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Yesterday, there was a discusion in our class. We talked about whether we should do housework or not. I agreed with with Sharon. She said,“The middle school students should do some housework. Because doing housework can let our parents feel relaxed. At the same time, doing housework can train us to be more useful.” I think we should do some housework. Doing housework can improve ourselves. But I also think students’ major job is studying. Doing too much housework is bad for our study. So, I think doing housework is good, but at the same time we should pay more attenion to our study. Right?

[Should the middle school students do housework初三优秀英语作文




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Before I always dont like reading, every time my mother told me to read a book I was perfunctory, the teacher told me to read that is compelling.clients, classmate called me to read more goofing off. But this summer vacation I began to like reading books.

This summer vacation I "honor" was chosen by the teacher when the librarian, I also only crustily skin of head to the charge. Come to the library, wow! A lot of reading, good beautiful, turn east west turn here, everyones in reading, I also embarrassed, and then take a book and sat on the chair, reading really comfortable here, the mother had to patrol, during that time no one came to, Ill have to take a "gullivers travels" window-dressing, mom a look said happily: "the son is really lovely," I thought: is not give you a poser. Looking at all of a sudden I think book content, wonderful, really eye-catching, I look down, more wonderful, the first time I feel book so good-looking, watch, fascinated. Even better is one day the students are talking about gullivers travels some people be at a loss, and I reel, everybody to envy eyes, really let a person want to say this words "reading enriches the mind.

Great man said, "the book is the ladder of human progress" today, I will set foot on the ladder, in which I harvest joy, I can open it more walk more far, more walk more high.






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Dear David,

Thanks for you letter. I am so happy to hear that you will come to Changsha to be an exchange sthdent.now I will tell you some advice about studying Chinese.First of all,you should read some Chinese books,they can open your eyes.Secondly I think you make more friends and talk with them.In this way,you can learn more about China and speak Chinese very well .Thirdly you d better to buy a Chinese dictionary.You can see more Chinese worlds on it .China is a good country. I hope you can learn Chinese well soon.

[初三精选英语作文:A letter to David



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Recently, a professor of philosophy in the United States has written a book

called Money and the Meanlng of Life. He has discovered that how we deal with

money in our day-to-day life has more meaning than we usually think. One of the

exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they

spend for a week.From the way they spend their money, they can see what they

Really value in life.

He says our relation with others often becomes clearly defined when money

enters the picture. You might have a wonderful friendship with somebody and you

think that you are very good friends. But you will know him only when you ask

him to lend you some money. If he does, it brings something to the relationship

that seems stronger than ever before. Or it can suddenly weaken the relationship

if he doesnt. This person may say that he has a certain feeling, but if it is

not carried out in the money world, there is something less real about it.

People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for?

How much do I need for any given purposes in my life7 In his book, the professor

uncovered an important need in modern society: to bring back the idea that money

is an instrument rather than the end. Money plays an important role in the

material world, but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning

of life.



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Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as

important as Spring Festival .It is usually celebrated in September or Ocotber.

This festival is to celebrate the havast and to enjoy the beautiful moon

light.To some extent, it is like Thanks Giving day in western countries. On this

day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice meal. After

that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon. The moon is

always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relitives and

friends. It is a day of pleasure and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful Mid

Autumn festival!


篇5:高三年级英语作文:Something About Thanksgiving Day

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Thanksgiving Day is the USA and Canadas holiday. Later, people often thank the others on this day.

It’s in November of last Thursday is Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Food

Cornbread, English Cheese Pie, Venison, Ducks and Geese, Wild Turkey, Garlic and Onions, Pumpkin Pudding are Thanksgiving Day’s food.

Thanksgiving Day a very traditional color of the food. Every Thanksgiving Day, Americans must eat a fat chicken. Because turkey is the traditional course.

Thanksgiving Day Blessings

Thank the parents. They give me the life, let me to study.

