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We cant live without water, but now the water was polluted. It is the biggest problem. It influences our daily life. So we should find a way to solve this problem. Water is important resources. In our daily life, we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we often drop litter in the river. So the water was polluted by us. I think we could use a bottle of water two or three times. We have to turn off the tap after cleaning hands.

Lets try to form a good habit and save things around us. Lets do it from now on!

Water is very important to us. We cant live without water. But the drinking water is less and less. Because we waste a lot of water in our daily life. And some of us often throw rubbish into the rivers. So the rivers are polluted seriously.

Its our duty to save water, we must do something to save water. For example, we shouldnt pour waste water into the rivers and we should pick up litter around us.

If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear.

Fish cant live without water. Plants cant live without water. People cant live without water, either. As you can see, the water is very important to us. But now drinking water is less and less. The water was polluted seriously.

So we would act quickly in order to save the water, But what must we do now? I think we can plant trees, clean the banks of the river, water the plants by using used water. Turn off the shower while we are washing hair. And we shouldnt drop litter into the river and so on.

Its our duty to try our best to protect and save water. And dont forget that if we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear.;

If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear. What a frightful announcement!

Water is very important for people, animals and plants. Water is needed to many things in daily life, like taking a shower, drinking, washing clothes, making meals and so on. We cant live without water. But now water has become less and less because people waste water and pollute water. If we continue to do things like this, we shall destroy ourselves. So we should take action to improve the environment quickly. We shouldnt throw rubbish into the rivers. We should pay attention to environmental protection. We can use less water when we wash something. In a word, we should save water.














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each year there is an increasing number of cars on the roads as millions of new cars are produced. one out of six americans works at making cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling up gas. americans couldnt live without cars!

most americans would find it hard to imagine life without a car. however, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars. the polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.

one way to get rid of the polluted air is to make a car without pollution. but to build a clean car is easier said than done. progress in this field is slow.

another way is to replace car engines with something else. inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars. many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model for us.

to prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we have to make some changes in our lives. americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total cars.they are encouraged to use bicycles, which are thought to help keep the air clean.



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20世纪的发展像一匹骏马一样飞速前进,无论是工业还是科技都在快速发展。可是在这同时,另一幕又戏剧化的发生了:废水污染了可爱的海洋,废气污染了碧蓝的天空,两极冰山融化、温室效应增加…… 先说被废水污染的渤海吧!渤海是毛泽东主席曾经畅游过的地方。可是谁又想到如今渤海已经变成了一条“垃圾河”。渤海仅仅在二零零六年毒就吞入了15.8亿吨有化工垃圾,导致大批鱼类绝种,海水变成了可怕的红色。

国国家海洋局报道说:渤海是全国污染最严重的海域,每年有57亿吨的有毒废物和20亿吨固体废物倒入其中。52条河流43条受到了严重污染。天津、山东、辽宁及河北省的112个垃圾站80%化学和工业废弃物经常倒入渤海。据“参考消息”报纸报道说:如果从现在起人类不再对渤海排放工业废水和倾倒垃圾,灌入纯净水,要想使渤海恢复从前的样子也要1个世纪---100年。100年啊!多麽漫长的时间啊!人类需要多麽漫长的时间来弥补自己犯下的过错啊! 还有碧蓝的天空也被废气污染了,或许我们没有注意过。我也是在不经意间发现不仅是海洋,连我们碧蓝的天空也被污染了。那天我蹲在窗前看风景, 突然看见远处一阵阵废气飘上空中,我朝那看了看,隐隐约约看见一个大排气管。我好奇地问爸爸那是什麽地方,爸爸告诉我,那是一个工厂。我想虽然排出的废气不多,但是这样日积月累肯定对天空污染很大,况且,还不止这一个工厂。

还有两极冰山的融化。就在2002年罗斯冰架崩裂,为什麽?因为污染太大。还有非洲第一高峰乞力马扎罗山的冰盖渐渐融化。为什麽?因为污染太大。 还有温室效应的增加。据说:近几年,全球气温将上升。为什麽?因为污染太大。 归属起来,这都是污染惹得祸。污染使得可爱的海洋变得面目全非,污染使得碧蓝的天空变成“乌黑的天空”,污染使得两极冰山融化,污染使得温室效应增加。我们应该阻止这些污染,让明天的地球更加美丽!



