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There are no secrets of success. Success is doing the things you know you should do. Success is not doing the things you know you should not do.

Success is not limited to any one area of your life. It encompasses1 all of the facets2 of your relationships: as parent, as wife or husband, as citizen, neighbor, worker and all of the others。

Success is not confined to any one part of your personality but is related to the development of all the parts: body, mind, heart, and spirit. It is making the most of your total self.

Success is discovering your best talents, skills and abilities and applying3 them where they will make the most effective contribution to your fellow men.

Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve.

Success is ninety-nine percent mental attitudes. It calls for love, joy, optimism, confidence, serenity4, poise, faith, courage, cheerfulness, imagination, initiative, tolerance, honesty, humility, patience, and enthusiasm.

Success is not arriving at the summit of a mountain as a final destination. It is a continuing upward spiral5 of progress. It is a perpetual6 growth.

Success is having the courage to meet failure without being defeated. It is refusing to let present loss interfere7 with your long-range goal.

Success is accepting the challenge of the difficult. In the inspiring words of Phillips Brooks8:"Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle."




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Due to the fact that the mental state, we have to keep a balance between the physical and the mental.

这句话中,due to the fact that后面需要接一个句子,而上句中只是一个名词性短语,所以错误。另外,between...and...需要连接两个名词短语,上句中形容词physical和mental后缺少名词性成分。改正为Due to the fact that the mental state plays a significant role, we have to keep a balance between the physical well-being and the mental health.







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othing Succeeds Without a Strong Will

“Where there is a will, there is way” is an old proverb which almost everyone knows, but not all understand it so well. Actually, it means that if you are really resolved to do something, no matter how difficult it might be, never give up.

In fact, strong will is a kind of good quality which successful people should own. A great man is always one who has a firm resolution and an inflexible spirit. One will never succeed all his life without a firm will to get the final victory. As a rule, great tasks are accomplished by men of strong will. For example, Dr. Sun Yatsen, the founder of the Republic of China, set the Chinese people free from the Manchurian rule through a long period of hard struggle. Many of his attempts failed and many of his followers were killed, but he had an inflexible spirit and stuck to his cause. Finally, he made the revolution of 1911 a success. The same is true of men in all walks of life.

It is quite obvious that there is nothing difficult in the world, if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly accomplish your end. That stands to reason. So as for students like us, we should have a good attitude towards failure. Facing with difficulties and failures, keep heads up and never give up. Besides, we should make full preparation, though strong will help us overcome the difficulties, it is not for person who has no preparation.




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When doing the same thing, some people success but some fail. There must be

many factors leading that result. In my view, the most important factor is the

difference of confidence, determination and sociability are the foundation and

condition of success.

First of all, no matter who want to success, they must have confidence, as

confidence is the basic need for success. If someone always thinks he can’t do

this or that well, then he can’t finish it well. For example, when a person is

being interviewed, if he doesn’t believe he can do that job well, how can he act

believable, so how can the interviewers trust his ability? Therefore, the

interview is obviously a failure. However, if a person is confident, he can

receive the opportunity to prepare for every challenge easily, which makes

success become closer.

In addition, confidence just the door for success, if someone wants to get

into the house of success, determination is necessary. The determined meet

difficulties always overcome it and insist to the end. On the other hand, if

someone is not determined, he would give up when facing difficulty. For

instance, when doing homework, the person who is not determined always can’t

finish perfectly and even copy from others when he thinks that homework is hard

to finish. However, the person who is determined always can finish it well,

because he know what he really wants and he is able to carry on.

The last but not least is that no one can do anything well by themselves,

so they need help. At that time, sociable is helpful. It is well-known that

success is hard to reach. Therefore, people need others to help them. A sociable

person can get help easily, as he has so many friends. On the other side, a

person is not good at communication, when he gets in trouble, maybe no one helps

him. So we can see the importance of sociability to success.

In a word, there maybe not only confidence, determination, and sociability

are essential to success, but I think they are the most important ones, for they

are the foundation and condition of success.



