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融入时代新意识 白居易在《与元久书》中强调“文章合为时而著”,他的意思是,文章应该写时代的人,叙时代的事,论时代的理, 描绘时代的风貌,传播时代的信息。只有这样,才能把那些闪耀着时代光辉的新思想、新观点、新表现、新要求和新趋向等捕捉入篇,融于意象之中,使文章立意与时代脉搏合拍跳动。

这种创新意识首先表现在文章的命题。在作文教学中,我们教师常常用一些传统题目去指导学生写作,如古代笑话《滥竽充数》:“齐宣王使人吹竽,必三百人。南郭处士请为王吹竽,宣王说之,廪食以数百人。宣王死,泯王立,好一一 听之,处士逃。”以此作为写作材料,往往以《〈滥竽充数〉读后感》、《我读〈滥竽充数〉》等等作为作文题目,姑且不说这类题目大而空,削弱学生的写作兴趣,淡化学生的写作激情,束缚学生写作的思维活动,就是以时代感来衡量这类题目,也会发现其中的不足,没有今天的生活气息,没有鲜活的时代意识。如果换成下面的一些题目:《南郭处士下岗以后》(记叙文题)、《吹竽也要竞争》、《选用人才、重在考核》、《从“滥竽充数”谈用人制度》、《优胜劣汰话“吹竽”》(议论文题)等等。这些文题和现实生活联系紧密,能够与学生的生活、见闻、思想合拍,产生共鸣,激起学生的写作欲望,一旦行文,作文必然有一定的分量。可见,一篇好作文如果再有一个新颖的好题目,那么,不但能够抓住读者的注意力,使之一读为快,而且读后给人一种珠联璧合、天衣无缝的艺术效果。 教师拟出有创新意识的题目,首先内容要新。如反映中学生零花钱问题的议论文不少,像《小议“零花钱”》、《给孩子零花钱是爱还是害》,俯拾即是,毫无新鲜感。但像《十五岁,没有零花钱》就不同凡响,“十五岁”,表示中学生特定的年龄,“没有零花钱”,又构成一个特异的思考环境,给人耳目一新之感。

其次,巧换传统题目。教师布置的作文题目中,有许多传统题目,如果不违背作文的要求,应该鼓励学生换用新颖有趣的题目,既避免千人一面,又能培养学生的创造能力。同时,教师也应该力求避免用传统题目禁锢学生的思维活动。下面破折号前面的是传统题目,后面的是改换的题目: 《我的妈妈》——《妈妈进了“扫盲班”》(写妈妈更新知识、学习电脑的故事。题目具体而新颖,学生爱写、好写。)


《难忘的中学生活》——《花季·雨季》(写中学生活喜怒哀乐的故事。题目具有比喻性,中学生正处在花季般的年龄,以此为题,倍感亲切。) 《我家的变化》——《9—19—29》(写改革开放中,“我”家的变化。“9—19—29”是彩色电视机的尺寸,从数字由小变大可以看出家庭生活的变化。用数字做题目,新颖有趣。)


《“滥竽充数”读后感》 —— 《破大锅饭势在必行》 、 《必须改革用人制度》 、 《人贵有自知之》(“感点”不同,论述的内容各异。新题紧扣社会热点,不陈旧,有新意。)



再次,增添“流行色彩”。针对中学生思想活跃,喜欢模仿,追求时尚的特点,教师命题 要力求充满时代气息,具有鲜活思想。《我们是我们自己的纤夫》、《撑起一片阳光》、《玩物未必丧志》、《谢谢您给我的爱》等等,无不贴近学生的生活,形象地表现了当代中学生自强自立的意识、活泼灵动的思想,中学生一看到这类题目,就会产生一种亲切之感,一种写作冲动,可见,充满流行色彩的题目很受中学生的青睐。




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I love to see the TV show about choosing the people in singing, many years ago, when I was in high school, I would open the TV and saw the live show, many young girls were singing to fulfill their dreams, I liked to see their trying. Today, there are more and more music live show, the singers can sing so well, but the standard has been improved, to the singers, they need to recompose the song and sing in a different way, so that people will catch attention and the singers will stand out. The creativities are very important for the singers, it makes them be popular all the time and people will remember them.




