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My favorite pet is a dog, it is called XX, it is very small, very short limbs, yellow skin, beautiful eyes, black nose, long ears.

It is very cute and smart, and always will make us happy, So we all like it. The only thing that is always bite shoes. makes me very angry, and this is my favorite pet.




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My family has a drowsy puppy it is a yellow with white fur, plus a pair of poor face, and two will light a small light bulb.

The dog is a loyal friend, but my dog is the opposite. Some people come when he is always timid to hide in the nest frightened to look at the "invaders", although full of hostility, but dare not roar.

It always looked around carefully when eating, for fear of big dogs to take away its food. That big dog once the invasion of his site it will be raging, snapped to scold the big dog. Do not underestimate it, it is not the person who lost the curse Oh.

It is funny when eating funny. The puppy is very picky eaters, it first eat a meal if the taste is fresh and delicious it will not hesitate to eat the meal breath. If it is rough tea it will not go back to the head, on the depressed lying on the ground.

It sees strangers when "barking" called it if it is their own people when it will be intimate to rub your legs, as if you hug it.

Its sense of smell is very sensitive to the cats vision. If it is not far from the food it will be rushed to go up and will eat the rice gnawing. It has a hobby: like the toilet, but I still like it.



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Puppy vigilance is unusual, it has a special sensitive nose, can smell three miles away the breath, eat food, it is always lower the head to smell. It also has a pair of ears, whenever hear the sound of the special, its ears will stand up and listened attentively outside action! Thus, people keep it to see gate, it is human loyal friend.

The puppy has a wide and big mouth, mouth a row of white and sharp teeth, it can be a a big mouse bite dead!

The dog has a vigorous limbs, it ran very fast, one minute can run 2, 3 miles!

The puppy eyes arent very good, can only see about a mile away. So, why can it certain things? It is mainly rely on its nose.

The puppy claws are sharp, need not long time, it can dig a big round pit.

The puppy was born, the hair is brown, but it will no longer be when I grew up brown, and turned to dark yellow.

The dogs character is very gentle. If you are good to it, it will use the top of the head of your legs, as if in pettish to you; But if you are a stranger came to the home of the it, it will still be "bark" barked, even will jump on you bite you you.

Summer arrived, a hot day, we often can see dogs always sticking out their tongues, not dog perspire? The reason is very simple, that is because the dogs long sweat pore on the tongue.

The dog really deserves to be loved by people, this is it acquired at the cost of their real ability.












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我的宠物My Dog

Ihave a lovely dog. He has white fur and four small paws. I love his ears best,because his ears are round and big. He always lies near my lap to sleep. He isfriendly and quiet. I never frighten him or pull his small tail. If he is hungry,he will bark at me. Usually, he eats dog food from a tin, but his favorite foodis meat. He always plays with stricks. I feed my dog every day and give himclean water. Usually, I wash his fur every day and he enjoys it very much. Ilove my dog very much. I think he is my good friend. I will look after himuntil the end.




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我非常喜欢(i like dogs very much)

i have a pet, dog. he has brown feather, and he is very small. i like him a lot, because he is so clever、beautiful and cute. he is so cute that i want play with him every day, but i can’t. even if i can’t play with him every day, but i can play with him once a week or twice a week. his legs are neither long nor short. he can run fast, and he likes eating meat and fried rice. he often plays outside. he is our good friend, and that is why i like him a lot.




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我家有只小宠物。它是去年姑姑送给我的生日礼物,我非常喜欢它。 小狗长得胖乎乎的,一身黑白相间的皮毛,好像披着一块黑白相间的花纹毛衣。毛茸茸的耳朵高高的翘着,又长又大,走起路来一甩一甩的。绿莹莹的眼睛里镶嵌着两颗像宝石一样的眼珠。一对三角形的鼻子又红有小,它的嗅觉可灵敏了。一只大大的嘴巴长在鼻子下方,我可喜欢它了。

因为它身上黑色的毛居多,所以我给它起名为“小黑”。 “小黑”很贪吃。有一次妈妈买了一些肉,准备烧汤。一回到家,“小黑”好像闻到了气味,在妈妈脚下蹭来蹭去,不时还“汪汪汪汪”地叫喊着。好像在说:“主人,主人,给我一些骨头吃吧,好吗?”妈妈看它可怜巴巴的样子,就挑了一些小肉和骨头扔给它。“小黑”猛地扑向肉和骨头,津津有味地吃着。 “小黑”很贪玩。有一次奶奶到我家来玩。它见奶奶进了我的房间,欢快的叫着,一边叫一边围着我一圈一圈的跑,好像在说:“小主人,小主人,你奶奶来了,你奶奶来了!”奶奶回到客厅,拿出了毛线,想给我织一条围巾。奶奶拿起毛线球,就开始织了,刚织了一会,妈妈又叫奶奶一起去买菜,奶奶就把毛线球放在了沙发上,就跟妈妈买菜去了。“小黑”看见了沙发上的毛线球,觉得好奇,就想去瞧瞧。它刚到沙发,不料毛线球滚了下来,朝它这边滚来,“小黑”见状不停的往后退,边退边叫着,它好像在说:“这是什么怪物啊!”