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In recent years,we can clearlyfeelthe environment around usis more and moreobviouspollution,environmentalsafety problems have beenvery serious.Because of ourpreviouspolicy isheavy economic development,light environmental protection,resulting inenvironmental pollution,ecological damage is very serious,mainly manifested in the following aspects:


In the atmosphereof security,since the middle of the twentieth Century,industry andthe rapid development of transportation,causingairpollution is increasing.Air pollutionisharmful to human health,but alsoaffectthe growth of plants and animals,destruction ofbuilding materials,serious when canalter the earths climate.According to the survey,China each yearfrom air pollutionand economiclosses amounted to about 100000000000 yuan.


In the water security,waterpollution in Chinais very serious,widespread around thedrinking watersafety problems,a direct threat tohuman and animalsurvival.In recent years,although theinvestmentfund managementa lot ofHuaiheand other waters,but the effect is not obvious,the overall situationis still deteriorating.


In a biologicalsafety,the invasion of alien speciesmass,a serious threat to thebiological diversity of china.In fact,the blind introduction of foreign species,damage the environmentbalance,serious and evenlead to disastrous consequences.At the same time,because ofthe destruction of the ecological environmentandwildlifehunting,biologicalextinctionrateis rapidly increasing.


In the security of land,theland desertification and soil erosionis very serious.In addition,the cultivated landquality in Chinadecreased very rapidly,at the same time,because of the seriousland pollutionphenomenoncaused byexcessive use ofpesticides,is directly related tofood safety problemof residents in our country.China is adeveloping country,in the face ofenvironmental pollutionpressure not only fromChinaitself,andappliedpressurefromsome developed countries abroad.Therefore the development ofeconomy andenvironmentis a need for us toissuelongface,and it alsoneed to rely on theparticipationof each and every one of us.




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I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why?——Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A.

In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing.

it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.

How to change this condition?More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.


The picture shows the pollution caused by chimneys of the factories in cities. Often, the sky is covered by large clouds of smoke from chimneys. The air is nearly suffocating, especially in the evening as it becomes cold and the smoke is spreading everywhere. The scene reminds us of the end of the world.

From the picture we can infer that the drawer of the picture intends to convey to the readers that unplanned factories has brought about great hazards to the city air condition. Due to planning mistakes, factories were usually placed in the center of cities, among residential and business districts. Besides, nearly every block has several chimneys for the heating system, which makes the whole city immersed in thick columns of smoke. As a result, respiratory diseases have been reported to be rising and old people dying of the worsening air pollution.

Pollution is really a hot issue in the world. If we don’t take useful measures, we may live in terrible surroundings, and some unexpected results may come out in the end. So, what we should do is to bring down the problems caused by chimneys. For one thing, factories with chimneys should be moved out of the center of the city and it should be made sure that the waste gases are at least not poisonous. For another, other means of heating should be developed to stop using coal. In a word, in the city there should be no coal, no chimney, and no smoke to pollute the air.


It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.

Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc.

To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What’s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people’s mind.

If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation.



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Our modern city is too crowded, and to solve the problem, three proposals are put forward. Most people believe that we should fist practise the policy “Late Marriage” and “One Couple, One Child” in order to reduce the birth rate. Secondly, the city government must have a tight control over rural people entering cities to engage themselves in trade or do various physical jobs so as to lessen the pressure on the city caused by the increased population. Finally more and more people suggest that living blocks with shopping centers, schools, hospitals as well as cinemas and theatres round them or even satellite towns should be built in city suburbs or the countryside round the cities. In this way city citizens will be encouraged to move there to live and work. If these three proposals are well carried out, the city population will be greatly reduced.





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Today,my topic is environmental pollution. As the world get more and more modern, pollution presents a serious problem. More people make more waste. All this waste is polluting our environment. Pollution has a bad influence on our life. There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. The most serious problems is the pollution of air, water and soil.

Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. Because some waste gases is coming from factories, cars, power plants put out.The polluted air is harm to people’s health.

The polluted water causes diseases and death. With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste water is being poured into rivers. It has caused serious pollution. The river is becoming so dirty that no living water pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world.There are nothings can live in it. The river is giving off a terrible smell.

