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1、A cat has nine lives。猫有九条命。

2、A bad thing never dies。坏事传千年。

3、Accidents will happen。天有不测风云。

4、After death, the doctor。放马后炮。

5、A bargain is a bargain。达成的协议不可撕毁。

6、A cat may look at a king。猫也有权晋见国王。

7、A friend is a second self。朋友是另一个我。

8、Adversity leads to prosperity。逆境迎向昌盛。

9、A bad padlock invites a picklock。开门揖盗。

10、A clean hand wants no washing。身正不怕影子斜。

11、Actions speak louder than words。事实胜于雄辩。

12、A faithful friend is hard to find。益友难得。

13、After black clouds, clear weather。否极泰来。

14、A bird may be known by its song。什么鸟唱什么歌。

15、A fair face may hide a foul heart。人不可貌相。

16、A contented mind is perpetual feast。知足常乐。

17、A fool always rushes to the fore。傻瓜总爱强出头。

18、A beggars purse is bottomless。乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。

19、A burnt child dreads the fire。一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

20、A close mouth catches no flies。 病从口入,祸从口出。

21、A common danger causes common action。同仇敌忾。

22、A disease known is half cured。病情确诊断,治病好一半。

23、Adversity is a good discipline。苦难是磨练人的好机会。

24、A friend is best found in adversity。患难见真友。

25、A cock is valiant on his own dunghill。夜郎自大。

26、A crafty knave needs no broker。狡猾的流氓,不需居间人。

27、Adversity makes strange bedfellows。身处逆境不择友。

28、A fool and his money are soon parted。笨蛋难聚财。

29、After dinner comes the reckoning。吃喝玩乐,该付代价。

30、A bad beginning makes a bad ending。恶其始者必恶其终。

31、A clear conscience is a sure card。光明磊落,胜券在握。

32、A fool may give a wise man counsel。愚者千虑,必有一得。

33、A bad bush is better than the open field。有胜于无。

34、A clear conscience is a soft pillow。问心无愧,高枕无忧。

35、A constant guest is never welcome。久住非佳宾,常来不欢迎。

36、A creaking door hangs long on its hinges。户枢不蠹。

37、A fair death honours the whole life。死得光明,终身荣耀。

38、A friend in need is a friend indeed。患难朋友才是真朋友。

39、A cheerful wife is the joy of life。快乐的妻子是生活的乐事。

40、A fools heart dances on his lips。愚人心坦荡,挂在嘴唇上。

41、A fox may grow grey, but never good。狐狸会变,但本性难移。

42、A friend is not so soon gotten as lost。交友慢,失友快。

43、A good beginning is half the battle。首战告捷等于一半胜利。

44、A burden of ones choice is not felt。自己选的担子不嫌重。

45、A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit。吃一堑,长一智。

46、A fault confessed is half redressed。承认错误,等于改正一半。

47、A bad conscience is a snake in ones heart。做贼心虚。

48、A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm。借来的斗篷不暖身。

49、Action is the proper fruit of knowledge。行动是知识的巧果。

50、Adversity makes a man wise, not rich。患难使人聪明,但不能致富。

51、A fool always comes short of his reckoning。愚人常缺算计。

52、A change of work is as good as a rest。调换一下工作是很好的休息。

53、A flow of words is no proof of wisdom。口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。

54、A fools bolt may sometimes hit the mark。愚者千虑,必有一得。

55、A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody。广交友,无深交。

56、A bad workman quarrels with his tools。拙匠常怨工具差。

57、A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

58、A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another。一个蠢材在他自己家里所知的事比一个聪明人在别人家里所知的事要多。

59、A book that remains shut is but a block。有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。

60、A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast。宁为清贫,不为浊富。

61、A discontented man knows not where to sit easy。不满足者坐无宁时。

62、A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone。骨头打狗狗不叫。

63、A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit。吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。

64、A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day。略有胜于全无。

65、Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it。相聚爱益切,离别情更深。

66、A friend without faults will never be found。没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。

