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My father likes fishing。 He always goes fishing with his friends in Autumn。

One day, he took me to fish, too。 In autumn, fish have grown up。 It is the best season to fish。 First, we chose a good place。 Then my father helped me put an earthworm onto the fishhook。 Afterwards, I threw the fishhook into the river。 I waited for a long time。 Suddenly, I saw the float sink。 I was very happy。 I pulled it out of the water but I only saw half of the earthworm。 The fish played a trick on me。 I was very angry。 But my father said to me, “it takes time。 You need to be more patient。” I tried again。 A few minutes later, I caught a big fish and I showed it to my father。 My father praised me, “what a good angler you are!”






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We live in a planet is surrounded by the atmosphere, that is the earth. This is a beautiful planet earth, but has been weakened, emaciated day by day, whats going on, let me tell you:

We now live in a high-tech era, from day to day to day of good, can the environment pollution as the improvement of our life also become more severe. We should pay more attention to low carbon life, the so-called "low carbon" is to reduce carbon dioxide. Because the carbon dioxide can let - that is, the earths protective ozone layer gradually thinning, after can cause new environmental problems, such as excessive ultraviolet ray can make plastic and other polymer materials is more easy to aging and decomposition, the results and photochemical air pollution. To do low carbon life first of all, we want to bike more, driving less, because now he gets richer people, almost every family has a car, the car exhaust emissions caused environmental pollution, serious impact on peoples health. Secondly we have to plant trees, more reason is that trees can desertification land, control soil erosion, windbreak and sand-fixation, increase soil water storage capacity, can greatly improve the ecological environment, reduce the losses of flood disasters. Less air conditioning, because of the use of air conditioning, will reduce the fresh of ozone in the air, especially in the summer, as far as possible less air conditioning, can blow fanner. Finally, we should also with environmental protection shopping bags instead of plastic bags; Replace the incandescent lamp with energy-saving lamps; Permanent chopsticks, lunch boxes, to replace disposable tableware; Using traditional clockwork alarm, replace the electronic alarm clock.

Let low carbon come into our lives and environmental protection into our hearts, we want to make the earth mother to restore the original appearance.






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今天是端午节,大街小巷到处洋溢着过节的气氛,超市里人山人海,商家抓住这一机遇在搞特价卖粽子;大街上到处是提着礼物串门的人们,走到楼道里各家各户的门把手上都插着艾叶,我们家 也不例外,奶奶准备好了江米、粽叶、白糖、蜜枣、花生和绳子准备包粽子。

正当我们正准备开始包粽子的时侯,门铃突然响了起来,我一开门,原来是大姑和大姑夫来了。他们也马上加入到了我们的包粽子队伍中来。十分钟过去了,门铃又响了,我又过去开门,啊,原来是李 霏姐姐和魏涛哥哥来了,奶奶又多了两个帮手,正在包的时候,奶奶的手机又响了,原来是三姑打电话说她们一家三口一会儿就到了,啊,端午节真热闹呀,全家人都到齐了。

我也不甘示弱,开始动手包粽子了,我拿出两片一大一小的粽叶,学着奶奶的样子折出一角,再在折好的角筒上放入一点已浸泡好的糯米,塞上一个蜜枣和花生,又用糯米盖得严严实实的。我得意了, 比想象中还顺利地完成了一大半。当我再把粽叶盖好时,糯米就像孩子似的不听我的使唤,接二连三地跳出来。我急得直跺脚,幸好奶奶替我“解了围”——去掉一些糯米,我才舒了一口气,我们终于 包出了一个个精美的粽子,高兴极了。粽子是包完了,下面我们又要开始包糖糕和菜角了,奶奶准备了面粉、发酵粉、糖、水,开始做糖糕了。首先我们把面粉和发酵粉放进盆里,和了五分钟后,再放 水,接着和五分钟。到那时,面就被和的软软的了。我们再把糖放进里面,不多不少,甜味又好,到第三步了,我们把锅洗了后,把糖糕放进锅里。





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My father made me a little cabin on the tree when I was five years old. I like this cabin so much, it is my little world. I put many toys in it, I decorate this cabin so well. I can do what I want in this little world, sometimes I will ask my friends to come. I have a good time in my little world.




