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As the saying goes, “A true friend is the best possession.” And I do have such friends.

In the dubbing contest last semester, our group faced a big problem. The computer couldn’t play our video, but one of my friends had the film we needed. So she went back home at once to bring it here. As a result, we got second prize.

I think a friend is someone who cares more for you than for himself. A friend is someone who gives you a hand when you’re feeling down. So take good care of your friendships and cherish your best possession.




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I love autumn, because autumn is the harvest season, because the autumn scenery is colorful, is colorful, is a beautiful and charming.

I love the autumn sky, it high in the blue. It is like pieces of glittering and translucent sapphire, the autumn wind is wiped clean and beautiful.

I love autumn orchard, it grew and grew, the red apple like shy ones on the cheek. The orange persimmon red lanterns and bending the branches, like a flash. Golden ion of naughty like a fat doll hung branches, is waiting for us this group of kids pick!

I love autumn fields, in the vast pond, lush reeds flashing golden light, a gust of wind blowing, reeds stand steadily in the reeds, as if in dancing over there, smile.

I love yellow leaves in autumn, it float down from the trees in the mothers arms, gone with the wind! Gone with the wind! It floats in the river, to the fields, to the orchard, gone with the wind in the campus, to the childrens side, tell you, "autumn is coming, autumn is coming!"

I love autumn, its beautiful. I love autumn, it is pure and fresh air. Love it is like a beautiful poem.









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2. 早春,尽管是寒冷的,单调的,不易被察觉,来得不露声色,却是最可贵的。因为早春是孕育,是播洒,是希望,所有的美丽都是从这里起程的,因而在评判春季的时候便不能仅仅把眼睛盯在花枝上、柳丝间。万紫千红只是春天的肤色,激动才是春天的心;阳光明媚只是春天的眼睛,开朗才是春天的性格。因此,春天应该是冲动的、热烈的、希望的,那些花红柳绿不过是这个季节的脚步和笑声,是品性的展示。

3. 如果说校园里的春天没有花,我想,那就像一幅没有落款的中国画,浓重之中缺了淡写的那一笔,让赏画的觉得有些失意,赏花的人也同样感觉有些悲戚。春天的校园是最亲柔的。幽兰悄悄的撑开那些在冬寒下萎靡的叶子。她说,春风吹绿校园的时候,远去的燕子也将要飞回来了。等待是春风的到来,我等待的是诗人海子说的那样春暖花开……

4. 很多人喜欢春天的繁花似锦之热闹,但我却欣赏这些热闹之后的层层次次的绿意,流畅的生机,静静观赏,更有动中取静之美。曾经每当冬天接近尾声的时候,我总是四处寻觅,寻觅属于春天的颜色、美丽和温暖。虽然我总是不能察觉所有春的讯息,但是我知道我和春天一起在优游,也许是漫步。春天让我的心情舒畅,感觉溪水是我欢快的玩伴,低语、佯骂;那些绝美的花草树木是我的新衣,欣赏着竟不舍得回家,想要抱着她永远不放开;云是我手心拽着丝线的风筝,想要和她一起奔跑;阳光在温暖地和我微笑着,一切都那么地完美。所以我要感谢春天,感谢快乐,那些过往的春天!

5. 春天在哪里?大地告诉我:春天从一棵棵小草的美梦中苏醒,冲破泥土的束缚,舒展开稚嫩的臂膀。那青草的气息沁人心脾。我张大嘴巴深深地呼吸,那醉人的味道像甘露一般清爽。小河两岸杨柳拂面,嫩绿的叶子在风中发出哗哗的声音,好像小提琴的旋律,令人陶醉。

6. 一年之际在于春,春天是一年的开始,它给人们带来生机,带来了希望,更带来了美丽和温暖。最喜欢儿时跟在妈吗后面,挎着篮子在春天里挖野菜的情景,最喜欢在春天里跟着父亲爬山,看山上的迎春花,看远出的云,看近处的水,听流水,感山情,总感觉那是生命最美的境界。

7. 春天迈着风情万种的脚步款款走来,携着道不尽的绿叶,拂着诉不尽的绿花,踏着数不尽的绿草,所到之地,一拂袖,魁梧的梧桐树便如一排排士兵般抽出了崭新的绿色长剑;所过之地,一甩发,娇媚的柳树便似一位位舞者般绽出了艳丽的绿色花裙;所处之地,一挥手,柔嫩的树苗便若一群群孩童般吐出了柔软的绿色舌头。

8. 听!春天不就是一首歌吗?她正撩动着我们弹跳的心弦呢!瞧!春天不就是一本书吗?她正引动着我们颤动的手指呢!看!春天不就是一幅画吗?她正牵动着我们迷离的目光呢!闻!春天不就是一杯茶吗?她正勾动我们顾盼的鼻子呢!那么,便让我们的心神追随在春天谱写的篇章中吧!

