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My home have a rabbit its as soft as a cloud of white satin MAO thin dense; Going round and round of ruby red eyes always motionless as if to say something. Its not like the panda precious but in my opinion it is also liked than panda!

It is very obedient so I call him darling. Darling is very lovely also very smart. I use cage put it off for a day lay down your heart its right. It is no longer disorderly move bowels and ran to the toilet.

In order to let darling eat a little bit better I always go to pull the grass with her mother in the morning let it play knife and fork. When I pull out the grass to the kitchen it has ears listen quietly etc. It is my voice tell immediately ran to the door of the kitchen set up and its PAWS on the door three petal mouths motionless appeared to be singing to welcome me! Im afraid hes hungry always gave it a lot of grass. Darling happy to see the dance a few times the mock to his nest greedy eating as if afraid of it and I rob! Looking at my friend darling grew up day by day my heart like eat the honey is sweet. I knelt before its nest said to himself: "darling what time can you grow up! Grow up for themselves for our family nurture more little darling. With your white fur weave for us warm clothes beautiful scarf..." Darling seemed to understand upright body as if really grown up. I guess it must want to know at the moment I want to whisper to what he says...








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Of all the festivals in China, Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite. When the Dragon Boat Festival comes, not only the family will pack the zongzi, but some communities or units will organize the group to carry on the game of zongzi. Many water towns will organize a dragon boat race, which is magnificent and spectacular.

When I was young, my mother told me that the Dragon Boat Festival in the 5th day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar was first to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, which gradually took the day as a holiday. My father told me that Qu Yuan is a Chu state living in the past 2000 years. He is a great poet and patriot and a loyal minister. In order to the people can live a happy life, he dared to point out the king was the wrong thing to do, so the old people loved him. But when the new king came to power, he was unconscious, and did not listen to Qu Yuans advice and claim, and lost an important battle with the state of Qin. The state of Chu was occupied by the state of Qin. After Qu Yuan heard the news, he died in the Miluo river. The local people are afraid that the fish in the river will eat Qu Yuans body, so they can put rice dumplings and other food into the river. After the death of Qu Yuan, the local legend went to the sky on a dragon boat. It was at the beginning of May each year five Dragon Boat Festival, dumplings, dragon boat racing has become an important activity.

In China, people like Dragon Boat Festival very much. Now people in the city are busy with their own work, so they cant sell their zongzi Festival, so they go to various supermarkets to buy. In the supermarket there are many types of dumplings, rice dumplings with bacon, candied dumplings, dumplings and so on, very much the pattern. After the dumplings are cooked in a pot, open the lid of the pot and smell it. It is full of the fragrance of the dumplings in the house, tasting a mouthful, and the sweet taste of the glutinous rice in the full mouth. Besides eating zongzi, people can also watch dragon boat racing. On the river, the dragon boat in front of the leading high, vivid. The whole dragon boat was narrow and long. There was a big drum in front, and one after another sat a lot of strong young men. With the sound of the drums, they paddled neatly on the surface of the water. For a while, splashing, drums, voice and the sound of refueling on the riverbank were coming up. The scene was magnificent and spectacular.

I like the Dragon Boat Festival, not only because it can eat delicious zongzi, see the wonderful dragon boat race, and more like its historical connotation. Every time I pass the Dragon Boat Festival, I can always think of Qu Yuan, think of his slamming and long sword, reciting "Li Sao" in the mouth, walking between the rivers and lakes, his loyalty and perseverance. His literary grace influences the generation of Chinese. If we compare traditional Chinese festivals to a piece of silk with jewels, then the Dragon Boat Festival is a bright pearl on the silk.



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AnEarthquakeis the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earths crust that creates seismic waves . Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer , also known as a seismograph . The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude , with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale.

At the Earths surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami . The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.

In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults , but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments.

An earthquakes point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter means the point at ground level directly above this.







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1. 团结协作吃苦奉献是中国人民精神实质的准确描述。这种精神不仅过去需要,现在需要,将来更加需要。因为在未来的路上,还有无数艰难险阻等着我们。

2. 没有团结奉献精神,我们就难以承担和实现中央赋予新疆的两大历史任务;没有团结奉献精神,我们就难以发挥自身特殊优势,科学跨越后发赶超;没有团结奉献精神,我们就难以应对前行中的新挑战解决征程中的新问题。

3. 当我们取得成功的果实,是班集体与我们共同分享成功的喜悦。当我们伤心失落时,是班集体带给我们安慰鼓舞我们重振信心。当我们生病时,又是班级中的每一员来关怀,来给予我们内心的温暖。一个温暖的班集体,是多么像我们第二个家庭!

