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请以My Classmate为标题写一篇记叙文

要求:1、主题明确。语言流畅。思路清晰。 2、字数在100字以内。





My Classmate

Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.

One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.

[关于初三英语作文:My Classmate




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My hometown is in the ancient capital of Nanjing, Nanjing is a beautiful city.


There are many places of historic interest and scenic beauty and scenic areas, such as: Nanjing, Yuhuatai, plum hill, Confucius temple, Xuanwu Lake, Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum, Pearl spring...... One of the most attractive is the Plum Blossom Hill and Confucius temple.


In the spring, Plum Blossom Hill plum then a flower open, they open the pink face, seemed to welcome guests from all sides. At this time, the Plum Blossom Hill, Spectators stood round like a wall. huge crowds of people, like a beautiful picture.


A rest day, Confucius temple is Jaleo, people walked in, feel the squeeze to breathe. The annual Spring Festival will be held here lantern exhibition, lotus lamp, lamp, lamp rabbit lion and a variety of lanterns.


If you dont believe me, you can come to visit my hometown!



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When I was a small child, I usually thought it was a good luck to be sick in bed. You see, when you are ill, you can stay home. There is no need to finish so much homework. Your parents will take care of you. Besides there is always something good to eat. Isnt it enjoyable to eat so much nice food?

A week ago, I was really in hospital. It was painful for me to stay in bed for several days. I couldnt get up. I couldnt even move. I didnt want to eat anything though there was a lot before me. I missed my classmates and teachers so much that I was anxious to get back to meet my friends. I was also worried about my final examination.

Now I have grown up. I have changed my mind.



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Recently, my father changed a new mobile phone, which is Samsung svmvng.

Silver gray shell, is flip, very beautiful. As soon as I turn over the lid, I

emit seven colors of light.

It has a lot of functions. Open the game, there is a my "pet", open a look,

wow! A kitten. I cant play, just press, the kitten disappeared, I see, broken!

Hurry to ask Dad, dad looked and said: "Oh, Lin Lin, how did you buy the kitten!

I managed to raise the kitten so much that its time to take part in the

competition. Why did you buy the kitten? " I said, "Dad, Im sorry, I cant play,

you teach me." My father bought a kitten with 8 yuan and taught me how to feed


Dads cell phone also has the function of taking pictures. At noon, the

whole family gathered around the dining table to have a meal. I took a picture

of everyone, so that my grandfather, grandmother, father and mother looked at

their appearance. They all laughed, and I also laughed.

When I grow up, I want to buy a better cell phone than dads.



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I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things.

I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food.

Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too.

I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.What about you? Can you tell me somthing about it?







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Dogs are friends of human beings.And it is known to us that dogs are very honest.They can help people do many things when people are out of home .For example ,dogs can take a good care of babies when people go to work.They also can watch the house to make sure that it is safe for his master.Dogs are friendly to people.

In a word, i love dogs better than cats.I prefer dogs because they are loyal to human,besides they are the best friend of humanity.these days ,dogs have become pets of us. they are not in the wild any more.they get put clothes on and wear bowknot.they have fogotten how to prey.as a human, I love dog as a pet but I feel much pity that dogs have lost so much of their instinct.

I like dogs,because they are so clever、beautiful and cute.I can play with them,they are our good friends, and that is why I like him a lot.i regard dogs as better pets .first ,they are faithful to hosts.we have heard lots of stories about dogs faithfulness.second,they are lovely . there are many cute pictures of dogs on internet.besides,they are brave . when hosts are in danger , dogs often try to rescue their hosts.



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班上的一个座位已经空下了,许多快乐和欢笑都随着他 的离去而消失。听说,他得的病很重很重,很难医治。他给我 们留下的只是无限的回忆…… 他叫刘嘉,是我们班里的机灵鬼,幽默且诙谐,什么话从 他的嘴里说出来,都特别有趣。一次,黎海燕说她爸爸对她讲 过去他们下放农村怎么吃苦的事,大家正听得入神,谁知刘嘉 冷不丁说道:“谁叫他们那时候生下来,运气不好嘛"逗得大 家都笑了。还有一次,我们去海边捉螃蟹做标本,解颖一只也 没抓到。刘嘉看她沮丧的样子,就把两只大螃蟹给她了,自己只留下一只小的。解颍不好意思地接过螃蟹,十分感激地问他 是怎样儿抓的,他裝作一本正经的样子说,螃蟹都是横着走 路的,所以抓螃蟹要横着跑步去抓。”一边说,一边做出横着跑 步的样子,把大伙儿笑得眼泪都流下来了。我们骂他胡说八道,可解颖却信以为真。

