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我们先坐公交车来到城市广场,一下车,我就看到很多很多漂亮的花,有红的,有黄的,还有粉的 ……这些花围成了一个舞台,舞台上有一块板,上面画着两个工人叔叔,瞧,中间还有五个大字 ,“五一劳动节”。我们来到大善塔旁的绍兴古地图,上面有很多小溪代表着河流,河流上画着一座座桥,我开始和妈妈找绍兴童谣中的“十洞桥”。正在找的时候,我碰到了叶楚杰,我们开心地一起 找桥,“大木桥、凰仪桥、鲤鱼桥、螺丝桥、八字桥、酒务桥、日晖桥”都被我们找到了,但“蕺望桥、三角桥、福禄桥”我走了好几圈都没找到。

离开了城市广场,我们在路边看到一个亭子,妈妈突然停了下来,说要办一张公共租赁自行车卡,于是妈妈填好表,办好了卡,妈妈说要试一试,旁边就有一个公共租赁自行车点,她刷了一下卡, 机器说话了,自行车的锁自动解开了,妈妈把自行车一推,自行车就会走路了。后来妈妈又把自行车推了回去,机器又自动把锁锁上了,真神奇啊!

妈妈说现在我们可以去新华书店了。我们来到新华书店,店里写着“儿童读物在四楼”,我们就向四楼进军,刚走到二楼,就看到一个哥哥坐在楼梯的扶手上滑下来,我觉得这种行为是很不好的, 一方面很危险,另一方面也影响了别人,因为别人要扶扶手的呀!到了四楼,我看到了很多我喜欢的书,其中有一套书叫“可怕的科学”,我觉得很奇怪,科学有什么可怕的,我的梦想就是当一名科学 家,我挑了其中一本《丑陋的虫子》,我想以后研究怎样去掉人脑中对虫子的害怕,让大家都不再讨厌虫子。我还买了很多好看的故事书,如《水孩子》等。





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Dear Miss Liang,

I am writing to thank you for your hard work for me. With your help, I make

great progress in my study. A year ago, my study was bad and I didn’t want to

learn, but you never give me up. You told me that I was clever. As long as I

work hard, I would be great. In this year, you cared much about my study and

helped me a lot. When I made mistakes, you always pointed them out and helped me

to correct. Now, my study is much better than before, and I want to express my

gratitude to you. Hope you everything goes well.

Sincerely yours,






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Dear Kate,


This term I moved to a new house and studied in a new school. But I always

missed my friend. My old house was move comfortable than this new house. I

wanted to go back to my old house.


Everything was strange for me,so I couldnt study better. I felt nervous in

the first test. And I got bad scores,I felt very sad. The teacher shouted at me.

And then,I felt under too much pressure and very tired. My parents were also sad

with me. When my classmates knew this thing,she helped me,and gave me some

advice. Later,I thought I can be better next time.


I hope to get on well with everyone and get a good mark soon.




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为了提高自己的英语水平, 把知识和实践结合,在朋友的介绍下,我来到了龙海学友教育补习机构,开始了我的执教之路。该学校是经教育行政主管机关批准成立的专业中学学培训机构,我的实习地点是福建漳州龙海市,这里是风景秀美的旅游区,这里有我的汗水和欢乐。我的实践内容是教培训班的学生英语课程。由于教学经验很浅,对于教学活动的程序和要求都不熟悉了,我对于教学工作不敢怠慢,认真学习,深入研究教法,虚心向学校里有经验的老师学习,获得了不少的关于中学英语教学现状的信息和对于英语教学的知识技巧。学校总负责人也为我安排了一位专门的指导教师——赵老师。在王老师的耐心指导下,我学会了如何写备课笔记,如何活跃课堂气氛,如何用简单的英语句子和同学们进行课堂交流等等。特别是她和另几名教师教我的小游戏,使我在课堂上很好地调动了学生的积极性,令我受益匪浅!