Thank the sisters and brothers. They let me healthy growth. In my difficult times, they stretched out their hands warm.

Thank the teachers. You let me to study, let me have the ability to pay for someone else.

Thank the friends. You bring me a lot of funny, bring me a lot of self-confidence. You bring me a lot of help, let me better to face all, too.




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In 2014, a show called Where Are We Going, Dad was popular around China, in the show, five famous stars and dads with their children went to the countryside to experience the life.

This is the first time for the audience can look at the celebrities’ children, the kids are so lovely that all the audiences love them. Now a new show which is similar to the mentioned show becomes a new hot topic, but this time, half audience love the stars’ kids, the ones who don’t like them think that the kids are not as lovely as the ones before, even look ugly. So the audience speaks bad words in the Weibo, showing their dislike. As an outsider, I think it is so cruel to the kids, they are so young and innocent, they don’t know about the world, why should they deserve those vicious words.

Imagine if they are your kids, what will you do? People should be mercy to the kids.






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There are four seasons in a year, spring means reborn, the trees become green and the flowers get boom. In the summer, the weather is hot while in the autumn, the weather is cool, the winter means cold. Among the four seasons, I like the winter best, though it is cold, I enjoy the weather. I don’t have to bear the hot weather, when I sleep, the warm makes me feel so comfortable, I have the good sleep. What’s more, I can play the snow, I like to build all kinds of snowmen, I play with my friends, we are enjoying the moment. I like winter so much, it brings me so much happiness.




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Huang yixuan is my best friend. She is lovely. She is as tall as me. She

has a black long hair. Her round face is always red, just like an apple. She

likes smile. She like study, but doesnt like sports. She enjoys fishing.

Sometimes she will ask me to go with her and her dad to fishing. Her favorite

color is blue. So do I. she is good at playing piano. She is a perfect girl in

my mind.



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I have a good friend . her name is lisa . she is 10 years old.she has two big eyes and a small nose . she is kind and pretty . she is a student . her favourite color is pink . her favourite food is sandwich . she likes cats very much.because it is very cute.she also likes dogs .she lives on a farm. she favourite place is Los Angeles . she also likes Malibu . she likes run very much . she likes art class . ahe is good at art. she goes to school by car.


I love my friend.I wish our friendship forever.Do you have a friend.please, tell me.




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I like to make friends so much, because I want to know more about the new

things, making friends can broaden my knowledge. But the true friend is really

hard to make. A true friend can say whatever he wants to say, he dares to point

out my weakness and helps me to make progress. Though the words are not nice but

are good for me, I want to make the true friend.



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班上的一个座位已经空下了,许多快乐和欢笑都随着他 的离去而消失。听说,他得的病很重很重,很难医治。他给我 们留下的只是无限的回忆…… 他叫刘嘉,是我们班里的机灵鬼,幽默且诙谐,什么话从 他的嘴里说出来,都特别有趣。一次,黎海燕说她爸爸对她讲 过去他们下放农村怎么吃苦的事,大家正听得入神,谁知刘嘉 冷不丁说道:“谁叫他们那时候生下来,运气不好嘛"逗得大 家都笑了。还有一次,我们去海边捉螃蟹做标本,解颖一只也 没抓到。刘嘉看她沮丧的样子,就把两只大螃蟹给她了,自己只留下一只小的。解颍不好意思地接过螃蟹,十分感激地问他 是怎样儿抓的,他裝作一本正经的样子说,螃蟹都是横着走 路的,所以抓螃蟹要横着跑步去抓。”一边说,一边做出横着跑 步的样子,把大伙儿笑得眼泪都流下来了。我们骂他胡说八道,可解颖却信以为真。