Soil pollution was very serious. The garbage has become an important problem in major cities, ten million tons of garbage every day, a lot of garbage is not incineration and corruption, such as plastic, rubber and so on.

In conclusion, the environmental pollution problem is becoming more and more serious, affecting every aspect of our lives. For our health, we should protect our living environment.



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Write a passage with the words and phrases given:the problem of pollution, cause, artificial substances, release, waste products, industrial production, consumption of goods, bring it under control, agriculture, chemical substancea. Environmental Pollution I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? ——Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A. In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing. it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys;

those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons f waste products are heaping around us. How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.



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Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases such as diarrhea, enteritis, etc. And sometimes these diseases even take man’s life. Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose. Pollutants are destructive. They cause runs in nylon stockings and crack rubber tires and they eat away at stone and rust iron.

Measures have been taken to control pollution. In recent years, legislative steps have been introduced to control pollution. Rivers are being cleaned. Air is purified, and pollutants are being trapped before they are poured out of chimneys.

However, pollution problems have not been completely solved. Pesticides are widely used almost everywhere. They pollute soil, water and food. They have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Some factories are still using air as a dumping place for wastes. Some lakes are still dirty. Quite a few chimneys are still pouring smoke into air and noise pollution remains serious.



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How to save environment? I think we should do the followings: First, it’s best to ride a bike to school, don’t take a bus or a taxi. Second, I will remember to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom.

Third, in my free time, I will collect the empty bottles and waste paper for recycling. The fourth idea is turning off the shower when I ‘m not using it. Fifth, it is imporment to save water and money.

Also, I won’t spend too much money on expensive things. Last, we had better not cut down the trees, we have to take care of the trees . I’ll try my best to save the energy, I hope I can do something for our country.



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10.现在,由于人们的乱丢乱弃,小河变得臭气熏天。垃圾 、草叶漂满了水面,再也没有人在那游泳、嬉戏。甚至,再也没有人靠近小河。人们把什么东西都扔在河里。从远处看,小河的上面像蒙上了一层黑色的薄纱。








































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近年来,城市空气污染越来越严重,各大城市相继出现了雾霾天气(hazy weather),请根据





② (自拟1—2条)


Now cars are increasing very fast. Factories are continuing polluting the air. Trees are being cut down. So the hazy weather is becoming more and more serious. It’s time for us to do something to protect the environment.

First of all, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. We can take the bus or the subway, walk or ride a bike if we don’t go far away. We can also set up a volunteer club and ask more people to join it. We can plant more trees, give the government advice to stop the factories polluting the air and water.







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环境污染(environment pollution)是指人类直接或间接地向环境排放超过其自净能力的物质或能量,从而使环境的质量降低,对人类的生存与发展、生态系统和财产造成不利影响的现象。具体包括:水污染、大气污染、噪声污染、放射性污染等。



Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life. It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day, clean furniture, water the flowers and so on. Clean, natural moisture;Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture, can absorb the smell in the closet;Drink tea residue, dry it, make a tea pillow comfortable, and help to improve sleep;Lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when, thereby reducing the carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for us ordinary people, an attitude, not ability, we should actively promote and to practice the low carbon life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel-efficient, water saving, solar terms, starting from scratch. 这篇作文第一段讲述了什么是低碳生活以及低碳生活成为了当今的热门话题。第二段介绍几种低碳生活的方法。第三段作总结,提倡大家注意低碳生活,紧扣主题。本人认为这篇作文整体来说还可以,但第二段作者直接上来就把具体方法告诉大家,没有一个引导句或总结句,稍微显点突兀。



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Recently, a Chinese student who studied abroad delivered a speech at the

graduate ceremony. Her speech soon became the hot issue, because she criticized

Chinese air pollution, which was a great threat to her health. Though her speech

had exaggerated the problem, it is true that China has faced many pollution

problems. The haze in Beijing is famous around the world, which is the

punishment for human to ruin the environment. It needs time to fix the problem,

but there is no need to deny our country. Even for the developed countries, they

have once faced such problem before. We can do something in the daily life to

protect it, such as do not throw away the rubbish.