9. 春天在哪里?风儿告诉我:春天在温暖的春风里。春风像一支看不见的彩笔,把一树树的桃花装扮得像小姑娘粉红的脸庞;把一棵棵柳树描绘得像翠绿色的丝带;把数不清的梨花漂染得像雪花一样洁白;把整个原野点缀的这样绚烂、这样美丽。处处带着春的味道,春的风格。

10. 小雨“沙沙沙”地响,远处烟雨霏霏,悄然润物,我听到春芽破土的声音。“轰隆隆”,第一声春雷响彻云天,唤醒了田野里的麦苗,蜇伏的小精灵,万物复苏了。呢喃的燕子,也加入了百鸟大合唱,到处莺歌燕舞,演奏一曲春天的交响。

11. 在春天的一朵云里,我发现了生命是蓝色的海,在春天的一缕炊烟里,我看到了母亲脸上深深的皱纹,在春天的阳光里,我听到了父亲厚重的嘱咐声。春天的小草是希望,春天的花是希望,春天的树也是希望,春天是一个复苏生命的季节,春天也是一个播种希望的季节。

12. 我家乡的春天,每年总是生机勃勃、绿意盎然。春天来了,但是又能从什么地方发现春的信息呢?别着急,跟我来。我又和妹妹相约来到田野,发现春在田野里。松软的泥土散发着清新的湿润的气息,冬憩后醒来的麦苗儿精神焕发,展现出一派蓬勃盎然的生机。溪水欢唱,如母爱的乳汁,与土地和麦苗的血液水乳交融。春在池塘边,鱼虾畅游,蛙鼓抑扬弄喉嗓,柳丝婆娑舞倩影,阳光水波交相辉映,洒落捧捧金和银。春在天空,燕语呢喃,蝴蝶翩跹,风筝高飞,浓浓春意弥漫洁白的云朵间,甜脆笑声穿梭浩瀚的九天。春天在果园,红杏流火,桃花漫霞,梨树飞雪,蜂蝶追逐喧嚷,酝酿生活的甘甜和芬芳……春天的足迹,无处不在。

13. 瞧!那飘动的柳枝不正是春天的秀发吗?那颤动的细草不正是春天的花环吗?那舞动的嫩叶不正是春天的纱裙吗?那流动的河水不正是春天的肌肤吗?那灵动的鸟鸣不正是春天的歌声吗?那闪动的星辉不正是春天的目光吗?春天便宛如一位画家,她自如地挥洒手中的绿色颜料,点缀出一幅幅人间繁景。她以她那细嫩的笔欢快地亲吻着每一幅画面,让画中的每一处盛景都踮起脚尖遥望着春天,期盼着春天,迎接着春天,拥抱着春天,欢送着春天!拥抱春雨的浇灌,以展现他们的秀丽;迎接春风的洗礼,以昭显他们的华丽;经历春雷的祝福,以彰显他们的艳丽!

14. 春天是季节,也是心情,在内心里发生。所以春天不仅是万物的梦醒,也是心灵的醒悟。如果没有心的觉醒,永远感觉不到春天来临。春天里,感受天天都是新鲜的,其中也有些莫名其妙的感觉,一些无以名状的兴奋。眼里那荡漾的柳枝,芬芳的风,和千姿百态的花,会让人想起些什么,憧憬些什么,期待些什么。

15. 春天,各种花朵散发出清香,让我感到进入了另一个世界,是美妙的。小草也冲破泥土,长得无比茂盛。春天把冬天的寒冷带走了,带来了温暖,让小溪叮当,让万物复苏。我爱春天的百花齐放,爱春天的无边的绿色。在花园里,我仿佛看(到)花儿的笑脸,我走过,细细地闻到那种不同的味道。啊!春天,你的付出,没有白辛苦,如果你是园丁你带来的是一片繁荣。如果你是魔法师,你把冬天的寒冷变成春天温暖。如果我是春天,我会不辞劳苦的改变冬天,变得欣欣向荣。