这学期,足球比赛又开始了,大家多盼望刘嘉能来啊!上 一次我们与一班的那一场球赛踢得够精彩的。已经是下半场 了,我们的"招”都使尽了,仍输了一分,眼看这场球输定了。我 们当啦啦队的同学难过得把头低了下去。 “快看哪,这时不知谁喊了一声。我们抬头望去,只见一 个穿红运动衫的同学带球直冲对方的防线,他过了一个人,又过了一个人,棒极了。 “哎,那不是刘嘉吗?妈啊,有希望了 !”解颍激动得叫起来。 “怎么会是他呢?! ”我说"他下午去参加电脑比赛,在区 里呢。” “那是谁?” “反正现在人多眼杂,看不清楚,等一下就知道了。” 这时穿红运动衫的同学闯入对方禁区,眼看要打门了,突 然对方的两个后卫同时上来堵截:“啊!”我们不约而同地叫了 一声,心提到嗓子眼儿,只见那位同学,虚晃一个转身旋的动 作,骗得对方两个后卫撞在一堆,剎那间他一脚劲射,球进了! 对方的守门员连一点儿反应都没有,一切都像闪电般的,太快 了。我们雀跃欢呼着,每个人脸上立刻有了笑容, 球赛继续进行,不一会儿,穿红运动衫的那个同学又攻进 一个头球,最后我们以二比一的优势,赢得了校冠军。大家涌上了球场,围住进球的“勇士”。啊,原来真是刘嘉! “你是怎么来的?”我问。 他做个怪相说:“溜来的。我第一个交了卷子就跑了,你们 千万别让老师知道了。” 我们把他抬起来,高髙地抛向天空中……。 这一次刘嘉不在,我们怎能敌得过对手呢? 寒假,是我们和他相处最后的一段时间,他去上海电脑比 赛得了第三; 在深圳比赛又得了第二名。为学校、市里争了光, 得了好多奖狀。

他绐我们讲在上海的见闻.太有意思了。他还说今年夏天组织咱们去上海搞夏令菅,只要他出主意,老师肯定会同意的。 然而,现在一切都不可能了,他得的是白血病。我们怎么 也不能相信,他那么壮的身体会得这种病?!听说他现在在广 州化疗,每天呕吐,卧床不起,大家都为他难过,担忧。不知多 少次我们商量要为他做点什么,只要能够换回他的健康,我们 每个人都愿意献出自己最宝贵的东西。但,这一切都是枉然, 我们只能在心里默默地为他的健康祈求。我们巴不得,巴不得 早些放假,去广州看他,拥抱他,我们天天这样盼望着。




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I have a small but warm family. There are only four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. We live in a city of Guizhou.

My father isn’t very tall. He has short straight black hair. And he always wears a pair of glasses. I think he is clever and kind. He likes watching TV and playing chess with me.

My mother is kind of short. But she is funny. She often tell jokes. Also she is sporty. She likes tennis,ping-pong and volleyball. She is good at cooking. She can cook kinds of different food. And we like eating them.

My sister is 6 years older than me. Now she is a university student. She can speak Chinese,English and a little Japanese. She usually teaches me English when we have free time. She also likes music. She is good at singing songs.

I wear a pair of glasses, too. My favorite subject is math and English. I think they’re interesting and easy for me.

I’m funny, too. I often make my parents and sister smile.

Everyone looks happy everyday in my family. And I love my family.

[关于初三英语优秀作文:My family



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My mother of medium height, white skin, not very beautiful but dignified and easy, her dress is just like people, not fashionable but very elegant. My mothers character is bad, often lose his temper. Strengths, weaknesses, you want to know? My mother is a man of ingenuity, will do a lot of exquisite handicrafts. Fengling is very good-looking, she will do what all have, in the shape of different colors, hung in the window, my home is very beautiful, especially under the wind chimes look gorgeous in that some of small ornament, whenever there is a wind blowing, they will send melodious bell, it sounds like the wings, can fly far away.