过了一会儿,毛线球不动了,“小黑”就慢慢地向前移动,然后用爪子碰碰毛线球,觉得没有危险,便开始玩起来了。它抱着毛线球跑来跑去,当它回到房间时,发现自己的脚被毛线球缠住了,就“汪汪”地叫了起来,好像是在向我求救,我只好放下作业给它解开了。它欢喜地用舌头舔我的手。 “小黑”虽然贪吃,贪玩,可它却非常可爱,给我的生活带来了快乐。我爱我的小宠物狗——“小黑”。



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I have a puppy in my family. I like it very much. Its black eyes like two black stones, its fur is white like a bed blankets, its four legs like small pillars four hairy, its tail swinging, seemed to be waving to you welcome.


Because I called Tinker Bell, so my mother wanted to name him little Ding Dong, but I do not agree, I called him, because I think it every day.


It is very naughty, when we go out to eat, it is always the old trouble, trouble, it jumped on the sofa mess, and also newspapers, napkins torn all over the floor. When I came back, I saw the mess on the ground. I was so angry that I ignored it. He realized he had made a mistake and threw himself on my knee as if to shed tears and said, "Lord, forgive me."!" I forgave it when I saw it so pathetic.


My puppy is so cute and naughty!



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love me, love my dog.[谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友; 爱屋及乌。下面是小编为你带来的关于的常用英语谚语,欢迎阅读。

Scornful[Hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.

[谚]人到危急时, 平时所不屑做的也要做; 急不暇择, 饥不择食。

teach an old dog new tricks


teach the dog to bark


The dog returns to his vomit.

狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西; 重犯旧日罪恶。

A living dog is better than a dead lion.


A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.

[谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。

An old dog barks not in vain.

[谚]老狗不乱吠; 老狗 一吠, 就得小心。

A living dog is better than a dead lion.


n old dog will learn no new tricks. (=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)

老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物。

Barking dogs seldom bite.

爱叫的狗 不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齿。

Beware of a silent dog and still water.

提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。

Barking dogs seldom bite.


Dumb dogs are dangerous.


If the old dog barks, he give the counsel.


An old dog barks not in vain.

老狗不乱吠; 老狗 一吠, 就得小心。

A good dog deserves a good bone.

好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。

Every dog is a lion at home. [Every dog is valiant at his own door.]

狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。

An old dog will learn no new tricks. (=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)

[谚]老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物。

as [like] a dog with two tails


Barking dogs seldom bite.

[谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齿。

A good dog deserves a good bone.

[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。

be (old) dog at (a thing)

对...有经验; 对...很内行

Beware of a silent dog and still water.

[谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。

come like a dog at a whistle


Every dog has his day.


Every dog is a lion at home. [Every dog is valiant at his own door.]

[谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。

Fight dog, fight bear.

[谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。

Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).

[谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉; 人言可畏。

It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. [let sleeping dogs lie; dont wake a sleeping dog.]

别多事, 别惹麻烦。

lead a dogs life




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I have a cat named mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.




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One day, I met a puppy on the road, it had a pair of bright eyes, like white snow, very cute, but it is always barking, and then it refers to the belly, I said to the dog : "You must be hungry!", The dog and barking, as if to say: "Yes."

So I took it home, took some snacks, a bowl of hot milk, it eat with relish, after eating I gave it a name called "little cute."

One day I took a bag of biscuits and keys out of the house, little cute behind me, suddenly called up and bumped me, I saw the original my key out, I picked up and touched its head : "Thank you, little cute."

Little cute is nice, cute and smart, I really like it.



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This dog is my uncle gave me.

A pair of pointed little ears, sparkling little eyes, black and white body, round small tail, composed of a lovely puppy - handsome. Often stroll it, the other passers-by likens it into a cat. Because it is too small, too thin, and sometimes I want it to grow up, but uncle said: "It is a small dog, not too big.

