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1. 张开双手去拥抱阳光,走出家门去迎接秋高气爽,在这完美的日子里,让我们一起去追忆那当年美好的友谊,重阳节快乐。

2. 真情似酒虽饮千杯不会醉,关怀如蜜长伴身边永不腻。重阳佳节,送去我最真挚的问候,身体健康,万事如意。

3. 冉冉秋光留不住,满阶红叶暮。又是过重阳,台榭登临处,茱萸香坠;古枫吐艳,晚菊傲霜。在这丰收的季节里,祝你事业有成,身体健康,重阳节快乐!

4. 世上若有诤友,那就是如你对我那样关怀的朋友。愿你拥有无穷无尽的幸福与欢乐,你的生活永远美好,我的挚友,祝重阳节快乐!

5. 黄菊绮风村酒醇,紫门临水稻花香!天高气爽,人寿花香!

6. 见不到你我老心慌,见到了你却又紧张。不知为啥常这样,总是想起你模样。我会时时来把你想,希望你也别把我忘。祝你开心人又健康,高高兴兴度过重阳!

7. 一场秋雨带去一份温馨,一缕阳光送去一份暖意,一份友情送去一份思念,在这重阳佳节的日子里,希望你健康快乐。

8. 一个真正具有生命力的天才,就是能将一片赤子之心带入老境的人。

9. 九月初九,乡愁似酒,天涯漂流,何时聚首,问候老友,真情永久。

10. 九九芳辰重阳鹤添寿 人的一生,最值得赞美的时代,便是老年时代。孔子说他自己年至七十才能“从心所欲,不逾矩” 重阳及门第

11. 秋天到来的时候,我用真诚的心为远方的你送去问候,当你在孤独的时候别忘记还有一位老朋友在惦记着你,重阳节快乐。

12. 如果我能化作一缕阳光,我会为你把梦照亮,如果我能变作一团火焰,我会为你驱散早秋的寒意,今天是重阳节,为你送去一份发自内心的祝福。




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I am very happy today for I had the chance to help the old people in our subdistrict. Nowadays, many adults are busy with therir job and have no time to take good care of their old parents. I want to try my best to help the old come out of lonely life and now I can.

I will try my best to make the old people smile, I am sure I can do it!







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2. 每逢佳节,重阳在列,片插茱萸,登高望远,举杯怀远,唯思尔等,愿君婵娟,共思美好,祝你重阳节快乐!

3. 我愿化作一片云,随你漂流到天涯海角,我愿变成一首歌,寂寞时在你耳边响起,我用真心编写最美的祝福,在这重阳佳节里送给最爱的你。重阳节祝福语

4. 老年只是青年的开花时节,是一个更成熟、更卓越的青年

5. 送你一棵幸运草,愿你好事连连有;敬你一杯健康酒,愿你快乐又长寿;送你一条短息语,祝你重阳节日乐!

6. 我有一枝菊花,但愿与你能共。温馨问候在其中,真心朋友能懂。花干情深义重,花瓣祝福重重。烦恼忧愁去无踪,幸福健康相送!重阳快乐!

7. 农历“九九”重阳节,让我“揪”出个快乐,“救”到个平安,然后做一只“久久”袋,把它们统统装起来一起送给你,保你快乐久久,平安久久哦。

8. 天高云淡菊花香,遍插茱萸在厅堂。游子千里归故乡,美酒一杯敬尊长。养育之恩不敢忘,祝愿福寿安康万年长。重阳节到了。祝天下所有老人健康长寿!

9. 松柏不残四季翠,山村难老百岁人三三令节春时松更高九九芳辰重阳鹤添寿,愿秋风捎去我的思念和祝福,祝你越活越精神,越活越年轻!

10. 买来幸运豆,愉悦糖和长寿粉,按比例混合,放入灶中蒸。在重阳节这天,送给您品尝,去除劳累和灾祸,获得幸福与长寿。祝您重阳节快乐!