4. 团队合作更有利于提高决策效率。团队与一般的群体不同,团队的人数相对比较少,这有利于减少信息在传递过程中的缺失,有利于团队成员之间的交流沟通,有利于提高成员参与团队的决策的积极性。同时领导的概念在团队之间相对不强,团队成员之间相对扁平,这有利于形成决策民-主化。

5. 班级是放飞心灵的乐园,任孩子自由徜徉;班级是温馨和谐的港湾,任孩子健康成长;班级是展示才艺的舞台,任孩子翩跹起舞。

6. 班级是一个长长的句子,根据意愿,学生可以做“主谓宾”,可以当“定状补”,学生“成分”的不同是因他们个性的“标签”不一样。众多的“不一样”使“句子”有丰富的底蕴和。

7. 班级是一个绿色生态场,顺其自然,和谐共生;班级是一个磁场,相吸又相斥才会更有魅力;班级是一个气场,师生之间相互尊重,教学相长。

8. 通过团队合作,可以营造一种工作氛围,使每个队员都有一种归属感,有助于提高团队成员的积极性和效率。正所谓男女搭配干活不累,先暂且不说男女搭配,即使男男合作,都不会因为一个人在战斗而产生一种孤独感。由于团队具有目标一致性,从而产生了一种整体的归属感。正是这种归属感使得每个成员感到在为团队努力的同时也是在为自己实现目标,以此同时也有其他成员在一起为这个目标而努力,从而激起更强的工作动机,所以对于目标贡献的积极性也就随自己油然而生,从而使得工作效率比个人单独时要高。

9. 班级是一个天然乐园,师生集体商讨好规则之后,孩子们可以选择自己喜欢的风筝自由放飞,线是无形的,风是无形的,剩下的就是创造力和想象力的发挥。

10. 班级是一幅长长的画卷,由师生共同点染,镌刻在记忆的庭院。

11. 班级是孩子们的游乐场,是孩子们的风筝园,是孩子们的栖息地,是孩子们的幸福家!

12. 团队合作有利于产生新颖的创意。从团队的定义出发,团队至少由两个或两个以上的个体组成。三人行,必有一师焉。也就是说每个人都有自己的优劣点,每个人都有自己独创的想法。团队成员组成的多元化有助于产生不同种想法,从而有助于在决策的时候可以集思广益而产生一种比较好的方案。

13. 班级是一个绿色生态场,无毒、原生态。班级又是一个磁场,力与力相助,美与美相吸。班级又是一个气场,它能消融或同化一切不和谐的因素而使之呈现积极、健康、向上的氛围。

14. 国家的稳定团结,是社会进步和发展的条件。同理,班集体的凝聚力如何,直接影响我们的发展。

15. 我的班级像一座花园,培育了朵花朵,为我们遮风挡雨。我的班级像一辆卡车,装载了箱货物,带领我们驶向成功的终点。我的班级像一艘巨轮,乘坐了名船员,正开往知识的太平洋……

16. 延伸到我们生活的周围,只有团结的集体才能在各个方面取得好的成绩。这就要求每一个同学都要有集体观念。

17. 班级是一个天然的氧吧,这里有丰富的养料、清新的空气、温暖的土壤、充足的水分。孩子们在此自由伸展生命的枝丫,吮吸大自然的甘露。

18. 一朵孤芳自赏的花只是美丽的,一片互相偎依着而怒放的锦绣才会灿烂夺目。同欲者胜民齐者强,让我们投身到为祖国和人民的事业而奋斗的**之中,携手并肩同舟共济,在凝聚和奉献中闪耀团结之光,彰显力量之美。