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There is no creativity without imagination. With the development of the society, creativity becomes more and more important. People could not satisfy with ordinary life. So we need creativity to meet their requirements. We can see significance of the creativity from an example. The smart phone—iphone spread all over the world. That was the creativity of The Apple Inc. It is obvious that it will produce a bigger profit than common manufacturing. But, hao can we acquire creativity?


I think the creativity roots in imagination. Albert Einstein said that imagination is important than knowledge. Because we should creative a thing that is never appeared, we need to image. Use all the things and information around us to think and then go to achieve it. Without the imagination of the Wright brothers , human could not complete the flying dreams. Without the imagination of the Alexander Graham Bell, we could not hear the voice from a distance. If the creativity can make the human progress, imagination will be the road to success. Where the imagination come from? Knowledge ? Experience ? practice? I consider that all of them are indispensable. It is often said that knowledge is power. So we should empower ourselves with knowledge. After that we need to obtain experience form. practice. These are the basis, and we must strengthen them to extend our imagination.

我认为创造力扎根于想象力。爱因斯坦曾经说过,想象力远远比知识更重要。因为我们要创造一个事物,以前从没有出现过的,因此我们需要想象。利用我们周围所有的事物以及信息去想象,然后去完成它。 没有莱特兄弟的想象力,人类就不能实现飞天的梦想;没有贝尔的想象力,我们就不能听到来自远方的声音。如果说创造力可以使人进步,那么想象力就是通向成功的道路。想象力来自哪里?知识?经验?还是实践?我觉得所有这些都是必不可少的。俗语有云:知识就是力量。所以我们首先应该用知识武装自己,然后我们需要从实践中获得经验。这些都是基础,我们必须用它们来扩展我们的思维。

As contemporary college students, we must shoulder the responsibility of the future of our motherland. What we need is not only the knowledge of the past, but also is the innovation of a new field. Our thought can not be bound by the old things. We should understand that an excellent nation is always full of creativity. So we must promote our imagination. There is no creativity without imagination.




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I love to see the TV show about choosing the people in singing, many years ago, when I was in high school, I would open the TV and saw the live show, many young girls were singing to fulfill their dreams, I liked to see their trying. Today, there are more and more music live show, the singers can sing so well, but the standard has been improved, to the singers, they need to recompose the song and sing in a different way, so that people will catch attention and the singers will stand out. The creativities are very important for the singers, it makes them be popular all the time and people will remember them.


我喜欢看关于人们歌曲选秀的电视节目,很多年以前,当我还在高中的时候,我会打开电视,看现场直播,很多年轻的女孩为了实现梦想而歌唱,我喜欢看他们的尝试。今天,越来越多现场直播的节目,歌手唱得很好,但是标准已经提高了,对于歌手来说,他们需要重新编写歌曲,唱得不一样,这样人们才会吸引人们的注意, 歌手才会出众。创新对于歌手来说是很重要的,这会让他们一直受到欢迎,人们也会记得他们。



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【摘 要】探讨在作文教学培养学生的创新意识,提出利用创新性思维去营造和谐民主的写作课堂,通过加强想象力和联想力的培养、作文思维的深刻性训练、发散思维的训练,培养学生写作思维的个性化。












(一) 加强想象力和联想力的培养。想象力和联想力是创新作文的源泉之一,只有丰富的联想力和想象力才能诱发学生写作思维中的创新意识。而联想和想象也好比是作文的一对翅膀,学生只有架上这对翅膀,打开记忆的仓库,运用丰富的想象和联想,对记忆中的材料进行再加工,构成新的形象并通过文字表现出来,这样写出的文章才会生机盎然,光彩夺目。因此,在作文训练中,培养学生的想象力和联想力就成为发展学生作文个性的一个显著标志。