11. 秋是一个多思的季节,牵系着想你的心灵。窗前风干的落叶是记忆的书签,是整个秋天的精美收藏,我沉醉在诗的意境里,把对你重阳的祝福埋藏在心灵深处!

12. 漫山红叶铺彩云,又是重阳秋色深,登高望远思亲友,遍插茱萸少一人。摘片红叶写书信,托与秋风寄亲人,霜重色更浓,久别的思念比海深,重阳节,遥祝远方的您平安幸福。

13. 秋就是一个多思的季节,牵系着想你的心灵。窗前风干的落叶是记忆的书签,是整个秋天的精美收藏,我沉醉在诗的意境里,把对你重阳的祝福埋藏在心灵深处!

14. 三三令节春时松更高九九芳辰重阳鹤添寿,愿秋风捎去我的思念和祝福,祝你越活越精神,越活越年轻!

15. 生命的火焰在跳动,寒冬也冷却不了;生命的色彩在描绘,黑夜也掩盖不了;生命的精彩在延续,时光也终止不了!重阳节,真诚祝愿您健康快乐,永远年轻!

16. 千重坎万重关,愿快乐阳光伴你灿烂;千重水万重山,愿好运阳光陪你身边;千重地万重天,愿成功阳光常洒心间。重阳节,愿重重幸福阳光把你温暖。

17. 秋菊酿出重阳酒,喝出开心没烦恼。五谷做成重阳糕,吃出健康平安到。秋风谱出重阳曲,听出幸福和美妙。艳阳搭建重阳屋,住出温馨好情调。重阳节快乐!

18. 岁岁重阳,今又重阳;声声祝福,莫要彷徨;丝丝挂念,记在心上;条条短信,胜似阳光;问问友人,是否安康?重阳节快乐!

19. 三七二十一,还是九九八十一,平安才是唯一。年龄存进银行,健康就是利息;重阳当成六一,七十也变十七。祝你心情永远美丽,重阳快乐!

20. 秋菊迎风怒来放,九九重阳满园香;步履轻盈精神爽,登高远眺心情妙;观山阅水凭栏笑,神采飞扬乐逍遥;把酒赏菊心欢喜,悬挂茱萸福运开;默默祈福你好运,九九重阳福安康!

21. 生命在于运动,资金在于流动,朋友在于走动,友谊在于互动,真情令人感动,平时不要懒得不动。祝福你:快乐动起来,幸福乐开怀!

22. 秋风徐徐重阳到,登高远望无人伴,便插茱萸添寂寥,持杯独饮菊花酒,庭院深处影相随,举头圆月露笑容,思念之情心头挂,重阳节到,记得保重身体。中秋节祝福语

23. 秋高气爽,人寿花香;彩云追月,盛世和祥。登高临望,有把酒临风之概;菊酿成杯,有对月相贺之意。春光即逝,莫引秋殇,今是重阳,来曰且追。

24. 岁岁重阳,今又重阳,菊花傲霜满地香;久久思量,久久难忘,九九重阳胜春光;美酒一杯,秋雁两行,福泽深厚又绵长。祝重阳快乐,永远健康!

25. 我愿化作秋风一缕,吹来吉祥送你;我愿化作阳光一片,为你带来健康平安;我愿化作白云朵朵,用美丽把你装裹;我愿化作短信一条,祝愿九九重阳节的你,快乐久久,成功久久,健康久久,平安久久,幸福久久!

26. 秋高气爽,彩云追月,头插茱萸,登高遥望,思念一缕缕。手捧菊花,举杯共饮,芳香一幽幽,相思重九九。重阳佳节,愿人寿花香,情意长久。

27. 人们尽可跑得比老年人快,却不能超过他的智力。老人们,重阳节快乐!

28. 年轻人是春天的美,而老人则能使人体味到一种秋天的成熟和坦率。重阳节快乐!