这学期,足球比赛又开始了,大家多盼望刘嘉能来啊!上 一次我们与一班的那一场球赛踢得够精彩的。已经是下半场 了,我们的"招”都使尽了,仍输了一分,眼看这场球输定了。我 们当啦啦队的同学难过得把头低了下去。 “快看哪,这时不知谁喊了一声。我们抬头望去,只见一 个穿红运动衫的同学带球直冲对方的防线,他过了一个人,又过了一个人,棒极了。 “哎,那不是刘嘉吗?妈啊,有希望了 !”解颍激动得叫起来。 “怎么会是他呢?! ”我说"他下午去参加电脑比赛,在区 里呢。” “那是谁?” “反正现在人多眼杂,看不清楚,等一下就知道了。” 这时穿红运动衫的同学闯入对方禁区,眼看要打门了,突 然对方的两个后卫同时上来堵截:“啊!”我们不约而同地叫了 一声,心提到嗓子眼儿,只见那位同学,虚晃一个转身旋的动 作,骗得对方两个后卫撞在一堆,剎那间他一脚劲射,球进了! 对方的守门员连一点儿反应都没有,一切都像闪电般的,太快 了。我们雀跃欢呼着,每个人脸上立刻有了笑容, 球赛继续进行,不一会儿,穿红运动衫的那个同学又攻进 一个头球,最后我们以二比一的优势,赢得了校冠军。大家涌上了球场,围住进球的“勇士”。啊,原来真是刘嘉! “你是怎么来的?”我问。 他做个怪相说:“溜来的。我第一个交了卷子就跑了,你们 千万别让老师知道了。” 我们把他抬起来,高髙地抛向天空中……。 这一次刘嘉不在,我们怎能敌得过对手呢? 寒假,是我们和他相处最后的一段时间,他去上海电脑比 赛得了第三; 在深圳比赛又得了第二名。为学校、市里争了光, 得了好多奖狀。

他绐我们讲在上海的见闻.太有意思了。他还说今年夏天组织咱们去上海搞夏令菅,只要他出主意,老师肯定会同意的。 然而,现在一切都不可能了,他得的是白血病。我们怎么 也不能相信,他那么壮的身体会得这种病?!听说他现在在广 州化疗,每天呕吐,卧床不起,大家都为他难过,担忧。不知多 少次我们商量要为他做点什么,只要能够换回他的健康,我们 每个人都愿意献出自己最宝贵的东西。但,这一切都是枉然, 我们只能在心里默默地为他的健康祈求。我们巴不得,巴不得 早些放假,去广州看他,拥抱他,我们天天这样盼望着。




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My opinions on volunteering

We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons. So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies. If we volunteer to help others, its a waste of time. But I think volunteering is great. I not only feel good about helping others but also get to spend time doing what I love to do. And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class. So if I have an oppoutunity, Id like to visit old peoples home to clean up for them. Id also like to help sick kids in hospital. I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital. In a word, Id like to help people who need help. If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorful.

[My opinions on volunteering初三优秀英语作文



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I like many kinds of sports, such as swimming,Running, table-tennis and badminton.


But I like running most. Running is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressures.


Besides, it’s very easy for me to running. I can run in the morning or after class. And I can run alone. I don’t have to find a partner to run with me. After running, I always feel good and relaxed. It has become a part of my life.




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This summer vacation, because mom and dad to go to work, as usual, I go home, because I am more introverted personality, mom feel to give me a cake, it make me increase the chance of meeting people, learning some knowledge, summer holidays are still let me really let me a headache.

One day, grandma and grandpa took me to mother in advance to contact me good golden microphone host computer classes, I will be here on my summer vacation the first lesson. After go in, I saw one man sat on a small wooden bench, I cant help but think: this is the nursery? Havent I how this group of children. I wanted to think, and then found a small wooden bench to sit down, and the bench is too small to bearing force is insufficient, plus I chubby, bench almost to be overwhelmed. "Jingle bell" finally class, the teacher told us the stance of the host, how to vividly to introduce myself, at this point, Ive just had a little bit on the cram school. But the age difference with other classmates or embarrassing me. At the end of the first class, the teacher also let the parents in auditing students introduce themselves. Well, I will be like the little avoid performance which in turn, I cant help but feel very hurt. When I played seriously, the audience a group of parents might see me with other children age difference, could not help but laugh, suddenly, a thick hate to my heart, I hate this interest class, hate with this group of children, also hate these parents laugh. Mother after listening to my protest, afraid that her child is too small I cant adapt to, and teachers coordinate pulled out of the cake course.

