life.

3: It gives us access to doing we have access to doing


1:We should take some effective measures.

2:We should try our best to overcome/conquer the difficulties.

3:We should do our most in doing sth.我们应该尽力去做……

4:We should solve the problems that we are confronted/faced with.


1:Some changes have taken place in the past five years==the past five years have seen the changes.过去五年发生了很多变化

2:Great changes will certainly be produced in the international communications.

3:It has increased/decreased from…to…

4:The output of July in this factory increased by 15%.


1:We cannot ignore the fact that……

2:No one can deny the fact that……没人能否认这个事实……


3:This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in……

4: be closely related to (与...息息相关)


1:Compared with A,B……与A比较,B……

2;I prefer to read rather than watch TV.


1:Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩

2:All is not gold that glitters.发光的未必都是金子

3:All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马

4:A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半

5:Every advantage has its disadvantage有利必有弊

6:A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里

7:Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母

8:Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母

9:It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老

10:Knowledge is power.知识就是力量

11:Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人




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1、Maintain a good attitude of tolerance towards people , the students are friendly to each other, to create a harmonious interpersonal relationships.

2、 We should promote a vibrant style of the team, a real study , the unity displayed a style of class and diligence to make personal style in a good environment. The students forge ahead and to the ideal of hard work. Learning positive, thereby creating a harmonious atmosphere for education.

With the development of society, harmony becomes the theme of this time. Everyone is doing his best to make the surroundings harmonious. As a member of our campus, we should take action in building the harmonious campus.

Here are some suggestions. First, treat people sincerely. We should be ready to help each other when someone is in trouble. Second, behave yourself. Keep our environment clean and take good care of every tree and every flower. Third, try to be polite. When we meet someone we know, a “hello” is good enough. Then, we can gain their respects for us.

Of course, there are still a lot of things we can do to build the harmonious campus. Anyway, doing something good to our campus is our duty. Let’s do it from now on.

Harmonious Campus

The blue sky and white clouds, hope that somehow the freedom of flight. Teachers and parents, we hope that the healthy growth. Now , I’d like to write music to harmonious campus.

Harmony is the common feature of all the beautiful things. Achieve harmony and to build a harmonious and civilized campus environment will be an eternal theme. Building a harmonious campus to establish a harmonious relationship with students. Teachers to enlighten the knowledge of our culture , from naive to mature. We need to pay teachers’ cherish.

Building a harmonious campus students need to establish harmonious relations. Help them, and let them feel the warmth of harmonious campus. Maintain a good attitude of tolerance towards people , the students are friendly to each other, to create a harmonious interpersonal relationships.

The need to build a harmonious campus to establish good study , a good ethos. We should promote a vibrant style of the team, a real study , the unity displayed a style of class and diligence to make personal style in a good environment. The students forge ahead and to the ideal of hard work. Learning positive, thereby creating a harmonious atmosphere for education.

The flower opens the day, let’s us happily study in the harmonious atmosphere.

The flower opens the day, let’s us influence the sentiment in the harmonious interest paradise.

The flower opens the day, let’s us healthily grow in the harmonious relationship.

Future will not be the dream, today, in our hand.

Thank you~



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Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment.There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.

Today things are different.The world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.

We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left.Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear.Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die.Yet, waste products are still put into rivers.

We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there wont be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems?

If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available.Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.

Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.