这几天还一样都是培训期今天上午卓老师还没有让我们上课,他让我们在三楼的教室里继续备课,但是从今天开始就要互相试讲了,卓老师告诉我们备课的最终目标是要脱离课件,我虽然备课是挺充分的但是要脱离课件我觉得好难啊因为内容实在是太多了。下午再进行正规的上课指导。在教室里刚开始的时候会有点小紧张虽然我们是老师之间互相的练习,但是毕竟以前没有过这方面的经历,所以有点摸不着头脑。不知道如何去把握课堂的节奏。师院的老师还是很专业的从她们的站姿和板书的内容就可以看出了,轮到我上去了,开始的时候声音还会颤抖连我自己都感觉到了,但是每个老师都用鼓励的眼神望着我我就不那么害怕了,想想现在算什么啊还是磨枪的时候呢。后来我就很自如的讲了自己刚才准备的东西,到现在我还记得自己第一次试讲的内容是定语从句。我还是没有脱离课件,我觉得是要多试几次把自己要讲的东西思路理得非常顺的时候才能脱离吧。在我一遍又一遍的试讲之后我感觉好多了,好像更自信了。现在才明白了practice makes perfect的含义呵呵。但是我感觉大学里学的东西好像和现在的内容联系也不是很大还是要花好多时间去备课的。还要自己去补充很多的知识,这样才是对学生负责的。我现在才明白老师的压力其实很大的,你要保证你会回答学生的每一个问题还要保证都能回答对,其实老师不是圣人也有不会的时候。我在想上课的时候要是学生问我的问题我不会怎么办呢?唉下午要去请教高人了。





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This morning,i woke up with a start: my clock was alarming. unwillingly

opened my eyes, i found it was 6:30 already.nevertheless, the room was very

gloomy, for it was raining outside. what a cold day! how comfortable it would be

if i could stay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the sound

of rain. but, i did have to go to work.

Though it was a rush hour, on the way, there were fewer people than usual.

many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down by a blast of

wind.fortunately , i was dressed in a raincoat. several yards away, a policeman

was guiding the traffic in the rain. i was filled with deep esteem for his

seriousness.i kept thinking of todays plan for a short while and,then,i was in

my office. a busy day is beginning …



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When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in

Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of

factories. And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply

electric to resident and the factories must stop working. My house is in the

manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the

electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter!




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Date:Mon. April 3 Weather:Sunny. The New Concept Essay will be held in 10

days.After the literary class, Mr.Lin called me.He said,"You Will enter the New

Concept Essay Contest.You are a representative of our school."I was happy to

hear that.Ill do my best in the contest.





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Instant Noodles

Two years ago, I like to eat instant noodles very much, the instant noodles smell so delicious, because there are tasty flavor in it. When my mother was not at home, I would buy the instant noodles, as the time went by, I found my skin became bad and I would not like to eat rice. I felt so bad, my mother told me that I should not eat so much instant noodles, they contained no vitamins and also frustrated my appetite. I realized my problem and started to stay away from instant noodles, then my appetite became good and I wanted to eat rice again. Instant noodles are junk food, we’d better eat it less.





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你于“五一”前夕 ––––4 月 28 日上午九点钟,与全班同学一起到学校附近的公园参加一次公益劳动( voluntary labour ),全班分成了三组,关于在五一的日记。你在第三组。请你用日记的形式写一篇短文。


参考词汇: litter 果皮纸屑等废弃物


1. 短文必须写出提示及表格所列出的全部内容。

2. 词数 100 左右。

3. 日记的格式已为你写好,中考英语作文《关于在五一的日记》。

April 28th Saturday Fine



April 28th Saturday Fine

It was Saturday, just before May Day. My classmates and I went to the park nearby, we didnt go there for amusement but took part in voluntary labor.

We got there at 9:00. We were divided into three groups and then began working. The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The task for Group Two was collecting the litter left about by tourists and cleaning the benches. The group I was in got to the Childrens Playground and wiped all the equipment clean. We worked very hard. At 11:00, when all the work was finished up, all my classmates met again. Although everyone was in a sweat, yet we felt happy because we had done good job.



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i read an article today。 it was about how people should try their best to

save water。 water is very important for human being but some people are just

wasting water。 they dont turn off the tap after they finish using it。 we should

do better to save water。



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It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.

