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Today is sunday. i got up very early in the morning. after breakfast i went to the bookstore. i wanted to buy a book robinson crusoe. i looked for the book for quite some time but couldn‘t find it. the shop assistant then came to help me. i was very glad that i got the book at last.

in the afternoon i called on my friend wang lin. he just came back from beijing. we talked a lot.

in the evening i watched an interesting play on tv. i enjoyed it very much. i had a winderful time.


今天是星期日,早上我起得很早。早饭后我去书店,我想买一本《鲁滨逊漂流记》。我找了很长时间也没 有发现,店员过来帮我,我很高兴终于找到了那本书。





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红梅经寒才绽放,彩虹雨后更绚烂,人生因奋斗而精彩。同学们,奋斗吧!唯有付出汗水,唯有在荆棘丛生的人生路途中奋斗不止,我们才 能成就辉煌的未来。 人生,需要奋斗! 正如鲁迅先生所说:“敢做,敢想,这才是勇者的气概。”



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On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We dint go there for a long time.

Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So, I asked my parents to took me there and they promised to. We got there at 9 oclock. There were many people. Most of them were parents and children.

We first went to see the animal. I like parrots most. And then we saw the animal shows. Elephants, tigers, lions and monkeys did wonderful shows for us. People were happy, especially the children.

After that, we went to experienced the entertainment facilities. My mum was too scared to be with us. So, only my dad and I played. It was so exciting, but I was a little dizzy. However, I was very happy.

It was a great day.









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According to my memory, my high school life was full of happiness and fortune because of my lovely friend and teacher. They are sunshine in my high school life.


I met my best friend in senior one. She is a girl with long legs, white skin, and small face. What makes me a deep impression is her wide shoulder, wider than other girls who have the same height as her. She was kind, treating me just like I was her sister. I didn’t live in school dormitory, but she did. So, I slept with her at noon. Sometimes we argued, but we both checked our mistakes and recovered our relationship soon. When we were senior two, I moved in school dormitory, I didn’t feel comfortable in there very fast. She took care of me and made me feel warm. In my opinion, she is more than a friend, like a family.


As for my teachers, my chemistry teacher is my favorite teacher. She is a woman with sweet smile, not so tall, but she built a tall imagination in my heart. I used to chat with her result from my failure in the exam. She is a divorced woman; however, she was steel, living a happy life with her daughter. I appreciate people with a strong heart, maybe the reason is that I want to be the kind of person who is always optimistic and can’t be defeated easily. She expresses that.


The high school memory is a valuable memory in my life. It’s my fortune to meet them, my sunshine.




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抛却生命中一切冗杂,淡定的看待中命中的过往,不以物喜,不以己悲,范仲淹以此种淡定看待被贬,又以“ 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的政治抱负勉励人民以天下为己任,树立崇高思想,同时又体现出诗人宽广的胸怀与淡定的心态。正如 明人陈继儒《小窗幽记》中的对联:宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天空云卷云舒。一幅对联,寥寥数语,却深刻道出了人生对事对物、对名对利应有的态度:得之不喜、失之不忧、宠辱不惊、去留无意。这样才可能心境平和、淡泊自然。 “ 看庭前 ” 三字大有躲进小楼成一统之意,花开花落也本是极其自然的事情,何以要管他春夏与秋冬呢;而 “ 望天空 ” 三字则又显示了一种远大眼光,不与他人一般见识的博大情怀;末一句云卷云舒更有大丈夫能屈能伸的崇高境界。这不仅与范仲淹的 “ 不以物喜、不以已悲 ” 有异曲同工之妙,更神似魏晋人物的旷达风流。


陶渊明式的魏晋人物之所以有如此豁达风流,就在于淡泊名利,不以物喜,不以已悲,才能够用宁静平和的心境写出那些洒脱飘逸的诗篇。而《论语》其核心是宣扬一种人生态度,认为人的一生只不过是从岁月长河借来的一段光阴,所以应该珍惜,应该想办法快乐,做到大欢喜。凡是遭遇到伤害,遭到不公正的待遇,要尽快忘掉,让其过得去,你如果为此烦恼、忧愁和愤怒,你就会加倍地受到伤害,就是对自己不仁,对别人不恕,仁者无忧,走过淡定人生。学习颜回“ 一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐” 对处境的淡定。

人生还有长长的一段距离 , 那是永远不可能走完的夜静如水的时候 ...... 生命的伟大在于它的变幻莫测 , 时而危机四伏 , 时而柳岸花明 . 人生是美好的 . 让我们努力面对吧 . 可是在世间的风尘中走了那么长的路,终于知道生命中还有沙漠经过。我们选择不了生命,但我们可以选择走过生命的方式,做人要几分淡泊,清风细雨,同样有韵致,有诗意;做事要几分从容,俯仰之间,依然洒脱,依然随意。不刻意,不虚伪,没有万卷诗书的熏陶,我们有的是简单岁月的朴素;没有历练沧桑后的成熟,我们有的是宠辱不惊的坦然。