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机遇成功的因素之一。但是机遇并不经常光顾小学生作文 你也可以投稿,而且并不是所有机遇都必然导向成功。除此之外,机遇通常就在刻苦的工作中,只是许多人觉察不到而已。因此如果你想成就事业,就必须努力工作以做好迎接机遇的准备。否则,即便机遇来了你也会失去它。我认为,我们社会中的每个人都有许多机遇,但只有那些做好充足准备的有才能的人才会利用机遇取得成功。

Opportunity and Success

Opportunity is one of the elements of success. But opportunities don’t come often. And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success. Moreover, opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don’t recognize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose.



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Success, as is known, is the pursuit of many ambitious people. It requires much of a person.

In my  above all, one should be a person of strong perseverance. Rome was not built in a day. On our long way to success, there are  undoubtedly many difficulties standing in the way. If we lose heart and give up

halfway, nothing can be achieved. Throughout history, we havehad many famous successful people in the world, of whom no one is weak-minded. Take the great American scientist Edison as an example, he tried experiment after experiment and had one failure after another before he finally invented the bulb, which lighted up the whole world. So we can conclude perseverance can surely be one of the secrets of success. Furthermore, one needs to work hard to realize his dream just as the famous saying goes “Hard work leads to success”.

Look at these around us and we’ll find diligent people are always the favor of our society. They usually achieve more than expected. Why do so many of our classmates of average intelligence go far ahead of othersHard work is definitely supposed to be the answer. And still, I hold that one must keep in pace with the informative world. There’s no denying that our world is changing every day. So one can never be locked alone inside his own room, doing his research work and dedicated to book knowledge

How can an isolated person be well-informed enough to go ahead of othersIf so, that could be ridiculous. Success is what one desires. So long as one is perseverant, hard working and up-to-date, I am sure success is near at hand



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Success and Failure

Success is what everyone expects. It may lead to fame and glory. When one succeeds in doing something, he gets so excited that he often neglects all the unsuccessful at tempts he has done.

Failure is a common thing in ones life. Almost everyone experiences failure in his life. When one fails in his attempt in doing something, he often feels upset. Some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. But others will stick to and achieve the final success.

As the old saying goes, "failure teaches success." it is true that failure is an important factor toward success. The way to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles. Many important inventions or discoveries were achieved after hundreds of failure.

And only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy.




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Lin Hao, in face of so great a catastrophe, did not evade but gave his hands to his classmates. It was his confidence and calmness that gave others the second life. I am proud of him. To be honest, Lin Hao is my little hero in my heart.

Bernard Shaw has ever said a word. "Those who have confidence can transform smallness into greatness and make mediocre things look beautiful. In another word, self-confidence is the first step to success. Thus, no matter when and what, we do not allow ourselves to be discouraged. Lin Haos experience tells us that confidence is very important to us. It also reminds me of my own experience during the first year of senior middle school. After I entered senior school, I found it really hard for me to learn math well. There were so many problems which I didnt understand that I did badly in exams. Both my parents and math teachers believed that I couldnt learn math well. One day I met a difficult problem which took me nearly an hour to work it out. Nonetheless,I realized that I was the only one in my class to work it out! That really built up my confidence in math. Finally I became very good at math and my math teacher was surprised by my progress. It was confidence that helped me overcome the difficulty.

If a person wants to be successful, the first thing to do is to get confidence, as success is the body of confidence.


In the life, everybody tasted many flavor, acid, sweet, bitter, spicy.I am no exception. The subway room in this life, I most like the kind of sweet taste of success.

"LingYan, the teacher asked you to go to her office." Ran a classmate said to me, so I went to the office. To the office, the teacher said to me: "LingYan, your composition on the newspaper." The teacher said as he took out the newspaper to me. When I saw my composition appeared on the newspaper, I could hardly suppress excited already, like drink the honey, I comfort smiled.

After school, I walk on my way home. Road of flowers and willows swung, as if in dancing for me; Branches, as birds chirping, for my singing, cheering for me. At this time my mind is out of the scenes.

At the time of class, students play games on the playground, but I was in the classroom tirelessly to write the composition. In the dead of night, when people are immersed in the dream I was seriously modify the composition in the dim light... Now all my efforts finally have the results, Im so happy!

Success does not mean today also will be a success in the future. So, I will work harder, strive for greater progress.


Success, is a good thing, is sweet, is exciting.