19. 热爱劳动吧。没有一种力量能象劳动,既集体友爱自由的劳动的力量那样使人成为伟大和聪明的人。

20. 班级是一个养蜂场,养蜂人带领小蜜蜂追寻着阳光和花香,让蜜蜂们自由飞入花丛中,访得百花后,酿出最甜的蜜。

21. 每学期学校里都要评选出年级先进班。当光荣榜上又有我们班评为先进班时,全班同学都伸出两根手指用“V”比划着,来表达自己喜悦的心情。

22. 国家的统一,人民的团结,国内各民族的团结,这就是我们的事业必定要胜利的基本保证。在当前,加强党的团结,加强党与人民群众的团结,具有特殊意义。

23. 班级是一个学生心灵交融、畅想的共同体,在思维碰撞中获得新知。是一个互相促进,互相帮助,互相成长的学习团体。

24. 班级是师生共同学习的知识乐园,是师生相互交流的情感驿站,是师生一起成长的微型舞台。

25. 团结的力量离不开个体的努力。作为最基础的组成单元,每个个体付出的多少直接决定着最终力量的大校尽管团结的合力并非个体简单的线性累加,但只要每个人都全心全意将自己的能量发挥到极致,其整体必将坚如磐石,牢不可破,成为钢铁般不可战胜的力量。三人成虎,众口铄金。团结的力量亦有良莠之别。

26. 团结似乎是每个工会宗旨中的必须成分。每每看到工会宣传自己的时候都以我们很团结而自豪,也以团结为自己的固有特色。

27. 班级就是一个大孩子和一群小孩子互相学习生活的一个集体。

28. 好的班级是那高远的天穹,孩子则是天穹下翱翔的鸟儿;好的班级是那辽阔的海洋,孩子则是海洋里遨游的鱼儿。老师所承担的就是那鸟妈妈,教会鸟儿会飞;是那鱼妈妈,教会鱼儿会游。天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃。

29. 如果把每个人比作一滴水,一滴水是成不了水流的,只有大家合在一起,才能形成滔滔不绝的江河。他使我们大家懂得,只有团结才能构造出和-谐美好的班级和社会。

30. 班级是师生的游乐场,美德价值观思维方式是游戏的规则。会玩的师生寓教于乐,选择有道,玩中生智,择人而诲。

31. 班级是孩子们放飞梦想的乐园,师生成长的家园。每个人都是一张白纸就看你拿什么给孩子,用无形的笔去编织美丽的故事,去描绘人生的画卷。

32. 通过团队合作,有利于激发团队成员的学习动力,有助于提高团队的整体能力。大部分人的心里都有希望他人尊敬自己的欲望,都有不服输的心理,都有精益求精的欲望。这些心理因素都不知不觉地增强了成员的上进心,使成员都不自觉的要求自己要进步,力争在团队中做到最好,来赢得其他员工的尊敬。当没有做到最好时,上述的那些心理因素可促进成员之间的竞争,力争与团队最优秀的成员看齐,以此来实现激励功能。在这不断地激励当中,有助于提高团队的整体能力。团队成员内部竞争,有一定程度上的激发作用,这来源于团队成员之间的心理欲望,但是要控制好这种欲望,避免团队成员之间的个人英雄主义而影响团队的整体战斗能力。

33. 我爱我的班级。班中的每一位同学都是那么的善良团结友好可爱。同学们都富有爱心乐于助人。

34. 班级是孩子成长过程中不可或缺的驿站,而且这个驿站注定会给孩子留下难以忘怀的东西。

35. 二人同心,其利断金;三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。团结是迸发新力量的源泉。通过凝结个体的力量,形成合力,从而由量的积累实现质的飞跃。人心齐,泰山移。团结的力量源于统一的目标。共同的理想,一致的追求使各种力量汇聚到一起,并朝着同一方向叠加累积,进而真正达成心往一处想,劲往一处使,拧成一股绳。团结的力量来自合理的分工。

36. 我们班是一个大家庭。同学们都是我的兄弟姐妹,老师就是我的爸爸妈妈。在班里,有时,我撞你一下,你不跟我斤斤计较;你踩我一脚,我也像没事一样。我们依然还是好朋友,大家共同度过这段快乐时光,共同品尝其中的喜怒哀乐,共同经历里面的风风雨雨。这些全靠她。我爱她。

37. “团结”两个字在字典里的意思是“为了集中力量实现共同理想而结合的”,就是把大家看作一个整体,团结就是力量。美国总统林肯说的好:“一个裂开的房子是站立不住的!”是的,国家要团结,民族要团结,社会要团结,班级也要团结。

38. 一个班级体,理应是全班同学团结一致,共同努力。可是,却恰恰相反,不但不能团结一致,还分门别类,总是抓住别人的小辫子,只因为他某件事情的过失,就来判定一个人的好坏善恶,是万万要不得的。我们应该怀有一个宽广的心胸,去原谅朋友,原谅生活中的人!