Do you know? My mother a bath just half an hour. Her do the housework is also very clean. 5 o clock in the morning get up to do breakfast for the family to eat, at 9 o clock in the morning will go to the market to buy food, come back and then do a housework. Cook a meal at 11 o clock. Wash his clothes, and 2 PM 3 PM to do the housework. Shes housework: sweeping, washing clothes, sweep the floor, washing the dishes, and so on household chores, few are also countless. The evening she often said: "oh ~ today the housework so much do I waist sour backache." Father and sister, I have no words to say. In fact, we want to help her, but we help her. She said: "go away, you do not clean."

You say my mother is very love clean and industrious again?

我的妈妈中等身材,皮肤白白的,不十分漂亮但端庄大方,她的穿衣打扮也跟人一样,不时髦但很高雅。妈妈的性格不好,常发脾气。优点很多,缺点也不少,你们想知道吗? 妈妈是个心灵手巧的人,会做许多精巧的手工艺品。她做的风铃很好看,什么形状的都有,颜色各异,挂在我家窗前,非常漂亮,特别是风铃下的有些小装饰好看极了,每当有风吹起的时候,它们就会发出悦耳的铃声,那声音像是长了翅膀,能飞得很远很远。





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Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman.

The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree.

I like winter. Do you like winter?



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We are looking for successful door will always encounter many difficulties. Difficulties, the things we most often encountered in life. It is easy to bow to them, but if we bow to him. It will fail.

Remember that time, my mother made a cake for me. Now that delicious still remained.

I cant help, I decided to make a give yourself to eat. I have eggs, milk and fruit... I couldnt find flour. I looking for west east, I saw a similar bag of flour on the table in the living room. I was overjoyed to get into the kitchen. I dont care what is this stuff will strike him into the bowl, put a little water mixing. Those "flour" unknowingly became more elastic. I rub a rub with the hand, the "flour" all become transparent. "Why is this? My cake in the right way? Im really stupid..." I quit, my in the mind at this moment "stick to it." The idea has been constantly emerge. I pick up the confidence to go to the supermarket to buy a bag of flour, after my efforts. Finally I put your delicious cake is ready. I cant wait to tastes. I do better than moms to eat.

Want to be successful in the face of difficulties, dont give up, fell stood up. Only raise your confidence, and perseverance. To enjoy the fruits of success.







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Now many students become crazy about collecting cards of heroes of the Three Kingdoms in my school. After one gets a card, he will share it with his friends. Being addicted to it, many students have changed a lot.

Some students even play the cards in class so that they have fallen behind in their study. The card is included as a gift in the bag of some food which costs 1.5 yuan. Therefore, to get these cards, many students try their best to get money, even steal money. Sometimes they would rather not eat breakfast than give up buying the food with that card.

It is not long before they collect a lot of cards. Without good care the cards can be stolen easily. Thus, many students fight for the cards, which damage their friendship.

SoDont be fascinated in collecting cards any longer. Study earnestly and become a good host of the new century!




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A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep hearts core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star.

A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living.

I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils. When my dream comes true, all men will be truly equal, happy, and free.



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Never Put Off Until Tomorrow Whst You Can Do Today

We have been told that mever put lff untill tomorrow what you can do today since childhood. However, there are still many people who like putting offthc things thcv should do today until tomorrow. They have no plans for their work and their time. As a result, they will not accomplish their goals in the end.

For cxample, one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finish my homework even at night. I thought I could get up earlier to go to school the next morning so that I could finish my homework before class. But the next morning I was not able to get to school in time because of the traffic jam. I was punished by the teacher.

It taught me a lesson. From then on I made a determination that I would niver put off anything important until the next day. Please remember: Work today, for you dont know how much you may be hindered tomorrow. Seize the present day and trust the tomorrow as little as possible.



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The ancient and modern in China and abroad, nobody all the time is not

making the success dream.The scholar was vainly hoping for obtains the

outstanding academic record; The poor was vainly hoping for the one day on

wealthy small capital life .......The success, is in each individual heart the

loftiest dream.Studies the multitudinous celebritys success experience, always

cannot leave the following many factors the union: Scientific method,

self-confident, insistence, patience, tenacious, discipline, good faith,

industrious and so on.This also became a person to obtain the success the


But in realistic society, the people always said the matter easy to be

doing difficultly.Finally could obtain the successful person to become extremely

rare.Therefore, the success, became the people one kind luxuriously to yearn

for.When the people through how many year endeavor, had still not seen success

hope, peoples thought always depth is having doubts unavoidably bog: I can

succeed? When can succeed? In this a succession of question behind, is following

close on is the suspicion and lax.