29. 浓郁的茱萸在峰顶遥望友人的容颜,重阳的糕点融化亲人浓浓的柔情,菊花的美酒浸润心底思念的记忆,团圆和乐的心愿似飞箭直指心田。愿重阳佳节家家温馨美满庆团圆,户户安宁享祥和。

30. 人们常说家有一老就是一宝。现在老人节到了!祝福老人们节日快乐~身体安康

31. 鸟南归,心回飞,重阳团聚不久归,菊花香,枫叶红,团圆时刻情深浓,常思念,盼重逢,佳节携手齐放松,祝福来,寄关怀,祝你重阳笑开怀。

32. 恰逢国庆遇重阳,祝愿您,与国同庆幸福绵长,天地祝福富贵安康,万众共乐事事吉祥!

33. 秋高气爽景象美,菊黄枫红香飘然,九九重阳金光照,万紫千红大地金。人老不失戎马志,余热生辉耀九重,振兴九洲心不老,生龙活虎精神富。九九重阳节,祝愿全天下老人与青松永同龄。

34. 无边的秋风是我想你的心跳,漫天的细雨是我对你的唠叨,皎洁的弯月是我对你的挂念,火红的朝阳是我恋你的热度,无论你在何方,都祝你重阳节快乐!

35. 生命的秋天是枫叶一般的色彩,虽然不是明媚春光却胜似,九月初九时值霜季,曾相识有天季节,却格外显得那么神采奕奕。祝您重阳节快乐,健康长寿!

36. 您生命的秋天,是枫叶一般的色彩,不是春光胜似春光,时值霜天季节,却格外显得神采奕奕。祝您老重阳节快乐,健康长寿!

37. 且是夕阳无限好,何须惆怅近黄昏。苍龙日暮尚行雨,老树春深更着花。重阳将至,祝你节日快乐,身体康健。

38. 三三时节春时草长松更高;九九良辰重阳菊香鹤添寿。时逢重九,祝福送上,健康平安,长寿千年。重阳将至,短信传情,祝福朋友,永远快乐!

39. 三三令节春时松更高九九芳辰重阳鹤添寿,愿秋风捎去我的思念和祝福,祝你越活越精神,越活越年轻!古枫吐艳,晚菊傲霜。在这丰收的季节里,祝你事业有成,身体健康,心情愉快!

40. 清秋日,重阳节。祝福短信不能缺,先向老人致问候;祝双亲身体健康,神清气爽;再祝合家欢乐,共度佳节;三祝工作顺利,最后来句总结:重阳节快乐!

41. 千古重阳赏菊花,今日把酒话桑麻。举家团聚思念你,你在何处赏菊花?我代家人祝愿你,事业顺利创伟业,衣锦还乡共赏花!

42. 一见如故,两心相悦,三番交流,四时小聚,五福来临,六神相安,七彩人生,八方神气,九九重阳,祝福归一:朋友重阳节快乐!

43. 重阳九月九,短信送祝福。吃一块重阳糕,祝你步步登高;佩一支茱萸,祝你邪去吉来;饮一杯菊酒,祝你康健长寿;发一条短信,所有关心送给你!

44. 九九重阳真明媚,一群大雁向南飞;发条短信诉心扉,愿你一生不吃亏,才华时刻能发挥;最后祝你快快乐乐,建健康康,幸幸福福,长命百岁!

45. 九九是重阳,收到短信喜洋洋:幸福快乐齐登堂,生活甜蜜在心房!事业腾飞永兴旺,钞票金元堆满仓!亲朋好友齐分享,夫妻恩爱到天荒!人生辉煌有希望!

46. 日有朝朝暮暮,月有圆圆缺缺,人生自然难免青春与暮年,老不必悲叹,更不必忌讳!重阳节一起登高远眺,眺望过去的成功与失意,享受当下的天伦之乐!

