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Home in accordance with the custom of the Chinese New Year Spring Festival home, the Spring Festival is in the first month late start, home of the spring festival. The saying goes: the wax is seven Laba, and the chin is frozen out. Its the coldest time of the year. A month to wax at the beginning of eight, the atmosphere of Chinese New Year day than a day. The day before the day of the Laba, the grandmother made the big Baiyun bean in the basin in advance; the white lotus seed was raised with hot water and then the green core was removed. In the second day, the beans become round and big. The white beans congee first under the boil for 20 minutes. Then, put some rice, glutinous rice, wheat kernels, Nostoc and jujube, beans and chestnuts. Its not porridge, its as if its showing a years harvest. Composition network

After that, there were vendors selling things on the street, all kinds of vegetables, all kinds of toys, different colors of clothes and all kinds of fireworks and fireworks. Its dazzling. In the eyes of the boys, the most attractive thing to attract them is the firecrackers and fireworks. Composition network

In the first month of the twenty-three year Spring Festival seems to be the prelude. On this day, the whole family is going to clean the house. Small is the folk people day. It is said that this day, the kitchen must report to the Jade Emperor God that one family of good and evil, let the emperor punished. People, but also the fire melted candy, painted the kitchen gods mouth, so that he would not be in the Jade Emperor said before.

After twenty-three, everyone gets busy. The blink of the new year comes. Before the new years Eve, the family must stick the Spring Festival couplets well and have to clean up the couplets once. The meat, the chicken, the fish, the green vegetable and the rice cake will be prepared enough, at least enough for a week. Red lanterns were also hung on the street. According to grandmothers words, the new years Eve all the cut out of the things to be cut out, save in a month is beginning to the fifth and the knife, knife cut is unlucky. It contains the meaning of superstition, but it also shows that we are really peace loving people who do not want to move a kitchen knife at the first year of the year.

The new years Eve is the last day of the year. This day is the day for people to eat, drink, play, and enjoy. This day, even in relatively small staying-up late on new years Eve, children, people are awake. The legend of ancient times, there is a fierce monster, scattered in the dense forests in the deep mountains, the people they called "years". Its appearance is fierce, ferocious, eats birds and animals, 62 worms, a day for a taste from kowtow to eat large insects has been living, people talk about "the" colors. Later, people gradually mastered the "year" activity, it is every three hundred and sixty-five days across the areas where people taste a fresh mouth, and the haunt of the time after dark, until dawn crowing, they will return to the mountains to go.




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Ma ville natale est Weifang. Cest une petite ville par rapport à dautres villes comme Qingdao et Jinan. Mais, à mon avis, cest ce point qui mattire. Vivre dans une grande ville nest pas aussi confortable que de vivre dans une plus petite, je naime pas les personnes vivant dans un endroit où une infinité de bruit, et ce nest pas facile dapprécier ma musique favorite, si je vis dans une grande ville. Jadore ma ville natale.

Jadore les cerfs-volants de la ville, qui sont célèbres dans le monde. Jadore lambiance ici, qui attire des millions détrangers chaque année.

Peu importe ce qui va se passer, mon amour pour ce lieu ne sera jamais changé.




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Autumn came, marching with golden brown leaves paved the carpet, quietly came to my side, no sound, no shadow, people unpredictable.

Autumn, no summer warm surging, no winter snow wrapped, no spring full of vitality. Autumn, only a touch of light, a touch of fantastic atmosphere.

Spring is the season of the poets; summer, the season of the girls; winter, the childrens season. And autumn and autumn who is the season? I said: autumn is the season of farmers, is the harvest season, is the dream of the season.

Autumn is the season of rain. Autumn rain is not as delicate as the rain so light, but also has its unique charm. As the saying goes: "a autumn rain a cold," it is true, autumn rain, what is the next few days, the rain drip, dripping in the hands of the ice, with an inexplicable chill, the distance Of the mountain children are dyed gray. Hold up a small flower umbrella, walking in the rain, watching the rain dripping from the umbrella, stroking slightly cold air, this is an alternative to enjoy.