39. 班级是一个绣场,管理则好比女红,得沉下心来,用心地纳线缝针,处处留心针脚的疏密深浅,耐心地熨烫修复。长此以往,锦瑟五十弦,弦弦染春色。

40. 只有用集体的力量才能够解释那直到现在还是不能超越的神话和史诗的深刻的美。

41. 校园多么像哺育我们成长的宁静的港湾,然而班级就是我们乘搭的一艘艘船,在浩瀚的大海中,带领我们乘风破浪,我们带着全新的梦想,踏上全新的旅程。说起我们班,它是由一群群顽皮捣蛋的学生和爱生如子的老师组成的,是一个热闹非凡的大家庭

42. 班级应该像一方小池塘,允许不同禀赋的学生“万类霜天竞自由”——自由地发展个性,自主地发掘潜能,自觉地追求梦想。

43. 班级是一个绿色生态场,顺其自然,和谐共生;班级是一个磁场,相吸又相斥才会更有魅力;班级是一个气场,师生之间相互尊重,教学相长。

44. 团队合作可以实现“人多好办事”,团队合作可以完成个人无法独立完成的大项目。现在很多项目,都不是一个人在战斗。毕竟人无完人,一个人的力量有限,一个人单打独斗难以把全部事情都做尽做全做大。但是多人分工合作的话,就会有人多力量大的优势,就可以把团队的整体目标分割成许多小目标,然后再分配给团队的成员去一起完成,这样就可以缩短完成大目标的时间而提高效率。

45. 团结奉献,是激励新疆各族人民锐意进取拼搏创业的内在动力,是凝聚人心集中力量创大业干大事的道德文化旗帜。

46. 教学楼前那开的旺盛的或紫或白的丁香,总是不停的散发香气,令人禁不住驻足去寻找可以让梦想成真的花瓣。也总有爱花的女生悄悄的采一两束回去,夹在书里或放在瓶里,香气立刻弥漫了周围,毋自沉浸在飘飘的世界里,遐想翩翩。

47. 班级是师生成长的家园,在锅碗瓢盆交响曲中,播种希望、收获快乐!

48. 为集体,为他人多做好事善事,维护集体利益和荣誉,懂得在集体生活中要团结友爱互相帮助,要养成集体生活中应有的习惯和行为准则,自觉遵守集体纪律,培养热爱集体的感情。

49. 团结就是力量,就是胜利。我们的国家大,人口多,底子薄,要办好我们国家的事,适合用加法,即把各种积极因素都凝聚起来;不适合用减法,即力量分散和抵消。我们是社会主义国家,我们的人民有共同理想共同利益,集中起来办大事是我们的优势。只要我们团结一致,把全党和全国各族人民的智慧和力量集中起来,任何困难都不可能阻挡我们前进的步伐!

50. 通过团队合作可以约束规范和控制成员的行为。在团队内部,当一个人与其他人不同时,团队内部所形成的那种观念力量氛围会对这个人施加一种有形和无形的压力,会致使他在心理上产生一种压抑和紧迫感。在这种压力下,成员在不知不觉中随同大众,在意识判断和行为上表现出与团队中大多数人的相一致,从而达到去约束规范和控制个体的行为的目的。规范和控制个体的行为有助于团体行动的标准化,有利于提高团队的办事效率。

51. 团队合作在实现既定目标上具有很多优势,有着与其他群体不可替代的作用,这也是团队合作重要之所在。所以我们要学会与他人合作,学会做一只合群的大雁,这样才使得我们的团队能飞得更高更快更远。

52. 一滴水只有放进大海里才永远不会干涸,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融合在一起的时候才能最有力量。

53. 路边的空地里开了一些黄色的野花,是不是春风悄悄把种子撒下?哇,那边草坪上有整整一片呢!柔弱的枝茎在风中摇曳着,绿色的底色上,那花瓣像天上的繁星一样在不停的向你眨眼睛,感觉是多么的可爱天真,像孩子的肌肤一样嫩一样柔。

54. 班级是一方磁场,奋斗磁场,成长磁场!师生共同享受生命的完整幸福的磁场!