47. 九月九,重阳节,日月并阳,两九相重,祝福我的朋友身体健康久久,幸福快乐久久,生活和美久久,好运平安久久,吉祥如意久久,节日快乐!

48. 身插茱萸,一生健康;观赏菊花,祈求幸福;登高远望,避灾吉祥;喝酒吃糕,万事如意;重阳节祝福你平安永相伴。

49. 重阳天燥别心急,柔润饮食送给你,温馨关怀不可替,愿你天天好心情。品花糕,吃芝麻,尝糯米,多饮蜂蜜,愿你容颜更美丽,青春永相依。重阳快乐!

50. 九九重阳节,风俗真不少,登高眺远景,慢饮菊花酒,遍插茱萸叶,抢吃重阳糕,重阳好节日,快乐多又多,需要你我他,短信互相发。

51. 又是九月九,重阳夜,难聚首,独自在外思乡愁。饮菊酒,赏菊花,登高远望念家乡。路遥远,思念浓,祝福永远在心头。祝重阳节幸福快乐!

52. 一派金秋迷人景,秋风携来重阳节。黄昏提壶东篱下,把盏黄花赏,美酒溢流香。一片茱萸遥寄相思,一份糕点抒发情意。愿重阳佳节,欢聚满堂,欢心流淌。

53. 重阳九月九,好运伴你走;愿你笑开口,快乐来相守;每天乐悠悠,幸福无尽头;上山去赏菊,平安到白头;好梦天天有,人生少烦忧,我们情深到永久!

54. 斟上一杯重阳酒,遥表思念牵挂长,身插茱萸祈平安,悠悠惦念在心间,又到一年重阳节,点点祝福随风传,重阳节,愿你平安幸福,重阳快乐!

55. 九九重阳,岁岁重阳,佳节来到,祝福也到,短信帮忙,抛开烦恼,驱除单调,拂去忧愁,带来安康,送去惊喜,邮寄幸福,快乐重阳,相伴你我。

56. 重阳九月九,短信送祝福。吃一块重阳糕,祝你步步登高;佩一支茱萸,祝你邪去吉来;饮一杯菊酒,祝你康健长寿;发一条短信,所有关心送给你!

57. 九月九好兆头,送一坛吉祥酒;喝一口解忧愁,喝两口幸福留。喝三口健康够,喝四口钞票厚。喝完酒园中走,赏秋菊丛中游。祝幸福长久久,重阳节乐悠悠!

58. 天天各自忙,情意放心上。平时少问好,今天送吉祥。不图啥回报,只愿你安康。虽说不见面,时时在心上。短信贺重阳,情意比天长。祝你重阳节快乐!

59. 斟一杯九月九的酒,唱一首九月九的歌,点燃九九重阳节的烛光,祈祷祝福你佳佳友,平安幸福,快乐健康,一生乐无忧!

60. 重阳佳节九月九,愿您登高走一走,赏菊喝点酒。还有重阳糕,赛过粘豆包。生活从此步步高,幸福打今儿长久久。重阳快乐!

61. 九九八十一,重阳来做题,九份成功甘露水,九份快乐甘露水,八十一份幸福浆,加上你这个储藏瓶,百分人生终归你。

62. 双九节,出游赏景好时节;九九节,登高远眺值佳节;重阳节,观赏菊花好季节;遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒,可去邪,祝君重阳过好节!



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"Life is easy to the old, the year of the sun, now the heavy sun. The field is fragrant with yellow flowers.

To the heavy sun, I have not been completely old, but old age is a feast to come. What a wonderful thing it was to walk through this colorful world!

Shi tiesheng felt his life in the afterglow of the earth altar. However hard it was, it was beautiful. Why cant you be kind to yourself, others, and have a good heart to read the gift of god?

After experiencing the extreme despair of my heart, I knew that I was narrow, childish and ridiculous, but it was also my wealth, and it taught me at least how to stick to it.