Autumn is the season of leaves. Look at the original green tree leaves from the green into a yellow, was the autumn wind blowing, and even jump to jump, as butterflies generally beat the child fell down. Leaves the roots, the leaves of children who flew to the feet of the mother, into the dust, moisten the soil, so the end of their own short and full of life.

Looking at the leaves, looking at the rain, I can not help but lament: autumn, you are not spring full of vitality, but you have, is a spring does not have, different beauty!



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My grandparents came to visit me in the weekend. I was so happy because I

hadnt seen them for a long time. I missed my grandmas delicious food, because

she always knew what my stomach liked. My job was to take them to hang around

the city. I took them to the famous sites, where were so leisure and full of

local features. Walking on the old street with historical materials, they had so

much feelings, and thought about the old times and taught me to cherish the

things I had. I kept their words in mind. At night, I helped my grandma to cook

dinner. All the people sat in the table and had a nice talk.



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My hometown is in Lianjiang. It is a city in the state of Guangdong. The people here are mostly fruit farmers。Some of them work in the rice cooker industry. It is also one of the largest and most developed county in GuangDong.

Lianjiang is a traditional agricultural county. I live in one of the small town here in.



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Everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we never want to face.

So,how can we face the difficulties.

Difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of difficultys.Just go ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.Do cry and have a smile ,which is the best way we can use to beat difficulties.Never give up and do your best for tomorrows sunthine.Trust yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

You see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,dont we?So,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile;H1N1, we are not afraid because of our smile....

Together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust that everything can be soved!








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今年的春节我是跟随妈妈在天津老家过的。到家后,我看到很多家的窗户上贴满了各式各样的窗花,有人物、有花草、还有许多小动物……一个个形态逼真,好看极了。妈妈说,过年的时候贴这些,是 为了在新的一年里万事如意,幸福平安。还说在老家春节还有一项重要的事情,那就是逛古文化街,并答应第二天就带我去。

古文化街位于海河的西岸,这里街道不宽,入口处有一个很大的牌坊,上面写着“津门故里”四个大字。我不解的问妈妈,“津门”是天津的门吗?妈妈仔细的对我解释说,“天津”这个名字,是过去的 皇帝给起的,“津”是渡口,也就是坐船的码头,古代皇帝又称作“天子”,所以天津的含义就是天子渡河的地方。真是有意思,一个地名都有这么多的说法。

街道两边的各种店铺都是些仿古建筑,大多雕梁画栋、古色古香,中国味十足。有卖食品的、字画的、剪纸的,还有卖泥人和年画的,各色物品琳琅满目。妈妈看我对泥人张彩塑和年画很感兴趣,就对 我说,这些都是家乡有名的传统民间艺术,一块泥巴在师傅的手中能做出成千上万种的各色物品,很是神奇。年画上的内容也都有讲究,什么《五谷丰登》、《迎春接福》,表示的是过年的喜庆和家乡 人对生活的美好愿望。妈妈还说,等你长大了,去更多的地方,会懂得更多、更多… …




去年,我和爸爸妈妈回家过春节。春节那天早上,家家户户喜气洋洋,放鞭炮、挂灯笼、贴对联……忙忙碌碌。爷爷奶奶在杀鸡、杀鸭、蒸年糕、炸麻团,准备一些贡品去祠堂烧香祭拜祖先。我和爸爸 妈妈忙着贴对联、挂灯笼。

中午,全家人到娘舅家吃饭,爸爸给老太发压岁钱,我也收到了好几个红包,我开心极了。晚上,爷爷奶奶准备了一桌丰盛的晚餐,亲戚都到我家来吃年夜饭,大家聚在一起,有说有笑,非常热闹。吃 完饭,我们就一起放烟花,看着烟花在空中绽放,有红的、黄的、绿的、蓝的……五彩缤纷,光彩夺目,美丽极了!在烟花冲向天空的那一刻,我就开始闭眼许愿,我希望全家人身体健健康康的,每天 都快快乐乐的。

等到晚上十二点,外面就响起了噼里啪啦的鞭炮声,家家户户要打开大门迎财神爷。大年初一早上,我们全家都穿了新衣服,爷爷奶奶在家泡茶,接待来拜年的客人,有小孩来拜年就要发给小孩橘子。 我和爸爸妈妈出门拜年,回家时提了满满一袋橘子呢,我可高兴了!