16. 花坛里的鲜花争芳斗艳,你不让我,我不让你地开放着,簇拥在一起。一片红色的,一片黄色的,一片紫色的,一片玫瑰色的……朵朵鲜花沐浴着春天和煦的阳光,竞相开放。枝头上的小鸟放开喉咙,快乐地唱出婉转动听的歌曲。小树也从冬眠中醒来,穿上美丽的绿衣裳,抽枝长叶,像一个卫士挺立在那里,守卫着我们的校园。此时,整个校园像是被春姑娘罩上下班一层绿色的轻纱。她们像一个个害羞的玉女,粉红色的胭脂脸,金黄色的花蕊,散发了出一阵阵淡淡的清香,引来了不少辛勤的蜜蜂和戏耍的蝴蝶。那些含苞欲放的桃花蕾用身子紧紧地掩住脸,不敢露出脸来,把一股股清香洒满了校园,令人流连忘返。这不,教学楼旁边的紫丁花也开得正热烈,它们朵朵都小巧玲珑,摆出一个个优美的姿态,像一个个身穿紫色的娇艳美丽的小美人儿,可爱极了。它们个个都打扮得丰姿绰约,赶来参加这个春天的盛宴。

17. 春天是一缕缕轻轻吟唱的和风,一捧温暖明亮的阳光;春天是声声婉转清脆的鸟语,片片馥郁醉人的花香;春天是青青草尖上的一颗露珠,红红花朵上的一抹彩霞;春天是种子破土而出时拱动的力,树木拔节时喧响的节奏;春天是透明纯净的梦,火热沸腾的歌,灵感流溢的诗;春天是孩子脸蛋上的天真无邪,姑娘面颊上秀美羞怯;春天是我们用汗水、勤劳和智慧栽种的一茬茬的希望、梦幻和理想。

18. 春天是一个鸟语花香、桃红柳绿、阳光明媚、充满希望的季节。眼前虽然还残留着冬天的痕迹,但处处已显露着丝丝春意。春风、春雨、春草撩动游人的发梢,与人们嬉戏。哦,你看见春天了吗?它就是那柳丝上的嫩芽,就是那草丛中的小野花。

19. 春天是一年中最美丽的季节,古往今来人们几乎用尽了所有美好的词语诗句来形容、赞美春天。春天,带给人生命力,带给人希望。当看到粉桃千枝万枝竞放,柳丝千条万条飘浮的春天时,您会不会想到那硕果累累的金秋?其实那沉甸甸的硕果是早已孕育在春天的花蕾里了,那灿烂的金色也早孕育在春天的绿色里了。

20. 春天到了,真美呀!这是一个大地回春,万物复苏的季节。像蛇,熊,青蛙……之类的冷血动物都停止了冬眠,爬上地面欣赏春天。小鸟鸣春,百花争艳,小草发芽,燕子也飞回来搭窝了,春天使给大地恢复了万紫千红的气氛。随着春天的到来,大地完全被绿化了,从仪表到心灵都焕然一新,整个春天都被绿色覆盖了,这春天,既给人以新的生命,也给人以新的希望。我爱这美丽的春天。

21. 如果四季是本图书,那么,春便是浸满霏霏细雨的扉页,以她那奇艳的笔画勾勒出一篇篇令人沉醉的语句;如果四季是幅图画,那么,春便是缭绕丝丝光辉的封面,以她那鲜艳的颜料描绘出一幅幅令人陶醉的图画;如果四季是首歌曲,那么,春便是倾泻缕缕旋律的音符,以她那美艳的声音演奏出一首首令人迷醉的歌曲;如果四季是支舞蹈,那么,春便是点缀道道舞影的舞姿,以她那惊艳的姿态舞动出一支支令人情醉的舞姿!如果四季是座雕塑,那么,春便是妆扮点点残痕的印迹,以她那光艳的色泽绽放出一座座令人酣醉的雕塑。那么,便让我们的思绪漫步在春天演绎出的艺术中吧!