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It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival to eat rice dumplings and the custom of the dragon boat race, is to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan in the history of our country, it is precisely because of this liberation after the Dragon Boat Festival had to be called "the poet festival".


Qu Ping (about 339 BC to about 278 BC) the original word, commonly known as Qu Yuan, and since the cloud a regular character works, Warring States Chu Han, Danyang (now Hubei Zigui) people. The king of Chu Xiong Tongzhi sub Qu Xia offspring. Although Qu Yuan Zhong things chuhuai Wang, but was excluded, Huai Wang died because of the Qing Xiang Wang listen to him and exiled, the Miluo River to die.


Qu Yuan is one of the greatest Romantic poet Chinese famous poet, is Chinas earliest known, the world cultural celebrities. He founded the "songs of Chu" this kind of style, has also created a "beauty" of the traditional. Representative works are "Lisao" "Nine Songs" etc..


In the history of our country, the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuans argument has a history of over 1500 years. According to legend, after Qu Yuan Miluo River, local people heard the news immediately put out a fishing boat, to the Dongting Lake, still do not see the body of Qu Yuan. At that time, coincides with the rainy days, the boat on the lake in the pavilion collection together. When people learned to salvage bowed doctor, out in the rain again, vast Dongting Lake. In their grief, people boating on the river, then gradually developed into the Dragon Boat race. People are afraid of the fish in the river to eat his body, have brought home in ancient group into the river, so as not to fish and spoil the body of Qu Yuan, and later became the custom of eating dumplings.



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In my hometown, people usually put on the Dragon Boat Festival is called "May festival". Every day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the hometown of the most popular is the North Bridge, from the Dragon Boat Festival first night ten points to start the day of the Dragon Boat Festival is one night. The day of the Dragon Boat Festival, we will get up early, and then go north bridge to play, from three in the morning to go out to more than five pm to go home.


My impression of Dragon Boat Festival, in addition to eat or play. Eat Zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival is certain, that a few days, the streets are pushed the car to buy dumplings. Inserted wormwood, old people go and collect or buy a wormwood mugwort, wear gourd hanging on the door, as to why, I dont know. Eat an egg, is essential to a dragon boat festival. We are here to see the dragon boat race, a big regret is the Dragon Boat festival. The Dragon Boat Festival, I most like to buy colorful rope in my hand, several months have not take down.


Different parts of the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is not the same. The Dragon Boat Festival is a sacred holiday, is also a great holiday. All parts of the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan objective.


Most looking forward to the holidays in addition to the Spring Festival is the Dragon Boat festival. I like the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival is more like home.



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I have a party on my eleven birthday, many friends give me the present. There is a doll, a pen, a music box, a notebook, a book and a flower. My faverite present is the flower. The flower is very beautiful. Its colour is red. I like to smell it. I put it in a bottle of water. My mother says it is a rose. I can plant it in the pot. I water the flower everyday. I wish it can be beautiful forever.



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May Day is coming, it is my bad day. Mother again and again, again and again said to me: "you should labor labor, labor day dont rock the boat at home."

And I dont take it seriously, everywhere to beat at home. Mother saw it, and cried: you dont rock the boat here, give me sweep the floor! so I just casually to sweep up, my left and a right swing, in a short time is just like my mom said to me he was finished. Mother saw the dust of the ground, angry criticism way: "do you still like this, nothing. You still washing clothes!" I was puzzled: "why always let me do the housework? Forget it, forget it, is it not washing clothes, washing." The same careless I wash up, clothes are dirty! Wash is about the same. Im beat!

Mother saw the clothes, do a piece of a piece of stains, crestfallen said: "you still cant change the bad habits, forget it, you play go!" "Bad habits? Is there?" I keep thinking, suddenly enlighted, originally the live mother do every day, and a bitter didnt shout, I so long to do once, complained bitterly. Mother is really hard!






