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我们虽然素不相识,但常言说:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。朋友是人生中必不可少一部分。人与人之间的感情交流离不开朋友。愿这封载着款款厚意的交友能架起你和我之间友谊的桥梁。我愿将一颗真挚的、渴望友情的心献给你。 我先自我介绍吧,我叫蔡文燕。是澄海区华窖华桥小学五年级二班的一名学生,就快要升六年级了。在班级里,我聪明、可爱,事事不甘落后,每次考试都名列前茅。当然啦,也有管不住自己的时候,甚至还会闹出笑话来呢!人送外号“调皮鬼”。相信到这里,你们对我有个大概的了解了吧。 前一阵子,我的学校举行广播操比赛。那是个想起来就让人激动的日子,天气非常的好。天空万里无云,太阳温暖的阳光照在大地上,这也是秋季里最难得的一个晴天。我们迎来了年一度的海门市广播操比赛。 9点30分,广播里准时传来体育老师的声音:“请各班准备,比赛马上开始。”广播中的话音刚落,我们就以迅雷不及掩耳之势,在楼房的走道中排完了队,整装待发。 “五,四,三,二,一。”“发射。”不知是哪个调皮鬼轻声说的,我们觉得很好玩,想笑,可老师的一个瞪眼,让我们把“跑”到嘴边的笑声给“咽”了回去。我们完全进入了比赛时的良好状态。 “跑步,走!”体育委员一喊,我们就排着整齐的队伍,小跑步前进。 “第三套中小学生广播体操,希望风帆现在开始。”我一听到这句话,就打起了百分之一百的精神,把手伸得像钢管一样直,每一个动作都做得钢劲有力。就连平时做得动作像绵花一样有气无力的整理运动都把每个动作做得无可挑剔。 我留心看了一下四周,啊!那场面是多么壮观!全校几千个同学做着整齐的广播体操。连一年级的新生也做得令人赞叹不已。骤雨一样,是急促的掌声:雷声一样,是宏亮的口令:旋风一样,是挥舞的手臂:乱蛙一样,是整齐的脚步:焰火一样,是舞动的红领巾。我们的每一个动作都充满了力量,每一个动作都是那么的整齐,就像只有一个人在做一样。 我一走神,险些把动作做反再看一眼楼上的评委,他的日光直直地射向操场的中心,对我们毫不在意,我在心里松了一口气。虽然评委没发现我的错误,但是我心里一紧张,心情就无法平静下来,后面的动作就做得没有前面那么顺了……。 比赛终于结束了,我把压在心底里的另半口气也吐了出来。接着,我们就在退场音乐中排着队告别了操场。你最近有没有发生一些有意思的事情呢?有,那就回信告诉我吧!远方的朋友,我相信,有那么一天,我们一定会手拉着手,肩并着肩,共同坐在友谊的桥梁上,感受着家乡的温暖,祖国的美好!成为祖国的栋梁!就聊这,下次再聊!再见 祝身体健康、学习进步




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Dear Miss Wang

How are things going? Thanks for you very much. You make your English class so interesting that we all like you and your class very much. I still remembed when you was my English teacher at the beginning, I was so weak in English and I nearly gave up. It was you that talked with me and taught me how to learn English well. You often helped with my English after school. With your help, I have made great progress in English. Now, I am good at English and I always get good grades. Thanks so much for your help and your education. I will study hard in the future.





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There are four seasons in the year .my favorite season is summer .because i

can go to the beach to swimming.i can have sunbath on the beach. i can wear

beautiful dress , i can go to the store to buy some ice creams. i can calling my

friends go to outside!summer is a fun season !I like summer very much!




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22 March 2006

Dear Ms. Reinhart,

I am terribly sorry that I failed to arrive at BLCU last Friday. I hope that this did not mess you up completely, although I know that you had already made some special arrangements for my visit with you parents and friends. I am very sorry about all that. I am sure you will be sympathetic, however, when I tell you that my father is dangerously ill in hospital, and that I found it impossible to leave for the visit when he is in this state.

My father was working very hard on his project on protecting the environment. I know the project has come to a very important stage. He and his assistants did not take regular rest for three weeks. Last night, my father had a heart attack and was soon sent to the hospital. The doctor said my father was in a very serious situation, and, he might need an operation.

24 hours have passed. Nothing has changed. I have to stay at the hospital. I will let you know if there is any good news.

I am sorry again and look forward to seeing you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Williams



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My school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do

you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very


There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the

playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five

floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The computer

rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are

many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms

and art rooms in the teaching building, too.

The teachers in my school are very kind . The students are very polite and

smart. I am happy in my school.



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This morning is cool.I am going to play basketball.After play basketball,I

feel tired,but I very happy.Because basketball is my favourite sport.My body is

strong.I hope you like basketball too.I play computer games now.