22. 春天在每棵树的枝头发了一个牙,春天在每朵花里写了一首歌,春天在每个人的脸上写满了幸福,感受春天的拥抱,感受春天的那绿色的生命,激动的泪慢慢的掠过脸庞。

23. 春水涨了,在山间轻歌曼舞、浅斟低唱;枝头青了,让那春天的意气四处飞扬。柳笛儿很嫩,很悠扬;牧鞭很柔,脆生生地响。谁家的少年,在煦暖的阳光下捧一卷书,诵读着春天的华章!

24. 春风暖,吹绿了北国。这幅瑰丽的画卷,它是春天的杰作。春天是个魔术师,阳光是她的画笔,大地是她的画板,蘸着浓浓春色,她不停地画呀画呀,山青青,水碧碧,杨柳绿了,桃花红了,人心暖了。一笔一笔点染人间繁花似锦,一笔一笔令江山溢彩流韵。

25. 春天在哪里?小溪告诉我:春天在冰雪融化的溪水中。“啪嗒!啪嗒!”听雪化的声音,像音乐家弹奏的琵琶,清脆、优美。鱼儿在溪水中畅快地游,偶尔把小脑袋探出水面,好奇地望着我。不远出几只鸭子怡然自得地浮在水面上相互嬉戏、追逐、欢叫着,眼前的情景不由使我想起“春江水暖鸭先知”的诗句。

26. 我爱春天,爱她一切充满活力的可爱的生灵,尤其是那可爱的小精灵—燕子,我经常望着电线,因为电线上的它们,像五线谱上小巧玲珑的音符,演奏着春天的乐章。

27. 柳树抽出细细的柳丝,上面缀洁淡黄色的嫩叶。

28. 连春雨,春雷都连绵不断地来为我们报春,春天正是播种的好季节,农民伯伯正趁着这个好季节开始播种,到秋天就有好的收成。

29. 春天来!你看,融化的冰水把小溪弄醒。“丁冬、丁冬”,它就像大自然的神奇歌手,唱着清脆悦耳的歌,向前奔流……

30. 春姑娘来到庭院。你瞧:一簇簇迎春花的枝头上缀满黄色的花蕾。在那交错的枝条下面,长出嫩绿的野草,随着微风,轻轻地晃着头。咦?紧靠房檐的绳子是什么呀?哦!是牵牛花!上面还开着几多天蓝色的小喇叭花,下面还有几多白色和红色的呢。这几朵小喇叭花仿佛在吹着一首欢乐的迎春曲。

31. 天空上,怎么是五颜六色的,使人眼花缭乱?啊,原来孩子们在防风筝呀。在蓝天白云的照耀下,各种各样的风筝在自由自在地飘舞着,飞升着,多么使人心旷神怡的景象啊!

32. 河两岸新生的草笑眯眯的,像是和低着头蒲公英说悄悄话。草地边,一棵棵一行行的杨树槐树……枝条绽出嫩绿的叶芽,舒展着娇嫩的身躯,迎着温暖的春风快活地生长着。远处柳树垂下的柔软如线的枝条,在春风的吹动下,在空中轻轻摇摆,远远望去像一团团随风飘的烟。

33. 清晨,春姑娘穿着美丽的衣裳,舞着暖风,招展地笑着向我们走来,给大自然披上新装,使万物显现出无限生机。一缕缕金黄色的阳光撒向刚披上新装的草地,阳光照耀着小草上的露珠儿,露珠儿显得晶莹透亮,美丽极……

34. 春风拂过,赶走寒冷的冬天,迎来桃红柳绿的季节。古人云:“迟日江山丽,春风花草香。泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。”用这首诗来形容这风景如画的春天,真是妙哉!妙哉!

35. 娇艳的杜鹃花在躁动不安的春风里献媚。布谷鸟在清彻透亮的田间歌唱。

36. 在路边的花坛里,看见一簇簇的小花争奇斗艳,秀丽芬芳,它们的颜色可多!有的红如火焰,有的橙如晚霞,有的白如雪花,有的绿如翡翠,有的紫如水晶,有的蓝如太海……让人陶醉在那里。

37. 看那漫山桃花吐出粉香花蕊,引来蝴蝶蜜蜂丛间飞舞。其它花儿也渐渐放出花朵,可能也是来展示自己。这下好,各色的花都有春变的更加娇艳。当然春天可不止这些,还有发芽的树苏醒的大地和归来的燕子。

38. 她的脚步那么轻盈,她的绿纱巾那么撩人心神。一日之季在于晨,一年之季在于春。春天在我们的心中是那么的重要,在生命的故事里,春天,她是那么的让我们倍感亲切。

39. 小草是绿色的天使,让大地充满生机;小草是大自然的精灵,给自己增添乐趣;小草是绿色的使者,赋予人们希望。

40. 一群小鸟叽叽喳喳地从我们头顶掠过,一只大蜜峰正落在一朵金黄的迎春花上,好看的蝴蝶飞舞在花丛中。春天到,它们忙碌着,不辜负这大好时机。



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If someone asks me, what animal do you like best? I will not hesitate to say to you: "I love the lovelyPandas."


