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Dear Santa Claus,

See the letter!

Santa, you are a magical person. Although I have never seen you, I can

imagine what you look like. On December 24, you ride in a sleigh pulled by 12

reindeer and drop presents down chimneys from house to house. You will satisfy

every childs Christmas wish.

I also have a Christmas wish this year. I want Avang and Darky back to me.

Awan is a dog that my grandfather picked up. Awan was no ordinary dog. It has

the blood of the Wolf, so it is a Wolf dog. Not long after, Awang became

pregnant and gave birth to The paparazzi, Xiao Hei. As a mother, Awang loves her

son, Xiao Hei, very much. I also very painful small black, a little bump all

dont let, more wont let others bully it.

When Xiao Hei was nearly five years old, my grandfather suddenly had a

stroke and was unable to take care of himself in the hospital bed. Little Hei

was afraid of thunder since he was a child. The other day I went to see grandpa

in the hospital. It was thundering and thundering outside. Grandma was at my

sisters house, and I was afraid to walk home alone. So I was in the hospital

waiting for my mother to pick me up and go home with me. But mom cant come to

pick me up because of something.

So as soon as I clenched my teeth, I rushed into the heavy rain alone. The

rain was so heavy that I ran all the way. In the haze, I saw two moving black

dots running towards me. Im so happy. It must be Avang and Heiie to greet me

when I go home. But I was so happy that I forgot the red light ahead and rushed

out. Suddenly, Awan ran up to me and shielded me from the oncoming impact of the


The owner of the car to see, the original hit is a dog, did not say what

drove away. I am very helpless, very want to find him desperately. But Avangs

life is more important. Thinking of this, I immediately picked up Awan and ran

to the pet hospital.

The doctor said, "No more surgery. Its almost hopeless." Hearing this, I

burst into tears. The doctor saw that I was too sad and suggested putting Awan

to death. I had to say yes. I didnt want Him to suffer as much as he did before

he died.

Santa, can you show me one more look at Black and Awan? Can you give me

that wish?

I wish: long life, happy every day!














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The boy students in our clawere preparing to run for monitor. Hearing the news, we girls were full of iaterest and curiosity. We were in bigh spirits and went to listen to their competltive speech. We decided to put our sacred vote to the most suitable person after careful consideration.

The first one who stood up to speak was Yin Xing, who was very active in physical and recreational activities. He pledged to enrich our school life by leading us in singing and dancing and playing games.

The second speaker was Tong Sheng, who was smart and ceonomical and good at planning, He said be would arrange fox our budget in claactivities.

The speeches went on. My eyes fell on Jiang Xin, who sat in a corner, listening attentively. That boy was quiet and always readyto help others in their studies. He could play basketball and dance gracefully. I asked him why he did not run for monitor. He said he was no good. Hearing us talking, someone shouted,"Jiang Xin, why not join in and run for monitor?" Jiang Xin stood up. embarrassed,"I am no good. If anyone is in need of me, I am ready to help. Thats all."

The time had come for us to count the votes. And to my delight ,Jiang Xin received the most votes and was elected monitor.



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People always say that a fathers love is like the mountain, which means

the love is strong but not obvious, because men are generally not good at

expressing themselves. I read an article about a fathers love. He wrote a

letter to his child, which was about three years old. In the letter, he

expressed his future concern about the problems that the kid would face and the

father told the kid to be strong. From the letter, people could feel the strong

power that father would always support you, no matter what happens. I complain

about my father sometimes, because he is so busy, but at this moment, I

understand him.



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New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.

The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese an extra month once every few years. This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.

New Years Eve and New Years Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.

The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals, united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family.

The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Years Eve with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the onset of the New Year as one great community. The communal feast called "surrounding the stove". It symbolizes family unity and honors the past and present generations



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Maybe the stars means the dream,I love the stars in the blue sky,Its always bright and pretty,and always take me to a beautiful dream.

I really like to look at the little stars,when I look at them,I feel very relax and happy.The stars are quiet and just like full of beautiful magic, Its amazy.

Just like wonders,the stars in the deapiest blue sky is so pretty,"one , two, three, four, five, six, seven……"there has so many so many stars in the sky,I really cant count it.

When I was so lonely,I will look at the sky,and told the little stars my little secrets,told the little stars my dream,and told them so many so many interesting things,then I will feel less lonely.