Life is easy for me to cherish, to cherish not to waste, not to be tired of now, but to the release of the heart, if not free, where to have their own world. In this increasingly complex theatre, always look for the right place. And when the sky is not old, we should set ourselves free, like a bird, and fly through the wind and rain, like grass in the boundless sea of grass.



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1) 桃熟三千老人星耀,春光九九华堂歌喧。

2) 重阳节到了,秋高气爽,让我们放风筝去!

3) 一个真正具有生命力的天才,就是能将一片赤子之心带入老境的人。

4) 重阳节,也是老人的节日,爸、妈,我在远方为你们祈祷,祝您们长命百岁,身体康健!

5) 秋风徐徐,重阳九九,蒸上九重的粟糕,备好香醇的菊酒,等着与你分享。

6) 您生命的秋天,是枫叶一般的色彩,不是春光胜似春光,时值霜天季节,却格外显得神采奕奕。祝您老重阳节快乐,健康长寿!

7) 皱纹不过是表示原来有过笑容的地方。

8) 重阳节,也是老人的节日,爸、妈,我在远方为你们祈祷,祝您们长命百岁,身体康健!

9) 又是九月九,重阳夜,难聚首,思乡的人儿漂流在外头; 又是九月九,愁更愁,情更忧,回家的打算始终在心头。

10) 老年时最大的安慰莫过于意识到,已把全部青春的力量献给了永不衰老的事业。

11) 天边树若荠,江畔洲如月。何当载酒来?共醉重阳节。我想和你共度重阳节,我已备好了菊花酒、重阳糕,就等着你来了。

12) 桃熟三千老人星耀,春光九九华堂歌喧。

13) 借此佳节之际我感谢你,你的笑颜似灿烂的阳光照亮了我的世界,你给予我的安慰和鼓励支持我度过一切艰苦。祝你重阳节快乐!

14) 双喜临门,佳期欣逢佳日;三阳播彩,小阳春叠重阳。重阳节快乐。

15) 重阳节到了,秋高气爽,愿与你赏菊饮酒,登高遥望,祝你健康。

16) 朋友,在心的世界里,打开心灵的天窗,释放欢乐获取幸福,寻求美丽追索梦想,品饮孤独宣泄痛苦,谱写希望向往明天,在这重阳佳节,把我的祝福收藏!

17) 白云作信纸,流星是我的特快专递。送你彩虹通向梦想之旅,送你清风让你心旷神怡,送你细雨洗去你疲惫的汗迹,蓝天作信封,祝你重阳节快乐!

18) 路人相聚叫缘分;亲人相聚叫温暖;朋友相聚叫开心;恋人相聚叫甜蜜;九九相聚叫重阳,重阳来了福满堂,愿您亲友齐相聚,幸福快乐喜洋洋!

19) 朋友相交知己一生,爱人相伴白头到老。七老八十重阳节手牵手登山远望,让夕阳映衬相互搀扶的身影,塑造一段美丽风景!祝天下老年人重阳节快乐!

20) 知己相伴行天涯,爱人陪你走一生,共度八千里路云和月,历尽沧桑携手同微笑!九月九日重阳节,十指紧扣去登山,夕阳之下写人生,相伴到老不相忘!

21) 日有朝朝暮暮,月有圆圆缺缺,人生自然难免青春与暮年,老不必悲叹,更不必忌讳!重阳节一起登高远眺,眺望过去的成功与失意,享受当下的天伦之乐!

22) 做人要做李莫愁,刮风下雨不用愁;做事要像张无忌,牛鬼蛇神都无惧;工作要像王重阳,全真七子帮我忙;生活要像韦小宝,开心无忧没烦恼!

23) 重阳佳节送你一条充满法力的短信,收到的人将会时来运转;前途平坦,兜里有款,甜长苦短,薪水翻番,好吃好穿,常有新欢,追求的路程越走越宽。

24) 重阳九九,大家捧杯好酒,祝愿友谊恒久。愿亲朋好友:幸福永久,事业成就!祝天下父母:健康长久,快乐久久!盼天下老人:无病无愁,活到九九!