67、A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass。秋波送盲,白费痴情。

68、A friend in court is better than a penny in purse。曩中有钱,不如朝中有友。

69、A chain is no stronger than its weakest link。链条的坚固程度取决于它最薄弱的环节。

70、A clear conscience laughs at false accusations。白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。

71、A friend is never known till a man have need。不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。

72、After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a while。午饭后要坐,晚饭后要走。

73、A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk。闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。

74、Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory。成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。

75、After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile。午餐之后坐片刻,晚饭之后走一里。

76、Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended。事情要安步就班地做,就会很快地做完。

77、A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer。一愚发问,七智结舌。

78、A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us。一本好书,莫逆之交。

79、A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself。贪婪的人对别人毫无好处,对自己却坏处更大。

80、A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept。坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。

81、A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity。蠢人装聪明,实在最可怜。

82、A friend exaggerates a mans virtue, an enemy his crimes。朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。

83、Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public。在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

84、A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change。一本好书今天如此,将来也如此,永不改变。

85、A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that its the boundary of the world。坐井观天。

86、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both。父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

87、A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out。一愚所失,百智难回。

88、A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years。愚者所问,智者难答。




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my plan of next year

a new year ,a new start,when i stand on the edge of a new year,i can’t help thinking about my plan of next year.

but ,what i really decide to do is that i must make good of anytime i can spare though it seems impossible. while,i will do my best to live up with what i have planned,and the result will prove it!







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Do something to protect the environment.We want to hold a green Olympic Games ,so everyone should do something useful to protect the environment ,whether it is big or small.

We should do something to stop people from doing bad things to the environment .We should put rubbish into dustbins instead of throwing it about. Everyone must care for flowers ,grass and tress in public .We shound collect things like paper ,plastic bags our neighborhood as well ,it’s necessary to plant more trees every year .

It is everyone’s duty to make our neighborhood much better with our hands minds .Let’s make a contribution to protecting the environment and the Plympic Games successfully.




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I am a middle school student . I am good at maths because i like my maths teachers humorous teaching . After class I often play ball games with my classmates and they are all friendly to me. I also like swimming and drawing .I am getting along well with my classmates and we often help each other . Our teachers are very nice but they are strict with all the students . I love my school and the life here.



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当你跨进校园的大门,一条笔直、洁净的林荫道便展现在我们的眼前。两旁的梧桐苍翠挺拔,它像忠实的卫士,日日夜夜都 守卫 着我们的校园。继续沿着林荫道走去,有一个长达二十米的花圃。那里有夜来香、马尾松、月季花、牵牛花 最令人赏心悦目的就是月季花了!月季花的叶子刚长出来时是嫩红的,经过太阳的照射才逐渐变成绿色,绿叶相映,把月季花衬托的水灵灵的。月季花枝干粗壮,长满了尖利的小刺,这就是它的防身武器吧!这就是我们美丽的校园,可也有令人不满意的地方。






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The First Day in New Term

Today is September 3rd, the first day of the new semester. I am happy to see all of my classmates come back to school. Today is the first day for school, so we get our new textbooks. I open them generally and I find that I am interested in most of the contexts. Today we have Chinese, math, English, physics and so on. In the Chinese class, our teacher greets to us and then she suggests us talking about our holidays to others. All of us share the interesting things with classmates. I find that we all have a good holiday. I hope we can make progress in study together.





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Smoking And Health

Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old,

the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of

them think that smoking is a smart symbol.

However, smoking is harmful to one’s ,health. It contributes a lot of lung

cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause

many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance

of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is

not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health,

especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws

forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations,

hospitals, and so on Giveup smoking! If you don’t smoke, don’t start. Give

upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the

sake of the whole world.







