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Mother’s Day is an important festival in America and Europe. It has already spread to China. And it is on the second Sunday in May. Children of all ages give their mothers cards, flowers and presents on that day to show they love their mothers. In the morning, they let them have a good rest, that is to say, they let their mothers sleep later. And they do all the housework. They cook breakfast for the mum, when the meal is ready, they carry it to the mums bedroom. So mum can have breakfast in bed.


Mothers should have a good rest on Mothers Day.





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My grandparents believed you were either honest or you werent. There was

no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall: "Life

is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will

show. "They didnt have to talk about it--they demonstratedthe motto by the way

they lived. They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal

standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is

not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for

judging your behavior.Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today--and

getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society.And it

is something we must demand of ourselves.

A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Trial,

which consists of three key principles: Stand firmly for your convictions in the

face of personal pressure.

When you know youre right, you cant back down. Always give others credit

that is rightfully theirs. Dont be afraid of those who might have a better idea

or who might even be smarter than you are. Be honest and open about who you

really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors--their

looks or status---in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will

do everything they can to preserve this facade,but they will do very little to

develop their inner value and personal growth.

So be yourself. Dont engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are

unpleasing in your life. When its tough, do it tough. In other words, face

reality and be adult in your responses to lifes challenges.

Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity

and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

Integrity means you do what you do because its right and not just

fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to

the seductive sirens of an easy morality,will always win the day. My

grandparents taught me that.



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It was Mother’s Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home.

When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well. Thenhe cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was very happy.

When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His mother said, Thank you,my child!





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Of all the festival in western countries, I thinkMother’s Day which is always on the second Sunday in May every year is better than any other festival.

Not only in the foreign countries but also in China, Mother’s Day has become more and more popular in recent years. It’s a special holiday to show our love to mothers. Many children will do some special things for their mom on that day, such as buying a gift of love, helping to do the housework and so on. Sending a pink or red carnation is always the best choice to their mom.

In my opinion, it’s time to take actions to do something to let moms enjoy the whole day and feel our love.






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Yesterday was my birthday. I am twelve years old now and a primary school

student in Grade six. Yesterday, I invited my friends come to my home. I did not

invite them come to my home before. I was so happy because my mother cooked

delicious foods for us. My friends brought gifts to my. They are very beautiful.

It was a good day yesterday.



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Last month we had a sports meeting. Though the weather wasnt very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.

This time, I was even more excited. Because I went in for the sports meeting and my item was high jump. I didnt want to get any place, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasnt good at sports.

When I got to the field with my friend. I was both excited and nervous. When I saw the first height, my heart could hardly heat. How high it was! It was higher than our desks. I couldnt believe my eyes. This was too high for me to jump over. I wasnt nervous at that timewhile I was a bit afraid. But I had gone there, I must have a try.

Not long after, the game began. The first person was great. He jumped over easily. I was too surprised to say a word. The second was good, too. The third nearly jumped over, but he wasnt bad…

It was my turn. I had a deep breath and then ran towards. In front of the pole, I began to jump. Oh, no! My right foot hit the pole. “I failed.” I thought. And then, another unlucky thing happened. I didnt stand firm and I tumbled. I hurt my back badly. At that moment I felt my back was broken. It was too painful. It seemed that the people around field all didnt know that, they only laughed at my foolish posture. After a very short rest, I stood up.

I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face. My friend hurried to come to me. He asked me if this was terrible. I was too pained with my back to answer his questions. I only shook my head. I was sad. Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldnt go on in the game. I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.

Though I didnt have the whole game. I was still very happy. Because a lot of my classmates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good places. They were all best in my eyes. I was thankful to them for doing their best for our class.











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Today is mothers day, one should belong to the mothers day. But today I do not take care of the mother, but the mother to take care of me for a few days. On that day, mothers day early in the morning, I suddenly have a fever, it burned for two days. In these two days, the mother accompanied me to run the two hospitals, hanging a few bottles of drip.