(三) 加强发散性思维的训练。在平时的作文训练中,我们要帮助学生构建开放、发散、鲜活的思维形态。对某个事物、某件事情、某种现象,让他们学会顺着思考、反着思考、两面思考、多角度思考等,促使学生的思维向多层次、多方位发散,从而产生写作灵感。如“早晨公共汽车晚点了”,面对这么一道作文题,在写作、审题立意时,全班一半以上的学生想到的都是:公共汽车晚点后,候车的人焦急无奈的状态,从而反映了公共汽车公司管理的不善。这样的思路并不离题,但它既缺少新意,也缺少深意。此时,笔者提示他们“如果不写候车人们的焦急,那么你们还可以写些什么呢?”经过积极思考,学生写出了许多新的题材,以下是其中三例:








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Recently, there is an exciting news that Alibaba Group has appeared on the market in the NYSE. It changes the traditional business model and provides a bran-new competitive industry, E-business. As we all know, it must be ascribed to the creative force of Jack Ma,chairman of Alibaba. So,we realize that creative spirit plays a vital role in our modern life.

As the old saying goes, innovation is the soul of the nation. With the rapid economy development in the whole world, human beings greatly reckon on creativity in variety of aspects and it is extremely nesessary in our life. First of all, creativity depends the progress and prosperity of a country. For example, our country has achieved anything since we followed the policy of reform and opening. What obvious feature is, the income of people is increasing and the living standard is greatly improved. All changes which have been taken place benefit from creative of our country. Secondly, it has huge effects in technology. If human want to be strong,we can overcome difficulties, such as serious disease, environment pollution, food shortage and so on, therefore we need to use creative spirit to process technology innovation drastically. In addition, everyone also have consciousness of innovation. Everybody have the duty to do some thing to promote the advancement of our society, whatis more, we can obtain joyfully from creative work.

To sum up, human need creativity. It is closely related with our life, and I believe creative spirits are indispensable parts in our lives, and will be more and more importment in the future.



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Innovation is a means of rich life. No innovation, I think, the worlds first electric lamp is not born, we have in the kerosene lamp under the dim light, life for a lifetime; The first plane hasnt appeared, people should pass a few months or even decades of kung fu great hardships, travel long distances to get to the destination; No innovation, society would not be so modern, would not be so closely contact between people. Innovation is important for us! The great playwright Shakespeare once said: "beauty is life, beauty is innovation." This wisdom tells us that should use industrious hands, to create, to decorate our life. The old man is knowledge creation, today we create and where to abandon, abandon the innovation? Innovation is the important guarantee of life towards a better future, is the source of social development.

Innovation is the national rejuvenation, the country rich and strong power. In science and technology changes with each passing day today, every country in the world are scrambling to innovation. No innovation will be out of style, innovation will lag. The reality of our country requires that we want to survive, in order to make our country can stand among the peoples of the world, is to accelerate the pace of innovation to make innovation in the society each industry, each corner. The reform of education innovation, to innovation, scientific and technological innovation. We should be bold practice, have the courage to explore, overcome all kinds of difficulties and setbacks, the front road to innovation that direction.

Our lives need to innovate, our society needs to innovation, our country and nation need innovation. No innovation, no colorful material world. We want to in the innovation strives for the survival, and development. As the scholar will give different reasoned the problem answer, the answer is rich and colorful, if only one answer, then we will see if we are rigid from subjective aspect, is trapped in the box. Therefore, the innovation should also break old ideas, old ways of doing things, only in this way, we can move on the road a solid pace, toward the new century.






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Recently, a large number of affairs about sexual assault were disclosed and reported by mass media. As far as I am concerned, people should get some enlightenment from these affairs, such as enhancing and strengthening education inSelf-protection awareness, especially for children and students.