除夕夜,那可是热闹非凡啊,大家准备一年最有意思的团圆饭,煮好饭,大大小小必须祭拜祖宗,最后长幼依序跪拜,呵呵,最快乐的时候,当然是放鞭炮了,一整夜,连续放。“啪啪啪”可热闹了 !家家放烟花,五颜六色,可美了。这晚,大大小小的,都在欢迎新的一天——正月初一!

正月初一,虽然没有除夕热闹,但是也挺好玩的。这天,家家户户,男女老少穿新衣,出去拜年。晚上,长辈得给小辈压岁钱。其实意味一年财源滚滚,健健康康。我们还要祝福所有亲戚朋友,美好 祝福。因为潮州人说过:“有心拜年,初一初二,没心拜年,初三初四。”所有亲戚朋友,都争先恐后祝福大家。

有趣的元宵,这天除了吃元宵,家乡那里可是好玩了,每当吃完饭,走在大街,你会看见有些人在开始舞狮了。舞狮由两个人合办一只大狮子,一个扮小狮子,则另一个扮武士,狮子那些可爱,好玩 的姿态,逗得大家笑了。千姿百态,妙趣横生,大家来不及鼓掌了。







除夕到了,我们家早上就要洗澡,洗完澡后吃中饭。快到晚上时,我们要烧香拜佛,就是把菩萨放在桌子上,两旁放两个蜡烛,把蜡烛点燃,最后面对菩萨磕三个头就行了。拜完佛,我们家还要下 去为死去的祖宗烧纸,其实这种纸叫假钱,给祖宗烧纸,也就是给祖宗送“钱”。“这是老太太的,那是……”爷爷把“钱”一个一个的分好,就准备开始烧了。烧完纸后,就准备吃团圆饭了。晚饭开 吃了!团圆饭开吃了!20xx年最后的晚饭开始了!团圆饭的饭菜十分丰富,腊月下旬留得鸡鸭鱼肉大部分都展现出来了:肉丝(青椒肉丝里的肉丝)、大鱼、牛肉、鸡鸭……这么多菜,足够我的口胃了 。吃完饭,我开始放炮了,放完炮,等到十二点。为了迎接新的一年,我们全家下去放鞭炮,“轰——轰——轰——轰——……”到处都是这样的响声。鞭炮放完,我回家睡觉了。

过年有四天:除夕、初一、初二、初三。在初一初二初三里,大人几乎都在拜年,都在买礼物送给亲朋好友。而我们小孩,白天在家不是玩电脑,就是看电视 。而晚上,许多小孩跑到楼下放炮,什么 “调皮猫”呀,什么“疯狂坦克”呀……各种各样的炮,十分地好玩。




到了除夕,人们格外忙碌,家家赶做年菜,方圆十几里都能闻到酒肉的香味。有的人家正在做炸货,有的人家正在蒸年糕,有的人家正忙着买新衣服······ 在这天,人们在门外贴上了红 红的对联,屋里贴上了各式各样 的年画。处处洋溢着新年的气息。

除夕夜里 ,在外地工作的人们,不管回家的路程有多遥远,工作有多忙碌,都会回到家,与家人一起吃年夜饭,看春晚,等待新年的到来,那场面别提有多温馨了!

“噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦······ ” 天还没亮,家家户户就开始迎接新年了。家家洋溢着欢乐的笑声,大人们忙着包饺子,下饺子,小孩子们忙着穿新衣,放鞭炮。


瞧!刚上幼儿园的小弟弟,还没等大人们回过神来,已经给爷爷、奶奶磕起了头,嘴里还不停地喊着:“拜年喽,拜年喽!”爷爷奶奶高兴的掏出了压岁钱。小弟弟接过钱,忙转身,跑向老奶奶 ,“扑通”一声跪在老奶奶面前,大声喊着:“老奶奶,我给您磕头啦!”接着,磕个不停。老奶奶忙站起来,边扶小弟弟边说:“快起来,快起来,好孩子!”淘气的小弟弟好像没听到老奶奶的话一 样,继续在磕。老奶奶这才明白过来,忘了拿压岁钱了,忙转身,去拿早已准备好的压岁钱,小弟弟接过钱,高兴地跑了。看到这一幕,满屋的人哄堂大笑。




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Sister home has a lovely puppy, she is happy, as to why give her the name? It is because the sister wanted the dog every day happy, so give her a happy name.

Happy with a pair of watery eyes, like a pair of black gems, there is not a long straight teeth. Happy hair is black and white, especially eye-catching, look very good!

Sister said: "happy very like to eat bread." Then put a piece of bread handed me, I will be this piece of bread on the happy head of the high 1 m place, happy to jump up, but how to jump eat If youre gone, youre gone. I jumped to the front in front of me, happy to the startled, I put the bread in front of happy, step by step to go back, happy to keep up with step by step, I baked the bread, happy immediately Ran past, and soon, happy to dang back from the bread. I turned my head and said to my sister, "Sister, happy and so nice!" I turned back and said to you, "Happy, this bread is rewarded for you." My voice is running, Listen to the words, devour to eat bread.

Happy very lively. Every time I go out to play, happy to jump to me, as if to say: I also want to go out to play, you take me out with the good? Happy too cute, I can not bear to refuse it, take it together Go out, we came to the field, happy to see the East, West look, look very lively. I saw a stream in front of it, with a happy came to the creek next to a large stone, sat down. Who knows, I sat down, happy to go to the small stream of water, really like a child.

Happy to sleep when cute than anyone else, I came to the happy "room" before, happy as if sleeping baby, and as if it is like a ceramic doll, a touch will be broken.

Happy sometimes better than anyone else, when we clean up, happy will help. It is stepping on a piece of cloth, in the help of garbage collection!

I am so happy! How lovely it is, how lively it is, how well it is!



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Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Now it has grown to become one of the world’s biggest climate change initiatives. People are all joining together in a global effort to show that it’s possible to take action on global warming.

Earth Hour has brought about some new changes to our lives. The iconic Bird’s Nest National Stadium and the nearby Water Cube National Aquatics Center, usually illuminated by floodlights, went dark at 8:30 p.m., while dozens of hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and restaurants also switched some lights off. People join activities such as candle-lit dinners and star-gazing parties as a response to the call for going dark. However, some critics have dismissed the event as simply a gimmick that will not make any difference.

From my point of view, Earth Hour is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to take responsibility and to get involved in working towards a sustainable future. Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make a difference.



From June1, 2008, shops and supermarkets are forbidden from offering free plastic bags to customers, according to a new law. A nation-wide campaign against plastic bags has been launched.

Nowadays, Chinese people use up to three billion plastic bags a day. While being very convenient to shoppers, plastic bags also cause serious white pollution” and waste resources.

Though the ban may cause some inconvenience to shoppers, it can help reduce the use of plastic bags when people have to pay for them. Besides, the ban, in away, can promote public awareness of environmental protection.

So I think it necessary to forbid shops and supermarkets from offering free plastic bags. When shopping, we can use cloth bags or baskets instead of plastic bags as we used to.




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My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is

rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had

no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken

place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals,

cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is

greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard

so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.