On that day, I really dont know what is mothers day, until at home, mother and a relative about, I know. The relatives also have a big like me son, she said that her son with the scholarship asked her to eat a meal, she said, laughing, mouth closed. My mother has been heard, did not say a word, but from time to time with a smile. Prior to this, I have not understand my mother thought that she, like me, is a festival of the people do not pay attention to. Because she is too focused on traditional birthday, not to mention is the mothers day. But at that time I know, she is very care about. Her smile, and do not care about, but for. If I had to send her a card, she will be very happy.


My mother and I are does not know how to express love, everything will be in the heart, think that the other knows. But in fact, we do not know each other. Of her four children, she is the love I. Not because I was the minimum, but because my body has always been relatively poor. When I was small and did not take good care of my heart has been very guilty. But in fact, her body is better.


Mother, in fact you have been good enough, everything is enough, you dont have to. I cant help you celebrate Mothers day, let me say "Mom in here to you, thank you!"



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Mothers Day is coming, and I even want to say, “My mum is the most beautiful woman in the world.”


I still remember the day I bought a bunch of carnation for my mum. I will never forget the smile when she accepted the flowers. That Mothers Day was wonderful. We had a small cake, a warm talk.


I consider mum as the most important person in a family. My mum is a great, great mum. I love her. I wish her happy not only on the Mothers Day. More importantly, I wish her always happy and healthy.


Mothers Day is coming. I decide to do something special for my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. Happy Mothers Day.


Mothers Day

Of all the festival in western countries, I think Mothers Day which is always on the second Sunday in May every year is better than any other festival.

Not only in the foreign countries but also in China, Mothers Day has become more and more popular in recent years. Its a special holiday to show our love to mothers. Many children will do some special things for their mom on that day, such as buying a gift of love, helping to do the housework and so on. Sending a pink or red carnation is always the best choice to their mom. In my opinion, its time to take actions to do something to let moms enjoy the whole day and feel our love.


Today is Mothers Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do


My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night.

She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need.

This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like this, "I love you, mother!" I am going to put it under her pillow.





It was Mothers Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home.

When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldnt do the cooking well. Thenhe cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was very happy.

When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which werent so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His mother said, "Thank you,my child!"




Todays weather very good, God deliberately arranged. This particular day, blue skies, the number of words "Happy Mothers Day" reverberated in the ears.

From early in the morning, I mope, because it can not think of what gift to give mother. Later, I came up with in my opinion the best gift for mother. First to see Mother, I sang loudly: "Mother, Mothers Day Happiness! The world is only a good mother, there is the mother of the child as-bao block." Singing, leaves itself a son and mothers arms, "dropped into the embrace of mother, and ultimately, happy ... ... "Mother died in Iraq last year, with deep feeling with me, Staring at me, eyes full of love and caress. Looked thoughtful, I grew up my mother smile ... ...

Mother, in fact, you know, daughter wanted to tell you there is worth a thousand words, but

there are also all into this beautiful melody, which Beat notes the go. Here not only has his daughters aspirations, more daughters are infinite gratitude to you, sincere love.

People will have a total support of our total love for us there is a touching, heartbreaking. Ah! Mother, you like an umbrella, an umbrella unusual. Summer, for me keep off the sun, winter, let me escape the harsh wind and snow.

If you love the sun, let you love your mother, because there is no ray of sunshine than the warmth of maternal love; If you love wind, let you love your mother, because there is no more than a gentle breeze gentle motherly love ... ... ... If you love, please you love your mother, because all the world than maternal love everything tenacity, great, honest ... ...



妈妈,其实您知道的,女儿有千言万语想要对您说,然而,也全部溶入到这美妙的旋律,跳动 的音符当中去了.这里不仅有女儿的心声,更多的是女儿对您无限的感激,真挚的爱.




Mothers Day is a happy holiday, I was so looking forward to its arrival!

The mother to let me grow up, every weekend and vacation for us to cram run around here and there, even today, is still learning for me to live and work, as a result the feet from several blisters even grind up thick cocoon...