55. “团结就是力量,团结就是力量,这力量是铁,这力量是钢……”当我们还是孩提时,老师就教我们唱这首《团结就是力量》的歌,而此时此刻,这首歌再次在我的耳边响起,因为我们互换团结,团结无处不在。

56. 班级是一座大花坛,玫瑰争艳,茉莉吐蕊,蔷薇亦素雅地开放着;班级是一个百鸟园,百灵秀才艺,布谷在低语,但也容得下小麻雀絮絮不停!

57. 一个班集体,一旦用“尊人者,人尊之”的思想统帅起来,一旦成员们都姑言行中尽可能多地用尊重别人的方式,获得别人对自己的尊重,这个集体就会产生极大的凝聚力,每个生活在集体中的人都会感到幸福自豪,从而发挥出巨大的潜力,取得意想不到的好成绩。

58. 为了达到伟大的目标和团结,为此所必需的千百万大军应当时刻牢记主要的东西,不因那些无谓的吹毛求疵而迷失方向。

59. 班——即是“集”,所以允许大家个性的相容、文化的相容、爱好的相容;级——即是“阶”,所以无论上下都要将“相容”转化成“动力”,才能顺利促进成长。

60. 班级是师生的游乐场,美德、价值观、思维方式是游戏的规则。会玩的师生寓教于乐,选择有道句子大全http://Www.juzI.coM/,玩中生智,择人而诲。

61. 个人如果但靠自己,如果置身于集体的关系之外,置身于任何团结民众的伟大思想的范围之外,就会变成怠惰的保守的与生活发展相敌对的人。

62. “望窗外云卷云舒,看门前花开花落”,每每闲庭信步,呼吸带有花香草香泥土味的新鲜空气,很快融入其中,感到这校园是属于我的。校园是美的,但她给我更多的是心灵的启迪与荡涤、思想的陶冶、内在气质的培养,让我以一种更平和的态度去面对人生,踏入社会。远离了都市的喧闹嘈杂、尘世的尔虞我诈、社会的复杂多变,有的只是自然与心灵的安宁与和谐,这就是我的校园,我心中的一片净土。

63. 一个人如果单靠自己,如果置身于集体的关系之外,置身于任何团结民众的伟大思想的范围之外,就会变成怠惰的保守的与生活发展相敌对的人。

64. 喜欢一个人漫步于校园,独自感受校园的清新,体味它的点点变化。清晨,中午,黄昏,不同时刻的她呈现不同的婉约与和谐。走在林荫小径上,不时会有灰白相间的喜鹊从面前掠过,落在草坪上悠闲自在的踱来踱去,一点也不畏惧人的接近。而不管目光投向哪,映入眼帘的都是一片大自然的安静与和谐。在她那一抹浓浓的绿意下,每天都有让人惊喜的发现。

65. 儿童集体里的舆论力量,完全是一种物质的实际可以感触到的教育力量。

66. 班级是师生的共同的天堂,班级是我们的心所能达到的地方,是我们理想起航的湾港。

67. 班级是一个学生心灵交融畅想的共同体,在思维碰撞中获得新知。是一个互相促进,互相帮助,互相成长的学习团体。

68. 中国的问题,稳定需要团结,压倒一切的是需要稳定。没有稳定的环境,什么都搞不成。稳定需要团结,才能稳定。要使社会长期稳定。国家长治久安,离不开党与人民群众钢铁般的团结。

69. 我们班还有许多好学生呢,学习成绩好的王越潘桦,积极举手发言的王奕山,负责任的金雯妍周郁葱,管理能力好的姚文茜等等。

70. 班级其实就是一个相互影响的生命场。教师可以影响孩子,孩子也可以影响教师。



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There are four seasons in a year. Someone like spring, summer is bright, autumn harvest, but I love winter white, happiness, and it gave birth to the life.

Winter is white. Im looking forward to already a long time of heavy snow in the winter of this year and finally I close contact. Large tracts of snow like goose feather floats to the earth every corner of the field into the country, tall bungalow. Soon the snow will give the earth covered with a white soft wool carpet, washing the earth. I can not consider of the cold, excited rushed out of the house, join the snowball fights, a snowman, and friends have fun!

Winter is happy. After a semester of hard learning, students finally ushered in the holiday, you can free to arrange their own time. I can not only to the students home visits, also can have a long time my courseware with a computer. My mother said I courseware have been as good and professional! More importantly, the annual Spring Festival is in winter. The Spring Festival is the most happy fireworks. To night, colorful, gorgeous and colorful fireworks from all directions at the same time, indicated that next year Chinas flourishing and prosperity. During the Spring Festival is the most happy, of course, still get lucky money from elders. Can I use the money to buy my favorite toys, school supplies, when the woman feels good!