Children and students are hurt most in this kind of affairs. As a result, to enhance and strengthen their self-protection awareness is indispensable. In addition, to strengthen the awareness of defending danger is also important. If they can realize the potential danger from someone or something before it happens, they can make some preparations to avoid the danger and reduce the rate of being hurt.


Therefore, I advocate that parents should help their children develop self-protection awareness from birth, such as designing some situation for them to cope with. In addition, parents should teach their children to recognize the danger and how to avoid and reduce the danger from outside. Besides, children also need to develop an excellent ability of observation.


In a word, to protect children needs both the effort of parents and children themselves.




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In the past,people tend to keep on the rail. No matter who doesn’t follow the rules, hewould be criticized by the public opinion. Nowadays, with the rapid developmentof our society, more and more people recognize the importance of creation. The developmentof our country, our society even ourselves need creation.


First of all,creation is the most important factor to improve the ability of our country. Somepeople think that the essence of the human civilization is the result ofcreation. It is certain that in order to stand a good place in theinternational circle, our country has to train the creative people, so thatthey can make great breakthrough for our mother. However, if our people lack ofcreation, we couldn’t realize our dream to become a great country in the world.In addition, if people in the society are of innovation, it is easy to deliverthe talents to our country to win a better future. And with creative people,the society can get a lot of benefit. For ourselves, creation also veryimportant. The obvious point is to improve people’s confidence. When people makesome small breaktrough, the y will get praise from others, which will make themfeel themseves smart and then become confidence.


All in all, as allof us know that how much importance creation for us. We have to learn as muchas possible knowledge to prepare ourselves to be creative people. In otherwords, we have to study well to serve our county.




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Here are two pictures, both interesting but with sharply contrasted implication. As is vividly depicted in the first photo, a man is fishing with a traditional fishing rod. On the contrary, the second picture describes that the other boy is fishing with an improved fishing rod, which completes the contrast of the two pictures. Apparently, what the two drawings have subtly conveyed by their striking contrast is supposed to be given further analysis.

A conclusion could be drawn from the picture: innovation plays a vital role in our life. And my words are based upon the following two reasons. On the top of the list is that the modern society calls for innovation, which is the incentive of social improvement. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that human are curious about new things, and that is the inner motivation of human.

According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to encourage innovation. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in the work and it could make the general public realize the significance of innovation.




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What we cannot afford to lose

We cannot lose innovation

There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” that we cannot afford to lose.

We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for its intended purpose.

If there was no Apple, everyone could not imagine how to contact others easily and enjoy a better Internet surfing.

If there was no Microsoft, perhaps we still worked in a dim office and duplicate some troublesome documents. If there was no Newton, and no theory of gravity, maybe I will win the Nobel Prize like Newton rather than just standing here. I have heard that three apple changed the world. The first one seduced Eve. The second one awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs. We sort of think the innovation of the world began with apple. I imagine lots of people want to become another Newton or Jobs right now with just one hand to change the world, right? Have the innovation to follow your heart. It somehow already reflects what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Via questioning, we can start to innovate. Via innovating, we can start to create better lives. No innovation, no improvement. No improvement, no success. And no success, no civilization. Now, our time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life! Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice! Dont let yourself down! It is the innovation that we cannot afford to lose!










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In the life, to be successful, innovation is indispensable, but lack the inheritance, innovation will become like, non-existent. So, they cant succeed. Only can develop their own characteristics, innovative and also good at inheriting predecessors tradition, will be more successful.

Inheritance and innovation is the rain and water relationship, not only inherited like fish without water, again good innovation will also become the castles in the air, there wont be lasting vitality; But only the water without fish seems more show only inheriting no innovation of desolation, lifeless. Only fish and water reunification together, will become angry. As innovation and inheriting perfectly together, will bear fruits of success as well.