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My favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival! During the Dragon Boat Festival can pack seeds and watch dragon boat racing!

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival! My mother and I got up early on seed packet together. The table again see dry river leaves, glutinous rice seeds and package material. We start to package. Material on the river leaves first, and then just wrapped up, and then tied with dry grass seeds, seed was good package! At first I always bad, mother said: "the child is not good for a start, as long as you can to package will pack good." Package while I ask a mother: "mom why the Dragon Boat Festival to package seed?" Mother said: "since ancient times there is a fairy to report to the jade emperor every day things in the world. One day the fairy report the things of the world, the jade emperor dont listen to him, he dropped his position. The gods decided to jump into Huang Heli, people in order to commemorate him do some sticky rice to fish to eat in the Dragon Boat Festival hope dont eat the immortal. Sticky rice is called a seed, so the Dragon Boat Festival to seed packet." In a short time I was wrapped dumplings. Xiao-he composition nets

We finished eating seeds to the pearl river to watch dragon boat racing. The pearl river cross-straits people mountain people sea, very busy. I found a good place to see the dragon boat racing. Only see a dragon boat across river in quickly. I took a fancy to a dragon boat, the in the mind think: "you are quick to swim ah, swim fast!"

Happy Dragon Boat Festival is over.







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My father doesnt talk much. Though he is not funny, he loves me very much.

Last week, he travelled for business and when he came home, he took out a box

and brought me a nice present. I was so happy. He always remembered to bring me

some surprises. It was a special notebook and I could use it to write




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The mention of the Dragon Boat Festival, people will think of eating dumplings, dragon boat racing. However, do you know what is the meaning of "Dragon Boat Festival", the Dragon Boat Festival customs is how come?


"Dragon Boat Festival". "The end" is the "beginning" "beginning", so the lunar calendar in May called "dragon boat festival". To the Tang Dynasty, because of the Tang Dynasty emperor Tang Xuanyu was born on August 5th, in order to avoid the use of "Five", with the echo "afternoon" replace "Five", then, "end of the five" was called the "Dragon Boat Festival".


Why the fifth May this day will become the "Dragon Boat Festival"? The folklore of the several different versions. One of the most popular argument is to commemorate Qu Yuan.


Qu Yuan is a high official from the state of Chu during the Warring States period, Chu did not take his governing principles, but he will be removed from the exile, he saw the decline in exile, the peoples suffering, and to save the people, he had to endure grief and indignation, to 278 BC in the fifth day of May, into the Miluo River. The people of Chu know, has the boat to rescue, but it was too late, the people to worry about the river fish, turtle, eating Qu Yuans body, then wrapped with bamboo rice into the river to feed the fish shell. Since then, the dragon boat, zongzi is our Chinese customs.


I like the Dragon Boat Festival every year, I look forward to the arrival of the Dragon Boat festival.



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As early as a few days ago, the streets were filled with zongzi, and the

fragrance of zongzi wafted everywhere. Today, I can finally eat the delicious

zongzi made by my mother. Because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.


My mother is really amazing. She can make several kinds of zongzi with

different tastes, including red date zongzi, bean zongzi, egg yolk zongzi, and

my favorite meat zongzi. As soon as zongzi is out of the pot, my brother and I

will fight for it from you for fear that we will eat one less.




Just as we were about to put zongzi into our mouths, Dad came over and

smiled and said, "do you know why we eat Zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival?" we all

replied in unison, "in memory of Qu Yuan!" "yes! Then why do you remember him?"

my brother and I looked at me and I looked at you and shook our heads. " In the

spring and Autumn period, Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet, saw his motherland being

invaded and his heart was cut like a knife, but he could not bear to give up his

motherland, so he threw stones into Miluo River on the fifth day of May and

died. Later, on the fifth day of May every year, there was the custom of dragon

boat racing and eating zongzi, in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu

Yuan. "


My brother and I nodded. It turns out that Dragon Boat Festival has such a

meaning. Today, I have not only delicious zongzi, but also a lot of harvest.


