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It was Mother’s Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his

mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to

a shop to buy some food on his way home.

When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t

do the cooking well. Thenhe cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was

very happy.

When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes

which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His

mother said, "Thank you,my child!"




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Guo Jingming is a famous writer in China. I think all the students have

known him. He is also my favourite writer. He was born in 1983. He has published

many books, such as "Visionary"," The Summer Still Doesnt Come"…These books are

very touching.

I often cry and shed bitter tears while I am reading his books. I thought

he was a pessimistic person but now I think he is sensational person. He doesnt

want to grow up judged by this. I think he is pure and naive. Although he is a

writer, he studies well.

I admire him very much. His words are common, but they make people feel

quite close to him. I hope he can write better articles and I want to be a

writer like him when I grow up.



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我的家乡在溪口。爸爸常说家乡的变化很大,妈妈说:“以前老家的路很难走,都是一些泥巴沙子路,有句话叫:‘山道弯弯到农家’”。 改革开放以后,家乡就逐渐走向富裕了,1981年,小山村就通了电,黑白电视进入了平民家庭。2003年,我的家乡铺了一条水泥路到家门口,进出方便多了。回想起以前的老家:睡在干干的茅草上,没有蚊帐,晚上被虫子叮咬,害得我睡不着觉。爸爸仿佛看出了我的心事,自豪地对我说:“现在的家乡可是今非昔比了。”

我暗暗地想:是真的吗?于是我决定和爸爸回家一趟,毕竟耳听为虚,眼见为实。 来到家乡,啊,真美呀!难道我眼睛花了吗?不,这是真的,以前沆沆洼洼的小路,现在已变成平平坦坦的水泥路了,路旁种着美丽的花草树木,蜜蜂在歌唱,蝴蝶在舞蹈,一栋栋平房拔地而起。我和爸爸来到伯伯家,哇!伯伯家变了,房子很大很大,墙壁刷得雪白雪白的,家具也是新的,刻着美丽的龙凤花纹。他们都用煤气灶了,快捷方便,不会像以前煮一顿饭弄的满脸是灰……伯伯带我走进房间,首先映入眼帘的是我最熟悉的电脑,只见伯伯熟练的操作着电脑,真想不到家乡变化这么大,连电脑都有了。吃过午饭,我悠闲的在散步,不时听到拖拉机的轰隆声,抬头一看,大片大片的稻田已实现机械化耕种了,我口里不禁发出阵阵赞叹声。 祖国富强了,家乡变化了,我希望祖国的明天更美好,家乡的明天更富饶。




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My beautiful home, where its spring scenic.

Spring, my hometown, green grass and flowers are in bloom. Out of the tree branches, birds singing in the merry. Looking around is the continuous mountains, mountains and rolling hillsides in the spring, as if a domesticated hen the carpet, until the sky. Graceful flowers blossoming in a dotted mountains, attract colorful butterflies; in the depths of the mountain is the terraced rows of shapes, by definition, is the same as the stairs rice; a winding path to article rice into the ever-changing shape, some like crescent, and some, like boats, some as sickle ... ... in the spring, when seedling growth, fresh green color of the home that add still more beautiful.

Summer, sun spit fire, but the hills in the home full of trees, in the shade of the shelter, the very cool; also known bird burst into song. Kind of ripe watermelon in the mountains, home of the watermelon usually round and bright, and that the air moon, as round; cut, I saw a bright red flesh, sweet and delicious; black seeds, like the eyes of swarthy .

Autumn is a golden rice, breeze, rice started singing a harmony of the song, when hard-working farmers are harvesting rice; rice harvest of the cheerful sound of voices and interwoven success of the harvest of the symphony .

Winter, although the trees have been dying, but is everywhere in the roadside grass and wild flowers, which stand at attention in the cold. They tell you: "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

This is my beautiful hometown, my favorite home.



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Last night, my parents told me that they would go to have dinner with

friends, so they wouldn’t stay at home and let me to buy something to eat by

myself. I played computer games for a long time and when I got tired, I found it

was almost eight o’clock. I didn’t want to go out, so I opened the fridge, there

were many stuffs for me to make dinner. I had never done it before, I only

watched my mother cook, but I still wanted to try. I made a fire and put the

meat in the pan, the flavors were also mixed in it. When the meat almost got

black, I finished. Whe I tasted, I realized the meat was over cooked. I must

learn to cook.