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Today, as the economy develops fast, people can buy what they need, the

producers provide them all the new things, so the factory produce many products,

in order to make the biggest profit, they don’t deal with the pollution. Water

gets polluted, it does harm to people’s health, we drink water everyday, the

government controls the producers to figure out some ways to deal with the water




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With the broadcast of smog,this long-standing environmental problems,become the hot discussion once again.According to some reports,the frequent appearances of smog obscure the clarity of the sky recently.Some people drove slowly on the road because they could not see clearly. They also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.

Smog is the general expression of various higher-than-permitted suspended particulate matter (such as PM2.5) in the atmosphere,which express the state of air pollution .It contains fog and haze,both of them are disastrous weather. Fog consists of a large number of tiny water or ice crystals.Its actually a harmless natural phenomena that makes visibility worse .Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles. The components that make up haze may have negative effect on peoples health, especially for children and the old.

So its necessary to find out the reason why leads to smog and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for smog weather ,the main points are natural causes that include windblown dust and manmade causes which include three aspects.Firstly,china s air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited.Secondly,some enterprises just go for economic interests instead of observing relevant law and regulations.Obsolete equipment、industrial fuel burning and manufacturing operations are high likely to emit much wasted air.Thirdly,across our society ,relevant protection awareness has not built up.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for smog.

To settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.Primarily,we should establish a sound control system of smog. Not only can environmental protection departments strengthen air monitor,but government should enact more strict laws and regulations.Moreover,Reduce pollution sources is the fundamental solution to cut air pollutants. For example,we can reduce the amount of fuel vehicles or close down high polluting enterprises.Developing green and energy-saving energy can lower the emission of smog.Last but not least, People should do personal protection.They need to reduce the time for outdoor sports and pay attention to rest in smog days.Everyone all over the country should take measures to reduce the smog weather. We can use more public transport such as the bus and the underground so that the number of cars will be limited.Also,people should plant more trees. As far as Im concerned ,if we work together to do such measures ,smog weather will vanish completely and we will get clear and blue sky.








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Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:

Pollution: An Increasing Concern in China You should write at least120 words following the outline below in Chinese.

1. 中国的污染的现状

2. 造成污染的原因

3. 解决的办法

Pollution: An Increasing Concern in China

It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc.

To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What’s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people’s mind. If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation.



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now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! that the air around us there are many harmful substances. therefore, we want to sue around things start to do. for example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. if you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. we can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.




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Private cars have become an important aspect of people‘s life in many parts of our country, especially in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. While they bring much convenience to people, they are also widely criticized. There are some arguments for owning private cars. In the first place, cars allow people to move around freely, which greatly improves our living standard. We can easily drive cars for sightseeing on weekends. In the second place, cars are a comfortable way to travel, especially in bad weather. Last but not least, the car industry can boost economy by creating many job opportunities in production of steel, rubber, glass and so on. However, there are also many good arguments against cars. First of all, they pollute the environment by emitting harmful gases and giving out loud noises. In addition, cars cause a large number of traffic accidents, which bring great misery to the victims‘ families. As far as I am concerned, we should limit the number of private cars by providing better mass transportation and better service for the people. Everyone should sacrifice his or her own interest for the common good of the society.





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It is universally acknowledged that tour can make people feel happy; traveling is a good way to relax oneself. Tourist data shows that people in China made a great contribution to the world tourism, and it’s more and more popular for people to go out for vocation. Though reports criticized that tourism had brought harm to the environment, I still believe in the rising pace of tourism.

Well, there is no denying that at this moment, tourism has caused some problem to the environment, but what I want to emphasize is that such damage are raised by people, as long as we improve the environmental consciousness of our citizens, as well as perfect the public facilities, such as adding more dustbins to convenience tourists; building cafeterias to offer meals to them. I believe within a period of time, the situation can be relived.

Environment itself also has the ability to recover itself. Years ago, when there were no so many tourists, and no industrial pollution, trees grew well, flowers smelt good, sky was blue, water was clean. Why the nature seems so unnatural now? It must be our own problem, for we have took too much, but paid back too less. Think how we treat our land. It is really unfair.

Just as I mentioned before, tourism had brought great profit to our economic, whatever scenic spot it is, it must has the relationship with our land, our trees ,our water, etc., everything can’t separated from earth. So as you see, tourism won’t bring harm to the environment, but ourselves.

It is good for us to go out to feel different culture atmosphere, and to see different local conditions and customs, but remember, protect our nature resources.