As far as I know, the giant panda is a rare animal endangered, or the national treasure of our country! At present the main living in nearby areas of Sichuan province in china. It is naive, lovable, short limbs, body fat, furry face covered with black eyes, even more beautiful and lovely.


Pandas generally like the flat ground leisurely walk, playing happily. He sometimes looked at people, sometimes burying her head, as if in search of what. When its happy, on the ground somersault; when it is angry, lay had to sleep on the ground.


She slept very interesting, belly, sometimes it legs Yi Deng was turned over, people thought it woke up! In fact, hes still sleeping. It woke up, he slowly stood up, rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at it, as if to say: "what I do is look at? How not to look at the other animal? How strange! "


From then on, I was more like a lovely panda.



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Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time for going on a trip.

Last Sunday we went to the countryside. There was golden wheat all over the fields/The fields were covered with golden wheat. Large and colourful apples and pears were hanging on the trees. We could see some peasants were busy getting in the crops in the fields, and others were picking fruits under the trees. All the baskets were full of lovely fruits. It was also the fruit of the peasants labour. “ No pains, no gains. ” What a magnificent/beautiful picture(it was)! It seemed as if we were wandering in a splendid/wonderful world.

I love autumn. I love the harvest time.






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怀着怦怦直跳的心,和同学来到了A家。 “我的礼物呢??”刚进门,在房间A就向我们索要礼物。 “看,这是我的,这盒子就花了我十元嘞,不要扔了哦~”B边说边倒着茶,看来真是渴了。 我也将礼物拿给了她,那是一个算不上精致的袋子,却是我一针一针缝制的。(最近因为零花钱掉了,又不好意思向父母要,没钱买礼物,只好出此下策。)A没有说什么,只是把它放在一边,然后拆B的礼物。

心中默默感动,她没有让我难堪,认为她明白了我的处境,认为他会理解的,便走出了房间。 都到齐了,便出发去玩了,路上,B把我拉到了前面:“艳子,你知道吗?刚才你走出房间后A就向你的礼物使眼色。上次圣诞节,我买了个礼物送她,标签没有撕,13元,她就和我吵了一架。所以今天我特意说我光包装盒就买了十元。”我没有说什么,表面的平静没有让人了解我内心的澎湃。嫌弃了,他真的嫌弃了,虽然来之前就担心的,但仍是心碎了。

回到家,冷静的想了想,可能是B在挑拨我和A把,但是,不管怎样,友谊,都受损了…… 友谊,在这个小小生日礼物面前,显得那么渺小……



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In the autumn garden, all kinds of flowers are hoping to smile in their most beautiful season of the year, leaving the best impression.

Autumn garden is very lively. White pear flowers exudes a touch of fragrance, as if really let people feel the sweet autumn, taste the fruit of autumn; dandelion in the autumn when the wind is the most lovable. Sometimes, it will catch you "hide", will take advantage of you do not pay attention, floating on your head, face, and sometimes accompany you to "walk" it! Dandelion also has a feature is: it in the morning and The evening is green, noon is golden, why is this?

Later, I learned a text, the title is "golden grass", read, I know, the original, dandelion petals open, is golden, when closed, is green. When the first chrysanthemum was just open in the autumn, we told us: "Autumn is about to leave, the winter is coming soon," but the colorful chrysanthemums are not afraid of the cold winter, they seem to stand on the grass in the garden to protect Garden "patron saint", so that the garden has become another fascinating world.

Autumn trees and grass is also very compelling, and some books are full of fruit, and some grass is still like spring they just germination so beautiful, so green, how beautiful ah!

I like the fall, like the garden of autumn, autumn garden like the pictures of the four seasons!