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Since the swallow had brought back the prince’s red gem, he could at last

stay; but one night as soon as he was about to return to the Egypt, the happy

prince said to the little swallow, “OH little swallow, please stay with me for

one last night?” the swallow replied, “Oh dear prince, I couldn’t stay with you

any longer, my friends are waiting for me and…” “Oh please little swallow, you

must obey me;” the swallow sighed and said, “All right I shall stay with you for

one last night.”

The swallow then took a breath, after that he continued, “What is the

request that you want me to do dear prince?” the prince said to the swallow,

“See that poor old man writing a story, he is very hungry; and I could tell by

his face,” “What do you want me to give to him dear prince?” asked the swallow,

as if he had so many questions to ask; “I want you to take out my blue eye ball,

it is like a gem, and bring it to the man so that he could finish his act; and

be happy once more.”

At these words the swallow said, “OH my dear prince, I couldn’t do that! I

swear! Because…” “No little swallow, you must do what I say, and help that poor

man!” at these words, the swallow had no choice but to obey, he took out the

other prince’s eye; with a squeak, as if he was helping the poor prince to

recover from his pain.

When the swallow flew to the man with the blue sapphire gem, he felt the

warm wind of the spring dancing around in his brain. When he arrived, he placed

the gem under the man’s face, and flew back to the prince. When he returned, the

prince asked the swallow, “Did you succeed?” asked the prince joyfully, “I did,

and I hope the man enjoys it too.

The man awoke eventually, when he saw the blue sapphire gem; he said

happily, “What on the world is this? somebody actually likes my plays, yes! Now

I can finish my play;” and he began to write. The next day, the swallow flew

away to Egypt and before that he said to the prince, “I am going to fly away to

Egypt today and…” “Oh please little swallow, oh please can you stay with me for

one last night?” but the swallow was very satisfied, “But, dear prince; I can’t

do that, my friends are waiting for me and it is getting colder and colder here;

I have to go to Egypt, where the sun is hot, and it is warm and cool there;”

“You must little swallow, you must stay with me for one last night,” “Dear

prince, I couldn’t and…” “Swallow this can’t be, you have to stay with me; I

command you!” the little swallow had no choice but to obey.

“Okay prince, what is your command?” “See that poor little girl on the

road, she is selling matches; it is Christmas day, and she hadn’t even sold one

match. But she dares not to go home; because her father was a cruel man, and he

would punish her and hit her hard and say mean words to her if she doesn’t bring

home any money. She is crying bitterly, and I want you to do something that I

want; which is very important, I now realize that helping people is good since

it feels good.”

“Well what do you suggest me to do dear prince?” “I want you to take my

sword’s red gem off again, and give it to her so that she can bring home,” “OH

my dear prince!” shouted the swallow in the loudest voice, “I can’t do that, you

will lose your sword’s red gem and…” “No swallow, you must do what I tell you,

or face your doom!” and so the swallow brought the red gem to the little girl by

wings, the little girl looks at it and smiled, “That is nice! But it is still

not enough as my father wished me to give it to him;” then she began to sigh and

cry again, the swallow heard what the girl had just said; he said to himself,

“What a picky girl!” when he flew back, he didn’t tell the prince the message

that he had just received from the little girl; but he still was very cold.

He knew that since he did not help the poor little girl, he felt bad; and

so that was the reason why he was cold. He was very sad; and when he was about

to fly to Egypt, the prince said to the swallow, “I see that you are very sad

these days; I wonder what is the matter, tell me?” the swallow did not speak,

the prince forced the swallow to tell him; but he still didn’t say anything. At

last the prince said, “If you don’t tell me I will put dynamites on your head

and blow you up! I was trying to help you!”

At these words the swallow was so scared that he said out loud, “I heard

the little girl say that that wasn’t enough to pay for his father, and so I

didn’t tell you because I thought that you would not like it and…”

“Oh my dear swallow, why on earth would you think I will not help a little

girl? And why on earth would you not tell me about this?” the spell was broken,

the prince turned to real life, and jumped down from the statue’s stand, “Thank

you dear swallow, you have broke the spell, and now I can live on land once


That was the end of the happy prince. During the lives when he was a golden

statue, he realized how important everybody was to him, and that how important

helping people is.



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I am a student of Hope Middle School.My campus is big and beautiful.There

are many tall trees and beautiful flowers.There is also a big playground.Our

teachers are all very kind and friendly.They work hard and teach us very

well.They take good care of us,but they are strict with us.There are forty-five

students in our class.We all get on well with each other.At school,we learn many

subjects,such as Chinese,maths and English.We try our best to learn them well.I

love my school because it’s just like my home.



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Dear Mr.Shakespeare ,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to that

unfortunate accident the other day , when I was hit by taxi.

If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid , I

felt that the consequences might have much more serious. Everyone agrees that it

was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this

satisfactory outcome.