篇12:六年级英语作文:Our English teacher

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Our English teacher, Mrs Wang, is about forty years old. She always wears a pair of glasses. She is very strict with us. When we make a mistake, she often makes us stand up. But we hear that her home is far from our school. Every morning she has to walk to school for forty minutes. And she is never late. Then we come to see that Mrs Wang loves us dearly. She teaches us so carefully. In fact, she is a good teacher.



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I will have a seven-day holiday next week. In these days, I have many things to do. First, I must finish the exercises left by teachers, Chinese, math and English. It may take me two days to finish. I plan finish them in the first and second day. And then, I will go to see my grandparents with mom and dad. I miss them very much. So do they. I will stay there for three days. The last two days, I want to have a good rest or play with my friends. It’s my own time, so that I want to spend it with my friends. This is my plan for the holiday. What about yours?




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Wake up in the morning, it was time for exercise, a lot of weight this summer vacation, belly also more than a swimming laps, should be reduced. So my parents asked me to exercise every morning. In order to improve the enthusiasm of my mom and dad also accompany me to go together. "Oh hello -" I reluctantly a yawn.

We run to the south culture square.

Do sit-ups. Get everything ready, his hands, take a deep breath. "Oh well, work hard, ah, ah hey..." Myself cheer yourself up, first physical ok, easily get ten, there are twenty, I lubrication on the lips with her tongue. The momentum, "ah -" I use all my strength "eleven, twelve... two three ~ ~ ~ ~ nine, ten." I havent even count strength of the final. Well done task today. Hey, go to do push-ups.

My father and I climbed onto the grass beside, the two of us put his hands on the grass. Just now the sit-ups do all my strength is gone. The skylight, finally finished twenty, too tired to my breath.

Half an hour later, Im too tired to full head big sweat, and was out of breath ran home.

It seems my strength is not enough. Later have to exercise a lot.









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Dragon Boat Festival is one the very classic traditional festivals, which

has been celebrated since the old China. Firstly, it is to in honor of the great

poet Qu Yuan, who jumped into the water and ended his life for loving the

country. Nowadays, different places have different ways to celebrate.

In my hometown, there will be a traditional competition, that is the dragon

boat race. People make up the team and fight for the honor. Every boat looks

like the dragon and it is the most obvious feature. A lot of people will come to

visit or watch the match. Then the game begins. The audience will cheer for the

teams and the competitors try their best to make the boat go fast. It is very


Besides the competition, eating the traditional food zongzi is favored by

everyone. For me, it is very delicious. My grandma makes the best zongzi. She

has the special recipe and it fits my stomach. So every time I go back hometown,

my grandma will make it for me.

In other places, drinking the special wine and hanging the leaf are also

the tradition. The preserve of the traditional festival makes our culture




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Hello, every one! My name is Andy. My hometown is Guiyang. It is a colorful and pleasant city. In spring, the weather is warm and cool.

In summer, the weather is hot. So many people hold up an umbrella. These umbrellas look like so many flowers. The city looks like a garden.

In autumn, the weather is dry. I like autumn very much. Because I like moon cake so much. I always flow my saliva, when I think of moon cake.

In winter, it is cold, I can make a show man.

Guiyang is a beautiful city. The air temperature often is 25ºC. It is a trip famous scenic spot. Welcome you to Guiyang.









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Unit 1 How do you go to school?

主要词组:by plane 坐飞机 by ship 坐轮船 on foot步行 by bike 骑自行车

by bus 坐公共汽车 by train 坐火车 traffic lights交通灯 traffic rules交通规则

Stop at a red light 红灯停 Wait at a yellow light 黄灯等 Go at a green light 绿灯行


How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?

Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bus.


How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?我怎么到达中山公园?

