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Table Manners

The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.

And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.

Eating No-nos

Dont stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.Instead,lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies,the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!

Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.

Dont tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite.Also, when the food is coming too slow in a restarant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someones home,it is like insulting the cook.



篇1:高三英语作文:The Son

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when the vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war. he was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. the father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son.


about a month later, just before christmas, there was a knock at the door. a young man stood there with a large package in his hands. he said "sir, you dont

know me, but i am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. he saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the

heart and he died instantly. he often talked about you and your love for art.’’ the young man held out his package. "i know this isnt much. im really not a great artist, but i think your son would have wanted you to have this." the father opened the package. it was a portrait of his son, painted by the young man.

he stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the personality of his son in the painting. the father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes swelled up

with tears. he thanks the young man and offered to pay him for the picture. "oh no, sir, i could never repay what you son did for me. its a gift.


the father hung the portrait over his mantle. every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected.


the man died a few months later. there was to be a great auction of his great works of art. many people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and

having an opportunity to purchase one for their collection. on the platform sat the portrait of his son. the auctioneer pounded his gavel, "we will start with this portrait of the son. who will bid for this picture?


there was silence. then a ! voice in the back of the room shouted "we want to see the famous paintings. skip this one."


but the auctioneer persisted, "will someone bid for this painting? who will start the bidding? $100, $200?"


another voice shouted angrily, "we didnt come here to see this painting. we came to see the van gohs, the rembrandts. get on with the real bids".


but still the auctioneer continued, "the son! the son! who will take the son?" finally, a voice came from the very back of the room. it was the longtime

gardener of the man and his son. "ill give you $10 for the painting." being a poor man, it was all he could afford.


"we have $10, who will bid $20??"

"give it to him for $10. lets see the masters".

"$10 is the bid, wont someone bid $20?"




the crowd was becoming angry. they didnt want the picture of the son. they wanted the more worthy investments for their collections.

the auctioneer pounded his gavel. "going once, twice, sold for $10!"

a man sitting in the second row shouted, "now lets get on with the collection!

the auctioneer laid down his gavel "im sorry, the auction is over".

"what about the paintings?"






"im sorry, when i was called to conduct this auction, i was told of a secret stipulation in the will. i was not allowed to reveal that stipulation until this

time. only the painting of the son would be auctioned. whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including the paintings. the man who took the son, gets everything!"


god gave his son 2000 years ago to die on the cruel cross. much like the auctioneer, his message today is "the son, the son, wholl take the son?" because, you see, whoever takes the son gets everything.




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This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China! On October 1st, our whole family sit by the TV and waiting to watch early time big parade. At ten o clock, the National Day military parade formally started, only saw many soldiers standing in front of tian anmen, navy, air force, army... Stand straight, straight, like hits the forceful pine, President hus review. The parade shows the motherland strong defense force, peaceful country and safe people, the motherland prosperity of beautiful landscape. During the National Day, grandpa and I went to play in the humble admin istrators garden. The car on the road, I saw the window renmin bridge garlands made of flowers on both sides, in the sunshine more bright beautiful, make the atmosphere of the National Day more strong! Walk in the small street to the humble admini strators garden, see stalls on both sides of the street with a red flag with five stars, to express the affection to the motherland. Many foreign visitors to see the beautiful scenery heartfelt held out a thumb. In the humble admini strators garden is the chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum can be more color, yellow, red, white, colorful, beautiful! The National Day make me deeper understanding of the motherland; A profound feelings for the motherland also; Make me more love my motherland China! 中文翻译: 今年是新中国成立70周年!十月一日这天,我们全家早早的坐在电视机旁等待观看盛世大阅兵。 十点钟,国庆阅兵式正式开始了,只看见许多军人站在天安门前,有海军、空军、陆军……都站得笔直笔直的,像一棵棵挺拔的青松,接受主席的检阅。整个阅兵式展示了祖国雄厚的国防力量,国泰民安,祖国繁荣昌盛的美好景象。 国庆期间,我和爷爷去了拙政园玩。汽车在路上行驶着,我看见窗外人民桥两旁用鲜花做成的花环,在阳光下更加亮丽,使国庆的气氛更加浓厚了!走在通往拙政园的那条小街上,看到街的两旁的摊位都插着五星红旗,表达对祖国的深厚感情。许多外来游客看见了这么美的景色由衷的伸出了大拇指。拙政园里有菊花,菊花的颜色可多了,有黄色的、红的、白的,五彩缤纷的,美丽极了! 国庆节使我对祖国的了解更深了,对祖国的感情也更深厚了,使我更加热爱我的祖国中国!



