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Earths biological diversity is being fast decline of many species facing extinction.Threat to the survival of wild animals and plants is a major factor in habitat loss, business development, and wild animals and plants and their products in international trade.Resources are limited, it is necessary for the endangered species, to propose specific measures of protection level.We can formulate the corresponding endangered species laws, application to establish nature reserves, endangered species breeding centers, means of conservation biology, endangered species, the implementation of in situ conservation and ex situ conservation.At the same time, we must restrict international trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, to make laws to protect endangered species。




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保护森林(Protecting the Forests)

Now in some places of our country, a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more farmland. The areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller. Some scientists say that there will be no vast forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing. Where the forests disappear, dust storms will occur occasionally. The weather will get hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will disappear.Crops will not grow anywhere. Life will be difficult for everyone. The human beings will be punished for their forest-destroying activities.

Therefore, we should realize the importance of taking care of our forests. We should do our best to protect our living environment and keep our mountains green,the water clean, and the sky blue.







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Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle.

Here is something about it.

We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon life.

First, we’d better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet.

Saving water also matters much.

Besides, we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great deal.

In addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down.

More importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world.


Our environment is very important for our lives .

We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .

In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.

But now,people cut down many trees.

Air pollution and water polloution are very serious .

The environment around us becomes very terrible .

We should protect our environment.

First, we should plant many trees to keep water.

Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.

Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .

Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.

Finally, we can ask more people to join us.


1.It’s our duty to save wate

2.As we know , water is very important to man, 3.

we can’t live without water.

4.The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.

5.But some people don’t care about it .

6.Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.

Something must be done to stop the pollution.

7.Its our duty to protect our environment。

8.It is very important to take care of our environment

9.We should not throw litter onto the ground

10.We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees 11.

We should plant more flowers and trees。

12.We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin

13.If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful。

15.Trees are very helpful and important for us.

17.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.

It is everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.

(7)保护我们的城市(Saving Our City)

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.

Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly.

Or it may cause a lot of problems.

It may pollute the air and water.

People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

Our city has started to face the problem.

Some rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain place .

Waste gas is cleaned before it goes into the air.

Waste water is also cleaned before it is poured into rivers.

People should be prevented from throwing rubbish everywhere.

We should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.



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In my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals.

Wherever I go and whatever I do, I usually keep in mind that animals are angelsfrom the heaven, which bring us endless comfort and pleasure.

I have been apanda lover since my childhood.

Panda is so lovely that brings fun to peopleand they are regarded as the treasure of our country.

Unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger ofbeing extinct。What I am eager to do is to raise people’sawareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earthcompanies.



我从小开始就是一名熊猫爱好者。熊猫是如此可爱,给人们带来乐趣,而且它们是我国的国宝。不幸的是,这种稀有物种现在正频临灭绝的危险。 我想要做的是提高人们保护环境的意识,呼吁更多的人关心我们地球的伴侣。




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由于人类对环境的破坏,和动物栖息地的丧失等原因。地球上濒临灭绝动物的数量正在以惊人的速度增长。以前没有汽车和飞机,鸟类平均每300年灭绝一种,兽 类平均每8000年灭绝一种。但是自从有了汽车和飞机以来,地球动物灭绝的速度已经超出自然灭绝率很多倍。全世界许多的植物,哺乳动物,鸟类,爬行动物, 两栖动物,鱼等等,都在濒临灭绝的动物中,有是受到过度开发的威胁,许多野生动物因为“皮可穿、毛可用、肉可食、器官可入药”而遭灭顶之灾。大象的牙、犀 牛的角、老虎的皮、狗熊的胆、小鸟的羽毛、海龟的蛋、海豹的油、藏羚羊的绒……更多更多的是野生动物的肉,无不成为人类美食,大量捕杀地球上最大的动物: 鲸,就是为了食用鲸油和生产宠物食品;惨忍地捕鲨鱼,这种已进化4亿年之久的软骨鱼类,只是为品尝鱼翅这道所谓的美食,其他的都不要。人类正在为了满足自 己的利益(衣服时尚、炫耀自己、看动物表演取乐、满足美食之欲),而去剥夺野生动物的生命。人类良心的失去,加重着世界的灾难。旅鸽曾有几十亿只,是随处 可见的鸟类,大群飞来时多得遮云蔽日,殖民者开发美洲100多年,就将这种鸟捕尽杀绝了。



我 们一定要好好保护动物,让它们快乐的生活在这个世界上,让它们和人类一起生活。它们也是地球的一员。保护动物、维护动物的生存权利和不受虐待的权利、以及 改善和提高动物的生命条件、饲养水平,坚决反对任何虐待、残害动物的行为。这就是我想设一个动物保护节目的,请大家支持我!