Innovation is important, but the inheritance is equally important. If you want to succeed, inheritance and innovation is indispensable. "Ask canal that clearly madly, origin." No inheritance is like, and did not have innovation is a pool, only in the inheritance based on innovation, will really " Without impurities ".



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As the saying goes: "found to be the seeds of innovation, innovation is the soul of a nation." Although I am a pupil, I am good at innovation.

English books have a word "April", I always keep the five letters make a mistake. For that I am back again and again, but my head like so dont remember the words. Whenever I write words or be the subject of this word, I never right. Day I began to back the word in the evening, I read a few times, a whim to make up a story to remember the words. I think April is spring, come up this story: a child a small bud in the spring with a shovel p r, little bud r grow seedlings, I grow seedlings l again, during the April. After this short and interesting story I have found that the words I have to. From the moment I never worry about the word back, both write and do, as long as the mind of the funny story, I which also can be wrong! After this, the story memory method, let I no longer worry about what the words wont be back. Actually found found no other people, others did not pass way, others did not say...... then success is not far from you! Innovation in the country is endless, as long as you are willing to innovation, many of the things which fills the world is waiting for you. Believe in yourself to innovation, the miracle will come, success will be by your side.

With innovation has always been a human one of the best, is different from other biological traits. As an innovation thoughts with me! Let everything from now on no longer ordinary!






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I am a third year master major in automation at ×× University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.

Research experience and academic activityWhen a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.

Thank you!




1995,我进入了××大学的科学与技术专业,这是被广泛认为是中国最好的工程学校。在接下来的本科学习期间,我的学术记录在整个专业中一直很杰出。我每学期都被授予头等奖,1999,我有幸进入研究生课程的入学考试。在我的研究生学习期间,我的总平均成绩(3.77 / 4),在所有的学会说呢过中排名前5。在第二个学期,我成为了老师的助手,这个在我们学校只给有才华和成熟的学生。这一年,我获得了宏碁奖学金,作为唯一的候选人,这是杰出学生赋予我的大学的最高荣誉。目前,我正在准备我的毕业论文,并试图获取优秀的毕业论文的荣誉。





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According to legend, China famous ancient military strategist Sun Bin teacher Guiguzi in teaching extremely good at cultivating students innovative thinking.The methods have a unique style, one day, Sun Bin and Pang Juan each to Guiguzi axe, let them cut firewood in the mountains, "Chai smoke-free, Bai Dan surplus, and the deadline is completed within 10 days.Pangjuan without thinking, every day more than wood.Sun Bin after careful consideration, choose some elm into a big belly of the cellar hole, charcoal, and then with a cypress made of elm pole, burning charcoal will bear back to 100 (Gui Dong, Bai Dan (ELM)) more than.10 days later, in the cave Guiguzi first lit pangjuan charcoal, the fire was flourishing, but the smoke.Then lit the charcoal Guiguzi bin, fire and smoke.This is the desired guiguzi.

Sun Bin and Pang Juanxuecheng apprenticeship, Sun Bin could reach the acme of perfection, informality in the common sense, but it was just a little bit worse pangjuan.This story can tell us the importance of innovation, our life needs innovation, it is the driving force of our progress, is the soul of our development.If we want to become a useful person, we should not only strive to learn the knowledge of our predecessors, but also be good at creating and innovating.

Innovation is the means of enriching life.Without innovation, I think, the first electric lamp was born, we even in the dim light under the kerosene lamp life; the first aircraft has not yet appeared, people even after months, years of work hard, travel to reach the destination; there is no innovation, society not so modernized. The relationship between people is not so tight.How important innovation is to us! Great playwright Shakespeare once said, "beauty is life, beauty is innovation."."This tells us the true saying, should use their own hands to create and decorate our life.Innovation is an important symbol of life for a better future, and is the source of social development.