You can go by the No. 15 bus.你可以坐15路公共汽车去。


1、There are many ways to go somewhere.到一个地方去有许多方法。

这里的ways一定要用复数。因为there are是there be句型的复数形式。

2、get to到达.关于本单元我们还要学习与get相关的短语:

get on 上车? get off下车

3、on foot 步行? 乘坐其他交通工具大都可以用介词by…, 但是步行只能用介词on 。on foot 相当于walk,只是walk是动词。 by subway 和by train,注意区别。by subway: 地铁,是有墙壁的。by train: 火车,露天的。

4、go to school的前面绝对不能加the,这里是固定搭配。但是go home回家,home前不加to。

5、USA 和 US 都是美国的意思。另外America也是美国的意思。

6? go to the park前面一定要加the.如果要去的地方有具体的名字,就不能再加the , 如果要去的地方没有具体名字,一定要在前面加the。但 go to school除外。

7、How do you go to …?你怎样到达某个地方?如果要问的是第三人称单数,则要用:How does he/she…go to …?


get on(上车)---get off(下车)??? near(近的)-far(远的)??? fast(快的)-slow(慢的)??? because(因为)-why(为什么)? same(相同的)-different(不同的)


see you---goodbye????? sure---certainly---of course?


always 总是,一直??? usually 通常?? often经常?? sometimes 有时候??? never 从来不

11、The traffic lights are the same in every country. There are always three lights: red, yellow and green. 每个国家的交通灯是一样。总是有三种:红,黄,绿。12、China/ US中国和美国: the right side of the road?? 右边??? England/Australia英国和澳大利亚: the left side of the road 左边

Unit 2 Where is the science museum?

主要单词:library 图书馆?? post office 邮局??? hospital医院??? cinema 电影院??? bookstore书店??? science museum科学博物馆??? turn left向左转??? turn right 向右转??? go straight? 直行??? north北??? south南?? east东??? west西


Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪里?Its next to the hospital. 它与医院相邻。

Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left.



1、问路时要用"excuse me对不起,打扰一下"2、描述路时可以用顺序词: first首先, next接着, then然后3、near 表示在附近,next to 表示与…相邻。它的范围比near小。?? in front of 在。。。前面?? behind 在。。。后面4、在左边,在右边介词要用on, on the left/on the right,但是东西南北,介词要用in, in the north/east/south/west.

5、for 表示持续多长时间,当表示做某事多长时间都要用for.? 如:Walk east for 5 minutes.?? Then walk straight for three minutes.6、乘几路车可以用by the No.301 bus, 注意No.中N要大写,后面要加点。如果要用动词可以用take,例如take the No.301 bus.

7、当表示某个地方在另一个地方的哪一方向时,要用介词of。如:the hospital is east of the cinema. 医院在电影院的东边。8、表示在哪儿转时,用介词at。 如:Turn left at the bank。在银行左转。

9、find表示"找到",强调找的结果。Look for 表示"寻找",强调找的过程。10、在几点前面要用介词at,如at 7p.m.





12、近义词:bookstore==bookshop 书店??? go straight==go down直行after school==after class 放学后


here (这里)---there(那里) east(东)---west(西)??? north(北)---south(南)

left(左)---right(右)??? get on (上车)---get off(下车)

14、in the front of…表示在…的前面,是指在该地方的范围内,in front of而则表示在该地方的范围外。如:in front of our classroom是指在教室的外面而且在教室的前面。而in the front of classroom则是指在教室里的前面。

15、 be far from…表示离某地远. be 可以是am , is ,are。介词要用from。如:I am far from school now. 我现在离学校很远。

My home is not far from school.我家离学校不远。

Unit 3 What are you going to do ?


this morning 今天上午??? this afternoon 今天下午this evening?? 今天晚上?? next week 下周?? tomorrow 明天?? tonight 今晚post card 明信片??comic book漫画书? newspaper报纸


What are you going to do on the weekend?你周末打算做什么?

Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend?这个周末我打算去看望我的外祖父母。

Where are you going this afternoon? 你今天下午打算去哪里?

Im going to the bookstore.我打算去书店。

What are you going to buy?你打算去买什么?