Winter is the starting point of life. Although the branches bare, the grass withered, frozen lakes and rivers also quietly, winter appeared deserted and quiet, but do you know? Is now pregnant with new life, breeds. Is winter, help them to accumulate new energy better growth next year.

Winter is beautiful. I love winter!








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I got out of the door, can not help but take a breath after the rain, the air is so fresh. I saw the blooming plum blossom last week was scared to fall down.

Flower beds, a piece of dead leaves fell above the rain sink into a bowl of bowl of spring water. Walking in the Indus Road, a piece of Indus leaves stacked on the ground, the north wind blowing, they like a group of naughty cute little bikes went to the road, the north wind blowing into my clothes in the cool. Several chrysanthemums on campus add some vitality to our campus. The pines in our plot endure the breeze of the winter wind, it still stands on the earth, the leaves are still as green as before.

However, the most people can be at home can be the first to feel the breath of winter, winter fog is really changing, and some like snow-covered Changbai Mountain, and some like red leaves like Fragrant Hills. Fog at the foot of the floating, people seem to be able to cloud on the ground, leisurely like, this fog is really white ah! White like a white gauze satin, but also just under the snow, so clean, so moist.

Although the winter is very cold, but how much I want to let the winter come, so I can win the snow battle!

I love the winter morning, beautiful and quiet morning.



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Green grass I do not know when to quietly yellow, snuggle in the arms of the earths mother, so next year regeneration. The cicadas were gone, and the geese were walking into the south, and they all told people: "Autumn is coming!"

Autumn sky is exceptionally clear, blossoming white clouds leisurely floating. Poplar willow leaves yellow, and only the pine trees are not willing to take off their green clothes. Maple thought the most thoughtful, took off the summer clothes, put on a red sweater prepared for the fall.

Autumn is the harvest season. In the field, the gold-like valley spatula bent over the waist, a gust of wind blowing, the ground filled with waves, a layer of rushing a layer, also issued rustling laughter; sorghum wore red fire like a burning torch ... ... all this, as if to the people to report the harvest of good news. The peasants were harvesting the crops of the fields, and their faces were sweat with their work and filled with a happy smile.

Orchard, the apple cooked, like a shy little girl, head down. Grapes, full of strings of grapes, purple, green, dark red, one by one in the sun shining, crystal clear, emitting a seductive fragrance. I was so drunk in this charming autumn color!

Full of vitality and vitality of the summer is beautiful, but full of harvest harvest joy more charming!




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描写好词:雪白、掠过、舒展、高翔、低飞、喧哗。伫立、踱步、硕大、光滑、娴静、高雅、成双成对、碧绿如玉、肥大丰满、一星半点、轻盈美丽、望尘莫及。 Describes good words: snow white, passing, stretching, Gao Xiang, low flying, noise.Standing, pacing, huge, smooth, clever, elegant, pair of pairs, green like jade, plump and plump, one star, light and beautiful, no matter how good.



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7、春天到了,真美呀!这是一个大地回春,万物复苏的季节。像蛇,熊,青蛙??之类的冷血动物都停止了冬眠,爬上地面欣赏春天。小鸟鸣春,百花争艳,小草发芽,燕子也飞回来搭窝了,春天使给大地恢复了万紫千红的气氛。 连春雨,春雷都连绵不断地来为我们报春。春天正是播种的好季节,农民伯伯正趁着这个好季节开始播种了,到了秋天就有好的收成。













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Because last semester I took part in the youth volunteer group, so today, I received a "sunrise sunset set each other off red" the activities of the notice, said the afternoon to to the new village cadres grandpa home visiting his family. When you go out in the afternoon, round the sun beats down in the sky, listen to the weather forecast says todays highest temperature is 38 degrees, although the hot weather, but I thought: this is a very meaningful thing, I have to do.

At 3 o clock, I went to the second gate, have two or three classmates there, a female teacher took us to smile kind cadre library of saemaul undong elderly group, there are three female classmate a group, go to "bonsai" grandpa home, six other male students to a group, and I went to grandpa home "chess".