25) 高高的树上结槟榔,谁先爬上谁先尝。天高任鸟飞,海阔任鱼跃。重阳登高,祝愿你们飞得更高,飞得更稳,飞得更给力,成为天空的一道亮点。

26) 佳节九月九,重阳祝福送好友:祝你工作轻松业绩优,健康平安乐悠悠,家庭和谐情常有,诸事顺利烦恼走,万事如意喜罩头,生活如美酒,幸福到永久。

27) 岁岁重阳,今又重阳,九九相逢祥瑞降。不似春光,胜似春光,秋高气爽喜洋洋。金菊飘香,归雁成行,健康喜乐福绵长。重阳节,祝你幸福安康!

28) 重阳节到了,也没啥好送你的,就送你一束菊花吧。可别小看它,你可以用它酿成菊花酒,饮后无忧愁;还可制成菊花糕,吃后乐逍遥。重阳节快乐!

29) 九月九是重阳,美好祝福送给我心中的太阳,祝愿你:爱情甜蜜,恩爱似鸳鸯;工作顺利,热情似骄阳;生活幸福,日子过得喜洋洋,祝你重阳节快乐!



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the double ninth festival the ninth day of the ninth lunar month

the "chong yang festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the double ninth festival.

origins: the festival began as early as the warring states period (475 - 221 bc). according to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. the number nine is regarded as yang. the ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name "chong yang festival". (chong means "repeat" in chinese.) the ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. it is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. the double ninth festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.

climbing mountains: on the double ninth festival, people customarily climb ountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. the double ninth festival is also the "old men festival".

old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.



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3、又是一年重阳日,阳光明媚,桂花飘香,菊展丰姿,茱萸遍插。 怀着一颗感恩心,稽首远方。父母亲啊,今日重阳,女儿托着清风将感恩与祝福送与你们。


















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The story created a classic tough guy image. Tells the story of Santiago Cuba old man in the boundless sea fish caught eight days, but in the eighth day of the story, he caught a big marlin in the open sea, the old man in fighting with the marlin hand slashed, but he never give up, finally around three days later, will it uniform.

However, Santiago is not good luck, because he after uniform marlin, a grey whale sharks can smell the flavor of the marlin, he swam down to Santiagos fishing boat, ready to eat the marlin, so injured Santiago was at grey whale sharks and picked up the spear, when the moment of the assassination of grey whale sharks, have bite a piece of fish meat, grey whale shark defeated, but as a result of marlin tail meat is bitten off, so much more blood flow, it will let more sharks smell marlin, to marlin. Later, again there are two sharks come, really narrow scalloped hammerhead, shovelnose, but were Santiago uniforms, can be on the way back to Hong Kong, Santiago and ran into a large group of sharks, at this time of Santiago was exhausted, but Santiago also forcibly hold himself with the shark fight, even though he went the full, but in the end the big marlin was eaten, the old man back to the port of big marlin only a skeleton.

So I understand the life road twists and turns, long and full of challenge, but as long as our unremitting efforts, no matter the result is failure or success, is worth people respect.