Today, mothers Day is coming. I decided to do one thing ---- my mom for mothers feet, wash away the fatigue, wash away the mother mother foot of dust. First of all, I want to buy some carnations, to a pot of boiling water, when the water is boiling, smoking, and pour it into the basin, and then, put the petals into the basin, let the water rippling carnation fragrance...

Well, now everything is ready except one crucial element. I called up my mother, so she put her foot into it through a strong smell of the basin, I got to hand it to the mothers feet, my hand, will wash away the day tired mother. No. Are so many years of hard! I touched her mother long calloused soles of the feet, in the heart very afflictive, mother love touch my head, she is very happy, always say:" my son has grown up, sensible, mother is very pleased." I told my mother I

wanted to study hard but also learn how to do housework, help mother to share the burden of the family.

Today is mothers day my mother and I have a very happy mothers day, who is established, it is the worlds best season, which makes the mother has to accept the blessings and rewards of the day, even if its just words, even just a small thing, also can let mothers really warm the heart!


The mother line, wandering clothing leaving thick seam, Italy to the fear of delay who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments" The famous Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiaos several lines, lively and vivid expression of the mothers deep affection and gratitude to their mother.

Mother love is great, the love of my mother s meticulous mother not only in the everywhere in the life care, often inquire after sb.s life, still learning encouragement, be good at giving systematic guidance mother usually tells me, great and little famous scientists study hard story, teach me to want to be example with them, learn from them, to do a a diligent, civilized, polite good all-round development of children a mother to me like the spring sunshine brings me warmth as in reading daughter, I always warn myself to study hard, with excellent results to repay his mother.

Today is mothers day, it is Sunday, I changed the previous Sunday the habit of sleep, make ones way noiselessly to ground up, took out two eggs from the refrigerator, and then imitate the grandmother usually boiled method, in the pot with water, lit the gas stove after the water is boiled in boiling water, to beat two eggs, not while the two white oval eggs in a pot in the formation of a I turn off the gas, from the cabinet took out two bowls, each bowl with each containing an egg, a bowl for the grandmother, a bowl to the mother.

When my mother took me on the egg, excitedly asked me:" how do you think of this to my eggs" I smiled and said to her mother:" your grandmother and prepare breakfast for me, today is mothers day, I think I made a breakfast as a mothers Day gift for you!" Listen to me, my mother hugged me and said: " you are a good boy!" My mother and I tightly hold together, my heart welled up in a warm heat flux.



In the early morning, my sister went out and brought home a bunch of pretty flowers. Right after my mother got up out of bed, we said "Happy Mothers Day"! to her and gave her the flowers. My mother was very happy; she smiled and said, How wonderful the flowers look! Thank you! Also, we told her we were going to do all the housework for our beloved mother, and she could take a rest for a day. In the beginning, we were excited about all the work we can do at home. Before long, we found that the housework seemed to be endless, There was cooking and washing, and

cleaning to do, and there was shopping to do, too . During the dinner hour, the kitchen seemed so busy. My father was making a salad, my sister was baking a pie for dessert, and I was washing rice and vegetables, and there were many other things to do. Finally, the dinner was ready; it was two hours behind the usual schedule. The food was not as delicious as my mothers. Nevertheless, my mother and father enjoyed it, and felt very proud of their daughter and son.



Dear Mum,

Such is sonsnature; I really do not know how to express my thanks to you. However, I can imagine, on the day 18 years ago, when you gave birth to me, what a complex feeling you had. In the past few years, every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me, then in the afternoon, you always welcome your only son with delicious foods after a days hard work. Now your son has been 18 and will go to university soon, like a bird is leaving its parents. Nevertheless, your footprints on my heart will never ever fade and I love you mum!

your son


My mother is a village woman, who is already in her fifties. She had very little school education, but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people. She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.

My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me, so that I can spend more time on my study.

Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her at night, I found the light was still on and mother was sitting in bed, making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes.

Such is my mother, a kind and hard-working woman. I’ll respect and love her forever.