Im going to buy a comic book。我打算去买一本漫画书。


1、What are you going to do?你想做什么?询问他人在未来的打算。be going to 后面要跟动词的原形。注意be going to be 意思是 "打算成为什么,干什么职业。"注意一下句子的区别,找出正确回答。What are you going to do this afternoon?What are you going to buy?What are you going to be?When? are you going?Where are you going?How are you going?Who are you going with?

2、this evening 和 tonight的 区别:this evening指的是今天晚上睡觉以前的时间,一般指晚上十二点以前。而tonight指的是今晚,一般是指一整晚的时间,通宵。3、P30写周末的作文的模板


(1)What 什么。用来问是什么,做什么,叫什么,什么样等等。如:What is your name? 你的名字叫什么?

?What is your father? 你爸爸是干什么的?

What is your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

What is your favourite food?你最喜爱的食物是什么?

Whats your math teacher like? 你的数学老师长得什么样子?

(2)Where , 在哪里,到哪里。用来问地点。

如:Where are you from?你从哪里来?

Where are you going to ?你打算去哪里?

Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪里?


When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

When are you going to ?你打算什么时候去?

When do you go to school?你什么时候去上学?

(4)what time 几点了。用来问具体的时间,

如:What time is it? 现在几点了?

(5)What colour什么颜色。用来问物体的颜色。如:

What colour is your schoolbag?你的书包是什么颜色的?

(6)What kind of 什么种类。用来问类别。如

What kind of fruit do you like?你最喜欢哪一种水果?


Who is your English teacher ?你的英语老师是谁?

Whos that man? 那个男人是谁?

(8) whose谁的。用来问物体的主人是谁?如:

Whose pencil is this? 这是谁的铅笔?

Whose bike is blue? 谁的自行车是蓝色的?

(9) which哪一个。用来问具体的哪一个。如:

Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?

Which pencil is kens? the long one or the short one?



How are you?你好吗?

How is your mother? 你妈妈好吗?

How about you? 你呢?

(11)how many多少个。用来问有多少个,后面要跟名词的复数形式。如:

How many books do you have?你有多少本书?

How many kites can you see? 你能看见多少只风筝?

(12) how much 多少钱。用来问物体的价钱。如:

How much are they? 他们多少钱?

How much is your schoolbag? 你的书包多少钱?

(13)how old 几岁了。用来问年龄。如

How old are you ? 你几岁了?

How old is your father? 你爸爸多大了?

(14)why为什么。用来问原因,一般要用because来回答。如:why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?

Because I can fly kites.国为我可以放风筝。

(15) how long 多长

(16)how tall 多高

5、I want to be…我想成为… 表示理想。相当于Im going to be ….

6、地点名称:fruit stand 水果店? clothes shop服装店? shoe store鞋店? pet shop宠物店? theme park主题公园? the Great Wall长城? plant shop 植物店restaurant 饭店 bus stop 公交车站

7、在哪个门用介词at, at the north/east/south/west gate.8、现在进行时与一般将来时的区别:

Unit 4 I have pen pal



(1)一般情况下,在动词的后面直接加ing。如:play-playing read-reading do-doing go-going

(2)以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,要去掉不发音的字母e,再加ing。如:write-writing ride-riding make-making dance-dancing

(3)以单元音加单辅音结尾的重读闭音节,要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing。如:run-running???? swim-swimming??? put-putting sit-sitting2、记住like后面要加动词ing,说爱好有三种说法:①I like swimming.②Swimming is my hobby.③My hobby is swimming.注意:She likes drawing pictures, listening to music and making kites.这几个爱好是并列的,都是在like后面,所以都要加ing.







read--reads make-makes write-writes

②以字母s, x, o , sh , ch结尾的动词,在词尾加es。如:do-does wash-washe teach-teaches go-goes pass-passes

③以y结尾的动词分为两个情况,以元音字母加y结尾的动词,在词尾直接加s。如:play-plays buy--buys


④以f , fe结尾的名词,先把f,fe变为v,再加-es.