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Today is September 9th, the Double Ninth Festival, also called the festival for the elderly, climbing the Chung Yeung Festival customs, autumn in September, high Qishuang days, our family went to the mountains. We climbed today is my grandparents in Buji water park, water park has a smaller version of the the Great Wall, similar to the the Great Wall in Beijing, I saw a small park in the Great Wall, I climb up step by step, I think if you run too fast if it did not have the strength, I do not feel a bit tired, because I have the confidence to climb to the top of the mountain, this is a small the Great Wall, with my summer vacation to Beijing to climb the Great Wall is not the same, Beijing the Great Wall is very long, very long, a large piece of stone, before Qin Shihuang built for you, in order to resist the invasion of the Huns in the original the building, and it is difficult to climb, and my dad, mom never climbed haohanpo sat down the block. The Great Wall water park is very easy to climb, water park is the the Great Wall before the local villagers because it doesnt rain for a long time. On the construction of rain. I climbed up and I thought it was only 20 minutes before I left. Im not tired, but its fun. I at the top of the hill also saw the Nanling village house, also can see the Donghu Lake Reservoir, I thought station here can see my grandma and grandpas house, the results can not see. We did not go down the mountain the Great Wall, and walk the big road. On the way down the mountain to see the heros introduction, there are Liu Hulan, Huang Jiguang, Lei Feng, Dong Zhongrui, etc.. After reading it, I went to the playground to play with a swinging umbrella. Finish to have lunch, to eat on pigeon, pigeon is really good, very suitable for my taste.






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the novel describes is nearly 60 year, when the fisherman fishing, senior alone in a big fish, actually not pull. senior fisherman socialization, after a fish that this is a big marlin, beyond your fishing several folding, though clearly hard to win, but dont give up. later in the big marlin wound bring some of the fish suspicious of sharks smell groups, but the old man still snatch food hope not give up, and finally emphasizes surround close, returned to the big fish, let the other fisherman fishing is admired.

when i read the "senior fisherman thought: heres coast is really too close, maybe there will be a bigger fish in further..." i appreciate this senior fishermen, because now he has cast in some fish, but he still was not solved, the present situation, but very close to goals. look, we often encounter a slightly is difficult, we are complaining nonstop. in the future, we will be the motherland, so it should be the old ideas, will be more lofty aspiration, for a better, more goals.

when i read "the big marlin began to rapidly around the young fishing boats, cable suspension of mast twisting, old man exalted to the right hand of gangcha, leapt high flash, and the maximum throw it to heart, wail over fish, it is the life of the static static float on water......" i also like the stone falls in together. i appreciate the old man do not fear, unremitting spirit power, although know this game is very strong, but he isnt popular flinches slightly, but more intractable. just because of this spirit, to finish the senior fishermen life and death of the competition. we must also learn advanced fishermans spiritual life, do not fear the difficulty, the only thing that can succeed.

reading the big fish smells blood is the crowd, sharks swam grab food, the old man left, he can just twitching, with a stick with your right hand, mouth are permitted use of weapons to attack and defend the expelled the sharks. but the big fish eat meat has a most, but also his left hand charmingly criticized the work time is actually "time, i also subject to old optimism. in our life, some losses are inevitable, we should take an optimistic attitude toward to compute.

finally, through a youth novel looked for 18 feet of senior fishermen, describe the marlins up the fish hugeness, explained the senior fisherman is not difficult, more common.

the novel extol spirit senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous to fight, we will not like him, who cant satisfy the present situation, should actively, do anything is relentless, difficulty, may be welcome difficult never stop halfway. only in this way can we achieve greater success and victory.



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The Double Ninth Festival in September 9th. The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional, like to eat dinner together. Several about good food, the end to a table. As night fell, lights shine, people drink chrysanthemum wine, Erguotou, eat a meal, to join you, emotional exchange. A smiling face, a burst of laughter out of narrow room, we wish each other a long and healthy life, everything is safe, the courtyard is filled with auspicious atmosphere.

The double ninth day, people have to respect the customs, the younger generation will give the elderly more considerate. In addition to give them something delicious to eat, another relative to sympathy family man, a married girl early in the morning to return home to visit their parents, to repay the upbringing. Conditional family, but also to accompany the old man to have a look in the fun.

The Double Ninth Festival of Beijing, in the autumn wind sends bright, clear sky season. To open in flying a kite, is simple, is also very popular for recreational activities like. When the Qing Dynasty old Beijing flying move extremely lively popular shops, market sell all kinds of kites, kite flower market sells the most complete varieties of good quality.