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1、月是华夏明,家居祖国亲! The month is the Chinese Ming Dynasty, the motherland!

2、我以我心爱祖国,我以我行报祖国。 I love my motherland, I reported to my motherland.

3、旭日祥云各地竞盛,春风化雨万物峥嵘。 The auspicious clouds around the Jing Sheng lofty things, salutary influence of education.

4、改革开放魅力无限,和谐中国精彩有约。 Reform and opening up the charm of the infinite, a harmonious China wonderful about.

5、我在祖国怀里成长,祖国在我心中扎根。 I grew up in the motherland, the motherland rooted in my heart.

6、用我辛勤劳动的汗水,浇灌祖国参天大树。 With my hard work and sweat, watering the motherland towering trees.

7、雄鹰展翅,翱翔万里;和平发展,两岸一家。 The eagle wings, flying thousands of miles; both sides of a peaceful development.





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You have just spent a weekend staying at the Lilo Hotel in Adelaide. When you get home you find that you have left a bag at the hotel. Write to the manager of the hotel:

1) giving any relevant information about the bag and its contents

2) asking the manager to contact you immediately if the bag is found and

3) telling him/her how the bag can be sent to you.

You should write with no less than 100 words on Answer Sheet 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

Dear Mr. Simpson,

I stayed in your hotel on 23rd and 24th of October, in Room 603. When I arrived home, I discovered that I had left one of my bags at the hotel. Could you please check to see if my bag has been found?

The bag is a small black leather case. Inside the bag, you will find several business cards, a small address book, and three copies of a business proposal. These things are not very valuable in monetary terms, but they have a lot of personal value.

I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible, particularly since I need the proposal for a presentation. If you could send the bag to me by courier service, I would be most grateful. I will arrange to pay for the service.

Thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



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篇6:高三年级英语作文:Learning Skating

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There is a big skating ground near our school. In winter, I often go skating there, and I enjoy the sport very much.

At first, I only went there to watch others skating. Some with good skills could skate wonderfully. I admired them from the bottom of my heart. But I couldn’t do it myself. I was only an onlooker. How I longed to skate myself!

I began to make up my mind to learn it. But as soon as I stepped on the ice, I stumbled over myself. At once, some people caught me, and I turned red over their laughter. I became so disappointed that I decided to give up. When I was about to leave, a girl came towards me with a smile and said, "Never mind, try again and you will succeed." I tried again and again, but still fell again and again. I put up with the wounds and pains and stood up and went on trying. At that moment, the girl came up again. She said loudly to me, "Ok, you are doing very well." Then she signed a "V" to me with her fingers. I was very obliged, and with her encouragement, I made great progress. Soon, I could skate quite well.

While doing anything, we often meet many kinds of setbacks, but we shouldn’t lose heart, we should overcome them with confidence instead of getting away from them. Then we will gain one victory after another.



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Each people all have own dream, so I also have their own dreams. And some

of the dreams are hard to reach, some are very simple. My dream is to fulfill

their own responsibility, maintained a kind heart and cook, these are my dream


Actually fulfill their duties and keep a good heart is not so easy to

accomplish, it needs to refrain from anywhere at any time, dont temper tantrum,

do their duty. In addition as a cook, you have to have a calm heart, because as

long as the dry dry floating, how can cook delicious? Alas! Dream is very

difficult to achieve! So I want to use any way to achieve your dream? First to

fulfill their responsibility must be very respectful to parents, teachers, we

also small friends want to have mercy heart, must be kind to everyone, to

serious about anything. Namely: "for the respect for the kind; for a person with

and; to is true". As for the current clinical chef is to craft a good, dont

often dry fast, but well done and so on. As long as do this way, I believe that

there must be a may achieve!