My mother is a simple woman who comes from the countryside with little education. But in my eyes, she is the greatest mother in the world. Her perseverance gives me courage in all my life. Whenever I have trouble doing something and think about giving up, the scene that happened three years ago to mother just come into my mind.

Having asked for a leave from the teacher, I left the boring class and went to home with my favorite novel tucked under my arm. Father was at work, brother was at school, mother wouldnt be back from her small store until evening. I felt very happy thinking that I would have the entire house to myself. I bounded up steps, burst into the room but was shocked by whatever I



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it was mother’s day. sun zheng thought he should do something for his mother. he decided to help his mother do some housework. after school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home. when he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well. thenhe cleaned the room. he felt very tired, but he was very happy. when his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.they had their supper together. his mother said, "thank you,my child!"

今天母亲节。孙峥觉得应该为妈妈做点事,他决定帮妈妈做些家务。放学回家的路上,他去商店买了食品。到家后,他尽全力做些好吃的,尽管他并不擅长烹任。做完饭,他又打扫了房间。他感觉有些累,但仍然很高兴。 当父母回来后,看见干净的房间和并不太荚味的菜,他们依然很高兴。他们一起吃了晚饭。妈妈说:“谢谢你,孩子。”

today is mother’s day. i know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. i want to say to her that i love her very much. but as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. i think only girls can do that. my mother is very kind. she takes care of me day and night. she spends little money, but buys anything for me that i need. this time i must show my love. i am going to give her a card and write like this, "i love you, mother!" i am going to put it under her pillow.

今天是母亲节。我知道一些同学打算帮妈妈做些家务,还有一些同学打算给妈妈买些花。我只是想对妈妈说一声,我非常爱她。但是对我来说这样表达我的情感有点儿难,因为我是个男孩。我觉得只有女生才这样做。 我妈妈是个非常善良的人。她对我照顾得无微不至。她自己很少花钱,但能给我买我需要的任何东西。 这次我一定要表示我对她的爱。我打算送她一张写有“我爱你,妈妈”的卡片,我还打算把它放在她的枕头下面。




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Every year the second Sunday of may is mothers day.

I heard that, mothers day originated from ancient Greece. In order to honor the mother of the Greek gods - PHEA, we started the festival. In the festival, everyone has to send mother gift, to thank for a mother for your concern, parenting, thank my mother brought us to this world.

My mother in qingtian, runs a small shop, she is just an ordinary mother, but she is so great in my heart. Gets up at half past six in the morning, the mother cooks for me, and then send me to school. Run in and out during the day, the mother, busy store things; In the evening, after school, I can always see my mother quietly waiting for me at the school gate; In the evening, I do my homework in the night light, mother always urged, coaching to one side. Every day, my mother didnt go to bed very late, really hard!

This mothers day, I must thank my dear mother, give my mother a special gift! Wish all mothers of the world, a happy holiday, beautiful forever!







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Today is mothers day, I think we should do something for my mother, thinking for a while, I decided to help my mother do some housework can I do.So on my way home from school, I will go to the supermarket to buy some food.After I get home, I began to try my best to do something delicious, although I am not good at cooking.After dinner, I cleaned the room again, I feel some tired, but still very happy.

When my mother came back to work, saw the clean rooms and not too delicious dishes, mom is still very happy, dad also kua I, our family ate dinner together a happy heart.Mother said: "thank you, child."Today is mothers day.I thank my mother know that many people have their own way, I just tell mom, I love you.". But that express my feelings a bit difficult for me, because Im a shy boy, so I came up with a good idea, I pen on a piece of paper to write down I want to say, and then quietly on the note, mother love book at ordinary times, so, she opened a book to see in my mind.

Mothers day this day, each have a filial child, should tell your mother, I love you, mother, all mothers are great.