这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。我必须去!我非常渴望。



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英语日记:English Host I did it

Yesterday, it was really a nice day. I got the English Host in the end.

Now, allow me to tell you the gain of writing English articles.

The first, I learned a great many new words. They are very useful for me. While writing, meeting some new words are ineluctability. And when I met the new words, I would look up the dictionary immediately, and I would remember them soon. Bit by bit, the new words will be in my mind.

The second, I grasped a lot of practical verb tense and sentential form. Such as Past Tense, Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense, etc.

They are very useful for my writing.

The third, I got many praises and encourages. They made me very happy, and I made progress more and more.

Last, I got so much fun. English writing makes me happy. I study in it, and harvest in it.

Dear my friends, what you got? Show us, and let us work hard together, grow up together!











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Summer holiday is coming. How excited! I havemade a plan for my summer holiday. First of all, I will go to Hong Kong tovisit my aunt. And then I will stay with her for a while. As Hong Kong is the shoppingparadise, of course, I will ask my aunt to go shopping with me . I will also eatthe delicious food there. And then I will go home. I know that study comesfirst. So I will finish my homework first. After that I will go out play withmy friends. And then I will take a good rest to prepare for my coming back toschool.




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In my opinion, the movie “ the pursuit of happyness “ is a meaningful film,

the hero of the movie is an active man. Though his life was very hard, his wife

left because of the situation of their family.His work was also unfortunate. He

never gave up and still work hard.Then he took care of his little son. He is

going after happiness all the time, so his life is running . Time is very

importmant to him, he must finish his task on time , or he wouldnt live a

steady life , he has to pay the rent and taxes and so on, but he insist on

taking every chance to make his life live better and he believe in himself.

Finally, he succeed , his part of life in the movie is moving and real.

I also like the song in the movie very much, it says “ the mountains have

high places and low places ……”

Everyone has a dream, if you work as hard as the hero of the movie , your

dream will come ture, so I will learn from the hero ---Chris Gardner.

And I believe my dream isn’t far away!



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Down the night of snow, the next morning the snow stopped, everywhere is white, a thin layer of ice on the ground. In order to make people convenient, my grandfather and I decided to go downstairs to shovel the snow together. Put the mask on the channel of snow shovel out and clear. Grandpa strength, with shovel snow heavily, so my strength is small, with a washboard gently to shovel snow. We first shovel the snow in front of the home, I use a washboard shovel snow shovel very fast, because my door snow has not been frozen. Shovel ready before we garage shoveling, then to shovel to other places. Grandpa labor for about half an hour, and I feel very tired, so grandpa go home and rest first. After I had a short rest, we started to make a snowman ` ` ` ` ` ` until mother down we began to shovel the snow again. Mom shovel to quickly, then on the home front of the light snow to shovel a path, and then we go to another shovel the snow on the road, where the snow is so thick washboard shovel out at all, because that a lot of people walking on the road, snow and very hard, shovel and heavy, so my mother and I two people take turns to shovel. After more than an hours hard work, we finally completed the task set in advance. Although I feel very tired today, also flow a lot of sweat, but feel very happy, because this kind of work is very meaningful, hope next year and that labor opportunities.

下了一夜的,第二天早上雪停了,到处都是白白的一片,地上结了一层薄薄的冰。为了使行人来往方便,我和爷爷决定一起下楼去铲雪。把被掩盖的通道上的雪铲掉、扫清。爷爷力气大,所以用重重地铁铲铲雪,我力气小,用轻轻地洗衣板来铲雪。我们先铲家门前的雪,我用的洗衣板铲雪铲地非常快,因为我家门口的雪还没有结成冰。铲好了我们车库前的雪后,接着又到其它地方去铲。我和爷爷大约劳动了半个小时,都感到非常累,所以爷爷先回家休息了。我休息了一会儿后,就开始堆雪人`````` 一直到妈妈下来我们又开始铲雪了。妈妈铲地速度很快,一下子就把家门前的那一条路上的雪给铲光了,接着我们又去另一条路上铲雪,那里的雪比较厚所以洗衣板一点儿也铲不掉,因为那条路上走过的人很多,雪结的很硬,铁铲又重,所以我和妈妈两个人轮流铲。经过一个多小时的努力,我们终于完成了预先定下的任务。今天我虽然觉得很累,还流了很多汗,但却感到很开心,因为这种劳动还是很有意义的,但愿明年还有这样的劳动机会。



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Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is coming. Its a traditional North

American holiday,and is a form of harvest festival. In the United States, the

fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving was about

the Pilgrims, the first settlers in America. They shared the first harvest with

the Indians and gave thanks.

Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big

dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional

Thanksgiving desserts. Relatives from other cities, students who have been away

at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday

at home.

On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed

during the year. And I am sure that we all must have a lot to be thankful for.

Maybe you would like to give thanks for being here with your family and for

being well,or give thanks for a healthy year, a good job,or thank your friends

for encouraging you when you are in dismay,etc.



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I am a student. My name is Li Ming. I study at No.20 Middle School. The

teachers are very kind and they often help me with my lessons. I have made a lot

of friends at school. We live and work like brothers and sisters. We are very

busy, but we enjoy most of the classes. When we are free, we play games together

or have a picnic in the park. I think my school life is full of fun.



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Christmas is coming! I whispered in my dream, and I enjoyed the joy of Christmas in my dream.

The house is full of bright, transparent, flower - shaped candles like a crystal. In the most eye-catching small hall stood a tree in a green pearl do "dress", and then set a "small yarn made of silk dress" decorated with the stars and the moon nine color flowers, a riot of colours will change forever, not snow, feels, not cold. Its still warm! The things in the world turned into crystal, and from time to time they made a pleasant sound.

The people who were worn out by their work were playing with their children on the day and flying in the air. All the toys have gained new life, and all the good people who have died are back.

Santa Claus gave us a gift with a beautiful reindeer and spilled sweet and delicious sweets on the path. How I wish Santa could send me a collection of articles from all the people in the world!

Christmas is so happy!








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After a short but happy winter holiday, we come back to school today. Its

the beginning of the new term. I am happy to see all of my classmates come back.

Because of the Spring Festival, everyone seems happy and some of them become a

little bit fatter. During the break, we talk happily to each other. We share the

happy and interesting things during the winter holiday. Most of us stayed at

home to celebrate the New Year. And some of us went to travel with their

families. In short, all of us had a happy winter holiday.



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Last sunday, it was a fine day. My friend and I went to Mount Daifu. In the

morning,we rode bikes to the foot of the mountain.After a short rest,we climbed

the mountain.on its peak,,we shared the beautiful scenery in our eyes. There

were lots of light foggy clouds around us.What。

s more, varieties of birds flying around us were pretty.What a harmony


At noon,we had lunch in a restaurant. With a happy emotion, we finished our

climbing. Although tired, we still felt happy and relaxed.we hope our country

will become more and more beautiful.



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Hi,everyone! I introduce my friend to you now. I have a lot of friends. In my Chinese lesson, I have a friend called Mary. In my maths lesson, I have a friend called Jack. In my English lesson, I have a good friend,too. She is my best friend. I like her very much. She helps me study English every day. She tells me how to read English, how to write English, how to speak English If I have some questions, I will ask her and she will answer me carefully.

Sometimes,I will ask her and she will answer me carefully. Sometimes,she tells me something about the world. Now, do you know who my best friend is? Right,she is English Coaching Paper!









I have a friend. Her name is Liu Chang. She is a happy girl. She is twelve years old. We are in the same class.

Liu Chang is tall and beautiful. She has two big black eyes and a small mouth. She looks like a lovely doll.

She likes blue best. Most of her clothes are blue. She says, “The sea and the sky are blue. They are very clean. ” She likes swimming,and she can swim very well.

She has many things to do in a week. From Monday to Friday she must go to school. At weekends she helps her mother with the housework. She is a good girl.

Liu Chang has many friends. Im one of them,and we help each other at school. She helps me with my lessons and I help her with playing basketball. We often play games together after class.

I like my friend.