Dreams must depend on oneself, others cant help you, also may not have

spirit to help you. So all things must oneself to do, by himself. I hope my

dream will realize, I more hope you desire can be achieved.



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Work and Happiness

Happiness is dependent upon work. Sometimes we complain that we have too much work, but we fail to realize that it’s our work that keep us moving on and helps us to become a better man. Last summer I visited my friends in a small village. It was obvious that working has become an indispensable part of their daily lives. They all went to the field to plant the crops. The sun was shinning above them and they looked quite happiness about their work. On their face there were such smiles as I had never seen before.

Work provide us with happiness. Work is more than a necessity for human beings. If we have no work to do, we will waste our precious time. That’s pity. We will lose everything in the end. Work helps us to realize the importance of life, then we will appreciate it more. Everybody who live in this society could not live without working. If we spend every day idly, we will find life is boring.

幸福建立在工作之上。有时候我们抱怨我们有太多的工作要做,却忽略了工作可以让人不断进步,从而成为一个更好的人。上个暑假我去一个小村庄拜访了我的朋 友。显而易见,工作已经成为了他们不可缺的一部分。他们全都到地里面种庄稼。太阳当空照,他们看起来对自己的工作很是满意。对人类来说,工作不仅仅是种必 需品。如果我们没有工作,那么,时间就会白白浪费掉。真真是可惜。最后,我们会失去所有的东西。工作帮助人们意识到生活的重要性,让我们更加珍惜。每个生 活在社会中的人都必须工作,免得就不能生存下去。如果每天都无所事事,那么,我们会发现生活很无趣。



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Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent computer.To shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and practices.Ideas expressed in soft wares, chips, communication systems, financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage worldwide.Beyond emails and online shopping, the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum activities.Its benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects.

在全球范围内,我们已经从一个文化中心为网络电视,有线电视,AM和FM收音机,电话的社会进入到以大众媒体,信息流,智能计算机的数字社会。转变 成数字经济,最明显体现在互联网的爆增,它正在改变日常产品和实践。思想体现在软件,芯片,通信系统,金融机构和大众媒体拥有巨大的全球影响力上。除了电 子邮件和网上购物,互联网还承诺大改光谱活动。它的好处可以在以下几个方面说明。

In the first place, it contributes to escape us from laborious work, save our time, facilitate our lives.Secondly, with computer’s extensive reach into every corner of the world, a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single keystroke.No matter where we are, in school, business workshops, operating rooms, labs, banks of halls of government, the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human life.Furthermore, computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides.

首先,它有助于我们摆脱费力的工作,节省时间,方便了我们的生活。其次,计算机的广泛延伸到世界的每个角落,只需一个单一的按键就可以透视人类生 活。不管我们在哪里,在学校,企业车间,手术室,实验室,银行政府大厅,因特网似乎都可以反映人类生活。此外,电脑不仅提供放松和娱乐还有利润。

But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people, and make our lives more complicated.Some people repair the most sophisticated computer but can’t mend a pair of socks.Yet in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all boundaries.Whether computer is a blessing or a curse, depends on different circumstance and the way you use it.


As a new millennium appoach, we look forward to constructing a new fantasy land by combination with the wealth this new age will bring and the high technology it will provide.