Innovation is a kind of spiritual realm of human beings, it is not too high to be reached, we should not only inherit the achievements, but also learn the civilization achievements of others, and then continue to use their brains, broaden their horizons, there will be a new way of thinking, it can promote the development of the society, make our life more rich and colorful.Innovation keeps changing our lives, keeping us away from the rut, the tedium, the stagnant boredom, and making life more interesting, interesting and enjoyable.Therefore, an innovative life is more interesting.



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Modern American famous entrepreneurs iacocca said: "without innovation, death." Is ah, this sentence is absolute. Innovation to the development of a person indeed played a very big effect, only learn to innovate, to learn from various angles, to make themselves permanently in the invincible position, to make it and get play on their original level, thus more effectively to change yourself. Rut is one of our well known idioms, which contains the truth is told us to learn to innovate. Once upon a time there were two men, a love to imitate celebrity calligraphy, and the other one is required to follow their own style to practice, another ultimately become a famous calligrapher, but the rut is still unknown. Thus, dares to innovate, to do something.

And what was said Mr Qi baishi is the portrayal of the story: "like I am dead, I dead." Go out of our predecessors framework, will not have their own heaven and earth. There is a story about a businessman and with partners go to gold, because gold prospectors, where resources are less, he learned to innovative ideas, to sell water, adapt to the needs of the market, and made a lot of money. These two examples all tell us the importance of innovation. Now the social everyone on the premise of innovation and to development, improvement, and change. How about, a person that has special mind, has innovation consciousness and the spirit of perseverance, he will be how the end of what? Of course is a perfect ending!

So, let us act, the academic society innovation, advocating innovation, to constantly improve themselves, while we its spring time, trying to do, is a person get give full play to the original level, make oneself permanently in the invincible position, let oneself have a perfect ending, for their own life added a brilliant color! Friend, remember: innovation of self-improvement. Try to do it!

现代美国著名企业家艾柯卡说过:“不创新,就死亡。”是呀,这句话非常有绝对性。创新对一个人的发展的确起了很大的效果,只有学会创新,学会从多个角度,才能使自己永久地处于不败之地,使之并在自己原有水准上得到发挥,从而更高效地改变自我 。 墨守成规是我们众所皆知的一个成语,其中包含的道理就是告诉我们要学会创新。从前有俩个人,一个酷爱模仿名人书法,而另一个人则要求遵循自己的风格去练习,最终另一个成为一名著名的书法家,而那个墨守成规的人仍默默无闻。由此可见,敢于创新,才能有所作为。

而齐白石先生所说过的话正是这个故事的写照:“似我者死,学我者死。”走不出前人的框架,自己就不会有自己的天地。 还有一个故事讲述的是一个商人与同伙伴各自去淘金,由于淘金者数不胜数,哪儿资源又少,他学会创新思路,从而改卖水,适应了市场的需要,从而赚了许多钱。 这两个事例无一不告诉我们创新的重要性。如今,这个社会大家都以创新为前提,去不断发展,完善,改变。试问一下,一个人即拥有非凡头脑,又有创新意识和坚持不懈的精神,他会又怎什么样的结局呢?当然则是完美的结局咯!




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2000年-2009年:中国重启大飞机研制项目、中国研制建成世界最大口径大视场天文望远镜、中国进入3G时代、中国航天员首次太空行走、首列国产化动车组列车下线、首架自主知识产权新支线飞机下线、中国首次“探月工程”取得成功、中国成功发射一颗北斗导航卫星、青藏铁路建成通车、 南极科考首次到达冰穹A最高点、中国成为世界上第一个研制出SARS接种疫苗的国家、首次载人航天飞行圆满成功。2009年诺贝尔物理学奖授予英国华裔科学家高锟以及另外两名美国科学家威拉德•博伊尔和乔治•史密斯。他大胆的提出假设:只要解决好玻璃纯度和成分等问题,就能够利用玻璃制作光学纤维,从而高效传输信息。这一设想提出之后,许多人称之为匪夷所思。但高锟并没有放弃这一设想,而是不停的探究、实验。在不断的争论中,高锟的设想逐步变成现实:利用石英玻璃制成的光纤应用越来越广泛,全世界掀起了一场光纤通信的革命。随着第一个光纤系统于1981年成功问世,高锟“光纤之父”的美誉传遍世界。





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Before you hit the roads to achieve a goal, have you ever given any thought to your motivation or what are you expecting to get as a rewardAttitudes towards this question vary from person to person. Some people claim that wealth and fame is the best motivation and reward, others believe that the fulfillment of a job well done is its own reward. In my opinion, the later point holds more water. In the end, it is the joy in the journey that truly matters.