著名的社会活动家、杰出的爱国宗教领袖赵朴初先生在遗作中写道: “ 生亦欣然,死亦无憾。花落还开,水流不断。我兮何有,谁欤安息。明月清风,不劳牵挂。 ” 这句话充分体现了一种宠辱不惊、一切顺其自然,不强求,也不遗憾的崇高的精神境界,也向世人昭示了赵老恬然淡泊的人生态度。 人生一世,贫与富、贵与贱、荣与辱、得与失在所难免,重要的是我们应当学会在生活中寻找一个平衡的坐标,让自己不因得意而张扬,也让自己不因失意而沉沦,在面对生命的大喜大悲或者生死无常的时候,能以一种淡然的心态来对待一切,而那些人生中的名缰利锁和悲欢离合也自会纷纷落地成尘。正所谓是真英雄自洒脱,真名士自风流!



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Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too

crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.

Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.

Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve(保存) our natural resources and recycle(再循环) our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.






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When holiday comes, thousands of people pour into the tourist sites, they want to relax themselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery. But Chinese people have a bad habit, they like to leave some notes on the site, proving them have been here before.

Such a behavior has been criticized by the public, because the leaving note will damage the preservation of the tourist site.

Most of the tourist sites are part of our country’s historical relics, these sites are priceless, it is everyone’s duty to protect the sites.

When we go to travel, we should behave ourselves. First, we need to have the idea that no rubbish being leaved behind when we leave the site. We should take away what we bring, keep the environment clean. Second, no any notes being written in the sites. Though in the old days, Chinese workers like to leave their names on the sites, but now it is a new world, we need to behave ourselves.







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Iusually have a lot of things to do after work. Every day after I come home, Ialways read some English passages, in order to improve my spoken English andfeel the charm of language.

After doing that, I surf the Internet to watch thelatest news and find some useful information for my work.

I think this is aneffective way for me to learn more knowledge and widen my horizon.

Then I beginto learn English by listening to VOA and BBC. There are so many interestingstories in these programs. And the hostesses are very excellent. I can alwayssleep well with their beautiful voices. At weekend, I usually have aget-together with my close friends to share our life experience. Sometimes wealso go out for a walk, so as to enjoy our beautiful nature. In short, I usuallyarrange a lot of activities for myself in my free time, because I want to makemy life more wonderful and interesting.








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In our life, everyone 情态动词+have . Some could be found at last. But some of them couldn’t be found forever. I had an unforgettable experience. One day, I went home happily. I I found my watch gone (be about to do ...when ...句型 ) . I was very worried. I looked for it everywhere but 省略 ), it is very important.It’s the gift that my parents gave to me for my Two days later, to my surprise, I found my watch in my drawer, which made me overjoyed (非限制性定语从句 ). The experience precious gift (虚拟语气 ) . I should take care of it and avoid missing it again.



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Before Chinese students go to college, they have been told about the great

things on campus life all the time, so they have the motivation to study hard.

When they come to university, they begin to slow down their pace to study and

waste their youth.

Nowadays, a lot of college students lose motivation to move on when they

come to the new chapter of their life. Campus life seems to be relaxed and a

place to free themselves. Without the supervision from parents and teachers,

they choose to lose themselves in the computer games or all kinds of


So someone made the comment on campus life as the nursing house, which

satirized the students who wasted their precious time and youth to accomplish

nothing. It is the important stage for them to learn professional knowledge and

master skills, so as to be competitive and find their own place in the


For a wise student, they make the plans and improve themselves all the

time. If we live the life as the old people in the nursing house, then it is

kind of committing suicide for a young person.



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when we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on. dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. the opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. reality always frustrates us to be successful. we need to balance them. first, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality.

in this way, our dreams can achieve. lets work hard together to make our dreams come true.



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Everyone admires beauty. Everyone has his own standard about beauty.

Nowadays some people tend to think that they own beauty if they have a good

looking. They are not satisfied with their appearance. They spend much money

taking a kind of operation. Can beauty really be man-made? If so, everybody can

get beauty. As a result, there is no beauty at all.

The appearance is given by our parents and is unique in the world. Everyone

should value it. Id rather prefer nature as the standard of beauty. Just accept

yourself, accept everything the god gives to you, and create the beautiful life

belong to you.