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The great wall was renovated from time to time after the qin dynasty. a major renovation started with the founding of the ming dynasty in 1368, and took 200 years to complete. the wall we see today is almost exactly the result of this effort. with a total length of over 6,000 kilometers, it extends to the jiayu pass in gansu province in the west and to the mouth of the yalu river in liaoning province in the east.

What lies north of beijing is but a small section of it.a map of the great wallthe map shows the wall azuoweng from jiayu pass of gansu province to shanhai pass of hebei province. representative sections of the great wall built in ming times are situated near shanhai pass, gubeikou and juyong pass.badaling sectionthe badaling section of the great wall snaking along the mountains northwest of beijing was built at the beginning of the ming dynasty in the 14th century.

Being 7.8 metres high and 5.8 metres wide at the top on the average, it has battle forts at important points, including the corners.located 10 kilometers south of the badaling section of the great wall and built in an 18.5-kilometre-long valley, the pass has always been an important gateway northwest of beijing. the name is believed to have its origin in the workers and slaves conscripted to build the great wall in ancient times. cloud terrace, built in 1345, was originally the base of a pagoda over looking the main road of the town of the pass.

The arched gate of the terrace and the walls inside the arch are decorated with carvings. of elephants, lions, birds, flowers and heavenly kings as well as charms in six languages-sanskrit, tibe tan, phats pa (mongolian), uygur, west xia and han.mutianyu sectionthe mutianyu section of the great wall, 70 kilometers northeast of beijing, is linked to the gubeikou section on the east and the badaling section on the west. it is one of the best sections of the great wall.the mutianyu section of the great wall is crenelatted for watching and shooting at the invading enemy. some of the battle forts on the wall are as close as 50 metres apart.jinshanling sectionlocated in miyun county northeast of beijing, the jinshanling division of the great wall, like the simatai division, belongs to the gubeikou section of the colossal defence barrier.

The battlements in the jinshanling division of the great wall are built along the ridge of a mountain, where the soldiers can resist the invading enemy by taking advantage of the high terrain.a decrepit battle fort at dusk often reminds one of the battles in ancient times.



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Last spring, my father and mother went to an uncle, he had three puppies, he put the first dog to me, I do not love love, Dad, put second puppies to me, I still dont love, mother love, he put third puppies for me. I like, mom and Dad love, the uncle said: "this dog. Its name is Mimi especially love to dress himself, once I moved back to the United States and the United States, flour, flour roll in the body, and then to me, and its soft on the body feels really comfortable.

The uncle said, "you like you to take it away!" I said, "thank you, uncle!" the uncle said, "Im not welcome. "Mom said," lets go home! "I said," no, I want to play with beauty! "Dad said," lets play here, and Ill pick you up in a moment. " "

My uncle gave me a ball, let me play it for a while, play for a while, I was tired, and Mei was also tired. When I was in the rest, I saw the puppy sleeping. When I went to America and America, I woke up and felt very funny.

Dad came to pick me up. When he got home, Meimei seemed hungry. I said, "Mom, puppy seems hungry. Do you buy dog food for it?"

When I went to bed at night, dad made a small room for it. It was very nice. When he did it, it jumped and jumped as if it was thanks to us.



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I remember when I was very young, I will look forward to, look forward to and, like the People‘s Liberation Army, dressed in camouflage uniforms, received military training. Fortunately, I finally look forward to this day ... ...

Just enter the door to high school, military training is a Prior to that, how happy I am because I can finally experience the taste when the People‘s Liberation Army! I have dreamed more than once: I was wearing camouflage fatigues, standing on the playground, listening to loud slogans instructors and students, together with the slogan of his forward refueling breeze for us, for our sun clouds, enjoy the sound and laughter from the playground into a vast blue sky ... ... However, this is not true!