Doing the work with the attempt to be rich or famous will bring an unfortunate outcome and even will lead us to a dangerous situation. Gradually, we will consider wealth and fame as the most important things in our lives instead of the care of our parents, or our ‘Friends-time’. Besides, this kind of thought might have bad effects on our work, since we only care about how much money we earn or how to get as many glories as we can, we may tend to forget the original significance of doing the job and can’t concentrate our minds on doing the job well. Thus our work efficiency will be reduced and it is unlikely that we can make a great development in our own career. What’s worse, once we fail to get or lose all those glories or wealth, we may feel rather depressed, empty and even sink into

a desperate situation.

However, if we change our train of thought and attach more importance to the sense of happiness and fulfillment by accomplishing some simple things, our life will become more wonderful. We won’t get tired of our work and we will be courageous enough to overcome all the

obstacle on our road and enjoy the abundant happiness that the job brings to us. Every workday is like a journey full of surprise and delight. Besides, without the burden of wealth or fame, we can immerge ourselves into the job and there is a good chance that we can achieve a lot. In this case, although we don’t aim for wealth and fame, wealth and fame will follow naturally. If not, we will not feel discouraged, as we firmly believe that the happiness and fulfillment during the journey is the best reward for our work.

Van Gogh sold only one painting during his life, but this didn’t stop him from completing over 800 paintings because he never aims to make money or get fame when he creates new works. As for van Gogh, he values the process of pursuing instead of the results. It’s the pleasure and fulfillment in the process of creating gives him abundant motivation. If Van Gogh had always been fascinated in fame and wealth, he would not have had such wonderful works and the world would never have had such a genius of art.

As a senior high student who are preparing for the college entrance examination, we can’t say that the scores is not important. But I still strongly recommend that we should cherish the process of our learning and enjoy the perpetual and interior happiness it brings to us. No matter whether we succeed in the end or not, we have got the best reward for our work.




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Innovation is the vitality of learning. Its like a beacon, radioactive rays in the dark, to guide people to move forward, on the road to success.

Opened the long human history, how many great science practitioners by igniting innovation - this lamp is not to achieve success? Take a physicist Faraday, for instance, he in the oster test, on the basis of carefully summarize experience and lessons, a new research idea, put forward the realization of magnetic electricity this a great idea, after a series of experiments to explore, he finally succeeded, thus created the electronic business. He didnt because of the innovative spirit and success?

Bacon once said, "I saw Mr. Wang thought no continent, is but a poor explorer, these" bad explorer "the failure of the root cause is that they dont have the spirit of innovation. Scientific invention requires innovation spirit, learning also requires innovation. Britain has personal call him, is to read most of the people in the world, he read books countless, but ultimately useless, the reason is that he didnt take the book only by innovating, into their own thoughts and ability.

In contrast, the great thinker Marx in reading, on the basis of a bold exploration, has doubt on the capitalists to workers wages, to hold the spirit of seeking innovation, he further worker masses, investigation and study, finally found out the secret of surplus value, in order to have made great contributions to the development of human beings. So, learning must have the innovation, otherwise, even if read thousands of books, is also in vain.

In the learning innovation, only innovation, can have learned something only carries forward the spirit of innovation, we can in the tide of reform and opening up, in an impregnable position, become a qualified players! The classmates, action, and lets struggle for the motherland tomorrow!