Left the golden microphone host interest after work, I on to the second class interest class - the international phonetic alphabet. In after I am very surprised, because this is big and my age children in the class. Finds a seat, I also see the teacher, "wow, too good, is Mr Zhu", I used to English class is on her, my heart secretly pleased. A tall, thin boy became my deskmate, my deskmate also chatted with me, we talk about the game, chat to play, a lot of common language, therefore became good friends. I like go to class every day, has a strong interest on British standard, tested after the training for us, I also did very well in the last exam.

I think will do this summer vacation interest class, age, there are many students can chat, to both the interest and learn knowledge.


这天,爷爷奶奶带着我来到妈妈事先给我联系好的 “金话筒主持人”兴趣班,我将在这里上我的暑假第一课。进去后,只见一个个小人坐在小板凳上,我不禁心想:这是托儿所吗?怎么这群孩子都没我大。我想了想,随即找了个小板凳坐了下来,可板凳太小了承重力不足,加上我偏胖,板凳几乎要被压垮。“叮铃铃”终于上课了,老师给我们讲了主持人的站姿,如何生动地进行自我介绍,此时,我才对这个补习班产生了一丝丝好感。但是与其他同学年龄的差异还是令我尴尬。第一节课快结束时,老师又让家长们进来旁听同学们的自我介绍。唉,我要与这群小不点轮流表演,我不禁感到十分排拆。当我认真表演完了,台下一群家长可能看到我与其他小孩的年龄差异,禁不住大笑,顿时,一股浓浓的恨意在我心头产生,我讨厌这个兴趣班,讨厌和这群小孩一起,也讨厌这些家长们的笑声。妈妈听我抗议后,怕同班小孩太小我不能适应,和老师协调退出了这个兴趣班。





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I have a beautiful house. my parents and i live in our house now. it is near the lake. we all like our house. we are very happy.

our house is not very big, but i think it is very good. look! here is the door. it is open. let us go and visit our house.

welcome to our house. there are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a large sitting room in our house. let us look at my small room first. there is a bookcase in my room. there are many books in the bookcase. on the right of the bookcase, there is a bed. there is a doll and some clothes on the bed. there are a lot of posters on the wall. near the bookcase, there is a desk. i study at it every day. on the desk, there is a computer. i often play computer games on it. there are two lamps and a clock in my small room, too.

look at our parents’ room, there is a tv and a sofa. there is a big bed in it, too. there are lots of pictures and two lamps on the wall.

then look at our sitting room, there is a tv and two sofas in it. there are two tables and chairs in the sitting room, too.

we like our house very much. do you like it?



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I have a dream about my career.I want to be a teacher, because I

thinkteacher is a good job.Generally speaking, teachers have much

knowledge.Theycan help students to enrich their knowledge.Besides, teachers can

communicatewith students all the time.It helps teachers keep young at

heart.Finally,teachers have two long holidays a year.In the free time, I can do

many things Ilike.And I have time to travel.It makes me exciting.I must work

hard torealize my dream.



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我们的英语老师有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,眼睛大大的,个子不高也不矮,但是整个人却很有精神。她教我们学的第一个词是“ms 刘”,有很多同学都不知道什么意思,老师马上翻译过来跟我们说“这个词的意思是刘女士或是刘老师”。随后英语老师就开始讲述第一节英语课。







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Working is important.We work to support our family and to promote ourselves.Therefore in order to prove his ability, someone work with all his might.


But the result might be that he probably lost many precious things,such as health and his family.So working is not everything of ones life.Besides working, we should enjoy life more and pay attention to our health.