Many heroes dont have beautiful surface. However, their beautiful images

often come to our minds. Their beauty comes from their contributions to the


Dont be eager to judge whether a person is beautiful or not without a

thorough understanding of him. A beautiful person is not the one with a good

looking, but with a broad and kind heart.

Good looking is pleasant while spiritual beauty is more important. As an

old saying goes, “ Virtue is fairer than beauty. ” If you have a kind heart, you

own real beauty.



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Last week, my English teacher gave us a task, she asked us to form a small

group, each group was made up of five students, the groups need to do a

research, it is about how much people know about foreign country. In my group,

there are three girls and two boys, at first, we did not know what to do, then I

suggested our group take the cooperated work. As I and the girl are good at

writing paper, so the two of us decided to design the questions, and the other

three students are so active, so they like to ask people the questions. The

research went go so well, we finished it in two days, thanks to the teamwork, we

did well on the task. The teacher praised my group, I have learned the

importance of cooperation, since then, I will considerate other people’s




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三国时期,周瑜因嫉妒诸葛亮的才能,处处刁难他,最后,自己却被活活气死了。嫉妒心害了这个足智多谋的都督,他心胸太狭窄了,容不下比他强的人。而诸葛亮却在周瑜死后还去 哭灵吊孝,显然他是个心胸开阔的人,他宽容了周瑜。因而诸葛亮孔明的事迹古往今来被人们所传诵。

宽容,自古以来就是中华民族的传统美德,可作为子孙后代,又有几个人继承了这种美德呢?现实生活中,不少人为了鸡毛蒜皮的事争得面红耳赤,结下冤仇,见面瞪白眼,这有吗?将另人的一点小错误耿耿于怀,自己也将郁郁不快。生活是多么美好,仅仅盯着一个地方不放,那你将错过多少美好景象啊。回到开头所说的,如果当时周瑜不嫉妒诸葛亮,与他所致手言和,那他自己也不会被气死,不会被后人看笑。所以包容了别了,也就是宽容了自己。与其整日瞪白眼,不如主动伸出手,或许对方也早就等着这一刻 。握起手,世界上就少了一对敌人,多了一对朋友,也多了一份力量。




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只有让身体充满了知识,才能改变现状,改变自己的命运,创造出一片属于自己的天空, 让我们在学习生涯中获取更多的知识吧。



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Mothr’s Day is a holiday whn childrn honor thir mothrs with cards, gifts and

flowrs. In many countris, such as Dnmark, Finland, Italy, Turky, Australia and

th US, popl clbrat Mothr’s Day on th scond Sunday in May whil many othr countris

of th world clbrat thir own Mothr’s day at diffrnt tims through out th yar.

On of th bst ways to clbrat Mothr’s Day is to giv your mom th day off. Lt hr

rlax with th rst of th family doing all th houswork. Usually, dad and th kids

will lt mom slp lat that morning as thy go into th kitchn to prpar hr favourit

brakfast. Nvr forgt to plac a vas with a singl flowr on th tabl bsid th food. Th

kids can pick up th flowr from th gardn or buy on from th shop. Arrang vrything

nicly bfor mom waks up. Som familis will carry th food and mom’s favourit

sctions from th nwspapr to hr bdroom so that mom can hav brakfast in bd. Prsnts

and cards from th kids can b handd to mom by thmslvs or just placd on th dining


Aftr brakfast, go anywhr mom liks to go. Shopping, swimming or going on a

picnic in th gardn. Mak a spcial Mothr’s Day dinnr or tak mom out for a grat mal

in a famous rstaurant sh lovs most.

Anyway ,lt mom njoy th whol day and fl your lov, and thn th Mothr’s Day can b

a good on. As Mothr’s Day is around th cornr, it’s tim to tak actions!



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In ancient time moral education and intellectual education were in same process. With the development of society the position of moral education and intellectual education changed and the moral education split up into directive moral education and indirective moral education. This change brought about conflict between the two forms and make any form not fully play its role. The methods to overcome it are carry out comprehensive moral education make the two forms of moral education as an organic whole. To realize it can adopt subject curriculum activity curriculum and hiden curriculum make them infiltrate one another and complete the task of fostering together.

Twenty-three lectures on popular science have been held to promote the education of modern science and technology. Students whose enthusiasm for creativity and innovation has been greatly spurred handed in more than 500 pieces science projects.

To strengthen the organic combination of the school family and social education the district established a family education guidance centre juvenile psychological guidance centres in 32 primary and middle schools and has trained 460 teachers to upgrade their methods for moral education.

Furthermore the district organized more than 1400 18-year-olds to participate in an oath ceremony last year. Thirty students donated blood after the ceremony.

Students national pride and sense of social responsibility have been greatly strengthened through various activities including Protecting Our Mother River and Hand in Hand With the Needy .








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Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.