To grandpas home, an enter a door, a whole body black starling, yelling at us "hello!" . Grandpa and grandma are very enthusiastic, grandpa took out a pair of big chess let us, under the old woman took out two big basin cantaloupe please we eat. Because I am under the chess is not very good, so we have to sit on a sofa eating hami melon, watching those male students. After a few innings chess, grandpa took us to see their home and the starling to greet us, just now I am very interested in, he gave us is introduced: this starling to him for ten years, grandma taught it says "go to buy vegetables!" , so, at six in the morning the myna bird will be Shouting "go to buy vegetables!" , grandma will put down the work, carrying a basket to buy food. I thought to myself, this starling was grandpa they have ten years, learned a lot, I also want to try it. So I squatted down, clap your hands to the starling took, starling the size of a sesame seed eyes immediately round to stare at me, I said "hello" to it, it immediately back to me a "hello, hello". I burst out laughing. Grandpa chess and chatted with us at this moment, and asked us some questions. An hour passed quickly, we reluctantly left the old mans house.

Able to take advantage of some of the summer vacation time to play with grandpa, grandma, and they chat, talk, it is very meaningful.







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2、不过我的圣诞树不是自然界生长的翠柏轻松;我的金糖果也不是圣诞老人特意点缀上去的果子。我的圣诞树是从学校小卖部里花5角钱买的一棵玩具树,它那五颜六色的“果子”,是在水中浸润数小时结出的、似雪花状的、五颜六色的结晶。 那天,我挡不住“圣诞树”的诱惑,终于在小卖部里买了一树。这“树”很奇怪,是用盒子包装的:里面有一枝“树干”,有几根“树枝”,一个托盘,加上一包“肥料”。买回来后,得自己“安装”到托盘上,再把树枝架在树干上,加上水,施上“肥料”,最好放到太阳下晒。不到半日,树上便开出了五彩缤纷的“花”。仔细一看,每朵花似冰晶,像雪花。初开的“花”并不多,也不大,有含苞的腊梅大小;但再过几个小时后,那“花”开得可茂盛了,从树枝一直开到树梢,“花”也大了些,远远看去,像盛开的梅花,好看极了!




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Today I saw an article called "everybody comes to the bend". The message is that the students will work together to protect the schools environmental health.

The environmental health of our school is not good enough. Although many students love the school very much, every day you can see many students in earnest service for schools, some pick up the garbage in the trash on the ground, some active hand at the broom sweeping the floor, and take the initiative to clean the blackboard......

But also some students could have done better in cleaning, including me, sometimes very throw rubbish casually, confetti, some classmates clearly see the floor with paper scraps, but them as invisible, this is not "ownership" of the spirit, also greatly affect the appearance of the school. Hope the students to act, "everyone to curved waist" activities, all be the master of the school, everyone starts from me, for us to make our campus environment clean and beautiful. Let people study in high quality environment so that they can get good grades.






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We all know a story similar to this: Two Men and a Bear. In the forest, when a bear attacked them, the thinner man quickly climbed up to the top of a tree and forgot his promise to the fatter guy, who could not climb the tree, about helping each other when in danger. Luckily, the fatter man saved himself. The fatter mat was very disappointed, and when they got together again, he said to the thinner man, "You are not my real friend. Only a friend in need is a friend indeed". This is a very familiar story. It illustrates to us what a friend should be like. It is, however, just a story.

I would like to tell you something about myself, my true feel-ings. When I was in Senior One, I had great difficulty in learning science subjects. I was unable to understand the teacher and 1 could not do the exercises or the homework. I believed that I was stupid and could not learn anything. The sky was gray and the grass was yellow those days. Everything was a mess in my brain. My classmate, a good student, whom I only considered as one of the classmates before, came to me with a smile. She told me that if I needed help, she would like to help me. As she was also very busy with her studies,I asked myself, "Could she help me? "Sev-eral days later, I knew the answer. Yes, she could. She did as much as she could. She made time every day to help me solve the problems and showed me many good ways to study science. Her patience and earnest nature touched me deeply. I worked very hard and my progress was reflected in my examination result. I appreciated her help very much and wanted to thank her. When I looked ather, once again she smiled at me with an encouraging and congratulatory look. At that moment I understood that a true friend should be like this.