(5)第三人称单数的肯定句在变为否定句时,在动词的前面加doesnt. 动词恢复原形。如:He lives in Beijing.---He doesnt live in Beijing.

(6) 第三人称单数的陈述句在变为一般疑问句时,用does开头,后面的动词也要变为原形。如:He lives in Beijing.---Does he live in Beijing?注意:用来does,后面的动词就不能用第三人称形式。

3、注意几个单词的变化:hobby(复数形式)-hobbies have to(同义词)-mus same(反义词)---different look the same 看起来一样


5、city 城市 county 国家或者乡村 province 省

Unit 5 What does she do?


teach-teacher clean-cleaner sing-singer dance-dancer

drive-driver write-writer TV report-TV reporter

act-actor act-actress art-artist engine-engineerplay basketball/football/baseball-basketball/football/baseball player

2、提问职业有两种方式: What is your father? 或者What does your father do?

3、a/an的区别,跟元音发音有关。例如:a singer/writer/TV reorteran actor/actress/artist/engineer/accountant

4、What are you going to be ?问的是长大想干什么,注意用"be". Im going to be a …记住p61和63有关职业信息的内容

5、记住几个地点: shoe /car/air-conditioner company? 鞋/汽车/空调公司





以上三个基本步骤可以用三个字来概括,即:定,问,提。例如:This is a book.

①This is what. ②Is this what ③What is this ?



(1). 如果句子的划线部分是主语,只找出相应的特殊疑问词,用来代替划线部分即可。如:

1)He teaches us English. Who teaches us English?

2)My mothers clothes are over there. Whose clothes are over there?

(2). 如果句子的划线部分是谓语(包括谓语动词),不论原来的谓语动词是何种形式(时态、语态),都要将谓语动词变为do的相应的形式:不论原来的谓语动词后面跟的是人、物还是地点,一律用What来代替。如:

1)They are playing football.

①They are doing what. ②Are they doing what? ③What are they doing?

2)They wolf is going to kill that man.

①They wolf is going to do what. ②Is the wolf going to do what?

③What is the wolf going to do?

(3). 如果句子的划线部分是定语,并且在谓语部分,这时,需将特殊疑问词和紧跟其后的名词一起提到句首。如:

1)That is his pen.

①That is whose pen. ②Is that whose pen ③Whose pen is that?

对定语划线部分提问题,如果划线部分是所属关系,特殊疑问词用whose;如果划线部分指具体的"某一个"时特殊疑问词用which;如果划线部分指内容或职业时,特殊疑问词用what;如果划线部分指数量时,特殊疑问词用how many(可数)或how much(不可数)。如:

1) They are the legs of the desk.

①They are whose legs. ②Are they whose legs? ③Whose legs are they?

2)I like red one.

①You like which one. ②Do you like which one? ③Which one do you like?

3)They have five English books.

They have how many English books.

Do they have how many English books?

How many English books do they have?文化知识点:职业男女的称呼区别? actor-actress? salesman-saleswoman? salesperson 男女售货员都可以?? mailman-mailperson

Unit 6 The story of rain



rain-rainy cloud -cloudy wind-windy sun- sunny snow- snowy

2、We can see water in the sea/river/lake/stream/rain/snow

3、注意表示顺序的词:first 首先, then然后,next接下去


5、注意几对来自:wheat----flour---bread sheep--- mutton apple----apple juice pig---pork cow----milk

6、注意植物的生长顺序,有可能考到排列顺序题P736、should 是情态动词,后面加动词的原形。文化知识点:水在不同的温度下有三种状态 ice water vapour



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Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country. As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination.

Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuans body, but experts, after painstaking and meticulous research, conclude that dragon boat racing is a semi-religious, semi-entertaining program from the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). In the following thousands of years, the game spread to Japan, Vietnam and Britain as well as Chinas Taiwan and Hong Kong. Now dragon boat racing has developed into an aquatic sports item which features both Chinese tradition and modern sporting spirit. In 1980, it was listed into the state sports competition programs and has since been held every year. The award is called "Qu Yuan Cup."



