我喜欢寒假 I Like Winter Holiday热门4篇






篇1:我喜欢寒假 I Like Winter Holiday

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I likeWinterHolidayvery much, although it’s very short. The Spring Festival is interesting. I have many things to eat and I will have new clothes. Besides, I can watch TV. I like cartoons. They are so interesting that I can watch them all the day. I have a new computer, so I can play games with my father. He promised to teach me. I will visit my relatives during the Spring Festival and I can get lucky money. Therefore, I can buy something I like. I have many to buy. Winter holiday is wonderful.




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Wintergrandpa is coming, the weather turned cold, winter grandpa to blow a sigh of relief, the earth covered with a layer of white carpet, let the trees put on a white coat, let the house became the past beautiful snow, there are clouds in the sky white snow, people put on thick cotton-padded clothes cotton trousers...

Saturday morning, of snow, the snow swirl coming from the sky to the earth mothers arms, the earth covered with a layer of white quilt. I woke up and had a stretch, down from the bed and put on the clothes, was attracted by the snow outside! I went to the window and saw a beautiful sight: there was a big, mischievous snowflake doll from heaven to the earth mothers embrace, let the earth covered a layer of white quilt, ah! High-rise buildings into past white castle, changed the silver tree, all the flowers, the grass is withered, only the plum flower is still there and enjoy.

I saw such a beautiful scenery, hurriedly ran downstairs and rolling the first two snowball, stack them up, then took two small stones when the snowmans eyes, and then with a carrot as snowmans nose, get a few small stones when light snow mans mouth, and I took a small hat to wear of light snow person, and two root tree when the snowmans arm, I roll again two light snow ball when the hand of the light snow, I afraid of cold snowman, also specially to light snow for a long scarf.

Ah! Winter is beautiful! I love winter!


星期六的早晨,下了一场大雪,大雪纷纷扬扬地从天上飘到大地妈妈的怀抱里,给大地盖上了一层雪白的棉被。我醒了,伸了一个懒腰,从床上下来,穿好衣服,被外面的雪景吸引住了!我走到窗前,看见了一幅美丽的景色 :外面下着鹅毛大雪,调皮的雪花娃娃从天上飘到大地妈妈的怀抱里,让大地盖上了一层雪白的棉被,啊!高楼大厦都变成了一座座白色的城堡,大树换上了银装,所有的花儿,草儿都凋谢了,只有梅花还在那里美美地开着。





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这本书是曹文轩写的。妈妈刚给我买回来时,我对它实在不感爱好,放到书架里就忘了。直到那次,我想上厕所,无意间拿上了它,就放不下了。这本书的情节很动人,讲述小女孩葵花和哑吧哥哥青铜的故事:葵花是城里的孩子,一年,她跟随父亲来到了大麦地里。可命运不公,父亲为了捡几张画,掉进了河里,从此不见踪影。葵花被青铜家收养,固然家境不好,但一家人都很关心她。他们在一起快乐的过着日子。然而,葵花十二岁那年,被命运召回了她的城市。从此,青铜一直想念着她 为了看这本书,我乃至入了迷,在厕所里坐了一个多小时,直到妈妈回来,把我从厕所里拉出来,我才不看了。



篇4:我的寒假 My Winter Holiday

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As a student, I expect theWinterHolidayvery much, because I don’t have to go to school every day. So I can sleep and get up late. But this winter holiday, I am not very happy. I didn’t do well in the final exam. It makes my parents disappointed. I feel sorry to them. Besides, I got ill the whole winter holiday. I caught a cold at first and then had a fever. I had to see a doctor every day. My parents worried much about me. Because of the illness, I didn’t have a good time during the New Year. Now, I am a little better. I hope I could be well soon, because the new term is beginning. I don’t want to go to school with illness.