It is time to eat, really picky. Only eat beef and chicken, dog food sometimes do not even look at a look. When sleeping is really different. Because it has an indispensable item before going to bed, thats what Im throwing plush toys. 1,2,3,4 ... ... 15, it still refused to stop, I continue to play with it until more than 20, it was rest. getting ready to sleep. And sleep is very strange time, often I liken it as a cat: because the cat is always a pattern of sleep, handsome is the case.

That sharp call, often makes me feel the buzzing ears. Sometimes the guest came in, it will be called, how to say it can not stop, it may be the dogs nature it! But its call, it is not the same ah! Really do not understand. It also has a poor side. I remember once: my mother and I went out to buy something, handsome with that eyes looked at me, I thought: it is too poor, why can not take him?

Handsome hands out to play, may be vigorously. Sometimes bite the tail to the tail, and sometimes happy to jump high, and sometimes ... ... really excited do not know how the good! To the downstairs quickly run up, two small ears vertical, hair with the wind fluttering. It can be run when the strange, and other dogs are running, and it is dancing run, run a few steps to look back at us, and then continue to run up. You have to meet, and must laugh!

This is my little pet - handsome, I really like it!



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(一)我家的小My Little Dog

Last year,my friend gave me a little dog. I was fond of him very much. I liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever I went. I was very glad that I had a “body guard”。

Last winter I was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every day.However,no matter how late I went home,my dog used to stand at a comer near my school waiting for me. When I passed there,he barked two or three times then ran towards me. It seemed that he was calling me.

My dog not only,took good care of me,but also was respoasible at home. When strangers came to my house,he barked at them but not hurt them. What a lovely dog he is!




(二) 我家的小狗 My Little Dog

Nowadays many people like to have dogs as their pets. Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their masters.

Dogs can do a lot of work for man. They play with us. They hunt with us. They keep door for us. But long ago, dogs all over the world were wild.

Dogs can date back to the Stone Age. All dogs have the same ancestor. It is believed that their ancestor was much like a wolf. Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, man began to tame wild dogs. After the dogs were tamed, they were trained. The strong dogs became working animals. They were trained to pull heavy loads. They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other animals. Working dogs had other jobs, too.

Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt for game. Other dogs were best as pets.

Today, there are more than 100 kinds of dogs in the world.






(三) 我家的小狗 My Little Dog

When I was picking up my stuff after school, I saw a dog staring at me at the school gate .I was kind of scary. I thought the dog would bite me when I was going out. But it was not. The dog started to follow me. I was very afraid. I started to run away, but the dog did it, either. Suddenly, the dog ran pass away me. I realized the man in front of me was the owner of the dog. I was relieved.

From then on, as long as a dog stares at me, I will look back to have a look whether there is another person near or not.



[英语作文三篇:My Little Dog 我家的小狗



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Nowadays many people like to have dogs as their pets. Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their masters.

Dogs can do a lot of work for man. They play with us. They hunt with us. They keep door for us. But long ago, dogs all over the world were wild.

Dogs can date back to the Stone Age. All dogs have the same ancestor. It is believed that their ancestor was much like a wolf. Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, man began to tame wild dogs. After the dogs were tamed, they were trained. The strong dogs became working animals. They were trained to pull heavy loads. They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other animals. Working dogs had other jobs, too.

Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt for game. Other dogs were best as pets.

Today, there are more than 100 kinds of dogs in the world.



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When I was young, I had a lovely dog, it has a white hair; a pair of big black eyes seemed especially clever; down from his ears on both sides; the black nose in the white face, very conspicuous; pink small mouth is like a lipstick on the tail; like a flower blooming flowers. A man who walks with a swing like a gentleman with great grace, and I affectionately call him "Beibei"".

"Beibei" is a very conscientious security guard in our family". Dont look at it usually lying on the sofa, lazy, fun, but as long as the door has a ring, it will suddenly raised his head and ears, all eyes staring at the door. If it is a visitor who knows it, he will greet it warmly, his tail wagging; if he has never met a stranger, he will raise his throat and shout at the man, as if to frighten others.

My family lives on the five floor, every time I go home from school, footsteps on the third ring, playing the "babe" will stop immediately, ran to the door and waited; when I went to the door, it will be exciting scratching at the door, and will go back to his family to open the door for me; when I entered the house. It will happily came at me and hugged my legs, the affectionate interest dont mention it.

"Beibei" is so lovely that he brings laughter and laughter for our family!



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My home have a dog named spot, three years old this year, the colour is light yellow, very likable, little nose is black, and small, it naturally has a character of arrogance.