When to wear camouflage uniforms, set foot on the playground, the waves on the head-up heaters, although very hot, however, I feel very warm. I finally met the instructors, who, like us, also dressed in camouflage uniforms, the spirit can seem more than we had. We have just total instructors on hand, he blew a whistle, said: The following five minutes to carry out military training! Oh, only five minutes, I will certainly be able to insist on living! I himself. Attention! Instructor of instructors to hear the total order, then we have issued orders, began the following points Therefore, I have to instructors to model the action of our stand. The burning sun, sun, I sweat. Sweat rolled down from the forehead, down the cheek drip down also hard for me trying to catching, instructors has prevented me, let me again point Stand straight! I was very angry, thinking: he added that instructors can ah! is not even a little human touch! Fortunately, as long as five minutes, let me take a look at a few point of! instructors take advantage of attention, I looked at the table, ah! all eight, and do not tell us how to rest, ah, instructors must have forgotten that you wait another moment. a minute later, two minutes later three minutes have passed ... ... watch instructors almost wrong time 15 minutes, I was very anxious. At this time, my feet have begun to insist not, and pain, faster Station Station the instability. Finally, when a full 35 minutes have passed, the instructors agreed with us the rest, trying to get water to drink up, and he stopped, he said: The moment you insist, go to school drink plenty of water. After listening to this, I feel the instructors really like the training ground like a real hell ah!

Probably have been for a long time, I am tired of dragging the body back to the hostel, trying to lie down in bed later, but the instructors walked in, pointed at our hostel, said: what a mess, Come clean up the look! Helpless, reluctantly climb up from cleaning to health. A clean-up after an instructor came to the bedside, said: Come see, and I teach you ! Alas! Folded blankets folded stack is not it? Studies also attached? Finished, the instructors made up of our model, only skill he moves, a folded blanket. After I have gazed look, wow, nice, quilts made in the hands of instructors such as Mankiw, we stacked the hamburger It‘s more comparable! It seems also quite lovely instructors.

Finally, the five-day ordeal is over, I recall that the five-day military life. I am filled with emotion. I slowly come to understand, although the military training very hard, but it is not only my physical training, but also my strong willpower. Let me understand it to be a hard, a Chinese Stand straight. At the same time, military training, I also learned how to do normal things instead of by their parents, I learned self-reliance, but also integrated into the collective.

Although military training very tired, let me benefit, I began to live like this.









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Liu Xiang is one of the famous athletes/ players in China. He was born on July 13th, 1983.

In his spare time, he likes singing and playing computer games. He is best at 110-metre hurdle in sports. He got the gold medal in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. And in 2006, he set a new world record with the time of 12.88 seconds. He didn’t take part in 2008 Beijing Olympics because of the condition of his wound(伤势).But he got the gold medal in 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. He hopes to to be the winner at 110-metre hurdle in 2012 London Olympic Games.

We think that his dream will come true. We are very proud of him. Good luck to him.




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Our life will change greatly in the future.

In the future,every family will own at least one computer,with which we can shop online without going out.

That is really fantastic.Also,robots will be employed by every family.They can help do much of the housework.

Therefore family members will have more free time to spend time together.

In the future,kids dont need to attend school any more.

There is internet access in every family,with the help of which kids can study by themselves.



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友情之光像磷火,当四周漆黑之际最为显露。——克伦威尔 The light of friendship is like phosphorus fire, when the surroundings are dark, the most revealed.—— Cromwell










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My home have a dog named spot, three years old this year, the colour is light yellow, very likable, little nose is black, and small, it naturally has a character of arrogance。

Little is a golden retriever。 Remember in the winter of 2007, the snow was falling thickand the wind was its mother put it, born a month later I went to grandma house held it back, but it is small, it is about two jins, little living in my house for a year or so, and because my house without the loess, and the urine is also an issue, but under my mother had to send it is grandmas house, little just walk a couple of days, and I think it all the time, what matter all downhearted, time is long, I also gradually forgotten。

To from one day, mother said: didnt go to grandmas house for a long time, lets go and see, that makes me fiercely remembered Id left a good friend, after lunch, we went to grandmas house, a meeting, I almost didnt recognize, also was like a "bean sprouts" puppy, is now, thick and tall, look the jovian, has a bit of light red nose, looks very spirit。

On the way home, I want to for a long time, why at the beginning of the puppy to grandma house can grow up? Eat fat? I think its because my grandma home food is to its liking。 Ha ha, my little little cute。







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友谊,这个世间真情的代言词:比不了亲情的永恒;比不了爱情的浪漫,却是人间最淳朴而珍贵的情感。 Friendship, the endorsement of this world of true feelings: cannot be compared to the eternity of affection; it is not comparable to the romance of love, but it is the most simple and precious emotion in the world.








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In modern hectic society, people often need timely leisure activities to relieve the pressure of his tight and emotional. People borrow from leisure activities besides can improve work efficiency, medical also prove appropriate leisure activities can improve the bodys immune ability, visible in modern leisure activities to live we how important it is!