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My hometown is a prosperous and beautiful city, it is located in the south of the motherland, hot and cool guangxi province, it is also a small city - jingxi.

It is rich in fruit, and many of the fruits in wuhan, such as durian and shanzhu, may cost more than 50 yuan in wuhan, while in jingxi, it may be only 25 yuan.

The scenery there was beautiful too. Once, we went to a place called tongling grand canyon. When we reached our destination, the night was already deep, and we soon fell asleep.

In the morning, the veil of light mist over the city, we went out.

The scenery here really startled me. The ancient trees were so beautiful that we walked in. The flowery pavilion is gorgeous in our sight.

The grand canyon was big, and we walked for a long time to reach the waterfall. When the water comes down, it stirs a thousand waves.

We went back to the secret road. It was a natural air-conditioner!

After coming home, I had been thinking about the grand canyon for a long time, unable to sleep.

If you come here, will you go to the grand canyon? Its so beautiful, so spectacular, I think you cant miss it.

There are many beautiful and magnificent scenery in my hometown. Welcome to visit here!



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Over the past ten years great changes have taken place in our hometown. In the past,the roads were narrow,the rivers were dirty,the house were very old.Many families were crowded into small houses.People went to work or school only on foot or by bike.But nowadays,peoples liveing conditions have improved a lot.There are many tall buildings and ring roads in our hometown.People live in big and bright house.The rivers are cleaner than before.People go to work or school by bus or by car.They can enjoy more comfortable life now. I think we should remember the past,live in the present and dream about the future.I hope our hometown will become better and better.



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我的家乡古县,虽然是一个偏僻的小山村。但是,我的家乡四面环山,风景优美。 My hometown ancient county, although it is a remote small mountain village.However, my hometown is surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery.











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My home in Canton, there are many high-rise buildings, as well as delicious old fire, where large and the United States Park, the grass looks green it would stifle the trees grow tall and straight, flowers opened again bright and beautiful. There is also the countrys largest book center, I often go to the library to buy books, pay the cashier that in the little girl is me!



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When I was very small, I stayed in the hometown with my grandparents. I had the great time there, I liked the environment so much. There was a long river in front of my house, the water was very clean, I could see the small fish swim. My grandma usually washed her clothes along the river side. But now when I went back to my hometown, the river was very dirty, the water was light yellow and there were so many rubbish floating in the river. It made me feel that the river had lost its life. I missed the old time when I was playing in the river. It is human being that ruin the environment, if we don’t take action to protect it, we will destroy ourselves.


[干净的水 The Clean Water初中英语作文



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January 1st is New Year‘s Day. It‘s a great day for all the people throughout the world. As the saying goes, A good beginning is half the battle. So, many people go all out to celebrate the important day. On that day, I went to the Book City with my classmates. We bought a lot of useful reference books and interesting story books. I believe Knowledge is power. I hope I can learn a lot from these books and improve my study. In the evening, my family had a big dinner party. All the members in my family wished me a good luck in the new year.



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My hometown Yibin is located in the Yangtze River, Minjiang River, Jinsha River and Sanjiang. In the territory of Yibin, the Yangtze River, Jinsha River, Minjiang River, and U river?, Fu Jiang, cross river, river, South River, Yellow River, these rivers have brought wealth to Yibin, but also gave birth to these rivers of Yibin River culture, the continuation of the cultural roots of Yibin. Yibin River culture, covering Long Chongbai, "Jing Chuan master" and repairing the town water tower, piers and other folk. Without Sanjiang (Jinsha River, Minjiang River, Yangtze River), there would be no such land as Yibin, nor the ancient city of Yibin. The river has enriched the mountains and plains of Yibin, and the river has shaped the original cultural model of Yibin. For thousands of years, the first cultural element that infiltrates the veins of the people of Yibin is the great river culture. River to accommodate hundreds of rivers, toward the sea spirit, to create the image of Yibin people, absorb anything and everything open and liberal, advocating freedom and the pursuit of truth and the spirit of temperament, which is the soul of river culture.

Yibin is a famous historical and cultural city of China, known to the world famous Wuliangye, that is produced here, the wine industry developed to Yibin become worthy of the name "China wine". Yibin city is one of the earliest development of the Yangtze River, the oldest city, is the starting point of the Southern Silk Road, known as the "Southwest Banbi Goujon state" in the world. It has gone through more than 40000 years of history, space and time, carrying more than 3000 years of wine history, more than 2780 years of construction history, is the upper reaches of the Yangtze River development of one of the earliest ancient cities.