Nowadays, it seems that there are many ways of expressing friendship. Our lives are generally better. People now have more time to consider and be more concerned about their lives. Money, which is considered by many to be of prime importance, makes it difficult to find true friendship. Is friendship only greeting each other on meeting? Is friendship only drinking and eating together? Is friendship only lending money to each other? No, a friend Should be a person you trust and understand. A friend should be a person who tastes happiness and bitterness with you. A friend should be a person who can give you confidence and encouragement.

Though everything has changed, and friendship has scores of definitions, I still believe, and I will believe forever that "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed".







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The story of a mans lifelong obsession with whales has won the £20,000 BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for non-fiction.

Leviathan, Or The Whale, traces British author Philip Hoares fascination with the marine mammal, which he calls "a living thing past our comprehension".

As he travels the world in pursuit of the creature, he compares his findings to Herman Melvilles Moby Dick. US journalist Jacob Weisberg, who led the panel, said Hoares passion for his subject was infectious. The authors prose "rises to the condition of literature", he added.

In explaining his fascination, Mr Hoare said: "This wonderful mysterious creature so elusive." "Theyre so under threat from climate change, from noise pollution," he went on.







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Alice is 20 years old. She is a little overweight. But she is tall and fairskinned, so she looks healthy. Her hair is jet-blacked and straight. She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye. When smiling, Alice;s dimples will appear who receive them feel very special. When she works, she always put on her glasses. She always dress very elegant and tidy. Because of her fair skin and kindness, we all like her very much.



My father is a humorous person.My father short stature,fine fine thin,white skin,black hair,a head of the “big wave” self-invited roll hair,who would think that he is met at the barbers hot. His colleagues said he is narrowed down fei xiang,I think so too. He is a fine art,is famous in the central south five provinces binding artist,his one-man show has a favorable review in the many famous people. After another wall,he is a funny people,special love kidding,I dont know if all of the art is very humor,I think my dads body is full of humor cells. No matter how tired he how busy work,as long as take a door,exactly,he said,as long as a see me,and immediately he smile,I followed delightful sounds.



My friend Vivi is a lively and smart girl,she has long black hair and she is a tallest girl in our class.She is warm-hearted and good- looking so that everyone loves her.Im so glad to make friend with her.Im out-going too,so we have been good friends for long time.But sometimes I like quiet but she doesnt.And her marks are not good as me.So,i suggested her that she should work-hard in her study so that we can go to the same university.

This person is my best friend Vivi who i can tell everything to.Like my deeply feelings and thoughts.





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My school encourages students to take part in out-of-class activities. After a busy day, it can help us to relax and build a healthy body. We usually take part in out-of-class activities on the playground. Some students play basketball, football and badminton. Some play Ping-Pong or swim. Besides, some students read books in the library. They think reading is also a good way to relax. As for me, I like running and reading.





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I have a lovely little cat, whose name is "flower". It has a long peary hair, a pair of bright little eyes, a sharp little nose, and a brown mouth. Because the mouth of the flower is brown, so I think it is so cute!

The flowers are not only cute, but also very smart! Once, our family to do fish to eat, small flowers look at the fish, greedy too DC saliva, its small eyes squint for a while come up with a ghost idea. It is hard to cling to eat, the whole family thought it would like to go to the toilet, there are pots, looking for sand, everyone busy enjoying themselves, do the fish still stood on a small table. Little flower to see no one, and suddenly jumped to the table on the fish Diao to the table under, and then relish to eat a meal. And so we come back, the small flowers are proudly licking his mouth! Haha, we actually on the small cat when the really dumbfounding it!

Sometimes the flowers are also very naughty, take the last time it is right That day, I saw the flowers channeling to channeling, like a small madman, I have a look, oh, it was funny to play a small insects to play it. Flower to seize it, look at the left to see, may feel that it is not easy to eat it, put it down, the small insects took the opportunity to escape, spend hot chase. So once ran a chase, catch the release, put the chase, spend play can be energetic, and really a "naughty ghost" it!

Flowers are very human, and it is also very close to me. It was born twenty days, my mother took it home, and I slowly fed it with a small spoon to drink, every day so, I would like to spend the flowers, so flowers with my friendly, love And I "shake hands". Whenever I go home from school, the first thing is to see the flowers, then, the flowers will jump to me, stretched out a small claw and I shake hands. We are still a good friend who does not talk about it. If I have any trouble, you can talk about flowers, it head down, as if for my share of worry.

Flower is my "good partner" is my pistachio, I really like it!