I like the stars in the sky,what about you?



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Last summer holiday, I went to Beijing for a week. The first day when I took off at the capital airport , it gave me the first feeling was cleanand tidy. The people in Beijing were very friendly. T he second day, I visited Beijing city. I went to the WangFujing Ave , I tasted many famous snacksand Beijing Roast Duck, they are very delicious. I also went to the XinDongfang square, it was a very big shopping mall, it took me about half an hour to walk between two doors. I can saw many famous brands: Cucci, Chanel, Rolex, Seiko, even the new Audi cars. It made me really want to stay in Beijing .The third day I visited the Tian’anmen Square, and it’s very beautiful. And the Chang’an Ave is wide ,straight and clean. The forth day, I went to the Forbidden City. It made me felt the emperor ’ s royal mausoleum was very luxury. The fifth day I went to the Summer Palace, I went boating there. The sixth day, I visited the Great Wall, it’s very terrific, this great architectural complex told us how clever the Chinese people are ! T he last day, I visited the Beijing University ----one of the topest universities of China . There are many famous people were graduated t here.

That’s a happy travel. In the future, I want to visit many countries. This is my dream.



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舅舅家有一个小表弟,他的眼睛圆圆的, 笑起来却眯成了一条线, 白白的牙齿也露了出来, 非常的惹人喜爱。他今年五岁半了,可已上一年级了,他不但聪明还爱动脑筋。

一个周末我回姥姥家,弟弟看见我手里拿着一样东西。还没等他向我开口。我就冲他挥了挥手说:"咱们一起玩卡片吧?"他好奇的向我围了过来,还兴奋的问我了一个问题:"哥哥,怎么玩?"我给他讲,我们同时拿些卡片,看谁卡片上的人最厉害,谁就能打败对方。弟弟又问:"卡片上那个人物最厉害"。我眼珠一转想到了一个好办法,我 把不厉害的人物说成最厉害的,把最不厉害的角色说成是最历害的。结果弟弟手里拿的全是不厉害的小人物。最后全家人发现了这个"骗局"。都开心的大笑起来。弟弟知道自己上当了,钻进姥姥怀里再也不敢抬头了。等下次我们再玩卡片时,我跟他说卡片上的人物那个厉害时,他却怎么也不相信了。




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英文名称是Application letter。它通常分为几种类型,包括索取公司应聘申请表及详细资料的不带的求职,附简历的应征求职信,试探性的求职信等等。 那么,英文有哪些呢?


在招聘广告中,常要求有意申请者可致电或致函索取公司的申请表格。索取这类申请表格的求职信一般都比较简短,格式参照范例。 得到申请表格后,仔细填写后一般与简历一起交给公司。申请表格的填写。

附简历的应征求职信具有向招聘者说明简历和具体求职内容的作用。简历中你已经将自己的职业经历或教育情况列表说明了,在求职信里就应着重表达自己的意见。在求职信里要简短地对简历中提到的与应聘职位有关的职业经历和技能加以说明。但是,只是简单的重复简历里的内容是不够的。要把简历里没有的内容充分添加进去,显示出与其他应聘者的差别。你需要表达的观点是:渴望、确信、真诚(I am keen, I am clear and I am sincere)。在第一段里,陈述你渴望得到这个空缺职位,第二段说明你已了解这项工作和公司的要求,说明你为什么认为你符合它们的招聘条件。第三段讲清你本人希望在何时面试,何时可以上班。第四段采用能使公司相信你对这项工作真正有兴趣的语句结束这封信。







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If we have no knowledge, we cannot succeed in doing any work。 Why? Because

knowledge is power。 With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented

steamers, trains and airplanes。 We can send messages by telegram。 We can talk

with our friends by telephone。

As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation。 She

(It) needs us very much。 If we do not make efforts to acquire knowledge, how can

we render service to her (it)?