Little is a golden retriever. Remember in the winter of 2007, the snow was falling thickand the wind was its mother put it, born a month later I went to grandma house held it back, but it is small, it is about two jins, little living in my house for a year or so, and because my house without the loess, and the urine is also an issue, but under my mother had to send it is grandmas house, little just walk a couple of days, and I think it all the time, what matter all downhearted, time is long, I also gradually forgotten.

To from one day, mother said: didnt go to grandmas house for a long time, lets go and see, that makes me fiercely remembered Id left a good friend, after lunch, we went to grandmas house, a meeting, I almost didnt recognize, also was like a "bean sprouts" puppy, is now, thick and tall, look the jovian, has a bit of light red nose, looks very spirit.

On the way home, I want to for a long time, why at the beginning of the puppy to grandma house can grow up? Eat fat? I think its because my grandma home food is to its liking. Ha ha, my little little cute.







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I like small animals very much, but I like puppies best.


The puppy is not big, but it has a big head. A pair of small triangular ears, the face is also small. A gem of a flexible bright big eyes, a round black nose. His hair Chengtu yellow, smooth coated with a layer of oil like. The tail is hairy and is often put on and feels comfortable.


A dog makes a noise when he eats food, eats quickly, and looks like he is hungry. Sleep motionless, very quiet, a move to look up, nothing, and continue to lie on the ground sleep. When you play a game, if you are happy, you will wag your tail and jump to the distance, and your tongue will stick out.


Because my neighbor has a little dog, so I often play with him. The puppys head is big. I call it "big head"". On one occasion, I just returned home and saw the dog playing on the side of the road, running around. I was ready to open the door, the dog immediately ran over in front of me yaotoubaiwei, seems very welcome to me.


I really like this cute and naughty puppy! Im sure youll like this "big head" too!


My favorite little animal - puppy.



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I like dogs, my aunts home has three puppies: one is called "talent", one called "river", the last one is called "dou dou".

"Handsome" like to fight, fight so handsome, so its called handsome. Like to drink water, playing with water, "river" aunt think the puppy like to play with water, it should have a name three drops of water; Like to drink water, it also could be thirsty to drink fluids, it should also have a thirst in the name of the () words; So it is called "river". "Doug" cute, so it is called "dou dou".

Handsome, river river, doug they all have a soft, black, long hair, I malicious huan their lovely appearance.

In one of them, my favorite is handsome. I saw a small stones, a hard kick, the small stones quickly rushed over. I see handsome like to molar with stones, I saw the handsome good teeth pointed o...

I also play games with handsome, I went to my aunt there, it also went to the aunt side, I go upstairs, it also go upstairs; I run, it is running. "This is fun!" I was excited, happy said.

In the evening, I in my aunts house to eat a meal ready to go home. Uncle, aunt, handsome and I said, "good-bye!" Handsome his tail at me, as if also say bye bye to me! I sit and of my fathers car to go home.

We now move, cant go to aunts home to see them every day. I have a little more than a month didnt see them, miss them!










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My pet dog

I have a dog baby, it is a purebred German shepherd. Uncle is just sent to me.

It all without a nap, if sleeping in the snow, Im afraid I couldnt find three days. It pointed ears, small and exquisite, warily up with; In the dark, dark eyes, shining light. The sense of smell is incomparable, in "V" from the blood of the basin mouth people terrified, sharp fangs more to make it better. It is robust limbs holds up a strong body. See it so fierce, I named it as "white tiger".

"White tiger" although looks a bit scary, but actually not. Remember when uncle just give it to me, it is a open mouth, I cant help but eat a surprised: very sharp teeth! I dont know it bites or not disorderly bite. But a few days later, it is not strange to me, and began to walk around me, when I went to the night market every day, I took it to so many readers, some children also follow "white tiger", "white tiger" go ahead but gently open for me, do not bite. I just know it temper is so gentle.

"White tiger" and after I acquainted, became inseparable friends. Go to school every day, it will go with me. No way, I have to again and again to take it home; Every day after school, it will run out early to meet me, see me back, it turned up front PAWS outstretched tongue, shaking his tail "standing" wait for me downstairs. Whenever at this time, I will comb it white hairs, go home together with it.

The lovely "white tiger" my head is not big, but want to eat a lot of things. Every night, the mother will then get a few extra piece of meat to eat, and white tiger at this time was with relish to enjoy the delicious barbecue. But in order not to raise a fat dog, it need to eat more vegetables. Meals a day, is decided by me.

Alas, my lovely pet dog! Thats my good partner.



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