My favorite recreational activity is go to the riverside park ride a bicycle. When the holiday comes, my father often takes me to riverside park to ride a bicycle for bridge. Cycling is not only let me enjoy the driving pleasure, and glides gracefully in purple flowers and green trees, picturesque scenery greeted constantly! Tired, you can also to ride was sitting by the roadside landscape park, enjoying the natural beauty of the blue sky, green space, the stream, enjoying the mother prepared drinks and snacks, not only make the usual accumulation of learning pressure immediately eliminated, but also make me feel full of happiness!

But after the invention of smart phones, "down" the situation has become so common, we often can see either in a ride or walk, always hand a tablet or a mobile phone on the Internet or play games, such not only can let eyesight worse, possibly because look at the road lead to the occurrence of traffic accidents, this kind of leisure activities not only to physical and mental development, but also may have a bad influence. So when we engage in leisure activities, should have more contact with nature, let the body and mind to be able to lift, it can achieve the goal of leisure activities.

Riding a bike can not only eliminate fatigue, exercise fitness, fitness, body, also can appreciate the beautiful scenery, more can energy saving carbon reduction, protect the earth, is really a good leisure activity!



然而自从智慧型手机发明之后,“低头族”的情况变得非常普遍,我们经常可以看到不管是在搭车或走路时,总是人手一台平板电脑或是手机在上网或玩游戏, 这样不但会让视力变差,还可能因为不看路而导致交通事故的发生,这种休闲活动不但对身心发展没有帮助,反而还可能有不良的影响。所以我们在从事休闲活动时,应该多接触大自然,让身心灵都能够向上提升,这才能达到从事休闲活动的目的。




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Spring is a season for revival. Every spring the wild goose will fly back to the south from the north, the grass grow new seedlings, peach and cherry trees grow the bud, opening with pink flowers.

Abask sunlight in the face of the earth, make people intoxicated. The sun like a warm spring furnaces, as on the green earth, the golden light. The white clouds in the spring is exceptionally beautiful, like a pentium pony, like the rolling waves, and as the voice of white face. The spring wind like a kindly mother, Buddha with you on the cheek, make you feel comfortable carefree and happy.

Spring breeze blowing through the earth, the earth turn green; The spring breeze blowing trees, leaves gently shake, the wind as if to tell jokes, tree smile curved waist; The window clapped ring, like in the happy clap your hands; Look, leaves brush to fly, the wind is the eldest brother with wire rope skipping had more time!

The campus is rich and colorful of spring. Beautiful winter jasmine is welcome us! Boulevard, tree-lined, paths on both sides of flowers numerous and leafy. Cherry blossom everywhere in the campus, far see like to spread a thick layer of white snow, campus nearly look let a person feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes fluttering. Money chrysanthemum inlaid around the lawn, dotting the green lawn is particularly bright beautiful; Grass green, central a few bunch of beautiful flowers to decorate his lawn more charming, more beautiful. New shoots grow from peach, peach blossom in bud. Willow pond light fo the embankment, the sun sparkling on the river in between. The willows reflected in the water, like a beautiful landscape painting.

I looked at the beauty of spring, can not help hearts vibrated: our country is like spring, everywhere is full of vigor and vitality, as full.








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Every family has its own start-up and family precepts. Dan has a osmosis and important influence to everybody, it is like the spring wind people people generally moist summer rain rain, influence people. No home, no society, Dans influence on the society as a whole are huge, countless good start-up can cause necessarily good social conduct.

If a person, he has a good home family trait, so he can surely little detours. And if his family trait, then many walked curved road.

Our family trait is "integrity". Honesty is to open, with a clean SLATE be honest, do your own thing will be accountable, can not pass the buck to others. The letter is to keep your words, words like pour out the water out, cant back, said to himself. In addition to Dan, there is another led people - family precepts. As opposed to a family trait, our family precepts is "good faith, practical work. Work to be steadfast, step-by-step. Like the way to go step by step, rice to a bite to eat. If light thinking about how do things, then do a thing also wont have too big achievements. On the contrary, if a man can do in front of down-to-earth to concentrate on every thing, dont aim high, must be able to accomplish something.

In short, the family is an important part of society, every successful person must have a good family trait and family precepts. And a good family trait family precepts each family member is required to build, only builds the start-up family precepts strictly, can we little detours.