Although more and more people today talk about the need to be unselfish ,

we see very few people pracice what they preach. If there were more people like

you , this world would be a much nicer place.

Yours sincerely ,

Li Ming









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I am happy .I have my own room . Look!This is my room.It’s small but

clean.There is a desk and a bed.There are some dolls on my bed .There are two

chairs. There is a bookshelf,too.My bookshelf has two layers. I put the

story—books on the first layer. I put the other kinds books on the second layer.

I often clean it .There are two big windows. On the windows,you can see some

nice flowers.I like to watch them grow. And there is a balcony outside the room.

I love my room very much.Can you introduce your room?



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We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend.

If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot.

Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make

friends. But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made

since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’t know much

about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends.

What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about

anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for

drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble. When we make

friends, the real one is what we need.



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Hello , everybody! Do you know me ? My name is Liang Qikun. My English name

is Jenny. I am from China . I am ten years old . I am a clever girl . I have

short black hair , big black eyes , big ears , a small nose and a small mouth .

I am not very tall and not very thin . My hobby is reading books . My favourite

sport is adventuring. I can play the piano very well . This is me.



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Nowadays, there are more and more people playing with their phones

everywhere, hence it has been a big issue in our society. Some people think that

phones are necessary for them because they have to keep in touch with their

friends, customers and parents. Instead, some people think that phones not only

destroy their relationship with friends but also are not good for their


Some doctors say that if you spend a long time on using it every day, it

may cause your eyesight problem. In addition, you can see unusual scenery in our

society. For example, people become indifferent and cold-blooded because they

mainly talk with each other on phone. It not only affects your physical health

but also your spirit health. What’s worse, phones also produce some harmful

radiation which really hurts your brain because it may cause your memory

problems and even get a cancer.

However, phone is not always negative in your life. There is a research

shows that it not only can kill your time but can also reduces your stress.

Therefore, we have to learn that how to control our time when we use it, and

also know that how to use it correctly.



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Dear Mike,

This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating

party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan

will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at

18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you

will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then

eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you


True yours,




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Mothers love, like a long river, she quiet, occasionally with a slightly ripples; Her clear, can see the activity on pebbles in the river; She gently, such as the spring breeze slowly to send me. Mothers love for me, I also countless. However, in my impression deepest is the following a few things:

It was a summer night, suddenly the power went out, cant blow fanner. Hot cant sleep, my mother took their fan back and give me a breeze, let me fall asleep. Not only has a comfortable and cool, cool wind also mixed with mom to my thick love, bring me into the sweet dreams.

Another time, I in his home village and play with my cousin. I and my cousin play together I run, but with a small stones I tripped and fell. After I get up, I found more lap a wound, the wound is big and red, and blood flow out, it hurt so much I tears dc. Mother took me to the next to the small clinic simple after disinfection, ready to take me back home, but she was afraid to touch my wound, it just took me home.

Every night when I was learning, every once in a while, mother will always ask me: "daughter, thirst not thirsty, drink some water." And then holding a large glass of water. Water is always warm, let the house is full of warm meaning. Her mother know that I am afraid of hot, so the water right every time. She drink a first, say: "hot", just pass me water to drink.

The father loves the mountain, a mothers love is like the sea. Drop a mothers love can make a mothers love of the great river. Mom, I love you!



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Dear Xiao Wang,

I am very glad to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long holiday.

[我很高兴得知你要在我为期一周的假期里来看我。]My parents will also be happy to see you again.[我的父母也很高兴再次见到你。]I am sure you will enjoy every minute here. [


I have arranged our schedule for the holiday as follows.[我已经安排好我们的日程安排的假期如下.]On the first day you arrive, I will show you around our campus. [在你来着的第一天,我会带你参观我的校园。]On the second day, we will visit the art gallery and the music hall.[第二天,我们去参观艺术馆和音乐厅。]Next day,we will climb a hill in the northeastern part of the city.[第三天,我们去攀爬城市东北部的山峰。]On the top of the hill, we can have a wonderful bird’s eye view of the city.[在山顶上,我们可以鸟瞰这个美丽的城市。]During the next three days, we’ll make some short trips to some places of interest nearby,such as the Swan Cave, the Golden Lake, etc.[接下来的三天,我们去附近的名胜古迹来些短途旅行,例如天鹅洞,金色湖。]On the last day, I’ll see you off at the railway station.[最后一天,我会到火车站送你。]

Please remember to call and tell me your train number and time of arrival so that I can meet you at the railway station. [请记得打电话告诉我你的火车号和抵达时间以便我去火车站接你。]By the way, it is very hot here and we have a lot of sunshine, so don’t forget to wear

you sunglasses. [顺便提一下,这里天气很热阳光强烈,所以不要忘了戴太阳镜。]

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.[我期待很快见到你。]

Sincerely yours,

Zhang Ying