翻译:今天是母亲节,我觉得应该为妈妈做点事,思索了好一会,我决定帮妈妈做一些我能做的家务。于是在放学 回家的路上,我就去超市买了一些菜。到家后,我就开始尽全力做些好吃的,尽管我并不擅长炒菜。做完饭,我又打扫了房间,我感觉有些累,但仍然很高兴。





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让我们在这一天放下忙碌、停下奔波,,一起带您的宝宝来参加“Mothers Day-DIY Cake”母亲节亲子活动吧!


我们的时间:2015年5月16日 14:00——16:00

2015年5月17日 14:00——16:00





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Today is the second Sunday in May, is mothers day, early in the morning, I lay in bed tossing and turning, brooding, "usually are mother meticulous care me, care about me, but I sometimes make her angry, what should I do for my mother today?" Just want to, just hear the voice of mother night shift back to open the door, mothers waist is not very good, often shouted back pain, I a brainwave, ready to give mom a surprise.

Mother gently walked to the front of the bed and gave me a plug plug quilt, and gently kissed on my forehead, said to himself: "pussy cat, pedal quilt again." I suddenly sat up from the bed and hug mother kissed, naughty ground say: "noble queen majesty, you were laborious, wish your festival happiness, today is my service to you, to a whole body massage for you". Mother was I suddenly got a fright, delicate is still a little embarrassed, finally, in my "questioning", the mother lying on the bed, waiting for my five-star service, I am confident, first from the beginning of the mothers neck, rub for a while, a moment pinching, also ask my mother how do you feel from time to time, efforts to tap or focus? Mother comfort of say: "my baby is really grow up, know a massage for my mother?". I from above, to my mother around the waist, I put the small tight-fisted tightly, keep banging, mother said efforts at the right moment, is not light nor heavy, really comfortable, professional also praised me, ha ha, I listen to, a stronger, little fist, like the rain at more warmly, and I get my mom for her massage the thighs and legs, the last also did for her a foot massage, just mother tickling, I scratched her old want to laugh, hee hee, looked at his mothers pleasant smile, although I am very tired, but my heart is sweet, finally I can do for mom can do things, let mom enjoy.

Under my unremitting efforts, finally finished the whole body massage for my mother, maybe mom on the night shift, so tired, before long, mother fell asleep comfortable, I cover the quilt for her gently, kissed the mom, take the door, hope mother can do a good dream!

Hee hee, this mothers day, although a little tired, but see mother shu xin, happy smile, I really happy, I love my mom, hope mother can happy every day.







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i am writing to express my deepest thanks to you in mother"s day, dear mother ,you devote all of your energy and blood to our . you do not have any complaint about my brother and i.you love our though various different approaches such as study ,work and life ,consquently ,our held on the belief that the mother is only lover .please accept our appreciate again

i hope that you have happiness everyday.



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Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s Day.


We will try to make this your best Mother’s Day ever.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.


Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s Day.


We will try to make this your best Mother’s Day ever.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.


We will try to make this your best Mother’s Day ever.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.


Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother’s Day is especially for you.


We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.


Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mother’s Day.


This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mother’s Day.


Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s Day.


To the world’s number one mom!


You are the best mom that a son ever had.


Here’s a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.


Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you.


There may be moms all over the world, but you’re the only one that matters to me.


I want to wish you a happy Mother’s Day.


Thank you for everything over the years, mom. 母亲节快乐!


Moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor.


Mother’s Day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepar e breakfast.


Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on Mother’s Day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death.


We would love to fix breakfast for you mom, but we think it would be safer for us all if we took you out.


This card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children.


When I was sick, you always stood by me.


This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you .


Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother’s Day is especially for you.


We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.


Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mother’s Day.


This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mother’s Day.


Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s Day.


We will try to make this your best Mother’s Day ever.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.


Where would we be without you, mom?


On this day we all sit back and think about how much our mothers do for us.


I’ve tried many times to tell you, but I’ll say it again: I love you mother.


Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.


Mom, thank you so much for not only giving birth to me but also teaching me how to be a good man. No matter what will be in the future, I will always love you!


Although you don’t say anything, I can understand your heart: you always care me! Thank you!Mom.


Having been in this world for long, I realized that you are the one who loves me most, Mom!