When Nicolay. Forced the plum to explore in the entire 21 years fable after

the secret condition ;the alchemy;, still had achieved nothing, he could not

find way out, really somewhat dispirited.But, he vainly hoped for the successful

will defeated tenaciously has despaired the feeling.Finally, Nicolay studied in

the fable;the alchemy;, obtained ;the black magic stone;, through 23 years half

endeavor, has become the European renowned alchemy gentleman, has subsidized

Frances multitudinous common people, became generous charitable everybody.21

years, the futile effort 21 years, the human no longer is young, although truth

on in his hand, but he is a blind person as if, any also cannot see.Only then

can the personal experience person, only then clear that be road of the section

of how lonely exploration.

The life is very marvelous, the human knew the natural ability has the

limitation, you never can know meets down can have any, when you thought

especially oneself despairs extremely time.On perhaps the success path fills the

variable, the success is only one kind of possibility.Perhaps, we pass through

for a lifetime endeavor, arrives the life the end point, finally has not

obtained successfully, but, we did not regret, because of us diligently.



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As is shown in the picture, two men had a big dinner in a restaurant, but much of the food was left and some was even untouched at all. When the waitress asked them to pack the remaining food, they felt very surprised, thinking that it was unbelievable for them to do things like that with too much money in their pocket.

It is a pity that many people act like the two men in the picture. In my view, we should pack the leftovers when we have meals outside. As we all know, saving is a fine tradition for our Chinese people and therefore we shouldn’t waste a bit food. Also, there is not enough food in the world and there are many people starving. In addition, we students should form the habit of saving food and give away some to the people in need. Finally, we have the responsibility to help people around us realize the importance of saving.

Only in this way can we build up an economized society and live a happy and healthy life.






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父亲买了一坛酒,他将酒深深 地埋在自家小院里。他说,等我考上了理想的大学,就将这坛酒掘出来庆祝!







我曾听母亲给我讲述过一个真实的故事:“有个孩子小时候体弱多病。有一次,孩子不停地咳嗽,孩子他爸万分焦急,便用背篓背着孩子匆匆去医院。但他怕看不见孩子的状况,便将背篓挂在了胸前,这样,孩子他爸便满意地看着入睡的孩子,怀抱着背篓,挺直了腰板,一步步走向医院……”故事中患病的那个小男孩,便是我!那个艰难“抱篓”的爸爸就是我的父亲 !我就是在父亲万般呵护下长大的。他常常提醒我作为男子汉不能躬着腰,走路要昂首挺胸,虽然有时我感到一点厌倦,但我从不会反驳和反感,因为,年过40的父亲,总是那样堂堂正正,走起路来身子也是笔直,我没有理由不信服他。每当父亲拿起我的成绩单时 ,也总是锁紧眉头,发出一声轻叹:“嗨,要是理科再多捞10分,该多好啊!”



” 在父亲的一声声叮嘱中,我长大了,球技也高了许多。又是一个双日,我与父亲像往常那样去打球,我们在一起奔跑、跳跃,高兴地笑着。和父亲一次次的擦肩而过中,我听到了他 沉沉的喘息声,而我,却不知疲倦地运着球。“儿子比老子要灵活了!”场外传来一位看客的声音。爸爸听见后,微微笑了笑用手叉着腰停了下来,而我却愕然了。父亲在以他丰富的经验来引导我,激励我不断前行,随着时间的推移,我从他身上学到了不少的技艺,水平也渐渐高了。必定有一天,我的球技会超过他,到那时,当他把所有的技艺都交给了我,他会不再教 我打球,但他依旧会 用期望的目光注望我,用开心的笑伴着我……想到这里,我的视线模糊了。





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Now I am in a middle school, and I wish I could grow up soon. I always

imagine what would I do in ten years. At that time, I would have already

finished my college and come to the job market. I will work in the office as

everybody else. When the work is done, I would come to dinner with my


I don’t want to work far away from them, so I will choose to job near home.

When I earn money, I can travel around the world, so on the holiday, I will make

some plans to enrich my knowledge and broaden my vision by seeing different

scenery. This is the life I want in ten years.