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Flowers in full bloom in this, green grass of early summer, we have ushered

in a grand festival of Children - June 1 International Childrens Day, I am very

honored to share with the children together in this beautiful holiday. On that

occasion, I would like to let me to all children, young pioneers holiday to

extend my sincere regards to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the

flowers of the motherland who pay tribute! Soon to be here today in recognition

of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm


Pioneers, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenges, you

are lucky enough to live in a state of concern about the survival of students,

teachers and students in the pursuit of maximum growth to meet the needs of

schools; so one "give students the best childhood, most give a solid start in

life "as the core concept of school, portrait of creating" education "brand

School; an" education and scientific research as the guide to the experimental

school in English at the core characteristics Yucai School to serve the

community for the meaning of new schools "; so ones own ideas and practice,

practice, together with the parents," Our children, our schools, our joint

efforts, "the slogan of the school co-operation of schools, the school

environment of your grace, your skilled teachers , School of your high-quality

education and teaching has been very successful, you just give your School

School Award is fully endorsed.

Pioneers, the children, you are lucky generation, the generation is

shouldering the burden. There is an old statement: journey of a thousand miles

begins with a single step. Youth are the beginning of a better life, clarity of

vision, bred here, noble sentiments here at initiation, the habits of good form

here, life here at the foundation of the glory and prosperity at the bright

future of our calls. We must strive to improve their own quality of life in the

new starting point, the momentum to become the new century, the need for

construction of the homeland of the wood-Dong Liang. At the same time, teachers

also hope that our附小his utmost to achieve a greater honor.







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I am a child of the suns mother, my name is called the earth. I used to live happy, wake up in the morning, light rain "hua" to give me a bath; People planted many trees and flowers in my body, to get dolled up on me, then, clean running around the sun mother I, let the sun mother look at my new skirt. In the afternoon, the children from school, and I do homework together and play with me together. At night, people also make me very beautiful, they gave me the street lamp, make me golden... The mother said: "the human also is really good, not only your dress is very beautiful, also play with you, you are so blessed, so lucky!"

But now, the human is not as great as the sun mother said. They throw rubbish in my body, I got into a lot of dirty, human "car" still love discharge of tail gas, the rain is full of dirty water, the more I to wash the dirty; People still love the disorderly cut down trees flowers and plants, destruction of street lamp, make clothes and they gave me a bad bad, dirty... The sun mother urged me to say: "you still get rid of those humans!" But the good and I dont have the heart to leave them. Because it make me a bad meal every day, sleep well, so, I got sick, floods, earthquakes often... Some said 2012 could be the end of me. People in the disaster, are aware of this they destroy me, and they began to care about me, love me! I believe in the days that followed, I will become more beautiful, beautiful!





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I have a good friend. His name is Wang weidong. He is my classmate and we often go to school together. He is tall and handsome with a pair of glasses. He is friendly and kind. He is always ready to help others. He is good at English and I am weak in English so he often helps with my English. He likes doing sports, reading and traveling. He can skate and ski very well. He is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met. 我有个朋友,他叫王卫东。他是我的同学,我们两经常一起去上学。他个子高高的很英俊。他戴着眼镜。他很友好善良,总乐于助人。他擅长英语而我英语不好,他总帮我学英语。他喜欢运动、阅读和旅游。他滑冰和滑雪都非常棒。他是我见过的知识最渊博的人之一。




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Before the holiday, my mood is mixed, I always have to meet the mood of the plan is the end of the holiday in a twinkling of an eye, I always looked at it like a flash in the pan with the mood of excitement unbearable holiday.

Holidays, although have piles of homework, but for me, that is the sweetest, most beautiful trap. Time, however, is that I have a miserable life. Originally present a wonderful holiday, is actually the most painful to enjoy! At this moment, I heard a child not far from the noise, is suddenly enlighted, I originally is far from the door to freedom, with the speed of light also cant catch up with. At this time, I like eighteen layers of hell from heaven fell to the bottom, can not help but sigh deeply.

Vacation, I went to the Forbidden City is the most unforgettable, when I was in the museum attracted to exquisite porcelain, I like a cageling general freedom is let out, forget yesterday. The painful memories, like chains, I still cannot forget right now.

See vacation to the end, I would like a horse fierce eat grass back, although I kept in combat and mathematics, but, I still very like to finish this period of painful memories.

In the imperial palace, I saw many, jade and precious cultural relics of Buddha, I also learned the use and practice of bronze ware, enough a lot of knowledge. Knowledge and fully enjoy the trip!