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Yangzhou, known as a city of gardens and alleys, is a destination that makes a trip to China unforgettable. Little known to most foreign travelers, Yangzhou is a proud retainer of ancient Chinese architecture, art, culture, traditional gardens and parks, cuisine, leisure, and commerce in a beautiful mixture of modernity with its rich 2,500 year history.

The demolition sledgehammer has not made much headway here, leaving an increasingly harder to find view into the past.

All in all, Yangzhou is the ideal place to experience unique aspects of Chinese culture, and is a relaxing break from other overly developed and commercialized urban centers in the region.




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Making a choice is difficult, because people often want to have all the

things he choose, but maybe he cant own them at the same time. There is a

saying that you cant have the best of both worlds. When you are to make a

choice, the first thing you need to consider is what are you really want or

need. If you figure it out, your choice may become simpler. However, the reality

is that many people do not really know what they want or what they need.

Besides, they always think that they may can have both in the same time. Because

of various reasons, making a choice is difficult.



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Environmental protection is every one of us to do, make the responsibility

of each of us, once you live in the earth, you have to protect the environment,

because we want for our children and grandchildren, give them a good living

environment, and not to harm the environment and harm to our children and


Its our duty to protect the environment, and some people said: this is an

important task, we are a little, it should give the big man to do, we have to do

is not to undermine. In the face of this, many people agree, and I object. In

fact, environmental protection is more than a great thing, or do we all the

citizens of these things, and they will go to the governance, we control our

things, mind your own affairs, because environmental protection from a small


Protecting the environment is a small thing, not throwing away a piece of

garbage, cutting down a tree, not using disposable items... Maybe, if you are

qualified, recycle a piece of garbage, plant a tree, and use one item again...

Its all about protecting the environment, its so simple, you dont have to do

it harder, its just that simple.

Protecting your environment is protecting yourself and your children, and

you dont want to be the end of the world in 2017.



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I am living in. It has a wonderful envirnment. I can see flowers and trees from my house. there is a playground right in front of my block.

Children always play there and senior citizens do exercises. Public transport is convience. School, hospital and super market are only a few minutes away. I like my housing estate very much.




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Summer holiday is coming. How excited! I havemade a plan for my summer holiday. First of all, I will go to Hong Kong tovisit my aunt. And then I will stay with her for a while. As Hong Kong is the shoppingparadise, of course, I will ask my aunt to go shopping with me . I will also eatthe delicious food there. And then I will go home. I know that study comesfirst. So I will finish my homework first. After that I will go out play withmy friends. And then I will take a good rest to prepare for my coming back toschool.




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good environment can make people feel happy and fit . to improve the environment means to improve our life.

we should plant more trees and flowers around us . we shouldn’t cut them down . we should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. never spit in public. don’t draw on public walls. it’s our duty to protect the environment.



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Im a Middle Schools student.I am busy.Next summer, I have a long vacation

and I have a very good plan for this vacation.

I think about going to the Beijing. I heard Beijing is beautiful and there

are many peopie there who are friendly.

I am going to the Tianan Men Square, going to the Palace Museum ,going to

the Great Wall and going to the Beijing Hutong.These famous places can make me

to have fun.For something else , I can go shopping, go sightseeing, go having a

lot foods. At night, maybe renting videos and sleeping a lot……

A great vacation! I cant wait!



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in the u。s。 mothers day is a holiday celebrated on second sunday in may。 it is a day when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts, and flowers。 first observance in philadelphia, pa。 in 1907, it is based on suggestions by julia ward howe in 1872 and by anna jarvis in 1907。

although it wasnt celebrated in the u。s。 until 1907, there were days honoring mothers even in the days of ancient greece。 in those days, however, it was rhea, the mother of the gods that was given honor。

later, in the 1600s, in england there was an annual observance called "mothering sunday。" it was celebrated during june, on the fourth sunday。 on mothering sunday, the servants, who generally lived with their employers, were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers。 it was traditional for them to bring a special cake along to celebrate the occasion。in the u。s。, in 1907 ana jarvis, from philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national mothers day。 jarvis persuaded her mothers church in grafton, west virginia to celebrate mothers day on the second anniversary of her mothers death, the 2nd sunday of may。 the next year mothers day was also celebrated in philadelphia。