Nobody can take your part in my heart, Mom,wherever you are, I will always love you!


While you gave me life, you took me as your concern. Mom, I wish you happiness and joy everyday when I’m away from you!


Mom, I keep my appreciation to you in the bottom of my heart for your caring and loving me so much although I had never written even a note or express my thanks to you.


Mom, I cant send you a bunch of Carnation cause Im not by your side, but I hope this text-message can tell my greeting. May you can be healthy and happy forever!


Mom, your love is just like a bar of candy, with a package of ceaseless chatter and scold; I couldnt find it out until I grow up. Happy Mothers Day!


Mom, I am concerned about you not just on this special day. Everyday would be Mothers Day within the year! Hope you enjoy yourself everyday!


Mom! Thank you again for your hard work, cooking us tasty dinner, washing clothes for us, making us happy! And please accept the sincere wish from our whole family,Happy Mothers Day!


Mom is always the best in the world! If there were not heaven, there wouldn’t be earth. If there were not you, there wouldn’t be me! Thank you so much for bringing me everything!


You did such a sacrifice to give birth to a lovely me, despite losing your attractive figure. Mom. You are so great!


If I were a rich man, you would be a rich man’s mother. If I were president, you would be president’s mother. No matter what I will be, I will always love you, Mom!


I once didn’t cherish your careful instruction, only when you are not with me, I realize you are so valuable to me. Mom, I hope you forget my rudeness, and you can be happy and peaceful everyday!


No matter how many grey hairs you have because of your hard-working year after year, you are the most beautiful and forever young in my heart! Mom, wish you remain young and happy!


My soft greeting, bringing my best wish to you. It is like the warm sunshine, filling your eyes and your heart!


My happy childhood is in your rough hands and my growing course is in your grey hair.

I miss you, Mom, especially on this day!


Mom, I love you, because you gave me life and brought me up.


Carnations are not so leisure as peony, not so fragrant as lily, but they give out delicate fragrance, just like your love to me.


Mom, I once was a little bird by your side, enjoyed your love and care, and today I send you fragrant flowers.




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Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love. However, we often turn a

blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love.

One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam

in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for

the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When

the dishes were served, I forund none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and

wanderde on the street for a while,hungry. Then I walked to school.

When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate

told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the

box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes was moist with tears.

Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love




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Everyone has friends in life.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

When I am filled with joy and share it with my friends, we can be both happy. Sometimes when I am not happy. Id like to tell my friends all about my worries. They will help me and cheer me on.

Of course, even the best friends will have problems. We can fight with each other sometimes. But it doesnt matter because we will soon make peace with each other.



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I’m a 20 year-ol d boy, and the following is my story.

A month after I graduated from high school in August, 2013, I was coming home from swim_practice in the training centre of the city and was involved in a car accident. I was so seriously injured that I was in a coma for more than two months at Prince Georges Hospital.

I suffered a lot from the experience of dying eight times during my coma and I couldn’t open my mouth to talk or to communicate when I eventually came around. At that time, it seemed that walking was never going to happen again due to all the extreme injuries. Just like my body, my dreams were completely destroyed. But I was not going to let my injuries stop me from realizing my dreams.

After receiving a total of 15 operations and 36 blood transfusions, I had to make every great effort to learn to talk, eat, walk, shower, and live on my own again. When I was out of hospital,_I still had to go to outpatient therapy in Waldorf, Maryland. After I spent a few months in a wheelchair,_I took baby steps to walk on my own. It was a miracle that

I was able to walk again, but I still wanted to prove that I could not only walk, but also run.

When it came true, I wanted to get back into the pool again. After having a few lung tests, I was able to go in the pool a little bit each week. After a few months of swim training,_I began my freshman year at St. Mary’s College of Maryland and then became a proud member of the swim team.

By telling my story, I want to make a positive influence on the world. I am just trying to live dad push me round in my them and their family members. I wanted to let them know that everything was going to be okay. Somehow, things would work out for the best.