Remember that is when Im in grade five, I signed up for the whole class composition contest, this is my first time to take part in the game. On the day after school, I then ran home, into the study, dig out the find all my documents. From then on, I is expected. In the morning, in the alarm clock, I open my hazy sleep, started to read the pile "piled up like mountain" for documents.

The game that day, I have answers, came to the stadium, after I looked around the playing field, find really master gathered here! I am both excited and nervous, nervous because this is the first time I take part in the race, excited because I can and so many superior training. In a short time, the examiner, exam hair down, then I cant wait to looked at the thesis topic, "wow!" I couldnt help cheering up in my mind, the topic is "my x x", this is my best composition! After I had a idea, Ill write up rapidly. Ah! I finally realized what be called "juices. The game was over, I returned home full of happy mood, I am humming a song all the way.

After a week, to my dreams hover ceremony finally started. When the teacher read the "winners" of fifth grade, my arms like with a small white rabbit, constantly hopping "pop", I closed my eyes, silently praying. "Second, wang qian," when I heard this, I almost didnt jump for joy. Then, I proudly up dramatically, from the hand of the teacher proudly took the testimonials, sweeter than honey in the heart!



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Failure is the mother of success. Sometimes people have to cope with many mistakes and failures in order to reach the successful finals. While others might succumb to failure, they tend to retreat and give in their efforts. Success often provides confidence and satisfaction, nevertheless failure companies with bitter, saddness, and suffering. It seems people have to learn through each experience, as success doesnt always falls from heaven.

I remembered I used to fail on my vocabury test when I was in high school. I had problem to memorize new words which got lloose each day. I almost decided to give up English, but was obliged to one of my neighbour classmates who kept on sending small sheet for me. In the end of the semester, I found I had finished my vocabulary book which became a work force in reading English. I then realized that a new word came and left our brains for several times. Nobody is born as genius for success. Success tends to arrive after a serial of trials and failures.

Of course, success brings confidence and victory. But, life is not always easy and comfortable. There are more difficulties than eases in the real life. It is likely that we have to face some failures ahead. Therefore, those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventually.



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每个人都会有失败.失败乃成功之母,如果没有失败,那就不会有成功.的确,成功的人很幸福,他们拥有鲜花,掌声.但失败的人,拥有的只有寂寞和冷落.其实,我们更加应该去尊敬的是那些失败的人.因为,有了失败,才有成功. 失败并不表示你是一为失败者,失败只是表示你尚未成功; 失败并不表示你一无所成,失败表示你得到经验; 失败并不表示你是一个不知变通的蠢人,失败表示你有坚定的信念; 失败并不表示你必须一直压抑不快,失败表示你乐意尝试....... 这就是失败,宝贵的失败. 初一学习总结英语作文



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Success Is What?What is successThis is an old topic. However,However, everyone’s  understanding of success is quite different. Some people think that having money, house, car, a woman is successful. Some people think that success is doing something that you want to do. Some even deny the existence of success, he thinks this world is not successful, only the endless pursuit.So I want to make a new definition of success: Success is something that people are very eager to do good things gained a sense of satisfaction and excitement. Therefore, we do things, no matter big and small, as long as you want to do, and through your efforts made, and you happy, then you succeeded. Do not look too far successful, they should not be too easy to see success, success requires your effort. Those who believe that successful people do not exist, in fact, continue to define new goals, they will from what they have done to get happy, they succeeded.(

In order to become successful, you should first of all be both perseverance and hardworking. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work even harder. You should always keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and industry is the key to it. In addition, you should pay great attention to your work method. It is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work. Finally, it is important for you to get along well with your co-workers, care for each other and help each other. If you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable success in thefuture.

In my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in ones work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people. So my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, I don’t think there’s any reasons for him tobeconceited.



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Disposition Decides to Man’s Success

As we all known, the man who wants to be success should have a good disposition. As the saying goes, “disposition decide to everything.” I remember a famous motto: there are no two identical people in the world, but the success people are similar in many ways. Exactly, good disposition is the foundation of success. From my point of view, I deemed it success should also rely on these factors: diligent, confident, humor. It can help us to open the door of success.