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for a nations dream, we start from the 1840 sea surface; to a constant pursuit, we deep in the years to write a glorious. in global view shows choice of the chinese road of national rejuvenation; concentrated panorama in history." around the millennium change, eventful years, chinese new century, great turning point, span, the future of six theme, reflects chinas great achievements since 1840, arduous and tortuous road of revitalization of the nation and the chinese people made in china under the leadership of the communist party. the "shock" "excited" tears ""…… this is my watch, taste right is felt when discourse. process of reading and rejuvenation of the great, i reviewed the history of the chinese nation 100 years the dream of power and unremitting exploration. full and accurate historical data, magnificent momentum, a language, a precious historical pictures, shows a picture of the world national revival.


篇13:高三英语作文:Mother and child

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a tree covered with tinsel and gaudy paper chains graced one corner. in another rested a manger scene produced from cardboard and poster paints by chubby, and sometimes grubby, hands. someone had brought a doll and placed it on the straw in the cardboard box that served as the manger. it didnt matter that you could pull a string and hear the blue-eyed, golden-haired dolly say, "my name is susie." "but jesus was a boy baby!" one of the boys proclaimed. nonetheless, susie stayed.


each day the children produced some new wonder -- strings of popcorn, hand-made trinkets, and german bells made from wallpaper samples, which we hung from the ceiling. through it all she remained aloof, watching from afar, seemingly miles away. i wondered what would happen to this quiet child, once so happy, now so suddenly withdrawn. i hoped the festivities would appeal to her. but nothing did. we made cards and gifts for mothers and dads, for sisters and brothers, for grandparents, and for each other. at home the students made the popular fried marbles and vied with one another to bring in the prettiest ones. " you put them in a hot frying pan, teacher. and you let them get real hot, and then you watch what happens inside. but you dont fry them too long or they break."so, as my gift to them, i made each of my students a little pouch for carrying their fried marbles. and i knew they had each made something for me: bookmarks carefully cut, colored, and sometimes pasted together; cards and special drawings; liquid embroidery doilies, hand-fringed, of course.


the day of gift-giving finally came. we oohed and aahed over our handiwork as the presents were exchanged. through it all, she sat quietly watching. i had made a special pouch for her, red and green with white lace. i wanted very much to see her smile. she opened the package so slowly and carefully. i waited but she turned away. i had not penetrated the wall of isolation she had built around herself.


after school the children left in little groups, chattering about the great day yet to come when long-hoped-for two-wheelers and bright sleds would appear beside their trees at home. she lingered, watching them bundle up and go out the door. i sat down in a child-sized chair to catch my breath, hardly aware of what was happening, when she came to me with outstretched hands, bearing a small white box, unwrapped and slightly soiled, as though it had been held many times by unwashed, childish hands. she said nothing. "for me?" i asked with a weak smile. she said not a word, but nodded her head. i took the box and gingerly opened it. there inside, glistening green, a fried marble hung from a golden chain. then i looked into that elderly eight-year-old face and saw the question in her dark brown eyes. in a flash i knew -- she had made it for her mother, a mother she would never see again, a mother who would never hold her or brush her hair or share a funny story, a mother who would never again hear her childish joys or sorrows. a mother who had taken her own life just three weeks before.


i held out the chain. she took it in both her hands, reached forward, and secured the simple clasp at the back of my neck. she stepped back then as if to see that all was well. i looked down at the shiny piece of glass and the tarnished golden chain, then back at the giver. i meant it when i whispered," oh, maria, it is so beautiful. she would have loved it."neither of us could stop the tears. she stumbled into my arms and we wept together. and for that brief moment i became her mother, for she had given me the greatest gift of all: herself.




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The Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival is one of the 24 solar terms in China, falling on April 4-6 each year. After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increase. It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing. In the past, the Qingming Festival was called “Arbor Day”, but since 1979, “Arbor Day” was settled on March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.


But the Qingming Festival is not only a solar term to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration. It sees a combination of sadness and happiness. This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who come to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices, but the customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers, then burn incense and ghost money. In short, it’s a time to cherish the memory of our ancestors and show our respect to them. Also, it’s a time for family gathering.