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It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free.

I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live

alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at

home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily composition. It was my

homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was

time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.





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In general, there are two ways of traveling, private cars and public transportation. Chinese people should regard public transportation as their first traveling opinion.


First, there are so many people living in this countries that make it so crowded. If each chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you impatience.


Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from cars. Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house effect.


All in all,Chinesepeople should take public transpotation into consideration first。



Too many cars have caused a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as petrol. Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. Thus, the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly. On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists.



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In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities.Dolphin is one of those great creatures,whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors,Dolphins possess something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures.It is not strength or speed but the size of their brains.Dolphin s brain is almost the same size as that found in the human head.They live for a ling time.

Dolphins babies are born in the water.They can grow up to three and a half meters long.

Dolopins use sound to help them find their way,look for their food and talk with each other.Sound is just like their eyes and mouths.






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Oh behalf of the University Students’ Union, I, the Chairman of the Union , am earnestly calling for yo ur active participation in our environmental protection campai gn. It is the duty of every global villager; man just can not sustain his glorious c i vilization without a rewarding environment, which will be possible only if man makes considerable efforts to protect the environment.

Do you cherish precio us opportunities to volunteer in our joint efforts in environmental protection? Here is a great one not to be missed by any enthusiastic youth; Right next Saturday, our university is to run a publicity campaign to advocate environmental protection across the city. The University Students‘ Union will be in charge of recruitment of volunteers. Let’s join our h ands and take action immediately.

哦代表大学生联盟,联盟的主席,我认真要求字数积极参与我们的环保信缘gn。全球每一个村民的责任;人就不能维持他的光荣c vilization没有有益的环境,这将有可能只有让人相当大的努力来保护环境。

你珍惜precio我们志愿者的机会在我们的共同努力,环境保护?这是一个很好的一个不容错过的青春热情,下星期六,我们的大学是运行一个宣传活动,倡导环境保护整个城市。大学学生会将负责招募志愿者。让我们加入h and并立即采取行动。




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I love my school so much, because of the beautiful environment. The first

day I walk into the school, I am very impressed by the green trees and the

colorful flowers. It seems that I just walk into a park and get lost in the

green world. The trees and flowers make me feel so comfortable, and my heart

feel the peace.



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Hello,every one!(大家好)My name is **** . (我叫****)

Im a 15 years old girl. (我是一个15岁的女孩)(具体情况自己改)

I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)

Im an active ,lovely and clever girl.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的女孩)

In the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学)

Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学)

But I like it.(但我喜欢他)

I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果)

I also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动)

Such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)

If you need help ,please come to me .(如果你需要帮助,就来找我)

I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)



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Cigarettes are endangering human health a gentle "killer", according to media reports, smokers prone to many diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, cardiovascular disease, etc., 1 hour less smoke a pack of cigarettes is equivalent to life.

I saw the pictures of my father in his 20s when she was fat and red. I dont know when my father would smoke a pack of cigarettes every day. Slowly, his teeth blackened, his fingers turned yellow, and he smelled a bad smell. I saw him, and it was too late to hide. My mother and I advised my father to give up smoking a few times, but he said, "now that life is settled, we should learn to enjoy it. Besides, the man who smokes has grace!" Though we were not happy in our hearts, our mother was soft and finally let her alone.

After a while, I noticed that my father began to cough, which was getting louder and louder. First a few words, then a continuous cough. Sometimes his face turned red and his tears ran out. Every night, before he could see him go home, he could hear his shrill cough, which sounded as old as an old man in his 70s and 80s. Dad couldnt survive but he had to go to the doctor. After the doctors diagnosis, he was found to be suffering from bronchitis, and the father had to make up his mind to quit smoking. Sometimes I cant help seeing my father, but Im putting a snack in his mouth, and it works.

Now my father is fat, his appetite is open and his spirit is full. My father also offered to subsidize the money used for smoking. Sometimes he also bought me school supplies, toys, clothes and nutrition for my mother. Now my home is full of laughter.



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