Surrounded by mountains, the Jinsha River and the Minjiang River pass through the city, merging with the Yangtze River in Jiangmen. The old city of Yibin yard, backed by the countrys second largest city of Forest Park, jade Park, fresh air, beautiful environment, is a rare treasure of Feng Shui, the Buddhist resort cultural relics of Buddhist temple, the temple is located in Nezha Nezha Palace cuipingshan Park, national key cultural relics protection units Zhenwu mountain ancient buildings located in the park Zhenwu hill.

Located in the downtown area of Jiangbei Wuliangye ten wine city, is the national industrial tourism demonstration sites and scenic spots in Athos wine, Pengcheng Plaza, Lok Chuen, endeavor tower, Century Square, East Gate Plaza, wine history museum, wealth Hotel and other attractions.

Yibin sprouts is a must, it is one of the four famous dishes of Yibin, also called "Xufu sprouts", was founded in the Qing Dynasty (about 1838), in which fresh vegetables cutting wire, dry to more than leaf gradually withered with pickled condiments. The main features are fragrant, crisp, sweet, tender, delicious and tasty. Yibin Black Tea is also good, it is one of the three famous Chinese kung fu tea, and "Mr red" and "black" par.

What about? My hometown, Yibin, isnt it? Welcome to my hometown for traveling!




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二十年后的家乡初中作文篇2 2




走出火车站时,眼前的一幕让我惊呆了:草坪与树木几乎覆盖了整个城市。一座座高楼大厦从其中拔地而起。绿色的爬山虎爬满了大厦。空气因此像棉花糖一样香甜。下面的人们有说有笑,互相传递友爱。谁会想到,二十年以前,这里的绿化面积还不到如今的一半。空气里有不少PM 2.5,使人很想打喷嚏;人们彼此十分不信任,丝毫无情义可言呢。


我们跨进了校门,里面课室的数量比原来翻了一倍,图书馆也扩大了规模,学校还建了一个十分气派的游泳池。老师现在通过电脑授课,再也不用像原来那样在讲台上含辛茹苦地在讲台上站几个小时了。学生的作业则是通过一个与老师办公室相连的管道来到老师办公室的 。因此,也就没有什么收发作业的课代表了。这都是我们一个现在在这儿当老师的同学告诉我们的。



二十年后的家乡初中作文篇3 3










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My campus is the most unforgettable place in my whole life, miss my mother similar, I love you great of campus.

My campus front door has me the name of mother school on the door with a southern exposure, in the sun flickering give out light.Again go toward in is a center road, the both sides contain many flowers, beauty pole!It is a toilet in the southeast.At southwest Cape of is a dining room.Agreeable center road s going toward is a teaching building ago.The five planets red flag flaunts aweather before the building in the teaching.The empress of the building is a dormitory.This is the layout of my campus.

In this campus has been concerning my teacher.They are very kind.At I have difficult of time, they win difficult courage for me, I thank them very much.




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As the new year is coming, many families plan to go the zoo and have fun together. But recently, a tragedy happened in the zoo, a man was bitten by a tiger. The public scared, then later the truth came out that the men tried to skip buying ticket and he went across the limited line. The animal has their nature. Once they are under threat, they will do the horrible thing. If the visitors behave themselves well and do as the tips, then the tragedy won’t happen. But still a lot of people scream and try to throw away the food to the animals, which do harm to the animals. It is everybody’s duty to protect animals.




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I am from shenzhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet.I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snows.



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English is familiar to most people, because nearly every student in school has to learn English. It is a compulsory course in most schools. Why we have to learn English?

First of all, English is a worldwide language.

Nearly every country is using it, including China. If we want to earn a good position in China, we need to learn English.

Besides, learning English can provide us more chances when finding jobs. With the development of China, we have more chances to work with or work for foreigners. What’s more, learning English is helpful to build our confidence. The more knowledge we know the more confidence we will have.





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I like watching all kinds of sports, especially tennis. Roger Federer is

famous all around the world, who has been popular for many years. Now he is

almost 35, which is the old age for tennis player. Many players choose to quit

playing as they are more than 30 and Roger was once doubted by the public. They

believed that Roger would not play as good as before, but Roger proved that they

were wrong. This year, Roger won two grand slams. He is still the top tennis

player. Federer is the real hero in my heart. He not only keeps on playing

tennis, but also a good husband and father. He never lets his fans down.