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我的表弟刚生下来体重就非比寻常,护士一称,竟正好是八斤八两。可把他老爸乐的,几天都合不拢嘴,好像捡到金元宝似的。照我看来,一定是迷信在他脑子里作祟。我比我表弟大了三岁,但是他的 外表粗看起来似乎比我大,但仔细一看,他虎头虎脑的,剃着齐耳短发,还是显得比我小些的。


记得是夏天的时候吧,我和我表弟相约去乡下他奶奶家玩,主要说好了要去捕蝉,捕蝉的那天天气炎热,蝉鸣声在树林里此起彼伏,几乎都不停歇,看来蝉也是热得够呛。我们俩正在他奶奶前面的马路 两边的阔叶树上全神贯注寻觅蝉的足迹,忽然,耳畔传来“啊呀——”的一声,我们只看见一位老奶奶跌倒在路上,一辆电动车刚好压在他的脚下,当时正好是晌午时分,陆上空无一人,我愣在那里,脑子 还没反应过来,之间身旁的标的扔下网兜,像箭一样向老奶奶奔去,使出吃奶的力气,想把压在老奶奶腿上的电动车抬起来,电动车还是未动分毫,这时他才回过头来,对我大喊:“徐文浩,快过来帮忙 !”其实他喊得时候,我已经在旁边拉了,只是他急的没察觉到而已,于是,我俩使出浑身的力气,终于把压在老奶奶身上的电动车挪开了,老奶奶疼得直喊,我们也急得团团转,想不出什么好办法来 ,这时,老奶奶说话了:“小弟弟,能帮我打个电话叫我儿子来接。”他又把摔倒的具体位置告诉了我们,我跟我弟弟说:“这是在乡下,哪来的公共电话啊?”只见弟弟环顾四周一看,远处有几户人 家,对我说:“哥,乡下都装电话了,我们去问问看吧。”我说:“好吧”,对老奶奶说“您先等着,我们这就去打电话,真不出弟弟所料,乡下果然装了电话,打完电话,我俩又回到老奶奶身边,弟 弟还找出一张废报纸为老奶奶扇风,一边不停的安慰老奶奶,又过了一会儿,老奶奶的亲属赶了过来,把老奶奶接走了。还不停的夸奖我们两个,搞得我都不好意思了。




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Santa Claus:

Hello, listen to your story, I grew up into five graders. After more than

two months you will come to our room to give us a gift.

The existence of the other people all dont believe you, but I always

believe that you are there. Because I read a grade one night you showed your

presence. Is Christmas night, I have been looking forward to have a firebird the

yo-yo, at this point, I was thinking about you can get me, in order to let you

in, I specially open the window, think convenient to let you in.

In the morning, I heard the mother cries: He Qilun, Santa Claus gift!

Beside I have a look at my pillow is a firebird the yo-yo, I am absolutely

thrilled, cant wait to open box, looked at me dream the yo-yo, playing with it.

Hey, dont play, go to school! Mother said.

Santa Claus, I hope you can prove that you exist.











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Dear Wang Gang,

I was very interested to hear that youve looking for a penfriend.I have never visited your country but I should be very happy to write to you. Let me introduce myself.

Im seventeen years old.I study in a high school.I go to school every day. My best-liked subject is biology.I hope to go to university and finally become a doctor.

My favourite sports are football and observing nature.My other hobbies are collecting stamps and doing crossword puzzle.

Please write to me and tell me about yourself.Im very much looking forward to reading your letter.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Hampton



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I went to visit my grandparents last August. They lived in a small village far from Shenyang. I was born there ten years ago. I remembered it had been a poor place before.


But when I got to the village, I found that great changes had taken place there. The villagers became richer. They looked happy and healthy. A lot of new buildings were built.


My home village took on a new look.




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Free Admission to Parks

To encourage people to go outside and relax, a mounting number of parks offer free admission now. People benefit from it, especially during these tough economic times. With free entry, more people will have the opportunity for affordable vacations for families, taking pleasure in the natural landscape.

Fresh air and landscapes in parks are good for people. However, too many people

flocking into parks might not be so good for the parks.

For example, some visitors leave their garbage behind, which may cause environmental pollution. And people’s barbeques and stamping will also bring damage to the grassland and other greeneries in parks.

As a university student, I’m in favor of free admission to parks. Free entry to parks not only saves people’s expenditure, but also makes things fairer — people like the poor and students can go to parks frequently as well. On the other hand, visitors should be informed to preserve the environment while enjoying the beauty of the nature.



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The spring Festival  coming soon! The festivel  considereded the most important one for Chinese people. It  on the first day of lunar year. It  also the day of reunion among family members. During these days, people would say "happy new year! or wh you make fortune! to each other. They would also vit their relatives and friends. Children would be given "red packets". Children would have more to eat and play than usual.Playing firecrackers  also a popular game for children.