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Dear teachers, students are good:

My name is Xiao Ming, is a confident, cheerful, friendly and active girl, I have widespread interest hobby, piano, reading, playing chess, listening to the story, to host performances and also has a strong interest in, hosted by my kindergarten graduation performance, first prize in a good result.

Mom and Dad, the kindergarten teachers careful cultivation, I have become a qualified primary school students, in the next six years to learn life, can and dear teachers, the students become the best friends! We all together happy to learn, happy to grow!

Thank you!







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Animals Need Protecting

Everyone knows animals are our friends。 So we should be friendly to them。 But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money。 It will cause these animals to disappear soon。 I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals。 It is our duty to protect the endangered animals。



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Our world is originally mountains, vast sea is blue, the vast sky is blue, the earth on which we live there are so many beautiful scenery, let us can not help but to admire the beauty of this world.

In this world there are ten million species of creatures, they get along, together in this live on the earth like a sapphire, tens of millions of years, too, will not change. But there is a kind of biological change the world, it is in this world with his proud technology to kill themselves, it is human. Human beings in this world only live for one million years, but it such as brute kills life on earth! In 2009, the Indian da-hong ruined homes of five million people in one hundred; In 2010, the Haitian earthquake left two hundred and thirty thousand people dead, according to estimates that by the year 2050, there will be two hundred and fifty million ecological refugees, we use our knowledge to kill themselves, as a human, I think its ironic.

The earth is in the vast universe, the only planet to harbor life, originally the earth is green hills and water, a piece is abundant, but todays earth after hurricanes, forest fires and drought in high temperature, is about to collapse, the earth began to shout for us, in the 2010 years, the earth has used its roar to kill two hundred and thirty-six thousand people, the earths voice we should hear, or the end of the world will come in advance.

Close to one end of the alarm, have "lungs of the earths forest gradually reduce, the earth began to collapse, there is only one earth, and this one belongs to you, rather than a human, the earth is our refuge, we should find a balance point and the earth coexistence, reduce the anger of the earth, let the human is no longer increase driver disaster, let us have a better living environment, but also for generations to leave some more living space.







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Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in.



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Environmental protection, the subject, is a household name, everyone knows. But in real life, some people still dont too seriously, think small, in my opinion, environmental protection should start from the pretty little things. I have experienced such two things: one day, I go to the supermarket to buy things, quickly to the door of the supermarket, see several send out flyers, see to, see cars, but some people dont, casually throw on the ground, I used the paper in the trash. Saw the two men, the propaganda time with glue on the wall, from a distance, like pieces of "psoriasis" while they do not pay attention to, and I took out my skills "tearing work", ha ha, I get rid of a large "psoriasis" is. At another time, I play in the bottom of a floor, find the distance on the grass up whereas white smoke, a closer look, it turns out that there is a group of children in our class burning grass, grass black a large, I hurriedly stop as a big brother, and about the dangers of fire and the importance of environmental protection. They are ashamed, quickly the coming water from the nearby end extinguish fire, finished burning grass action.

We human beings are living on a planet, that is the earth. On earth, have for the oxygen we breathe, there are dense forests, vast grasslands, boundless sea, all kinds of animals, constitute the beauty of nature.

I think loudly called on the people: the earth belongs to our human, belongs to all of us, as long as with our hands, starts from me, starts from everyone, protect the environment, the love of the earths natural resources, make clear pond water still flowed in the home, flowers in full bloom the flowers still.

Human ah, should be time to wake up, open your eyes and look around us, this is our home, let us from now on, wash his with their own hands, with their own wisdom, with their own conscience, for our children and grandchildren keep a harmonious and beautiful homeland, let us make an efforts to us from generation to generation for survival!







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1. 关爱动物,保护森林,让茂密的森林成为野生动物的栖息护庇护场所。

2. 保护植物,花草树木,让小动物在这个环境舒适的小天地尽情玩耍。

3. 人人行动起来,积极劝说阻止,举报各类破坏森林,伤害野生动物的行为,做保护生态环境的模范。




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保护动物初二英语作文一:Protect Panda

The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. The panda was a kind of ordinary animal in China long ago. However, for some reasons, too many of them have been killed. So the number of them is falling quickly.

At present people are taking an important measure to save pandas. People want to find a home for them, and recently, they have set up a nature park for them in Sichuan Province,which is called "Pandas Home. "There pandas can enjoy their life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the Pandas Home. So the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much. .

Because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing every year. We hope that one day we will have enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again.

Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like!

保护动物初二英语作文二:Save the Wild Animals

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.

In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.

Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.

保护动物初二英语作文三:How to protect the animals?

Animals are our friends.But how to protect them? government is working to protect all animals in danger,and has made lots of plans to save animals. On the other hand, we shouldn’t eat wild animals.We should keep them away from our dinner. That way,there will not be wild animals on sale. I think the hunters and killers will become fewer and fewer.