篇15:高三年级英语作文:An Interesting Debate

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Today is Sunday. After supper, father, mother and I went to the pardk. I sat on the back of father’s bike. After a while, father said, Girl, you should lose weight. Motheragreed with father. But I thought it wasn’t bad for me. So I said, No, I don’t want to. I like to be myself. Do you know the famous actress named Fei Fei in Hong Kong? She is very fat but very popular with the audience. But few fat people can become famous, father didn’t agree with me. And mother continued, You know, a lot of illnesses are caused by obesity, such as heart disease, hypertension and so on.

It seemed I had two opponents. I should try my best to defeat them. So I quibbled, There’s nothing to be worried about. Anyway, the medical technology has been developed so advanced. And then I directed the spearhead at mother, You are also so fat. Why don’t you want to lose weight’? Mother sighed, I dowant to. But it’s not good for me to do so. I’min my forties while you are so young. If you can do more exercises and control your diet, you’ll easily lose weight. No, you’re rong. I said loudly. Some experts say that exercises can’t help people lose weight because they will eat more after the exercise.

Father and mother looked at each other and didn’t know’ what to say. I won the debate! I stopped laughing when I heard father saying, Fat daughter, please get off my bike. Oh, no!



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Sally is my good friend.She is slim with long black hair.She is a pretty

girl with big eyes and small mouth.She is good at English,so she can speak

English very well.She also likes singing and dancing.Well,she likes doing

sports,and she is good at playing badminton.Her favorite hobby is collecting

stamps,so she has many beautiful stamps from all over the world.She is kind and

funny too,all of us like her.


篇18:高三年级英语作文:Road Safety

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To cross the road, look around. Not on the road to play and run. See the red light to stop for a while. His trip to see the green light. This is for teachers and parents often told us, we often back, and we should not only talk about this sentence, it still deeply recorded in the hearts of safety in the first place, so that accidents may becoming less and less of. Let us surrounded in a safe happy and healthy growth, the construction of our home more beautiful!

Allow the possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to known rules of the road, here I am giving you some rules of the road you:

1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths.

2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or bridge, the underground passage);

3. When the red light to stop, see the green light before.

4. Take the bus after the first, not to each other, do not逼抢bit crowded.

5. Within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside.

6. It should be noted, when we are walking vehicles are not allowed to chase,猛跑.

7. Are not allowed in the vehicle suddenly crossed near.

8. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails.

9. Are not allowed to hold cars on the road to recover the vehicle, forced parabolic拦车and hit cars.

10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults.

11. Allowed the railings across the road.

These are our common life should be in compliance with the rules of the road, we would also like to promote in the class column on the column or exhibition, multi-paste a number of compliance with the rules of the road, not red light running and other words like a warning so that students better understand the traffic safety importance. School can also be invited to the police his uncle, the door to the students on the traffic class, so students know better to help the traffic of human beings ... ...

Security related to our life, we hope parents, the flower is the future of the motherland, the motherland’s future, we need to, and so we must make to comply with traffic regulations, protect our lives, but also to the safety of others. Let us follow traffic safety, to minimize traffic accidents, so traffic will never disappear. This is the call of the times!



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All of us experience failure and are afraid of it. However, every coin has two sides. __________


All of us experience failure and are afraid of it. However, every coin has two sides. Failure also has its advantages. It provides us with an opportunity to see our strengths and weaknesses clearly, enabling us to find what is the most suitable for us. On the other hand, failure can be a good teacher. It tells us where we need improvements, where we should invest more time and energy, and what strategy to take.

Failure is something unavoidable. Properly handled, though, it can teach us a lot. Firstly, we should face it bravely instead of complaining about the unfairness of life. Secondly, we should analyze the reasons高三英语作文 作为一名高中生,我们该如何看待失败timely to avoid making similar mistakes. Last but not least, we are supposed to make appropriate changes and more efforts. Only in this way are we more likely to succeed.

As for me. I have a positive attitude towards failure, because I believe there is always wisdom to be learned from failure. I will keep in mind that failure is the mother of success.