There is no denying that diligent is the first step to the success. As the proverb says, no pains, no gains. Absolutely, guess that a person without diligent, how can he get achievements. Many successful people have become famous in the world by their diligent. Therefore we should take diligence as a good habit rather than lazy at every time.

Edison said “confident is the mother of the success. There is no doubt that confidence is important to our daily life .If someone without confident, he will never succeed in the end of his life. If someone trusted himself, he would gained more chance to succeed. How could you get other’s trust if you didnt trust yourself?

In addition, humor plays an important role in our life. It’s obvious that a sense of humor can bring happiness to others and get involved to a group easily. Just like my friend who is an energetic and lovely boy. The boss and staff like him very much. Boss thinks highly of him in the

company. Sometimes, we should learn to how express humorously. A sense of humor can create unexpected result.

From what has been mention above, a good disposition is an important factor to our success. Therefore, how to develop a good disposition is essential.




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What is the definition of success? I believe different people will have different opinions about it. If anyone asks me what is success for me, I will tell him progress is success for me. I can have small goal or great aim in my whole life. If the goal what I set is too large for me, I will not taste the feeling of success. Or I always set small goals, so I will feel success all the time, which may make me become autophilia and without ambitions. Therefore, I think if I can be better than yesterday or last time, then I am successful.




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We are always trying to find the way to success, which stands for power,

pride and glory. There have been strings of stories of success I was told since

I was a child. From then on, I have been fascinated with being successful.

Whatsuccess? Different people have different opinions towards this

question. To start with, some people, such as accountants, workers and so on,

are longing for being rich, which allows them buy what they want, and enjoy

luxury. They treat it as success. Furthermore, some contestants, such as boxers,

are always trying their best to defeat their rivals for success. And once they

win, they confirm that they are stronger than others. The last but not the

least, there are some other people who enjoy helping others. As a good saying

goes, the roses in her hand, the flavor in mine. With helping others, we can

also feel satisfactory.

As far as I am concerned, life is short, and we must achieve something

during our life. So I regard striving and working hard important. When comes to

we reap what we sow, it’s the time of success.



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When we talk about those famous people, we all like to know how they succeed. Meanwhile we all admire their personal special virtues which lead them to triumph. And it is obvious that many successful people have some personality characteristics in common. As far as I concerned, I deem that persistence, prudence, confidence and courage are the most important.


Firstly, I think persistence should come first before the other three personality characters. As we all know that a person cannot always successfully reach his aim at his first try, there are many barriers waiting for him. Therefore the person will fail many times before he gets his victory. If he doesnt persist in trying again and again and make a breakthrough, thus he will stay still, no progress. He may not move forward or even regress. A person without the personal character of persistence can’t finally succeed in getting his goal.


Secondly, a man who wants to be successful should also own the characteristic of prudence. The inventor of the electric bulb gives a good example for explaining that. It is said that the inventor tried to use thousands kinds of metal to make electric bulb filament in order to find the most suitable metal which can let the lamp light longer and brighter. I suppose that without the very prudential work, the inventor could not triumph in the end. A self- made man should do his jobs with prudence, sometimes even should be careful doing a very trivial thing. Like when those scientists or mathematicians are dealing with a complex matter, if they make a small mistake, the efforts which they made before will be in vain. Accordingly, cautiousness is necessary.


In addition, the self- made men all are self-confident and courageous. As the saying goes, “fortune never helps the man whose courage has failed.” Supposed that a soldier loses his confidence and gallantry to fight when he is in the field of the battle, I am sure that he does not have the fortune to survive successfully. Therefore people who want to achieve their goals in their work all should be self-confident and courageous.


In a word, my view regarding those famous people’s success is that they persist in working hard, do their jobs with prudence, are confident in themselves and have courage to overcome any kinds of difficulties; it is the reason that they can make themselves into a celebrity and admired by others.





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As a saying goes, success is equal to %99 sweat plus 1% inspiration. Its

true that if you want to succeed , you have to work hard.

As all of us know, a strong will, perseverance , confidence and diligence.