Last, we should protect the environment.We should stop people from cutting trees down. Without trees, wild animals will lose their home. And we will lose our animal friends. All of us should try our best to protect animals.

We need to protect animals better.We should give them fresh water to drink.We should make the forests bigger for animals in danger to live in.We should advice people not to kill animals beacause they are our friends!

保护动物初二英语作文四:Protect endangered animals

There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority . Its wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop animal and protect them.



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Nowadays more and more people realize it`s necessary and important to protect the environment. Alsothere are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition there are a few factories often cutting down the trees discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harderso we have to stop them. To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.





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It is important for everyone to keep good eyesight. But do you know how to protect your eyesight? (重要的是,每个人都保持良好的视力。但是你知道如何保护你的视力?)

First, dont keep your eyes working for a long time. Youd better have a rest by looking in the long distance after you have studied an hour or so. (首先,不要让你的眼睛工作了很长时间。你最好休息一会看我国的远程学习后,您有一个多小时。)

Second, pay attention to the following: Dont read in the sun or in a poor light; dont read in bed or in a moving bus. And when you read you should keep the book away from your eyes for about a foot. (其次,要注意以下几点:不要在阳光下阅读,或在光线不好的,不要在床上阅读或公共汽车在行驶。当你阅读这本书你应该保持你的眼睛远离约一英尺。)

And third, do eye-exercises every day. It will also help you keep good eyesight. (第三,做眼每天练习。它也将帮助你保持良好的视力。)

If you obey the rules above, I think, you may prevent your eyesight from becoming short-sighted.(如果你遵守上述规则,我认为,你可能会阻止你的视力成为短视。)




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Cars and Air Pollution

Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death.

One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars completely replace the traditional ones. Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.

On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists.



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I have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful.

One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones.

But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face.

And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath.

Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.



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We know, campus is for teachers and students to work, a place of learning, a good campus environment, can give us to feel fresh, beautiful feeling. Our campus although the area is not large, but the green is good, trees, birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; outside the classroom, aisle posted at all times and in all countries of the famous quotes. We are trying to create a healthy, harmonious, stimulating environment, so that the students in the good environment by infection and nurtured, in influence character by environment, establish correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, so that everyone in a beautiful, clean, warm environment day by day grow up healthy, do a civilized citizen!



The protection of the border is not a new problem for us, and our government has long proposed clear targets for governance. As every ordinary person in real life, although it is impossible to work directly in environmental protection, we can start from small things and start from me. Can you raise your hand when you see the tap in the bathroom? When the battery runs out, can you classify it instead of throwing it away? How about when shopping doesnt use ultra-thin plastic bags? ...... Small things are small, but they reflect how much environmental awareness we have.

Recycling one ton of waste paper can regenerate 800 kg of paper, can save 17 tree. 20 waste recycling boxes can create a beautiful pen container. Recycling one glass bottle to save the energy, can make the bulb light for four hours. Recycling one aluminum can is to save the half oil cans. So we should place the garbage classification, reproduction by the relevant department after recycling reuse!

As long as we start from oneself, starts from the minor matter, everybody joint efforts, perseverance, we will be for the society, also a piece of clear water, blue sky for yourself, I hope everybody can voluntarily protect the environment, to make our environment more beautiful life.






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Throughout the ages, the earth mother with the sweet milk fed numerous generations of descendants. The original she was decorated by the junior was very clear and moving. However, now human beings for their own interests, tortured her innocent and dark. Mankind has only one earth; and the earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Save the Earth" has become the strongest voice of the people of the world.

Humans are part of nature and are part of the world of life. Many lives constitute a coexistence and coexistence related to the reputation of large systems. Humans must treat nature, care for the environment, protect animals and plants, otherwise, will endanger their own survival.

Once upon a time, people have been cut off, so that the ecological balance of nature has been destroyed. Dune swallowed the vast expanse of fertile land, the flood washed away the lovely home, the natural revenge of human embarrassment dumb. Mei Shui River once said that there is no natural, there is no human, this is the world a simple truth. Blindly plunder nature, conquer nature, will only destroy the ecosystem, blame themselves, so that human beings on the verge of difficulties. This sentence is not bad, people do not give natural face, of course, naturally will not give people behind the road, 98 floods, dust storms in 2000, 08 earthquake, in fact, this is the nature of the warning issued to mankind. Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, and our government has long put forward clear governance objectives. As a real life in every ordinary people, although it is impossible to directly engage in environmental protection work, but we can start from small, start from me. We should establish environmental awareness and take practical action to implement environmental action. See the faucet in the toilet when the drip should be able to raise their hands. When the battery is used up after the collection should be collected instead of readily throw away. When shopping should consciously do not use ultra-thin plastic bags ... ... a small thing though very humble, but it shows how much we have a sense of environmental protection.

Cherish resources, protect the environment. Lets make this city more beautiful!

Remember, protect the earth is to protect yourself!