jarvis and others began a letter-writing campaign to ministers, businessmen, and politicians in their quest to establish a national mothers day。 they were successful。 president woodrow wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming mothers day a national observance that was to be held each year on the 2nd sunday of may。

many other countries of the world celebrate their own mothers day at different times throughout the year。 denmark, finland, italy, turkey, australia, and belgium celebrate mothers day on the second sunday in may, as in the u。s。




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I am studying in a middle school now, my school is near my home.

I love my school, I can learn a lot in my school. The teachers teach me knowledge about math, Chinese and others things about life, these are important to me, I become mature. I make many friends here, the first day I come to this school, I get to know my deskmate, in a few days, I get to know my classmate, now I have a lot of friends, I feel so happy.

In my school, the equipment is modern and we can use the newly invented resource. The environment of my school is also beautiful, the trees are tall, the grass is green. I love my school so much.





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My grandmother has a very cute little puppy, it is called Tao Tao. I like it very much.

Its ears are a bit special, is thin, but also hanging down, like two special small fan. Eyes in the dark face of the middle of the sparkling, watery, quite like two black glass beads. It is all black fur is also dotted with some brown spots. Very cute.

It is particularly naughty, so it is hence the name. When I was in the sand, it deliberately ruined the castle that I had just cooked with my brother, but also, there was hard to sand, let my brother cry, but I did not blame it, but my brother did not cry , And then do a re-do. And once again, I lay the paperwork ready to paint, it took me to find the pen, jumped on the table, with it out to play when the feet covered with mud on the paper printed a few "small plum." I came back to see, see the paper on the "masterpiece", guess this must be Tao Tao dry "good", but I did not re-painting, but in the painting plus some twigs, plus a few leaves , A "plum blossom" to complete, and this also have Tao Taos credit it!

It is particularly fun, a play is a few hours, so that people are particularly worried. Let me call, it will not come back. Later, I spent a lot of effort to finally find it. It is happy when it will be spoiled to you, but also performance feet standing, amused my brother laughed. When someone throws food for it, it can catch. If it is not happy Yeah, no matter how good you say, it is also no sound. Sometimes it is particularly bold, even the bulls of other people dare to mess with, provoke the Bulls is not enough, but also to mess with the cow,

You see, this is my grandmother that naughty naughty, bold package days, innocent and lovely, vibrant Tao Tao. It is so lovable. You met, will immediately like this lovely little dog.



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Tired of the dull day of the holiday, there was a habit of walking on the street。

Just go out, days of rain, like the night sky in the fog, with a wind chill。 Fortunately, shops on both sides of the street lights to create a warm cold, I suzhebozi towards darkness。 Suddenly cried out in a calm shock eardrum: Hey, man, get up! Go away。 With the sound! found a man crouched in the roof。 The shadow with different differences, people spontaneously gathered in the past。

Then a light house, I looked at the old man shivering body, with disheveled hair, worn underwear。。。。。。 involuntarily shivered。 People around together more, who shouted nature is the owner, but we do not know the origin of the elderly。

Some in the crowd whispering, some cigarette in the limited, some in the head sigh。。。。。。 suddenly I felt a moment of silence。 The mouth parched and tongue scorched after a child shouted: Daddy, grandpa is not cold? yes! everyone seems to be inspired by the what, many people began negotiations with the owner。 Under the watchful eyes of the people, the owner blushed, everyone help homeowners。 To restore the confidence, and the boys to act tough and talk soft helped the old man into the room, a middle-aged man has Fengfenghuohuo beside the restaurant brought in hot surface。

Some people off。 I -- an onlooker chouchushou from his trouser pocket, came back to me naive children, in shame to take a step。