.. Are the essentials factors of success. Firstly I think man of strong will and

perseverance always has an aggressive spirit. He can stick to his cause no

matter how tough it might be. Secondly he should be full of confidence . He

shows no frustration and powerlessness in the face of difficulty, but with

confidence and strength soar he is ready to meet the next difficulty. So,

believe yourself and trust yourself is the most important thing. Find something

you really interest and trying to do it until then you will find everything is

so easy. Because you begin to take your first step, dont worry and keep

learning also dont give it up. Thirdly diligence plays an important role on the

way to our success. As the saying goes: "Diligence is the means by which one

makes up for ones dullness". And life is short and we have too much to do .

Without diligence, no one can achieve anything. Whats more, modesty is also one

of the factors to ones success. There is an old saying: "Modesty helps one to

progress and

pride makes one leg behind. " Everyone has his own strong points of which

he may have too high an opinion. The important thing is to be modest and learn

from othersstrong points. A modest person never hesitates to consult those who

are inferior to him. For he understands that the range of knowledge is larger


In a word, a man who wants to be triumphant must have a strong will, be

confident, be diligent. As a saying goes: "no pains, no gains! "



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What is the key to success in the end I think the answer may be not unique,Different people have different thoughts.

Everyone wishes to be successful in life.It is widely believed that some people are born lucky and successful, because they possess high intelligence. But this is not true. High intelligence is not equal to success. Success lies in not only the intelligence factors but also the non-intelligence factors.

In my opinion, opportunity is a part of success. Many great people found great things by chance. It is true some successes

unexpected can be won help

don’t because of and come findings.butOpportunities

often.An opportunity just brings a promise but never realizes it on its own.Hardworking, which is an useful way to success. It is necessary for

us.Hardworking, which is means we will try our best to do the things.

Therefore, I think success is brought about both by innate intelligence factors and by non-intelligence factors.



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As we all known, the man who wants to be success should have a good

disposition. As the saying goes, “disposition decide to everything.” I remember

a famous motto: there are no two identical people in the world, but the success

people are similar in many ways. Exactly, good disposition is the foundation of

success. From my point of view, I deemed it success should also rely on these

factors: diligent, confident, humor. It can help us to open the door of


There is no denying that diligent is the first step to the success. As the

proverb says, no pains, no gains. Absolutely, guess that a person without

diligent, how can he get achievements. Many successful people have become famous

in the world by their diligent. Therefore we should take diligence as a good

habit rather than lazy at every time.

Edison said “confident is the mother of the success. There is no doubt that

confidence is important to our daily life .If someone without confident, he will

never succeed in the end of his life. If someone trusted himself, he would

gained more chance to succeed. How could you get other’s trust if you didnt

trust yourself?

In addition, humor plays an important role in our life. It’s obvious that a

sense of humor can bring happiness to others and get involved to a group easily.

Just like my friend who is an energetic and lovely boy. The boss and staff like

him very much. Boss thinks highly of him in the company. Sometimes, we should

learn to how express humorously. A sense of humor can create unexpected


From what has been mention above, a good disposition is an important factor

to our success. Therefore, how to develop a good disposition is essential.



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Success means different things for different people. Some may equate it

with money, some with work and still some with ohter. For me, it means

fulfilling ones dreams. Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and

then focus all your attention on it. Dreams bring you hope and happiness. May be

you cry, sweat, complain or even curse, but the joy of harvesting makes you

forget all the pains and troubles you have gone through. So an old proverb says

that the sweetest fruit is one that has undergone the bitterest ordeal.There are

several keys to success. First, your goal must be practical and practicable. If

you set your goal too high, maybe that you will never attain it. Next, you have

to make a plan of doing it. Since the dream is quite tough, you need to be hard,

Even if you meet with some difficulties, just take them in your stride. You can

always tell yourself that there is nothing about. With this will and

determination, success is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!



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People say that self-confidence is half of the success that can bring you courage to stick to what you do. Without self-confidence, one can not do well in anything. Self-confidence is of great importance and value to a person.

Firstly, self-confidence enables us to have the ambition of being successful. Only when you have the ambition to be successful, can you be successful eventually. Secondly, once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop you to success.Thirdly, with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible previously. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should, or have to trust in ourselves.

In short, self-confidence is the spiritual pillar of a person as well as the inherent power, which is of great importance and value to a person.