Now, the courtyard already change once lived, the Chung Yeung Festival "see also the cake is busy" scene has not see. But when the festival day, could not help but think of the old neighborhood ate the cake in the courtyard, drinking tea and laughing chat warm, Miss childhood laugh play small partners. Imperceptibly, think of Mao Zedong Poems: God easy life difficult for the old, but the Double Ninth Festival, this double ninth, especially fragrant yellow flowers on the battlefield. Each year the autumn wind blows fierce, unlike springs splendour, yet surpassing springs splendour, see the endless expanse of frosty sky and water.



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In the golden autumn, we not only ushered in the Mid-Autumn festival, National Day, but also ushered in the double ninth festival.

As early as thousands of years, there was already respect for the old mans virtues. In modern times, we can see respect for old people on the street, such as "taking the old man across the road, on the bus, and seeing the old man give his seat to him...

The government, in an effort to get older people to spend their old age, has opened an old university for the elderly, which is free. This kind of school runs a lot of subjects! There are art, dance, drama, martial arts, Musical Instruments... They are full of thirst for knowledge, and they are not satisfied with the old, unyielding heart, like a schoolboy, savoring the books "excellent taste".

On the day of the double ninth festival, grandma and grandpa went to climb mountains, drink chrysanthemum wine, and wear dogwood.

The double ninth festival, also known as the elderly peoples day, is a traditional festival in China. Hope to have fun on the day of double ninth festival, remember to pray for the old people!








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Chongyang Festival, also known as Heights Ascending Festival, falls on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. Chongyang cake, chrysanthemum wine and chrysanthemum tea are traditional diet of the festival. Ascending heights, wearing cornel and appreciating chrysanthemums are important customs of that day. These activities not only add to the festive atmosphere, but allegedly help people avoid misfortune and prevent disasters.

Although one can no longer see anyone wearing cornel on the day of Chongyang Festival now,many people still have the habit of climbing a mountain to appreciate chrysanthemums and enjoy the beautiful scenery in autumn. In some places of China, people also visit the graves of their ancestors to pay their respects. The long-standing Chongyang Festival has been listed in the first group of national intangible cultural heritages.




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[释义] Double Ninth Festival; 农历九月初九,二九相重,称为重九,九是阳数,固重九亦叫重阳.重阳这天所有亲人都要一起登高避灾,插茱萸、赏菊花;

The Double Ninth Festival

the ninth day of the ninth lunar month

The "Chong Yang Festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the Double Ninth Festival.

Origins: The festival began as early as the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC). According to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the Chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name "Chong Yang Festival". (Chong means "repeat" in Chinese.) The ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.

Climbing mountains: On the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. The Double Ninth Festival is also the "Old Men Festival". Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.

Family get-togethers: The Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers. It is an occasion to remember ones ancestors, the sacrifices they made and the hardships they underwent. Often, family outings are organised during which people search to renew their appreciation of nature and to reaffirm their love and concern for family members and close friends.



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In ancient times, people called the six Yin number, number nine is called Yang. September 9th on this day, t referred to as double ninth, is a festival with a long history in liuxue86.com China.

This afternoon, after the duty, I will take bus 43 home together with my classmates. The car is very crowded, I very not easy to find a seat, a bottom to sit down, can have a rest.

Car just after a standing, however, there is a old man get on the bus, he slightly hunched, probably more than 60 years old. I immediately thought of to offered his seat to the old man, but on second thought, their good is not easy to just sit down, let the blame its a pity.

How to do? Is to make it or not? I think, as a young pioneers, if I dont let the red scarf and how to live up to my chest? No longer want to, I must let. So I stood up and said: "grandpa, you sit!" See grandpa smiled, then slowly sit down, and said to me: "what a good boy!" After I have listened to, the in the mind also happy, because I did it.

Although I lost a seat for me to rest, but, I have had words of praise and happy mood, this is how happy ah!

Aged respected is we the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, we must let this spirit continue to carry forward!



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